Yes, it's called pre-habilitation work or "pre-hab" work. 2 days per week I have my guys do this as the first thing in their strength programs espcially with my throwing athletes. Here's a sample of what we do and it's mandatory.
Day 1 -
Kneeling Y-T-W
Zottman Curls
Baseball altitude drops
Day 2 -
Seated DB cleans w/external rotation
Scapula retractions
Seated scapula retractions
Internal/External rotations with bands
Thanks Coach, good stuff! I did some googling and it's interesting to see the link between scapular mobility/strength and shoulder health. I never knew that before. Once or twice a year I'll get a pinched nerve (I'm guessing) all of a sudden under or near my shoulder blade (never in the gym, sometimes without any load at all), sometimes so bad it hurts to just breath. Maybe my shoulder issues are a symptom of the same problem.
I'm going to start doing these as you have laid them out. I don't have any bands though, so I hope DBs will be ok for a short time. I'll get some bands ASAP but haven't seen any in the shops so it may take a little while if they have to order them in (any recommended rating? How are bands rated? Would plain 'ol bungee cords do the trick?) Two more questions for you:
- Are the 90/90s and Internal/External rotations the same movement, except you get your guys to do the 90/90s with dumbbells and the Int/Ex Rotations are done with bands (so I guess you'd be standing with the bands but have to lie down with the DBs)?
- What are Baseball altitude drops? Google wasn't much help.
Looks like the golf is going to be on me.