Author Topic: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods  (Read 12586 times)

Princess L

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WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« on: January 22, 2008, 12:50:01 PM »
I have several scanned pages to share, but how do I make them readable?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 04:47:37 PM »
turn them right side up?   ::)

  uhm.... email them to knny?

Princess L

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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 08:03:03 PM »
turn them right side up?   ::)

  uhm.... email them to knny?

Silly  :P you couldn't read it right side up anyway  >:(

knny, can you make bigger if I email?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 08:41:13 AM »
sure he will, that is part of his job as mod!


Princess L

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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2008, 07:45:10 PM »
Transparency. That’s what the pet
food recalls of early 2007 taught
us to value in a pet food company.
In the aftermath of that event, we
received hundreds of accounts from
We’ve upped the ante for this year’s dry dog food review.
concerned owners who were understandably
scared and unnecessarily frustrated
when they tried to get information about
their pets’ food. Some companies “got it,”
and responded immediately with up-to-theminute
updates with pertinent information
about their products on their websites and
recorded messages on their toll-free phone
lines. In our view, the best ones were the
companies that stated immediately where
their foods were made, where their ingredients
came from, and what they were doing
to ensure their products were safe.
But many other companies stonewalled,
insisting that their products were
safe but refusing to offer any corroborating
evidence! Even faced with grievously sick
cats or dogs, many owners could not get
any useful information from the pet food
companies whose products they used.
This may be business as usual for large,
conglomerate pet food makers; goodness
knows it’s certainly true of most processed
human food makers. But when a dog owner
pays in the area of $2 a pound (or more)
for what is marketed as the healthiest dog
food on earth, it stings to learn that its
maker won’t so much as return a phoned
or e-mailed inquiry about its ingredients
– especially when a dog or cat is fighting
for its life in a veterinary hospital.
The weeks following the initial recall
brought new disclosures about foreignsourced
ingredients, and some disparities
between the ingredients listed on food
labels and what the products actually contained.
That’s when I decided that WDJ’s
2008 dog food reviews would include only
those products that met our usual selection
criteria (see page 5) and met at least a
minimum standard of transparency.
Manufacturing info:
What it can tell you
I’ve found that one fairly reliable indicator
of a pet food company’s willingness to
disclose information about their products
to consumers is whether or not they will
discuss their manufacturing location
– although this is a recent phenomenon.
In 1997, my first year of reviewing
dog food, none of the pet food company
executives I interviewed would discuss
their manufacturing location; historically,
this was status quo for the industry.
“That’s proprietary information,” they’d
say, even if all of their competitors knew
exactly where their products were made.
Several developments in the past decade
have changed this.
First was the establishment and growth
of a “super premium” sector of the pet food
market. Twenty years ago, most dog foods
were pretty similar; all contained meat
by-products and tons of grain. Trends toward
“peak nutrition,” evolutionary diets,
and holistic medicine trickled down into
the world of companion animals, and a
few, small, innovative companies started
making products that contained more and
higher-quality animal products. The success
of these products, both in sales and
actual performance in the dogs who ate
them, led to rapid growth of this specialized
niche of the pet food market.
As it grew in market share, the “super
premium” sector became increasingly
competitive. Companies have been going
to greater lengths to find and utilize better
and/or more novel ingredients to use (and
feature in their advertising).
They’ve also sought out other unique
and beneficial features to incorporate into
their formulation, manufacture, packaging,
and even corporate behavior to help their
products stand out. Initially, the decision
of some to disclose information about
ingredient sourcing, product manufacturing,
quality assurance (QA) processes, and
other bits of previously secret processes
was probably as much an effort to gain a
marketing edge as it was a tool to increase
consumer confidence.
Whatever a company’s motivation for
disclosing detailed information about its
products, the consumer wins. I’ve long
appreciated companies that have educated
personnel readily available and willing
to communicate with consumers about
their products. It’s even better when the
company has a veterinarian available who
can discuss the company’s products and a
consumer’s dog’s digestion or other health
problems in detail.
Of course, it’s easy for company reps
to mislead consumers who inquire about
things they really don’t know much about.
During the 2007 recalls, it was only when
frightened pet owners sought information
from pet food makers, and shared
this information with each other, that a
Knowing which manufacturing plant where food originated is just the beginning of what consumers should be able to
learn about their dog’s food – especially a high-priced product that’s marketed as a “super-premium” food.

Princess L

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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 07:46:21 PM »
A number of companies were caught being
disingenuous. This is another reason why
I decided to make company transparency
a new criterion for WDJ’s food reviews,
and also publish the results. Who would
release false information where all your
competitors are sure to read about it?
Why you need to know more
than just the food’s maker
I’ve just told you why the disclosure of a
food’s manufacturer should be part of a pet
owner’s selection process. Here are some
reasons why this information should never
be used as a sole selection criterion.
Large pet food manufacturers may
make dozens (if not hundreds) of different
products, formulated for a wide range of
price points and using ingredients from a
wide span of quality. And if a plant makes
products for other companies, even the
QA processes used during manufacture
for different clients may be very different.
The name of the maker alone is simply not
enough to guarantee quality or confirm a
lack thereof.
Known variously as “private label
manufacturers,” “contract manufacturers,”
or “co-packers,” production facilities make
foods for other companies – and make
them according to their clients’ specifications.
Co-packers generally specialize
in the manufacture of a certain type of
product (extruded, baked, canned), and
may actually manufacture many competing
brands within a category.
The most discriminating clients specify
everything in their contracts, requiring
their co-packer to use only specific ingredient
sources and perform extraordinary
quality-assurance procedures, and paying
for independent, third-party audits of the
manufacturing process. (Of course, all of
this results in higher costs for clients and
Companies that sell lower-quality, lowcost
products generally have much less
stringent contracts with their co-packers.
Often, they allow the manufacturer to
source ingredients, since the co-packer
can usually purchase ingredients at a
lower price, given that they often buy in
quantities large enough to use in several
clients’ products. Clients with low-cost
products usually specify only that the
product contain the ingredients it is
supposed to and that the finished product
meets the specified nutrient levels spelled
out in the product’s “guaranteed analysis”
– and it’s up to the co-packer to accomplish
this for an agreed-upon price. As we saw in
the 2007 contaminated gluten recalls, this
type of arrangement may set the stage for
disaster, as the co-packer tries to find the
least-expensive source of ingredients that
meet the client’s specs.
This is how different products that I
would characterize as the highest and the
lowest quality may come from the same
manufacturing plant. This also explains
why some very good products made at
the Menu Foods (one of North America’s
largest co-packers of canned pet foods)
were completely untouched by the recalls,
and so many low-cost “store brands” made
there were recalled.
Unfortunately, many underinformed,
alarmist (or simply alarmed) pet owners
conclude that if a problem occurs at a
plant, every product that originates at that
plant (from then on) is unsafe. Early in the
2007 recalls, when the affected foods were
thought to originate only at Menu Foods,
many pet owners got the idea that all foods
made at Menu must be unsafe. (And the
hysteria went further; some concluded that
Makers of Past “WDJ-Approved” Foods That Won’t Disclose Origin of Manufacture
if a company had one food made at Menu,
that all the other company’s foods, made
elsewhere, must also be contaminated.)
This sort of reactionary conclusion has
made many pet food company executives
far less forthcoming about their products’
origins. Many companies stonewalled consumers
in the face of the recall, and have
since returned to a policy of nondisclosure,
to prevent being unfairly associated with
the recalls.
I have sympathy for companies that
disclose all sorts of details about their
products yet decline to state their manufacturer
to preserve a genuinely exclusive
relationship with a small co-packer.
This feeling is tempered, however, by
real distaste for the companies that hide behind
the “proprietary information” excuse
for refusing to disclose practically anything
about their ingredient sourcing or quality,
manufacturing, QA, product testing, etc.,
even as they allege their products to be of
the “finest quality.” In my opinion, that’s
competing in the high-end sector of the pet
food market on false pretenses

Princess L

  • Getbig V
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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2008, 07:48:49 PM »

Our selection techniques are not secret or beyond any dog
owner’s abilities. We didn’t conduct laboratory testing, or feeding
trials, or even taste tests! To generate the list of top-quality
foods that appears on the following pages, we simply examined
the ingredients listed on the product labels.
■ We look for foods that contain a lot of high-quality
animal proteins. We’d love manufacturers to disclose the percentage
of meat, poultry, or fish in their food, but they rarely do,
so we look for foods that appear to have lots of animal protein.
Ingredients are listed by weight, so ideally a food will have one
or two animal proteins in the first few ingredients.
Understand that whole meat (chicken, beef, lamb, etc.)
contains a lot of water weight. If a food list starts out with
chicken (rather than chicken meal), and there is no other animal
protein listed until 5th or 6th on the list, the food does not
actually contain a lot of animal protein. But if it starts out with
chicken, and chicken meal (or another named animal meal, such
as lamb meal) is number two or three on the list, chances are
the product contains an admirable amount of animal protein.
Animal proteins tend to be more palatable and bioavailable than
plant proteins and offer a wider array of essential and nonessential
amino acids.
■ We reject any food containing meat by-products or
poultry by-products. It’s just about impossible to ascertain
the quality of by-products used by a food manufacturer. We’ve
spoken to representatives who swore they used only the
finest sources of by-products, but when asked, they all say
that! The fact is, there is a much wider range of quality in the
by-products available for pet food manufacturing than there is
for whole meats. Whole meats are expensive, and because
WDJ’s Dry Dog Food Selection Criteria
they are expensive, dog food makers insist on their quality to
an extent that is unreasonable when buying bargain-basement
by-products. So we advise that you just avoid foods that contain
■ We reject foods containing fat or protein not identified
by species. “Animal fat” is a euphemism for a low-quality,
low-priced mix of fats of uncertain origin. “Meat meal” could
be practically anything.
■ We look for whole grains and vegetables. That said,
some grains and vegetables have valuable constituents that
accomplish specific tasks in a dog food formula. We don’t get
too excited about one vegetable fragment and one grain byproduct
on the ingredients panel. Our tolerance diminishes in
direct proportion to the number of fragments and by-products
contained in a food and the prominence on a label; the more
there are, and/or the higher they appear on the ingredients list,
the lower-quality the food.
■ We eliminate all foods with artificial colors, flavors, or
preservatives listed on their ingredients panels. A healthy
product full of top-quality ingredients shouldn’t need nonnutritive
additives to make it look or taste better. And plenty
of good natural preservatives (such as rosemary extract and
vitamins E and C) can be used instead.
■ We eliminate all foods with added sweeteners. Dogs,
like people, enjoy sweet foods. Like people, they can develop
a taste for these nutritionally empty calories.
■ We look for products containing organic ingredients.
What you should ask
So, while I value the willingness of a
company to tell you where its products are
made, this should be only the start of the
information-sharing between consumers
and a top-shelf pet food company.
By the way, companies that have their
own manufacturing plants should not get a
pass on these questions; distant clients may
scrutinize a co-packer more thoroughly
than a company owner! All companies,
whether they own their plants or hire
contract manufacturers, should be equally
forthcoming about their manufacturing arrangements
and the following:
■ Product formulation (Who developed
the formula, and what are his/her credentials?
Can a consumer examine a list of all
the product’s nutrient levels?)
■ Ingredients (Do they source all their
own ingredients? Can they provide full
traceability on each ingredient used in
their products? Are any of their products
imported? Which ones and from where?)
■ QA processes (Does the plant have an
on-site lab, and what can it test for? Is an
outside lab used to confirm these findings
and independent tests? How often are
samples pulled for testing? How often do
your own employees visit your co-packer?
Do your plants follow a hazard analysis
and critical control point [HACCP] food
safety program? Do you use third-party
auditors to monitor your co-packers – or
even your own facility?]
■ Available support (If I feed my dog
your food and he gets sick, what support
will you be able to provide for me?)
Our usual business
On the following pages are products that
meet not only our long-standing criteria for
food selection (see sidebar, below) but also
our new standard of transparency. We’ve
listed the makers of all our “approved”
products. A few foods that were previously
on our lists did not meet our new standard;
these are noted in the chart on page 4.
We’ve included more information
about the products appearing on our “approved
foods” list than ever. We’ve noted
which contact information is available on
the packaging: Phone, mail, website? We
appreciate easy-to-read (not coded) “best
by” dates on packaging; we like it even
more when the manufacturing date is also
provided, so consumers can determine
the food’s precise degree of freshness.
Our charts note which foods include this
We’ve also discussed the benefits of
an expanded “guaranteed analysis” (GA)
on a product label. Federal and state laws
require only four nutrient levels (minimum
levels of protein and fat, maximum levels
of fiber and moisture) to be present, but
anything that appears in the GA is subject
to testing by state feed control officials;
failures are subject to disciplinary action.
We’ve noted which “extra” nutrients are
included on our approved products’ GA
Addiction Foods NZ Ltd, Bay of Plenty, NZ
(65) 6227-8813;
Won’t disclose makers of extruded foods.
States that foods are made in New Zealand
and Australia, close to sources of their unique
proteins (kangaroo, brushtail), but won’t be
more specific. “Our partnerships are a source
of our competitive advantage.”
Azmira Holistic Animal Care, Tucson, AZ
(800) 497-5665;
Won’t disclose maker since food is made in
small facility; does not want to lose advantage
of exclusive relationship with co-packer.
Will disclose much else about ingredients
and QA in dialogue with consumers.
The Blue Buffalo Company, Wilton, CT
(800) 919-2833;
No response to our inquiry.
Cloud Star Corporation, San Luis Obispo, CA
(800) 361-9079;
Does not disclose manufacturing info;
will disclose some other information to
Newman’s Own Organics, Aptos, CA
(800) 865-2866;
Does not disclose manufacturing location.
Company will disclose much other information
about ingredients and QA to consumers.
Owen & Mandeville Pet Products, Oxford, CT
(888) 881-7703;
No response; couldn’t get through to numbers
or get a response to e-mail. Still in business?
Petguard, Green Cove Springs, FL
(877) 738-4827;
No response to our inquiry.
Royal Canin USA, Inc., St. Charles, MO
(800) 592-6687 (US); (800) 527-2673 (Can)
No response to our inquiry.
Solid Gold Health Products, El Cajon, CA
(800) 364-4863;
No response to our inquiry.
Timberwolf Organics, Inc., Winderwere, FL
(407) 877-8779;
No response to our inquiry.
(Evolve) Triumph Pet Industries Inc.,
Warwick, NY; (800) 331-5144;
No response to our inquiry.

Princess L

  • Getbig V
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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2008, 07:50:43 PM »
Artemis Pet Foods
North Hollywood, CA
(800) 282-5876
Fresh Mix is made by Diamond
Pet Products, Lathrop, CA.
Natural 6 Mix is made by Eagle
Pack Pet Prod. in Mishawaka, IN.
Fresh Mix Adult contains: Chicken, turkey, chicken meal, turkey meal,
brown rice, pearled barley, lamb meal, oatmeal . . .
GA: 23% protein;
14% fat; 4% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; caloric info;
address, website.
extra nutrients on ga: Vitamin E, biotin,
Omega 6, Omega 3, DHA.
Company statement: Artemis is dedicated to providing not only
healthy pet food but also promoting a whole-life approach to caring for
animals. We believe that achieving a balance of all parts /all aspects
of an animal’s life enables them to thrive. Because a healthy life style
begins with nutrition, we created a food that balances all the necessary
macro- and micro-nutrients, resulting in a food that is greater than
the sum of its parts. Our products were developed with the idea that
prevention is the best cure. We believe real winners must do more
than put slogans on their package. A holistic approach is not just a
trend for Artemis, it’s a way of life and the only way to encompass the
full spectrum of pet nutrition and well being. Thus a holistic approach to
manufacturing pet food gives us a foundation we can be proud of.
Beowulf Natural Foods
Syracuse, NY
(800) 219-2558
Back to Basics dry dog foods
are made by Chenango Valley Pet
Foods in Sherburne, NY.
Back to Basics Chicken contains: Chicken meal, ground corn,
chicken fat, oatmeal, brown rice, dried tomato pomace, dried whole
eggs, fish meal (herring) . . .
GA: 23% protein;
19% fat; 4% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; caloric info; address;
phone; website.
extra nutrients on ga: Omega 6/3 ratio, ash,
calcium, phos., magnesium, fat to fatty acid ratio.
Company statement: For the past 12 years Back to Basics has maintained
that the quality of pet food is determined by the quality of its ingredients.
That’s why we use only ingredients from USA, human-quality
sources – the same ingredients you buy at the store. Our proteins
are USDA-certified; our vegetables come from local farmers. Quality
improves everything; Back to Basics is one formula for all life stages,
94% digestible and highly palatable. Improvements in energy and condition
can be seen almost immediately. Attention to detail and quality
sets Back to Basics above the rest. Manufactured at Chenango Valley
Pet Foods, one hour from our headquarters in Syracuse, NY. Every run
is fully tested; quality control measures are of the highest standard.
Bench & Field Pet Foods
Mishawaka, IN
(800) 525-4802
Bench & Field dry dog foods
are produced by Eagle Pack Pet
Products in Mishawaka, IN.
Original Formula for Active Adult Dogs contains: Pork meal, ground
yellow corn, ground brown rice, chicken meal, oatmeal, chicken fat,
dried beet pulp, anchovy and sardine meal . . .
GA: 25% protein;
15% fat; 4% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; caloric info;
address; phone; website.
extra nutrients on ga: Calcium; phos.;
Vitamins A, D3, E; Omega 6, 3.
Company statement: Bench & Field Holistic Natural Canine Formula
is the perfect blend of holistic, natural ingredients, sourced from
domestic human grade suppliers. Our chicken sourcing is from USDAapproved
processors, and are antibiotic-free with no added hormones.
This food includes a bounty of healthful ingredients including carrots
(rich in vitamin A); peas (high in vitamin C, thiamine, and fiber); apples,
blueberries, and cranberries (wholesome and healthy nutrient
sources). Whole grains, human grade egg product, and alfalfa all play a
health role. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (from flaxseed, menhaden fish
oil, purified chicken fat, and fish meal). This is the right choice for any
dog, at any life stage, and can be found at Trader Joe’s stores.
Breeder’s Choice Pet Foods
Irwindale, CA
(800) 255-4286
Breeder’s Choice foods are made
at Breeder’s Choice’s plant in
Irwindale, CA.
Pinnacle Holistic Chicken and Oats contains: Chicken meal,
chicken, whole oat flour, tomato pomace, fresh potato, chicken fat,
organic quinoa, dehydrated mixed vegetables . . .
GA: 25% protein;
15% fat; 5% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; caloric info;
address; phone; website.
extra nutrients on ga: Omega 6, 3.
Company statement: Breeder’s Choice has manufactured high quality
pet foods you can trust for more than 60 years; we’re so sure of it
we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our AvoDerm Natural Oven-
Baked is made with California avocados so your pet can have a healthy
coat and skin on the outside and be healthy on the inside. Oven-Baked
AvoDerm is made like you make your food, in the oven. This takes a
little longer, but we feel the oven baking keeps our healthful ingredients
intact while enhancing the taste. We offer Pinnacle for those who
favor a holistic approach to good pet health. We focus on complete,
sound nutrition, absent allergens or poor ingredients. Health Food For
Dogs is a premium food with an all-natural formula containing Omega
6 & 3 fatty acids and three protein sources: chicken, lamb, and fish.
For the first time, we offered the food
companies whose products we included on
our “approved dry foods” list to submit a
short statement about their products. We
invited them to reference the sourcing of
their ingredients, the testing and oversight
they provide – whatever they wanted, as
long as the statement was 150 words or
less. That seemed excessively short to
them, and just about right to us, until we
received 31 statements (and not all of them
kept under the limit!). We had to edit and
trim them to make them all fit, and even
so, these next six pages are looking pretty
grey; there wasn’t any way we could use
the photos we took of each package!
Please note that we did not fact-check
or seek to verify the information provided
by the companies for these statements; if
you have questions, please do contact the
companies and quiz them for more detail.
By participating in this year’s review, each
company has demonstrated an aboveaverage
willingness to provide corporate
Keep in mind, as ever, that the foods
on our list are not the only good foods on
the market! The list is offered as a starting
place and for its value as a comparison to
products you may find in your area. Use
our list of selection criteria, below, to
evaluate the brand of dog food you buy.
Also note that we have presented the
foods on our list in alphabetic order by
company. We do not “rank order” foods
or say which ones are “best,” because
what’s “best” for every dog is different.
The proof is in the pudding. If your dog
does not thrive on the food, with a glossy
coat, itch-free skin, bright eyes, clear ears,
and a happy, alert demeanor, it doesn’t
matter whether we like it or not – switch!
If your dog’s health or attitude sours under
the influence of a certain food, stop feeding
it, note the ingredients, and find another
food that contains different ingredients.
Keep notes! Sometimes it takes years to
find products that really suit your dog.

Princess L

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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2008, 07:51:59 PM »
Burns Pet Nutrition
Valparaiso, IN
(877) 983-9651
Burns dry dog food is produced
by Eagle Pack Pet Products in
Mishawaka, IN.
Brown Rice and Chicken contains: Whole brown rice, chicken meal,
peas, oats, chicken fat, sunflower oil, seaweed, vitamins, minerals.
GA: 18.5% protein;
7.5% fat; 2.2% fiber;
7% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Vitamin A, copper.
Company statement: Burns Pet Health continues to build its reputation
the old fashioned way, one healthy pet at a time. Without resorting
to flashy ads, marketing hype, or manipulation of ingredients, Burns is
steadfast in its commitment, started almost 10 years ago, of providing
the finest foodstuffs available to strengthen and maintain a pet’s
immune system. After painstaking research Burns avoids additives,
preservatives, and fillers. Burns understands that like its human companion
pets “are what they eat,” that poor quality and inappropriate
quantities of ingredients take a toll on the well-being of all living creatures.
Burns continues to grow relying entirely upon ingredients from
the USA and using health results as its only benchmark of success.
By Nature, a division of
Blue Seal Feeds, Inc.
Londonderry, NH
(800) 367-2730
By Nature BrightLife dry dog food is
made at Blue Seal’s plant in Arcade,
NY; By Nature Organic dry dog
food is made by Chenango Valley Pet
Foods, in Sherburne, NY.
BrightLife contains: Chicken meal, lamb meal, grnd. barley, grnd. rice,
whole grain oats, chicken fat, dehydrated alfalfa meal, grnd. flaxseed ...
GA: 28% protein;
18% fat; 5% fiber;
11% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone; web.
extra nutrients on ga: Vitamin E; zinc;
copper; taurine; manganese.
Company statement: By Nature pet foods are formulated using the
latest developments in pet nutrition. Our pet food facilities follow strict
procedures to ensure our products meet our customers expectations.
We demand the same from manufacturers that assist us with production.
Strict requirements have been developed for suppliers that
provide ingredients for our products. Ingredients must pass numerous
standards upon arrival at our manufacturing facilities and must meet
all specifications before they are chosen for production purposes. This
series of standards and tests include but are not limited to checks for
nutrient quality and contamination screening.
Canidae Corp.
San Luis Obispo, CA
(800) 398-1600
Canidae dry dog foods are produced at
Western Pet Food Company/Canidae
Division in Hamlin, TX.
All Life Stages contains: Chicken meal, turkey meal, brown rice,
white rice, lamb meal, chicken fat, herring meal, flaxseed . . .
GA: 24% protein;
14.5% fat; 4% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Caloric info; best by date, date
of manufacture; address; phone; website.
extra nutrients on ga: Omega 6, 3;
calcium; phos.; vitamin E; zinc; iron; ascorbic
acid; lactobacillus acidophillus; cellulase.
Company statement: Canidae Pet Foods are produced at Western
Pet Food Company/Canidae Division on new, state-of-the-art, automated
equipment used solely for the production of our dry formulas.
Incoming ingredients are guaranteed to our specs. Along with in-house
testing, we send out all ingredients, including vitamin premixes, to an
independent lab that tests for up to 250 toxins including melamine, cyanuric
acid, and acetaminophen, prior to inclusion. Finished foods are
tested by outside laboratories at various times. We retain samples of
all finished products to assure definitive factual data, randomly pulled
and spot-tested. Our extensive sourcing and internal QC procedures
ensure our products meet our standards for safety and quality.
Canine Caviar Pet Foods
Costa Mesa, CA
(800) 392-7898
Canine Caviar dry dog foods are
manufactured by Pied Piper Pet
Food in Hamlin, TX.
Chicken and Pearl Millet contains: Dehydrated chicken, ground pearl
millet, whole ground brown rice, chicken fat, chicken, whitefish, suncured
alfalfa, whole ground flaxseed . . .
GA: 38% protein;
20% fat; 4.4% fiber;
8% moisture.
on the label: Caloric info; best by date;
address; phone; website.
extra nutrients on ga: Calcium;
phosphorus; Omega 6, 3; beta-carotene;
L-carnitine; taurine.
Company statement: Canine Caviar is a raw meat diet available in a
kibble form. We use dehydrated meats in most of our diets, providing
all of the digestibility and benefits of a raw meat diet without the cost
or handling of frozen diets. Additionally, we require batch records from
every production run, and pull, test, and keep five samples to ensure
the safety and integrity of our products. We are a family-owned and
-operated company. Our employees are dedicated to making the best
product possible. We offer personal service to everyone including the
consumer; all e-mails are answered personally with careful consideration.
We do not send automatic responses, ever.
Della Natura Commodities
Bayside, NY
(866) 936-2393
Wenaewe is made in Uruguay by
Erro S.A.
Adult contains: Organic beef, organic brown rice, organic canola
seed, organic flaxseed meal, organic sunflower seed, organic
buckwheat, organic barley, organic millet . . .
GA: 20% protein;
12% fat; 5% fiber;
10.5% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; date of
manufacture; address, phone; website.
EXTRA NUTRIENTS ON GA: Vitamin E, biotin,
Omega 6, Omega 3, DHA.
Company statement: Wenaewe is a complete certified organic diet
with the highest inclusion of certified organic ingredients. Its main ingredient
is free-range, grass-fed organic fresh beef. Wenaewe is made
with human-grade, whole, raw, organic ingredients: brown rice, carrots,
beets, broccoli, crude oils, and herbs. Organic ingredients have
also higher levels desirable fatty acids. Higher levels of antioxidants and
nutrients properly nurture and enhance the functioning of every vital
system in the pet’s body. Wenaewe was formulated by veterinarians
and animal nutritionists and has no by-products of any kind. Wenaewe
is made in Uruguay by Erro S.A. We don’t outsource any of the production.
We also control all the ingredients that go into the formula.
Castor & Pollux Pet Works
Clackamas, OR
(800) 875-7518
Castor & Pollux foods are made
by CJ Foods in Bern, KS.
Organix Adult contains: Organic chicken, chicken meal, organic peas,
organic barley, organic brown rice, organic oats, chicken fat, salmon
GA: 25% protein;
13% fat; 4.5% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Calcium; phos.;
Omega 6, 3; glucosamine; chondroitin.
Company statement: Natural Ultramix is high in animal protein,
with chicken, turkey, and chicken meal as top ingredients, and contains
real dried fruits & veggies. Organix was one of the first certified
organic pet foods, and held to the same standards as organic food for
humans. First ingredient is certified organic free-range Rosie chicken.
Organix does not contain corn, wheat, glutens, by-products, artificial
flavors, colors, preservatives or sweeteners. To ensure product safety,
a Castor & Pollux senior executive attends production runs, inspects
facilities, and pulls and retains samples from production for analysis.
ALL finished product is tested for melamine, cyanuric acid, salmonella,
and toxins. This is in addition to inbound ingredient testing.

Princess L

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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2008, 07:53:44 PM »
Diamond Pet Products
Meta, MO
(800) 658-0624
Diamond’s domestic product lines
are made at each of their three
facilities: Lathrop, CA; Meta, MO;
and Gaston, SC. The latter also
services exports to 85 countries.
Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul Adult contains: Chicken,
turkey, chicken meal, ocean fish meal, cracked pearl barley, whole
grain brown rice, oatmeal, millet . . .
GA: 24% protein;
14% fat; 3% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; caloric info;
address, phone; website.
food) Sodium; zinc; selenium; vitamin E;
Omega 6, 3.
Company statement: Ten formulas, each made with four fresh meats,
set Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul apart. Chicken, turkey,
duck, and salmon are blended to offer great taste and optimal protein
nutrition. Fruits and vegetables provide natural sources of antioxidants.
Prebiotics and probiotics support a healthy digestive system, critical
to overall good health. All puppy formulas contain DHA, a critical nutrient
for the proper development of the brain and vision. Formulas for
older pets, large breed puppies and dogs, and overweight dogs ensure
that every pet will have its unique needs met. Chicken Soup foods are
made by Diamond Pet Foods in its own facilities, as are its Premium
Edge brand pet foods, with fresh meats included in all formulas.
Dick Van Patten’s Natural Balance
Pacoima, CA
(800) 829-4493
Natural Balance’s Organic
Formula is made by Chenango
Valley Pet Foods, in Sherburne,
NY. Its other dry formulas are
made by Diamond Pet Foods, in
Meta, MO.
Ultra Premium contains: Chicken, brown rice, lamb meal, oatmeal,
barley, duck meal, potatoes, carrots . . .
GA: 23% protein;
13% fat; 3% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Omega 6, 3.
Company statement: Our formulas, developed by top nutritionists
and based on sound scientific principles set our foods apart. Respected
veterinarians, breeders, guide dog facilities, and police departments
feed Natural Balance. We have built our own testing facility and are
the first to post results from every production batch online so consumers
can see our food is free of melamine, cyanuric acid, vomitoxin,
and aflatoxin. We all love animals, from co-founders Dick Van Patten
and Joey Herrick; Frank Koch, Executive VP; and Betsy Martin, Creative
Director. Animals are like our kids, an integral part of our families. A pet
food is great only if the people at the top have compassion and love for
animals, not the usual corporate bottom line.
Drs. Foster & Smith
Rhinelander, WI
(800) 826-7206
Drs. Foster & Smith dry dog foods are
made by Chenango Valley Pet Foods in
Sherburne, NY.
Chicken and Brown Rice contains: Chicken, chicken meal, brown
rice, whole barley, rice, rice bran, chicken fat, natural flavor . . .
GA: 24% protein;
14% fat; 3.5% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Omega 6, 3.
Company statement: Drs. Foster & Smith dry dog foods meet or
exceed AAFCO standards, with high quality sources of protein, fatty
acids, fiber, carbs, vitamins, and minerals, carefully selected and
included in proper proportions for optimal nutrition. Drs. Foster and
Smith dry dog foods are formulated by our veterinarians. Highly digestible,
hormone- and steroid-free chicken and lamb meat are the main
protein sources and are from APHIS-certified facilities. Whole carrots,
sweet potatoes, and apples from USDA-certified vendors provide vitamins
and antioxidants. Drs. Foster & Smith dog foods do not contain:
no wheat gluten, no rice protein concentrate, and no artificial colors or
preservatives. We gladly provide a three-page summary description of
our quality control procedures to anyone requesting the information.
Evanger’s Dog & Cat Food Co.
Wheeling, IL
(800) 288-6796
Evanger’s Chicken & Brown
Rice is made by Ohio Pet Foods,
Lisbon, OH. Pheasant and Brown
Rice made by Fromm Family
Foods in Mequon, WI.
Pheasant and Brown Rice contains: Fresh pheasant, duck meal,
brown rice, salmon meal, pearled barley, oatmeal, potato, canola oil . . .
GA: 24% protein;
14% fat; 3.5% fiber;
10.5% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address;
Company statement: Evanger’s Dog and Cat Food Co. currently has
two types of dry food. Evanger’s processes much of the raw material
for their foods at their plant in Wheeling, Illinois, and than ships to
its co-packers for extrusion. Both formulas utilize fresh meat as their
primary ingredient. The Chicken and Brown Rice formula is extruded
at Ohio Pet Foods and the Pheasant and Brown Rice formula is extruded
at Fromm Family Foods. Our dry food formulas are designed to
complement Evanger’s canned foods, which are manufactured in our
own plant for more than 70 years.
Fromm Family Foods
Mequon, WI
(800) 325-6331
Fromm’s dry dog food is
made at Fromm’s own plant in
Mequon, WI.
Gold Nutritionals Adult: Duck, chicken meal, chicken, brown rice,
pearled barley, oatmeal, Menhaden fish meal, chicken fat, lamb . . .
GA: 24% protein;
16% fat; 3.5% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Omega 6, 3; four
strains of probiotics.
Company statement: Fromm believes that dogs are more than just
pets; they are important family members who play a significant role
in our lives. We feel a responsibility to make sure that family pets receive
proper nutrition to promote good health and longevity. For over
a century, we’ve dedicated ourselves to exceeding that responsibility
through a tradition of quiet innovation. In 1949, we launched the concept
of premium pet foods to the public. Fromm is still a family-owned
business, selling our pet food one bag at a time. Each recipe is made
with fresh meat, offering a different primary source of meat, poultry, or
fish to minimize possible allergic reactions and offer variety.
Eagle Pack Pet Products, Inc.
Mishawaka, IN
(800) 255-5959
Eagle makes its foods at its own
facility in Mishawaka, IN.
Chicken Meal and Rice variety contains: Chicken meal; ground
brown rice; ground white rice; oatmeal; chicken fat; pork meal; dried
beet pulp; anchovy meal . . .
GA: 24% protein;
15% fat; 4% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: None.
Company statement: Our company makes Eagle Pack Holistic Select
in our own plants in Indiana. Quality control is maintained through
ingredient and finished food testing. Said our QC manager, ”We test
ingredients knowing I am going to be feeding them to my own cats.”
Based on our quality control programs none of our foods were involved
in any recall. Foods tested negative for melamine, cyanuric acid, and
acetaminophen. We pride ourselves on ingredient quality. Our formulas
are meat-meal based. Antibiotic-free chicken meal, with no added
hormones, is 60-70% protein rich. Some claim “real chicken,” which
is only 15% protein (and 70% water). Lamb meal is from range-fed
sheep. Added supplements like probiotics, digestive enzymes, antioxidants
contribute to longer lives. Detailed info is on our website.
Healthy Pet Foods, Inc.
West Chester, PA
(800) 821-4640
Healthy Pet Foods are made
by Chenango Valley Pet Foods
in Sherburne, NY.
Showbound Naturals Chicken and Brown Rice contains: Chicken,
chicken meal, brown rice, barley, whole oats, chicken fat, fish meal,
flaxseed oil . . .
GA: 25% protein;
14% fat; 4% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Ash.
Company statement: Healthy Pet Foods is deeply committed to the
advancement of the nutritional health and well-being of dogs and cats.
Lick Your Chops, introduced more than 20 years ago, is one of the
original lines of natural pet food. Our products are free of by-products,
wheat, corn, soy, artificial flavors, colors, and chemical preservatives.
Quality chicken and lamb, as well as brown rice and other choice ingredients,
promote maximum digestion and nutrient bioavailability.
Chenango Valley Pet Foods uses preventative quality systems with
continuous improvements to upgrade and maintain quality programs
current with industry standards and food safety requirements. Following
the 2007 recalls, Chenango bolstered this process from the procurement
of raw materials to production and shipping of products.
KLN Enterprises
Perham, MN
(800) 525-9155
Natural Planet Organics and
NutriSource foods manufactured by
Tuffy’s Pet Foods/KLN Enterprises, in
Perham, MN.
Natural Planet Organics contains: Organic chicken, chicken meal,
organic brown rice, organic oats, organic barley, natural flavors,
dicalcium phosphate, organic flaxseed . . .
GA: 23% protein;
14% fat; 4% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; web.
extra nutrients on ga: Selenium; vitamins
A, E; Omega 6, 3; glucosamine; chondroitin;
ascorbic acid; taurine.
Company statement: Natural Planet Organics is based on an uncompromising
core of organic nutrition, from our organic, free-range
chicken to organic vegetables, and certified organic by Oregon Tilth.
Our minerals are proteinated to allow better absorption and utilization.
We have included prebiotics and probiotics, natural antioxidants,
glucosamine, chondroitin, and an excellent Omega 6:3 fatty acid ratio.
NutriSource is made with real chicken as the first ingredient; no byproducts.
It’s highly digestible for maximum nutrient absorption; you
can feed as much as two-thirds less than other brands, resulting in less
waste production. Made by a family-owned company with more than
40 years of experience in preparing superior dog foods.
Life4K9 Pet Food Corp.
Dawsonville, GA
(770) 399-3100
Life4K9 has been made by Mountain
Country Foods in Okeene, OK. Life4K9
says it will own and operate its own plant
in Dalonega, GA, in 2008.
Chicken and Barley contains: Chicken, ground barley, ground oats,
whitefish meal, olive oil, dicalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate,
tomatoes . . .
GA: 21% protein; 9%
fat; 2.5% fiber;
11% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; web.
extra nutrients on ga: None.
Company statement: LIFE4K9 offers a complete line of oven-baked
products that are cooked with US-sourced ingredients, all human-grade
ingredients, and all-natural. LIFE4K9 was started out of a kitchen after
years of not getting results from extruded brands. LIFE4K9 conquers
allergies and stomach issues by not adding grease after it’s cooked.
The consumer demands real results. It’s not just about targeting bad
ingredients but it’s about a balance of real food and how you cook
it. Our kibble is baked at 350 for about 35 minutes. Our dogs are no
longer ill and have broken the ongoing cycle of allergies and stomach
issues. Effective January 2008 LIFE4K9 will own its own bakery and
will not private label. We’re in business for our dogs and to offer the
consumer real food and real results–after all, our dogs are our LIFE.
Lincoln Biotech
East Bend, NC
(800) 253-8128
Zinpro is made by Chenango Valley Pet
Foods in Sherburne, NY.
Zinpro contains: Menhaden fishmeal, brown rice, oatmeal, ground
barley, herring meal, oat flour, rice flour, canola oil . . .
GA: 22% protein;
12% fat; 3% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Omega 6, 3, 9;
Company statement: Zinpro contains essential organic minerals,
along with Omega fatty acids 3, 6, and 9, necessary for proper nutrition.
When a dog does not absorb enough zinc, skin and coat may suffer.
Skin lesions, poor growth, anorexia, conjunctivitis, keratitis, testicular
atrophy, and a lack of proper coat color and luster can be attributed
to zinc deficiency. It is not that the dog food is zinc-deficient; it is that
the source of minerals like zinc does not get absorbed. Zinpro is absorbed
100 to 300% more efficiently than inorganic zinc compounds.
Overfeeding is not harmful; it is not a drug, no side effects, and no
toxicity. Zinc also stimulates the immune system, is involved in protein
synthesis that affects antibody formation, cell differentiation, and enzyme
formation and function. Result usually occurs in 4-6 weeks.
Merrick Pet Care
Amarillo, TX
(800) 664-7387
Merrick foods are made by Merrick Pet
Care, Inc., in Hereford, TX.
Grammy’s Pot Pie contains: Organic chicken, oatmeal, barley,
chicken meal, whole brown rice, canola oil, flaxseed, freeze-dried
potatoes . . .
GA: 23% protein;
16% fat; 3% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Caloric info.
Company statement: Merrick is a family-owned company that makes
its pet foods and treats in its U.S. facilities. The philosophy behind our
line is simplicity and quality. Simple in that a foundational recipe blend
is paired with a unique protein source to make up six different entrees,
making for an easier rotation for your dog’s diet among various proteins
without having to switch brands. Quality in that we use humangrade
ingredients like organic chicken to an Idaho classic in Rainbow
Trout. We pair these protein sources with fresh fruits and vegetables
from local farmers. It’s a simple diet without the nonsense. We call it
“comfort for the soul.”
Natura Pet Products
Santa Clara, CA
(800) 532-7261
Karma, California Natural, and Innova
are made in Natura’s own plant in
Fremont, NE.
Karma contains: Organic free-range chicken, organic rice protein,
organic kamut, organic brown rice, organic oats, organic barley,
organic whole wheat, organic sunflower seed meal . . .
GA: 20% protein;
12% fat; 3% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: None.
Company statement: You can trust Natura to produce safe and healthful
products; back up our products and claims with humane, non-invasive
nutritional science; subject all Natura products to the most rigorous
quality testing protocols in the industry; know and validate the origin of
ALL ingredients used in our products; constantly innovate and invest in
R&D to make sure that Innova, California Natural, and Karma reflect
the latest in natural nutritional technology advancements; and to continue
to lead in natural, holistic nutrition for companion animals. Natura
Pet Products is a small, family-owned business with the mission (since
1992) of making the healthiest pet foods in the world.

Princess L

  • Getbig V
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  • I stop for turtles
Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2008, 07:54:55 PM »
Nature’s Variety
Lincoln, NE
(888) 519-7387
Prairie is manufactured by Pied Piper
Mills in Hamlin, TX.
Beef Meal & Barley contains: Beef meal, barley, brown rice, oatmeal,
chicken fat, grnd. flaxseed, montmorillonite clay, nat. chicken flavor ...
GA: 26% protein;
14% fat; 3.5% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; web.
extra nutrients on ga: Caloric info.
Company statement: Nature’s Variety is a small, independent pet
food company in America’s heartland, committed to providing superior
nutrition for your companion animals. In order to make our proprietary
and innovative diets, we partner with high-quality manufacturers that
share our passion for safety and ingredient integrity. Dr. Laura Duclos
leads our Quality Assurance team in developing and enforcing our
quality control standards – including ingredient specifications, sourcing
certifications, testing, and product safety. On-site inspections and
continuous monitoring insure our products meet our rigorous Nature’s
Variety standards. We are proud to offer a variety of nutritious choices
for dogs and cats; see our website to learn more about us.
Nutro Products, Inc.
City of Industry, CA
(800) 833-5330
Nutro Ultra dry dog foods are made
at Nutro’s company-owned facilities in
Victorville, CA, and Lebanon, TN.
Adult contains: Chicken meal, whole brown rice, ground rice, lamb
meal, rice bran, soybean oil, sunflower oil, poultry fat . . .
GA: 26% protein;
12% fat; 4% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Linoleic acid; zinc;
iodine; selenium; vitamin E; ascorbic acid; DHA;
ALA; L-carnitine; beta-carotene; total bacillus.
Company statement: Nutro Products has manufactured pet foods for
more than 80 years. Nutro Ultra holistic dry dog foods are made with
natural ingredients including three animal proteins (chicken, lamb, and
salmon) and whole grains including whole brown rice and oatmeal.
Nutro ensures that high quality ingredients are procured from our suppliers;
many of whom Nutro has worked with for over a decade. No
proteins, grains, or fats from China are qualified for use in any of our
products. All Nutro products are tested by independent labs to confirm
that no melamine is detected in Nutro’s pet foods. We have incorporated
this testing into our rigorous Quality Assurance procedures for all
finished products and specific ingredients.
Perfect Health Diet Products
Elmsford, NY
(800) 743-1502
PHD foods are made by Chenango
Valley Pet Foods in Sherburne, NY.
PHD Viand contains: Lamb meal, chicken meal, brown rice, whole
corn, Naturox, barley, ground whole oats, chicken liver digest . . .
GA: 26% protein;
16% fat; 3% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; phone; website.
extra nutrients on ga: None.
Company statement: Fresh batches every three weeks. Each raw
material is rigorously tested to meet or exceed our standards – above
those of the industry. We use low-ash, low-magnesium, #1 & #2 New
Zealand lamb meal and American chicken meals, and many chelated
micronutrients. PHD has never been involved in any recalls. Each batch
is tested throughout manufacturing to ensure the final product meets
or exceeds our propriety specs. PHD has been in operation since 1995.
We have a vet tech (more than 25 years experience) available to assist
clients if needed, as well as a holistic vet on staff for fee-based consultations.
Our products can be fed alone, but if you believe that raw
meats are essential to greater health, either of our diets (in less quantity)
partnered with raw meats reaches another level. Your choice!
Old Mother Hubbard
Chelmsford, MA
(800) 225-0904
Wellness dry dog food is produced in
three plants: Hagen Pet Foods, Waverly,
NY; CJ Foods in Bern, KS; and American
Nutrition, Inc., in Ogden, UT.
Super 5 Mix Chicken contains: Deboned chicken, chicken meal,
oatmeal, ground barley, ground brown rice, tomato pomace, rye flour,
canola oil . . .
GA: 22% protein;
12% fat; 3% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Vitamin E; Omega 6,
3; beta-carotene; lycopene; taurine.
Company statement: We are “passionately picky” and do whatever it
takes to create the healthiest foods for your pets. Unlike most others,
we employ our own quality assurance team and do not rely solely on
external consultants. Our product development and quality assurance
teams include 12 employees, 3 external advisors, and a leading human
food auditing firm. We constantly raise the bar in holistic natural nutrition
through careful research and in-house development of all formulations.
We are known for detailed sourcing and nutritional analysis of
specialized ingredients, and active management of manufacturing. All
our manufacturing follows HACCP food safety programs, with stringent
quality criteria taken from human food production, and protocols
such as cleaning equipment between every product run. Our manufacturing
partners say we are THE hardest to please – this is because, like
you, we won’t compromise on your pet’s health.
Petcurean Pet Nutrition
Chilliwack, British Columbia
(866) 864-6112
Go! Natural is made by Elmira Pet
Products in Elmira, Ontario.
Chicken, Fruit and Vegetables contains: Chicken meal, chicken,
whole brown rice, whole white rice, oatmeal, sunflower oil, chicken
fat, salmon meal . . .
GA: 24% protein;
14% fat; 3.5% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: Vit. E; Omega 6, 3.
Company statement: Developed by qualified nutritionists, GO! Natural
foods are solution-based. Our Chicken Fruit and Vegetable Diet has
the best performance, compare the calories! All of our grains, cereals,
fruits, and vegetables are sourced in North America except potatoes,
which are purchased from Canada and Holland. Independent auditing
by NSF-Cook & Thurber and the American Institute of Baking, both organizations
used for human food audits. Ingredients are tested prior to
receiving for quality assurances including but not limited to nutritional
integrity, aflatoxins, microtoxins, and moisture levels.
Peton Distributors
Langhorne, PA
(800) 738-8258
Performatrin Ultra foods are made
by Chenango Valley Pet Foods in
Sherburne, NY.
Salmon and Olive Oil contains: Salmon, salmon meal, oatmeal,
brown rice, pearled barley, chicken meal, whole rice, herring meal . . .
GA: 28% protein; 8%
fat; 6% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Caloric info; best by date;
address; website.
extra nutrients on ga: Calcium; phos.;
vitamin E; Omega 6, 3.
Company statement: Performatrin Ultra dog foods embrace a holistic
approach to pet nutrition, emphasizing fresh, whole ingredients.
These products are differentiated by a high ratio of meat (the first two
ingredients); rigorous processes to ensure high quality, balanced ingredients;
and innovative formulas. Peton Distributors works closely
with manufacturer Chenango Valley Pet Foods to select only high quality
meats and the freshest produce for these products. Chenango receives
its raw ingredients from approved suppliers, selecting North
American, where feasible. It tests these ingredients upon receipt and
throughout production and has the storage capabilities to safely preserve
freshness – maintaining maximum nutrients.
Precise Pet Products
Nacogdoches, TX
(888) 477-3247
Precise Plus foods are made on
production lines dedicated to Precise
products by Texas Farm Products in
Nacogdoches, TX.
Adult contains: Chicken meal, ground brown rice, chicken, ground
whole barley, chicken fat, beet pulp, ground oats, flaxseed . . .
GA: 26% protein;
16% fat; 3.5% fiber;
10% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; date of
manufacture; address; phone; website.
extra nutrients on ga: Calcium; phos.;
Omega 6, 3; glucosamine; chondroitin sulfate.
Company statement: Precise Plus offers healthy, all-natural products
made with fresh wholesome ingredients without the use of corn,
wheat, soy, dairy, or grain sorghum, in an AIB-certified factory in Nacogdoches,
Texas. Precise Plus is our natural holistic offering with a
few additional ingredients, including probiotics for added health benefits.
Laboratory analysis is conducted on ingredients before use and
on the finished product to meet rigorous standards, ensure safety,
and deliver the highest quality products possible. Precise never uses
animal by-products or artificial preservatives. Only the highest quality
protein sources from real chicken and real lamb in the form of chicken
meal and lamb meal are used. Natural vitamins C & E are used as
preservatives along with Ester C, a human grade vitamin. Precise Plus
Formulas deliver excellent nutrition, palatability, and digestibility.
Plymouth, MA
(800) 326-0282
LiveSmart foods are made by
Chenango Valley Pet Foods in
Sherburne, NY.
Lamb and Brown Rice contains: Lamb, lamb meal, brown rice,
barley, oats, beet pulp, canola oil, whole ground flaxseed . . .
GA: 21.5% protein;
11.4% fat; 3.3% fiber;
9% moisture.
on the label: Caloric info; best by date;
address; website.
extra nutrients on ga: Calcium; phos.;
vitamin E; Omega 6, 3.
Company statement: LiveSmart dog food represents a breakthrough
in quality and freshness. In producing LiveSmart, we start with the
kind of ingredients you use in cooking for your own family: humangrade
meats such as chicken and lamb, whole grains, fresh fruits and
vegetables, tasty herbs. We use all-natural flavors and preservatives;
no artificial sweeteners or chemicals. We produce small batches that
go straight to your dog’s bowl in a fraction of the time most brands
spend in the distribution channel. And, LiveSmart dog food is only available
in SmartPaks, pre-measured portions of dog food packaged for
individual meal-feeding. Best of all, LiveSmart dog food is automatically
shipped right to your door every month. No running out of dog
food or struggling to find a store that sells super premium dog food in
your area. Also, we test every batch of food that goes in SmartPaks to
ensure no melamine is detected.
Taplow Feeds
North Vancouver, BC
(800) 658-1166
FirstMate dry dog food is made
at Taplow’s own plant outside of
Vancouver, British Columbia.
Ultra Premium Naturally Holistic contains: Whole chicken, chicken
meal, whole ground brown rice, pearled barley, organic spelt, whole
steamed potatoes, herring meal, chicken fat . . .
GA: 25% protein;
15% fat; 4% fiber;
12% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address;
extra nutrients on ga: Ash; calcium;
phosphorus; calcium/phosphorus ratio.
Company statement: FirstMate Potato & Fish Original has been in
the market since 1997, and is one of the original grain-free products.
The fish that is used in all our products comes from herring, sardines
or anchovies. The FirstMate Potato & Fish Original (All Life Stages) has
been expanded to include a Puppy food, a Large Breed and a Senior.
The Chicken Fat used is rendered protein free and therefore not a possible
source of allergies. Our new Potato and Chicken with Blueberries
diet also contains only one source of animal protein, traditional
chicken meal. This blueberry product contains a minimum of 5% whole
blueberries. Blueberries are one of the best sources of antioxidants,
compounds that help neutralize free radicals.
VeRUS Pet Foods, Inc.
Abingdon, MD
(888) 828-3787
VeRUS’s foods are made by Texas
Farm Products, Nacogdoches, TX,
and Eagle Pack Pet Foods, Inc.,
Mishawaka, IN.
Life Advantage contains: Chicken meal, ground oats, ground brown
rice, rice bran, chicken fat, dried beet pulp, suncured alfalfa,
flaxseed . . .
GA: 25% protein;
15% fat; 4% fiber;
12% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: None.
Company statement: Henry, Mike, Gus, Phillip, Francis, Butter, Little,
Pinky, Bobby, Bill, and Willie. These are my dogs and cats. I don’t just
make the food, I feed it. I’m Russell Armstrong, owner of VeRUS Pet
Foods, not a corporate bigwig, just someone who loves his dogs and
cats like you. There are thousands of foods, but my pets are the only
ones I have, so I made VeRUS! Not a ton of marketing, flash, or glitter,
just a great food for your pets. I prepare my foods with hormone- and
antibiotic-free chicken, lamb, and Omega-3-packed fish; nutrient-dense
whole grain oats and brown rice; and organic nutrient sources like kelp,
flaxseed, chicory, and alfalfa. Combine with natural antioxidants, chelated
minerals, and first-rate manufacturing and you have the best!
Wysong Corporation
Midland, MI
(800) 748-0188;
Wysong manufactures its dry foods
at its own plant in Lake Mills, WI.
Anergen contains: Lamb, ground brown rice, ground oat groats,
ground flaxseed, dried yeast, dl-methionine, taurine, lecithin . . .
GA: 24% protein;
12% fat; 4.5% fiber;
12% moisture.
on the label: Best by date; address; phone;
extra nutrients on ga: None.
Company statement: Founded and still led by Dr. Wysong, Wysong
has hundreds of veterinary clinical consultants. For 30 years, tens of
thousands of animals through multiple generations attest to the dramatic
benefits of our products. We research, develop, and manufacture
our own products. We do not market with fads (such as “no corn,”
“no soy,” “human grade,” etc.) that distract people from the essentials
of optimal feeding: variety (no one food is “100% complete”),
appropriate supplementation, archetypal genetic appropriateness, and
rawness. Wysong products are meat- and organ-based, enhanced with
nutraceuticals, natural micronutrients, enzymes, pro- and prebiotics,
and protected with antioxidants, processing, and barrier packaging.
After we were done, it took two trips to bring all the products submitted for our
review to the Northwest SPCA in Oroville, California, for donation. Our thanks
to the companies that submitted more than necessary for this purpose.


Princess L

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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2008, 07:42:33 PM »


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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2008, 07:50:02 PM »
excellent stuff. if anyone wants to bookmark it for later:

also take a look here:

How to grade your dog's food:
Start with a grade of 100:

1) For every listing of "by-product", subtract 10 points

2) For every non-specific animal source ("meat" or "poultry", meat, meal or fat) reference, subtract 10 points

3) If the food contains BHA, BHT, or ethoxyquin, subtract 10 points

4) For every grain "mill run" or non-specific grain source, subtract 5 points

5) If the same grain ingredient is used 2 or more times in the first five ingredients (i.e. "ground brown rice", "brewer’s rice", "rice flour" are all the same grain), subtract 5 points

6) If the protein sources are not meat meal and there are less than 2 meats in the top 3 ingredients, subtract 3 points

7) If it contains any artificial colorants, subtract 3 points

8 ) If it contains ground corn or whole grain corn, subtract 3 points

9) If corn is listed in the top 5 ingredients, subtract 2 more points

10) If the food contains any animal fat other than fish oil, subtract 2 points

11) If lamb is the only animal protein source (unless your dog is allergic to other protein sources), subtract 2 points

12) If it contains soy or soybeans, subtract 2 points

13) If it contains wheat (unless you know that your dog isn’t allergic to wheat), subtract 2 points

14) If it contains beef (unless you know that your dog isn’t allergic to beef), subtract 1 point

15) If it contains salt, subtract 1 point

Extra Credit:

1) If any of the meat sources are organic, add 5 points

2) If the food is endorsed by any major breed group or nutritionist, add 5 points

3) If the food is baked not extruded, add 5 points

4) If the food contains probiotics, add 3 points

5) If the food contains fruit, add 3 points

6) If the food contains vegetables (NOT corn or other grains), add 3 points

7) If the animal sources are hormone-free and antibiotic-free, add 2 points

8 ) If the food contains barley, add 2 points

9) If the food contains flax seed oil (not just the seeds), add 2 points

10) If the food contains oats or oatmeal, add 1 point

11) If the food contains sunflower oil, add 1 point

12) For every different specific animal protein source (other than the first one; count "chicken" and "chicken meal" as only one protein source, but "chicken" and "" as 2 different sources), add 1 point

13) If it contains glucosamine and chondroitin, add 1 point

14) If the vegetables have been tested for pesticides and are pesticide-free, add 1 point

94-100+ = A
86-93 = B
78-85 = C
70-77 = D
<70 = F


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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2008, 07:46:34 AM »
i just started using blue buffalo for my two dogs...a can by can and bag by bag comparison to the pedigree we were feeding our dogs changed our minds in an's pricier but it's all real food..not the by-products, fillers, used by mass produced dog food companies.
footloose and fancy free


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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2008, 10:19:47 AM »
interesting....have any iformation on it?

Princess L

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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2009, 04:01:54 PM »
Bump for Migs  ;D

Princess L

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Princess L

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Re: WDJ 2008 Approved Dry Dog Foods
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2009, 09:16:30 PM »