I think you're a funny guy Alex.
But I think it oozes hypocrisy when you're claiming to be natural, while regularly giving out advices on steroids on the Hardcore board.
At least be a man about it.
I think you "oozes" jealousy bro.
Is your physician who knows a lot about Vicoding and pain medecine a pill-popper?
Yes I've considered it. Having a major in biochemistry kinda sparked the initial interest. I Learned about it. First procrastinating about it with the typical "some day" attitude. Then seeing guys yo-yo-ing between small turds and close to my size 3 times a year turned me off. Then got turned back on some years ago when meeting Pat Arnold at a function. Last thing you know, I'm 30yo with a good career and a healthy body bigger than average, I don't see the point anymore. Never say never but I don't even plan on competing anymore so why would I? I consider HRT in 15 years. Maybe GH sooner. I've known individuals in their early 50s looking and feeling amazing. It empowers to see it but why risk your health at 25-35 for a plastic trophy?
Look at your "DIVISION" juicer board hero. He's a fucking fat mess who talks but never walked it. Looks like any 37yo average fat joe. This is what the wanna be juicer world looks like. I don't want any part of it.
To make a story short.