New lists 27 IFBB Pro Men's competitors on this new list, and still missing both Troy Alves, and Stan “The White Rhino” Efferding (most likely because of contracts and paperwork needing to be signed), the Phoenix Pro is going to be a great start to the first contests of the year. Here is the lists so far that we have...
Here are the IFBB Men’s Pro Bodybuilding list.
1. Eddie Abbew (United Kingdom)
2. Oliver Adzievski (Sweden)
3. Melvin Anthony Jr (USA)
4. Grigori Atoyan (USA)
5. Moe Bannout (Lebanon)
6. Lionel Beyeke (France)
7. Gus Carter (USA)
8. AD Cherry (USA)
9. Omar Deckard (USA)
10. Alfonso Del Rio (Spain)
11. Constantinos Demetriou (Australia)
12. Tarek Elsetouhi (Germany)
13. Toney Freeman (USA)
14. DeShaun Grimez (USA)
15. Andy Haman (USA)
16. Daniel Hill (Germany)
17. Johnnie Jackson (USA)
18. Randy Jackson Sr. (USA)
19. Rusty Jeffers (USA)
20. Michael Liberatore (USA)
21. Cesar Mendible (Venezuela)
22. Franklin Roberson (USA)
23. Heinz Senior (Venezuela)
24. John Sherman (USA)
25. Quincy Taylor (USA)
26. Hidetada Yamagishi (Japan)
27. Mehmet Yildirim (France)
Rumored to be competing, but not on the list... Troy Alves, Stan “The White Rhino” Efferding,
Figure Competitor List
1. Listy Allen
2. Crystal Chiles
3. Lynn Cimmino (formerly Widdowson)
4. Linda Fodor
5. Sabrina Gibson
6. Lydia Haskell
7. Jennifer Hernandez
8. Jaime Meade
9. Jodie Minear
10. Karen Mullarkey
11. Amy O’Neil
12. Debbie Patton
13. Felicia Romero
14. Rosa Maria Romero
15. Mindi Sakamoto
16. Mindi Smith
17. Chaundra Tangi
18. Angela Terlesky
19. Kathleen Tesori
20. Ann Titone
21. Taylor Waldrop
22. Tina White
Rumored, but not on the list... Monica Mark
Fitness Competitor List
1. Oksana Grishina
2. Tanji Johnson
3. Nita Marquez
4. Bridgette Murray-Ward
5. Julie Palmer
6. Yenny Polanco
7. Camila Rodriguez
Rumored, but not on list .... Stefanie Bambrough
Women’s Bodybuilding Competitor List
1. Myriam Bustamante
2. Zoa Linsey
3. Gayle Moher
4. Colette Nelson
5. Yaxeni Oriquen
6. Jeannie Paparone
7. Betty Pariso
8. Akila Pervis
9. Maria del Carmen Segura
10. Diana Stanback
11. Antoinette Thompson
12. Dena Westerfield
Rumored, but not on list... Angela Terlesky