Author Topic: Voting on Pins 'n Needles? Obama makes his position on Steroids clear today  (Read 2533 times)

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Obama was different before. even as early as the primary season. he changed the second he got the nomination. he started playing politics. and not nrew politics but OLD politics.

read his book audacity of hope? its very good. i believe its form befre his 2004 dnc speech. another highlight of his polical career. THAT obama is fantastic and imo best politician since thomas jefferson ...but sadly it seems that guy is gone

Well with all politicians they always change their tone when they switch from the primaries to the general election. Of course you liked Obama more during the primary season, at that point he was only speaking to his base. Now that he's speaking to the entire nation and trying to win over fence walkers, the tone has changed. Same thing for McCain or any politician.

You know as fucked up as the two party system has become, the two biggest problems are far, far worse. Those being, the American people have accepted the way in which the corrupted two party system functions, and the bigger problem IMO is the fence riding Americans, those who are indecisive and have no clue what they want. These are the people that will vote for a candidate because he makes them feel good, he has a good hair cut, etc...I hate these people, and they make up a massive amount of the voting population.

Now this cracked me up Tbombz, you mentioned Thomas Jefferson as one of the greatest politicians of all time. The reason that amuses me is that back in all my political theory classes Jefferson was always my least favorite and quite honestly in my opinion, responsible for some of the down falls of the way our government was founded. Yes he had good ideas and did a lot of great things, but he was not the best in my eyes. The best goes to Alexander least I think so.

No AJ not hard feelings, we will get you to come around one day  ;D  J/K

Maybe you will, I'm not someone who is so stubborn that I can't ever change my positions. Even so, if I were to ever come to the democratic side of thinking, a lot of their positions on a lot of things would have to change. For the most part we only talk about economic issues and the war when we get into this discussion, but things like social issues and personal liberties are a big factor in why I have never supported a democratic candidate.


  • Getbig V
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thomas jefferson fucked black women when no other white man would  :'(  ;D