Author Topic: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked  (Read 5504 times)


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #50 on: June 22, 2009, 03:14:03 PM »
Another rant by yet another naive and worthless asshole. Barry could have avoided all this months ago but sat on his ass as usual. nKorea isn't going to war, they want concessions and money. But nice meltdown.

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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2009, 03:17:34 PM »
I missed where they went nuts like this under Bush. Do u honestly think there is no tie between this and Obama as president. They know he's weak and can be pushed around.

are you fuckin shittin me.

you can read more here

2006 North Korean nuclear test

North Korea had been suspected of maintaining a clandestine nuclear weapons development program since the early 1990s when it constructed a plutonium-producing Magnox nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, and various diplomatic means had been used by the international community to attempt to limit North Korea's nuclear work to peaceful and scientific means and encouraging North Korea to participate in international treaties. In 1994, the United States and North Korea signed the "Agreed Framework", whereby North Korea agreed to freeze its plutonium production program in exchange for fuel, economic cooperation, and the construction of two modern nuclear power plants powered by light-water reactors. Eventually, North Korea's existing nuclear facilities were to be dismantled, and the spent reactor fuel taken out of the country.

However, in 2002, rumors circulated that North Korea was pursuing both uranium enrichment technology and plutonium reprocessing technologies in defiance of the Agreed Framework North Korea reportedly told American diplomats in private that they were in possession of nuclear weapons, citing American failures to uphold their own end of the "Agreed Framework" as a motivating force. North Korea later clarified that it did not possess weapons yet, but that it had a right to possess them. In late 2002 and early 2003, North Korea began to take steps to eject International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors while re-routing spent fuel rods for plutonium reprocessing for weapons purposes. Throughout the course of 2003, North Korean and American officials exchanged harsh words and staged military exercises which were interpreted by the other party to be aggressive. As late as the end of 2003, North Korea claimed that it would freeze its nuclear program in exchange for American concessions – in particular a non-aggression treaty – but a final agreement was not reached and talks continued to be cancelled or fall through. North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003 after not receiving light-water reactors promised by the U.S. which were going to be delivered in exchange for North Korea not developing their own power plants, as understood in the "Agreed Framework."

In early 2004 former Los Alamos National Laboratory director Siegfried S. Hecker, as part of an unofficial U.S. delegation, was allowed to inspect North Korea's plutonium production facilities. Hecker later testified before the United States Congress that while North Korea seems to have successfully extracted plutonium from the spent fuel rods, he saw no evidence at the time that they had actually produced a workable weapon.[7] In September 2004, though, North Korean officials announced they had successfully processed Yongbyon plutonium into a workable nuclear deterrent. Through 2005 more diplomatic talks were attempted between the United States, North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, and Russia (the six-party talks) but little concrete change occurred.

Because North Korea had not conducted a successful test of a nuclear device, the extent of its nuclear weapons program remained ambiguous through 2005 and much of 2006. Though North Korea conducted numerous missile tests (some of which were branded failures by international experts), the question of whether they had actually mastered all aspects of nuclear weapons technology – ranging from material production to complex nuclear weapon design needed to produce the final detonation – remains unanswered.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2009, 03:27:39 PM »
Another rant by yet another naive and worthless asshole. Barry could have avoided all this months ago but sat on his ass as usual. nKorea isn't going to war, they want concessions and money. But nice meltdown.

By doing what?

What could he have done?

Why didn't Bush do those same things then?

Bush you liked, and he did nothing... Why not?


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2009, 03:28:05 PM »
Yeah no kidding....and Barry is doing nothing...and its full speed ahead.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2009, 04:06:20 PM »
I view Obama's stance on North Korea as the same thing as Bush or Clintons stance on the death penalty while running for president.

Most presidents or presidential hopefuls need an issue to make them look tough, but take little effort.

North Korea is like this. Obama can play hardball because in the end North Korea will either back down or will get obliterated if they do something foolish.

Its like death penalty its makes them look tough on crime but it takes very little effort and resources.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2009, 04:11:34 PM »
Barry has come to the end of talk and sanctions. I think he already put em back on the terror list and I think they froze accounts in Maccau. If he hasn't he will. Now what? Bush knew China was the key and got nKorea to the table with their help. I think China is sick of all of it. Barry has let em go from what they did under Bush to making actual nuclear theats. My point is that he could have knocked the satelite down, dragged em back to the table and accomplished something. We will see a conventional war coming, nukes are different.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #56 on: June 22, 2009, 04:33:32 PM »
He can also take that ship the McCain is shadowing, if they think it has weapons on board. Thats a violation of UN resolutions governing sanctions against nKorea. Barry may be reluctant because somebody searched it some years before, thinking it was carring weapons. I can buy that but the nKoreans will see that as another sign of weakness by Obama and the UN. Barry has worked himself into a no win situation.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #57 on: June 22, 2009, 04:38:18 PM »
He can also take that ship the McCain is shadowing, if they think it has weapons on board. Thats a violation of UN resolutions governing sanctions against nKorea. Barry may be reluctant because somebody searched it some years before, thinking it was carring weapons. I can buy that but the nKoreans will see that as another sign of weakness by Obama and the UN. Barry has worked himself into a no win situation.

What should he have done? You haven't even answered that... Knocking down a satellite? That's your big answer?


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #58 on: June 22, 2009, 04:42:39 PM »
Thats a start...that triggered all thats followed. The answer to anything we do to nKorea, has been "war". So we're no further along now as then. They want something. Kim knows he's gone if we go to war. Thats not the right answer. So far Kim has gotten everything he's wanted since Clinton. Iran and nKorea are linked.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #59 on: June 22, 2009, 04:47:53 PM »
Thats a start...that triggered all thats followed. The answer to anything we do to nKorea, has been "war". So we're no further along now as then. They want something. Kim knows he's gone if we go to war. Thats not the right answer. So far Kim has gotten everything he's wanted since Clinton. Iran and nKorea are linked.

Hahaha! Dude... You sound so ridiculous.

Knocking down a satellite is the key to dealing with North Korea... Everyone listen to this.

Forget sanctions, frozen bank accounts, the potential to get their country blown off the face of the earth... All Obama had to do was knock down a satellite!!

Damn, this international diplomacy thing must be pretty simple I guess... How come no one has thought of this before!?!


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #60 on: June 22, 2009, 04:48:21 PM »
This isn't stimulating reading but what they say is that there is more room to take more cash. Further we need to make sure that nKorea knows that we're cutting off the cash and then seeing what they do. It calls for a unified front from all players.

To avoid eventual catastrophe, Messrs. Obama and Lee must discard the comforting illusions that have permitted generations of statesmen to sleepwalk through nearly two decades of progressively mounting North Korean nuclear menace. The continuing, overarching failure of Western diplomacy with North Korea is due to a flaw in fundamental premises. Washington, Seoul and others have long assumed (or hoped) that Pyongyang will have an interest in helping us to "solve" the "problem" it poses to us. But nothing could be further from the truth. Our North Korean "problem" is their North Korean "solution."

North Korea's strategy, accordingly, is to make what we regard as the "North Korean nuclear problem" bigger--much bigger. Kim Jong Il has been patiently and methodically laying his groundwork for years. The regime needs not only a stockpile of nuclear weapons, but an inventory of intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads. The eventual purpose is to threaten the American heartland. To date, North Korea has attempted two nuclear detonations and amassed a stockpile of atomic devices.

Once we conceptualize the North Korean problem in terms of "threat reduction," the cards are in our hands.The only way forward is a fundamental paradigm shift in dealings with Pyongyang: The goal of the United States and its partners should not be a negotiation breakthrough but rather a threat reduction. This can be carried out in many separate theaters. In the Korean peninsula, it would require inter alia a significant redress of Pyongyang's military menace against Seoul. In the Northeast Asian region, more effective missile defense, an enhanced proliferation security initiative and a more muscular police effort against criminal sources of state revenue for Pyongyang would all seem in order. Globally, one could envision a more serious international human-rights strategy for North Korea that involves Europe and the United Nations; a more activist approach to bring North Korea to court on its world-wide violations of commercial contracts; and more carefully tailored initiatives to emphasize North Korea compliance with her existing international obligations. (Note that military instruments of coercion have not been mentioned here.)



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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #61 on: June 22, 2009, 04:49:18 PM »
So it's NOT knocking down a Satellite?

Is it or isn't it?


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #62 on: June 22, 2009, 04:52:23 PM »
Hahaha! Dude... You sound so ridiculous.

Knocking down a satellite is the key to dealing with North Korea... Everyone listen to this.

Forget sanctions, frozen bank accounts, the potential to get their country blown off the face of the earth... All Obama had to do was knock down a satellite!!

Damn, this international diplomacy thing must be pretty simple I guess... How come no one has thought of this before!?!

Ok dude...since u have no idea what we should do, we'll just allow a porn addicted midget to bully us. We've run the rope on sanctions. When u can actually debate and bring facts, let me know. The article mentions more money...see I'm providing facts and opinion. My opinion is that he should have shot down the satelite. That ship has sailed.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #63 on: June 22, 2009, 04:53:59 PM »

As I said when this happeded, Japan was prepared to waste it...Barry told em to stand down. U guys got wrapped around the axle on what the morning brief looked like.

As was the case during the last round of missile tests, Japan took the lead in condemning North Korea by pursuing tough U.N. sanctions. Since North Korea launched a missile over Japan in 1998, Japan has enhanced its ballistic-missile defense capabilities and identified the legal authorities that allow it to respond militarily within the confines of its pacifist constitution. In response to North Korea's most recent provocation, Japan's national-security authorities issued an order to "take measures to destroy ballistic missiles," enabling it to destroy any debris that might have landed on Japan's territory. Japan also deployed Aegis destroyers equipped with SM-3 surface-to-air interceptor missiles to the Sea of Japan and the Pacific, as well as Patriot Advanced Capability 3 missiles (PAC 3) to protect key assets in Japan.

But Tokyo harbored doubts about how Washington would react. While the U.S. also readied warships and missile-defense systems, it made clear that it would not intercept the missile. The Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, Adm. Timothy J. Keating, asserted that Washington has the capability to shoot down the missile. But before the launch, Secretary of Defense Gates stated the U.S. would not shoot it down unless it was headed towards U.S. territory. The message to Japan was clear: We will protect our territory but not yours.

The U.S.-Japanese alliance is the cornerstone of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, grounded in the joint promotion of democratic values and free-market principles.This is just a further indication of a growing split in the American-Japanese perception of the threat from North Korea. During the latest round of multilateral North Korean disarmament negotiations, termed the Six Party Talks, in 2007, the U.S. broke from Japan by removing Pyongyang from the list of state sponsors of terror, never made North Korean missiles an issue for negotiation, and appeared ready to settle for a freeze of plutonium production at one known nuclear site, Yongbyon. Japan is still very concerned about other nuclear production sites and the highly-enriched-uranium program North Korea claimed it had in 2003. Essentially Washington's policy amounts to accepting North Korea as a nuclear state, trying to deter it from proliferating, and defending the American homeland. This is not an altogether acceptable policy for a Japan that sits within range of North Korea's short- and medium-range missile force and is usually the main recipient of North Korea's rhetorical bellicosity.

Perhaps there really is no other option but to accept North Korea as a nuclear state, deter it from using or proliferating, and wait out Kim and his cronies. Even so, we owe our key ally more.

Pyongyang has given Tokyo an incentive to enhance its own security role, and we should keep encouraging that development. The United States and Japan have increased ballistic-missile defense cooperation over the past few years. And Japan is certainly more prepared to defend itself than it was a decade ago. But unfortunately the Obama administration has indicated that it will cut further development of missile defenses. North Korea's launch was proof positive that this is exactly the wrong move. The two countries should explore all missile-defense options, including airborne lasers. Further, the two countries should start to build an independent conventional strike capability for Japan, to include export variants of the F-22 Raptor and the entire suite of air support and ISR capabilities needed for Japan to launch its own strikes against North Korean missile sites and launchers. Pyongyang may have checkmated the United States into passivity because of its ability to devastate South Korea. But Japan is not bound by an alliance with South Korea and has more freedom of action to defend itself, with less risk of escalation.

The U.S.-Japanese alliance is the cornerstone of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, grounded in the joint promotion of democratic values and free-market principles. Washington cannot let Pyongyang create an irreparable rift between the two allies. If we have decided that we are moving to a containment policy, and all indications are that we have, we must help Japan defend itself during the many years it will take to wait for a more reasonable leadership to take charge in Pyongyang.



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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #64 on: June 22, 2009, 05:03:59 PM »
Ok dude...since u have no idea what we should do, we'll just allow a porn addicted midget to bully us. We've run the rope on sanctions. When u can actually debate and bring facts, let me know. The article mentions more money...see I'm providing facts and opinion. My opinion is that he should have shot down the satelite. That ship has sailed.

I can tell you what I would do, and it's not knocking down a satellite.

I would talk with China and I would tell them in no certain terms that if NK keeps this up, then we will drop so many bombs on them that their country will look like a waste land... You can stop us if you want to, OR you can tell Lil' Kim to sit down and shut the fuck up because one more missile launch will get his ass handed to him

Now... The bottom line is that you, nor I, have ANY idea of what Obama is or is not going to do now... I can tell you one factual thing though, knocking down a satellite wouldn't have done shit and you damn well know it, but because the HNIC didn't do it, you're going to put him on blast acting like he fucked up somehow, which you and I truly both know he did not.

This is going to be just like the Somali pirates who got ass raped... Obama is going to think this shit over and in the end, if he's got to pull the trigger, it's going to be some dead bodies and shit will get back to normal.

When it happens, come back and tell me all about how your boss got the job done, ok?


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #65 on: June 22, 2009, 05:23:54 PM »
Its a show of force. We have zero leverage over China so forget it. We've warned nKorea a billion times. These people have been playing the West since Kim Il Sung died and Clinton was president. I can tell u I have a better idea then u what Barry will or might do, and it appears besides moving a radar dish into the Pacific, he's not doing anything. Knocking that satelite down would have stopped them dead in their tracks. It would have told both nKorea and Iran that Barry is serious and not a paper tiger, as is believed. How many times have u  been to South Korea in the last 8 months? The South is worried about Washington and so is Japan. U don't think they see what's happened with Israel. Somalian boat pirates and a renagade nation with nukes aren't even close to the same. Also get back to me when u understand JSOC rules of engagement.  Right now we have the ship. He can take it down, do nothing, have a proxy do something etc. Barry has a choice, not a false choice as he likes to say, but a real choice.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #66 on: June 22, 2009, 05:26:21 PM »
Hell Barry could waste the nuke sites but he won't do that either. I think he's weak, u think he's measured and tough. He's been a day late and a dollar short in Iran and he's been his usual worthless self in nkorea.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #67 on: June 22, 2009, 05:43:05 PM »
Hell Barry could waste the nuke sites but he won't do that either. I think he's weak, u think he's measured and tough. He's been a day late and a dollar short in Iran and he's been his usual worthless self in nkorea.

BUSH, REagan, or BUSH Jr, wouldn't waste the nuke sites.  Nothing different would have happen under any president.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #68 on: June 22, 2009, 05:46:19 PM »
Not saying he will....its yet another option that has been talked about.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #69 on: June 22, 2009, 08:52:20 PM »
Actually under Clinton and Bush Jr. Most of the nuclear sites were decommissioned. It wasn't until earlier this year that some of the main plutonium reactors were restarted.
North Korea to restart reactor

Apr 14, 2009 03:12 PM

I thought the War games HH6 was a part of during the latest missile test was actually the Americans getting ready for a conventional war, after Japan shot down the missile.

Barry has no balls or else he wouldn't have played chicken and lost.


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #70 on: June 23, 2009, 12:52:36 AM »
i didn't see the satelite launch over japan as a test of obama.  He COULD have intervened, but there was zero threat to the USA, and it was just a satelite launch, right?  Is it illegal to launch a satellite?  Don't companies do that shit all the time now?

Now, if they fire a rocket at the US, I think obama will knock it down.  This was a satelite over japan.  Nothing but dick measuring contest, no weapon of any kind.

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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #71 on: June 23, 2009, 01:45:22 AM »
I'm so ronrey


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #72 on: June 23, 2009, 06:29:00 AM »
Since this entire little rant and whine session is brought to us by the same guy that said three Somali pirates were "testing" Obama and Obama failed (hahahahaa hindsight says different), it is only expected that he doesn't have the first idea of what reality and logic resembles.

Some know nothing potato counter in the military calling Obama weak?  Now that is as weak as one can get.  Must suck to wake up with that outlook everyday.

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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #73 on: June 23, 2009, 07:18:10 AM »
Its a show of force. We have zero leverage over China so forget it. We've warned nKorea a billion times. These people have been playing the West since Kim Il Sung died and Clinton was president. I can tell u I have a better idea then u what Barry will or might do, and it appears besides moving a radar dish into the Pacific, he's not doing anything. Knocking that satelite down would have stopped them dead in their tracks. It would have told both nKorea and Iran that Barry is serious and not a paper tiger, as is believed. How many times have u  been to South Korea in the last 8 months? The South is worried about Washington and so is Japan. U don't think they see what's happened with Israel. Somalian boat pirates and a renagade nation with nukes aren't even close to the same. Also get back to me when u understand JSOC rules of engagement.  Right now we have the ship. He can take it down, do nothing, have a proxy do something etc. Barry has a choice, not a false choice as he likes to say, but a real choice.

we do...we owe them money

on another note...My father (NAM vet) said that he thinks the US could end this with NK tomorrow if we wanted. His exact words were "Son we could go to "war" with NK and not loose one solider, 1 bomber and the shit is over. We should bomb the fuck out of that dog eating nip and turn North Korea into a lake"


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Re: NKorea threatens to harm US if attacked
« Reply #74 on: June 24, 2009, 12:46:09 AM »
we do...we owe them money

on another note...My father (NAM vet) said that he thinks the US could end this with NK tomorrow if we wanted. His exact words were "Son we could go to "war" with NK and not loose one solider, 1 bomber and the shit is over. We should bomb the fuck out of that dog eating nip and turn North Korea into a lake"

Would have trusted him more if he was a korean vet