Author Topic: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)  (Read 5814 times)


  • Getbig V
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Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« on: June 10, 2008, 06:35:10 AM »
Here is another quote of yours from the same thread:

"To see evolutionary measures and tribal morality being applied vigorously to the affairs of a great modern nation, we must turn again to Germany of 1942. We see Hitler devoutly convinced that evolution produces the only real basis for a national policy … . The means he adopted to secure the destiny of his race and people were organized slaughter, which has drenched Europe in blood … . Such conduct is highly immoral as measured by every scale of ethics, yet Germany justifies it; it is consonant with tribal or evolutionary morality. Germany has reverted to the tribal past, and is demonstrating to the world, in their naked ferocity, the methods of evolution."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics (New York: Putman, 1947), p. 28.

And here is Sir Arthur Keith's work.  Can you find this quote on page 28?  :)

Well, you can't because it doesn't exist as you've posted it. It's been "built" from random passages throughout with some ...  ellipses to evoke something COMPLETELY different from what the author intended.  The author was an evolutionist, loved Darwin, and was explaining Hitler's behavior in the context of evolutionary behavior.  Presenting it this way was dishonest. More than likely you didn't do it yourself, just copied it, but still, it's totally dishonest.  I pointed that out to you when you first posted it. 

Deedee, sorry it took me so long, but here it is!  You are correct that I did not come up with Sir Arthur Keith's quotes above.  I just copied it.  There are Jewish websites out there that quote Sir Arthur Keith as evidence of a link between Hitler, the Holocaust and Darwinian Evolution, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is an example. 

But thank you very much for providing me with a link to the entire text so that I can read it for myself and so that I can post it when I quote Sir Arthur Keith myself.  I read it, and I don't see how the person who put together these quotes was being dishonest.

First of all, it is not one quote, but a set of three quotes.  If you look again you'll see that they were separated by three dots(...), which clearly indicates that there is more text to be read but the person did not want to bore us with all of that text or to have us lose interest or attention.  Many people do these when they quote somebody and the readers appreciate it because they don't have time or attention span to read the whole thing.  Even Sir Arthur Keith does this himself when he is quoting somebody else.  This is not dishonest.

They also provided the source, so that people can go see for themselves.  I looked at your link and the text is there.  So they were not being dishonest.  Here is the entire text that includes all three passages above:

"To see evolutionary measures and tribal morality being applied rigorously to the affairs of a great modern nation we must turn again to Germany of 1942. We see Hitler devoutly convinced that evolution provides the only real basis for a national policy.
Long before he had reduced greater Germany to a tribal unit he gave this as a "national ultimate": "To fight for security and increase of our race and people . . . so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator." In the words of Dr. Waddington, Hitler accepted "the direction of evolution as good simply because it is good." The means he adopted to secure the destiny of his race and people were organized slaughter, which has drenched Europe in blood.
I shall return to the part which war plays and has played in the evolution of mankind; meantime let me quote from a speech which Goebbels has just delivered: "We conquer territory in order to organize it for ourselves . . . not for prestige, but for reasons of state and nation." Such conduct is highly immoral as measured by every scale of ethics, yet Germany justifies it; it is consonant with tribal or evolutionary morality. Germany has reverted to the tribal past, and is demonstrating to the world, in their naked ferocity, the methods of evolution, with this difference what were mere border forays between tribes have become the clash of massed millions using the forked lightning of modern science. She protects her own people and nurses her own Kultur while she seeks to undo all other people and to destroy their civilization."

Deedee, whether or not there is a link between Hitler and Darwin's theory of evolution,  if you want to persuade me or anybody else that there is no link, keep Sir Arthur Keith's work away from us.  He does nothing to support your cause.  Here is more from the link that you posted:
 "Under no stretch of imagination can war be regarded as an ethical process;3 yet war, force, terror, and propaganda were the evolutionary means employed to weld the German people into a tribal whole. No, the modern methods of evolution are, from an ethical point of view, immoral."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 9
"The leader of Germany is an evolutionist not only in theory, but, as millions know to their cost, in the rigor of its practice. For him the national "front" of Europe is also the evolutionary "front"; he regards himself, and is regarded, as the incarnation of the will of Germany, the purpose of that will being to guide the evolutionary destiny of its people."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 9

"The liberties of German women are to be sacrificed; they must devote their activities to their households, especially to the sacred duty of raising succeeding generations. The birth rate was stimulated by bounties and subsidies so that the German tribe might grow in numbers and in strength. In all these matters the Nazi doctrine is evolutionist."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 11

"Hitler is an uncompromising evolutionist, and we must seek for an evolutionary explanation if we are to understand his actions."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 13

"The German Fuhrer, as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 229


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 06:56:31 AM »
What he was attempting to get across is that we behave in certain ways because we are locked into our nature... that nature is a function of evolution and our inherited tribal past.  That's what I got from reading his work in its entirety. It seems you got something else out of it. 

I don't know that authors of texts, or fiction, for that matter, particularly enjoy having others cut their work with ... to build passages that mean something else, in order to save the reading public from being "bored." 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 07:01:59 AM »
What he was attempting to get across is that we behave in certain ways because we are locked into our nature... that nature is a function of evolution and our inherited tribal past.  That's what I got from reading his work in its entirety. It seems you got something else out of it. 

I don't know that authors of texts, or fiction, for that matter, particularly enjoy having others cut their work with ... to build passages that mean something else, in order to save the reading public from being "bored." 

I read it, and it does not mean something else.  The person doing the cutting and pasting did not build a passage that means something else.  And even Sir Arthur Keith did cut and paste of other people's work in the same way.  It is not dishonest.

"To fight for security and increase of our race and people . . . so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator." In the words of Dr. Waddington

Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 28


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2008, 07:09:44 AM »
From page 30...  this sums up his work for me in a quick and dirty way.

I guess since you say the other passage absolutely means what you say it does, then it is absolutely so!

THE CONCLUSION REACHED IN MY LAST CHAPTER namely, that modern civilization is at war with natural evolution has been given a terse expression by Professor S. J. Holmes:1 "Racial advancement may be nature's way, but it certainly is not man's." We may give this thesis a concrete illustration if we consider the significance of a word that is ever on our national lips independence, or absolute sovereignty. The League of Nations had a rational and beneficent aim namely, to bring the nations of Europe under a common law and thus secure peace and prosperity for the peoples of Europe. The League failed. There is no need to cite witnesses as to the cause of the failure; the League failed because every nation concerned refused to surrender even a jot of its full independence or absolute sovereignty. The nations of Europe preferred to remain under the law of natural evolution rather than submit to the dictates of reason.

Now, when we find the most learned nations in the world behaving in a way which to a civilized mind seems utterly irrational we must seek for an explanation below the levels where reason holds sway. Let us apply to national behavior the theory I have been advocating in former chapters namely, that human nature has been framed to serve the evolutionary processes which are molding mankind in the present, and will continue to mold them in the future, just as they have done in the distant past. Now, the instinctive feelings which have been enslaved for the purposes of evolution either lie outside the reach of reason or are so strong in themselves that they bring reason into subjection. The application of the theory to national behavior gives irrationality a rational place in the scheme of things, and should bring home to statesmen the obdurate fortifications which have to be leveled in the minds of men before federation can conquer evolutionary purpose in Europe.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2008, 07:25:17 AM »
From page 30...  this sums up his work for me in a quick and dirty way.

I guess since you say the other passage absolutely means what you say it does, then it is absolutely so!

If that sums it up for you, then that's fine.  I'm just telling you that whoever quoted Sir Arthur Keith in the way he/she did, was not being dishonest just because you disagree with what it is that Sir Arthur Keith is saying.

And as I said before, whether or not there is a link between Hitler and Darwin's theory of evolution,  if you want to persuade me or anybody else that there is no link, keep Sir Arthur Keith's work away from us.  He does nothing to support your cause.


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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2008, 07:29:46 AM »
Team Third Reich Bitches!  ;D
I hate the State.


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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2008, 07:31:06 AM »
Okay loco... last try and that's it.  :)

Sir Arthur Keith said it was the function of evolution which caused Hitler to behave as he did, and therefore the atrocities, etc.. weren't  overwhelmingly Hitler's "fault."  He was simply fulfilling his inherited evolutionary nature.  That does not support your claim that Hitler sat there twirling his moustache, with Darwin's book in hand, looking for justification for his deeds. I would say Sir Arthur Keith is a great read for anyone who believes in the theory of evolution.


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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2008, 07:38:22 AM »
Team Third Reich Bitches!  ;D

Imp!  :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2008, 07:46:04 AM »
Okay loco... last try and that's it.  :)

That's it?  No more chances for me?   :)

Sir Arthur Keith said it was the function of evolution which caused Hitler to behave as he did, and therefore the atrocities, etc.. weren't  overwhelmingly Hitler's "fault."  He was simply fulfilling his inherited evolutionary nature. 

Yes, I got that this is what you got from reading his work.  You don't have to repeat it over and over again.  That's your opinion and I respect it.

That does not support your claim that Hitler sat there twirling his moustache, with Darwin's book in hand, looking for justification for his deeds. I would say Sir Arthur Keith is a great read for anyone who believes in the theory of evolution.

When did I claim this?  I never claimed this.  So please stop putting words in my mouth.  I first quoted Sir Arthur Keith a long time ago to support my claim that people can be manipulated by ideals, whether those ideals are secular or religious, Social Darwinism for example.

But if somebody told me that there is a link between Hitler and Darwin's theory of evolution, and then gave me Sir Arthur Keith work to read, I'd have a hard time not believing that person.

And I know that Hitler couldn't twirl his little bitty moustache.  So I would never make that claim.


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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2008, 12:35:54 PM »
Hey loco,

I don't think any of us will change our minds, so it's kind of pointless.

I'm well aware of the rules of punctuation, more than you could know, but apparently your Rabbi Schmuley isn't, as a cursory google search points out.

I think for a creationist attempting to discredit evolution, to exclude lines like "so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator" from a passage is dishonest and twists its meaning.  You think these lines are poo-poo details that would bore a reader.  Let's agree to disagree.  :)

I keep repeating myself because you keep answering me with "no it isn't, yes it is."  Also pointless.

I apologize to you loco!  I thought you were part of that Ben Steinish crowd that was attempting to discredit Darwin through guilt by association.  In the same way that airplanes are "bad" because some people have flown them into buildings.  A few of us did actually, including Candidate and Deicide I think.

There is definitely a link between hitler and evolution in Sir Keith's work.  We'll have to disagree what that link is.

We'll have to do an Ebert and Roeper here and both say "Two Thumbs Up"




  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2008, 12:46:32 PM »

And I know that Hitler couldn't twirl his little bitty moustache.  So I would never make that claim.

I would think that anybody who believes in God's word understands the concept of metaphor.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2008, 12:53:04 PM »
I would think that anybody who believes in God's word understands the concept of metaphor.

I do understand the concept of metahor.

And I know that Hitler couldn't twirl his little bitty moustache.  So I would never make that claim.

That was meant as a joke. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2008, 12:57:57 PM »
Hey loco,

I don't think any of us will change our minds, so it's kind of pointless.

I'm well aware of the rules of punctuation, more than you could know, but apparently your Rabbi Schmuley isn't, as a cursory google search points out.

I think for a creationist attempting to discredit evolution, to exclude lines like "so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator" from a passage is dishonest and twists its meaning.  You think these lines are poo-poo details that would bore a reader.  Let's agree to disagree.  :)

I keep repeating myself because you keep answering me with "no it isn't, yes it is."  Also pointless.

I apologize to you loco!  I thought you were part of that Ben Steinish crowd that was attempting to discredit Darwin through guilt by association.  In the same way that airplanes are "bad" because some people have flown them into buildings.  A few of us did actually, including Candidate and Deicide I think.

There is definitely a link between hitler and evolution in Sir Keith's work.  We'll have to disagree what that link is.

This whole thing got started with you wrongly accusing MCWAY and I of being dishonest and of quote mining.  You used this as an example.  I'm simply responding to your accusations and justifying my quoting Sir Arthur Keith.

We'll have to do an Ebert and Roeper here and both say "Two Thumbs Up"





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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2008, 06:15:22 AM »
I think for a creationist attempting to discredit evolution, to exclude lines like "so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator" from a passage is dishonest and twists its meaning.  You think these lines are poo-poo details that would bore a reader.  Let's agree to disagree.  :)

Is that what you think, Deedee?  Fine!  That is not what I think.  I don't know whether or not Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is a dishonest person, but I don't think that he is necessarily being dishonest here because if you look again, that quote is neither from Hitler nor from Sir Arthur Keith.  That is actually a quote from "Dr. Waddington".  So that is very likely the reason why Rabbi Shmuley Boteach excluded those lines.

"To fight for security and increase of our race and people . . . so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator." In the words of Dr. Waddington

Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 28


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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2008, 10:46:58 AM »
Is that what you think, Deedee?  Fine!  That is not what I think.  I don't know whether or not Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is a dishonest person, but I don't think that he is necessarily being dishonest here because if you look again, that quote is neither from Hitler nor from Sir Arthur Keith.  That is actually a quote from "Dr. Waddington".  So that is very likely the reason why Rabbi Shmuley Boteach excluded those lines.

Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 28

Your reading comprehension is lacking, loco.  :-X It's a Hitler quote, not Waddington.  It's crystal clear also, that you don't understand the rest of Evolution and Ethics at all either.

If you want to vilify evolution I guess the parts where Hitler says he's fighting for God, along with the author referencing the evolution of mankind and a quote from Goebbels backing that up... wouldn't really do much for your cause.  A few omissions and you've reconstructed something that fits in better with your agenda.

Loco, please don't justify anything to me.  I used to find these quote distortions a little shocking, but don't pay attention anymore.  This whole Devil Darwin Spawned Hitler idea is Fundy marketing... Ben Stein presented it to the world in that flick, the whole world laughed, end of story.  It's old news, but if it gives you comfort to vilify Darwin... well, have yourself a good time.  :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2008, 11:09:04 AM »
Your reading comprehension is lacking, loco.  :-X  It's crystal clear also, that you don't understand the rest of Evolution and Ethics at all either.

Is that all you have left, Deedee?  Insults to my intelligence and education?  Those who have run out of arguments strike first.

And you Deedee, you are a very intelligent and educated person, with a awesome reading comprehension!   :)

If you want to vilify evolution I guess the parts where Hitler says he's fighting for God, along with the author referencing the evolution of mankind and a quote from Goebbels backing that up... wouldn't really do much for your cause.  A few omissions and you've reconstructed something that fits in better with your agenda.

And what does this have do with this thread?  Stick to the subject.  Even if Hitler believed God was using Darwin's theory of evolution and Hitler was inspired by this theory to take over the world, to kill Jews, to kill anybody who is not white, to kill cripples and the elderly, how does that contradict what those who quote Sir Arthur Keith want to point out, a link between Darwin's theory of evolution and Hitler?

Loco, please don't justify anything to me. 

Deedee, then please don't accuse me of dishonesty and quote mining when I am not being dishonest and when I am not quote mining.  When I make a mistake, I admit it as I've admitted to you a couple of times in other threads that you were right about something and that I was wrong.  But if you wrongly accuse me of dishonesty, don't expect me not to confront you about it.

I used to find these quote distortions a little shocking, but don't pay attention anymore.  This whole Devil Darwin Spawned Hitler idea is Fundy marketing... Ben Stein presented it to the world in that flick, the whole world laughed, end of story.  It's old news, but if it gives you comfort to vilify Darwin... well, have yourself a good time.  :)

I still don't see anything wrong with this quote.  Reading Sir Arthur Keith's entire text shows that those who claim a link between Darwin's theory of evolution and Hitler are not as crazy or as dishonest as you have made them out to be.


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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2008, 11:17:43 AM »
You don't see anything wrong with the quote because you don't understand it in its original context, nor do you understand the work of Keith in general, nor do you understand this work of his in particular. Also, your reading comprehension of that particular paragraph is obviously lacking.  How is that an insult, when it's true?

What would you like me to do? Have endless arguments with someone who doesn't understand the material he's arguing about?  Lol.

As I said, we've already gone through this in another thread,  and I made it clear that I will no longer respond to your quoted material, so this thread is unnecessary. How many times must you hear it?  Go vilify Darwin to your heart's content.  :)

This is my last post. I find this thread childish.  :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2008, 11:39:08 AM »
You don't see anything wrong with the quote because you don't understand it in its original context, nor do you understand the work of Keith in general, nor do you understand this work of his in particular. Also, your reading comprehension of that particular paragraph is obviously lacking.  How is that an insult, when it's true?

What would you like me to do? Have endless arguments with someone who doesn't understand the material he's arguing about?  Lol.

As I said, we've already gone through this in another thread,  and I made it clear that I will no longer respond to your quoted material, so this thread is unnecessary. How many times must you hear it?  Go vilify Darwin to your heart's content.  :)

This is my last post. I find this thread childish.  :)

Dear Deedee, insult and ignore me to your heart's content, but it doesn't get any more clear than this:    :)

"To see evolutionary measures and tribal morality being applied rigorously to the affairs of a great modern nation we must turn again to Germany of 1942. We see Hitler devoutly convinced that evolution provides the only real basis for a national policy.
Long before he had reduced greater Germany to a tribal unit he gave this as a "national ultimate": "To fight for security and increase of our race and people . . . so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator." In the words of Dr. Waddington, Hitler accepted "the direction of evolution as good simply because it is good." The means he adopted to secure the destiny of his race and people were organized slaughter, which has drenched Europe in blood.
I shall return to the part which war plays and has played in the evolution of mankind; meantime let me quote from a speech which Goebbels has just delivered: "We conquer territory in order to organize it for ourselves . . . not for prestige, but for reasons of state and nation." Such conduct is highly immoral as measured by every scale of ethics, yet Germany justifies it; it is consonant with tribal or evolutionary morality. Germany has reverted to the tribal past, and is demonstrating to the world, in their naked ferocity, the methods of evolution, with this difference what were mere border forays between tribes have become the clash of massed millions using the forked lightning of modern science. She protects her own people and nurses her own Kultur while she seeks to undo all other people and to destroy their civilization."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 27
 "Under no stretch of imagination can war be regarded as an ethical process;3 yet war, force, terror, and propaganda were the evolutionary means employed to weld the German people into a tribal whole. No, the modern methods of evolution are, from an ethical point of view, immoral."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 9
"The leader of Germany is an evolutionist not only in theory, but, as millions know to their cost, in the rigor of its practice. For him the national "front" of Europe is also the evolutionary "front"; he regards himself, and is regarded, as the incarnation of the will of Germany, the purpose of that will being to guide the evolutionary destiny of its people."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 9

"The liberties of German women are to be sacrificed; they must devote their activities to their households, especially to the sacred duty of raising succeeding generations. The birth rate was stimulated by bounties and subsidies so that the German tribe might grow in numbers and in strength. In all these matters the Nazi doctrine is evolutionist."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 11

"Hitler is an uncompromising evolutionist, and we must seek for an evolutionary explanation if we are to understand his actions."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 13

"The German Fuhrer, as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution."
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics, page 229


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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2008, 09:04:47 AM »
Hahahaha.. once again loco, you’ve sucked me into these useless emotion-laden discussions, even though I said I wouldn’t.  Oh well, guess we all have time to waste.  ;)

So let me get this straight.  Sir Arthur Keith, a leading evolutionary anthropologist, 20th century luminary in his field (and ardent admirer of Darwin), comes up with the premise that evolution can be divided up into sub-groups, i.e. political/national evolutionary units. The premise of this work addresses the concept that not only are we descended from apes, but that our brutish, savage past currently translates itself into fierce nationalistic loyalties... wars between nations are a result of that, and not “our fault” as we’re simply creatures locked into behaviors stemming from our evolutionary past.

From this work, you have extrapolated that people were good and God-fearing until a book on evolution came along that caused people to behave in a bad way.  Correct?


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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2008, 09:06:09 AM »
Can you, without the use of quoted material, give us a short synopsis, in your own words, summarizing what Evotution and Ethics is all about? 

I don’t believe you can, as you haven’t read it, you’ve simply picked out quotes that pertain to Hitler and evolution, ignoring that fact that most of them are prefaced or followed by Keith’s musings on how evolution came into play.  If you disagree, then please give us your synopsis.

Also, you have to understand that in my line of work, cherry-picking quotes from material that is the antithesis of what you’re trying to prove, is dishonest, and/or demented, so that’s why I hold my opinion. But this is just the internet, and getbig, so who cares I guess. You’ll find as you enter uni, that your profs will be a little more questioning of your source material.


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Re: Sir Arthur Keith, Hitler and evolution (Att. Deedee)
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2008, 09:07:32 AM »
Finally, I’m curious.  You quote Keith, an evolutionary anthropologist, and defer to his authority concerning what you believe to be his views on Hitler.  Why don’t you then also defer to his views on evolution? 

If you don’t want to give us a synopsis, wake me when you get to the part about how Jesus was demonic because his words resulted in all those pogroms against the jews, and where God is also demonic since he invented sex, as we all know that sex often leads to rape, ergo, it’s bad all around.