Author Topic: Naturalwonder83 training Log  (Read 426550 times)


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #525 on: December 02, 2010, 04:55:56 PM »
Did you get some pussy today?

keto diet
weight was 170
did a 3 mile run outside in the early afternoon


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #526 on: December 03, 2010, 01:54:51 PM »
weight was 170 again

upper body
machine pullover superset incline smith machine press
90 x 15 ss 95 x15
160 x 15 ss 115 x 15
180 x 15 ss 135 x 15

pushups superset prone superman w/ scapula retraction
35 ss 15
35 ss 15
35 ss 15

machine side raise superset rear delt row on side raise machine
70 x 15 per arm ss 70 x 15 per arm
85 x 15 per arm ss 85 x 15 per arm
110 x 15 per arm ss 110 x 15 per arm

vbar pushdowns superset dumbell hammer curls
70 x 20 ss 5lbs x 20
90 x 20 ss 5lbs x 20
110 x 20 ss 5lbs x 20

smith machine close grip bench superset dumbell curls
135 x 15 ss 5lbs x 12
135 x 15 ss 5lbs x 12
135 x 15 ss 5lbs x 12

seated calf
4 sets of 50 secs

keto diet
no cravings


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #527 on: December 04, 2010, 04:31:36 PM »
weight was 168
keto diet-no cravings

lower body and cardio

walking lunges superset ball hamstring curls superset bench knee ups
40 ss 20 ss 20
40 ss 20 ss 20
40 ss 20 ss 20

trx single leg pistol squats superset hypers superset bosu crunches
15 ss 15 ss 20
15 ss 15 ss 20
15 ss 15 ss 20

abductor machine superset adductor machine
130 x 15 ss 130 x 15
130 x 15 ss 130 x 15
130 x 15 ss 130 x 15

seated leg curls superset glute bridges superset ab bicycles upright
140 x 12 ss 12 ss 40
140 x 12 ss 12 ss 40
140 x 12 ss 12 ss 40

wall sit superset russ twist
2 mins ss 50

30 mins pre cor efx


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #528 on: December 05, 2010, 06:47:32 AM »
weight was 168

the keto diet ive been following
4 omega eggs w/ 2 turkey bacon w spinnach
40g whey iso w/ fiber powder tbsp mac oil
7 oz turkey w/ 27g pecans w/ kale
7 oz turkey w/ 25 almonds w/ kale
7 oz salmon w/ 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds w spinnach and lemon juice
40g whey iso w/ fiber powder tbsp mac oil


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #529 on: December 06, 2010, 09:44:17 AM »
weight was 167.8
keto diet-no cravings at all

upper body and cardio
pullover machine superset shoulder press machine
90 x 15 ss 80 x 15
160 x 15 ss 110 x 15
180 x pause, then 5 reps ss 120 x 15

nautlius incline press superset free motion straight arm flies
50 x 20 ss 30 x 20
70 x 20 ss 50 x 20
70 x 20 ss 50 x 20

standing pulldowns superset prone supermans w/ scapula retraction
30 x 30 ss 12
30 x 30 ss 12
30 x 30 ss 12

dumbell curls superset rope pushdowns superset overhead rope extensions
5lbs x 30 ss 50 x 20 ss 50 x 20
5lbs x 30 ss 50 x 20 ss 50 x 20
5lbs x 30 ss 50 x 20 ss 50 x 20

dumbell hammer curls
5lbs x 30
5lbs x 30
5lbs x 30

bicep work felt great-best its felt in long time-no wrist pain, stretch felt amazing on it, muscle felt strong!

30 mins pre cor efx


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #530 on: December 07, 2010, 05:17:14 PM »
weight was 166.9

lower body

seated calf raise superset leg press superset walking lunges
plate x 50 secs ss 2 pps x 15 ss 50 lunges
plate+25 x 50 secs ss 4 pps x 15 ss 50 lunges
plate+25 x 50 secs ss 6 pps x 15 ss 50 lunges
plate+25 x 50 secs ss 7 pps x 15 ss 50 lunges

hack squat superset standing calf raise superset power step ups
2 pps x 12 ss 150 x 50 secs ss 25 pow step ups
2 pps x 12 ss 150 x 50 secs ss 25 pow step ups
2 pps x 12 ss 150 x 50 secs ss 25 pow step ups

hypers superset glute bridges superset single leg curls
15 ss 15 ss 40 x 12 per leg
15 ss 15 ss 40 x 12 per leg
15 ss 15 ss 40 x 12 per leg

cheat day!
4 omega eggs w/ 3/4 cup oats w berries and flax seeds
2 scoop ultim muscle protein 1 apple 2 spoonful pb
2 scoop muscle provider, 3/4 cup oats 1 apple 2 spoonful pb
3 rolls of sushi
6 oz salmon w whole wheat pasta and kale
1 large pizza
protein bar
penne vodka
greek yogurt w pumpkin seeds and blueberries


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #531 on: December 08, 2010, 05:04:29 PM »
wed:weight was 172.8 when i woke up

keto diet today
some cravings
no gym-legs are sore from yesterday

arm is feeling great-soreness has decreased big time
think i will move up to 6 or 7lb dumbells for curls this week


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #532 on: December 09, 2010, 03:10:48 PM »
weight was 169.1
keto diet-no cravings

upper body
TRX high row&scarecrow superset kneeling band pulldowns superset rope pushdown superset TRX rollouts
15 ss 15 ss 40 x 15 ss 15
15 ss 15 ss 70 x 15 ss 15
15 ss 15 ss 100 x 15 ss 15

Ab strap pullups superset dumbell rear laterals superset straight arm band flies superset leg press calf
20 ss 10 x 15 ss 30 ss 2 pps x 20
15 ss 10 x 15 ss 30 ss 3 pps x 20
15 ss 10 x 15 ss 30 ss 3pps x 20

Band row superset Jumping jacks w/ Giant Ropes superset TRX 2 stage knee tucks superset straight leg sit ups on ball superset side plank with dumebll reach superset side plank ups superset pushups

25 ss 25 ss 10 ss 12 ss 5lbs x 12 per side ss 8 ss 25
25 ss 25 ss 10 ss 12 ss 5lbs x 12 per side ss 8 ss 25
25 ss 25 ss 10 ss 12 ss 5lbs x 12 per side ss 8 ss 25

then right before bed...30 mins of cardio on treadmill...10 incline, 4 mph


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #533 on: December 10, 2010, 05:59:20 PM »
weight was 168.4

keto diet no cravings

lower body and cardio

smith machine split squats
25 per side x 15 per leg
35 per leg x 15 per leg
45 per side x 15 per leg

leg press
4 pps x 20
6 pps x 10
7 plate+25 per side x 5

hypers superset wall sits
15 ss 1 min
15 ss 1 min
15 ss 1 min

seated leg curls
70 x 12
100 x 12
130 x 12

20 mins hit on treadmill

gonna start going heavier next week w/ legs...arm feels ok to do so


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #534 on: December 12, 2010, 06:46:17 AM »
weight was 167.4
cheat day:
4 omega eggs w/ 3/4 cup oats w/ flaxseeds and berrries, 2 turkey bacon
2 slice pumpkin pie w ice cream, egg white omlette w/ onions tomatoes peppers, home fries, and english muffin w butter
2 scoop ultim muscle pro from beverly, 1 apple, 2 spoonful natural pb
7 oz salmon w/ whole wheat pasta, spinnach and tomatoes
half of large pizza, some caesar salad
handful mini reeses peanut butter cups
1 lg pizza
greek yogurt w apple and 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
weight was 180 at the end of the day

weight was 172.4
keto diet
no cravings so far


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #535 on: December 12, 2010, 04:21:30 PM »
diet for today

some cravings early in the day

40g whey iso w / fiber powder w/ tbsp mac oil
4 omega eggs w 2 turkey sausages w spinnach
7 oz turkey w collard greens 27g walnuts
6 oz salmon w spinnach tbsp pumpkin seed oil
40g whey iso w/ fiber powder w/ tbsp mac oil


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #536 on: December 13, 2010, 03:53:15 PM »
weight was 169.4
keto diet-no cravings
i added an egg to breakfast-that seemed to stop my usual hunger i feel all day

5 omega eggs w 2 turkey sausages w/ spinnach
50g whey iso w fiber powder w tbsp mac oil
7 oz turkey w collard greens 27g hazlenuts
7 oz turkey w collard greens 27g walnuts
50g whey iso w fiber powder w tbsp mac oil
7 oz salmon w spinnach 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds

upper body and cardio:
standing lat pulldowns superset pushups
30 x 30 ss 50 pushups
45 x 30 ss 50 pushups
45 x 30 ss 50 pushups

machine pullovers superset prone superman w/ scapula retractions
180 x 10 ss 10
180 x 10 ss 10
180 x 10 ss 10

smith machine incline press
135 x 15
135 x 15
135 x 15

standing calf raise machine
80 x 50 secs
130 x 50 secs
150 x 50 secs
150 x 50 secs

machine side raise superset rear delt rows on side raise machine
160 x 12 per arm ss 160 x 12
160 x 12 per arm ss 160 x 12
160 x 12 per arm ss 160 x 12

rope pushdowns superset rope extensions
50 x 20 ss 50 x 20
80 x 15 ss 80 x 15
100 x 12 ss 100 x 12

dumbell hammer curls superset dumbell curls
7.5 x 20 ss 7.5 x 20
7.5 x 20 ss 7.5 x 20
7.5 x 20 ss 7.5 x 20

20 mins HIT on treadmill


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #537 on: December 14, 2010, 03:51:39 PM »
weight was 168.4
keto diet...small cravings in the morning

lower body:
smith machine split squats
135 x 10 per leg
135 x 12 per leg
135 x 15 per leg

leg press
3 plates per side x 120 secs
4 plates per side x 120 secs
4 plates per side x 120 secs

power step ups superset walking lunges
25 per leg ss 50 lunges
25 per leg ss 50 lunges
25 per leg ss 50 lunges

trx single leg squats superset sled pushes
10 per leg ss 1 min
10 per leg ss 1 min
10 per leg ss 1 min


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #538 on: December 14, 2010, 03:52:17 PM »
weight was 168.4
keto diet...small cravings in the morning

lower body:
smith machine split squats
135 x 10 per leg
135 x 12 per leg
135 x 15 per leg

leg press
3 plates per side x 120 secs
4 plates per side x 120 secs
4 plates per side x 120 secs

power step ups superset walking lunges
25 per leg ss 50 lunges
25 per leg ss 50 lunges
25 per leg ss 50 lunges

trx single leg squats superset sled pushes
10 per leg ss 1 min
10 per leg ss 1 min
10 per leg ss 1 min

time to hit golds Gene ;D


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #539 on: December 14, 2010, 03:57:25 PM »
time to hit golds Gene ;D
sounds good to me


  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #540 on: December 14, 2010, 07:17:25 PM »
Did you get some pussy today?

of course he didn't....He's obviously a homo...only a gay guy exercises this much....staying in shape for man-meat


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #541 on: December 14, 2010, 07:48:24 PM »
sounds good to me

let me know when my friend


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #542 on: December 15, 2010, 04:25:43 AM »
of course he didn't....He's obviously a homo...only a gay guy exercises this much....staying in shape for man-meat
im still preparing for the fire academy...once i get on i plan to use the money to help pay for a relatives medical bills which theyre having trouble paying-my love for a family member is whats fueling my training
also, im not gay...sorry

let me know when my friend
mondays work...but not this monday

weight was 167.9
6 am
37 flights of stairs w/ friends
my time was 5:09 for the 1st time up...not sure the times on the other 2x but it was the same or a lil bit faster
repeated 3 times

keto diet


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #543 on: December 15, 2010, 06:36:18 AM »
im still preparing for the fire academy...once i get on i plan to use the money to help pay for a relatives medical bills which theyre having trouble paying-my love for a family member is whats fueling my training
also, im not gay...sorry
mondays work...but not this monday

I thought you trained with Calvin on Mondays ???


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #544 on: December 16, 2010, 03:04:12 PM »
I thought you trained with Calvin on Mondays ???

weight was 167

legs are so sore from yesterdays stair climb

wrist was a bit sore during the presses today...

upper body and cardio:
incline dumbell press superset bench knee ups
25 x 20 ss 25
30 x 20 ss 25
30 x 20 ss 25

flat dumbell press
30 x 20
30 x 20
30 x 20

standing dumbell shoulder press superset seated cable rows
30 x 15 ss 40 x 15
30 x 15 ss 60 x 15
30 x 15 ss 60 x 15

standing pulldowns superset back extensions on stability ball
40 x 15 ss 15
40 x 15 ss 15
40 x 15 ss 15

close grip pushups on bosu superset dumbell curls superset dumbell hammer curls
15 ss 8lbx x 20 ss 8lbs x 20
15 ss 8lbs x 20 ss 8lbs x 20
15 ss 8lbs x 20 ss 8lbs x 20

trx body saw
3 sets of 30 secs
30 mins on tread...3.5mph, 5-15 incline...increased every 5 mins

keto diet
no cravings


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #545 on: December 18, 2010, 05:31:15 AM »
keto diet
no cravings
weight 166.9

keto diet
no cravings
weight was 165.7
gonna do abs later

tommorow is cheat day


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #546 on: December 18, 2010, 05:35:39 AM »
keto diet
no cravings
weight 166.9

keto diet
no cravings
weight was 165.7
gonna do abs later

tommorow is cheat day

whatcha gonna eat Gene


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #547 on: December 18, 2010, 05:51:29 AM »
whatcha gonna eat Gene
im gonna have oats and fruit w my eggs, then whole wheat pasta w my salmon, an apple and pb w my shake, a vpx pro bar, some cheesecake, and a bit of pizza


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #548 on: December 18, 2010, 08:15:27 AM »
im gonna have oats and fruit w my eggs, then whole wheat pasta w my salmon, an apple and pb w my shake, a vpx pro bar, some cheesecake, and a bit of pizza

sounds good Gene, ENJOY


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Re: Naturalwonder83 training Log
« Reply #549 on: December 19, 2010, 07:29:10 PM »
weight was same as yesterday
cheat day

total body workout
wrist was hurting during the shoulder presses

walking lunges superset trx atomic pushups superset trx inverted rows
3 sets of 50 ss 20 ss 15

trx single leg plyo squats superset standing db press superset trx bodysaw
3 sets of 12 per leg ss 25lbs x 15 ss 30 secs

box jumps superset db hammer curls superset vbar pushdowns superset russian twists
3 sets of 15 ss 10lbs x 20 ss 40 x 15 ss 30

trx leg curls superset rope waves superset hypers
3 sets of 15 ss 30 ss 15

wanted to do dips for tris but my wrist couldnt handle it