Author Topic: Hip Issues with Squatting  (Read 3141 times)


  • Getbig II
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Hip Issues with Squatting
« on: July 11, 2007, 04:22:23 PM »
Yo all,

I just got back from leg day today and for the second week in a row, I wasn't able to finish my squat sets because of a strange pain in the right side of my hip, where the thigh bone meets the pelvis socket.  It seems to lessen the narrower I keep my stance, but once I'm at 225 and beyond it gets bad enough to where I feel I have to stop squatting immediately. 

Has this ever happened to anyone?  I used to train powerlifting style, and my squats are in text book form; thighs at least parallel with the ground, looking up, properly aligned spine, so I know that sloppy form isn't my issue.  I keep my feet about shoulder with apart for more focus on the quads and less on the ass, which puts even less stress on my hips.   

Here's something else that's weird about this whole thing.  I noticed a couple of weeks ago, right around the time that my hip started bothering me (either just before or just after), I had a stiffness right in the socket that seemed like it could be relieved by cracking it.  Now, I've never cracked a leg/hip socket before, but all it took was a small rotation in an office chair while keeping my leg still.  It was a disgusting, hollow sounding 'thump', but it felt unbelievably good and I seemed to have better flexibility afterward.  But then of course, next leg workout, that same area wasn't doing so great during squatting, and I had to stop. 

Did I pinch a nerve or something?  Any ideas would be great. 

The Squadfather

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Re: Hip Issues with Squatting
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 04:25:46 PM »
don't do 'em if you're having pain, do leg presses and extensions, squats are unbelievably awesome when it comes to building upper leg mass but if they hurt you it's foolish to keep doing them.


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Re: Hip Issues with Squatting
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 04:28:28 PM »
Do other things until the pain goes away, then resume and see if the pain stays away. Make sure you're warming up taking some time including some stationary bike, and consider doing squats after another exercise like leg presses that will further warm up the area. And at first keep the reps in the moderate 10-15 range.

As far as form, never think that "textbook form" is the only way, just try different positions until something comfortable is found.

If it comes back you might have some problem related to the socket and might have to see a doctor.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Hip Issues with Squatting
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2007, 04:59:43 PM »
Sorry about posting in the wrong spot...I actually looked for the Injury thread, but I must have missed it. 

But anyway, thanks for the replies.  I definitely cut the squatting session short as soon as I was having problems...that's definitely rule number one toward avoiding injury.  I moved over to the leg extension machine and just cranked out rest-pause sets until I became dizzy...I guess I was just upset at not being able to finish squatting  ;D  But yeah, back to the leg press machine I go...hopefully all it will take is a squatting-haitus to fix me up.  I'm going to quit squatting for the next 3 weeks to see what happens.  If when I start again I'm still having problems, I'll see a doctor (gasp). 


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Re: Hip Issues with Squatting
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2007, 05:38:09 PM »
If when you recover and go back to squatting the same problem recurs, try variations like box squats and hack machine squats, both of which are equally good to what you're doing. Could avoid some of the specific stress areas you've encountered.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Hip Issues with Squatting
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2007, 06:25:42 PM »
See a doctor .  Go to PT if prescribed then follow up.


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Re: Hip Issues with Squatting
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2007, 06:39:21 PM »
if you work out first thing in the morning, make sure to do a solid warm up before squatting.  i would get a sharp pain in my hip even when doing heavy barbell rows, let alone squats.

stretch your hips.  something like this but i do it on a smith machine.  position the bar so that it is roughly at your hip level.  place right ankle across left thigh, right leg should be bent and flat on the bar, that is, the whole lower leg from the ankle to the knee should be touching the bar.  do not, however, squat or bend the other leg, try to keep it straight and lean forward.  you should feel a stretch in your hip.  hold this position for 10 seconds, repeat.  i usually do it during and after leg workout.

Dr. D

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Re: Hip Issues with Squatting
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2007, 07:54:34 PM »
Sounds like issues with your pelvic girdle, which is supported by your lower extremities. Just because your hip hurts doesn't mean that is the source of your pain. You need to start with the feet and follow it up the totem poll. Are your feet even or are they pronated or supinated? Then do you have valgus knees which in turn can lead to anterior pelvic tilt which leads to excessive lumbar curvature and so forth. Your body is trying to compensate for an imbalance in your body's kinetic chain. Tight I.T. Band possibly, taught hamstrings, tight psoas, it could be anything.....


  • Getbig II
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Re: Hip Issues with Squatting
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2007, 03:42:19 PM »
Thanks for all the responses so far.