Author Topic: Getting back into it  (Read 3448 times)


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 468
Getting back into it
« on: August 17, 2009, 09:38:48 PM »
Well I've taken several months off, been under some massive stresses and heavy workloads.  I haven't been eating anything conducive to muscle growth or even maintenance, and I've been getting 5-7 hours of sleep a night.  Also my job is labor intensive.  The stresses aren't wholly gone but things are getting better, I should be able to get more sleep, and be able now to get a better diet going.  I've also got 360 Met-RX 2200 aminos that I'll begin taking.  So here we go...

Put my new bench together today and did a light workout, my regular training days should be m-w-f.

flat bench-

standing ez curl bar

db curls

So there it is.  Pretty pathetic numbers.  I never have been a real strong lifter, although I guess m deadlift was decent at one point.

Zach Trowbridge

  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 1732
Re: Getting back into it
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2009, 05:24:09 PM »
What's your weekly program look like?  Any specific goals you have?


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 468
Re: Getting back into it
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2009, 08:42:12 PM »
I'm not that organized yet.  I will try a few different lifts for different angles and ranges of motion.  Ultimately it'll probably look something like this:
Flat bench 5 to 6 sets @ 8 reps +/- 2 reps ( I pretty much always go to failure on all lifts)
incline 4 sets @ 8 reps
pec deck or db flies 4 or 5 sets @ 6-9 reps
push ups to failure

ez bar curls 5 sets @ 8-10 reps
standing db curls 5sets @ 8-10 reps
reverse preacher curls 5 sets @ 8-10 reps

deadlift 4 sets @ 10,8,6,4 reps
bent over rows 3 or 4 sets @ 8 reps
db shrugs 5 sets @ 10-12 reps
military press 4 sets @ 8 reps
db lateral raises 5 sets @ 8 reps
pullups 3 sets
lat pull down 5 sets @ 8 - 10 reps

squats 4 sets @ 8 reps
leg extensions 5 sets @ 8 reps
not sure yet what else...

I would love to hear any and all suggestions.  My goals are pretty vague really, I'd like to be repping 225 again by next summer on bench and repping 315 for deads too.  I've never stuck it through for squats so I dont know my potential there yet to place a goal.  I just want to feel strong again, not too concerned with my bf level, I have a physical job and I always stay about average probably around 15-18%

Zach Trowbridge

  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 1732
Re: Getting back into it
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2009, 08:14:03 AM »
My biggest suggestion would be to not go to failure on every lift that you do.  I'd pick one exercise per day to hit failure on, and then only on 1-2 sets.  Keep a rep or two in the tank for everything else.  Too many sets to failure puts too much demand on the CNS and will keep it from recovering from workout to workout.

Other than that it looks pretty solid for a bodybuilding split.  I'm partial to either a full-body routine 3x/week or an upper/lower rotation but that's just me.  Lots of guys like the multi-day splits.