Author Topic: ‘Oh Happy Day’  (Read 2239 times)

Benny B

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‘Oh Happy Day’
« on: July 02, 2008, 03:54:32 AM »
July 1, 2008
Op-Ed Columnist
‘Oh Happy Day’

It’s getting harder and harder to remain deluded. With each day comes new facts to drag our heads out of the sand.

Two weeks ago, The Times reported that four Western oil giants were on the verge of signing no-bid contracts that would return them to Iraq, the third-most bountiful petroleum playground on the planet. The deals, expected to be finalized in the next 30 days, were the kind of news that big oil lives for.

Giddy executives singing “Oh Happy Day” could be heard in the corporate offices of Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total and BP, which had been shut out of Iraq for three and a half decades.

We also learned this week that a group of American advisers, led by a team from the State Department, played a key role in drawing up the contracts between the companies and the Iraqi government. Chevron and several smaller oil companies are also on the verge of signing contracts.

President Bush and Vice President Cheney, both former oil-company executives, have long tried to tell us this war was about terrorism, about weapons of mass destruction, about bringing freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people, about anything but oil.

Said Mr. Bush: “We cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.”

He didn’t wait. It didn’t matter that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the U.S. Or that Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The troops were sent into battle in early 2003 and there is still, after more than five years and more than 4,000 American deaths, no end to the war in sight.

One of the starkest examples of U.S. priorities came during the eruption of looting that followed the fall of Baghdad. With violence and chaos all about, American troops were ordered to protect one particularly treasured target — the Iraqi Oil Ministry. As David Rieff wrote in The Times Magazine in November 2003:

“This decision to protect only the Oil Ministry — not the National Museum, not the National Library, not the Health Ministry — probably did more than anything else to convince Iraqis uneasy with the occupation that the United States was in Iraq only for the oil.”

How convenient that the peculiar perspective of the oil-obsessed Bush administration can now be put to use advising the Iraqi government on its contracts with big oil.

The contracts themselves are not huge. They are like the keys on a coveted ring that will begin opening the doors to Iraq’s vast oil reserves. As The Times reported Monday, “At a time of spiraling oil prices, the no-bid contracts, in a country with some of the world’s largest untapped fields and potential for vast profits, are a rare prize to the industry.”

A prize, yes. But at what cost?

In addition to the terrible toll of Americans and Iraqis killed and wounded, the war in Iraq has diverted attention and resources from critical problems here in the U.S., where the housing market has been crippled, the stock market has tanked, gasoline has soared past $4 per gallon, unemployment is increasing and an extraordinary number of debt-ridden working families are staring into a financial abyss.

Even as oil companies are enjoying staggering profits, many Americans — in July! — are already worried sick about the potentially ruinous cost of heating their homes next winter.

And then there’s the so-called war on terror.

The latest news is that Al Qaeda, the terror network that actually did attack the U.S., has successfully regrouped in the tribal areas of Pakistan and has reconstituted its ability to institute terror attacks from the region.

For an administration joined at the hip to the oil industry, the lure of Iraq’s enormous reserves was stronger even than the impulse to conquer an enemy that murdered more than 2,700 civilians on Sept. 11, a toll greater than the number of Americans killed by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor.

Referring to Al Qaeda members who regrouped in Pakistan, The Times reported on Monday:

“Current and former military and intelligence officials said that the war in Iraq consistently diverted resources and high-level attention from the tribal areas. When American military and intelligence officials requested additional Predator drones to survey the tribal areas, they were told no drones were available because they had been sent to Iraq.”

Who knows how long it will be before the U.S. disengages in any significant way from Iraq. What you can take to the bank is that this country will not make any major advances in energy policy, in health coverage, in rebuilding its infrastructure, in improving its public schools or in curtailing runaway public and private debt until our open-ended commitment to this catastrophic multitrillion-dollar war comes to an end.

How long will it take before that finally sinks in?

Arnold jr

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2008, 04:17:20 AM »
Yeah, the fact that there is more oil in the U.S. shouldn't come into play. The fact that Saddam was/killed over a 100thousand of his own people, many more were tortured...that was not a reason to interfere.

Articles like this, if I was out of toilet paper I wouldn't use it to wipe my ass. I'd drag my ass across the dirt before wiping more shit all over my back side.

Benny B

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2008, 04:20:25 AM »
Yeah, the fact that there is more oil in the U.S. shouldn't come into play. The fact that Saddam was/killed over a 100thousand of his own people, many more were tortured...that was not a reason to interfere.

Articles like this, if I was out of toilet paper I wouldn't use it to wipe my ass. I'd drag my ass across the dirt before wiping more shit all over my back side.
Do you think Reagan was a good president?

Arnold jr

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2008, 04:22:34 AM »
Do you think Reagan was a good president?

Benny B

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2008, 04:30:08 AM »
Why, when you are so upset about the 100,000 people you claim Saddam killed? Do you not know that Reagan supported Saddam during that time and provided him with arms? 

I suppose you feel since Saddam killed 100,000 people, America was justified in invading Iraq and killing another 600,000 Iraqi civilians, no? I'm sure all the families of those dead Iraqis really appreciate your concern.  ::)

If you believe we went into Iraq to "save the Iraqi people" you did not read the above article. You are also as dumb as a box of rocks.

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2008, 04:46:53 AM »
The fact that Saddam was/killed over a 100thousand of his own people, many more were tortured...that was not a reason to interfere.

A Jr,

Should the USA interfere everywhere where a leader kidds 100,000 people?  Our planes flew right over far worse human rights abuses in Africa to land in the middle east.

Also, was losing 4100 American lives and 20,000 severely injured Americans worth saving iraqi lives, in your opinion?


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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2008, 06:21:22 AM »
Some points I agree with.  However, at this point, I wouldn't mind our companies & country seeing some profit from that oil.  Other countries are now unfortunately heavily invested in our country.

Arnold jr

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2008, 12:34:25 PM »
A Jr,

Should the USA interfere everywhere where a leader kidds 100,000 people?  Our planes flew right over far worse human rights abuses in Africa to land in the middle east.

Also, was losing 4100 American lives and 20,000 severely injured Americans worth saving iraqi lives, in your opinion?

Should we? Good question. There is a certain moral responsibility to do what's right, when a person needs saving sometimes it is the right thing to do even if there is risk involved...simply because it's the right thing to do. Obviously you can't save everyone from a tyrannical dictator, so how we go about choosing which ones is a tough call. I don't know if I have an answer for that. Of course many would say that you choose who and when based on if that who is a threat to yourself. Many would argue that Iraq was a threat, some would not, so it's a tough call.

As for Africa, we have been sending special ops forces into certain countries for years. Uganda comes to mind.

You know, something I've always been confused about. When Clinton sent troops to Bosnia simply out of a call for human rights, simply because Innocent citizens were being slaughtered, hardly anyone argued with this. Some of the same things were happening in Bosnia that were taking place in Iraq, yet no one argued. Of course many agree that Clinton did what he did simply to draw attention away from himself in light of all his personal the same time no one argues the fact that the U.S. going into Bosnia was the right and moral thing to least not many.

No one argues the fact that we needed to go into Germany in WWII. Granted, we went in initially for other reasons other then saving the Jews, but in the grands scheme of things their are many similarities.

As for our own loss of lives, our troops who have died or been injured. No one who is rational wants decent human being wants this. Sometimes though the right thing involves risk, and yes it is very unfortunate and quite sad. maybe one day when man isn't evil there won't be a need for this...that day has yet to arrive...cause last time I checked, man was still man, and in so he is and will always be inherently evil by nature.

Why, when you are so upset about the 100,000 people you claim Saddam killed? Do you not know that Reagan supported Saddam during that time and provided him with arms? 
As our history will show, we have made mistakes along the way, we will continue to make mistakes. You make it seem as if Reagan was in fact a supporter of tyranny.

I suppose you feel since Saddam killed 100,000 people, America was justified in invading Iraq and killing another 600,000 Iraqi civilians, no? I'm sure all the families of those dead Iraqis really appreciate your concern.  ::)
The Iraqi people are in a tough spot, no doubt. many inocents have lost their lives. And that is a horrible truth.

But with the tyrannical government of Saddam there was no hope for those people. Many would keep being slaughtered for years to come just for reasons of insanity. At least now they have hope. True, most Iraqi's would like it if we were no longer there, but they do not regret that Saddams arm is no longer over them. Sure, you could find some article written by the left here in the U.S. that argues against this, but that is far from real or legitimate. When the dozens of U.S. soldiers who have been there come back saying the Iraqi people are gratefull, I'll be more apt to believe them.

As a side not, leaving now would be the most disastrous thing we could do. Whether you agree or not that we should have invaded is irrelevant at this point...we did so that's over and done. Leave as soon as we can, yes. But not simply for the sake of leaving.

If you believe we went into Iraq to "save the Iraqi people" you did not read the above article. You are also as dumb as a box of rocks.

It was more or less a side reason. We went their for our own purposes. No one can argue that. I am still of the belief that Iraq was a threat to our own interest, and that alone is reason enough for me.

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2008, 12:49:52 PM »
Should we? Good question. There is a certain moral responsibility to do what's right, when a person needs saving sometimes it is the right thing to do even if there is risk involved...simply because it's the right thing to do.

It seems we only interfere in places where, after all is said and done, the new leaders give us favorable oil contracts.

That's what irks people.

FAR greater atrocities were occuring in Darfur when we hit iraq.  And FAR greater WMD threats existed in North Korea when we hit Iraq.  But only Iraq had oil.  Which means it is a case of "we only help out when it benefits us".  Which means we're not doing it because "its' the right thing to do".  We're only doing it because we like oil.


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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2008, 01:01:24 PM »
Ur taking a complicated argument and simplfing it. If u remeber Bosnia, we went in there kicking and scream, atleast behind the scenes. We felt it was a European problem, let them solve it. Dafur has nothing we want and does nothing to upset the economies of the world. Iraq has oil and hitting NK would cause issues with china and screw up South Korea. Plus we felt we could isolate a poor country like NK. Iraq has oil and can be used as a hedge against Iranian expansion.

Benny B

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2008, 01:18:02 PM »
You make it seem as if Reagan was in fact a supporter of tyranny.
That's exactly what I am saying, jackass. America has historically ignored and/or propped up certain dictators if it has suited our purposes. Do not tell anyone otherwise, unless you slip them some Jim Jones style Kool Aid first.


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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2008, 02:06:07 PM »
That's exactly what I am saying, jackass. America has historically ignored and/or propped up certain dictators if it has suited our purposes. Do not tell anyone otherwise, unless you slip them some Jim Jones style Kool Aid first.

So from your viewpoint the U.S. should just sit on the sidelines, and let other countries take our place in propping up other regimes?


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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2008, 02:24:35 PM »
No his viewpoint is that we should be big gay Libs like him and give out hugs and kisses and hope the bad guys will leave us alone. Don't worry Benny I'll make sure the wolf stays away from ur door, really I don't mind. I mean even after u hope I die in an IED attack, I will still do my job. Which I'm sure pisses ur pansie Lib ass off...Enjory the 4th for me and remember when ur doing whatever it is u anti-American Libs do on the birth of my country, remember its guys like me who keep u morons safe. Have a great one!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

Arnold jr

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2008, 04:33:33 PM »
It seems we only interfere in places where, after all is said and done, the new leaders give us favorable oil contracts.

That's what irks people.

FAR greater atrocities were occuring in Darfur when we hit iraq.  And FAR greater WMD threats existed in North Korea when we hit Iraq.  But only Iraq had oil.  Which means it is a case of "we only help out when it benefits us".  Which means we're not doing it because "its' the right thing to do".  We're only doing it because we like oil.

There was no big oil factor in Bosnia...we still went in there.

There may or may not have been a big WMD threat out of Iraq, but it was still a safe haven for those that want to destroy us. Besides, anyone with half a brain knows Iraq had WMD's. No doubt everyone of them were exported out of the country via Syria or sold to the Iranians. Think about it, it was no new news that they had them, there was in the 90's hard proof they existed. We told them for months we were getting ready to invade...our attack was no secret and Saddam knew when it was coming...he had plenty of time to dispose.

BTW, not saying you have half a brain...just a general statement. You actually seem to be one of the sharper guys...although I do disagree with you on this.

That's exactly what I am saying, jackass. America has historically ignored and/or propped up certain dictators if it has suited our purposes. Do not tell anyone otherwise, unless you slip them some Jim Jones style Kool Aid first.

I'm sorry, but you've lost your mind. Stand on your pedestal all you'd like, but make sure you understand why you're allowed to stand there. If you don't like those reasons, then you might want to get off.

I'll never understand why those who seemingly hate the way this country works and operates choose to live here. Why they don't live elsewhere, perhaps in a land they praise is beyond me. No, I'm not being a "Jackass" with this comment...I'm actually very serious. I want to know.

No his viewpoint is that we should be big gay Libs like him and give out hugs and kisses and hope the bad guys will leave us alone. Don't worry Benny I'll make sure the wolf stays away from ur door, really I don't mind. I mean even after u hope I die in an IED attack, I will still do my job. Which I'm sure pisses ur pansie Lib ass off...Enjory the 4th for me and remember when ur doing whatever it is u anti-American Libs do on the birth of my country, remember its guys like me who keep u morons safe. Have a great one!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

Hey, we need big gay libs in this country. If it weren't for them the rest of us wouldn't look so Champion.

...and you're right, big gay libs hate your job. They'd feel so much more secure if they were holding their ankles with a big fat ass European shaft stuck up their backside. At least then they could say, "hey, we're working towards world peace by appeasement...we're finally all getting along."

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2008, 04:56:55 PM »
arnold, I like your point of views.  I hope you stick around and post more!


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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2008, 05:13:29 PM »
arnold, I like your point of views.  I hope you stick around and post more!

I *do not* like about 70% of Arnolds views ;D

But I enjoy his intelligent, polite and well spoken input anyway, and also hopes he sticks around

Arnold jr

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2008, 07:26:35 PM »
240, CQ, both of you or cool in my book. 240, I've yet to pin point exactly where you stand. I would hope you wouldn't say you're a fence rider simply because IMO, fence riders are one of the biggest problem we have. It's not a requirement by me that all agree with me, but I'd rather a person be adamantly one way or the other when it comes to an important issue...whatever that issue might be.

CQ, thanks for the compliment. I'll probably post here some more, if nothing else but to simply try to sway your way of thinking over to the right. :)

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2008, 12:01:28 AM »
240, CQ, both of you or cool in my book. 240, I've yet to pin point exactly where you stand. I would hope you wouldn't say you're a fence rider simply because IMO, fence riders are one of the biggest problem we have. It's not a requirement by me that all agree with me, but I'd rather a person be adamantly one way or the other when it comes to an important issue...whatever that issue might be.

CQ, thanks for the compliment. I'll probably post here some more, if nothing else but to simply try to sway your way of thinking over to the right. :)

i'm a lifetime bush voter who is tired of the lies and pilferage we have seen in the last few years.  Also there is a lot of evidence that 911 was allowed to happen, and Bush fought investigating it for 441 days before caving to an admittedly incomplete investigation.


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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2008, 12:26:33 AM »
i'm a lifetime bush voter who is tired of the lies and pilferage we have seen in the last few years.  Also there is a lot of evidence that 911 was allowed to happen, and Bush fought investigating it for 441 days before caving to an admittedly incomplete investigation.

I am a lifetime Democrat that is tired of Liberals weakening this country.  Under Clinton this country and it's citizens were attacked and killed by terrorist in Saudi, WTC (the first time in '94), the USS Cole, two embassies in Africa. 

Liberals emboldened terrorists like they do today and have done nothing but ensure our dependence on foreign oil remains mandatory by ensuring no refineries are built and off shore drilling conducted for fear of the environmental impact presented by environmental Nazi's.

Barak for change is like feeding a Democrat horse manure on a plate and telling them it's a filet mignon...say it enough times and they will will eat the mushy manure.


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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2008, 02:09:53 AM »
Here's to you HH6 and all you other sheeple.....keep drinking the kool aid your master fascist dictator GWB feeds you!  And god bless your son you're willing to sell to the devil in the name of "freedom". 

We all know why we celebrate Independence Day, but today in 2008 why do we bother?

America is not independent, and never in our history have we ever been totally independent.

America may have temporarily severed its head of government from the crown of England, but the new American government was made to honor its financial obligations to the crown.

Never in the history of America have we totally been free. The underlying financial association to London was never severed. Today we Americans are in debt trillions of dollars, but to whom? The owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank are mostly European, and not even American or American citizens.

One can only wonder why it is that Americans still choose to waste time and energy celebrating something that is not even real. Independence. There is no such thing.

Today, our government operates under the term "interdependence" and not independence. This term of governmental operation was voted on by Congress and implemented in government beginning in 1976 during our Bi-Centennial celebration.

The Democrats felt that the Bi-Centennial celebration would be a good time to bring forward the next step for America to reach for, that of leaving independence behind, and reaching for a new idea to define America with called "interdependence," which is at the basis of their new world order philosophy.

Today, our government is the new crown empire.

Today it is our government building an interdependent new world order and unifying all the world under one banner, that of the United Nations Of Great Britain And Nothern Ireland, Inc.

So it seems really strange today that Americans would still have a fascination with celebrating an old outdated useless idea called independence.

How odd is it for a nation to be building a new world order while its own citizens are still celebrating an independence day?

Maybe it is time to do away with celebrating Independence Day since it really does not exist any longer, and because it stands for something that we no longer support as a nation- independence.

Maybe Americans should celebrate "interdependence day" instead, and show your enthusiastic support for the new world order as voted on by Democrats in 1976. This is the direction your government is forcibly leading you in, so why not jump on the band wagon and join in with the rest of the world as good little interdependent world citizens.

This July 4th, I will fly the flag of the United Nations.

For me, my America died long ago, and I am sick and tired of pretending there is still something worth celebrating that was once upon a time uniquely American. My country has been taken away from me and I live inside a nation I no longer recognize, and I live under a tyrannical government that preys upon me and my children, and others of this world.

The 4th of July holiday is not a happy day for me because everytime it comes around, I know we are celebrating a lie that no longer exists and no longer matters- except to those who might still care about something they no longer have or need- those people may be ignorant of the hidden truth, but at least maybe they can still celebrate this day with a smile on their faces.

This July 4th I will not be celebrating a dead idea known once upon a time as independence.

Instead, I will be mourning the loss of my nation and shedding tears upon a flag that has lost its glory and honor thanks to our hopelessly corrupt tyrannical murderous federal government.

I mourn the loss of our nation.


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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2008, 08:33:58 AM »
Here's to you HH6 and all you other sheeple.....keep drinking the kool aid your master fascist dictator GWB feeds you!  And god bless your son you're willing to sell to the devil in the name of "freedom". 

We all know why we celebrate Independence Day, but today in 2008 why do we bother?

America is not independent, and never in our history have we ever been totally independent.

America may have temporarily severed its head of government from the crown of England, but the new American government was made to honor its financial obligations to the crown.

Never in the history of America have we totally been free. The underlying financial association to London was never severed. Today we Americans are in debt trillions of dollars, but to whom? The owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank are mostly European, and not even American or American citizens.

One can only wonder why it is that Americans still choose to waste time and energy celebrating something that is not even real. Independence. There is no such thing.

Today, our government operates under the term "interdependence" and not independence. This term of governmental operation was voted on by Congress and implemented in government beginning in 1976 during our Bi-Centennial celebration.

The Democrats felt that the Bi-Centennial celebration would be a good time to bring forward the next step for America to reach for, that of leaving independence behind, and reaching for a new idea to define America with called "interdependence," which is at the basis of their new world order philosophy.

Today, our government is the new crown empire.

Today it is our government building an interdependent new world order and unifying all the world under one banner, that of the United Nations Of Great Britain And Nothern Ireland, Inc.

So it seems really strange today that Americans would still have a fascination with celebrating an old outdated useless idea called independence.

How odd is it for a nation to be building a new world order while its own citizens are still celebrating an independence day?

Maybe it is time to do away with celebrating Independence Day since it really does not exist any longer, and because it stands for something that we no longer support as a nation- independence.

Maybe Americans should celebrate "interdependence day" instead, and show your enthusiastic support for the new world order as voted on by Democrats in 1976. This is the direction your government is forcibly leading you in, so why not jump on the band wagon and join in with the rest of the world as good little interdependent world citizens.

This July 4th, I will fly the flag of the United Nations.

For me, my America died long ago, and I am sick and tired of pretending there is still something worth celebrating that was once upon a time uniquely American. My country has been taken away from me and I live inside a nation I no longer recognize, and I live under a tyrannical government that preys upon me and my children, and others of this world.

The 4th of July holiday is not a happy day for me because everytime it comes around, I know we are celebrating a lie that no longer exists and no longer matters- except to those who might still care about something they no longer have or need- those people may be ignorant of the hidden truth, but at least maybe they can still celebrate this day with a smile on their faces.

This July 4th I will not be celebrating a dead idea known once upon a time as independence.

Instead, I will be mourning the loss of my nation and shedding tears upon a flag that has lost its glory and honor thanks to our hopelessly corrupt tyrannical murderous federal government.

I mourn the loss of our nation.

Nope ur the sheep dude, i'm the sheepdog making sure ur pansy defeatist ass stays safe to spout this CT crap. Honestly any time u lib/Ct wacko's post this crap u undermine any decent point u might make.

Benny B

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2008, 08:45:57 AM »
No his viewpoint is that we should be big gay Libs like him and give out hugs and kisses and hope the bad guys will leave us alone. Don't worry Benny I'll make sure the wolf stays away from ur door, really I don't mind. I mean even after u hope I die in an IED attack, I will still do my job. Which I'm sure pisses ur pansie Lib ass off...Enjory the 4th for me and remember when ur doing whatever it is u anti-American Libs do on the birth of my country, remember its guys like me who keep u morons safe. Have a great one!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Oh GI Joe, what I do without you there to protect me!


Benny B

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2008, 08:54:40 AM »

I'm sorry, but you've lost your mind. Stand on your pedestal all you'd like, but make sure you understand why you're allowed to stand there. If you don't like those reasons, then you might want to get off.

I'll never understand why those who seemingly hate the way this country works and operates choose to live here. Why they don't live elsewhere, perhaps in a land they praise is beyond me. No, I'm not being a "Jackass" with this comment...I'm actually very serious. I want to know.

You are making zero sense. If I've lost my mind, you've clearly never had one. It's not about "hating the way this country works", its about FACTS, jackass. You did not refute what I stated, only that it means I "hate America". Way to think logically.  ::) I should not be surprised by someone as enlighten as to believe we went into Iraq to "save the poor, victimized Iraqi people." You couldn't be a bigger fool.

I'm not going anywhere, and others like me who point out America's wrongs aren't going anywhere either. We are America's greatest patriots, because we hold America accountable so that it may live up to its greatest ideals. America cannot be great when it is a hypocrite in the eyes of the world.

Arnold jr

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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2008, 10:47:30 AM »
Here's to you HH6 and all you other sheeple.....keep drinking the kool aid your master fascist dictator GWB feeds you!  And god bless your son you're willing to sell to the devil in the name of "freedom". 

MuscleMcMannus, there is a lot of missinformation in your post IMO. The one that stood out the most is when you talked about our debt. The majority of our debt stems from organizations like the World Bank, and other international financial institutions that the U.S. is the primary funder to. Without the U.S. those institutions would not even exist. it's almost as if we're in debt to ourselves. Kind of strange when you think about it.

That leads to your biggest point...the U.S. not being "Independent" as you put it. But the biggest points you made in regards to our dependency had to do with the financial it goes back full circle to what I stated above. You're right, we are dependent, we are dependent on the international financial institutions. Ones we fund, so the dependency lies within ourselves.

Perhaps those who feel as you do would be much happier if this nation was in fact a fully functioning democracy. Although that is something that the U.S. is often labeled, it is far from the truth. The U.S. was never intended for this...far from it. This nation is a Republic, always has's even stated emphatically in many of the original documents of 1776...even our pledge adapted last century states this. A s a Republic form of government we will always remain somewhat dependent. But it's dependency on self, and IMO, it simply works better that way.

You are making zero sense. If I've lost my mind, you've clearly never had one. It's not about "hating the way this country works", its about FACTS, jackass. You did not refute what I stated, only that it means I "hate America". Way to think logically.  ::) I should not be surprised by someone as enlighten as to believe we went into Iraq to "save the poor, victimized Iraqi people." You couldn't be a bigger fool.

I'm not going anywhere, and others like me who point out America's wrongs aren't going anywhere either. We are America's greatest patriots, because we hold America accountable so that it may live up to its greatest ideals. America cannot be great when it is a hypocrite in the eyes of the world.

I didn't try and refute what you said simply because you seem to be the type of person that is not going to listen. No matter what I say, you're just going to call me a it seems pointless.


  • Getbig V
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Re: ‘Oh Happy Day’
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2008, 11:41:00 AM »
MuscleMcMannus, there is a lot of missinformation in your post IMO. The one that stood out the most is when you talked about our debt. The majority of our debt stems from organizations like the World Bank, and other international financial institutions that the U.S. is the primary funder to. Without the U.S. those institutions would not even exist. it's almost as if we're in debt to ourselves. Kind of strange when you think about it.

That leads to your biggest point...the U.S. not being "Independent" as you put it. But the biggest points you made in regards to our dependency had to do with the financial it goes back full circle to what I stated above. You're right, we are dependent, we are dependent on the international financial institutions. Ones we fund, so the dependency lies within ourselves.

Perhaps those who feel as you do would be much happier if this nation was in fact a fully functioning democracy. Although that is something that the U.S. is often labeled, it is far from the truth. The U.S. was never intended for this...far from it. This nation is a Republic, always has's even stated emphatically in many of the original documents of 1776...even our pledge adapted last century states this. A s a Republic form of government we will always remain somewhat dependent. But it's dependency on self, and IMO, it simply works better that way.

I didn't try and refute what you said simply because you seem to be the type of person that is not going to listen. No matter what I say, you're just going to call me a it seems pointless.

Congratulations. You have Ace figured out - he's a socialist rock with lips.