Author Topic: Started wrestling training...  (Read 8598 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2009, 04:41:14 PM »
Had my second training session tonight.  It went really well, started off with the same drills, then into some sequences.  I missed some stuff last week so I had to catch up pretty quick.  Things learned tonight were: Cross body off the second rope, and hip toss.  They did suplexes and scoop slams last week, so I didn't get much training on those, but I took a few tonight!

The guy who was going to train with me had to go look after his son for the night, so I was put with the other newbie guy from the first week again.  We had a decent match tonight, some of the other guys even came up to compliment us on it, which was nice.  I got a couple of spots in I wanted to try, and finished the guy off with a high knee straight into a swinging neck breaker!  (I think Miz does it?).

Only downside tonight was when I took a hip toss, I went sideways as I flipped and landed on my shoulder instead of my back.  It kinda feels like I've trapped a nerve somewhere in my shoulder now, but I'll see what it's like tomorrow.

So, all in all, a good night.  The boss guy said I could take part in a show in a fortnight, just getting thrown out of a Rumble!  That'll do nicely for my first time!


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2009, 04:55:15 PM »
Only downside tonight was when I took a hip toss, I went sideways as I flipped and landed on my shoulder instead of my back.  It kinda feels like I've trapped a nerve somewhere in my shoulder now, but I'll see what it's like tomorrow.

Be prepared for this. It's a common theme.
You'll always have some little ass-ache - being in a constant minor (at best) state of discomfort.


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2009, 04:59:27 PM »
Be prepared for this. It's a common theme.
You'll always have some little ass-ache - being in a constant minor (at best) state of discomfort.

Yeah, hopefully I'll get used to it.  As long as is doesn't affect my day job then it's not really a problem.  I'm used to being sore from the gym, so little aches aren't much bother.


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2009, 12:58:52 PM »
Just got back from this week's training session, which was outdoors, cos the usual venue had a function on.  Bit different but it was OK.  Had to pack up a bit earlier than normal cos it was getting dark!  We went through quite a few things tonight, back drops, suplexes, scoop slam, sunset flip and spine buster.  As you'd imagine the impact on the spine buster is pretty harsh, especially when you're quite light and they can get you really high.  I think I forgot to tense my neck and keep my head forward though, as my head hit the canvas pretty hard.

I didn't get to do a one on one match this week due to the time constraints, so it was just the elimination match we always end with.  Unfortunately someone decided to suplex me a bit too close to the ropes, and my leg got caught on the middle rope on the way down, which has pulled something in my knee.  Doesn't seem too bad, but it's quite tender to walk on.

There are 3 shows next week, the first on Monday.  I think I'll just be in the rumble for that one, but the boss guy said he wants me to do a tag match at a show next Thursday.  I'm not sure yet, it seems a bit early.  I don't mind being thrown in at the deep end, but I don't fancy making an ass of myself if I forget something?  We'll see what happens I suppose.

The Showstoppa

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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2009, 01:05:24 PM »
Just got back from this week's training session, which was outdoors, cos the usual venue had a function on.  Bit different but it was OK.  Had to pack up a bit earlier than normal cos it was getting dark!  We went through quite a few things tonight, back drops, suplexes, scoop slam, sunset flip and spine buster.  As you'd imagine the impact on the spine buster is pretty harsh, especially when you're quite light and they can get you really high.  I think I forgot to tense my neck and keep my head forward though, as my head hit the canvas pretty hard.

I didn't get to do a one on one match this week due to the time constraints, so it was just the elimination match we always end with.  Unfortunately someone decided to suplex me a bit too close to the ropes, and my leg got caught on the middle rope on the way down, which has pulled something in my knee.  Doesn't seem too bad, but it's quite tender to walk on.

There are 3 shows next week, the first on Monday.  I think I'll just be in the rumble for that one, but the boss guy said he wants me to do a tag match at a show next Thursday.  I'm not sure yet, it seems a bit early.  I don't mind being thrown in at the deep end, but I don't fancy making an ass of myself if I forget something?  We'll see what happens I suppose.

Awesome.  If you can, it would be really cool to post a vid of one of your matches.  Maybe we could help with a critique, etc.... either way it would be cool.


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2009, 03:28:14 PM »
I'll definitely have some pics from the shows next week, I'm not sure about vids.  There were a couple of guys at last weeks training session who were looking at videoing the shows for us to put onto the website, so I'll have to see if they're gonna be about.

The Showstoppa

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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #31 on: October 06, 2009, 07:57:54 AM »
I'll definitely have some pics from the shows next week, I'm not sure about vids.  There were a couple of guys at last weeks training session who were looking at videoing the shows for us to put onto the website, so I'll have to see if they're gonna be about.

Awesome.  Keep us updated.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #32 on: October 14, 2009, 03:58:21 PM »
Had training tonight, which was rearranged from Monday.  Tomorrow night is going to be my in-ring debut, in a tag match.  We went through it tonight, but I'm not happy with how it went.  It's slightly less work, but it's a lot harder to communicate between all four people.  We did the match twice, but we missed quite a few of the spots we'd planned.  I hope it all works out tomorrow night.

There'll be some pics taken of the match, so I'll put a few on here.  There might be a video, but nothing's been confirmed yet.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #33 on: October 15, 2009, 04:50:42 PM »
Just back from the show, and it was awesome!  I was so nervous beforehand, it was freaking me out looking out into the venue, with all these people.  The match got changed slightly from training, as they put a much more experienced guy in as my tag partner, against two other relatively new guys.  So I think I got the better end of the bargain there, as I could just tag in my partner if I got into any trouble.

I'm a bit sore, few bruises here and there, but it was an amazing feeling.  Standing on the ropes in the corner, looking down on all these people cheering for you, having kids wanting to slap hands with you on the way to the ring, it was crazy.  I can understand a whole lot more how the professionals find it hard to give up that high.

The video guys were there and filmed the whole event from several angles.  I've asked them to email me my match once they get the editing done.  In the meantime, my sister's boyfriend video'd my match on his phone, and said he'd put it on YouTube, so I'll post it here as soon as it's up.

The Showstoppa

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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2009, 05:03:18 PM »
Just back from the show, and it was awesome!  I was so nervous beforehand, it was freaking me out looking out into the venue, with all these people.  The match got changed slightly from training, as they put a much more experienced guy in as my tag partner, against two other relatively new guys.  So I think I got the better end of the bargain there, as I could just tag in my partner if I got into any trouble.

I'm a bit sore, few bruises here and there, but it was an amazing feeling.  Standing on the ropes in the corner, looking down on all these people cheering for you, having kids wanting to slap hands with you on the way to the ring, it was crazy.  I can understand a whole lot more how the professionals find it hard to give up that high.

The video guys were there and filmed the whole event from several angles.  I've asked them to email me my match once they get the editing done.  In the meantime, my sister's boyfriend video'd my match on his phone, and said he'd put it on YouTube, so I'll post it here as soon as it's up.

Awesome!  Sounds like you had a great time too.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #35 on: October 15, 2009, 05:08:41 PM »
Awesome!  Sounds like you had a great time too.

It was a lot more enjoyable once I got out there.  It really is nerve wracking beforehand, worrying that you're gonna mess something up and make your opponent look stupid.  But once I went out, it all kinda went away, and I could just focus on getting my moves right.  I'm hoping the video looks alright now!


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2009, 05:44:23 PM »


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2009, 05:45:07 AM »

Cheers mate!

How long have you been wrestling?


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2009, 05:50:04 AM »
I don't do it anymore, and didn't do it that long to begin with.

Too many ass-aches, pains, and traveling, etc. for too little money.
It actually cost more than I made - at least if I'd broken even...
But it was that way for a lot of the guys.

Besides, I love my free time, and I had NONE when "working."


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #39 on: October 16, 2009, 01:58:11 PM »
I don't do it anymore, and didn't do it that long to begin with.

Too many ass-aches, pains, and traveling, etc. for too little money.
It actually cost more than I made - at least if I'd broken even...
But it was that way for a lot of the guys.

Besides, I love my free time, and I had NONE when "working."

Yeah, I doubt I'll ever even make enough to cover the cost of the gear I've bought!  It's only gonna be a part-time thing for me, an occasional show here and there.  It was loads of fun, but I couldn't do it as a career.


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2009, 03:45:30 PM »
So long as you enjoy it, you’re doing it for the right reason.

Besides, “pro-wrestler” always looks good on a resume.


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #41 on: October 16, 2009, 03:54:15 PM »
Besides, “pro-wrestler” always looks good on a resume.



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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2009, 05:14:17 PM »
Actually, that can be a serious statement.

I submitted some photos to a local casting agency a few years back.
I only worked on one commercial set and had no real acting experience to speak of.
Well, I had to write something on the resume/profile, so I mentioned martial arts & pro-wrestling, which I described as “theatrical” wrestling so there’d be no confusion.

Anyway, it was based on that info that I got a call to audition for the lead killer in a “slasher” flick they were about to start filming.
No lines, and I’d have worn a mask the whole time, but it was decent pay and an opportunity to work in front of a camera with every single star/costar on a movie set.
How many people have done that?

My point is, there are so many OTHER doors that can open from opportunities you take.
You never know where something will lead you, so go do it.
What are you going to lose?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2009, 12:22:51 AM »
Actually, that can be a serious statement.

I submitted some photos to a local casting agency a few years back.
I only worked on one commercial set and had no real acting experience to speak of.
Well, I had to write something on the resume/profile, so I mentioned martial arts & pro-wrestling, which I described as “theatrical” wrestling so there’d be no confusion.

Anyway, it was based on that info that I got a call to audition for the lead killer in a “slasher” flick they were about to start filming.
No lines, and I’d have worn a mask the whole time, but it was decent pay and an opportunity to work in front of a camera with every single star/costar on a movie set.
How many people have done that?

My point is, there are so many OTHER doors that can open from opportunities you take.
You never know where something will lead you, so go do it.
What are you going to lose?

That's good advice, cheers!

I've never been much of a performer, in fact I've always been the exact opposite!  I'm usually pretty quiet, and having people watch me do something has always been something I've avoided.  I'm hoping this little venture will help me overcome this slightly!

mass 04

  • Getbig V
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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2009, 01:50:56 PM »
maybe we'll see leon in a 'Mr Nanny' remake?


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #45 on: October 17, 2009, 02:04:15 PM »
I hear the producers of the original won't release the rights because they are holding out for a higher offer.

They know what they're sitting on.


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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2009, 04:47:29 PM »
Hahaha, right, here we go then.  World exclusive first look right here!!!

To be honest, I'm not happy with it at all.  Some of the moves are dreadful, I spend too much time watching my opponent, and I go from beaten up to fresh again in about 3 seconds.  Much work is needed, I think.

Please give any advice/pointers/criticism at all.  Although, try to keep it constructive!

Anyway, here you go:

EDIT:  Yes, I'm the skinny fat twink in white PVC pants with brutal face paint...


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Re: Leon's First Match:
« Reply #47 on: October 18, 2009, 05:35:28 PM »
You looked good out there, man – especially considering how green you are; “green” meaning “new.”

I hope the dude in the blue tank is also new. You should always kick out of a pin early in a match. Simply raising your arm is lame, and should be reserved for later in a match when you’re spent – both as part of the story and for real.

Neither of your opponents got up very high for your arm drags & hip tosses, etc.
They really dragged their feet. You seemed a lot more lively.

One criticism: the double clothesline at 5:13 was pretty weak. You and your buddy looked like you barely touched the guy with your palms. And your partner moved his hand away before the opponent even began the sell.
I would follow through with shots like that. You can do it without knocking the other guy’s head off.

Your partner also did a similar thing towards the end of the match while administering a series of clotheslines. And the sells were just as slow and weak.

Aside from some of the acrobatic stuff your friend in yellow did, you were the best one out there.
You put in some good emotion.
You played to the fans a bit – definitely do that more whether you’re a heel or a face.
It was obvious from their reaction that the people were into what you were doing.
The timing will come with experience.

For a first match, I think you did very, very well.



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Re: Leon's First Match:
« Reply #48 on: October 18, 2009, 06:06:56 PM »
You looked good out there, man – especially considering how green you are; “green” meaning “new.”

I hope the dude in the blue tank is also new. You should always kick out of a pin early in a match. Simply raising your arm is lame, and should be reserved for later in a match when you’re spent – both as part of the story and for real.

The guy in blue is relatively new, he's been around a bit longer than me.  The opponent in black started the same time as me. 

I'll definitely start to kick out earlier, that's a good point.

Neither of your opponents got up very high for your arm drags & hip tosses, etc.
They really dragged their feet. You seemed a lot more lively.

Never really noticed that, I've just watched it back and I see what you mean.  I tried to be a bit more bouncy, cos I think that's the only way I'm gonna get over with the fans.  I wanna try some of the things the guy in yellow was doing.

One criticism: the double clothesline at 5:13 was pretty weak. You and your buddy looked like you barely touched the guy with your palms. And your partner moved his hand away before the opponent even began the sell.
I would follow through with shots like that. You can do it without knocking the other guy’s head off.

Your partner also did a similar thing towards the end of the match while administering a series of clotheslines. And the sells were just as slow and weak.

That clothesline was garbage!  I never noticed it during the match, but I missed his hand completely, so we didn't get the desired effect.  He looked a bit pissed afterwards as well!  I do need to put a bit more into my clotheslines.

I think the yellow guys clotheslines at the end were more lariat type hits?  I don't know on this one.

Aside from some of the acrobatic stuff your friend in yellow did, you were the best one out there.
You put in some good emotion.
You played to the fans a bit – definitely do that more whether you’re a heel or a face.
It was obvious from their reaction that the people were into what you were doing.
The timing will come with experience.

For a first match, I think you did very, very well.


The guy in yellow has been wrestling for 13 years, and is one of the headliners of our little promotion.  It was quite a big thing for me to get partnered with him in my first match, there are some guys there who haven't worked with him in 6 months.

He is a good worker, but he seems to be a perfectionist, and when a few spots got missed during the start of the match, he got a bit pissed.  I can see why, but we were all beginners, so maybe a bit of leeway was needed.  I don't think the missed spots were that noticeable to the crowd.

I liked playing to the crowd and I'll definitely do that more next time.  There were about 100 people there, so it was a decent first audience for me.

There's a lot for me to work on.  Definitely my clotheslines, my dropkick at the start didn't have enough height, I'm making it too obvious that I'm watching/listening to my opponents.  So all that can start tomorrow night at training!

Thanks for taking the time to watch and give me feedback!


The Showstoppa

  • Getbig V
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Re: Started wrestling training...
« Reply #49 on: October 18, 2009, 07:06:50 PM »
I think you looked really good considering how limited your training time has been. 

Like Montague said, you looked full of energy and it helped get over with the crowd.  I think the timing will improve with experience.

Just something from a longtime fan standpoint....really sell your movements.  For example when you whip someone into the corner or rope, look like you are forcing them and follow thru by stepping a step or two towards them after you shoot really makes it look more polished and you aren't waiting on the guy to hit the corner or ropes by just standing there.  Maybe Montague knows what I mean and can explain it in better wrestler jargon.

Honestly, you should really be proud for a first effort.  I've watched more seasoned guys who didn't look nearly as good as you did.