Author Topic: IS THE BIBLE'S AUTHOR REALLY GOD?  (Read 30365 times)


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« on: August 15, 2009, 06:57:59 AM »
So, if you have points that can be made to prove the Bible's credibility regarding authorship, lets see it.

  • In (Genesis 2:7) it says that Adam was made from the ground (earth). It's known that the human body is made up of 41 chemical elements. These basic elements---carbon, iron, oxygen, and others---are all present in the "dust" of the earth. Therefore, as (Genesis) states, humans truly are formed "out of the dust from the ground". This was written around 4,500 years ago (give or take) by Moses. How is it possible that Moses new of this scientific info regarding a humans composition, when in that day this info was not known?

  • Believe it or not, some people are surprised to learn that Adam and Eve are mentioned repeatedly throughout the Bible. What insight do these references shed on the historicity of the Genesis account? Consider, for example, the Jewish ancestral lists recorded in the Bible book of (1 Chronicles 1-9) and in the Gospel of (Luke chapter 3). These remarkably detailed genealogical recrods span 48 and 75 generations respectively. Luke traces the genealogy of Jesus Christ, while (Chronicles) records the royal and priestly ancestral lines for the nation of Israel. Both lists include the names of such well-known figures as Solomon, David, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, and finally Adam. All the names in the two lists represent real people, and Adam was the original real person on each list. The Greek scriptures confirms the historicity of the account given in the early chapters of (Genesis).

  • Regarding the shape of earth ,the Bible reports that the planet was ROUND. (Isaiah 40:22) - "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,and its people are like gasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,and spreads them out like a tent to live in". It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then. Only in the 20th century has it been possible for humans to observe the shape of the earth. How did the Bible know this?

  • (Lev. 11:6) - "The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you." Critics attacked this for quite some time, yet the rabbit's cud chewing was finally observed by William Cowper (Englishmen) in the 18th century. The unusual way in which it is done was described in 1940 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. 110, Series A, pp. 159-163. (Leviticus) was written by Moses. Again, how would Moses know this info? He wrote this around 1512 B.C. If you think Moses got fortunate again or observed this, then why did he give God the credit? Did Moses lie?

  • The internal harmony is staggering/significant, to say the least. This is especially so in view of the fact that the books of the Bible were written by 40 men as different as night and day such as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree, even in the smallest detail. Isn't this a little to coincidental?

  • The fulfillment of prophecies is nothing short of extraordinary!

    (Isa. 44:24, 27, 28; 45:1-4) - (24) "This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, who has made all things,who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself, (27) who says to the watery deep, 'Be dry, and I will dry up your streams,' (28) who says of Cyrus, 'He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, "Let it be rebuilt," and of the temple, "Let its foundations be laid." '

    (1) "This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: (2) I will go before you and will level the mountains ; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. (3) I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD,the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (4) For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me"
    .    (The book of (Isaiah) was finished around  732 B.C.)

    * Fulfillment: It's known that Cyrus had not been born when this prophecy was written. The Jews were exiled to Babylon in 617-607 B.C., the temple and  Jerusalem  were not destroyed until 607 B.C. The prophecy was fulfilled in detail starting in 539 B.C. The river gates of Babylon were carelessly left open during feasting in the city allowing Cyrus to divert the waters of the Euphrates River into a fake lake,  thereby Babylon was overtaken by the Medes and Persians under Cyrus. So then, Cyrus liberated the Jewish exiles and sent them back to Jerusalem with instructions to rebuild the  God of Abraham's temple there. - The Encyclopedia Americana (1956), Vol. III, p. 9; Light From the Ancient Past (Princeton, 1959), Jack Finegan, pp. 227-229.

    (Luke 19:41-44; 21:20,21) - (41) "Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, (42) saying, 'If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. (43) For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, (44) and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.

    (20) But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. (21) Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her'"
    . (Jesus stated this Prophecy in 33 A.D.)

    * Fulfillment: In 66 A.D., Jerusalem rebelled against Rome. Cestius Gallus (Roman army officer) attacked the city. However, Gallus without hesitation stopped the attack. As Josephus stated - "suddenly called off his men, abandoned hope though he had suffered no reverse, and flying in the face of all reason retired from the City". (Josephus, the Jewish War, Penguin Classics, 1969, p. 167)

    This gave the Christians time to leave the city, which they did, moving to Pella, beyond the Jordan. (Eusebius Pamphilus in his Ecclesiastical History, which was translated by C. F. Cruse, London, 1894, p. 75).

    General Titus took the city around Passover time in 70 A.D. He did this by installing fence 4.5 miles long around the city in three days, thereby after five months Jerusalem was conquered. "Jerusalem itself was systematically destroyed and the Temple left in ruins. Archaeological work shows us today just how effective was the destruction of Jewish buildings all over the land". (The Bible and Archaeology [Grand Rapids, Mich.; 1962], J. A. Thompson, p. 299).

    Jer. 49:17, 18 - “‘Edom must become an object of astonishment. Everyone passing along by her will stare in astonishment and whistle on account of all her plagues. Just as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and her neighbor towns,’ the God of Israel has said, ‘no man will dwell there.’” (Completed by 580 B.C.)

    * Fulfillment: "They [the Edomites] were driven from Palestine in the 2nd century B.C. by Judas Maccabaeus, and in 109 B.C. John Hyrcanus, Maccabaen leader, extended the kingdom of Judah to include the w. part of Edomitic lands. In the 1st century B.C. Roman expansion swept away the last vestige of Edomitic independence . . . After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. . . . the name Idumae [Edom] disappeared from history." (The New Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, 1952, Vol. 11, p. 4114) This realization extends down to our day. In no way can it be argued that this prophecy was written after the events had taken place.

  • How about the Bible's knowledge of mountains? Here is a quote on geology from a textbook - “From Pre-Cambrian times down to the present, the perpetual process of building and destroying mountains has continued. . . . Not only have mountains originated from the bottom of vanished seas, but they have often been submerged long after their formation, and then re-elevated." This is what the Bible says - (6) "You [God] covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters were standing above the mountains. (Eight) The mountains rose; the valleys sank down to the place which You [God] established for them." (Psalms 104:6,8)

  • The Bible speaks about the earth's water cycle. (Ecclesiates 1:7) - "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again". (This was written before 1000 B.C.)! Did the Bible get fortunate again?

  • What about the laws that govern the universe? Take a look see at what (Jeremiah 33:25) has to say -(24) "Haven't you noticed what these people are saying? They say, 'The Lord once chose the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah. But now he has turned his back on them.' So they hate my people. They do not think of them as a nation anymore. (25) I say, 'What if I had not made my covenant with day and night? What if I had not established the laws of heaven and earth?  Again, did the Bible get fortunate? (This was written before 580 B.C.)

  • How about the earth being suspended in space! (Job 26:7) - "He stretcheth out the north over empty space, And hangeth the earth upon nothing". (Written about 1613 B.C.) These men never took credit for this info!

  • According to the book of (Daniel), Babylon's last leader was named Belshazzar this is of course before it (Babylon) fell to the Persians. (Daniel 5:1-30) Critics claimed the Bible was wrong about the existence of Belshazzar, since only the Bible mentioned him. However in the 19th century, several cuneiform were discovered in some ruins in southern Iraq. In these (cuneiform) writting's a prayer for the health of the oldest son of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. Belshazzar was his name.

    So there was a Belshazzar! But was he a king, when Babylon fell? Most documents subsequently found referred to him as the son of the king, the crown prince. But a cuneiform document described as the “Verse Account of Nabonidus” shed more light on Belshazzar’s true position. It stated - “He (Nabonidus) entrusted the ‘Camp’ to his oldest (son), the firstborn, the troops everywhere in the country he ordered under his (command). He let (everything) go, he entrusted the kingship to him.” So Belshazzar was entrusted with the kingship. This relationship between Belshazzar and his father, Nabonidus, explains why Belshazzar, during that final banquet in Babylon, offered to make Daniel the third ruler in the kingdom. (Daniel 5:16) Since Nabonidus was the first ruler, Belshazzar himself was only the second ruler of Babylon.

  • The Bible's account regarding the ORGIN OF THE UNIVERSE conforms to astronomical evidence! (Gen. 1:1) “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".  Robert Jastrow stated -  “Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy.” - God and the Astronomers (New York, 1978), p. 14.


Sir Humphrey

  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2009, 07:09:02 AM »
So, if you have points that can be made to prove the Bible's credibility regarding authorship, lets see it.

  • In Genesis 2:7 it says that Adam was made from the ground (earth). It's known that the human body is made up of 41 chemical elements. These basic elements---carbon, iron, oxygen, and others---are all present in the "dust" of the earth. Therefore, as Genesis states, humans truly are formed "out of the dust from the ground". This was written around 4,500 years ago (give or take) by Moses. How is it possible that Moses new of this scientific info regarding a humans composition, when in that day this info was not known?


Where in the Bible does it say that Moses "new" the scientific information that "the human body is made up of 41 chemical elements... carbon, iron, oxygen, and others"?

Sir Humphrey

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« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2009, 07:40:41 AM »

He didn't. But he wrote down what he was told. By him stating we came from the ground, makes his statement accurate. Later, when humans finally figured out the commonalities between the ground and humans, isn't it odd that he could make such an accurate statement?


If he had said that

we came from apes, makes his statement accurate. Later, when humans finally figured out the commonalities between apes and humans, isn't it odd that he could make such an accurate statement?

would you believe in evolution?  :P

The Luke

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« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2009, 07:55:14 PM »
If "God" himsef actually wrote the Bible, the question becomes why did he plagiarise so much of it from earlier pagan sources?

Huge tracts of Genesis are pagan in origin; mostly astrological metaphor.

Besides, Hebrew tradition has always maintained that Moses (most probably the Semitic Egyptian priest Kamose) wrote the first five books of the Bible.

The Luke


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« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2009, 08:16:36 PM »
If "God" himsef actually wrote the Bible, the question becomes why did he plagiarise so much of it from earlier pagan sources?

Huge tracts of Genesis are pagan in origin; mostly astrological metaphor.

That mess is just as inaccurate as it was the last 25 times you posted it.

Besides, Hebrew tradition has always maintained that Moses (most probably the Semitic Egyptian priest Kamose) wrote the first five books of the Bible.

The Luke

Dead wrong as usual, Luke. As a matter of fact, while looking for one of my favorite muscle magazines, I happen to glance at the cover of "Skeptic" magazine. And, surprise, SURPRISE, the cover story is basically about how woefully inaccurate that Zeitgeist video that you posted a while back actually.

Imagine my surprise, when after reading article, I saw a number of the EXACT SAME ARGUMENTS that I used, when you presented that mess here.

The Luke

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« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2009, 08:24:15 PM »
Read your Genesis McWay.

A tree in the middle of a garden with a snake wrapped around it? Why isn't that an astrological metaphor in Genesis when it most clearly and expressly is in Viking folklore?

The Luke


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« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2009, 08:45:42 PM »

He didn't. But he wrote down what he was told. By him stating we came from the ground, makes his statement accurate. Later, when humans finally figured out the commonalities between the ground and humans, isn't it odd that he could make such an accurate statement?


jesus dude that is the most convaluted logic i have yet to witness. You act as if early man was the equivalent of a downs syndrome sufferer. Brilliant people existed in those times, just without the knowledge we have today, im sure that more obvious scientific evidence could have been presented. God should write a second book


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2009, 08:57:49 PM »
Read your Genesis McWay.

A tree in the middle of a garden with a snake wrapped around it? Why isn't that an astrological metaphor in Genesis when it most clearly and expressly is in Viking folklore?

The Luke

For the same reason all the foolish supposed astrological metaphor about Jesus Christ don't mesh, whatsoever.

The Luke

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« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2009, 09:17:02 PM »
For the same reason all the foolish supposed astrological metaphor about Jesus Christ don't mesh, whatsoever.

...and that reason is?

The Luke

big L dawg

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« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2009, 09:49:36 PM »


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« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2009, 11:49:14 PM »
The answer to your question is no


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2009, 12:30:25 AM »
Before any of the Athesist comment on this thread, don't you think you should have studied the bible first? What is the Theme? If you can answer this, then I'll proceede to answer/relpy to your questions.  :)



  • Getbig III
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« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2009, 01:02:35 AM »
jesus dude that is the most convaluted logic i have yet to witness. You act as if early man was the equivalent of a downs syndrome sufferer. Brilliant people existed in those times, just without the knowledge we have today, im sure that more obvious scientific evidence could have been presented. God should write a second book

How is that possible in the realm of evolution? Man was primitive at the start according to the evlolution theory, right?  I guess you ASSUME Moses knew this, however, he credited God for it.  ;) We're making progress tho, at least you don't think Moses was illogical.  :)



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« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2009, 06:00:22 AM »

...and that reason is?

The Luke

That would be, boy genius, the authorship of Scripture has absolutely NOTHING to do with astrology, despite your repeated and pathetic attempts to paint it as such.

Before any of the Athesist comment on this thread, don't you think you should have studied the bible first? What is the Theme? If you can answer this, then I'll proceede to answer/relpy to your questions.  :)


Some Bible study would help. At least then, you can have some interesting conversation. Otherwise, you get tomfoolery, Luke-style, void of accuracy and saturated with silliness.


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« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2009, 08:30:07 AM »
That would be, boy genius, the authorship of Scripture has absolutely NOTHING to do with astrology, despite your repeated and pathetic attempts to paint it as such.

Some Bible study would help. At least then, you can have some interesting conversation. Otherwise, you get tomfoolery, Luke-style, void of accuracy and saturated with silliness.

so the similarities dont strike you as odd between jesus and all the other gods. The stealing of christmas from a pagan tradition along with all the othere issues?

Sir Humphrey

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« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2009, 08:33:16 AM »
so the similarities dont strike you as odd between jesus and all the other gods. The stealing of christmas from a pagan tradition along with all the othere issues?

Christianity was not born in a cultural vacuum. Of course, the early Christians lived in a world with lots of myths and mythologies and traditions and belief systems and festivals etc. I don't think they stole "anything," things just fell into place. The early Christians just adapted and mixed the world they lived in to their nascent religion and vice versa.


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« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2009, 08:43:09 AM »
so the similarities dont strike you as odd between jesus and all the other gods. The stealing of christmas from a pagan tradition along with all the othere issues?

There are no such similarities, Necrosis. Luke feebly tried to paint such a picture. But, a basic examination of the account of Christ and the pagan deities reveals the huge DIFFERENCES, in terms of form, function, purpose (of life and death), and performance.

That's why I made that previous statement.

big L dawg

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« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2009, 09:03:25 AM »
so the similarities dont strike you as odd between jesus and all the other gods. The stealing of christmas from a pagan tradition along with all the othere issues?

don't bother man.MCGAY will grasp on to his fable's regardless.They will tell you to study there religion.but if they studied early religion's that predate Christianity they would see not only similarity's but the fallacy that is there make believe man made god not vice versa...


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2009, 11:16:53 AM »
don't bother man.MCGAY will grasp on to his fable's regardless.They will tell you to study there religion.but if they studied early religion's that predate Christianity they would see not only similarity's but the fallacy that is there make believe man made god not vice versa...

What part of "a basic examination of the account of Christ and the pagan deities reveals the huge DIFFERENCES, in terms of form, function, purpose (of life and death), and performance" fails to register in that skull of yours, Puppy boy?

The pagan gods from Jesus was supposedly crafted turn out to be NOTHING LIKE CHRIST at all.

The Luke

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« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2009, 06:49:02 PM »
What part of "a basic examination of the account of Christ and the pagan deities reveals the huge DIFFERENCES, in terms of form, function, purpose (of life and death), and performance" fails to register in that skull of yours, Puppy boy?

The pagan gods from Jesus was supposedly crafted turn out to be NOTHING LIKE CHRIST at all.

...ell, let's put it this way: the Vikings had a genesis/creation story in which there was a garden and a snake, a creation mythos which predates not just Christianity, but Judaism itself.

In the Viking story the tree of life in the centre of the garden is called Yggdrasil (spelling?), the world tree. Which the Vikings took as being synonymous with the axis of the Earth, it's leaves were eternally changing between glowing green and fiery orange as they died only to be replenished. Similarly the Vikings associated these burning yet not consumed leaves with the Aurora Borealis at the North Pole.

So the garden is symbolic of the world; the tree is a metaphor for the worlds rotational axis; the burning yet unburnt leaves are a metaphor for the Aurora Borealis.

The Vikings associated this "tree" with knowledge; star lore and astrology, yet maintained the mystery tradition that there as another secret tree at the centre of the garden; a tree of eternal life which was unreachable by man (the southern pole and the Aurora Australis).

Surprise, surprise the Vikings even had a snake entwined about the centre of their mythical tree (or double ended trees if you understood the metaphor): the fabled Midgard Serpent.

Guess what? "Midgard" is Viking for "equator".

Doesn't any of this sound suspiciously familiar to any Christians reading?

A garden, with two trees. A tree of knowlede from which man may eat if he is willing to accept the consequences and an unreachable tree of everlasting life beyond mans grasp. A snake, and the first two people in the world. A garden paradise; and a choice between consciousness and our baser animal existence?

Can't you people comprehend metaphor?

The Luke


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« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2009, 07:05:48 PM »
jesus christmas is winter solstice for christs sakes.


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« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2009, 08:54:57 PM »
jesus christmas is winter solstice for christs sakes.

That's where the Roman Catholic church decided to an official celebration and recognition of the birth of Jesus Christ. But, that does NOT mean that Christ himself was formed from pagan deities.

...ell, let's put it this way: the Vikings had a genesis/creation story in which there was a garden and a snake, a creation mythos which predates not just Christianity, but Judaism itself.

In the Viking story the tree of life in the centre of the garden is called Yggdrasil (spelling?), the world tree. Which the Vikings took as being synonymous with the axis of the Earth, it's leaves were eternally changing between glowing green and fiery orange as they died only to be replenished. Similarly the Vikings associated these burning yet not consumed leaves with the Aurora Borealis at the North Pole.

A tree of life with DYING leaves? Boy, this is going to be FUN!!! Genesis account says NOTHING of the sort!!!

So the garden is symbolic of the world; the tree is a metaphor for the worlds rotational axis; the burning yet unburnt leaves are a metaphor for the Aurora Borealis.

The Vikings associated this "tree" with knowledge; star lore and astrology, yet maintained the mystery tradition that there as another secret tree at the centre of the garden; a tree of eternal life which was unreachable by man (the southern pole and the Aurora Australis).

Let the dismemberment begin.

Surprise, surprise the Vikings even had a snake entwined about the centre of their mythical tree (or double ended trees if you understood the metaphor): the fabled Midgard Serpent.

Guess what? "Midgard" is Viking for "equator"

Doesn't any of this sound suspiciously familiar to any Christians reading?

A garden, with two trees. A tree of knowlede from which man may eat if he is willing to accept the consequences and an unreachable tree of everlasting life beyond mans grasp. A snake, and the first two people in the world. A garden paradise; and a choice between consciousness and our baser animal existence?

Can't you people comprehend metaphor?

The Luke

Can't you comprehend simple sentences? Suspicisously familiar? PLEASE!!!

The Garden of Eden has far more than two trees; so that little blurb basically gets the boot. The choice is hardly between consciousness and animal existence. It's simply eternal life for the two people and ALL LIVING BEINGS or death for Adam, Eve, and all life on the planet. If that weren't enough, the tree of life was NOT unreachable to Adam and Eve. They ate of it; however, once sin entered the world, they were banished from eating of it.

The Midgard Serpent, per the account grows big enough to encircle the planet. The serpent mentioned in Genesis? CURSED, upon its belly to eat dust. And nothing indcates that this serpent is large enough to circumvent the planet.

And, once again, per the Genesis creation account, there is NO DEATH of any kind, prior to sin, a far cry from the Norse stuff we read.

Once again, we see a flat-out comparison between the two accounts, with virtually nothing to suggest that Moses got the Creation/Garden of Eden account from a Viking legend.

Nice try, Luke. But, that doggie hunteth not!!!

The Viking account incorporate the concept of DEATH before sin, something that is not in the Genesis, whatsoever. The Viking accounts however have the universe deriving from the corpse of one of the Norse gods.

More on this place called Midgard,

Midgard, also Middel-erde, Middangeard or Middle-earth is an old Germanic name for this world, derived from the Old Norse word Midhgardhr ("middle garden").

Midgard is the realm of the humans in Norse mythology. Pictured as placed somewhere in the middle of Yggdrasil, Midgard is surrounded by a world of water or ocean, which is impassable. The ocean is inhabited by the great sea serpent Jormungand, who is so huge that he encircles the world entirely, grasping his own tail.

It is depicted as an intermediate world between heaven (Asgard) and hell (Nifelheim or Hel). Thus it is part of a triad of upper (Heaven), middle (Earth), and lower (Underworld). It was said to have been formed from the flesh and blood of the frost giant Ymir, his flesh constituting the land and his blood the oceans, and was connected to Asgard by the Bifrost Bridge, guarded by Heimdall.

According to legend, Midgard will be destroyed in Ragnarok, the battle at the end of the world. Jormungand will arise from the ocean, poisoning the land and sea with his venom and causing the sea to rear up and lash against the land. The final battle will take place on the plain of Vigrond, following which Midgard and almost all life on it will be destroyed, with the earth sinking into the sea.

The Luke

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« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2009, 09:05:35 PM »
Way to go McWay...

Just keep pointing and shouting: "No! No! Not the same! My god has a different hat!"

I see you highlighting differences, but you never address the coincidences.

Whoever wrote the Bible, they were at least plagiarising pagan religions.

Garden paradise; two trees; a snake; the first two people... all the rest is just spin.

By the way, did you hear that they've dug up the Garden of Eden in Kurdish Turkey?

The Luke


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« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2009, 09:17:30 PM »
Way to go McWay...

Just keep pointing and shouting: "No! No! Not the same! My god has a different hat!"

I see you highlighting differences, but you never address the coincidences.

Whoever wrote the Bible, they were at least plagiarising pagan religions.

Garden paradise; two trees; a snake; the first two people... all the rest is just spin.

That's about as dumb as your pitiful attempts to use casual references to trees from other deities and morph them into a crucifixion of those deities, DESPITE the fact that the accounts clearly indicate that their deaths were by completley DIFFERENT METHODS (for completely different reasons).

Same goes for this stuff. The differences, in form, function, purpose, and practice are NOWHERE NEAR what the Genesis account has.

BTW, plagiarising is taking someone else's work and depicting it as your own. Let's look more at this Midgard Serpent:

Iormungand, the Midgard Serpent, was one of three children fathered on the giantess Angroba by Loki, the Norse god of mischief and trickery. The others were Fenris the wolf and Hel, which means Death. When the gods learned of these offspring they remembered certain prophecies of the doom they would bring. So Odin the Allfather ordered they be brought to him to decide their fate. Hel was given charge of the Underworld, Niflhein, to which go all those who suffer the humiliation of dying of old age or sickness, instead of falling nobly in battle.. Fenris the wolf was fostered by the gods who tried to tame his savage nature. The Midgard Serpent was cast by Odin into the ocean where she grew so huge that with her tail in her mouth she soon encompassed the whole world, and the churnings of her coils raise the tsunami and tempests that drown sailors.

Well, well, well!!! It appears that, per this account, this serpent is going around killing ALREADY EXISITING PEOPLE, far more than just two of them to boot. And, lost in all this, is the ever conspicuous concept of death before sin, something that is NOT part of the Genesis account.

So, it appears (just as with your silly attempts to paint Jesus Christ as a product of pagan deities), not only don't you have your facts straight about the Biblical account, you DON'T EVEN HAVE YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT about the accounts from which the Biblical allegedly plagiarized.

The Luke

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« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2009, 10:55:45 AM »
I really don't want to get into this again with you McWay.

Last time we had this discussion I mentioned that many ancient pagan deities, especially the mystery solar deities, prefigured the Jesus myth in so many ways that the eary Church had to invent the Doctrine of Diabolical mimicry to explain away the obvious plagiarism. ("Diabolical Mimicry" is the idea that the Devil, capable of seeing the future, invented simulacra gods which pre-emptively paralled Jesus in order to deny Jesus his obvious originality: a doctrine of chronic apologetic bunkum which remains the Church's only defense on this subject).

I mentioned Attis as one of these prefigurers of Jesus: a solar deity who was nailed to a cross after his death.

In response, you posted page after page of cut and paste... these encyclopedia excerpts explained in graphic detail how the Attians (followers of Attis):

-celebrate Attis' suicide at Easter time

-walk a sacred procession to a sacred grove of trees (Gethsemane?)

-cut don a sacred tree so that an Attian priest would carry it on his back through the streets

-the tree would be set up in their temple

-a statue of the dead Attis would be either tied to the tree or nailed to it

-the Attians called this "The Day of Mourning"

-lock themselves in the temple and mourn for three days

-celebrate "The Day of Joy" on the spring equinox/Easter

-restart all their yearly celebrations as if Attis had returned to life

...yet you posted all of this while arguing that Attis in no way coincided or overlapped the "wholely original" Jesus story.

I can't make the blind see, nor those who refuse to open their eyes.

Congratulations McWay, you have won yet another argument by stubbornly refusing to read or comprehend neither the argments of others nor the bullshit you yourself regurgitate to justify your own delusions.

Ignorance wins out.

The Luke