Author Topic: A little advice  (Read 2072 times)


  • Getbig I
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A little advice
« on: December 16, 2008, 11:04:29 AM »
Hi All,

Just wondering if you all could give me some advice?

I recently started working out and its been great!!!!!
I want to take it to a little higher level.

Here is some history. I am 38, 6'2" and till recently was about 275 lbs. I was a fatass. I recently have been working out at home and am down to 205lbs. I dont have alot of time or $$ to spend on sups or anything, so been doing an average of 300 situps anight, plus 100 pushups a night. feeling good, but not ripped. -want to get a better tone, and lose rest of baby fat around midsection. I do still like to go out with friends and have a beer or two, i know its bad, but my only vice left. any suggestions on different exercises, inexpensive suppliments, etc????  anything would help. I do not want to do steroids, or unsafe supliments, no offense to anyone, but i lost weight on my own will power and want to continue the same path.   i know im not in same league as most of you here, but  i just want to get in shape and look good.

Thank you all in advance


  • Getbig I
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Re: A little advice
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2008, 11:07:53 AM »
ps.   fyi i seem to have hit a brick wall, stopped losing wt at 205 lbs, slowing down on losing inches around waist, and have a small roll of fat around tummy that wont go away,


mass 04

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Re: A little advice
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2008, 11:09:49 AM »
congrats on the weight loss. What kind of setup do you have at home? For starters, i'd ditch the 100 nightly pushups. As far as supps you don't need a lot; a good multi, fish oil and maybe some creatine and whey. What is your current routine?


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Re: A little advice
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2008, 11:13:21 AM »
A couple of things you can do that are inexpensive and will work, if you do. By that i mean you have to make the committment in terms of daily exercise and a degree of intensity (no missed days):

-Do a one mile run. Start with 3 times a week on alternate days. At first you might have to walk part of it and jog part of it, but over a few weeks you can build up to actually running it and then to eventually run it faster. Work up to 6 days a week, not 3 or 4.

-Do calisthenics of different types 3 times a week on alternate days, on the days you're not running. Here are some ideas. Choose 5 or 6 exercises and do 3 sets of each. Keep increase the reps.

-The P90X program seen on TV's also good, if you want to spend a few dollars. Cheaper bought used of course, on sites like

-You diet's likely part of the problem. Buy the Atkins Diet and use it, or any of the other good programs.


  • Getbig III
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Re: A little advice
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2008, 11:35:26 AM »
like Pumpster said it is probably your diet post it up and we can help you with that...

the beer is alright you deserve a cheat in the week for all your hard work


  • Getbig I
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Re: A little advice
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2008, 12:07:31 PM »
Ok, thank you all.

to answer your questions here i go:

As far as a set up, I have no equipment at all, just the floor and walls, no chance at a gym membership, thngs are pretty tight right now. My regimen is 6 days a week, with the situps and pushups, take sunday off(and usually soak in a tub LOL)

I will try the run, but might have problems with that, but will try. Had a football accident in highschool, Split femur in half, and crushed petella(now plastic), but that was 22 yrs ago, might be ok now- just havent run in a looooong time.

Diet-- no strict diet, but-- I have cut out ALL fast foods, ALL fried foods, Sugar soft drinks(i do love diet pepsi tho) usually stick with soups, wraps, salads, etc. nothing special, but I think i eat pretty well. I do have one bad weakness-- since i quit smoking, i do have a thing for cinimon jolly ranchers, about 10 per day.

Hope this helps your evaluation... Oh, ps  daytime workouts and such are kinda out, I usually go into work at 4am, and leave about 5pm mon thru fri.

Thanks again all. you are all very generous with your advice. hopefully i can pass along someday

mass 04

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  • Getbig III
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Re: A little advice
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2008, 12:22:54 PM »
well what I would suggest to you is keeping a journal of what you eat everyday that way you know what you are putting in your body.
You want to set a number of calories you want to eat say 2500 and stick to that.  Your diet is pretty bad that is your problem...yes you lost weight
with cutting all the junk but you will have to cut even more and eat a better diet to lose even more.  It really comes down to how bad you want it.
We are not talking a serious bodybuilder type diet but more fruits veggies and protein diet...whole grains.

Just try high pace walking you don't have to jog you just have to burn calories...try going to your local thrift store GoodWill if you have those
around by an old set of dumbells I am sure you can find something cheap doesn't have to be anything heavy or get creative.


  • Getbig I
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Re: A little advice
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2008, 12:52:42 PM »
sounds good. I will start keeping a diet journal and write everything down, maybe post weekly???
will stock up on fruits and veggies, and grains etc. I can afford a good set of dumbells, new or used(not starving poor, just tight since divorce) any good brands? and what weight do u think? I know i am no addonis, but i am pretty strong, not to toot own horn, just one of those good ole husky scotsmen.

once again, thank you all, you dont know how much this helps, or how good it feels to finally be able to take the stairs to my desk(BTW i did also stop using elevators) lol

thanks guys

J Grey

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Re: A little advice
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2008, 02:45:06 PM »
ps.   fyi i seem to have hit a brick wall, stopped losing wt at 205 lbs, slowing down on losing inches around waist, and have a small roll of fat around tummy that wont go away,


the lower in bodyfat you get the harder it is to lose additional bodyfat
most naturals hit the brickwall at around 10% and it's extremely hard to get any lower than that
it will require strict dieting and cardio


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Re: A little advice
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2008, 03:24:43 PM »
Congrats on losing all the weight bro!!

Diet is the answer........first let me recommend that you eat smaller meals,but more frequently,ie.5-6 small meals a day.

Include lean protein at every meal,with fibrous vegetables.

Eat any starchy complex carbs early in the day,and drink a ton of least a gallon a day.

Check out the links that Mass posted as far as exercise goes,and always try to be progressive in your workouts................ striving to add more sets and reps to an exercise.

If you can`t run as Pumpster suggested,just get out and walk or try climbing stairs as part of your cardio training..........cardio speeds up weight loss.

Walk for 30-45 minutes at a time and do this 2 x a day as you get in better shape.

Please post a typicals day eating plan............we can help a lot more if you do.

Good luck! :)


  • Getbig I
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Re: A little advice
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2008, 10:35:52 AM »
Thank you all!

i am taking all your advice to heed.
I will post this weeks diary of food intake sat or sun and get your feedback!

DID MY FIRST 2 RUNS!!!!  bought a digital pedometer, and was able to do a slow run(more of a jog) for 1.5 miles first day, and 2.0 yesterday. Felt pretty good.

Also stocked up on fruits and veggies in pantry!

Still at 205# but optimistic now.

Thanks guys.

Going in for a full back tattoo this weekend, anything i can substitute for the situps? probably wont be able to do them for a couple days.

peace all, have a great weekend.... gotta get back to work now!!!!!


  • Getbig I
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Re: A little advice
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2008, 06:15:08 AM »
Hey guys,

sorry havent been back in a while, kinda got stuck doing holiday things, and wrapping things up at work. Have been keeping a good diet log, and keeping up with all exercises. Will post more soon. just wanted to say thanks and wish you all a very happy christmas!


  • Getbig I
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Re: A little advice
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2008, 06:42:29 AM »
Hi all!

thank god, the holidays are almost over. happy new years to you all. I have been being good, actually breached the 205# mark, now at 202#. been eating right( i think) i have kept a journal of all my eating habits and all, just havent had the time yet to type in. My ex wife did buy me a 6 month deal with nutrisystems for xmas, was wondering what you guys thought. personally I dont know anyone who has done that plan, looks ok, but i am turning to the experts(you guys) on this one. also have got my runs, 3x a week @ 3 miles a run. still keeping with push ups, situps and calestinics(oop spelling?) daily.

Feeling pretty good, and actually think some of the office girls are taking notice! lol

Thanks again, and happy new years!!!!!
you guys are a great help and inspiration.
I know i probably have no business on these boards, as i am not a bodybuilder, just an average guy trying to get in shape, but i truly appreciate your help.

your friend,