Author Topic: Another PCT question  (Read 884 times)


  • Getbig II
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Another PCT question
« on: January 31, 2008, 12:55:03 PM »
So as far as I understand the purpose of pct is to bring our natural production of testosterone back no normal after finishing a cycle of AAS.  To do that we use such drugs as Clomid and Nolvadex.  Here is my question :

After ending Test E cycle (what I ran for 10 weeks) we should wait 2 weeks because of the long ester before startring pct.  The reason is as long as test levels are high the drugs would be mostly useless in attaining our goal of raising natural test. 

But if the levels drop below a certain point (not sure what that point is) won't our body automatically start secreting hormones that would cause natural test production?  Again guys i am no expert just trying to see if i understand the concept. 

So in other words, if test levels are too high clomid and nolva are useless and if test levels are too low the body starts producing without them.  So why use them?  Do they help speed up HPTA function faster?  If so i would like to see a study that compares recovery with clomid/nolva and without.  I'm sure it is possible to recover without the use of these drugs, and I'm sure we all  agree  that the less drugs (especially oral) we put in our system the better. 

On Monday it will be 2 weeks since my last injection of test.  I've Bean reading a lot about pct and came across quite a few articles and threads that questioned its legitimacy.  After all  before the 90's pct really did not exist other then maybe HCG use. Just wanted to know what you guys think.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Another PCT question
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2008, 02:40:42 PM »
So why use them?  Do they help speed up HPTA function faster? 
Yes, that's the idea. I can't recall a study comparing recovery time with and without these drugs but there's studies on restoring HPTA function in steroid users. Without drugs it takes months and months to recover fully from an extended cycle.

I have seen some data saying just 5-10mg of Nolva is effective (if you want to do the least amount of drugs possible).