ran 5 miles......yelled A LOT!!!bench
Haven't gotten off the couch all week. Wish I had Don or Gene to workout with me, need some motivation. Fuck, I'd even settle for Clavin right now.
LMAO damn that is not good..Dont worry Ill be in Cleveland soon, I'll make sure you fucking hit the gym
ill come workout with you and we can hang out and do stuff and thingswhat state are u from
I live in Ohio, but will come to the east coast for a threes workout with you and Don, but lets not tell Clavin.
Hammer benchhammer inclinedecline benchpec decabs
Tring to workoff the canolli and food fest from ssaturday
You fuckin know it!
Please i got on the scale yesterday am, fucking thing said what the fuck did you eat this weekend. I said 3 canollis and I ate the most saturday...scales reply..douchebaag
Oofa,Sunday morning was breakfeast at a colombian joint,steak,eggs,rice n beans,and fried plantains,follwed by ice cream for lunch and Wendy's for dinner