1-choose your kind of diet, start cut when you are ready, when you can be 100 per cent on dieting, when your timetable is not busy or full of stress.
keto diet work well for me, 5 days at less than 50 gr carbs/300prot/few fat and one day high carbs.
2-also taking lot of sup :
a good multivitamin is crucial during diet.
a good whey, bcaa, glutamine as anticatabolic.
yohimbine and a good eca stack.
3-stay strong, if you keep your strenght you keep your muscle.
practise heavy basic, dead squat bench, good for keepin mass and increase your metabolism.
4-have a break after several week, when motivation is low, cos your test is low with dieting.give you a normal week and then re-start your diet.take tour time.
5-don't diet too much, we are doing this sport to have muscle, not to look like a fucking squeleton, it's horrible when people ask you if you stop training, you 're il or stupid question like that. .
6-don't cheat, i say "one cheat is one week more of hell dieting"
7-no cardio. i'm natural, dieting is so boring and tiring.with 100 mg of tren each day no doubt i will do cardio. but i don't take tren.
i'm natural since the beginning, so 10 years, and every time i cut i succeed.