Author Topic: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!  (Read 120075 times)

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #425 on: May 24, 2008, 07:43:00 PM »
Thanks for your earlier answer btw MattC.

Special Ed is 100% right - and MattC is displaying a complete lack of business sense here and knowledge on how the whole industry works - on larger levels - not small time levels. could give a rats ass about him, and would dump him like a hotcake if he was a liabilty.

Recall how quickly 240 got chopped by them?

Just think of a hypothetical scenario here. Special Ed decides he is offended, and starts mentioning on his radio show how a affilated person makes anti semetic remarks - which subtly tars them together with As anyone should recall from the Mr Getbig, I am very anal retentive [spare me the comments ;D]. I decide I am offended, and decide to organise a massive email compaign to complain to, and dedicate myself to this posting on various forums, pm'ing ppl, drumming up mass support. I engage my friend Yemeni [Mindspin] who makes a few calls to high powered individuals in the game.

Matt is gone. Simple.

Or even if Ron, a Jew, tosses Matt off this site where Matt does alot of marketing.

Not saying that will occur, I just made it all up, but for Matt to insinuate he would not get dumped by them is off base. It's just no one cares enough to bother.

What have I said about politics or religion in this entire thread?  I swear, it's as if no one reads what I'm writing, even the smart members like yourself.  I've said numerous times now I won't post about anything controversial on here due to the raft of morons who misinterpret everything I've said.  So all there are is a bunch of those same morons continuing to put words in my mouth.

Please QUOTE what I've said TODAY that is controversial.  I'll wait.



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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #426 on: May 24, 2008, 08:26:20 PM »
What have I said about politics or religion in this entire thread?  I swear, it's as if no one reads what I'm writing, even the smart members like yourself.  I've said numerous times now I won't post about anything controversial on here due to the raft of morons who misinterpret everything I've said.  So all there are is a bunch of those same morons continuing to put words in my mouth.

Please QUOTE what I've said TODAY that is controversial.  I'll wait.

ok hitler whatever u say ::)


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #427 on: May 24, 2008, 08:34:42 PM »


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #428 on: May 24, 2008, 09:16:37 PM »
What have I said about politics or religion in this entire thread?  I swear, it's as if no one reads what I'm writing, even the smart members like yourself.  I've said numerous times now I won't post about anything controversial on here due to the raft of morons who misinterpret everything I've said.  So all there are is a bunch of those same morons continuing to put words in my mouth.

Please QUOTE what I've said TODAY that is controversial.  I'll wait.


Matt, you are missing the point.

And LOL - mine and others points are that you miss the point lol - which you are proving again.

Again- If you are deemed a liabilty any business will sever ties. That is basic business premise.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #429 on: May 24, 2008, 09:35:24 PM »



nice one.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #430 on: May 24, 2008, 11:40:54 PM »
Matt, you are missing the point.

And LOL - mine and others points are that you miss the point lol - which you are proving again.

Again- If you are deemed a liabilty any business will sever ties. That is basic business premise.

Yes, but the "liability" in this case is a boogeyman.  It exists not in anything I write, but rather in the words that members put in my mouth.  And if you think is so foolish as to not actually read what I'm writing and understand that, you really underestimate their business savvy.  I've already discussed this with them actually and as it turns out, getbig isn't particularly known as being a board with credible members whose opinions count for a whole lot.  Secondly, even if the delusions on here about dropping me were in any way true, I would get swooped up by another supplement affiliate program in a heartbeat.  It's not like I haven't been offered that.  I just like the best since they are the best, and we both do a lot for each other.  I am an asset to them, although you are correct that they don't need me.  For that matter, I don't need them since I could switch over the links to another affiliate program and retain all profit in one fell swoop.  I like them more than anyone in this industry though.  Honest, not kissing ass.

It's sad and may I say quite pathetic that members here have to resort to attempting to compromise my business relationships to get to me since they have now realized that I am not bothered by the myriad of attacks on my website, my workout videos, personal attacks (nose, penis size, etc), or anything else for that matter.  It bewilders me that people don't realize that it just doesn't bother me.  If it really did, it's safe to say I wouldn't have spent five years on this board.  It's an obvious character assassination to any objective observer reading this thread.

Special Ed

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #431 on: May 25, 2008, 12:17:28 AM »
I'm still waiting for you to tell me where I'm going wrong. It seems as though you have no defense to the truth: is affiliating with an anti-semitic and racist website and webmaster.

Now you have added that is well aware of your opinions, so let me rephrase this: is knowingly and intentionally affiliating with an openly racist and anti-semitic website and webmaster.

Are you sure you wish to stand by those statements?

Would you care to add who at you have shared your anti-semitic and racist views with? I think you should back up your statements with evidence and detail, don't you?


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #432 on: May 25, 2008, 01:12:36 AM »


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #433 on: May 25, 2008, 04:16:55 AM »
Yes, but the "liability" in this case is a boogeyman.  It exists not in anything I write, but rather in the words that members put in my mouth.  And if you think is so foolish as to not actually read what I'm writing and understand that, you really underestimate their business savvy.  I've already discussed this with them actually and as it turns out, getbig isn't particularly known as being a board with credible members whose opinions count for a whole lot.  Secondly, even if the delusions on here about dropping me were in any way true, I would get swooped up by another supplement affiliate program in a heartbeat.  It's not like I haven't been offered that.  I just like the best since they are the best, and we both do a lot for each other.  I am an asset to them, although you are correct that they don't need me.  For that matter, I don't need them since I could switch over the links to another affiliate program and retain all profit in one fell swoop.  I like them more than anyone in this industry though.  Honest, not kissing ass.

It's sad and may I say quite pathetic that members here have to resort to attempting to compromise my business relationships to get to me since they have now realized that I am not bothered by the myriad of attacks on my website, my workout videos, personal attacks (nose, penis size, etc), or anything else for that matter.  It bewilders me that people don't realize that it just doesn't bother me.  If it really did, it's safe to say I wouldn't have spent five years on this board.  It's an obvious character assassination to any objective observer reading this thread.

Matt, honestly, I do not know how much you really travel and do, but you are showing a massive level of being naive.

Do you think I, Debussey, Special Ed, Wes and others are making this up?

You NEVER know who someone is behind a screen name - never. I learned that a long time ago.

If I for one minute posted real things that I do in this industry - who I "might" have a supplement contract with, certain names I "might" have on the speed dial as they are my good friends, how much my net worth is that I made myself - and many other things - people would call bullshit. Hence why I, and many others do not. You would be very surprised at who, and what, is behind some screen names. Look at Special Ed yrs back - ppl thought he was a moron or 240's gimmick- man is a lawyer who ended up working with MD and having a radio show.

I've owned two companies in this industry for over a decade making more money than most here would even consider, I've lived and worked in 6 different nations in this game - and I will tell you - you are clueless about this. You know me, do I post irrational struff? No.

I will leave it alone now, as quite frankly, I don't give a crap. I tried.

To not see a basic point we are all making -  you are actually dense, naive, or one the most arrogant people ever.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #434 on: May 25, 2008, 04:21:30 AM »
Matt, honestly, I do not know how much you really travel and do, but you are showing a massive level of being naive.

Do you think I, Debussey, Special Ed, Wes and others are making this up?

You NEVER know who someone is behind a screen name - never. I learned that a long time ago.

If I for one minute posted real things that I do in this industry - who I "might" have a supplement contract with, certain names I "might" have on the speed dial as they are my good friends, how much my net worth is that I made myself - and many other things - people would call bullshit. Hence why I, and many others do not. You would be very surprised at who, and what, is behind some screen names. Look at Special Ed yrs back - ppl thought he was a moron or 240's gimmick- man is a lawyer who ended up working with MD and having a radio show.

I've owned two companies in this industry for over a decade making more money than most here would even consider, I've lived and worked in 6 different nations in this game - and I will tell you - you are clueless about this. You know me, do I post irrational struff? No.

I will leave it alone now, as quite frankly, I don't give a crap. I tried.

To not see a basic point we are all making -  you are actually dense, naive, or one the most arrogant people ever.

Matt is a slacker, that's what makes him happy. He told me once that making 50 dollars a day is a lot of money. That struck me as odd because he seemed very successful to me prior to that conversation. Not knocking the guy and I hope he wasn't telling me that in confidence or anything, but I got the impression that he doesn't care too much about making $$$$.

The Master

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #435 on: May 25, 2008, 04:46:59 AM »
Yes, but the "liability" in this case is a boogeyman.  It exists not in anything I write, but rather in the words that members put in my mouth.  

That's the whole point. It's not the soundness of your arguments that counts, but how people in general percieve you and what you say. Since most people can not and will not really assess your statements based on rationality and science, you will in most cases be percieved negatively. If only 10% of the population can accurately assess your statements according to your wishes, while the remaining 90% gets a negative impression of you, it does not matter if you are right or wrong, it will still hurt your business in many cases, and you can become a liability to those you work with.

Instead of being idealistic here, it might be a good idea to be pragmatic. You recently wrote that you've stopped thinking that every person is smart enough to be reasoned with ("idealism"), so you've stopped being overly nice and rational to most idiots and instead you speak their language ("fuck off fucco" -> Pragmatism). Doing the same shift from idealism to pragmatism in business might be a good idea.  ;)

Instead, post your more controversial thoughts and explore more foolish behaviour as an anonymous asshole, just like the rest of us :D

Ps: Debussey does not think you are a racist, and some of your opinions does have some science behind them, and some of them are a bit out there (some of the jew stuff).  8)


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #436 on: May 25, 2008, 04:54:34 AM »
Well said Debussey.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #437 on: May 25, 2008, 05:49:16 AM »
To not see a basic point we are all making -  you are actually dense, naive, or one the most arrogant people ever.
I think all of the above characteristics fit.

It`s great to have a high opinion of yourself Matt,but when it makes you look like a braggart touting your accomplishments,most of which are miniscule compared to zillions of others,it makes you look arrogant and gives people a sense that you think others are beneath you,much like the comments regarding Jews and blacks as inferiors,ie. arrogance!!

Can`t see the forest for the trees,and seems to have no real world experience,ie.,dense and naive.

A college education,and an IQ of 130,which is far from uncommon,is useless if you  don`t have an open mind,have a superiority complex,respect for others who may be less fortunate,and not much of a life outside of this industry.

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #438 on: May 25, 2008, 06:42:59 AM »
blacks as inferiors,ie. arrogance!!

He's never made a statement that blacks are inferior in VALUE. He's simply stated that a lot of scientific data shows that the average black might have a slightly less genetic propensity for intelligence compared to whites and orientals. That's an objective statement based on available scientific findings, and it is not arrogant at all, its simply.. an observation.

His way of communicating this viewpoint might seem somewhat arrogant at times, and the validity of the data can of course be discussed, especially if counter-evidence appears (so far it has not, simply statements putting the findings into question).

But the essence of his arguments about blacks and intelligence at least is not arrogant since its merely an observation based upon findings in science (an objective statement) and not a statement about human value.

Its not arrogant of Debussey to say that a straight A student with a 140 IQ and a 1400 SAT score has better genetics for intelligence than a straight D student with a 90 IQ and low SAT scores. It's an objective statement based upon reliable data (an IQ of 90 vs 140 IS partially due to genetics..), and its basically the same thing MattC is doing when he backs up his statements about blacks and intelligence (for example, asians having more brain volume = an indicator of higher intelligence, and its again just a scientific discovery). If it's "racist" to say these observeable things (it is not as long as its a neutral statement based upon facts), then people needs to rethink the value of the term, because science will undoubtly find more scientifically observeable differences between "races" that can be viewed as "inferior" or "superior".

Of course, no matter what the basis of his arguments are, and his way of communicating them, it probably still not beneficial to his business. But again, the basis of his arguments regarding intelligence = not racist.. Some of them might be somewhat speculative, but labeling them racist = still foolish.

On the other hand, MattCock has gotten fucking severely owned in this thread ;D


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #439 on: May 25, 2008, 06:47:57 AM »
Cool,but the impression I get is that he beleives they are inferior.

I could be wrong about everything in my post,but somehow I doubt it.

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #440 on: May 25, 2008, 06:51:44 AM »
Cool,but the impression I get is that he beleives they are inferior.

I could be wrong about evrerything in my post,but somehow I doubt it.

No matter what, MattCock DID get owned beyond belief in this thread (but not due to the scientific basis of his statements). Debussey has not laughed this hard from a Getbig thread in a LONG time ;D 8) 8) 8)

"Strawmen"  ;D

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #441 on: May 25, 2008, 06:54:07 AM »

But the essence of his arguments about blacks and intelligence at least is not arrogant since its merely an observation based upon findings in science (an objective statement) and not a statement about human value.

The problem is that this is not an unassailable "fact" at all. There are scientists that would debate the merits of this argument, particularly in using an arbitrary designation like "race". It is simply a slippery slope to find yourself on.

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #442 on: May 25, 2008, 06:58:32 AM »
The problem is that this is not an unassailable "fact" at all. There are scientists that would debate the merits of this argument, particularly in using an arbitrary designation like "race". It is simply a slippery slope to find yourself on.

That's why Debussey wrote that they were somewhat speculative (although Debussey failed to consistently mention this throughout its post).

At the same time, find a study that contradicts the studies and references MattCock posted, and not just statements made by scientists or others that is not linked to real data. This has not been done yet, thus, nobody has in essence debated MattCock, they have merely posted stuff that question the references he has been citing. Trying to debunk a lot of research this way = not good enough.

Although MattCock might be on a somewhat "slippery slope", at least he is in a slope, while the opposing force = not left the starting point of their anal slope.

Special Ed

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #443 on: May 25, 2008, 09:45:30 AM »
Hmmmm...I guess Matt isn't up for a debate on the facts and evidence after all.

Guess I'm just a strawman in this...


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #444 on: May 25, 2008, 09:46:40 AM »
The point being with Matt - he is going to have a dramatically reduced learning curve in life as - well he does not like to learn real life applications.

Matt is showing he knows nothing of making real money [not pissing off potential customers is such a basic point lol]

He has an option to learn from Wes who has been in this game longer than Matt has been on this earth, a true voice of experience speaking. Learn from Special Ed, a lawyer who quickly ingratiated himself into this industry. Learn from Dr Chimps and Goat, who if anyone reads their posts can see they are both highly intelligent and have far better social interaction skills than Matt - and I will bet they are both very successful IRL. Matt has an option to read and learn from Debussey - who acts the ass alot - but displays a superior level of intelligence many times which is only amplified as he like myself, is operating outside of his native language.

Einstein said - he will always meet someone who knows more about something than he does. I learn so much from others on this very board alone, let alone every day of my life in numerous areas. Matt chooses not to.

Matt is a very intelligent man. If he combined that with actually learning real life applications, I venture to say he could be *extremely* financially successful.

As long as he keeps thinking pissing off potential customers is fine in business, he will remain with whatever nickle and diming he is doing.

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #445 on: May 25, 2008, 11:31:54 AM »
Hmmmm...I guess Matt isn't up for a debate on the facts and evidence after all.

Guess I'm just a strawman in this...

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #446 on: May 25, 2008, 11:42:35 AM »
Do you think I, Debussey, Special Ed, Wes and others are making this up?

In short, until you can actually quote something or give me some substance that I should be concerned about, yes. and other people (let's call them "sane people") will just interpret this thread as an orchestrated attempt to ruin my relationship with them.

I acknowledge that the four you mentioned are smart.  But even then, I've asked you to actually quote what I've said here which is detrimental to my business and you cannot (by the way, Debussey is not speaking about me, but just in a broad context).  Instead you use the interpretation of my posts by members of the peanut gallery as examples of a liability.

People on here always do this to people who are making money in the industry and doing well - Bob and Vince Goodrum for example.

This reminds me of when Bob said he had access to customer information.  Then people actually e-mailed and complained about this.  Well, the reality is that the guys on come here to investigate, and they will not see what I wrote which actually verifies the libel you speak of.  Of COURSE reads this thread.  They will look at it as me just getting picked on again, me shrugging it off again, and the peanut gallery escalating it to even more perverse levels than normal.

You know, "making stuff up" isn't a high burden of proof - it won't work in the courts, and it won't work here.  Although you may be amazed at the raft of people in all areas of life actually do it.  Not only is it not effective, but it makes the person doing it lose credibility.  When the dust settles, not only will my relationship with be secure, but the harder the peanut gallery grasps at straws trying to turn them against one of their top affiliates, the more it will ultimately just reflect poorly on getbig and the credibility of the board, and not myself.

So for those intentionally seeking to harm my business relationships, be very careful.  You can only cry wolf so many times until the fellows at or elsewhere realize you are simply trying to be malicious.  In the end, if the day ever comes that I were to do something truly detrimental, the odds of you even being heard on the matter will be lower (much like the boy who cried Dennis Wolf).  :)

In three years, I will be's #1 partner.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #447 on: May 25, 2008, 11:43:32 AM »
much like the comments regarding Jews and blacks as inferiors,ie. arrogance!!

And of course, you can link to a quote where I actually said this right?  ::)

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #448 on: May 25, 2008, 11:48:43 AM »
And of course, you can link to a quote where I actually said this right?  ::)

Can you buy Debussey a strawman suit for Debusseys birthday? :D

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #449 on: May 25, 2008, 11:50:32 AM »
That's the whole point. It's not the soundness of your arguments that counts, but how people in general percieve you and what you say. Since most people can not and will not really assess your statements based on rationality and science, you will in most cases be percieved negatively. If only 10% of the population can accurately assess your statements according to your wishes, while the remaining 90% gets a negative impression of you, it does not matter if you are right or wrong, it will still hurt your business in many cases, and you can become a liability to those you work with.

Instead of being idealistic here, it might be a good idea to be pragmatic. You recently wrote that you've stopped thinking that every person is smart enough to be reasoned with ("idealism"), so you've stopped being overly nice and rational to most idiots and instead you speak their language ("fuck off fucco" -> Pragmatism). Doing the same shift from idealism to pragmatism in business might be a good idea.  ;)

Instead, post your more controversial thoughts and explore more foolish behaviour as an anonymous asshole, just like the rest of us :D

Ps: Debussey does not think you are a racist, and some of your opinions does have some science behind them, and some of them are a bit out there (some of the jew stuff).  8)

This is true, and I know what you and the others are driving home.  But in this case, it isn't even a matter of being the few (customers), but rather the few (peanut gallery members) who are just libeling me on purpose.  If not this, they would perhaps take my YouTube clips as proof that I am involved in G4P or something equally low.

If it truly was the consensus (right or wrong), I would definitely be concerned.  As it is, it's just another attack on Matt C, and as I said, the board likes to attack everyone.