Author Topic: Linda McMahon CT Senate Race:  (Read 23226 times)


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Re: Linda McMahon heading back to the family business?
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2010, 05:07:11 PM »


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Re: Linda McMahon 2010 Connecticut Senate Race:
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2010, 12:58:10 PM »

The Courant has an article up noting that Rob Simmons recently attacked Linda McMahon's senate run by claiming that WWE was inappropriate in its use of the Eugene character played by Nick Dinsmore. Below is an excerpt from the article:

"A day after Rob Simmons attacked Linda McMahon and World Wrestling Entertainment, the company she helped build and once led, for insensitivity toward people with mental disabilities, the McMahon campaign fought back.

The issue bubbled to the surface of an already acrimonious campaign between Simmons and McMahon, both Republicans running for U.S. Senate, after White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used a derogatory word for people with learning disabilities.

That prompted the Simmons camp to circulate a couple of YouTube videos showing a WWE storyline that featured Eugene, a character with a mental impairment, being humiliated in the ring.

"Rob Simmons indicates once again that he doesn't understand how to separate fact from fiction,'' Ed Patru, a spokesman for the McMahon campaign, said in a statement. "In the soap opera world of WWE, the character 'Eugene' was developmentally disabled, but rather than the beaten down, pathetic character that Rob presents, Eugene was treated via scripting like all WWE superstars with no special privileges. He competed in the ring or in a steel cage, sometimes winning, but often losing as an underdog. In the end, in spite of any disability, he was victorious and became a hero."

That's nothing. I heard that, for years, PETA's been trying to sue WB for animal cruelty of animated coyotes.


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Re: Linda McMahon 2010 Connecticut Senate Race:
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2010, 04:47:21 PM »
Linda McMahon's chances of winning the U.S. Senate race have just improved a bit.
Connecticut attorney general Richard Blumenthal, who was slated to be the Democratic nominee for Senate, is currently being accused of lying about serving in the Vietnam war.

This is somewhat of a big deal as the most recent polls had Blumenthal leading the polls, ahead of Republican front runners Rob Simmons and Linda McMahon.

Linda's campaign team was being given (and initially accepting) credit for exposing Blumenthal, but has since distanced itself from the accolades - although, the reasons are unclear.
You can read the whole story here:


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2010, 03:02:16 PM »

HARTFORD, Conn. -- Criticism aimed at Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal wasn't enough to keep him from securing the Democratic nomination for Christopher Dodd's U.S. Senate seat but was sufficient to help political unknown and ex-wrestling executive Linda McMahon get the GOP nod.

Blumenthal and McMahon won their party nominations at conventions Friday for the post that the Democratic senator has held since 1981. Dodd is retiring.

Blumenthal easily captured the nomination despite recent criticism for misstating his military record during Vietnam.
"I have made mistakes. I regret them. And I have taken responsibility," Blumenthal said. "But this campaign must be about the people of Connecticut."

McMahon, once an executive with World Wrestling Entertainment, has acknowledged providing information on Blumenthal's misstatements to the media.
"I venture to say we're going to lay the smackdown on him come November," said McMahon, who has vowed to spend $50 million of her own money in the campaign.
"I was an unknown coming into this race," she said. "I needed to have a good solid campaign out of the box because people need to know who I am and what I stand for."

But before McMahon takes on Blumenthal in the fall, she has to get by former U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons, a Vietnam war veteran with two Bronze Stars. He received enough votes Friday to force an August primary.
McMahon pulled away from Simmons when several dozen delegates at the Republican convention switched their votes before the first ballot became final.
And Fairfield County money manger Peter Schiff, who lost many of his delegates to McMahon, may try to petition his way onto the primary ballot, supporters said.

Despite the national attention that Blumenthal's misstatements have attracted, Democrats said they could not ignore his 26 years of political service - six years as a state lawmaker and 20 as Connecticut's omnipresent attorney general - to the state.
Blumenthal sprinted past Mystic businessman Merrick Alpert in the delegate count, leading Alpert to pull out of the contest and Blumenthal winning on a voice vote.

"I do think it's unfortunate he had some of the statements he made, but this convention is with him and everyone is human," said state Rep. Andrew Fleischmann, D-West Hartford.

At the Republican convention, McMahon's husband, Vince, and Paul Levesque, McMahon's son-in-law, who is known to wrestling fans as Triple H, made an appearance. Many of McMahon's supporters painted Blumenthal in the role of bad guy, wearing stickers with Blumenthal's face and the word "Liar."
"Now we know we have a really good shot of winning," said Joyce Koslowski of Seymour. "He had such a perfect record, and I think he thought he was unbeatable. And now we know he's not perfect, and we know we can get him."

Blumenthal came under criticism when The New York Times reported Monday that he had repeatedly distorted his military service. The story included quotations and a video of Blumenthal saying at a 2008 event that he had served in Vietnam.
Blumenthal said Tuesday that he meant to say he served "during" Vietnam instead of "in" Vietnam. He said the statements were "totally unintentional" errors that occurred a few times out of hundreds of public appearances.

A longer version of the video posted by McMahon's campaign shows Blumenthal at the beginning of his speech correctly characterizing his service by saying that he "served in the military, during the Vietnam era." He was in the Marine reserves.

"Already, we've seen them try to make this race about attacks on my character and service," Blumenthal said Friday. "I'm proud of my service. I'm proud of the work I've done for veterans."
Damian Maine of New Britain, who served in the Navy in Europe during the Vietnam War, was forgiving of Blumenthal, who he said has done good things for the state.
"Sometimes his story got a little mixed up, but I'm sure there's a lot of veterans who still support him," he said.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2010, 05:03:34 AM »
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Linda McMahon's senate campaign is facing new opposition in the form a group called "Mothers Against McMahon."
The group feels that McMahon and her family have marketed an appalling product to children throughout the years, and that she's spent $50 million to buy a spot in the senate.

M.A.M. noted, "[Linda McMahon] earned her millions putting her workers at risk and failing to provide health insurance or other disability benefits.
The candidate now promising to create jobs laid off 10% of her work force to protect her personal profits."


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #30 on: July 28, 2010, 05:24:56 PM »
The following is a new article from the NBC Connecticut website:

Simmons Jumps Back Into Senate Race

Former Congressman Rob Simmons is officially back in the race for U.S. Senate after “curtailing” his campaign in May.

Simmons participated in a debate at Trinity College in Hartford on Tuesday night and made his announcement.

"I am running for the United States Senate," he said during opening remarks, according to the Day of New London.

When Simmons said he was curtailing his campaign, he said his name would remain on the ballot but he would not actively run. But, he recently started running ads in which he reminded voters that his name is still on the ballot, raising questions about the status of his campaign.

On Tuesday night, those questions were answered.

When asked, Simmons denied he was restarting his campaign and called the ad a "public service announcement," but clearly stated during the debate that he’s running.

Simmons, a Republican, will face former WWE CEO Linda McMahon and financier Peter Schiff in the August primary.

McMahon called Simmons an "erratic semi-candidate."

Schiff told the Day he believes Simmons' strategy, all along, was to leave his name on the ballot and eventually get back into the race.

"We'll see if it works," Schiff told the newspaper said. "But he had a very well-financed opponent and it's difficult to combat her. I'm in the same predicament."

The Center for Responsive Politics Web site shows that McMahon had raised $22.1 million and spent almost $18.9 million, as of June 30, Simmons raised $3 million and spent $2.1 and Schiff raised $3 million and spent $2.5 million. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, the Democratic party nominee, has raised almost $3.5 million and spent almost $1.4 million.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2010, 05:45:02 PM »
Here is the latest "anti-Linda McMahon" campaign ad from Peter Schiff's camp:

Poor J.R.
He had his nuts kicked so far up into his throat he'll have to swallow to induce puberty!


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2010, 05:52:26 AM »
Nothing beat the time when Austin stone cold stunend the entire McMahon family and poored beers on them.  :D


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2010, 10:43:40 AM »
The Connecticut Republican party primary, which includes Linda McMahon's Senate run, is today.

According to the latest Quinnipiac University polls, McMahon is expected to win by a decent amount.
The polls have Linda McMahon at 50 percent, while her competition is 28 percent (for Rob Simmons) and 15 percent (Peter Schiff).

I'll post the official results when I learn them.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2010, 05:09:58 AM »
Reports are now saying that McMahon has secured the Republican nomination by winning tonight's primary. Linda McMahon is the current top story on at 10:50EST with the headline "Former wrestling exec wins Connecticut Senate primary". That's major. Simmons called McMahon at about 10PM Eastern and conceded the race. Linda had this to say:

"Tonight, I am honored to have earned the support of Republicans around Connecticut. Since I entered this race eleven months ago, we have crisscrossed this great state and attended over 660 meetings and events, where I have had the opportunity to hear from voters and better understand their issues and concerns. ... I understand that people are hurting because I see it all around this state. And I know what that feels like because I've been there before.

"This election is about jobs. The American Dream is threatened, but Washington continues its reckless spending, massive debt, and tax increases. Washington is suffocating small businesses and killing jobs. This is not only threatening our well-being, but also the well-being of our children and grandchildren. It's time for something different.

"I'm honored to have earned my party's nomination, and I am determined to lead our party to victory in November."

Linda will now represent the Republican party vs. the Democrats in November.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2010, 05:18:10 AM »
I think she's already gone farther than a lot of people expected her to.
This could really turn into something.

A lot of political analysts are predicting the Republicans will take over the House and/or Senate in November.
If Linda is part of the winning team, that will only further help her.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2010, 07:42:50 AM »
I think she's already gone farther than a lot of people expected her to.
This could really turn into something.

A lot of political analysts are predicting the Republicans will take over the House and/or Senate in November.
If Linda is part of the winning team, that will only further help her.

I think alot of it has to be attributed to her personal charactor and people skills. She's not like her imbecile husband.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2010, 04:43:21 PM »

Linda McMahon was on the Early Show this morning addressing her GOP nomination win. The DNC wasn't very happy stating that "Today the party of Bob Dole, Jack Kemp and Dick Lugar nominated a candidate who kicks men in the crotch, thinks scenes of necrophilia is 'entertainment' and runs an operation where women are forced to bark like dogs. This is what has become of the grand old party."

Linda went on to say that WWE has evolved to a TV-PG rating and she plans to focus on jobs and economy in CT and as long as the dems want to focus on an "action adventure soap opera" and not the real issues, she'll win AGAIN in November. Triple H was there for her acceptance and greeted her with a hug.

I love it.
The Democratic National Committee talks about wrestling as if it’s “real.”
That’s the equivalent of political opponents bashing Arnold as a cyborg or mercenary based on movie roles he’s played.

Fukking Dems deserve to lose the House in November if that‘s the best retort they can offer.
Why don’t they try to come up with better policies instead?


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2010, 03:49:59 PM »
Linda McMahon issued the following statement to The UK Sun concerning the passing of Lance Cade and fired back at those who crticized her for pro wrestling causing the early death of wrestlers: "I might have met him once. WWE is no more responsible for these deaths than a film studio could have prevented Heath Ledger's death."

mass 04

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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2010, 04:31:27 PM »
"I might have met him once.i]
What? Are her and Vince really that disconnected from the talent or is this just damage control? He worked for them for 5-6 years and was trained by Michaels.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #40 on: August 19, 2010, 05:23:12 PM »
Yeah, that sounds more like a comment Ted Turner would make about his (then) WCW talent.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2010, 05:07:08 AM »
What? Are her and Vince really that disconnected from the talent or is this just damage control? He worked for them for 5-6 years and was trained by Michaels.
They don't want any bad publicity especially ever since the 1994 steroid trial / sex scandal & Benoit incident. The don't want the media causing witch hunts.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #42 on: August 20, 2010, 05:21:01 AM »
They don't want any bad publicity especially ever since the 1994 steroid trial / sex scandal & Benoit incident. The don't want the media causing witch hunts.

They'll never stop it.
The media and her political opponents will dig back as far as they have to to find anything on her.


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #43 on: August 29, 2010, 07:24:50 PM »
The following are a series of new Kurt Angle tweets combined (and slightly edited for grammar, etc.) concerning his support for Linda McMahon's Senate run in Connecticut:

To all connecticut residents, as u know linda mcmahon is running for office. I worked with linda on many projects in wwe. Linda was a Professional that got things done. I worked with her on "smackdown ur vote" among many other projects. She is smart, bright and a true Leader. I am now in tna and it doesn't benefit me to talk about linda or what a great woman she is. I saw with my own eyes. She's honest ,sincere and always looked out for what was best to her employees. Linda was the positiveness in wwe. She has the qualities that I would Want in a politician. She listens to you, and always does the right thing. If I were living in connecticut, I would vote for her with Pride and an eagerness to get the economy, real estate and health reform back on track. Remember, I'm in tna and I don't plan on leaving But I want what is best for this country, and linda mcmahon has that "IT" factor you rarely see in today's leaders. Good luck linda.
GOD bless, kurt angle 1996 olympic gold medalist and proud AMERICAN


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #44 on: August 30, 2010, 08:23:40 AM »

They'll never stop it.
The media and her political opponents will dig back as far as they have to to find anything on her.
I'm gonna start a witchhunt on you soon, Mont. Now go hide all your gear... ;D


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2010, 04:53:24 PM »
The Connecticut Mirror has posted a new article taking a look at the senate campaign of Linda McMahon and her opponents.

On the subject of Lance Cade and her previous remarks towards his death, where McMahon claimed she "may have met him once," Linda responded by saying, "I think that any father or parent that's lost a child, clearly, has pain relative to that.
I understand that.

So I understand the pain that he's feeling.
I do believe there is more that can be known relative to Lance. I'm letting WWE deal with those issues...I'm not really questioned and pushed very much on the negative aspects of, you know, a scripted soap opera.
It's the difference between being something that's entertaining and scripted versus real life issues."


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2010, 04:52:37 AM »
During a fundraiser for Linda McMahon's Senate Campaign on Sunday, someone called in a bomb threat, forcing an evacuation of the house the fundraiser was being held in. Police searched the place for an hour before determining the threat was bogus, and no one was hurt.

The full story can be found here:


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2010, 05:26:31 PM »
USA Today is reporting that a new poll has revealed Linda McMahon to be within "striking distance" of her senate race opponent, Richard Blumenthal.

The story notes, Quinnipiac shows Blumenthal, the Democratic nominee, with a 51%-45% lead among voters likely to head to the polls Nov. 2. This despite the fact that 72% of those responding said they believe Blumenthal has the right experience to be senator, compared with 39% for McMahon, the GOP candidate.
She's a political rookie.

Quinnipiac University poll director Douglas Schwartz called the race "surprisingly close."

"With seven weeks to go and lots of money to be spent, anything can happen," he added. "The question is whether Linda McMahon can ride the anti-establishment, anti-Democratic wave to victory."


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2010, 05:13:48 PM »

Obama Stumps for Blumenthal in Conn.: 'Public Service Is Not a Game'... Like Wrestling

ABC News' Sunlen Miller reports:

At a fundraiser in Connecticut tonight, President Obama went to bat for Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, slamming his opponent, Republican Linda McMahon, former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, accusing her of throwing money into the race and expecting to win without any new ideas.

“This is the kind of leader you want representing you, somebody you know,” Obama said of Blumenthal, “somebody who doesn’t just show up and try to get a victory by writing a big check and flooding the airwaves with negative ads.”

In the race to replace retiring Sen. Chris Dodd, today the Cook Political Report reclassified the race from "lean Democrat" to toss-up after looking at the tightening polls and the extensive campaign war chest of former WWE CEO McMahon.

“I understand she has promised a smack down,” Obama said of McMahon. “And look, there’s no doubt I can see how somebody who has been in professional wrestling would think that they are right at home in the U.S. Senate if they were watching some of the behavior that’s been going on. But the truth is -- and Dick understands this –- public service is not a game.”


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Re: Linda McMahon WINS CT Republican Senate Nomination:
« Reply #49 on: September 17, 2010, 05:16:11 PM »
The following is an excerpt from an article featuring comments from Linda McMahon, where she evaluates U.S. President Barack Obama in somewhat harsh fashion.
The comments came after Obama slammed McMahon and her run for Senate in a story we reported earlier today.

Earlier in the day, McMahon offered tempered criticism of Obama, who won this reliably Democratic state in 2008 with 61 percent of the vote. Now, 51 percent of voters disapprove of his job performance, according to a recent Quinnipiac University poll.

"I think President Obama, in my view, has fallen far short of what the expectation was when he became president. We are further in debt, our deficit has grown, unemployment has grown," McMahon said during an Associated Press interview at her West Hartford campaign headquarters. "From a leadership perspective, I think he has fallen short."

With faint praise for her opponent, she also played on the theme of Blumenthal as the ultimate self-promoter.

"He seems to be a pretty nice guy. ... I don't know him personally. I know of him. I have certainly seen his picture in newspapers and quotes and all of the press releases that have gone out over the years," she said. "He's very well-known, recognized around the state."

McMahon was pushing ahead with a campaign designed to appeal to Democrats as well as Republicans. On Thursday evening, she visited small businesses and talked with voters on the streets of Willimantic. Between sprinkles of rain, she posed for pictures with volunteers and watched as aides offered votes hats, T-shirts and bumper stickers emblazoned with her logo.
