Author Topic: Cruising after cycle Advice  (Read 883 times)


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 686
Cruising after cycle Advice
« on: January 20, 2009, 06:23:03 AM »
Just coming off 20 wk cycle of Test and Deca.  I am considering cruising for the first time.  Any recommendations on:

1. how long to cruise and how many mg of Test to take while cruising before starting a cutting cycle

2.  Should I take HCG or Nolva while cruising?  If so, how much?

3.  Any other recommendations on how to effectively stay on low dose?

driv eit!!

  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 6
Re: Cruising after cycle Advice
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2009, 07:54:26 AM »
im getting ready to cruise myself for the 1st time, before this cylce i was on a low dose trt test wkly, around 175 -200mg a wk. and you might be as suprised as i was how as to  good i felt and the progress i made on even that low a dose,  im going back to around 3/4 cc a wk of cyp should put it around 200mg a wk i will run this upto next cycle, w/o any ancillaries unless needed, (if there  are sides) which i;ve never had while on trt dose, as for hcg it should be reserved for if you expereince any testicualr atrophy,


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Re: Cruising after cycle Advice
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 06:51:00 PM »
Just coming off 20 wk cycle of Test and Deca.  I am considering cruising for the first time.  Any recommendations on:

1. how long to cruise and how many mg of Test to take while cruising before starting a cutting cycle

2.  Should I take HCG or Nolva while cruising?  If so, how much?

3.  Any other recommendations on how to effectively stay on low dose?

1) The length of the cruise is dependent on you. A good rule of thumb is time on = time off or cruise time. IMO it doesn't matter to much because your still on, just giving your body a break from the heavier cycle. As far as dosage goes that depends if your doing a real cruise or just going on to trt dosage. A cruise dosage would again be dependent on what your dosage on cycle was.

2) Yes, I would def use hcg while cruising. My body feels much better when using HCG even when on trt. Also if your young and running a blast and cruise for any significant amount of time the hcg will keep your balls healthy and make recovery much easier when you get to it.

3) Keep your estrogen down to a normal level. You don't want high E levels for an extended amount of time(not good for the male body). Run long estered test as it can give you a break from the rigors of frequent pins.