Author Topic: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?  (Read 2132 times)


  • Getbig V
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Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« on: March 08, 2009, 07:28:49 PM »

I just don't get what people really get out of hunting.  I'm not against killing animals for food i.e. fishing, cows, pigs, etc.  Especially if it's done humanely?  But killing a bear?  Why?  For fun?  To say you can?  The thrill of the hunt?  Honestly I really don't understand hunting. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2009, 07:49:22 PM »
You can eat bear---I have. Its not that bad at all.  It has to be cooked right, but as far as a meat goes, it really doesn't have a bad flavor. 

I come from a family that does ALOT of hunting.   My brother gets about half to 2/3 of the meat he eats in a year by killing it hunting.  The rest comes off the family farm.  That video looked to actually be a relatively clean shot.   Animals shot with a bow or a gun will often times run a short distance then collapse and die.  In my mind its not ideal, but it happens.

The other reason is population control.  Lets face it there are places where nusance animals need to be removed. 

Unfortunately, there are people out there who don't respect the animal, they dont eat what the kill and they don't care about population control.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2009, 08:00:30 PM »
And yes, I'll admit I sort of put hunting on a podium because its something I grew up doing--I expect other hunters to do things the way my family does it---they use just about every part of the animal that can be used, from freezing organ meats for fishing bait to sausage to tanning hides to use as tarps.  I was taught one shot, one kill and thats how we did it. 

I can afford to buy food now.  I don't need to hunt anymore other than rats in the horse barn and I consider that pest control.  Its not something I do for "fun" although I do admit I got alot of enjoyment out of going into the woods and watching the animals.  I also know my brother and parents will watch way, way more than they shoot.   Its relaxing to just watch. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 08:18:36 PM »
And yes, I'll admit I sort of put hunting on a podium because its something I grew up doing--I expect other hunters to do things the way my family does it---they use just about every part of the animal that can be used, from freezing organ meats for fishing bait to sausage to tanning hides to use as tarps.  I was taught one shot, one kill and thats how we did it. 

I can afford to buy food now.  I don't need to hunt anymore other than rats in the horse barn and I consider that pest control.  Its not something I do for "fun" although I do admit I got alot of enjoyment out of going into the woods and watching the animals.  I also know my brother and parents will watch way, way more than they shoot.   Its relaxing to just watch. 

I can understand your point of view for sure.  But a bear?  I mean I guess I shouldn't argue a bear is any more valuable than a deer who is any more valuable than a fish? but I just don't get why anyone would enjoy shooting a bear.  That video obviously was not "one shot one kill".  The bear frickin ran around, took the time to climb up a tree and then fucking fell down.  Bow hunting seems fucking archaic and brutal in my opinion.  And the smug fucking look on that stupid ass kid???????  Obviously he got enjoyment out of killing that bear.  Like that dumbass kid was going to skin the animal, and use every bone and ligament and what not?  No way.
But I guess I'm being a hypocrite because the way livestock are treated is far worse than any animal shot by a hunter.  Plus what's with all the fancy equipment?  I think it's laughable.  A real hunter should dress up like an Indian with buckskin loin cloth, moccasins, bow and arrow made out of wood and animal sinew and hunt the animal like an Indian would.  I could understand that much more than sitting in a fucking tree stand with handwarmers, a high powered rifle, and scent lok 21st century clothing.  Sorry but it just all seems so stupid to be a "hunter".  And my family in laws are all big hunters.  I did not grow up hunting but I grew up very close to nature.  Trout fishing, backpacking, mountain climbing etc.  I'd venture to say I have a better understanding and even a more intimate relationship with nature than any hunter.   


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2009, 03:50:58 PM »
I can understand your point of view for sure.  But a bear?  I mean I guess I shouldn't argue a bear is any more valuable than a deer who is any more valuable than a fish? but I just don't get why anyone would enjoy shooting a bear.  That video obviously was not "one shot one kill".  The bear frickin ran around, took the time to climb up a tree and then fucking fell down.  Bow hunting seems fucking archaic and brutal in my opinion.  And the smug fucking look on that stupid ass kid???????  Obviously he got enjoyment out of killing that bear.  Like that dumbass kid was going to skin the animal, and use every bone and ligament and what not?  No way.
But I guess I'm being a hypocrite because the way livestock are treated is far worse than any animal shot by a hunter.  Plus what's with all the fancy equipment?  I think it's laughable.  A real hunter should dress up like an Indian with buckskin loin cloth, moccasins, bow and arrow made out of wood and animal sinew and hunt the animal like an Indian would.  I could understand that much more than sitting in a fucking tree stand with handwarmers, a high powered rifle, and scent lok 21st century clothing.  Sorry but it just all seems so stupid to be a "hunter".  And my family in laws are all big hunters.  I did not grow up hunting but I grew up very close to nature.  Trout fishing, backpacking, mountain climbing etc.  I'd venture to say I have a better understanding and even a more intimate relationship with nature than any hunter.   

I agree, the kid looked like a dumbass.  I'd also encourage you to think through what you are spouting, because some of it doesn't really make sense. 

The problem with your example is you aren't thinking the weapon through.  An "indian" arrow shot from a  recurve bow made from wood and animal sinew like what you have described will hit a maximum velocity of about 125 feet per second.  It is much more likely to maim and wound, not kill an animal immediately than a modern, machined, razor sharp modern arrow delivered at 300+ feet per second.   Thats simple physics.  Modern isn't always worse. In terms of guns,  high powered rifle with a percision scope in the hands of a person who actually knows how to use the gun increases the likelyhood of a single kill shot vs an open site from a muzzle loader increasing the possibility of a stray shot and not a clean kill.  I've hunted with a recurve bow, a compound bow, with a muzzle loader, and with high powered rifles.  I prefer the high powered rifle.  I know its much more likely to be one shot, one kill.  thats how I want to do it. 

I personally don't agree with feeding or "baiting" animals for hunting.   I also don't agree with just shooting an animal for its hide or the trophy antlers, but thats me.  If I can't eat it and use as much of the animal as possible, I'm not killing it.  Its that simple.  There are others who will argue with me.  I also think if you really want to argue animal feelings and thoughts, you need to consider your trout fishing example.  Fishing can be considered one of the cruelest of all animal capture methods.   Lets lure an unsuspecting fish to grab a hook that penetrates behind its jaw, then tie it up with a stringer through its gills, limiting how it can breath, keep it for several hours before killing it by bludgening it on the head or worse yet, gutting it alive?   (This is an extreme example to prove a point, I do fish, I'm not that kind of a nut).   Think about that when you are getting upset about hunting. 

And again, I'm speaking of hunters who hunt like I was raised doing---respect the animal.  Use it, don't abuse it.  And make damned sure its one shot, one kill.  Unfortunately there are alot of people out there who don't see things the way I do.   


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Re: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2009, 10:09:43 AM »
I agree with Vet 100%  I personally grew up doing alot of hunting & fishing.  Nowadays, I do absolutely none.  It's not that I don't like it anymore, but I won't do it just 'because'.  Also, if you don't control the abundance of deer population through hunting, you're not helping the deer by not hunting them.  You will actually make it worse for them to overpopulate.  They will then stand more of a chance to die from starvation. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2009, 01:57:15 PM »
I agree with vet as well usually ppl who are against hunting know little about it or only one side of and percieve that to be all there is...If you think thats bad you should see how animals that are breed for food are treated.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2009, 02:08:17 PM »
I agree with vet as well usually ppl who are against hunting know little about it or only one side of and percieve that to be all there is...If you think thats bad you should see how animals that are breed for food are treated.

Yes I agree animals bred for food are treated much worse.  But still that doesn't justify the egotistical almost evil joy one reaps when killing animals such as the video I posted of the stupid kid killing the bear.  Also have you seen those "Varmint" videos?  The Coyote ones in my opinion are disgusting.  I can understand killing deer for food but come on........why does it have to be the biggest most beautiful buck around as the goal?  It's all ego and arrogance in my opinion.  Maybe not with hunters like Vet but the "sport" side of hunting is disgusting and unnecessary.  Is it really  necessary to hunt big horn sheep? Bears? Wolves? Cougars?   Not like they are "overpopulated". 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2009, 02:53:19 PM »
Yes I agree animals bred for food are treated much worse.  But still that doesn't justify the egotistical almost evil joy one reaps when killing animals such as the video I posted of the stupid kid killing the bear.  Also have you seen those "Varmint" videos?  The Coyote ones in my opinion are disgusting.  I can understand killing deer for food but come on........why does it have to be the biggest most beautiful buck around as the goal?  It's all ego and arrogance in my opinion.  Maybe not with hunters like Vet but the "sport" side of hunting is disgusting and unnecessary.  Is it really  necessary to hunt big horn sheep? Bears? Wolves? Cougars?   Not like they are "overpopulated". 
Is it necessary to catch a big ass bass or eat multiple animals? If your going to kill a buck then why not get the biggest one you can? Nothing is necessary these days we have protein substitutes so why even eat animals? Its not all about ego you may only see a big buck once or so a season depending on where you hunt you may not see any, when you see the big one you take the shot. Its just like everything else in life bro, ego is injected into everything your car, house, spouse etc...why would you think this would be any different?

Lord Humungous

  • Getbig V
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Re: Seriously what's the point of this f'n bullshit?
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2009, 06:59:32 AM »
Yes I agree animals bred for food are treated much worse.  But still that doesn't justify the egotistical almost evil joy one reaps when killing animals such as the video I posted of the stupid kid killing the bear.  Also have you seen those "Varmint" videos?  The Coyote ones in my opinion are disgusting.  I can understand killing deer for food but come on........why does it have to be the biggest most beautiful buck around as the goal?  It's all ego and arrogance in my opinion.  Maybe not with hunters like Vet but the "sport" side of hunting is disgusting and unnecessary.  Is it really  necessary to hunt big horn sheep? Bears? Wolves? Cougars?   Not like they are "overpopulated". 

Being a life long hunter I cant understand your view on this. My family has always hunted starting back in the depression when the only free meal roamed the woods on 4 legs or flew on wings. But, I think what you are seeing is the commercialization of hunting from all these ridiculous TV shows. Every weekend some jackass like Bill Jordan sally into the woods with his $5000 custom rifle to hunt private lands that are managed to produce the larges game around.  They stay in cushy lodges, eat gourmet meals and never have to walk a step since they all hop on ATVs. That is not hunting and it makes me want to puke.

There is nothing more primal and more spiritual than eating the flesh of an animal you prepared for, stocked, killed,, dressed, and butchered. At one time in mans history all meat and game was wild, to me its only natural. You get your meat from a store in a plastic wrapper, I get mine in the outdoors in its natural wrapper. I will never apologize for it.

What many nonhunters dint understand ( partially because of leftist groups like PETA and ASPCA)is that because of hunters and hunting regulations started by hunters there is more game today than 100 years ago. More, deer, turkey, bear, elk, upland game, waterfowl and so on. This isn't just my opinion this is fact To say that there is no need for hunters to keep animal populations in check is a total crock! NJs black bear population has skyrocketed since a ban on bear hunting was adopted 3 years ago and man/bear encounters has risen 70%. Farmers in the midwest near yellowstone national park have been complaining that the wolf population outside the park needs to me kept in check because their livestock has been getting killed. The game dept said it was coyotes until a few ranchers set up cameras to film the wolfs kill sheep and cattle.

Make no mistake, hunters are a vital part of the ecology. But, please dint think what you see on youtube or TV is what hunting is or what its all about.