I have a friend who is always complaining about not getting past the first date. I think I know why: he has very poor grooming habits. He is a naturally hairy guy but does not stay on top of it. He has male pattern baldness; he looks good the day he gets his hair cut and a couple days after but two weeks later it looks like shit. He needs a haircut every week but thinks he can get by with it once a month--he can't!
He has lots of hair growing out of his ears usually with obvious ear wax build up. Anyone who sits next to him can see this and it is very unattractive. Twice in the past, I have suggested to him that he needed a haircut but he dismissed it as unnecessary.
The worst part is he does not like to shower every day. In casual conversation he mentioned to me once that showering dries out his skin so he prefers to skip a day when he can get away with it. Um, yuck!
Similarly, I have a lady friend who (I think) needs a deodorizing feminine wash at certain times of the month.
How do you communicate these things to someone you care about without being offensive? Is it my place to even raise these topics.