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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1275 on: April 27, 2011, 02:19:09 PM »
Well I looked at the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital website and it does indeed say that it became that in 1978.

HA..give it up

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1276 on: April 27, 2011, 02:23:09 PM »
HA..give it up

Birthers never die, the fight and struggle goes on.    ;D


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1277 on: April 27, 2011, 02:25:33 PM »
HA..give it up

Give what up? Information was cited so I investigated it, I don't accept anything from WIKI as fact.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1278 on: April 27, 2011, 02:26:45 PM »
Obama Finally Releases His Birth Certificate
The Constitution Club ^ | 04-27-11 | Dave the Sage

Holy crap, he did it. After endless court battles, speculations, conjecture, and even books on the subject, the Obama administration today produced what they say is the long form, certificate of live birth, of President Barack Obama. One can only wonder why it took FOREVER for this to happen. The delay had produced a cottage industry of conspiracy theories that continued to grow and prosper in the absence of definitive proof that Obama was indeed constitutionally qualified to be president of the United States of America. One can only speculate that the powers that be decided that the potential political damage to Obama outweighed the potential damage to the eventual GOP nominee. Though I suppose that after the poll came out that showed that only 38% of Americans thought the president was actually born in the USA, the Obama administration finally decided they better do something. After all, there is a presidential election on the horizon.

I am glad that this has happened. It was a distraction to the multiple and tangible reasons to ideologically attack Obama instead of dwelling on intangible ‘what ifs.’ The man is a bag of flaws, apologetics, mistakes, and poor policies and that is what should be focused on. Though one can only wonder why the heck there had been such immense resistance to such a simple concept as releasing the birth certificate. Another major miscalculation by Obama himself that contributed to a serious portion of the electorate questioning whether he is a legitimate occupant of the white house. Politically, it is a mistake to allow your enemies to undermine you so severely when you can so easily counteract it. But finally, today, the greatest political mystery of this century may finally be at a close. The true ‘silliness’ here is that it took so long for this to happen. About frickin’ time.

Obama releases birth form, decries ‘silliness’

While Obama and White House officials avoided mentioning Trump by name, officials said they released the birth certificate partially because the issue had moved beyond fringe discussion, and Obama criticized a media culture that had not let the story go.

“This issue has been going on for two, two and a half years now. I think it started during the campaign,” Obama said. “I have watched with bemusement, I’ve been puzzled at the degree at which this thing just kept on going.”

“We’re not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers,” the president said.

He did not take any questions and did not say why the document had not been released earlier.

Though one would think that a lot of people will undoubtedly be disappointed, and perhaps be at a loss at what to say on the internet now, the pressure and questions will only change. Where are the academic transcripts, law review articles, medical records, college records financial aid info and original passport? And of course after waiting for years to produce this the true conspircists will cry fraud and not believe it.

Obama waited too long to slay the dragon here and it will now never truly die. But it will still serve a number of purposes. This bombshell development lets the potential GOP candidates off the hook just in time as we approach the beginnings of the primary season. Today they received a great bit fat political Christmas present hand delivered from Obama himself.

Trump probably did us a favor here, and was the final tipping point on the subject. The Donald made it happen, and whether this will help or hurt him with his own potential presidential run remains to be seen and will play out over the next few days. And the conspiracy theories in regards to that non-conservative and the role he played in all this have already started to fly. He was working for Hillary, it was all a set-up between him and Obama to remove this albatross from around Obama’s neck, he’s getting ready to use this to launch a third party run to split the Republican vote and ensure an Obama second term etc.

Good stuff and an endless supply of subject matter for bloggers like myself.

“He should have done it a long time ago. I am really honored to play such a big role in hopefully, hopefully getting rid of this issue.” -Donald Trump

But we all know this debate is not settled now. You know that right?

From Drudge:




Composed of layers?


David A. Sinclair, attending doctor, died in 2003...

OBAMA: ‘I’ve got better stuff to do’…

And so I guess the fun continues in a way…

Here is the Most Awesome One himself on the issue:

Obama Sermonizes About This Silly Distraction From His Incompetence

At the link is a great roundup of breaking news and opinion as the internet punditry absorbs and analyzes what has taken place today.

Mr. Instapundit probably put it best:

"The White House may think it’s sprung a trap, but I think they waited too long. By now — as the polls from earlier this week showing how many independents thought Obama wasn’t born here, and which probably prompted the release decision, indicate — the damage is done."

As a blogger one pretty much lives for this kind of political ‘drama.’ Just too much fun I guess.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1279 on: April 27, 2011, 02:32:58 PM »
ama Birth Doctor's Widow -- I Had NO IDEA ! (Phone Interview Today)

4/27/2011 10:25 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

The wife of the doctor who delivered a newborn Barack Obama back in 1961 claims she had NO CLUE her late husband brought the future President into the world -- IN HAWAII -- until she saw B.O.'s birth certificate this morning.

TMZ spoke to Ivalee Sinclair -- the wife of Dr. David A. Sinclair -- who told us she was SHOCKED to see her husband's signature on Obama's birth certificate ... and now, even though Dr. Sinclair passed away in 2003, the entire family is CELEBRATING.

Ivalee tells us, "Life is full of surprises! We are huge Obama supporters and our whole family has been calling one another all morning."

She continues, "I know my husband is just looking down on us smiling. We had no idea that he delivered President Obama until this morning when we saw the birth certificate ... It is very exciting. I just can't believe it. We had no way of knowing. Everyone is calling us and I'm looking forward to calling all of the family back and informing them that it is true."

We also broke the news to Dr. Sinclair's son, Karl, who was blown away as you'll hear in the audio.


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1280 on: April 27, 2011, 02:44:48 PM »
I am NOT saying the BC is a forgery. It just doesn't agree with that bedrock of correct information known as

excerpt from:

In January 2009, a teacher at the Honolulu prep school attended by Barack Obama recalled discussing his birth with the obstetrician who had delivered him:

When Barack Hussein Obama places his hand on the Bible to take the oath of office as >44th president of the United States, Barbara Nelson of Kenmore will undoubtedly think back to the day he was born. It was Aug. 4, 1961, at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu.

"I may be the only person left who specifically remembers his birth. His parents are gone, his grandmother is gone, the obstetrician who delivered him is gone," said Nelson, referring to Dr. Rodney T. West, who died in February at the age of 98. Here's the story: Nelson was having dinner at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Waikiki Beach with Dr. West, the father of her college friend, Jo-Anne. Making conversation, Nelson turned to Dr. West and said: "So, tell me something interesting that happened this week," she recalls.

His response: "Well, today, Stanley had a baby. Now that's something to write home about."

The new mother was Stanley (later referred to by her middle name of Ann) Dunham, and the baby was Barack Hussein Obama.

"I penned the name on a napkin, and I did write home about it," said Nelson, knowing that her father, Stanley A. Czurles, director of the Art Education Department at Buffalo State College, would be interested in the "Stanley" connection.

She also remembers Dr. West mentioning that the baby's father was the first black student at the University of Hawaii and how taken he was by the baby's name.

"I remember Dr. West saying 'Barack Hussein Obama, now that's a musical name,'" said Nelson.

Ten years after that memorable birth announcement, Nelson would hear the Obama name again. This time, the father, now a Kenyan government official, was coming to speak at the Punahou School in Honolulu where Nelson was teaching and where his 10-year-old son was a newly enrolled fifth-grader.

I found the original story
The Buffalo News

Friday, January 23, 2009
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Barbara Nelson was Barack Obama's English teacher in high school in Hawaii.
Sharon Cantillon / Buffalo News

Updated: 01/20/09 08:17 AM
Teacher from Kenmore recalls Obama was a focused student

By Paula Voell
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When Barack Hussein Obama places his hand on the Bible today to take the oath of office as 44th president of the United States, Barbara Nelson of Kenmore will undoubtedly think back to the day he was born. It was Aug. 4, 1961, at Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu.

“I may be the only person left who specifically remembers his birth. His parents are gone, his grandmother is gone, the obstetrician who delivered him is gone,” said Nelson, referring to Dr. Rodney T. West, who died in February at the age of 98. Here’s the story: Nelson was having dinner at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Waikiki Beach with Dr. West, the father of her college friend, Jo-Anne. Making conversation, Nelson turned to Dr. West and said: “‘So, tell me something interesting that happened this week,’” she recalls.

His response: “Well, today, Stanley had a baby. Now that’s something to write home about.”

The new mother was Stanley (later referred to by her middle name of Ann) Dunham, and the baby was Barack Hussein Obama.

“I penned the name on a napkin, and I did write home about it,” said Nelson, knowing that her father, Stanley A. Czurles, director of the Art Education Department at Buffalo State College, would be interested in the “Stanley” connection.

She also remembers Dr. West mentioning that the baby’s father was the first black student at the University of Hawaii and how taken he was by the baby’s name.

“I remember Dr. West saying ‘Barack Hussein Obama, now that’s a musical name,’” said Nelson, who grew up in Kenmore and went to Hawaii in 1959 to be in Jo-Anne’s wedding party. When Nelson was offered a job as a newspaper reporter and photographer at her friend’s wedding reception, it led to her living in Hawaii for 47 years. She returned to Kenmore in 2006.

Ten years after that memorable birth announcement, Nelson would hear the Obama name again. This time, the father, now a Kenyan government official, was coming to speak at the Punahou School in Honolulu where Nelson was teaching and where his 10-year-old son was a newly enrolled fifth-grader.

“Dr. Obama had this lovely, attentive manner,” she said. “When he answered the children’s questions, he would do it as a story, which is the way they do it in Kenya.

“His son, whom he hadn’t seen in eight years, seemed as fascinated as we all were,” said Nelson, who went on to be a high school principal, a harpist, a watercolor artist and poet.

A few years later, Nelson encountered “Barry” again, when she watched high school basketball games, where her students played.

“The team came alive when he got on the court,” she said. “He was not only quick and graceful, but he could see the pattern and zero in on the opening. Though he wasn’t a starter, he was a graceful, passionate athlete who played back-up forward. He had a definite presence on the court.

“I often sat with his grandmother, who was a no-nonsense woman with these very solid Midwestern ways about her,” said Nelson. “She loved that boy and he adored her.”

As a high school teacher of British, Biblical and Middle Eastern literature, Nelson taught Obama.

“He wasn’t usually the first one to speak, but he was an attentive, active listener,” she said. “While the others might be bouncing off the surface, he came straight from the center. He picked up on the patterns of ideas and then he’d make a statement that moved the class to the focal point.

“He also had a lovely, engaging sense of humor,” Nelson said. “He was firm, but he wasn’t aggressive or in your face.”

During one class the question was posed “of what should we be most afraid,” drawing answers that included “death,” “hell,” “biological warfare,” “fear” and “isolation,” said Nelson.

“I recall Barack sitting in the back of the room,” Nelson said, demonstrating a hands-behind-his- head pose and describing his lanky, outstretched legs.

“When he pulled himself upright I thought ‘Bingo. Here we go,’ ” she said, expecting the discussion to move to a new level.

“And he said, ‘Words. Words are the power to be feared most. Every individual has an unmonitored arsenal and whether they are directed personally or internationally, words can be weapons of destruction.”

It was such moments that led Nelson to honor Obama at his 1979 graduation with the traditional draping of a lei around his neck.

“I had a yellow plumeria tree and I could get only enough blossoms to make five leis,” she said. “I had taught more than 200 students, but one of those leis went around the shoulders of Barack Obama.”

Years later, the ideas Obama expressed resonated as Nelson wrote “War of the Words,” which includes the lines: “ I fear the powerful pugnacious words, Weapons that miss the flesh and pierce the heart.” (Songs of Honor, 2006).

In the author’s notes, Nelson describes the classroom discussion with Obama that inspired the poem and she adds this information: “Interestingly, this former student is now a very wise, articulate U. S. senator.”

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1281 on: April 27, 2011, 07:22:31 PM »
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Release of President Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate Was Stupid and Wrong
Mediaite ^ | April 27th, 2011 | Tommy Christopher
Posted on April 27, 2011 5:36:48 PM EDT by Qbert

How stupid was it to release President Obama’s long-form birth certificate? Let me count the ways. As Dan Pfeiffer said, the Birther issue was “good politics and good TV,” but I strongly disagree that it was “bad for the American people,” especially from Barack Obama’s point of view. His decision to cash in the Birther chips is an awful decision for them, unless he believes the country would be better off without him as president in 2013, .

As a writer for a media criticism website, the apparent death of the Birther story as a mainstream news meme is beyond tragic. Covering the media’s coverage of Donald Trump’s Birther and Bailey Circus has been like shooting arthritic fish in a barrel with a shotgun.

With any luck, Trump will stick around the Teevee, and the top of Republican primary polls, with a steady regurgitation of other chain emails, crazy talk, and just plain dickishness, but this definite’y puts a crimp in The Donald’s media mojo.

The American people have been well-served by this Birther story, for precisely the reasons President Obama gave to end it. While it did give rise to an absurdly popular Donald Trump candidacy, it also revealed to Americans the unserious nature of an absurdly large number of Republicans. This issue promised to be a crucible against which GOP candidates (as they eventually declared) could be judged sane or not.

Obviously, this also illustrates the huge political advantage that President Obama has given away. The Birther issue is a loser for the GOP in a general election, but hugely influential in a Republican primary. Making every GOP candidate kiss the Birther Blarney Stone would have been an anchor around their necks.

The beauty part of it all is that the President was completely untouchable on this issue. He not only lacked the legal ability to release the long form on his own, but he had absolute moral authority never to do so. But like a child being taunted to prove he likes girls, Obama kissed one, only to have them all say “Ewwww! He kissed a girl!!” This hasn’t ended the Birther movement, or its influence on the Republican base, but has only driven it underground, where it cannot help Obama at all.

Since any possible political advantage to releasing this now would be multiplied by waiting, I can only conclude that President Obama is actually doing this to “take the high road.”

This is an idea guaranteed to give any liberal a case of head-explode-itis, given that every Democratic loser in popular memory has similarly relied on their “rightness,” and the party’s biggest winner was a guy who carried on at the White House like Fredo from The Godfather.

But even notwithstanding the fact that the High Road terminates in Loserville Junction, Obama was already taking the high road! By facilitating the release of the long-form birth certificate, President Obama instantly betrayed every principle that his supporters have used to defend him, and in the process, undercut any future principled refusals to be treated unequally, unfairly, and untruthfully. Obama was asked, without just cause, to show his papers, and he did.

He also invited future candidates, himself included, to have unreasonable demands placed upon them, and created a burden on them to comply if the glare becomes bright enough.

Finally, Obama also comes out of this looking like Donald Trump took his lunch money, high ground or not. Obama would have been better served, and completely justified, in responding to Trump, et al, with a Parkway Salute. In capitulating to Trump, President Obama sent the message that bullying works.

There were people of every political stripe who found the Birther movement distasteful, and its very premise un-American. In releasing this document, President Obama has let all of them down.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1282 on: April 27, 2011, 07:25:14 PM »
This guy stole my fredo analogy!

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1283 on: April 27, 2011, 07:51:24 PM »
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IMPEACH OBAMA NOW! Long Form Birth Certificate Proves he is NOT Natural Born Citizen
WebToday ^ | 04-27-11 | WebToday
Posted on April 27, 2011 9:46:49 PM EDT by geraldmcg

At long last, Barack Obama Jr. released his long form birth certificate today, clearly proving he is NOT a natural born citizen. So, why has there been virtually no call in the Senate to begin impeachment proceedings? And why are so many news reporters acting as if all Obama needed to substantiate he was a Natural Born Citizen was to prove he was born in the U.S.A?

The U.S. Constitution and U.S. law, as of the time of Obama Junior’s birth, still required a President to have a father (pictured top left) who was a U.S. citizen. Clearly Obama’s father was a British citizen, as clearly shown on the very document Obama released.

Still not convinced? Let’s take a refresher course in U.S. history. Our founding fathers didn’t want any U.S. President to have mixed loyalties so they required that both parents of a President be U.S. citizens in order to qualify their son or daughter to be a Natural Born U.S. Citizen. Period. Simple. Not complicated.

Here’s the exact language of the Naturalization Act of 1790, passed by the first U.S. Congress: “And the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States…”

So there you have it. Obama is not eligible to be U.S. President and needs to be impeached and convicted quickly to avoid a constitutional crisis and to follow rule of law.

Bottom line: It doesn’t matter if Obama was born in Hawaii, which was actually a U.S. Territory at the time of Obama’s birth and not yet a U.S. state. What does matter is that Obama Jr.’s dad Obama Sr. was not a U.S. citizen and thus rendering his son’s Presidential aspirations patently illegal.

Need more proof? The founding fathers put the definition in writing from the defining documents of their day. Founding father John Jay used the definition of “natural born Citizen” straight from The Law of Nations (Vattel) that states: “The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens…” (Vattel in Book 1, Sec 212)

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1284 on: April 27, 2011, 08:01:47 PM »

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?
Posted: April 27, 2011
9:58 pm Eastern

© 2011 WorldNetDaily
Yesterday, Barack Obama blinked – releasing birth records he has hired lawyers to prevent the public from seeing, even at the expense of allowing U.S. Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin to be court-martialed and sent to prison for having dared ask questions the White House until now has resolutely dismissed with ridicule and distain.

A key problem for Obama is that birth certificates issued to twin girls born one day later at Kapi'olani hospital, the Nordykes, are the Rosetta Stone of deciphering both Obama's previously released short-form Certification of Live Birth and the newly released purported copy of his long-form birth certificate.

Be the first to get an autographed copy of Jerome Corsi's upcoming blockbuster, "Where's the Birth Certificate?" and help get TV commercials on the air!

(Column continues below)



The problem since the short-form certificate was released during the 2008 presidential campaign has always been this:

As WND reported, the long-form birth certificates issued by Kapi'olani to the Nordyke twins have certificate numbers lower than the number given Obama, even though the president purportedly was born at the same hospital a day earlier than the Nordykes.
Note, Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m. Hawaii time Aug. 5, 1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which was filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961.

Gretchen Nordyke, the second twin, was born at 2:17 p.m. Hawaii time Aug. 5, 1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10638, which was also filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961.

Yet, according to the Certification of Live Birth displayed by during the 2008 presidential campaign – and now according to the long-form birth certificate the White House released yesterday – Barack Obama was given a higher certificate number than the Nordykes.

Note, Obama was given certificate No. 151 – 1961 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyke twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health registrar three days earlier, Aug. 8, 1961.
In 1961, the birth certificate numbers were not assigned by the hospitals.

Instead, the numbers were stamped to the birth record by the Hawaii Department of Health at the main office in Honolulu.

This is the only place birth certificate numbers were assigned.

At the last step of the process, the documents were accepted by the registrar general, with the date of registration inserted in box No. 22 on the lower right hand corner of the long-form birth certificate.

The date the birth document was accepted by the registrar general was the date the birth certificate number was stamped on the birth record.

The birth certificate number was stamped on the form by a rubber stamp that automatically increased by one each time a birth certificate was stamped.

The question, therefore, is how was it possible that the Nordyke twins had their birth certificates accepted by the registrar general in Hawaii three days later than the registrar general accepted Obama's birth certificate, when the twins' numbers are lower than Obama's number?

Here are the Nordyke twins birth certificates:

Eleanor Nordyke has speculated that her twins received an earlier birth certificate number because, although she gave birth later than Ann Dunham, she entered Kapi'olani earlier.

Yet, in 1961, birth certificate numbers were not assigned by the hospital, and the date the mother checked into the medical facility was irrelevant to how birth certificate numbers were assigned.

Moreover, no records for Dunham having been a patient at Kapi'olani in 1961, or of Obama having been born at the hospital on Aug. 4, 1961, have been released by the hospital.

Now that President Obama has personally vouched for the authenticity of the birth certificate the White House released yesterday, he can reasonably be asked to authorize Kapi'olani Medical Center to release any and all medical records the hospital may hold for his mother and Barack Obama Sr., his listed father.

The debate over Obama's eligibility to be president has truly only just begun, with Obama's status having changed overnight from a bemused observer to a full-contact participant.

Two weeks before the publication of my book "Where's the Birth Certificate?" the effort to document Obama's past has begun in earnest.

Fundamentally, the world changed for Barack Obama yesterday morning, not just in increasing pressure for the release of the many hidden documents about his past, but in the inescapable reality that the White House must defend this newly released birth certificate as authentic.

Before yesterday, Obama may have attempted to explain away problems with the short-form Certification of Live Birth as the work of his supporters.

Before yesterday, the president largely remained above the fray. Now, he has fully engaged in the presentation and defense of his birth records and his status as a "natural born citizen" under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

Obama's presidency now depends upon the White House being able to support the veracity of all the information contained in the birth document released yesterday morning.

In the final analysis, proof that the document is an authentic Obama birth record will await forensic examination.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1285 on: April 27, 2011, 08:08:50 PM »
Obama Supporter Unknowingly Confirms BC Forgery
by Miki Booth

Image released by the White House on April 27, 2011 purported to be a copy of Obama's long-form birth certificate
(Apr. 27, 2011, Tulsa, OK) —The putative president and his enablers have really gone over the line today, Wednesday April, 27, 2011. It just goes to show there is a culture of fear and desperation in the house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. First off today, World Net Daily published a scathing expose of Hawai’i Dept. of Health and their “helter-skelter” handling of requests for long form birth certificates. They have been doing incredible documentary acrobatics changing policy and procedure to fit Obama’s claims. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Oklahoma votes today on SB 91 the presidential certification bill which is expected to pass by a large margin and signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin. The bill will then automatically become law within 5 days.
The Obama Public Relations machine decided today was the crucial day to release the recently cooked up Certificate of Live Birth betting its unveiling will influence enough members of the Oklahoma House to have second thoughts about the necessity of such a bill.
The scramble was on when minions tasked to look for negative reporting on the internet discovered the WND story by Bob Unruh. More scrambling. Call the players to the war room, things are unraveling. But Trump has moved on. He’s not even talking about the birth certificate anymore, he’s bringing up the school records. What does he know about Occidental? Does he know about Columbia too? Has he talked to tea party leaders about all the violations of the Constitution? With the release today of the newly “cooked” copy of his birth record Obama has brought the wrath of every red-blooded American down on his head. His father was a British subject therefore Obama is not an Article II, Section I constitutionally eligible “natural born citizen.” He has illegally taken our government and surrounded himself with enemies of the Constitution and those cronies decided today was the day to release this particular red herring.
Why now? Why not last year when he could have kept an 18-year decorated Army flight surgeon from going to federal prison for asking to see the document that Obama now flaunts with seeming impunity. Terry Lakin is nearing completion of a 6-month prison term, leaving Leavenworth stripped of his 18-year career, dismissed from the Army and loss of all benefits. The most disgusting aspect of this travesty is the heartless punishment of putting him in prison three days before Christmas, away from his wife and three children. A clear message to anyone that would challenge Obama’s legitimacy.
The unraveling has begun. Today there are big changes in the Intelligence community. New players and musical chairs in the CIA. Create clutter, create confusion, backlog inquiries, and shake everything up to avoid evidence getting shook out.
Bernanke and Geithner are suspect financial manipulators who have done nothing but damage to the U.S. financial system and jealously guard what is actually in the Federal Reserve. Like Obama and his cronies they are unaccountable to the American people. Something big is coming down.
The birth certificate Obama is flaunting is an obvious fake to any of the millions of people who are on to the treacherous actions of Obama’s push to socialism.
It is indeed convenient that Dr. David A. Sinclair, who coincidentally was my OB/GYN who delivered my son, Alan, has passed therefore he cannot attest to the fact of obama’s birth. The forgery looks good on the surface but is fraught with problems. It appears to be manufactured using the Nordyke twin’s samples and they cannot get away with the higher chronological number belying an alleged earlier birth.
Coincidentally, my husband, Fred, was delivered in Kapiolani by the same doctor that delivered the Nordyke twins. It might have been too much fudging to claim the Nordyke’s doctor on the certificate revealed today but it doesn’t really matter since neither doctor delivered Obama according to supporter Barbara Nelson, Obama’s English teacher at Punahou High School and perhaps “the only person left who specifically remembers his birth.”
Nelson stated for The Buffalo News on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, “I may be the only person left who specifically remembers his birth. His parents are gone, his grandmother is gone, the obstetrician who delivered him is gone,” said Nelson, referring to Dr. Rodney T. West, who died in February at the age of 98. Here’s the story: Nelson was having dinner at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Waikiki Beach with Dr. West, the father of her college friend, Jo-Anne. Making conversation, Nelson turned to Dr. West and said: “‘So, tell me something interesting that happened this week,’” she recalls.
His response: “Well, today, Stanley had a baby. Now that’s something to write home about.”
The new mother was Stanley (later referred to by her middle name of Ann) Dunham, and the baby was Barack Hussein Obama.
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» "Release" and "Fraud" Call made for Lt. Col. Lakin
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Tags: Alan Booth, Barack Hussein Obama, Bob Unruh, Certificate of Live Birth, CIA, delivery doctor, Donald Trump, Dr. David A. Sinclair, Dr. Rodney T. West, Ft. Leavenworth, Gov. Mary Fallin, Hawaii, Kapiolani Medical Center, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Miki Booth, Nordyke Twins, Obama, Obama's eligibliity, Occidental College, Punahou High School, Stanley Ann Dunham, The Buffalo News, Waikiki Beach


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1286 on: April 27, 2011, 10:01:55 PM »
Please. Stop. You are looking even more foolish.

He is a natural born citizen of this country.

The guy is the President. You don't like him. Vote him out. Don't act like he's not allowed to be the man... he is.

How about finding a candidate who is better.

I'd really like that.


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1287 on: April 27, 2011, 10:06:30 PM »
Obama Supporter Unknowingly Confirms BC Forgery
by Miki Booth

Image released by the White House on April 27, 2011 purported to be a copy of Obama's long-form birth certificate
(Apr. 27, 2011, Tulsa, OK) —The putative president and his enablers have really gone over the line today, Wednesday April, 27, 2011. It just goes to show there is a culture of fear and desperation in the house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. First off today, World Net Daily published a scathing expose of Hawai’i Dept. of Health and their “helter-skelter” handling of requests for long form birth certificates. They have been doing incredible documentary acrobatics changing policy and procedure to fit Obama’s claims. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Oklahoma votes today on SB 91 the presidential certification bill which is expected to pass by a large margin and signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin. The bill will then automatically become law within 5 days.
The Obama Public Relations machine decided today was the crucial day to release the recently cooked up Certificate of Live Birth betting its unveiling will influence enough members of the Oklahoma House to have second thoughts about the necessity of such a bill.
The scramble was on when minions tasked to look for negative reporting on the internet discovered the WND story by Bob Unruh. More scrambling. Call the players to the war room, things are unraveling. But Trump has moved on. He’s not even talking about the birth certificate anymore, he’s bringing up the school records. What does he know about Occidental? Does he know about Columbia too? Has he talked to tea party leaders about all the violations of the Constitution? With the release today of the newly “cooked” copy of his birth record Obama has brought the wrath of every red-blooded American down on his head. His father was a British subject therefore Obama is not an Article II, Section I constitutionally eligible “natural born citizen.” He has illegally taken our government and surrounded himself with enemies of the Constitution and those cronies decided today was the day to release this particular red herring.
Why now? Why not last year when he could have kept an 18-year decorated Army flight surgeon from going to federal prison for asking to see the document that Obama now flaunts with seeming impunity. Terry Lakin is nearing completion of a 6-month prison term, leaving Leavenworth stripped of his 18-year career, dismissed from the Army and loss of all benefits. The most disgusting aspect of this travesty is the heartless punishment of putting him in prison three days before Christmas, away from his wife and three children. A clear message to anyone that would challenge Obama’s legitimacy.
The unraveling has begun. Today there are big changes in the Intelligence community. New players and musical chairs in the CIA. Create clutter, create confusion, backlog inquiries, and shake everything up to avoid evidence getting shook out.
Bernanke and Geithner are suspect financial manipulators who have done nothing but damage to the U.S. financial system and jealously guard what is actually in the Federal Reserve. Like Obama and his cronies they are unaccountable to the American people. Something big is coming down.
The birth certificate Obama is flaunting is an obvious fake to any of the millions of people who are on to the treacherous actions of Obama’s push to socialism.
It is indeed convenient that Dr. David A. Sinclair, who coincidentally was my OB/GYN who delivered my son, Alan, has passed therefore he cannot attest to the fact of obama’s birth. The forgery looks good on the surface but is fraught with problems. It appears to be manufactured using the Nordyke twin’s samples and they cannot get away with the higher chronological number belying an alleged earlier birth.
Coincidentally, my husband, Fred, was delivered in Kapiolani by the same doctor that delivered the Nordyke twins. It might have been too much fudging to claim the Nordyke’s doctor on the certificate revealed today but it doesn’t really matter since neither doctor delivered Obama according to supporter Barbara Nelson, Obama’s English teacher at Punahou High School and perhaps “the only person left who specifically remembers his birth.”
Nelson stated for The Buffalo News on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, “I may be the only person left who specifically remembers his birth. His parents are gone, his grandmother is gone, the obstetrician who delivered him is gone,” said Nelson, referring to Dr. Rodney T. West, who died in February at the age of 98. Here’s the story: Nelson was having dinner at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Waikiki Beach with Dr. West, the father of her college friend, Jo-Anne. Making conversation, Nelson turned to Dr. West and said: “‘So, tell me something interesting that happened this week,’” she recalls.
His response: “Well, today, Stanley had a baby. Now that’s something to write home about.”
The new mother was Stanley (later referred to by her middle name of Ann) Dunham, and the baby was Barack Hussein Obama.
© 2011, The Post & Email. All rights reserved internationally, unless otherwise specified. To read more on our copyright restrictions, see our Copyright notice on the subheader of every page, along the left margin.

Possibly Related Posts:
» ShoreBank, Obama, Big Labor, Community Organizers...
» Editorial: Sept. 13, 2009 — Patriots, let's go spend that Political Capital!
» Editorial: Oct. 27, 2009 — The Fraud Merry-go-round
» Following the money trail
» "Release" and "Fraud" Call made for Lt. Col. Lakin
Categories: Editorials
Tags: Alan Booth, Barack Hussein Obama, Bob Unruh, Certificate of Live Birth, CIA, delivery doctor, Donald Trump, Dr. David A. Sinclair, Dr. Rodney T. West, Ft. Leavenworth, Gov. Mary Fallin, Hawaii, Kapiolani Medical Center, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Miki Booth, Nordyke Twins, Obama, Obama's eligibliity, Occidental College, Punahou High School, Stanley Ann Dunham, The Buffalo News, Waikiki Beach

I told all of you that 3333 would never give it up....he promised he would stop if Obama released the long form BC.,.he has..but still 3333 persists

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1288 on: April 27, 2011, 10:22:50 PM »
he went to THREE manhattan fundraisers tonight.  He milked it.

This is akin to Bush compeltely proving the 911 truthers wrong in one day.  Period. 

The far-right would be howling, gloating, etc, if this had happened.  They got punked on this one.


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1289 on: April 28, 2011, 03:14:21 AM »
Obama Supporter Unknowingly Confirms BC Forgery
by Miki Booth

Image released by the White House on April 27, 2011 purported to be a copy of Obama's long-form birth certificate
(Apr. 27, 2011, Tulsa, OK) —The putative president and his enablers have really gone over the line today, Wednesday April, 27, 2011. It just goes to show there is a culture of fear and desperation in the house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. First off today, World Net Daily published a scathing expose of Hawai’i Dept. of Health and their “helter-skelter” handling of requests for long form birth certificates. They have been doing incredible documentary acrobatics changing policy and procedure to fit Obama’s claims. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Oklahoma votes today on SB 91 the presidential certification bill which is expected to pass by a large margin and signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin. The bill will then automatically become law within 5 days.
The Obama Public Relations machine decided today was the crucial day to release the recently cooked up Certificate of Live Birth betting its unveiling will influence enough members of the Oklahoma House to have second thoughts about the necessity of such a bill.
The scramble was on when minions tasked to look for negative reporting on the internet discovered the WND story by Bob Unruh. More scrambling. Call the players to the war room, things are unraveling. But Trump has moved on. He’s not even talking about the birth certificate anymore, he’s bringing up the school records. What does he know about Occidental? Does he know about Columbia too? Has he talked to tea party leaders about all the violations of the Constitution? With the release today of the newly “cooked” copy of his birth record Obama has brought the wrath of every red-blooded American down on his head. His father was a British subject therefore Obama is not an Article II, Section I constitutionally eligible “natural born citizen.” He has illegally taken our government and surrounded himself with enemies of the Constitution and those cronies decided today was the day to release this particular red herring.
Why now? Why not last year when he could have kept an 18-year decorated Army flight surgeon from going to federal prison for asking to see the document that Obama now flaunts with seeming impunity. Terry Lakin is nearing completion of a 6-month prison term, leaving Leavenworth stripped of his 18-year career, dismissed from the Army and loss of all benefits. The most disgusting aspect of this travesty is the heartless punishment of putting him in prison three days before Christmas, away from his wife and three children. A clear message to anyone that would challenge Obama’s legitimacy.
The unraveling has begun. Today there are big changes in the Intelligence community. New players and musical chairs in the CIA. Create clutter, create confusion, backlog inquiries, and shake everything up to avoid evidence getting shook out.
Bernanke and Geithner are suspect financial manipulators who have done nothing but damage to the U.S. financial system and jealously guard what is actually in the Federal Reserve. Like Obama and his cronies they are unaccountable to the American people. Something big is coming down.
The birth certificate Obama is flaunting is an obvious fake to any of the millions of people who are on to the treacherous actions of Obama’s push to socialism.
It is indeed convenient that Dr. David A. Sinclair, who coincidentally was my OB/GYN who delivered my son, Alan, has passed therefore he cannot attest to the fact of obama’s birth. The forgery looks good on the surface but is fraught with problems. It appears to be manufactured using the Nordyke twin’s samples and they cannot get away with the higher chronological number belying an alleged earlier birth.
Coincidentally, my husband, Fred, was delivered in Kapiolani by the same doctor that delivered the Nordyke twins. It might have been too much fudging to claim the Nordyke’s doctor on the certificate revealed today but it doesn’t really matter since neither doctor delivered Obama according to supporter Barbara Nelson, Obama’s English teacher at Punahou High School and perhaps “the only person left who specifically remembers his birth.”
Nelson stated for The Buffalo News on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, “I may be the only person left who specifically remembers his birth. His parents are gone, his grandmother is gone, the obstetrician who delivered him is gone,” said Nelson, referring to Dr. Rodney T. West, who died in February at the age of 98. Here’s the story: Nelson was having dinner at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Waikiki Beach with Dr. West, the father of her college friend, Jo-Anne. Making conversation, Nelson turned to Dr. West and said: “‘So, tell me something interesting that happened this week,’” she recalls.
His response: “Well, today, Stanley had a baby. Now that’s something to write home about.”
The new mother was Stanley (later referred to by her middle name of Ann) Dunham, and the baby was Barack Hussein Obama.
© 2011, The Post & Email. All rights reserved internationally, unless otherwise specified. To read more on our copyright restrictions, see our Copyright notice on the subheader of every page, along the left margin.

Possibly Related Posts:
» ShoreBank, Obama, Big Labor, Community Organizers...
» Editorial: Sept. 13, 2009 — Patriots, let's go spend that Political Capital!
» Editorial: Oct. 27, 2009 — The Fraud Merry-go-round
» Following the money trail
» "Release" and "Fraud" Call made for Lt. Col. Lakin
Categories: Editorials
Tags: Alan Booth, Barack Hussein Obama, Bob Unruh, Certificate of Live Birth, CIA, delivery doctor, Donald Trump, Dr. David A. Sinclair, Dr. Rodney T. West, Ft. Leavenworth, Gov. Mary Fallin, Hawaii, Kapiolani Medical Center, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Miki Booth, Nordyke Twins, Obama, Obama's eligibliity, Occidental College, Punahou High School, Stanley Ann Dunham, The Buffalo News, Waikiki Beach

You're a liar and a racist. Please cease to exist.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1290 on: April 28, 2011, 04:44:37 AM »
Obama’s birther day
By Dana Milbank, Wednesday, April 27, 2:04 PM

Barack Obama’s birthday, according to Hawaiian long-form birth certificate No. 61-10641, is Aug. 4. This should not be confused with his official birther day, which, after the peculiar events of Wednesday morning, will henceforth be observed on April 27.

Before walking into the White House briefing room to talk to the world about the release of his almost 50-year-old birth certificate, Obama paused in the press office to watch NBC’s Today Show, where Matt Lauer was talking with White House reporter Chuck Todd.

“It’s an extraordinary moment -- kind of shocking and surreal,” Todd told Lauer. “This statement by the president is going to be about the birth certificate, not about these changes – the announcement about the new defense secretary, Leon Panetta, and the new head of the CIA, David Petraeus.”

A few seconds later, Obama walked into the briefing room – and began by complaining to Todd, sitting in the first row. “I was just back there listening to Chuck,” the president said. “He was saying, ‘It’s amazing that he’s not going to be talking about national security.’ I would not have the networks breaking in if I was talking about that, Chuck, and you know it.”

Sorry to contradict you on your birther day, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. NBC had opted to go live with Obama’s remarks because it had originally expected an announcement of his new national security team, now scheduled for Thursday.

Instead, Obama decided to draw the nation’s attention to the conspiracy theory suggesting that he was not born in America. He was stooping to address this oft-disproved canard, he said, because the media had turned it into the nation’s No. 1 news story.

“Now, normally I would not comment on something like this,” he said. “But two weeks ago,” when he and the Republicans outlined their budgets, “the dominant news story wasn’t about these huge, monumental choices that we’re going to have to make as a nation. It was about my birth certificate. And that was true on most of the news outlets that are represented here.”

Sorry again, Mr. President, but, according to the Project for Excellence in Journalism, which tracks news coverage, the birther story accounted for all of 4 percent of coverage that week. The top issue was the economy – which claimed 39 percent of coverage – and, in particular, Obama’s budget speech.

Obama did not address the real source of the birthers’ rebirth: the vanity candidacy of Donald Trump. Trump’s surprisingly popular bid for the Republican presidential nomination, based largely on spreading the birther libel, contributed to the belief among Obama’s foes that he was foreign born; in a new USA Today/Gallup poll , 43 percent of Republicans thought so.

It was reasonable for the White House to counteract the conspiracy types by releasing the original certificate (Obama long ago released the standard form Hawaii considers to be a legal birth certificate.) Less evident is why Obama felt he needed to lower himself by appearing in the briefing room, escorted by his chief of staff, to defend himself against the birthers.

As Obama acknowledged, he won’t ever satisfy a certain “segment of people.” For racial and other sinister reasons, they are determined to view him as illegitimate. Indeed, Trump, who held a victory news conference minutes before Obama’s appearance, shifted cynically and seamlessly to a new line of attack on Obama’s legitimacy.

At a stop in New Hampshire, he first congratulated himself for forcing Obama to release the birth certificate (“I am very proud of myself”), then raised suspicions that it might be a forgery (“Experts will look at it”) before pivoting to suggest that Obama is an academic fraud. “The word is, according to what I’ve read, was that he was a terrible student,” Trump alleged. “I don’t know why he doesn’t release his records.”

Obama has potentially released Republicans from a trap: The birther issue had been splitting the party and turning the GOP presidential race into a circus. In a briefing preceding Obama’s statement, White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer, accompanied by the White House counsel and press secretary, allowed that it was in Obama’s “long-term political interests to allow this birther debate to dominate discussion in the Republican Party.” But, Pfeiffer said, Obama “thought it was bad for the country.”

Reporters, who hadn’t been expecting a dump of vital records, asked questions as if they were notaries. “You’ve got two certified copies? . . . “Does that have a stamp?”

Then came a better question: “Why does this rise to the level of a presidential statement?”

Pfeiffer, like his boss, blamed the press rather than The Donald. “It’s not for me to say why mainstream media organizations began to cover this debate,” he said. “They’ll have to answer that for themselves.”

On the same podium a few minutes later, Obama picked up the same theme when he urged his listeners not to “get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers.”

Speaking to “the vast majority of the American people, as well as to the press,” the president said: “We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We’ve got better stuff to do.”

The president then flew off to Chicago to be on Oprah.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1291 on: April 28, 2011, 04:51:39 AM »
Birtherism: Where it all began
By: Ben Smith and Byron Tau
April 22, 2011 04:22 AM EDT

________________________ ______________________

Just when it appeared that public interest was fading, celebrity developer Donald Trump has revived the theory that President Barack Obama was born overseas and helped expose the depth to which the notion has taken root—a New York Times poll Thursday found that a plurality of Republicans believe it.

If you haven’t been trolling the fever swamps of online conspiracy sites or opening those emails from Uncle Larry, you may well wonder: Where did this idea come from? Who started it? And is there a grain of truth there?

The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008. At the time, the Democratic presidential primary was slipping away from Hillary Clinton and some of her most passionate supporters grasped for something, anything that would deal a final reversal to Barack Obama. (See: Bachmann: Birther issue settled)

The theory’s proponents are a mix of hucksters and earnest conspiracy theorists, including prominently a lawyer who previously devoted himself to ‘proving’ that the Sept. 11 attacks were an inside job. Its believers are primarily people predisposed to dislike Obama. That willingness to believe the worst about officials of the opposite party is a common feature of presidential rumor-mongering: In 2006, an Ohio University/Scripps Howard poll found that slightly more than half of Democrats said they suspected the Bush Administration of complicity in the Sept. 11 attacks.

While there is no grain of truth to either fantasy, there’s something else when it comes to Obama: A visceral reaction against him, a deep sense that the first black president, with liberal views and a Muslim name, must be—in some concrete, provable way—foreign. (See: Mitt: Obama born here. Period.)

A brief history of birtherism

Birtherism is the latest and most enduring version of a theory in search of facts.

The original smear against Obama was that he was a crypto-Muslim, floated in 2004 by perennial Illinois political candidate and serial litigant Andy Martin. Other related versions of this theory alleged that Obama was educated in an Indonesian “madrassa” or steeped in Islamist ideology from a young age, and the theories began to spread virally after Obama appeared on the national stage – to the casual observer, from nowhere – with his early 2007 presidential campaign announcement. (See: Obama kin: Birther rumors 'a shame')

All through that year, the Obama campaign – with the affirmation of most leaders of both parties – aggressively battled that smear by emphasizing his Christian faith. Obama’s controversial but emphatically Christian pastor emerged as a campaign issue and the belief that he was a Muslim seemed to lose traction. (See: Clinton: Birther claims 'ludicrous')

Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.

Another early version of the theory, reported by the Chicago Tribune in June 2008, depended on a specious legal theory that was, for a time, the heart of the argument: that Obama was born in Hawaii but had a Kenyan father, and his mother was only 18 years old. Therefore, under existing immigration law, he was not eligible for automatic citizenship upon birth — a claim that depended on an understandable, but incorrect, reading of immigration law. Other theories suggested that Obama lost his U.S. citizenship when he moved to Indonesia or visited Pakistan in violation of a supposed State Department ban as a young man. (There was no such ban.)

But it dawned on even the most stubborn anti-Obama lawyers that federal courts were not going to recognize their exotic theories of citizenship, and they narrowed their focus on a claim that, if true, might have disqualified Obama, and resonated with the impulse to view him as foreign.

No single author claims parentage for this theory, now advanced by Trump. Even Martin disavows what became the heart of contemporary birther theory – that the president was born in Kenya and smuggled back into the country.

“I’m absolutely convinced he was born in Hawaii,” he told POLITICO.

Jerome Corsi, who would later become a prominent proponent of birther theories, neglected to mention the Obama birth cover-up conspiracy in his 2008 book, “Obama Nation,” instead claiming, without evidence, that Obama maintained both American and Kenyan citizenship. He didn’t respond to POLITICO’s request for comment.

But while the identity of the First Birther is lost to the mists of chain email, one of the first to put his name to the theory was Phil Berg, a former Pennsylvania deputy attorney general who had spent the previous years accusing President George W. Bush of complicity in the Sept. 11 attack.

Berg filed a complaint in federal District court on Aug. 21, 2008, that alleged, “Obama carries multiple citizenships and is ineligible to run for President of the United States. United States Constitution, Article II, Section 1.”

“All the efforts of supporters of legitimate citizens were for nothing because the Obama cheated his way into a fraudulent candidacy and cheated legitimately eligible natural born citizens from competing in a fair process and the supporters of their citizen choice for the nomination,” the suit claims.

The debunking

Ironically, the birther movement didn’t really take off in earnest until the Obama team tried to debunk it.

In June 2008, National Review conservative blogger Jim Geraghty, after debunking a number of conspiracy theories about Obama floated by fellow conservatives, asked the Obama campaign to “return the favor” and just release his birth certificate to the public to put to rest questions about both Obama’s birth and whether, as enemies claimed, his middle name was “Mohammed.”

A few days later, the Obama campaign did exactly that.

They posted Obama’s certificate of live birth on their “Fight the Smears” website and gave a copy to the liberal website Daily Kos. It was greeted with immediate cries that it was a fake.

But Geraghty was satisfied, writing “this document is what he or someone authorized by him was given by the state out of its records. Barring some vast conspiracy within the Hawaii State Department of Health, there is no reason to think his [original] birth certificate would have any different data.”

But others were not swayed. The release of the certificate was declared a forgery. Some bloggers pounced, saying it had Adobe Photoshop watermarks that suggested tampering, that it lacked a raised seal, that it lacked a signature and a number of other accusations.

So began round two., the non-partisan website, was allowed to examine the physical copy of the birth certificate in August 2008, and concluded it was real, that it had a raised seal, a signature and met all the State Department criteria for proof of citizenship. Combined with the state’s recognition that the record was real—and contemporary newspaper announcements of Obama’s birth, submitted by the hospitals —they concluded that he was a natural born citizen.

Hawaii has repeatedly confirmed the document’s authenticity.

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai’i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai’i State Department of Health verifying Barrack (sic) Hussein Obama was born in Hawai’i and is a natural-born American citizen,” one exasperated state official said in 2008 and again in 2009 in a statement.

“Of course, it’s distantly possible that Obama’s grandparents may have planted the announcement just in case their grandson needed to prove his U.S. citizenship in order to run for president someday,” FactCheck concluded. But, “those who choose to go down that path should first equip themselves with a high-quality tinfoil hat.”

Birthers have provided no serious response to this evidence, though the technicalities can confuse a casual observer.

The website World Net Daily, for instance, has written that “Hawaii at the time of Obama’s birth allowed births that took place in foreign countries to be registered in Hawaii.” But that law was not enacted until 1982 which was 21 years after Obama's birth was registered. Further, such a birth certificate would show the actual foreign place of birth instead of listing – as Obama’s does — Honolulu.

In addition to declaring the document a forgery, the birther movement’s main response – echoed by the ill-informed Trump - has been to claim that only a “long form” birth certificate can be valid. But the document shown by Obama is the only one the State of Hawaii is permitted, by law, to release. It is accepted as valid by the government entities like the State Department.

Hawaii law prevents the long-form record from being photocopied or released to anyone — including Obama. Obama himself would only be permitted to inspect it – not copy it or post it online.

Fukino, an appointee of Linda Lingle, the former Republican governor and John McCain supporter, twice inspected the certificate. According to NBC News’ investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, the certificate is in a bound volume, in a file cabinet in the Hawaii Department of Health.

“Why would a Republican governor — who was stumping for the other guy — hold out on a big secret?” asked Fukino.

By the summer of 2009, then-White House press secretary Robert Gibbs summarized how convoluted the theory had become with each round of disclosures.

“A pregnant woman leaves her home to go overseas to have a child — who there’s not a passport for — so is in cahoots with someone…to smuggle that child, that previously doesn’t exist on a government roll somewhere back into the country and has the amazing foresight to place birth announcements in the Hawaii newspapers? All while this is transpiring in cahoots with those in the border, all so some kid named Barack Obama could run for President 46 and a half years later,” said Gibbs dismissively. “You couldn’t sell this script in Hollywood.”

The forgeries and the lawsuits

As Obama built a commanding lead in the polls, and was eventually became President-elect, a host of lawsuits were filed to prevent him from taking the oath of office. These lawsuits were combined with a letter-writing campaign to presidential electors as well as a fringe media campaign questioning Obama’s citizenship.

Berg’s August 2008 lawsuit wasn’t the last. A few days after Obama decisively won the election, Alan Keyes — Obama’s former opponent in the 2004 Senate race and a presidential candidate — filed a suit against the Secretary of State in California over Obama’s eligibility. Another suit was filed by a New Jersey man, Leo Donofrio.

A California dentist and lawyer, Orly Taitz, filed another round of suits. Every citizenship suit has been dismissed, and courts have slapped or threatened fines on some of the filers, including Taitz.

And with both the law and the facts against them, birthers have sought to create facts and documents of their own.

Taitz unveiled a purported Kenyan birth certificate in the summer of 2009. It was clearly a hoax – the Republic of Kenya didn’t exist when Obama was born, it was dated three years after his actual birth date, it didn’t match other contemporary Kenyan birth certificates and an anonymous blogger took credit for it, demonstrating with photos how the birthers were “punked” and how he produced the fake certificate.

“Fine cotton business paper: $11. Inkjet printer: $35,” wrote the blogger. “Punkin’ the Birthers: Priceless.”

A second Kenyan certificate was put on eBay in 2009, and Taitz again try to have it admitted into court as evidence, despite being an obvious hoax. And yet another hoax showed a fake sign that reads “Welcome to Kenya, Birthplace of Barack Obama” – that is both clearly Photoshopped and contains Arabic script welcoming visitors to a city in the United Arab Emirates.

The birther purge

In a 2008 story about campaign rumors concerning both Obama and McCain, POLITICO reported “whichever candidate wins, these campaign trail rumors will haunt his presidency.”

They have.

The Republican Party has approached the issue with trepidation, but a 2010 poll found more than a quarter of Americans have doubts about President Obama’s birthplace.

During the 2010 midterm campaigns, a number of Republican candidates went on record expressing doubts about President Obama’s birth. Rep. Nathan Deal, now Governor of Georgia, jumped on the birther bandwagon, becoming the first member of Congress to request Obama’s birth certificate.

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) said, “I personally don’t have standing to bring litigation in court, but I support conservative legal organizations and others who would bring that to court.” Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio) told a voter that she agreed with her that the President wasn’t a natural-born citizen — only to walk back her statements.

The party’s most prominent leaders, however, have firmly dismissed the notion and sought to purge birthers both from the Republican Party and from the comments section of conservative blogs.

“I believe the president was born in the United States. There are real reasons to get this guy out of office,” former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said recently.

“I don’t question the authenticity of his birth certificate, but I do question what planet he’s from when I look at his policies,” former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty joked.

Erick Erickson, editor of the influential conservative blog RedState publicly excommunicated the birthers from his site in 2010.

“If you think 9/11 was an inside job or you really want to debate whether or not Barack Obama is an American citizen eligible to be President, RedState is not a place for you,” he wrote.

Some Republicans take the position out of a basic respect for facts, but they also worry about its consequences for their party.

“It makes us look weird. It makes us look crazy. It makes us look demented. It makes us look sick, troubled, and not suitable for civilized company,” one of the first conservatives to turn against the birthers, talk show host Michael Medved, said in 2009. “I’m not a conspiracist, but this could be a very big conspiracy to make conservatives disgrace themselves.”

Corrections: An earlier version of this story misidentified the Ohio University poll. Also, an earlier version of this article did not note that the foreign registration of birth law did not come into effect until 1982.

© 2011 Capitol News Company, LLC

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Is "birther" going into the latest edition of Websters? 


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1292 on: April 28, 2011, 08:22:45 AM »
What is the conclusion now?  The entire birther movement is a laughinstock and this is put to rest or that damn red state of Hawaii is still issuing fake ass birth certificates?


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1293 on: April 28, 2011, 08:42:10 AM »
What is the conclusion now?  The entire birther movement is a laughinstock and this is put to rest or that damn red state of Hawaii is still issuing fake ass birth certificates?

The conclusion is that 62% of the country didn't know for sure if Obama was born in HI.  Of course, now that the long form BC is out, Dems are claiming only "racist" people had doubts.  I think even Michelle was beginning to doubt where Barack was born. 


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1294 on: April 28, 2011, 08:44:25 AM »
I guess it depends

If you are left Obama is the man and kicked everybodys ass because he is so cool

If you are a birther then its a fake/forgery and Obama still sucks

If you are in the middle, don't care one way or the other, the country is still fucked up and we are not making any progress


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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1296 on: April 28, 2011, 09:39:12 AM »

HAHAHAHAH  Those birthers looking more stupid now than they did while whining and crying about the BC to be released.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1297 on: April 28, 2011, 10:00:34 AM »
Obama makes light of birth certificate on campaign trail
Posted by:
CNN White House Producer Jamie Crawford

WASHINGTON (CNN)–Perhaps a subtle dig or not, President Obama seemed to take aim at Donald Trump on Wednesday evening in New York when he said the reasoning behind the release of his long form birth certificate was his “trying to remind the press and trying to remind both parties that what we do in politics is not a reality show. It’s serious.”

The remarks came the same day that Trump, the businessman, reality television personality and possible contender for the 2012 GOP nomination, said he was “proud” of his efforts, and took credit for the release of Obama’s long form birth certificate earlier in the day.

“Today was a fun day,” the president said as he began his remarks. “Nobody checked my ID at the door.”

Obama was speaking at the home of former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. It was the first of three fundraisers in New York Wednesday evening that a Democratic party official said could raise over $2 million for the DNC and Obama’s re-election campaign.

“My name is Barack Obama. I was born in Hawaii, I’m President of the United States, and I’m running for re-election” he later joked as he kicked off remarks at the second fundraiser at the Waldorf Astoria hotel before returning to his standard stump speech, and a defense of his administration’s record.

Obama’s remarks were interrupted at the third fundraiser by two sets of protestors, the second by the AIDS advocacy group ‘Act Up NY.’ The first group of protestors were quickly escorted out of the room, but as the second group was escorted out, Obama said they should be able to stay. “They made their point,” he said.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1298 on: April 28, 2011, 10:01:33 AM »

US officialdom's interest in the 'playboy ways' of Barack Obama seniorNew files reveal Barack Obama father's disturbing treatment at the hands of US immigration and university officials

Barack Obama senior and Ann Dunham, father and mother of Barack Obama

While the release of Barack Obama's birth certificate was the big news of the day, it wasn't the only new document about Obama's life published on Wednesday. A far more interesting trove of documents has also been unearthed by Heather Smathers, an investigative journalist writing in the Arizona Independent, a weekly newspaper.

Smathers made an Freedom of Information Act request for the US immigration service file on Obama's father, Barack Obama senior – and it contains a disturbing picture of Obama senior's treatment by government and university officials.

As early as 1961, a memo in the file notes a statement from a Mrs McCabe, a foreign student adviser at the University of Hawaii:

Mrs McCabe further states that Subject [Obama senior] has been running around with several girls since he first arrived here and last summer she cautioned him about his playboy ways. Subject replied that he would 'try' to stay away from the girls.

The memo also considers Obama senior's earlier Kenya marriage, and after noting that "polygamy is not an excludable or deportation charge," it recommends that "the Subject be closely questioned before another extention is granted – and denial be considered."

The documents show that official enquiries in 1961 were satisfied that the current president was indeed born in Hawaii, as Smathers reports:

A memo dated August 31, 1961 from William Wood of Immigration and Naturalization Services indicates that Barack Obama, Sr, was attending the University of Hawaii on a student visa and that a son, Barack Obama, II, was born in Honolulu on August 4, 1961.

Looking at the documents – posted online in full by Smathers – Obama senior is described within as "a slippery character," his relationships with several women are discussed and investigated, while the question of Obama senior's "marital problems" are repeatedly raised – in an era when interracial marriage was still illegal in many parts of the US.

In the memos, immigration officials press for more details on Obama senior's marriages and relationships, while in a memo dated 19 May 1964 an immigration service official appears to be conspiring with Harvard University to get rid of the student:

Obama has passed his general exams, which indicates that on academic grounds he is entitled to stay around here and write his thesis; however [Harvard] are going to try to cook something up to ease him out.... They are planning on telling him that they will not give him any money, and that he had better return to Kenya and prepare his thesis at home.

Another immigration memo, from June 1964, records that Harvard officials were trying "to get rid of him" and "couldn't seem to figure out how many wives he had."

Writer Andrew Rice has read the documents and sees a theme:

What I think the documents reveal, though, is a subtle, institutionalized conspiracy that in a way seems more insidious than overt cross-burning racism, because almost surely none of its participants thought of their actions as discriminatory at all. In that sense, the file is an instructive artifact, not just of our president's biography, but of our nation's history of conflicted attitudes about race, foreign cultures, intermarriage and sex.

Hard as it may be to believe today, it seems clear from a close reading of the the file that the president's father was driven from this country because of his messy personal life. And reading between the lines, it's not hard to see a subtext of miscegenation.

It's worth remembering that state laws banning interracial marriage in the US were only overturned by the US Supreme Court in 1967, at which time 17 states had "anti-miscegenation" laws – including Maryland, Delaware, Oklahoma, Missouri and Virginia.

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Re: All things "Birther" Thread
« Reply #1299 on: April 28, 2011, 10:02:54 AM »
Good article.  I think the answer is "yes."  Like many people who have invested a bit too much in a conspiracy theory, the facts and common sense simply don't matter.  

The birther movement: immune to facts?
By Alan Silverleib, CNN
April 28, 2011

(CNN) -- Can the "birthers" ever be convinced that Barack Obama was born in America and is eligible to serve as president?

Probably not, according to one prominent psychology professor and other political observers.

Since Obama launched his bid for the White House, a sizable minority of Americans has expressed strong doubts about whether he was actually born in the United States. Over the past few years, the allegation that he was born overseas -- in Kenya or perhaps Indonesia -- has taken on a life of its own, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

A recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll showed that roughly 25% of Americans -- including over four in 10 Republicans -- believe Obama was definitely or probably not born in the United States.

Earlier this week, CNN released the results of its own investigation into the controversy. Documents and statements from numerous public officials and childhood friends made clear that the president was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.

On Wednesday, Obama himself addressed the issue, pleading for an end to the distractions of "sideshows" and "carnival barkers."

The president yielded to demands from his critics that he release his original long-form birth certificate, filing a special legal request with Hawaiian authorities to release a document that is no longer used for official purposes and ordinarily remains buried in the basement archives of the state health department.

Obama's 2008 release of the more common "live birth certification" -- a short computer-generated form typically used for documentation purposes -- did little to silence the chorus of skeptics.

It remains to be seen whether Wednesday's release will be received any differently. But the early reaction wasn't exactly positive.

One of the main websites pushing the birther claims -- -- declared that "forgery or not, now we can debate the true meaning of a natural born citizen."

The U.S. Constitution says only "natural born" citizens can become president -- a vague clause that some members of the birther movement contend disqualifies Obama if he was born outside the United States.

Joseph Farah, editor-in-chief of the conservative website, said that "we know (Obama's) father was a Kenyan citizen, and that he would therefore confer Kenyan or U.K. citizenship on his son, which would at best make him a dual citizen."

Dual citizenship, Farah asserted, "is not what the Founders had in mind when they coined the phrase 'natural born citizen.'"

Sharon Guthrie, the legislative director for a Texas state representative backing a bill requiring proof of citizenship for presidential ballot access, told the website that she was still suspicious.

"What they produced today ... still says certificate of live birth across the top," she said. "We want to see a 'birth certificate.' ... The one that we have that says 'birth certificate' is from Mombassa, Kenya, with his footprint on it. He has still not produced an American birth certificate."

Why the unrelenting skepticism?

Emory University's Drew Westen, author of the "The Political Brain" and an informal advisor to Obama's 2008 campaign, chalked up much of it to Obama's reluctance to immediately rebut the charge more quickly in the presidential race.

"The right wing was attempting to make him 'one of them' as opposed to 'one of us,'" he claimed.

Westen, a professor of psychology and psychiatry, cited what psychologists call the "sleeper effect."

"If you present negative information about someone and it initially goes unchallenged, you might alter some people's conscious beliefs by challenging it later," he asserted. "But they are left with a negative gut-level feeling that doesn't go away."

"Political feelings, once they are strongly held, tend to be resistant to facts. It's just the result of the way our brains work," he said.

Westen mentioned the so-called "Swift Boat" attacks against Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry in 2004, which called into question the senator's service in Vietnam.

Kerry "allowed his honor to be challenged and didn't respond for weeks," Westen said. "When finally he did respond and had definitive evidence that the attacks were untrue, it was too late. People's feelings towards him had already changed. They wouldn't change back by that point."

Along similar lines, Westen told CNN that if staunch Democrats or Republicans are presented with clear evidence of wrongdoing on the part of their party's nominee shortly before an election, they'll come up with "every kind of rationalization to explain it away."

"We fight off information that makes us feel bad and gravitate toward information that makes us comfortable," he said.

Westen also brought up the explosive issue of race, one of the biggest political lightning rods in U.S. history. He insisted the birther movement never would have taken hold with a white president.

It's not fair to call a large segment of today's electorate "1950s-style racists," he said. But some people are "unconsciously prejudiced in a way that predisposes them to not believing that a black man with a funny name could have really been legitimately elected president of the United States."

But Bill Mayer, a Northeastern University political scientist, took issue with the notion of race as the critical component of the birther movement.

"The fact that Obama is black may affect the form of the conspiracy, but probably not the fact that there is a following for this rumor," he told CNN. "Conspiracy beliefs have a long history in American politics."

Mayer cited a range of political conspiracy theories, including claims regarding the Kennedy assassination, involvement on the part of the Clintons in alleged murders, and George W. Bush's supposed knowledge of the 9/11 terror attacks.

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley noted that, back in the 19th century, questions were raised over the American roots of Andrew Jackson and Chester Arthur.

But it was "nothing like this," he told CNN. "We are now in the age of electronic journalism. ... This has become a ghastly scenario (over) the last month."

Mayer suggested that Obama's release of the long-form birth certificate will "further marginalize those who insist (the matter of his birth) is an open question." Still, he added, "I don't understand why the White House took so long" to put out the document.

Just how long will the controversy drag on? Westen claimed the birther issue will continue to be political fodder until a critical mass of Republican leaders decide it's making the GOP look "foolish" and hurting the party among independent voters.

A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, released a statement Wednesday claiming that the controversy "has long been a settled issue."

History suggests otherwise.