Author Topic: I need some help with roids I am a newb  (Read 2613 times)


  • Getbig III
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I need some help with roids I am a newb
« on: September 13, 2008, 11:14:58 PM »
Ok i need some help,  I have been taking about 300ml/week of testerone proponate (intramuscular) and equipose every 4th day with 1ml.  i have been doing both for about 2 weeks and so far I am getting striong as hell and I have put on 9lbs.  MY boy was suppose to hook me up with clomid but it feel through how do i get anti-estorgen pills and would suppliments like "t-bomb" and other GNC type pills that claim to lower estrogen would do the trick so I do not get skrienkage.  I am going to do this for about another 7 weeks then off cycle.  Also my appitite has gone to shit how do I get that back up I have to force myself to eat and normally I can eat like a horse now I really have to push myself to get over 4,000 calories.  My boy thaty has been cycling on and off roids for years has never taken estorgen blockers and he has never gotten any side effects.  He said he gets depressed sometime when he off cycles but he is aware of why he feels that way and says its nto hard to deal with.  I have gotten no side effects from anything but the test injections do hurt like a mo-fo the next day but I am a beast in the gym and love the added strenght.  The equipose should hit me this week at the gym right?  I notice i do nto feel that sore the next day but i am careful to not obver train.  I am in college and I do drink on the weekend should that interfer with my gains a lot?  I know i am a novice at roids but I could not resist, go ahead and tell me I am dumb I know it was risky just please help me out so I do nto hurt myself and then I am another story the media can use against roids.
First Rock


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I need some help with roids I am a newb
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2008, 01:03:24 AM »
If i understud right you are taking 300 mg of testosterone propionate and some Equipoise per week. You are not going to hurt yourself with that, just make sure that your bloodpressure is fine and if you feel like you need an anti-estrogen there are plenty of viable options out there even over the counter, for example 6-oxo is supposed to be good, but i haven't used it myself and it's really expensive. I use Nolvadex on cycle (Tamoxifen citrate).

BTW: The only way media is going to make an example out of you, is if you do something stupid while drunk and then blame it on gear.

PS. Next time spell check please...

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: I need some help with roids I am a newb
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2008, 10:19:23 AM »
Your boy would feel better after his cycles if he used a proper PCT and you need to do the same...get that stuff lined up. If you can get test and EQ, you should be able to find some nolva or clomid.

The EQ should start kicking in around the 3-4wk mark to where you notice a difference.

As for your appetite...start doing 30min of cardio 4 or 5 days a wk...just moderate paced cardio like the elliptical machine or walking on a treadmill...maybe a slight incline. Don't buy into the BS that this will hinder your muscle should actually help out quite a bit because you'll be able to eat more. Plus it's good for your overall should feel better.


  • Getbig III
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Re: I need some help with roids I am a newb
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2008, 12:53:13 PM »
thanks for the addivce, i think i found a Canadian site that will ship me clomid.  If not i will just try the oxo 6 stuff.  I am doing some cardio and it has already improved my eating.  if i run into anything else I will msg you guys.
First Rock