Author Topic: Big for no reason  (Read 20165 times)


  • Getbig II
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Big for no reason
« on: November 28, 2008, 02:39:41 PM »
Went with "Big for no reason" because I'm 6'1" 250lbs - 21%BF but my 1RM bench is about 265. I'm pretty weak for my size, but you will all see that change as this log progresses. Also, I'm not really trying to get any bigger, I just want to get stronger. The only body parts I really want to be bigger are my arms which are currently 17 1/2in and I'm going for those 20in cannons.

I've been lifting off and on for about 2 and a half years now, but the first summer I started was my most intense. None of my lifts except my military press have really gone up that much since then, but I am now completely dedicated/addicted to the sport so I'm sure that will change very soon.
Starting 1RMs
Bench: 265
Squat: 300
Deadlift: 350
Curl: 130ish
Military Press: 200

Bench: 315x10
Deadlift 500 - Eventually 600+ but you gotta start somewhere.
Curl - 225x8
Military Press 225x10

I feel like my current bench is the most disappointing. It kills me that I can't put up 6 plates yet. My Squat is disgusting as well, but thats the lift that I'm actually least worried about. I'm sure that will eventually change as I get further along in my training. My back is slightly injured and I want to let it completely heal up before I really get started on my deadlift routine, but I'm going to get my weight up on this one. Curling 225x8 might seem ridiculous to some, and I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that can do it, but I've never seen it done in real life, so I'd like to turn some heads at the gym, as well as get ready for eventually competing in the NASA Strict curl competition. Now on to my favorite lift of all MILITARY PRESSSS. 225X10 isn't an insane amount of weight, but the day I do it, I'm just gonna body slam this the shit out of someone for no reason lol. I also want to do all of this while getting my body fat down to about 12%. So as of 10/31/08, I quit drinking, and eating fast food.

Week of 11/10/08


EZ-Curl bar: 10X100 8x110 6x110
Close-Grip bench: 185x8 195x6 205x4
Hammer curls 65x5
I forgot to take my log to the gym for my first day and I forgot what my lifts were on close grip tricep pushdown and 1-arm pushdown, and 1-arm reverse pushdowns

I'm thinking about trying out for the next NASA Strict curl competition, I'm determined to do curls with 100lbs DB's but summer time.

Tuesday - No lifting
Wednesday - Back Dayyyyyyy

Military Press - 3x185 3x185 3x185
Lat Pulldown - 8x270 6x280 4x295 10x180
Seated rows - strained forarm, so i skipped these

Thursday - No lifting
Friday - Chest dayyyyy

Flat Bench: 5x240 5x240 5x240 5x240 5x240
PecDeck: Had to skip because of time
Incline smith press: 8x230 8x250 5x270
Dips: 3 Sets of 10 with body weight

I'm thinking about switching to incline db presses soon, instead of the Incline smith machine, but I'm way weaker on those.

Saturday - Legs Dayyyy
Squats 20x185 - WAY too easy

I just started squating about a month ago, and I'm still working on my technique. I def need to get my weight up in this exercise. I only had time to do that one exercise for legs day this week, but I plan on doing Squats, lunges, and leg curls.

Notes: I started taking Novadex on friday, so we'll see if this stuff really works. I take 4 scoops of ON Whey through out the day every day. I don't know if I will continue doing this since I am no longer trying to gain size. I take NANO Vapor before every workout because I cant lift til about 6pm because of work, and that stuff gives me the boost I need to get started. I also take 1tsp of creatine every morning with my protein, and one when I get home from work on off days.

As far as cardio goes I ride a stationary bike about for 45 min every day at work, which sadly seems to be doing nothing for my BF%

Week of 11/17/2008

Ez-Curl: 9x110 8x110 2x120 (I repeated 110 because I switched bars, and I thought the bar weighted more then it actually did)
Close grip tricep pushdown - 8x10 8x10 5x12 (there are plates with numbers, I have no idea how much they actually weigh)
1-arm pushdown 10x4 8x6
1-arm reverse pushdown: 10x4 8x5
Straight-bar curl 8x95 4x115
close-grip bench 8x185 8x205 5x225
hammercurls: 8x65

Wednesday - Back Dayyyyy
Military Press: 3x190 3x190 3x190
Lat pulldown 8x230 6x250 6x270 (decreased weight to make sure form was correct)
Bent over rows: 10x110 8x110 8x110 (there were no free BB's and I didnt feel like waiting so I just used the heavies pre-weighted straight bar)

Friday - Chest Dayyyy
Had to work really late so I only had time to do bench on a lunch break
Flat Bench: 5x245 5x245 4x245 3x245

Skipped legs day because of a family event - Not and excuse...I know

Week of 11/24/2008

Ez Curl: 8x110 7x120 5x130
Close grip Tricep pushdown: 8x9 8x11 7x12
1-arm pushdown: 8x4 6x5
1-arm reverse pushdown 8x3
straight-bar curl - Taking this out, it kills my wrists
close-grip bench 225x7 245x4
hammer curls - 60x6 - still hurt from straight-bar curl lol

Wed - no time to lift, had to travel for the holidays

Friday - Chest Dayyyyyy

Even though I quit drinking, I had to drink on thanksgiving so I ended up going to the gym today with a headcold and a hang over lol
Flat-bench: 5x105 5x135 5x185 5x225 5x250
Peck deck - whole stack 3 sets of 10
incline smith machine: 8x230 8x270 7x320
Too lazy to do the dreaded dips

Notes: The novedex is definitely working, I've actually gained weight about 5 pounds since I started taking it and I haven't changed anything else in my diet, and I still do cardio 5x a week. My incline smith machine press just went up 50 pounds in 2 weeks lol, that was kinda cool. O yea, and my sex drive is completely gone (The girl was UPSET) so I started taking tribulus to bring my it back. And the most important thing. I was doing my 5x5 routine completely wrong using the same weight on all 5 sets, going up in weight every set made it way easier to increase the weight on my final set.


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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2008, 06:36:02 PM »
good stuff but what's with the "chest dayyyyyyyyy" and "arms dayyyyyyyyy""?


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2008, 07:04:16 PM »
I get really amped up for no reason on lifting days and I tend to shout things like CHEST DAYYYYYY....HARDCORE!!! So I figured I'd just write it that way haha.

Zach Trowbridge

  • Getbig IV
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2008, 10:25:43 AM »
100lb strict dumbbell curls?  That's a hell of a lofty goal.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2008, 12:14:45 PM »
I'm getting a pair of 75's for Christmas, I'll be there in no time.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2008, 04:08:58 PM »
Week of 12/1/08
Arms Dayyyyy

Ez curl: 8x110 6x120 5x130
Close grip: 3 sets of 10 with the whole stack
Preacher curl: 8x40 8x45
1-arm pushdown 8x50 8x60(numbers on the rack)
1-arm reverse pushdown 8x40
close-grip bench 8x225 4x255
hammer curls 10x65

Had to use the gym at work today instead of my normal gym so I'm not exactly sure how much I did on the pushdowns. Also I'm not exactly sure how much the ez curl bar weighed at this gym which may have been why I wasn't able to increase my weight in this exercise.

Just got some lipo 6 excited to start it tomorrow!!!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2008, 08:39:26 AM »
Seems a good basic program. Think you need that special day for arms only? When you could slip any arm work in with your regular program and  focus on 3 serious training days a week rather than a fourth and on a smaller (arms) body part. Seen 200+ BB curls before. Not impossible or that rare if the training is set up right. Reverse BB curls have helped a lot of guy's get there regular curling up quite a bit. Actually some people have a natural stronger pull (bicep power) and curling comes easy for them. While others have a stronger natural push (tricep power) which can transfer to a big bench.

Might want to take that creatine in a glass of juice  about 45 minutes to an hour before serious workouts. And 15 to 30 minutes after a workout.That is when it is most useful. Not meant to be taken with meals and that far away from training sessions. Make sure you have the pure lab form with the included booster (beet juice, sugar cane byproduct, etc) mixed in with it.

Excellent idea to keep a training log. Weights used and even how your moods were during and after a workout. Good Luck.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2008, 04:26:56 PM »
I've been thinking about starting a new split for a while now, but I love arms day, I'll probably end up eliminating it sooner or later and replace it with legs day or since it usually gets skipped anyways. Thanks for the info on the reverse curls, I'll try that out.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2008, 03:47:27 PM »
OK, so here's the deal, I've been using this nice ass gym at my school (University of Pittsburgh), but I graduated in April and I have no idea why my ID still swiped to let me in. Well, my dumb ass lost my ID, and I can't get a new one >:0 F'n SUCKS. I can use the shitty ass gym at my job for a while, but it is impossible to do squats there because there is no power rack.... So unless I find my ID by next monday, I'm going to have to buy a gym membership. I have to choose between a Golds Gym and a Bally's unfortionately both of these locations suck in Pittsburgh. I'm going to have to start a new thread to see if anyone knows of a really good gym in downtown Pittsburgh. [


Back Daaaaayyyyyy
Music: BassHunter CD

Clean and press: 5x45 5x95 5x135 5x155 5x185
Lat Pulldown: 8x210 8x250 8x290
Bent Over Rows: 5x70 5x95 5x135 5x185
DeadLift 5x135 5x185 5x225 5x275 5x315

Had to do clean and presses since the shitty ass gym at my job didn't have a power rack, but they're wern't as bad as I thought they were, I might actually like them more then just the plain military press. I was pumping Dota by BassHunter for that last set, which def helped out. I'll be switching to 5x5 pullups/weighted pullups on the next back day. I'm not 100% sure about my for on the bent-over rows, I'm going to have to find a video on that. FINALLY GOT BACK INTO DEADLIFTING!!! It was great, 315 was tough, but I def could have done more. Next time i'll be going for atleast 335.. might even try to man up and try 365...but we'll see about that. Pretty sure my form was good on them too.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2008, 11:32:49 AM »
Just watched a video on the proper way to perform a bent over row... Yeah, I was doing them completely wrong(elbows out, pulling to the nips), I'll get it right next time...elbows in pulling to right above the bellybutton.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2008, 06:04:27 AM »
Joined the golds gym in Pittsburgh its actually a lot nicer then I thought it was and I got my lil bro to join with me, so that was cool.

Chest Daaaaaaaay
Flat-Bench: 5x95 5x135 5x185 5x225 5x255
PeckDeck: 8x170 8x230 8x240(numbers on the rack)
lever-incline-press: 8x270 7x320 5x340
Dips: 10xBW 10xBW 10XBW+25

Bench keeps getting better...I'm looking forward to hitting 275x5
PeckDeck is a little different then at the old gym so I'm not exactly sure how thats increasing, but it doesn't really matter to me as long as my bench keeps going up.
Lever-incline-press, Thats what Ive been doing, not smith incline press. This exercise is a joke lol. It does make me feel pretty strong because next week I'll probably be doing 8 plates, but my actual incline press is nowhere near this. I need to switch to DB presses or incline presses soon.
The Dreaded Dips...I must say that I never look forward to dips, but I saw this guy doing dips at the gym about a month ago with 3 45's and a 25 strapped to him...It was crazy. I would like to make that my goal, but I'm going to start with a realistic goal for myself to reach 5xBW+90 first.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2008, 06:06:38 PM »
Legs Daaaaaay
Squats: 5x95 5x135 5x185 5x225 5x295
Leg Curls: 8x130 8x150 0x170(too heavy) 8x150
Lunges:  5x30lb db's 10x10lb db's 10x20lb db's

Lunges are ridiculously hard after squats, but I'm really going to have to step it up next week. Any suggestions auxiliary leg exercises to improve my squat would be appreciated!

Notes for the week: I've quit taking all of my supplements except protein. Novedex really works, but last night I couldn't even get hard, so F*** takin that stuff.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2008, 05:53:35 PM »
Week of 12/08/08

I've cut red meat out of my diet. Just bought a bunch of turkey sausage, chicken breasts, salmon and tuna. I've been riding a stationary bike for at least 45 min 4-5 days a week in the afternoon burning between 450 and 600 calories each session, then lifting at night. I've also been taking lipo 6x. Haven't lost a pound since I started doing all this cardio about 2 weeks ago...but I'm going to keep trying.

Arms Daaaaay
Forgot to take my log book today, so I'm trying to do this from memory.
Ez-Bar Curls: 8x110 8x105 4x125
Tricep pushdowns: 3 sets
one arm preacher curls: 8x35's 8x40's(should have gone heavier)
one arm tricep pushdowns: 2 sets
one arm reverse-grip tricep pushdowns: 2 sets
reverse grip curls: 8x60 8x80
cgbp: 8x225 8x185
hammer curls: 5x70's

First arms day in the new gym still getting used to things. I did my first set of curls with a preset bar before switching to an Olympic ez-curl bar and I wasn't sure how much it weighed. I found out how much it weighed after I finished the sets, so I'll get the sets right next time. Lowered the weight on the cgbp to work on my form. I was flaring my elbows out instead of keeping them to my sides.

Note: Try concentration curls at the end of the workout instead of hammer curls next week.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2008, 04:34:13 PM »
Back Day
Ran 4 miles on my lunch break today, furthest I've ever run straight.

Military Press: 5x45 5x95 5x135 5x155 4x190
Weighted Pullups: 5xBW 5xBW+5 5xBW+10 5xBW+15 5xBW+20
Bent-over Rows: 5x45 5x95 5x135 5x185 5x225
DEADLIFT: 5X135 5X185 5X225 5X275 5X365 WOOT

Feel like I could have finished the last set of military press if i would have eaten better today.
Glad I made the switch over to weighted pullups, they felt good.
Not sure how i feel about bent over rows, still not sure if I'm doing them right. Couldn't feel them working at all
New personal record on deadlift! Probably start out at 185 next time and go for 385 REALLY looking forward for 5x405


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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2008, 04:55:04 PM »
hey fox nice log, maybe consider adding some ephedrine in your helped for me anyways good luck bro


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2008, 10:31:10 AM »
Thanks man. I've tried ephedrine before, its pretty good stuff, I'll probably start it again once I finish up this lipo 6.

Chest Day
Flat bench: 5x95 5x135 5x185 5x225 4x265
Peck Deck: 8x170 8x230 7x250
Lever incline bench: 8x270 6x320 3x360
Dips: 5xBW+10 5xBW+15 5xBW+25 5XBW+35 10XBW+45

Notes: Really wasn't in the mood to lift today, and I was pissed when I missed the last rep on bench.  I should have done more heavy sets to get ready for 265...I'll get it next week. Switching from PeckDeck to dumbell fly's and Definitely switching to either dumbell or barbell incline press next week. Did that set of 10 dips with the 45 just to see if I could. I'll be doing a set of 5xBW+90 in no time.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2008, 11:52:45 AM »
Legs Day
Squats: 5x95 5x135 5x225 5x275 4x305
Leg Curl: 8x110 8x150 6x190
Weighted Step-up: 8x50 8x70 8x100
Calf Press: 8x210 8x270 8x310

REALLY struggled to get that 4th rep out on the last set of squats. Don't think I'll have any problem getting it next week tho. Are leg curls even worth doing? Switched to weighted step-ups instead of lunges. Great exercise, really got me heart pounding. Just decided to throw the calf machine in there to get a fourth exercise.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2008, 05:32:28 PM »
Week of 12/15/2008

Was busy all day Monday, so I ended up skipping arms day.

Back Day
Military Press:


Weighted Pullups:


4x315(Grip Problems)
1x385(held for 15 secs  - over under grip)

Did a set of 8 DB curls with 65's at lunch and a set of 8 concentration curls after my workout to make up for missing arms day.

Notes: Todays workout was great until deadlift. I thought my grip finally improved enough to get 315 for a set of 5 with the double over hand grip...I was wrong. Then I went for soon as I picked it up I knew there was no way I was getting it up 5x, it was way too heavy. Just did a static hold with it to improve my grip for next time. I'm going to cut back to 375 next week, shouldn't be a problem.

On another note, I'm done taking lipo 6x, I can't take the caffeine gitters anymore, and it made my blood pressure go WAY up. I'll hold on to it until closer to summer and try it out again if it doesn't expire.

Also, I haven't been taking as much protein as I was a couple weeks ago, and I definitely notice the difference, I'm going to start back up tomorrow.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2008, 03:54:47 AM »
Chest Day

Flat bench:


DB Flys

Incline DB Press

3xBW+90 (just to see if i could do it)

Notes: Can't believe I missed the last rep on 265 again. I'll probably start taking creatine again this week to see if it'll help...Even if it is only in my head.

DB flies are a completely different feeling the peck deck, I really like the stretch they give you. But on a downside, I can really feel the pressure in my shoulders, so I had to start out with really light weight.

Incline DB presses are great, nice stretch as well. only problem is, the DB's at my gym only go up to 100lbs, so i'll probably have to switch over to incline BB bench press in a month or 2.

Finally on to the dips...the 5x5 routine on dips is great. It felt great to get that last set of 3 with 90 pounds strapped on. I'll be setting my sights on a set of 5 with 3 45's strapped to me next


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2008, 04:20:16 PM »
Week of 12/22/08
Legs Dayyyyyyy

Lying squat press


Leg curls

Box Step-ups

tricep pressdowns.

Notes: Didn't do legs day this weekend out of shear lazyness so it got pushed back today which is normally arms day. My back has been bothering me since the last back day, so I did the lying squat press instead of squats. Hopefully I'll be back to squats by this weekend. Anyways. DROPPING LEG CURLS wow I tweaked something in my lower back doing leg curls today and it hurt like a freakin bitch. I guess I just did too much weight, but I'm going to drop them for a while. On a brighter note, I'm loving these box step-ups, they're so hard, but they make me feel good. Threw in some curls and tricep pressdowns just because today was supposed to be arms day.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2008, 12:09:59 PM »
Back Day

Military Press


Weighted Pullups

Seated rows machine


Decided to switch things up on the military press to continue making gains. My partner was being a lazy ass today so we kinda skipped out on the pull-ups and rows, but there was no way I was skipping out on deadlift. I def had the fifth rep in me but I just couldn't hold on to the bar any longer. I'll be doing some static holds on legs day to work on grip, and my CoC #1 is in the mail.

O, and almost forgot, got a pair of 75lb DB's for christmas...on my way to a 200lb curl


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2008, 04:26:06 PM »
Chest Dayyyyy

DB Flies

Incline Bench


Notes: Decided to deload a bit on bench so I could finally make a gain next week. Dips after Incline bench was a bitch.

Week of 12/29/2008
Legs Dayyyy

Box Squats:


Seated Leg Curls:
3 sets of 10 light weight

Weighted Step-Ups:

Calf Press:
3 heavy sets

Tricep pressdowns

Notes: First time doing box-squats today it was really different, but I liked it. I'm going to start doing squats twice a week this week.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2009, 11:10:44 AM »
Back Dayyyy

Military Press


Weighted Pull-ups

T-Bar Rows



Notes: Was feeling pretty lazy today, so I kinda bitched out on the pullups and deadlifts, but I wanted to start adding a set of 20 squats to the end of every workout. Even though I didn't finish the last set of military press, it felt good putting up 205x2, one more step closer to 225


  • Getbig II
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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2009, 03:48:25 PM »
Chest Daaaayyyy



DB Flies

Incline press

Note:Had to cut todays workout short because of work, but I'm glad I finally got up 265x5. Hopefully I can get that 275x5 up 2 weeks from now. Probably going to start taking some creatine to help out a little bit.


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Re: Big for no reason
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2009, 05:02:48 PM »
my vote: scrap the flies, do dips with your chin on your chest and your feet held out a little in front of you.