Author Topic: Prep for - nothing, really.  (Read 176573 times)


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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #100 on: October 21, 2008, 02:05:42 PM »
Great log as always.

Deltsa re very important in bench pressing.

A lot of people can get it a few inches off the chest though that sticking point  which may only be an inch or 2 is where they often fail...this is the 'shoulder bit' of the bench press.


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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #101 on: October 22, 2008, 09:31:44 AM »
Good stuff!

I've never done seated good mornings so i can't comment on that.

For lats do some machine or DB pullovers(i prefer machine) supersetted with close grip pull downs, hold and squeeze real hard at the bottom. focus on pulling with the elbows only keeping the lats flexed the entire time.


Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #102 on: October 23, 2008, 12:20:24 PM »
Week 14, Wednesday 10/22

Accessory Stuff

Decline Barbell Crunch (45 second rest)

Bodyweight Hyperextension (30 second rest)

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown (30 second rest)

For the decline crunches I set a bench up in the power rack and then set the pins so I could hook the barbell to my stomach like a Zercher squat.  Don't know where I got the idea, but I like them.  Could definitely go heavier next time around.

I also did some pulldowns with about 30% of my usual weight for high reps and just to give my lats a bit of extra stimulation.  The whole workout took less than 15 minutes.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #103 on: October 23, 2008, 01:35:32 PM »
Week 14, Thursday 10/23

Upper Body DE

Bench Press (30 second rest)

Reverse Grip Bench Press (60 second rest)

Overhead Dumbbell Extension (60 second rest)

Land Mine (90 second rest)

1-Arm T-Bar Row (30 second rest)

Bodyweight Row (60 second rest)

Holy fuck, Land Mines are now my favorite shoulder/upper back exercise ever.  No joke.  Holy shit.


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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #104 on: October 23, 2008, 02:36:21 PM »
Westside was meant for guys already benching 500 and squatting and pulling 700, waste of time for someone at your level honestly.
So my 132 lb wife (who is a record holder in the federation we compete in) cant train westside with me and the guys?  ;D

Get real.... Westside will work for everyone if you actually train Westside.  its when people start fucking with the system that things go to pieces and they have problems.   

As far as this thread goes, i'd call it a Westside Derived Powerbuilding Routine (or something like that  ;) )

Things look good.... just lift some weights. 

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #105 on: October 23, 2008, 03:47:10 PM »
As far as this thread goes, i'd call it a Westside Derived Powerbuilding Routine (or something like that  ;) )

Things look good.... just lift some weights. 

Thanks, I know it's not perfect, but I'm still trying to really figure out where all my weak links are in the big 3 so I can start using a more standardized Westside program.  Plus I'm trying to figure out how to improvise the big Westside staples like reverse hypers and GHR's without access to the traditional machines.

Either way, I'm making good progress so far.


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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #106 on: October 24, 2008, 08:19:04 AM »
Get real.... Westside will work for everyone if you actually train Westside.  its when people start fucking with the system that things go to pieces and they have problems.   

This is true, but i did follow WS word for word per Louie for almost 3 years and i made better gains once i changed a few things due to personal choice.

Some exercises just didn't work for myself and others, so we made changes and the gains continued.

WS is a perfect template to start with.

Glad to see you here Vet.


Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #107 on: October 27, 2008, 07:59:07 AM »
Week 14, Friday 10/24

Lower Body ME

13" Box Squat (2 minute rest)

Sumo Deadlift (90 second rest)

1/2 GHR (60 second rest)

Rope Pushdown (for recovery, triceps were sore)

If I learned one thing from Friday's workout, it's that sumo deadlifts are far more uncomfortable than I imagined they'd be.  225 felt hard as shit, almost harder than 315 when I pull conventionally.  I think I'll stick to conventional pulls.

Also, I was somewhat impressed with getting 225 on the box squat.  It might not seem all that special to everyone else, but 6 months ago I couldn't get a decent single out of 225 with a regular squat, let alone off a box.  Now, even with my back and neck being screwy from the car accident, I could have probably done more than one, but I didn't want to push it too much.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #108 on: October 27, 2008, 01:30:24 PM »
Week 15, Monday 10/27

Got a little carried away on the bench press stuff today and finished my CAT bench program a week early.

Upper Body ME

Bench Press (3 minute rest)
225x1 (20 lb increase from start of CAT program)

Floor Press (2 minute rest)

1-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extension (60 second rest)

Barbell Upright Row (60 second rest)

Chest-Supported Barbell Row (60 second rest)

So I thought the 20 lb increase in my max bench in the last 15 weeks wasn't too bad.  Still pretty pathetic compared to other guys here, but at least it's moving again. 

I did notice doing the floor presses that my elbows have a tendency to want to pop out to the side just above the halfway point.  I have no idea what imbalance that's indicating, but I'm sure it's a factor in my shitty pressing.

I may do a 2nd workout later today and beat my triceps down a bit with some higher rep stuff - bodyweight dips, pressdowns, and some more lat work.  I noticed today that I don't ever do my rows with the same grip I bench with, so I remedied that today.

Anyway, I'm still a complete clusterfuck of weaknesses and imbalances, but at least I know that.  That should count for something.


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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #109 on: October 28, 2008, 07:38:59 AM »
Good work!

Gains of 15-20 pounds per CAT cycle are pretty common, and you should continue to make these kinds of gains each cycle as long as your eating enough.

Just think, a year from now you can be pressing 300+.

That's how this system works, slow progression over an extended period of time. Deload, rinse and repeat. i've been using this system for a few years now and i haven't plateued in bench strength very much at all.

On the floor press, make sure your shoulders are back and tight, try to arch if you can. focus on pulling the eldows in and down, then press straight up trying to tear the bar in half with your hands.


Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #110 on: October 29, 2008, 10:21:13 AM »
Week 15, Tuesday 10/28

Lower Body DE
13" Box Squat (45 second rest)

Power Clean to 13" Box (60 second rest)

Standing Rounded Back Good Morning (60 second rest)

Walking Barbell Pullthrough (60 second rest)
2x60x28 steps

Standing Barbell Calf Raise (30 second rest)

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #111 on: October 29, 2008, 03:18:28 PM »
Wednesday, 10/29

Squat/Deadlift Accessory

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

ss w/

Cable Pullthrough

ss w/

Close-Grip Cable Row

I've been reading a lot more about the idea of short, specialized workouts 24 hours after a major workout per the Westside system and am going to try adding 1-2 a week, with extra focus on my lats and lower back.  Nothing fancy, todays workout took a whopping 5 1/2 minutes to complete, but it got me breathing pretty heavy and I've got blood moving in my hams, low back and lats.  I will also try to add a special workout on Friday after Thursday's upper body DE stuff, just extra work for my triceps and lats, again keeping it high rep, low rest, low volume recovery kind of stuff.


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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #112 on: October 29, 2008, 03:47:23 PM »
i'd like to see how well that works. looks like an interesting theory and i know i'd like some "easier" workouts to abbreviate the heavy.

Zach Trowbridge

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Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #114 on: October 30, 2008, 01:47:50 PM »
Thursday, 10/30

Upper Body DE

Bench Press (45 second rest)

Overhead EZ-Bar Extension (45 second rest)

Seated Bent Laterals (30 second rest)

Reverse-Grip Pulldown (45 second rest)

Standing Hammer Curl (30 second rest)

Decline Band Crunch (30 second rest)
4x15 w/ gray band w/ handles

Nothing fancy.  Today felt a little bit off.  I couldn't pin it down, but it just didn't feel like everything was moving at 100% today for some reason.  Oh well, I'll live.

As a side note, I ordered the WSBB Book of Methods last night, should be here in a couple days.  Looks like  a good read.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #115 on: October 31, 2008, 10:56:14 AM »
Friday, 10/31

Just a quick recovery/special workout for triceps after yesterday's upper DE day:

Unstable Pushups (30 second rest)

Rope Pressdown (30 second rest)

Lower body ME is in a couple of hours, after the chiro appointment. 

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #116 on: October 31, 2008, 03:16:11 PM »
Friday, 10/31 (Part 2)

Lower Body ME

17" Box Squat (90 second rest)
275x1 PR

Standing Rounded Back Good Morning (90 second rest)

Suitcase Deadlift (90 second rest)

Cable Pullthrough (60 second rest)

Farmer's Walk up stairs (60 second rest)
2x80x1 trip up and down

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach trying Westside/powerlifting protocols
« Reply #117 on: November 03, 2008, 06:56:28 AM »
Quick note - anybody have any recommendations on how to increase hip stability for the wide-stance squats used in p'ling?  The last 2 ME days with my box squats my hips have been pretty shot for a couple days after.  I stood up off my couch a few hours after Friday's leg work and my right hip completely gave out, dropping my ass clean to the ground.  Work some extra adduction stuff, maybe? 

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's powerlifting newbie log
« Reply #118 on: November 03, 2008, 02:40:07 PM »
Monday, 11/3

Start of a new CAT bench cycle:

Upper Body ME

Bench Press (2 minute rest)

Floor Press (2 minute rest)

1-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extension (45 second rest)
30x4 (right arm only)

Hammer Strength Row (30 second rest)
3x90 per side x10

Rope Face Pull (30 second rest)

Side/Front Raise (60 second rest)

Rope Pulldown Crunch (less than 30 second rest)

Deloading on the bench press, pretty easy.  The floor press still feels weird as hell, like I should be able to move way more than I am.  Maybe I shouldn't be doing it after bench, and should leave it until I start a more traditional Westside ME day and use it as a core exercise and not accessory work. 

I threw an extra set of extensions on my right side as it seems to be a bit weaker than the left.  I'm going to keep working the unilateral training at least 1-2x/week until it comes up to par.

The front/side raises are pretty brutal.  I haven't seen anybody else really do them, but I'm sure someone else has thought of it before me - start a lateral raise, then bring the hands together at the top, then lower, then do a front raise and reverse the movement.  Hits all 3 heads in a short time.

Got Westside's Book of Methods in the mail on Saturday and have read about half of it.  A lot of the more important stuff is repeated a lot, but it doesn't seem like you'd read it through and then need extra clarification on much.  Louie pretty much beats the system into your head page after page.  I like it, it was definitely worth the $50 for me.  I also want to check out some of the stuff he references, like Supertraining and some of the Russian stuff.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's powerlifting newbie log
« Reply #119 on: November 05, 2008, 10:56:03 AM »
Tuesday, 11/4

Lower Body DE

13" Box Squat (60 second rest)

Speed Deadlift from floor (30 second rest)

GHR on 45-degree back extension (45 second rest)

Cable Side Bend (no rest from side to side)

Front Neck Raise ss/ w/ Rear Neck Raise (no rest)
10x12 ss/ w/ 10x12
10x10 ss/ w/ 10x10

Squats and deads were both done at 55% 1RM (275 box squat, 315 deadlift, haven't done much deadlifting since my car accident).  Felt ok for the most part after the first 2 or 3 sets.  I'm adding the neck work to see if it helps my rehab, my neck gets pretty angry with me most days now that the rainy season is setting in. 

Still getting 3 adjustments a week from my chiro, combined with hot baths and lots of foam rolling and stretching all day long.  Still not going at 100% yet even though my weights are increasing from pre-accident numbers.  I think I could probably hit 315 on the box and 365 at least off the floor, but I'm hesitant to try it this early and am just going to work up to it a few pounds at a time.

I saw that there's a powerlifting comp in December here in town, definitely not going to compete but I'd like to go check it out and see how they work.  I'd like to be able to do the same show next year and hit some half respectable numbers.


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Re: Zach's powerlifting newbie log
« Reply #120 on: November 05, 2008, 01:31:04 PM »
Attending meets will teach you a ton bro.

Another thing is pracitice squating and deadlifting without a mirror(if you use a mirror currently), as this can throw you off if you have never done it without a mirror. my first meet was crazy because i had never squated without a mirror to check my form.

Also get a feel for how the judges call the lifts and learn what NOT to do.

Make sure you start following commands and proper form now, so you don't have to wing it in a meet. one of the most common mistakes i made was racking the bar before the command on bench, i was in a bad habit of just racking it after a lift, and when you are maxing out you don't always have your wits about you and you react on instinct. when you do ME lifts, hold the bar at the top for 3 seconds before you rack it(maybe even have a partner give commands PRESS/RACK), because many judges make you do this in competition. well, at least if you compete in a real FED with rules that are actually followed. i've been to meets where the rules were pretty much anything goes, guys were even bouncing the bar off their stomachs...sad.

100% RAW is where it's at bro...check it out.

EDIT - I just realized 100% RAW has nothing on the West Coast...yet.


Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's powerlifting newbie log
« Reply #121 on: November 10, 2008, 01:40:04 PM »
Caught a stomach bug Tuesday night and spent all last week trying to recover from it, so missed Thursday and Friday.

Monday, 11/10

Upper Body ME

Bench Press (2 minute rest)

Close-Grip 45-degree Incline Press (90 second rest)

1-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extension (no rest, just back and forth between sides)

Hammer-Strength Row (30 second rest)

Rope Face Pull (30 second rest)

Upped the work on triceps today, my right arm is weaker than my left and I'm trying to bring the balance up.  8 sets with the 30, just back and forth from arm to arm until I finished.  37 reps across 8 sets, just going to do this for 2-3 weeks and try and get 1-2 more reps total each time.

I've also noticed benefit in the special workouts I've been doing a few times a week.  I've noticed faster recovery along with increased GPP.  I've also been doing a lot of SMR to work on the scar tissue in my back that won't go away from my stupid car accident.  I'm still getting 3-4 days a week where I wake up with knots in my lower back that make it extremely uncomfortable to stay on my feet until I've foam-rolled it for 5-10 minutes.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's powerlifting newbie log
« Reply #122 on: November 11, 2008, 01:11:12 PM »
Tuesday, 11/11

Lower Body DE

13" Box Squat (60 second rest)

24" Dumbbell Box Squat/Box Jump (45 second rest)

Cable Pullthrough (60 second rest)

Close-Grip Lat Pulldown (60 second rest)

Could have gone heavier on the box jumps for sure, maybe 50's or 55's for 2 or 3.  Did a box squat off a 17" bench onto a 24" box jump.  Also decided that I'm going to do lats/rear delts/triceps in some form every day for the next 2 weeks and then back off the special work for a week or two, see what happens.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's powerlifting newbie log
« Reply #123 on: November 11, 2008, 04:54:54 PM »
Quick upper body accessory work, took less than 15 minutes:

Tate Press (30 second rest)

Side Lateral Raise (30 second rest)

Bent Lateral Raise

Also found a pair of what look like monster minis and a single mini band behind the training desk at my gym.  Gonna see what I can do with these later this week.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's powerlifting newbie log
« Reply #124 on: November 12, 2008, 09:05:40 AM »
More upper body accessory work with a mini band:

Doubled mini band pressdown (30 second rest)
20, 10

Overhead mini band extension (30 second rest)

Rear delt machine (30 second rest)

Lower body accessory stuff around 1 this afternoon.