Author Topic: More Liberal Censorship  (Read 186099 times)


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #550 on: June 02, 2020, 10:58:54 PM »
Twitter temporarily suspends account of New York City police union which 'doxxed' Mayor de Blasio's daughter by posting her arrest report online
Posted on 6/2/2020, 7:27:36 AM by RummyChick

....The union justified its action by accusing de Blasio of failing to offer police officers the necessary support as they face off with protesters angry over the police-involving killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, in Minneapolis last Monday.

‘How can the NYPD guard the metropolis of NY from rioting anarchist when the Mayors item throwing daughter is a person of them,’ the SBA tweeted on Sunday.

‘Now we know why he is forbidding Mounted models to be mobilized and maintaining the NYPD from undertaking their work opportunities.’

The tweet violated the rules of Twitter, which forbids its users from ‘doxxing.’

The union’s account was temporarily suspended, according to The New York Times.

The account was allowed to come back online after it agreed to delete the tweet about the mayor’s daughter....

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Aren't arrest reports public record anyhow?


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #551 on: June 03, 2020, 08:32:09 AM »
Twitter explains labeling policy after Top Dems' tweets go unchecked

Twitter, President Trump's favorite form of social media, is attempting to clarify its content-moderation policies after fact-checking some of his posts but failing to do the same for disputed tweets by top Democrats.

“We are NOT attempting to address all misinformation,” Twitter said on its corporate safety account Tuesday as claims about misleading information swirl in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election.

The race, between Trump and likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden, is heating up amid the worst downturn since the Great Depression and a wave of sometimes-violent protests over the deaths of black men in police custody.

Against that backdrop, claims of misinformation about both the behavior of demonstrators and the source and risks of the COVID-19 pandemic that led to the slump have permeated social media, prompting calls to better ensure accuracy.

At Twitter, such efforts are prioritized "based on the highest potential for harm, focusing on manipulated media, civic integrity, and COVID-19,” the company’s safety team added.  “Likelihood, severity and type of potential harm — along with reach and scale — factor into this.”

Twitter, however, did not place fact-check labels on tweets by Biden, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of the Democratic Party after they said “peaceful” protestors were tear-gassed and removed from Washington's Lafayette Park before Trump’s walk to St. John’s Church from the White House on Monday evening.

Straw Man

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #552 on: June 03, 2020, 12:06:44 PM »
Twitter explains labeling policy after Top Dems' tweets go unchecked

Twitter, President Trump's favorite form of social media, is attempting to clarify its content-moderation policies after fact-checking some of his posts but failing to do the same for disputed tweets by top Democrats.

“We are NOT attempting to address all misinformation,” Twitter said on its corporate safety account Tuesday as claims about misleading information swirl in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election.

The race, between Trump and likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden, is heating up amid the worst downturn since the Great Depression and a wave of sometimes-violent protests over the deaths of black men in police custody.

Against that backdrop, claims of misinformation about both the behavior of demonstrators and the source and risks of the COVID-19 pandemic that led to the slump have permeated social media, prompting calls to better ensure accuracy.

At Twitter, such efforts are prioritized "based on the highest potential for harm, focusing on manipulated media, civic integrity, and COVID-19,” the company’s safety team added.  “Likelihood, severity and type of potential harm — along with reach and scale — factor into this.”

Twitter, however, did not place fact-check labels on tweets by Biden, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of the Democratic Party after they said “peaceful” protestors were tear-gassed and removed from Washington's Lafayette Park before Trump’s walk to St. John’s Church from the White House on Monday evening.

is that a lie

you're saying no peaceful protestors were there when the tear gassed in order to clear them so Trump could waive a bible around for a photo op?

Grape Ape

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #553 on: June 03, 2020, 03:18:20 PM »
The US Park Police on Tuesday said they cleared protesters from in front of the White House on Monday because they were attacked while attempting to install a new fence, indirectly denying they did so because President Trump wanted to visit a fire-damaged historic church.
Park Police acting Chief Gregory Monahan pushed back on a prevailing narrative that authorities cleared way for Trump in an afternoon statement nearly 24 hours after the fracas aired live by TV crews, some of whom were struck by authorities.
Monahan specifically denied a widespread claim that Park Police or another agency, such as Secret Service or the National Guard, deployed tear gas against demonstrators protesting the killing of George Floyd by Minnesota police, as was widely reported and alleged, including by Trump’s presumed Democratic opponent Joe Biden.
Officers did however use smoke canisters and pepper balls, which induce a stinging effect similar to pepper spray, he said. Moments later on 16th St directly north of the White House, there were loud bangs that appeared to be from police flash-bang grenades, but Monahan’s statement did not address their use.
The Park Police chief, whose beleaguered force was pelted with bricks and water bottles throughout Saturday and Sunday night, said that on Monday, officers advanced around 6:33 pm and “violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids.”

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #554 on: June 03, 2020, 03:46:33 PM »

Grape - next time please include your link

The claim by Park Police has been refuted by multiple sources

US Park Police denies using tear gas on peaceful protesters. Evidence suggests otherwise.
The official statement raises more questions than it answers.

By Alex  Updated Jun 2, 2020, 9:17pm EDT

Nearly 24 hours after law enforcement used force to push peaceful demonstrators away from the White House to make way for presidential photo op, the US Park Police offered a statement on its involvement — and it raises a lot more questions than it answers.

On Monday, Park Police — along with members of the US Secret Service and the National Guard — dispersed a large crowd of protesters using what reporters and other witnesses on the ground said was tear gas and rubber bullets, harming demonstrators and journalists alike.

Minutes later, President Donald Trump gave a brief speech in the White House Rose Garden then walked through an emptied Lafayette Square to a nearby church to take pictures with a Bible.

Video of the chaotic scene spread quickly on social media and news outlets, sparking outrage. On Tuesday afternoon, the US Park Police (USPP) responded to the criticisms.

“At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids,” acting Chief Gregory Monahan said in the official statement. “Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.”

“No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park,” he continued.

To be clear: Monahan is claiming the protesters amassed near the White House were “violent,” that they were perhaps plotting some kind of attack of their own, and that no federal officials whatsoever used tear gas to disperse the demonstration.

But the problem is all the available evidence, from numerous videos taken at the scene to reports from witnesses and journalists who were on the ground at the time, shows otherwise.

Why the Park Police’s statement is dubious

Let’s start with Monahan’s claim that the protesters were “violent” because they were throwing projectiles at law enforcement.

According to multiple reporters who were on the ground documenting the events, the protests were entirely peaceful. “We didn’t see projectiles thrown at police. Certainly no bricks or ‘caustic liquids,’” Alexander Marquardt, a CNN reporter who was at Lafayette Square that evening, tweeted on Tuesday.

In fact, in this Reuters video taken of nearly the entire scene, there are no violent instances of what the Park Police statement describes (other than some expletives and insults lobbed at law enforcement).

Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser also publicly stated that the demonstrators protested peacefully.

It’s unclear, then, what the Park Police is referencing. Perhaps it’s an exaggeration of what an unnamed Justice Department official told the Washington Post on Tuesday: that some crowd members passed rocks among themselves and threw a bottle in the direction of Attorney General Bill Barr. Barr, a top Trump ally, was surveying the scene and reportedly personally ordered law enforcement to push the protesters back.

There’s also no direct evidence that protesters were hiding caches of weapons — glass bottles, bats, and metal poles, according to the statement — to use against law enforcement. If there are images showing that such items were indeed found on the site of the demonstration, as the Park Police claim, they haven’t been shared with the public.

Finally, there’s the assertion that Park Police and other law enforcement personnel involved that evening didn’t use tear gas to clear the square.

This has become one of the most contentious points in the entire saga, even though Monahan acknowledges in the statement that the officers did use smoke canisters and pepper balls (pepper spray projectiles) against the protesters.

“Tear gas” is a broad term, often defined as a synthetic chemical irritant. Pepper spray is a naturally derived chemical irritant that causes many effects similar to that of common types of tear gas, including temporary blindness and a burning sensation in the nose. Which means that, even if tear gas was technically not used — a claim that isn’t settled fact for reasons I’ll get into in a minute — police still used a very similar chemical weapon against peaceful protesters.

Still, facts matter, so the question of whether they used tear gas or not is important.

Nathan Baca, a reporter for WUSA9 in Washington, DC, picked up a canister used during the Monday assault. It’s not a smoke canister, but it does launch “OC” gas which “Causes same tears, tight breath and comes out green,” he reported.

Other journalists who covered the protests in person that evening say without a doubt that law enforcement used tear gas, a chemical irritant that can cause those exposed to it to want to vomit.

And activists seen throughout the Reuters video also complain they were directly hit with tear gas.

Moreover, Washington Post reporters at the demonstration, including metro reporter Rebecca Tan, photographed National Guard members (though not Park Police officers) wearing gas masks, “moments before authorities started firing.” That certainly suggests they were preparing to deploy tear gas

The Trump reelection campaign, though, is sticking with the Park Police, asking reporters — including me — to “retract and correct” published stories that say tear gas was used. (Vox is not retracting its reporting at this time.)

“It’s said that a lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on. This tear gas lie is proof of that,” Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign’s communications director, said in a Tuesday evening statement.

The Park Police has a lot more explaining to do. Monahan’s statement by itself doesn’t clear up any of the main contention points. But what it does do is further confirm that Park Police felt it was necessary to respond to the protests with violence — all so Trump could have a photo op.

That, perhaps more than dubious claims in the official statement, is the most damning part of all.


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #555 on: July 02, 2020, 10:06:29 PM »
Twitter Deletes Trump’s Photo of Himself After NY Times Copyright Complaint

Another one of Donald Trump’s tweets has run afoul of copyright laws.

On Wednesday, Twitter pulled down a photo Trump posted of himself included in a June 30 tweet, after the New York Times Co. filed a DMCA takedown request reporting the president’s post as infringing its copyright.

“Media not displayed: This image has been removed in response to a report from the copyright holder,” a message in Trump’s tweet now reads.

The black-and-white photo portrays a squinting Trump pointing his right index finger at the camera. The photo, by Times staff photographer Damon Winter, accompanied an October 2015 profile of Trump in the New York Times Magazine penned by Mark Leibovich about the ex-reality TV star’s political ambitions.

The New York Times filed the DMCA takedown notice July 1, according to a notice in the Lumen database, which is operated by Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. Twitter’s removal of the Trump tweet was first reported by Axios.


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #556 on: July 03, 2020, 09:11:44 AM »
Twitter temporarily suspends account of New York City police union which 'doxxed' Mayor de Blasio's daughter by posting her arrest report online
Posted on 6/2/2020, 7:27:36 AM by RummyChick

....The union justified its action by accusing de Blasio of failing to offer police officers the necessary support as they face off with protesters angry over the police-involving killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, in Minneapolis last Monday.

‘How can the NYPD guard the metropolis of NY from rioting anarchist when the Mayors item throwing daughter is a person of them,’ the SBA tweeted on Sunday.

‘Now we know why he is forbidding Mounted models to be mobilized and maintaining the NYPD from undertaking their work opportunities.’

The tweet violated the rules of Twitter, which forbids its users from ‘doxxing.’

The union’s account was temporarily suspended, according to The New York Times.

The account was allowed to come back online after it agreed to delete the tweet about the mayor’s daughter....

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Aren't arrest reports public domain?

Dos Equis

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #557 on: January 20, 2021, 12:00:11 AM »
High School Principal ‘On Leave’ After Criticizing Social Media Censorship
KYLE OLSON  17 Jan 2021

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #558 on: January 20, 2021, 12:01:11 AM »
'Conservative' news outlets need to be deplatformed, says ex-Facebook exec
Meanwhile, Parler plans 'to welcome all of you back soon'
Joe Kovacs   By Joe Kovacs
Published January 17, 2021

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #559 on: January 20, 2021, 12:02:37 AM »
“Revoke Their Degrees”: Harvard Faculty and Students Seek Revocation Of Degrees For Trump Officials and Allies
January 15, 2021

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #560 on: February 01, 2021, 04:15:37 PM »
Two major conservatives get CANCELED by Politico after woke mob erupted over Ben Shapiro decision
JAN. 26, 2021


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #561 on: February 01, 2021, 04:38:54 PM »
“Revoke Their Degrees”: Harvard Faculty and Students Seek Revocation Of Degrees For Trump Officials and Allies
January 15, 2021

Interesting. I read the article you linked and my take is they would be unsuccessful.

I sort of get when a university rescinds  honorary degrees, because they are basically a "gift" and not something earned as a student at the university. Several universities and colleges have or are in the process of rescinding honorary degrees they'd given Trump. I have mixed feelings about this. If Trump was awarded the honorary degree because he was a major donor, in a sense he paid for it. If he got it and essentially did nothing but be himself, it seems okay....but, it is still kind of petty.


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #562 on: February 01, 2021, 05:38:04 PM »
War on conservatives and conservative values by the hateful, villainous left.

Soul Crusher

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #563 on: February 01, 2021, 05:43:48 PM »
War on conservatives and conservative values by the hateful, villainous left.

Libfails are the most bigoted and close minded of anyone.


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #564 on: February 01, 2021, 06:03:25 PM »
Libfails are the most bigoted and close minded of anyone.

Are "libfails" a special breed? Because there is a whole spectrum of what liberal means....all the way from falling off the left side of a flat earth (this is impossible I know since the earth is round; a weak attempt to inject a little humor), to almost straddling the middle....which can hurt (more humor).

I can't speak for all liberal people, but I am exceptionally open much so, that it get's me into trouble...specially on Getbig.

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #565 on: February 01, 2021, 06:22:11 PM »
Interesting. I read the article you linked and my take is they would be unsuccessful.

I sort of get when a university rescinds  honorary degrees, because they are basically a "gift" and not something earned as a student at the university. Several universities and colleges have or are in the process of rescinding honorary degrees they'd given Trump. I have mixed feelings about this. If Trump was awarded the honorary degree because he was a major donor, in a sense he paid for it. If he got it and essentially did nothing but be himself, it seems okay....but, it is still kind of petty.

If you read the article then you know they are talking about earned degrees, not honorary degrees. 


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #566 on: February 01, 2021, 07:06:26 PM »
If you read the article then you know they are talking about earned degrees, not honorary degrees.

Let's try this again. And so there is no confusion I've quoted what I wrote .

Interesting. I read the article you linked and my take is they would be unsuccessful.

I sort of get when a university rescinds  honorary degrees, because they are basically a "gift" and not something earned as a student at the university. Several universities and colleges have or are in the process of rescinding honorary degrees they'd given Trump. I have mixed feelings about this. If Trump was awarded the honorary degree because he was a major donor, in a sense he paid for it. If he got it and essentially did nothing but be himself, it seems okay....but, it is still kind of petty.

They (the universities) would be unsuccessful (at rescinding them) because they are earned degrees.

In the next paragraph which is about honorary degrees speaks to Trump, I did not mention his associates...why?... because theirs were earned.

If you want to believe I said something different. Fine. Have at it.

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #567 on: February 02, 2021, 07:11:25 AM »
Are "libfails" a special breed? Because there is a whole spectrum of what liberal means....all the way from falling off the left side of a flat earth (this is impossible I know since the earth is round; a weak attempt to inject a little humor), to almost straddling the middle....which can hurt (more humor).

I can't speak for all liberal people, but I am exceptionally open much so, that it get's me into trouble...specially on Getbig.

I live in NYC area and we are surrounded by liberal failures, faggets, etc.   Most are drones and the most bigoted close minded people you will ever meet.   

The men are a complete joke.  Liberal "men" are typically a pajama obama boy, dont lift, are weak, frail, etc.   Completely obsessed with liberal nonsense they eat up on CNN, etc.   


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #568 on: February 02, 2021, 12:49:29 PM »
I live in NYC area and we are surrounded by liberal failures, faggets, etc.   Most are drones and the most bigoted close minded people you will ever meet.   

The men are a complete joke.  Liberal "men" are typically a pajama obama boy, dont lift, are weak, frail, etc.   Completely obsessed with liberal nonsense they eat up on CNN, etc.

All I can say is you sure must know a lot about a lot of people...unless of course, you are only assuming that you do.

Dos Equis

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #569 on: February 02, 2021, 12:51:02 PM »
Let's try this again. And so there is no confusion I've quoted what I wrote .

They (the universities) would be unsuccessful (at rescinding them) because they are earned degrees.

In the next paragraph which is about honorary degrees speaks to Trump, I did not mention his associates...why?... because theirs were earned.

If you want to believe I said something different. Fine. Have at it.

My bad.  I think I'm so used to disagreeing with you that I read "unsuccessful" as "successful."   :)


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #570 on: February 02, 2021, 01:04:06 PM »
My bad.  I think I'm so used to disagreeing with you that I read "unsuccessful" as "successful."   :)

Thank you. I really appreciate you taking a moment to review it. 

I am trying be more aware of how I word what I post so as to not be so easily misunderstood. It won't make any difference to some folks here who don't care what I write, they are determined to find fault or they have no capacity for fairness.

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #571 on: February 02, 2021, 05:02:45 PM »
I live in NYC area and we are surrounded by liberal failures, faggets, etc.   Most are drones and the most bigoted close minded people you will ever meet.   

The men are a complete joke.  Liberal "men" are typically a pajama obama boy, dont lift, are weak, frail, etc.   Completely obsessed with liberal nonsense they eat up on CNN, etc.

you must live in a county that voted for Trump

from looking at the the actual GDP from counties that voted for Trump vs. counties that voted for Biden we know that the Trump voters only accounted for ~ 29% of the total GDP of total voters.

Why are Trump voters such fucking deadbeats?

Soul Crusher

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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #572 on: February 02, 2021, 05:08:43 PM »
Westchester County.

you must live in a county that voted for Trump

from looking at the the actual GDP from counties that voted for Trump vs. counties that voted for Biden we know that the Trump voters only accounted for ~ 29% of the total GDP of total voters.

Why are Trump voters such fucking deadbeats?


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #573 on: February 02, 2021, 05:22:12 PM »
Westchester County.

Hmmm, looks like you were clearly in the minority. Must feel a bit lonely. Westchester county voted Democratic in the previous five Presidential elections.
In the last Presidential election, Westchester county remained strongly Democratic, 64.9% to 31.2%.

in Clackamas County, OR where I live 47.7% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 41.3% voted Republican.


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Re: More Liberal Censorship
« Reply #574 on: February 02, 2021, 05:23:19 PM »
Westchester County.

Wikipedia mentions 67.5% voted Democrat in the 2020 elections.

Also: "Westchester County generally leans toward the political left. It last voted for the Republican nominee for president in 1988."

I thought you were moving out of that shithole.