Author Topic: my first powerlifting meet..  (Read 2826 times)


  • Getbig V
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my first powerlifting meet..
« on: December 07, 2007, 10:11:01 PM »
I had a blast! I signed up for an impromptu push/pull meet at metroflex gym last sunday to get my first powerlifting meet experience. I HAD A FUCKING BLAST! It was 100% raw and it was an awesome show! I saw a 15 year old kid put up 245 and pull 470 which was amazing.. a dude pull 3x's his body weight (my new goal) and saw a few monster presses and pulls during the whole thing. THere was a group from arkansas..some club that rolled down with two guys putting up over 400 on their benches and easily pulling 700 and 720 for their deads in the superheavy weight class and both of them were college  ball players and just at 21 years old! BEASTS!

Saw jay moore or moour or however you say his name. Not very impressive size wise but still looked good. After seeing some powerlifters most bodybuilders just don't impress me much. The overall winner and the super heavy weight champ pulled 740 like it was cake and opened wiht 700 that was a snap! Alot of the seasoned guys pulled mid 600's with alot of hitching and i've only been seriously deadlifting for half a year or a lil less. I didn't bench since my shoulder is still bothering me and i'm still trying to find the right "setup" for me on it before I compete. Brian Dobson and his guys were class acts and very cool people Everyone there was supporting each ohter and cheering and carrying on. Everyone seems to be for each other no matter where they're at in the meet. I saw some dude named kip or kid or something... 65  years old bench 365 and pull 525. I think he's a powerlifting hall of famer but I don't knwo his full name. VERY impressive though to say the least. I felt it was a good experience. In the warmup pit you have to get in there and not be timid or yo uwon't get your chance that's for sure. I set my attempts for things I knew i could get easily... 500,550, and 600 and all of them got 3 whites and came up like it was cake. I should've done 550,600, then 650 instead but i'm happyw tih my performance. I weighed in at 245.5 and wanted in the 242's but since i was abit over I was bumped to 275 and I competed in hte open. Fuck novice..if you want to bea tthe best youv'e got to compete with the best. My 600 cake walk got me 3rd place out of fifteen or sixteen lifters I think. 660 won my class if i remember right but 600 or better just seemed so common that if you ever want a freakshow kinda event you've got to pull 700 or over.   I didn't get nervous actually i got really fired up and excited. I don't remember anything past the getting my grip and toes right and everything was pretty much zoned out. I didn't see the crowd or the lights or the judges all I saw was the hand falling down to signal good lift and had my headphones jamming. I got slapped on the back of the head hard on the way up there which i wasn't expecting at all but it i dind't feel it on the way up but i feel it now.. assholes HA!

Biggest bench of the night was in the mid fives and the same dude missed 600 by a lockout...holy shit what a show that man put on. Alot of people apparenlty like to bench but don't like to pull. I can't wait to do it again. Overall I think I did welll and i've got some pics of the lifts that i'll post up too. Now i'm hooked.. even when the meet was over with I wanted to keep pulling.. I know I could've easily smoked mid 600's..the weight was just flying up but I told myself to play it safe adn just get some experience first adn it earned me a 3rd place trophy! I know 600 isn't that much to brag on but at least i got SOMETHING on paper.

The Squadfather

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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2007, 01:28:09 PM »
was Brandon Cass one of the competitors?


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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2007, 01:55:10 PM »
No clue...what did he look like?!


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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2007, 07:30:33 AM »
Hell yeah, bro! Sounds like you kicked some ass with a little left in the tank.

I know how that is when the crowd disappears and all you do is lift! You can actually lift more than you ever have before when in competition I've found.

BTW, how did the Strongman training go?


  • Getbig V
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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2007, 09:16:38 AM »
hahaha shall i post pics?! :D

The Squadfather

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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2007, 09:20:43 AM »


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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2007, 01:25:07 PM »
they're getting developed adn put on a cd at the walgreen's down the street as we speak...i can't wait to see them myself!! I'll post up as soon as I get them in!

This is how the strongman training went..

got warmed up wiht some squats and deads and cleans and went at it..

Farmers walks was a BLAST!!! I didn't think i'd enjoy this one but I had a ball! I think I did well at it for my first go around but then again I don't have shit to compare it too. I know what the distance is for the show and I know what weights will be the plan is to use HEAVIER shit for longer than the listed distances to amke the meet seem like a snap..they're also using skinny handles on the farmer's so I decided to work with teh FAT handles to make my grip that much stronger...

I went down with 135lb farmers 100' with a turn no problem just to get a feel for it.. then I did the 225lb farmers for 80' twice I just picked them up and ran as far as I could before my grip choked out...and then got the 275lb farmers handles 30' twice as well. I want to start working with the 275lb farmers when I do them to get used to it because when I dropped them at teh end I felt like those times when you're on the treadmill and you get off when it's over and it still feels like you're on it and can go 100 miles an hour...yeah it was pretty fucking cool.

I was going to flip the 700lb tire but they had a SKIN of something sitting in it from the friday night power meet's cook out. WTF it was I didn't know but I was told it was supposed to be in there so I skipped this one out. NEXT time..

I FINALLY got to play with the stones adn I'm very disappointed.. I could only pick up the lil dinky stone that was 215lbs. I worked with loading it and standing upw ith it but they don't have a platform to throw it on so I just picked it up and down. This one was beat all to hell so it gripped my forearmes well. THEN i got my hands on that 232lb stone... and apparenlty no one uses that one. That damn thing was slicker than shit out a duck's ass. No matter what I did I couldn't get it off the ground. I hug'd it, bit it, rolled it, I tried to get my fingers under it to row it up onto my lap and that was about stupid as hell too. I just went back to my lil bitch stone and played with it some more. Disappointed yeah.. but I just bent over adn tried to do it like I saw on the strongman films. So much for thinking I was going to kick thatbig 300lber's ass! HAHA

I then did the log clean and press.I'm not sure how much the implement weighs but I worked with loading it up and pressing it no problem. It's not hte picking up and the pressing that's hard it's the getting it up TO press it that I've got to work on. Empty it was easy.. I tried adding a pair of 45's and that was a joke. I put some 25lb plates on there and got it up and pressed it for a few reps for kicks. I punished the shit out of my shouldes yesterday so I didn't want to really go too hard.  Humbling to say the least.

No hussefel stone to walk with..someoen dropped it and apparenlty broke it..sandstone rock I'm told so I packed my toys nad left.


 ;D ;D


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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2007, 06:55:34 AM »
Awesome, good for you dude.   8)

I'd love to see the pics!


  • Getbig V
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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2007, 06:59:11 AM »
Awesome, good for you dude.   8)

I'd love to see the pics!

I'm going back and forth with the walgreen's photo dept..all i asked for was to have them put on a cd but their photo whatever the fuck isn't working so i'm waiting for a call from the technician to tell me if i have to take it somewhere else or if i'll be able to pick them up tonight.

This is why my girl is getting me a digicam for christmas..good lord.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2007, 03:42:28 PM »
I'm going back and forth with the walgreen's photo dept..all i asked for was to have them put on a cd but their photo whatever the fuck isn't working so i'm waiting for a call from the technician to tell me if i have to take it somewhere else or if i'll be able to pick them up tonight.

This is why my girl is getting me a digicam for christmas..good lord.

LOL @ "photo whatever the fuck".  ;D

Just take it to WalMart.  You can get it done in about 30 minutes. 


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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2007, 05:01:37 PM »
Nice work on the farmers! Strong grip! The stones are an acquired taste for most. Its a ton of technique paired with brute strength and a desire to hurt ones self. The stones are punishment at its finest. Especially if you have jagged cobble stone like I do!

What was the issue with the stones? Grip? DL?


  • Getbig V
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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2007, 05:37:51 PM »
Nice work on the farmers! Strong grip! The stones are an acquired taste for most. Its a ton of technique paired with brute strength and a desire to hurt ones self. The stones are punishment at its finest. Especially if you have jagged cobble stone like I do!

What was the issue with the stones? Grip? DL?

I couldn't hold onto the fucking things! The first one that was beat up bit into me nicely and picking it up was cake! A stone only 15lbs heavier that was slicker than coonshit on a pump handle I couldn't get ahold of it! I'm thinking pine sap to make my ass stick to it. If I can grip It I know I can pull it up no problem

The Squadfather

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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2007, 05:44:33 PM »
I couldn't hold onto the fucking things! The first one that was beat up bit into me nicely and picking it up was cake! A stone only 15lbs heavier that was slicker than coonshit on a pump handle I couldn't get ahold of it! I'm thinking pine sap to make my ass stick to it. If I can grip It I know I can pull it up no problem
dude the first time i did a real farmers with over 200 pounds i literally got 6 steps and had to drop 'em.


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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 07:10:06 PM »
dude the first time i did a real farmers with over 200 pounds i literally got 6 steps and had to drop 'em.

I'm talking about the stones.. I couldn't do shit with them.. save teh one that had alot of pea gravel in it. The farmers weren't that bad... I even got the 275lb hands up and walking no problem with the think handles but my grip slipped at 30' both times. It was drizzling outside so they were getting wet the whole time. I would towel them off and get going but it didn't last very long. The chalk I tried to use turned into muddy kinda paste. I really need to work on the log. THat pisses me off I could only load the log and a 25lb plate on each side for presses.

John O

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Re: my first powerlifting meet..
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2007, 07:59:59 PM »
I'll never forget my first meet. I got talked into it. With very little training. Even went to the meet by my self. It was a full meet

How's this for your first meet...... not only was it my first meet, but I was the first lifter to start the event  :-\ LOL

Got by the squat good, was going WAY below Parallel (sp) One judge ask me if I always squatted that low. I said " heck only been doing this for about 8 weeks". "Is it low?"   LOL he said "well if there was a tack on the floor you would have found it" hahaha

Almost bombed in the bench!  I didn't take a handoff and missed my first 2 attempts. Going for my third the one  of the judges ask why I didn't get a lift off I said I didn't bring anybody with me, he said just ask one of the spotters so I did he said sure!.... I smoked it.  lessen there

Did good in the deadlift.

I was at 132  and went Unopposed, so even got a big 1st place trophy LOL. I was also hooked
I lifted:
Masters- 50-54