Author Topic: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth aka Weekend at Biden's Thread  (Read 106534 times)

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #175 on: July 25, 2012, 03:14:15 PM »
Joe Biden's Awkward Rant On Wealth Included Him Saying 'I Wish My Kids Would Become Wealthy'
Brett LoGiurato|Jul. 25, 2012, 4:36 PM|418|9


PHILADELPHIA — Vice President Joe Biden's speech to International Association of Fire Fighters here at the Philadelphia Convention Center got a little rocky at points when he spoke about the contrast between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.
"I wish my kids would become wealthy!" Biden said, trying to emphasize his point that Obama and Congressional Democrats don't dislike wealth.
Biden's three grown children, though, don't appear to have any financial troubles and are seemingly doing fine financially. His two sons, Hunter and Beau, are high-profile lawyers, and his daughter Ashley is a recently wed social worker.
That quote was part of a longer explanation that just got more puzzling as he went along.
"There's nothing wrong with that," he said of being wealthy. "It's a good thing. But the wealthy do very well. Why? Because you have money in your pocket to buy things!"
But as the Democratic-leaning Senate will likely pass a largely symbolic extension of the Bush tax cuts on families earning less than $250,000 today, Biden drove home the points that Romney wants to extend the tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans and that his economic plans would benefit the wealthy.
"He's a good family man, a guy who means well," Biden said of Romney. "But I don't think he gets you. I don't think he understands what you're all about, what makes you tick, what makes you decide to go in this profession, which you couldn't pay 90 percent of the population to do

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What a moron 

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #176 on: July 25, 2012, 03:18:55 PM »
Good grief.  One of the things that I never hear is any discussion about how Biden is a heartbeat away from the presidency. 

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #177 on: August 14, 2012, 03:19:46 PM »

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #178 on: August 14, 2012, 03:20:57 PM »
August 14, 2012 11:25 am

Vice President Joe Biden told supporters that Republicans would “put y’all back in chains,” during a campaign speech Tuesday in Danville, Va.
VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: They’ve said it. Every Republican’s voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they’re proposing. Romney wants to let the—he said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules–unchain Wall Street. They’re going to put y’all back in chains. He’s said he’s going to do nothing about stopping the practice of outsourcing…
Biden was introduced at the campaign event by Center for American Progress Action Fund president Tom Perriello, who called Biden “the conscience of our nation’s capital.”

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #179 on: August 14, 2012, 07:47:38 PM »
Giuliani Wonders Whether Biden Has ‘Mental Capacity’ for Presidency
By Robert Costa
August 14, 2012 6:59 P.M. Comments124
Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani told CNBC’s Larry Kudlow tonight that Vice President Biden may be unfit for office. Here’s the transcript:

KUDLOW: You know, what did he say? ‘Y’all going to be put back in chains’? That almost has racial overtones, Rudy Giuliani. What’s your take on that?

GIULIANI: Well, I think if it came from somebody serious maybe we’d get all excited about it. But the — I think the vice president of the United States has become a laugh line on late night television. I mean, he — I’ve never seen a vice president that has made as many mistakes, said as many stupid things. I mean, there’s a real fear if, God forbid, he ever had to be entrusted with the presidency, whether he really has the mental capacity to handle it. I mean, this guy just isn’t bright. He’s never been bright. He isn’t bright. And people think, ‘Well, he just talks a little too much.’ Actually he’s not very smart.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #180 on: August 15, 2012, 03:36:06 AM »
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Black Like Us: The Race Clownery of Obama-Biden ^ | August 15, 2012 | Michelle Malkin
Posted on August 15, 2012 6:32:00 AM EDT by Kaslin

Looks like Vice President Joe Biden has been taking extracurricular Democratic jive-talking lessons. The results of condescending liberals' cynical racial pandering attempts are, as always, seismically cringe-inducing.

At a campaign event in Danville, Va., the gaffetastic veep dropped his g's and picked up a bizarre twang in front of an audience of black voters. Middle-Class Joe swapped his Home Depot apron for an A.M.E. preacher's robe and sermonized about the big, bad GOP.

Romney's "gonna let the big banks once again write their own rules," Biden shouted. "Unnnn-chain Wall Street," he exclaimed with pulpit bravado. "They're gonna put y'all back in chains," the pasty Delaware wheeler-dealer faux-drawled. Extra-emphasis on the "y'all."

Yes, Biden is rattling chains like an extra in "Roots." This is the same politician of pallor who cracked jokes about Indians who work in 7-Elevens and who referred to his now-boss as "clean" and "articulate." Yet, Biden's demagoguery was met with approving hoots and hollers. Or rather, hollas.

Naturally, the defiant Obama campaign backed up Biden and gave a shout-out of its own. Welcome to the new tone -- and the same old slime. Prevaricating spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter (last seen defending the phony, indefensible Romney-killed-a-steelworker's-wife ad run by Obama Super PAC Priorities USA) chimed in after Biden's speech. "We have no problem with those comments," she told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. Biden "was using a metaphor" with which the president agrees.

Timing matters. Biden's race-baiting came after a weekend clogged with divisive jabs at GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's announcement of Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

Democratic Rep. Donna Christensen, the non-voting delegate from the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S. House of Representatives, tweeted: "Wait a minute! Are there black people in Va? Guess just not w Romney Ryan! At least not seeing us. We know who's got our back & we have his." Left-wing actress Mia Farrow watched the announcement and derided a "whole bunch of white people." They were joined by countless "progressive" social media users who mocked the GOP's "white guy, white guy 2012!!!" Sirius XM radio host Dave Rubin -- himself the color of discount Charmin toilet paper -- called Romney-Ryan "the whitest ticket since the KKK voted for their box social chairperson."

Gotta love post-racial America!

The poisonous slavery allusion echoed the former pastor of Biden's boss. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, you may recall, used the same "chains" imagery to justify his "God Damn America" diatribe. "America," he inveighed in Obama's old Chicago-based Trinity United Church, put blacks in "chains ... and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America'? No, no, no. Not God bless America; God damn America!"

Biden's stunt also echoes Hillary Clinton's infamous black church minstrel performances in which she unleashed a mortifying Southern-spiced-with-street accent to show her street solidarity: "For the last five years, we've had No. Power. At. All. And that makes a big difference, because when you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation. An' yew know what ah'm talkin' about." At an event with race-hustler Al Sharpton, she poured it on thicker: "I'm afraid I'm gonna lift up the rug, and I'm goin' to see so much stuff uh-nder thar. ... You know, what is it about us always havin' to clean up after people? ... But this is not just goin' to be pickin' up socks off the floor. This is goin' to be cleanin' up the government."

At least the only thing she manufactured was her patronizing dialect. Remember candidate Barack Obama's 2007 Selma, Ala., speech? To court black voters, Obama claimed that President Kennedy had sponsored the airlift in Africa responsible for bringing his family to the U.S. and asserted that Selma's 1965 Bloody Sunday demonstration brought his parents together and led to his birth. Of course, JFK didn't take office until two years after Obama's father arrived in the U.S., and the president was born four years before Bloody Sunday.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #182 on: August 15, 2012, 10:23:08 AM »
Trouble with Joe (Why Team Obama should be very worried about the VP)
 National Review ^ | 08/14/2012 | John Fund

Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:02:42 PM by SeekAndFind

The Obama campaign told The Hill on Tuesday that it “is confident Vice President Biden will be an effective foil” for Paul Ryan despite Biden’s latest gaffe. I’m not so sure, and neither are some Democrats.

Biden’s rhetorical belly-flop yesterday was a doozy. He first told a largely black audience in Danville, Va., that he hoped they could help Obama win North Carolina. He followed that up with the claim that Mitt Romney wanted to “unchain Wall Street.” He then switched to a comic down-home accent and bellowed, “They’re gonna put y’all back in chains!”

Willie Geist, a co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, was blunt: “If Paul Ryan, the Republican candidate, said that to an African-American audience, there would be calls this morning for him to get out of the race, for Mitt Romney to withdraw from the race. There’s a double standard.”

But there has been a double standard for Joe Biden for decades, and almost every reporter in Washington knows it. Last night, a frustrated Rudy Giuliani acknowledged it on CNBC. “I’ve never seen a vice president that has made as many mistakes, said as many stupid things,” he told Larry Kudlow. “I mean, there’s a real fear if, God forbid, he ever had to be entrusted with the presidency, whether he really has the mental capacity to handle it. I mean, this guy just isn’t bright. He’s never been bright. He isn’t bright. And people think, ‘Well, he just talks a little too much.’ Actually, he’s just not very smart.”

Biden has been very lucky that the national media have largely given him a pass until now. American history for the last half century has been replete with Republicans who have been portrayed by the elite media as dim or addled — from Dwight Eisenhower to Gerald Ford to Ronald Reagan and Dan Quayle to, of course, George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. No Democrat with comparable national stature has been saddled with a similar reputation. The media have tended to explain away Biden’s strange statements and unforced errors by saying, “Oh, well. That’s just Joe, you know.” Or they casually admit, “Well, he just talks a bit too much,” and then move on.

In the middle of a hotly contested presidential campaign, that may now be changing. In the Washington Post yesterday, Alexandra Petri discussed “the trouble with Joe” and took the VP to task for “periodically alarming outbursts” that are unbecoming of the second-highest office in the land. “He inspires the sort of discomfort one feels upon introducing one’s fiancé to Grandpa after he has had a Scotch too many,” Petri scolded. “His cringe-inducing gaffes . . . inspire less anger than embarrassment.” A New York publishing source told me that “Biden is now seen as a Catholic Sam Goldwyn, and that’s not a good place to be.” Sam Goldwyn was the legendary Hollywood producer who was known for malapropisms (“A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on”).

The White House has to worry that for the next 82 days Joe Biden will be under tremendous scrutiny — especially given the fact that Paul Ryan has become such a media-attention magnet. Everyone is anticipating the October 11 debate between Biden and Ryan. Biden’s penchant for off-the-cuff remarks doesn’t inspire confidence that he won’t unintentionally blurt something out when facing Ryan. For example, he embarrassed the Obama administration recently by prematurely revealing he was “comfortable” with gay marriage — forcing his boss to suddenly endorse gay marriage on a timetable not of his choosing.

Biden’s erratic statements certainly should make Team Obama nervous. I’ve no doubt that some Democratic strategists would love for Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to swap jobs and bolster the Democratic ticket with a little Clinton magic. But there’s no evidence that Hillary would take that deal. If she wants to run, she is already the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic nomination and would gain no advantage by being yoked to Obama, her old adversary, for the next three months if they lost or the next four years if they won.

So Democrats are stuck with Old Joe, who will turn 70 this November. It’s said that few people vote for a presidential ticket based on who is filling the No. 2 slot. But some do, and they may matter in a very close race. It’s likely that by the time this campaign ends, a lot of people will be more nervous about Joe Biden being a heartbeat away from the presidency than about Paul Ryan.

— John Fund is national-affairs columnist for NRO.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #183 on: August 15, 2012, 11:08:12 AM »
Biden: 'Folks, Where's it Written We Cannot Lead the World in the 20th Century in
 Weekly Standard ^ | 8/15/12 | DANIEL HALPEr

Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:58:45 PM by Nachum

In a speech today in Virginia, Vice President Joe Biden seemed to forget we're in the 21st century:

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Damn this is great this week!  


UPDATE: Ryan Williams, a spokesman for the Romney campaign, responds:
“Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will ensure America leads the world in the 21st century by strengthening middle-class families and creating jobs. President Obama and Vice President Biden have taken our nation backward with failed policies that have resulted in higher unemployment, more debt, and a weaker economy. A campaign based on rage and divisiveness can’t hide the president’s failed record.”

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #184 on: August 15, 2012, 11:13:54 AM »


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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #185 on: August 15, 2012, 11:15:41 AM »
this is all you have  :D :D :D :D :D your the same person that thought palin the trailer trash was ready for vp  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D priceless

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #186 on: August 15, 2012, 12:09:07 PM »

Bwahahaha!  He is the gift that keeps on giving.   ;D

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #187 on: August 15, 2012, 01:50:26 PM »

Jesus - WTF is wrong with him over these past two days? 

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #188 on: August 15, 2012, 01:54:54 PM »
Biden Refers to Ryan as ‘Governor’
cns news ^

Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 4:06:33 PM

Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday referred to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the running mate of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, as “Governor Ryan.”

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #189 on: August 15, 2012, 02:14:50 PM »
Biden: I say 'exactly what I mean, it's not gonna change'
 Politico ^

Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 4:55:35 PM by Sub-Driver

Biden: I say 'exactly what I mean, it's not gonna change'

By MAGGIE HABERMAN | 8/15/12 1:57 PM EDT

Via Jonathan Martin, who's on the trail with Joe Biden today, the VP began his speech in a much more subdued fashion than he did yesterday when he talked about "chains" to the crowd in Virginia.

And there were no mentions of any form of shackle at this event, "I know I am sometimes criticized for saying exactly what I mean. It's not gonna change."

His attempt at clean-up last night was to say he meant to say "unshackle," but he still dinged Mitt Romney for calling it "outrageous." What was "outrageous," he said, were the GOP policies.

He also added that Romney and Paul Ryan are trying to transform Medicare into a voucher system, saying, "You know how confusing it is to begin with."

Of the GOP intentions, he said, "This is not a mystery anymore, this is not a mystery. ... The Etch A Sketch is gone. This is written pretty clearly."

As I wrote last night, Biden is digging in on what he said earlier yesterday, making the clarification a bit murky. And saying he says what he means is not likely to quell the anger among Republicans over what he said in the first place.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #190 on: August 15, 2012, 03:31:10 PM »
WASHINGTON -- Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Wednesday that it "might be wise" for President Barack Obama to pick Hillary Clinton as his running mate given Vice President Joe Biden's penchant for saying things that sometimes land him in hot water.

"I think [Obama] might be wise to do that," McCain said during an appearance on Fox News, when asked about the prospect of Obama tapping Clinton this time around. "But that's not going to happen, obviously, for a whole variety of reasons."

In a fit of gasps and laughs, McCain said one reason it won't happen is because, "I'm not sure if I were Hillary Clinton I'd want to be on that team."

Biden, who is known for putting his foot in his mouth from time to time, sparked the ire of Republicans on Tuesday when he said during a Virginia campaign event that Mitt Romney's tax policy would put "y'all back in chains." A Romney spokeswoman blasted the remark, saying the Obama campaign had reached a “new low” while promoting “division and demonization."

Biden essentially shrugged over the matter, telling a crowd at a Wednesday campaign event that he knows he's "sometimes criticized for saying exactly what I mean. It's not going to change."

Even though it's highly unlikely that Obama would swap Biden for Clinton, McCain said it could be a good move for Clinton if she has her eye on a future White House run, which he suspects she does.

"I think her ambitions, very frankly, are for 2016," McCain said. "I'm sure that would enhance that likelihood."

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #191 on: August 15, 2012, 03:51:06 PM »
Buffoon Biden's many lies
 The keen observer ^ | 08/15/2012 | Self

Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 5:30:43 PM by ReaganÜberAlles

But Biden, often portrayed as a doltish, hapless dullard, is capable of some of the most vicious, clever lies ever contrived on the campaign trail - using them to "connect" with whatever audience stands before him . For example, Joe Biden has for years claimed that his first wife and daughter were killed by a "drunk driver" in 1972. However, closer examination of the records proves that the man driving the truck (that slammed into the Biden family car) was never charged with drunken driving.

There was no evidence of any drinking at the scene. There was not even speeding. The trucks brakes checked out, as well. It was not the drivers fault.

And this one....

Nonetheless, Biden's "embellishment problem" is reminiscent of another incident that undid Biden the LAST time he ran for president 20 years ago; when he was blindsided by plagiarism charges - having copied, almost verbatim, a 1975 speech by Neil Gordon Kinnick, a member of the British Parliament, known for his fiery oratory.

And this..... And then there was also the scene, taped by C-SPAN, in which Biden became irritated with a New Hampshire voter, who questioned him over his own "uneven" academic credentials.

Among Bidens claims, he said he was named the outstanding student in political science at the University of Delaware and was in the top half of his law school class at Syracuse University (both untrue) and won an international moot court competition, which WAS true.

Biden also gibed, "I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours." (NOTE: Biden "the gifted" graduated 75th out of a class of 86).

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #192 on: August 15, 2012, 06:05:10 PM »
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Obama defends Biden on 'chains' comment
Associated Press ^ | August. 15, 2012
Posted on August 15, 2012 8:49:24 PM EDT by Free ThinkerNY

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is defending Vice President Joe Biden against criticism of his remarks that Republican repeal of Wall Street regulations would put voters "back in chains."

In an interview with People magazine on Wednesday, Obama said Biden's remarks meant consumers would be worse off if Republicans succeeded in doing away with new restraints on financial institutions.

"In no sense was he trying to connote something other than that," Obama said.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #193 on: August 15, 2012, 07:07:02 PM »
Joe Biden's comments are proof of a double standard in US politics
telegraph / daily beast ^ | 8 16 12
Posted on August 15, 2012 9:03:04 PM EDT by InvisibleChurch

Joe Biden must step down as Vice President of the United States. That is the rule, isn’t it, whenever a public figure makes a bone-headed, addle-brained, one-drink-too-many-at-a-wedding comment regarding race? Actually, no that isn’t the rule. Unless of course Joe Biden was a Republican.

Anybody in polite company who still wonders why so many Republican-minded Americans are drawn to alternative media outlets like Fox News or Glenn Beck as their information source need only look at the current episode with the vice president for an answer. What is certain to unfold in this case is a prime example of the double standard that politicians – and much of the media – apply to matters of race.

For those not following the latest entry in the long line of vice presidential nincompoopery, on Tuesday Joe Biden appeared in Virginia before a group of supporters, a number of them African-American, and said this of Republican Mitt Romney: “He is going to let the big banks once again write their own rules, unchain Wall Street. He is going to put y'all back in chains." Who knows what Biden was thinking? (the vice president surely doesn’t). Was he just carried away in a speech? Was this part of an intricate plan to link the Republican candidate to racism? Does Biden really believe Romney, who once claimed (falsely) that his father marched with Dr Martin Luther King Jr, plans to bring back slavery? Does Joe Biden, an attorney with an ego as big as his mouth, actually believe a president could reinstate slavery if he wanted to? It doesn’t matter. Whatever his motivations, he’ll emerge from this brouhaha unscathed. Because he is a Democrat....

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #194 on: August 16, 2012, 06:56:48 AM »

Obama to Have Lunch with Biden Today

by Keith Koffler on August 16, 2012, 8:33 am

President Barack Obama and his mistake-prone vice president, Joe Biden, are having lunch today, a weekly occurrence that takes on far more significance than usual in the wake of controversy surrounding several of Biden’s recent statements.

While the lunch was probably already scheduled, it’s practically impossible that Biden’s campaign trail remarks will fail to come up given the clamor they have provoked. There is even a growing chorus of suggestions – mainly from Republicans – that Biden is not up to the job and should be replaced on the ticket.

The session could easily end up a trip to the woodshed for Biden or, though it’s unlikely, something far worse.

Biden this week suggested that Gov. Mitt Romney would put African Americans back chains and, in a separate appearance, indicated that we are all still living in the 20th century. The statements are just the latest in a series of mistakes – assuming the comment about African Americans was unscripted – in the past few months that have raised concerns about Biden.

Most famously, he blurted out on Meet the Press that he favored gay marriage, forcing President Obama to hastily emerge with his own statement of support.

He called Obama “President Clinton,” called Romney “President Romney,” suggested the Irish drink too much, crossed himself in front of a meeting of over 1,000 conservative rabbis, and paid a visit to Florida’s “Evergators,” as he put it.

Odder still, he began raving uncontrollably during a speech for no particular reason, fulminating about how his parents “dreamed as much as any rich guy dreams.”

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #195 on: August 16, 2012, 07:00:22 AM »
I call this one INTENTIONAL.

Biden did it to rally the minority voting base - AND - give himself a graceful exit for Hilary to step in.  Boom, 2012 election over.


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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #196 on: August 16, 2012, 07:53:25 AM »

Obama to Have Lunch with Biden Today

by Keith Koffler on August 16, 2012, 8:33 am

President Barack Obama and his mistake-prone vice president, Joe Biden, are having lunch today, a weekly occurrence that takes on far more significance than usual in the wake of controversy surrounding several of Biden’s recent statements.

While the lunch was probably already scheduled, it’s practically impossible that Biden’s campaign trail remarks will fail to come up given the clamor they have provoked. There is even a growing chorus of suggestions – mainly from Republicans – that Biden is not up to the job and should be replaced on the ticket.
The session could easily end up a trip to the woodshed for Biden or, though it’s unlikely, something far worse.

Biden this week suggested that Gov. Mitt Romney would put African Americans back chains and, in a separate appearance, indicated that we are all still living in the 20th century. The statements are just the latest in a series of mistakes – assuming the comment about African Americans was unscripted – in the past few months that have raised concerns about Biden.

Most famously, he blurted out on Meet the Press that he favored gay marriage, forcing President Obama to hastily emerge with his own statement of support.

He called Obama “President Clinton,” called Romney “President Romney,” suggested the Irish drink too much, crossed himself in front of a meeting of over 1,000 conservative rabbis, and paid a visit to Florida’s “Evergators,” as he put it.

Odder still, he began raving uncontrollably during a speech for no particular reason, fulminating about how his parents “dreamed as much as any rich guy dreams.”

the same repubs that put palin on the ticket :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D now that's priceless

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #197 on: August 16, 2012, 08:44:07 AM »
[ Invalid YouTube link ]

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #198 on: August 16, 2012, 01:09:17 PM »
Secret Service Bought Cupcakes to Thank Baker for Turning Down Biden
 Fox Nation ^ | 8/16/12

Posted on Thursday, August 16, 2012

AP Graphics

Secret Service officers associated with Vice President Joe Biden bought a pile of cupcakes from the baker who refused to host Biden at his shop — and they did so out of gratitude.

It’s a startling news nugget at the bottom of a local report. “hortly after Crumb and Get It told Biden’s advance people ‘no’ — the secret service walked in and told [owner] Chris McMurray ”Thanks for standing up and saying ‘no’ — then they bought a whole bunch of cookies and cupcakes,” according to the Valley Reporter (Va.).

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #199 on: August 16, 2012, 01:41:06 PM »
Secret Service Bought Cupcakes to Thank Baker for Turning Down Biden
 Fox Nation ^ | 8/16/12

Posted on Thursday, August 16, 2012

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Secret Service officers associated with Vice President Joe Biden bought a pile of cupcakes from the baker who refused to host Biden at his shop — and they did so out of gratitude.

It’s a startling news nugget at the bottom of a local report. “hortly after Crumb and Get It told Biden’s advance people ‘no’ — the secret service walked in and told [owner] Chris McMurray ”Thanks for standing up and saying ‘no’ — then they bought a whole bunch of cookies and cupcakes,” according to the Valley Reporter (Va.).

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