Author Topic: Are abcesses overrated?  (Read 2921 times)


  • Getbig V
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Are abcesses overrated?
« on: February 13, 2009, 03:22:41 PM »

I hear so much about them, but I rarely see bodybuilders walking around with huge gaping holes in their muscles or bandaged up.

If I get a hard swollen injection site, I let it heal naturally and never had an issue.

Any of you guys had to cut out some infected tissue?

Speak now!   ;D

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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 03:27:51 PM »
Had it happen a few times but never bad enough to go to the doc to antibiotics or to get cut. I Just let it heal on its own and never had any issues.


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2009, 03:36:02 PM »
Had it happen a few times but never bad enough to go to the doc to antibiotics or to get cut. I Just let it heal on its own and never had any issues.

Never anything really bad, just some swollen tissue but no redness or anything drastic.

I'm I don't expect any abcesses, but I hear alot of horror stories.

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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2009, 03:38:23 PM »
Never anything really bad, just some swollen tissue but no redness or anything drastic.

I'm I don't expect any abcesses, but I hear alot of horror stories.


Yea same with me.  I'm VERY anal bout being sterile but sometimes it just happens.

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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2009, 05:41:52 PM »
I know of 3 guys personally who have had to have tissue cut out because of an abscess. One in his shoulder, the other two their rear end.

I've had one bad scare myself, it was because of that free Boldenone Propionate GPL was passing out for free several years back. Put me out of commission for 3 solid weeks, ended a contest diet, and was the most painful thing I've ever had in my life without question....not being sarcastic, but it looked like there was a volleyball on the side of my right butt cheek. I drained it every night, used a 20g pin and stuck it 3 times drawing out 9cc of white puss...could have done more but doing that 3x was all I could take.

So yes, it can happen...and even if you're being clean it can still happen if something weird one is above controlling the "weird factor."

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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2009, 06:37:00 PM »
You can be as sterile as possible , if the gear is contaminted it won't matter and will cause an abcess regardless, my buddy had a horrible one from some bunk primo,  he shot his tri, his right arm literally doubled in size (looked like valvolino's)  one arm was 19.5" the other was like 27" LOL. He had to have it drained and went on antibiotics, we still laugh about it to this day.


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2009, 08:43:00 PM »
im sure alotof guys here have been cycling longer than me but sfor the 5 or more years i have been cycling, i have had only 2 scares, first mistake from financial issues using alins shit, got a sterile abcess in my delt, stuck a hole in my should and squeezed puss and little blood out, no problems since thank god, second time shot winny in my delt when i first started cycling, my whole shoulder down to my elbow got red and i could move or lift my arm for a wk, felt sick but it healed. That was the scariest moment i have had when cycling, the pain SUCKED LOL


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2009, 10:55:09 PM »
never had a problem until my last cycle last year, sachet crap got me sick and gave me cellulitis every shot for a cycle, 1 time it was really bad when I injected in a previously damaged area, my butt swelled to at least triple it's normal size, I had to take some drugs and ice, I drained it once but it was only blood, no puss or anything and it cleared up relatively quickly. 

I've been 100% confident in vials and amps hopefully that continues as I try newer stuff.


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2009, 12:47:05 AM »
never had a problem until my last cycle last year, sachet crap got me sick and gave me cellulitis every shot for a cycle, 1 time it was really bad when I injected in a previously damaged area, my butt swelled to at least triple it's normal size, I had to take some drugs and ice, I drained it once but it was only blood, no puss or anything and it cleared up relatively quickly. 

I've been 100% confident in vials and amps hopefully that continues as I try newer stuff.

Do you remember what manufacturer for the sachet and  what gear specifically it was??


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2009, 12:56:36 AM »
I used sachet crap and i do not think I got an infection but it defiantly swelled up large and was painful.  this is another reason why I think steroid prohibition causes more problems than it solves b/c people are forced to get gear from UG sources (the scum of the earth, overseas drug dealers) that do not care if the people they sell to die of an infection from gear thats underdosed and that has to much BA and is packed into a non=sterile packet simular to a alcohol prep "sachet".  I am ashamed to admitt I ever used stealth gear and ashamed to say i let con artist called "advanced stealth" ripp me off.  I think its foolish to waste money on anything other than HG gear, its your body why risk it on gear thats garbage and if u cannot afford it, save up trust me!!!  The gains I got on stealth gear i could of gotten naturally.......i am no "roid veteran" but I plead with anybody considering using "stealth" gear to reconsider and to save their money and not risk hurting themselves and being another case that the steroid prohibitioners can use against responsible human hormone use.
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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2009, 05:17:22 AM »
it was eco oils test e, funny thing is my friend had some at the same time and his was ok


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2009, 10:58:03 AM »
I've had a few sore injection sites but I'm positive that at least two were abscesses. One was full blown and I was very close to administering myself to get that shit cut open and drained professionally.

I was stupid, had trouble pinning glutes, slowly moved more towards the hip and ended up completing an awfully shallow hip injection. I was cramping up and had to finish pinning blind and left about a ml right under the skin. It was the size of a golf ball and my gf kept banging into it clumsily which lead to more inflammation and throbbing pains. I didn't feel like I had a fever but for 20 minutes each morning I'd stare at it in the mirror and psych myself out.

Thank goodness it went away. I could have probably acquired antibiotics at that point but at least now I have something to gauge against. I think lots of people get them without knowing. I sure hope I don't get one that needs to be cut out though. A friend has had a couple cut out with no problem. In and out.


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2009, 01:47:19 AM »
I've had a few sore injection sites but I'm positive that at least two were abscesses. One was full blown and I was very close to administering myself to get that shit cut open and drained professionally.

I was stupid, had trouble pinning glutes, slowly moved more towards the hip and ended up completing an awfully shallow hip injection. I was cramping up and had to finish pinning blind and left about a ml right under the skin. It was the size of a golf ball and my gf kept banging into it clumsily which lead to more inflammation and throbbing pains. I didn't feel like I had a fever but for 20 minutes each morning I'd stare at it in the mirror and psych myself out.

Thank goodness it went away. I could have probably acquired antibiotics at that point but at least now I have something to gauge against. I think lots of people get them without knowing. I sure hope I don't get one that needs to be cut out though. A friend has had a couple cut out with no problem. In and out.

I know some of you will flame me for saying this, but keeping some antibiotics on hand isn't a bad idea.


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2009, 06:51:06 AM »
I know some of you will flame me for saying this, but keeping some antibiotics on hand isn't a bad idea.

that can be a good idea, obviously if its serious enough, go to the dr instead of trying to handle it yourself but most times, it can be nothing too major and can be handled at home


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2009, 09:24:38 AM »
I personally haven't had anything close, but a friend of mine did have to go through it all, cutting out the tissue, drain tube the whole sick deal.  He said he couldn't even go to the bathroom for days much less sit down.   I think it a product of you own fuck up personally.


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2009, 10:22:45 AM »
I know some of you will flame me for saying this, but keeping some antibiotics on hand isn't a bad idea.

If I needed them I would be up front with my doctor. I live in Canada so it's pretty relaxed, even in the States the worst you'll get is a lecture but complete confidentiality.

My take is that I had no fever, training wasn't hindered (though I backed off a little and just did light cardio), I felt great and it stopped getting bad after a certain point. Had it continued to get worse I would have pursued treatment. But if my body can take care of it on it's own, I'd rather take that course. My bro always says that you've gotta live life, lick your fingers every once in a while. And it's true to a certain extend. Big germaphobes that disinfect their homes and work areas to the extreme often lose immunity to common virii and germy ass shit that their body should be able to fend off natural. PLUS, those germs eventually develop immunity to common cleaners and disinfectants. We're making ourselves super weak and germs super strong. I only take modern medicines when it's absolutely necessary for that fact. If I can tough it out, I'll do that. But if the risk vs reward is too high I'll get some meds.

My mom's a nurse, my uncle's a doctor, and we have "drop in clinics" in Canada where we can go in without an appointment, wait for a doctor and get a script for damn near anything. I wouldn't have to pay more than $3 for just about any med, aside from super exotic/expensive ones (but then my provincial and work coverage would probably get those costs) :D


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2009, 05:38:27 PM »
I've had a few sore injection sites but I'm positive that at least two were abscesses. One was full blown and I was very close to administering myself to get that shit cut open and drained professionally.

I was stupid, had trouble pinning glutes, slowly moved more towards the hip and ended up completing an awfully shallow hip injection. I was cramping up and had to finish pinning blind and left about a ml right under the skin. It was the size of a golf ball and my gf kept banging into it clumsily which lead to more inflammation and throbbing pains. I didn't feel like I had a fever but for 20 minutes each morning I'd stare at it in the mirror and psych myself out.

Thank goodness it went away. I could have probably acquired antibiotics at that point but at least now I have something to gauge against. I think lots of people get them without knowing. I sure hope I don't get one that needs to be cut out though. A friend has had a couple cut out with no problem. In and out.

I'd never shoot anywhere I didn't have full access.

I don't even do glute shots.

If by chance you get a real infection, you want to be able to get a handle on it.

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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2009, 06:07:31 PM »
I just do glute and quads.  I do not feel like I have big enough delts to do a "deep" intramusclar shot in the arm.  I got a good rotation going and the crap i just started on is generic HG so as long as i keep using propper sanitiation (alcohol pads, shower before i inject) and use clean needles I do not anticipate an infection.  If you get an infection i truely believe its due to your own ignorance.  If any of you are going to use stealth gear i would advise against it but if you must please use a .22um filter on that sachet crap before you inject to get ride of bacteria.  In fact I would filter it twice to make sure, call me paranoid.  i have a buddy at my gym thats convinced his stealth gear is legit and i finally talked him into filtering it so hopefully he just gets pain from BA and no infections from that garbage.  Its very odd because he is a nursing student and he does not see my point but agreed to do it as a personal favor to me.  Good thing he has the hook up with medical supplies.
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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2009, 06:48:41 PM »
I just do glute and quads.  I do not feel like I have big enough delts to do a "deep" intramusclar shot in the arm.  I got a good rotation going and the crap i just started on is generic HG so as long as i keep using propper sanitiation (alcohol pads, shower before i inject) and use clean needles I do not anticipate an infection.  If you get an infection i truely believe its due to your own ignorance.  If any of you are going to use stealth gear i would advise against it but if you must please use a .22um filter on that sachet crap before you inject to get ride of bacteria.  In fact I would filter it twice to make sure, call me paranoid.  i have a buddy at my gym thats convinced his stealth gear is legit and i finally talked him into filtering it so hopefully he just gets pain from BA and no infections from that garbage.  Its very odd because he is a nursing student and he does not see my point but agreed to do it as a personal favor to me.  Good thing he has the hook up with medical supplies.

I think your buddy is an idiot.

If I met him I'm call him an idiot to his face, and explain why.

Love these gym rat fools who get a lil' knowledge and think they have all the answers.

Very stupid.

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2009, 05:21:30 PM »
he is an idiot today he walked into the gym with his left shoe on his right foot and his left shoe on his right foot..........we laughed at him hardcore and the one guy was fucking with him so much that it almost turned into a real fight b/c they wrote "L" and "R" on his shoes with a marker and I think they might go buy a pair of cheap velcrow shoes at wal-mart for him and put them by his locker tomrrow....I do not think I want to consider him a buddy anymore
First Rock


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2009, 09:03:38 PM »
he is an idiot today he walked into the gym with his left shoe on his right foot and his left shoe on his right foot..........we laughed at him hardcore and the one guy was fucking with him so much that it almost turned into a real fight b/c they wrote "L" and "R" on his shoes with a marker and I think they might go buy a pair of cheap velcrow shoes at wal-mart for him and put them by his locker tomrrow....I do not think I want to consider him a buddy anymore

....hence why I don't talk to people much at the gym at all.

At all.

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...

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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2009, 05:50:20 AM »
I once had to drain 3 and a half 10ml syringes of gunk,blood and general badness out of my shoulder after a particularly bad absess


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2009, 09:36:04 AM »
i doubt filtering gear that is contaminated with bacteria is going to do anything at all to get rid of the bacteria. 

if your gear is contaminated you can try dry heat sterilization - then adding in some ba and bb afterwards.

abcess may be over rated and may be under rated. if its just swelling and a bit of pain, but no redness or heat or pain to the touch.. then its ok. but if its red hot and hurts to touch it...  then you need anti biotics and maybe a shot and maybe some draining.

for the red, hot, nasty abcess =

not all anti biotics will work. acne antibiotics wont help a injection abcess.   

if you get an abcess, put a hot, damp cloth on it and that will bring the 'stuff' to the surface.

dont stretch your muscle if you have an abcess, this will allow the bacteria and infection to get deeper into the muscle and harder to treat. dont workout with an abcess either. 


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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2009, 12:53:48 PM »
-I could be wrong but a .22um filter has microscopic holes that are smaller than all bacteria hence the bacteria will not go through and the juice molecules will.......BA is what makes sachet crap gear so painful and also sometimes histamines are in there.  So adding BA would really just make it worse, b/c stealth gear always has to much BA
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Re: Are abcesses overrated?
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2009, 05:57:33 PM »
I hear so much about them, but I rarely see bodybuilders walking around with huge gaping holes in their muscles or bandaged up.

If I get a hard swollen injection site, I let it heal naturally and never had an issue.

Any of you guys had to cut out some infected tissue?

Speak now!   ;D

My first cycle, (Pharma Med Techs Test Cyp) i got a tiny lump on both delts with a little redness but nothing serious, healed naturally. I was so excited about doing my first cycle that i didnt even think to swab the injection site with alcohol before injecting but my next cycle ill be sure that ill use alcohol.