Author Topic: Yearly Training split desperation!  (Read 1068 times)


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Yearly Training split desperation!
« on: April 21, 2008, 05:03:44 PM »
I hit that once a year... get confused and not sure how to re-shuffle.

Here are the requirements:
Train arms and legs twice a week.
Direct shoulder work not really required (no overheads)

Here's the crazyness I came up with, chest, back or shoulders every 9 days, legs and arms every 4 days.

1- Chest Shoulders
2- Legs
3- Arms
4- Off
5- Back / Traps
6- Legs
7- Arms

Crazyness #2:
1- Chest triceps
2- Back biceps Hams or quads (based on soreness)
3- Off
4- Arms Shoulders
5- Legs
6- off