Author Topic: This Is Partly What is Wrong With NY  (Read 1988 times)


  • Getbig III
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This Is Partly What is Wrong With NY
« on: March 05, 2010, 09:28:40 AM »
The Gov. of NY is under investigation for not one, not two, but SEVEN seperate issues ranging from abuse of power, to state ethics violations. This, on the heels of Spitzer's Hoe-Gate scandal. Sure, and we wonder why NY is bankrupt...  ???

Patterson makes Charlie Rangle look like the status quo. But you wouldn't know that his bad deeds were actually, well, all THAT bad when you see and read who held and who attended last night's "Should he stay or should he go" Patterson summit meeting in Harlem.

What kills me is that guys like Sharpton who's no stranger to scandals himself - Here's a little history: ONE man WHO has had several delinquent tax issues, Money laundering plots from state retirement funds with resturant kingpins from Philly, illegal campaign contribution issues, has made up race-baiting claims into sensational news stories time and again, and oh yeah, that little known undercover FBI video showing Al "Shady" Sharpton way back when in the early 90's maybe late 80's, wearing what looked like a Boss Hog hat and chewing on a 3 foot long cigar, acting as the go-to for fellow thug and boxing promoter Don King. He's shown talking to undercover FBI agents posing as a mafia members about money laundering through the boxing world... This video shows clearly that Sharpton was very interested, and wanted to "do something". Unfortunately, the FBI dropped its investigation of Don King. Sharpton was not the target of the investigation.

So, here we are... some 25 to 30 years later. Last night in storied Harlem NYC, Sharpton has risen from "go-to man" to "the man" in the black and minority community. Only to surround himself with the fellow ex-black panther Manhattan Borough Pres, and David "I had 15 deputy mayors" Dinkins, and Greg "I dunno where the Katrina Money went" Meeks along with his partner in crime by his side, and David "I will repay the money I got from the working families party for my campaign run" Liu, amongst others.

What is the kicker here is Sharpton and the rest of this peanut gallery thinks its THEIR DECISION if Patterson should or should NOT step down. Last time I looked, Patterson serves ALL the people of NY. NOT just the minority community these parasites think they represent. IT'S OUR DECISION if Patterson, Rangle and ANY OTHER miscrient decides they want to be above the law.

But instead, our mainstream media gives this thug and his chronies their 15 minutes of fame.

When is someone going to tell these slime to step off, sit down, and shut up...  ??? :o >:(


  • Getbig III
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Re: This Is Partly What is Wrong With NY
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2010, 09:39:41 AM »
I make one correction.... Sharpton was also interested in moving illegal drugs. I did a search for the actual, video but I could only find the transcript:

Circa video 1983:

Rev Al Sharpton on FBI Tape - Drug Dealer & Snitch

Sharpton on drug sting tape

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2002

A shocking FBI surveillance tape shows the Rev. Al Sharpton discussing a major drug deal with an undercover agent posing as a South American kingpin.

The black activist was offered thousands of dollars as a cut for arranging bulk sales of cocaine on the 1983 videotape, which will be shown tonight on HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel."

"I can get pure coke ... for about 35,000 a kilo," says Victor Quintana, the FBI agent, as Sharpton nods during the sting operation. "But I gotta get, you know, more than one."

"Right," Sharpton replies.

"Ten kilograms is, like, $350,000," Quintana says. "That's a drop in the bucket, you know. We can go bigger."

Sharpton nods.

"Every kilogram we bring in is 3,500 to you. How does that sound?" Quintana asks, as Sharpton nods again. "So we bring in 10, you'll make $35,000.

"I hear you," Sharpton replies.

Sharpton admitted yesterday that he appears on the never-before-seen tape but insisted he was rebuffing a government attempt to set him up.

He says he played along with Quintana even when he mentioned cocaine in part because he feared Quintana might be armed.

"It's not damaging at all. It's a vindication of what I have been saying for years," said Sharpton, 47. "This is nothing but a government smear campaign." (RIGHT THE GOV'T MADE ME DO IT!)

The grainy tape shows Sharpton plunking himself down in a paneled office facing the FBI agent posing as a cocaine dealer.

An unlit cigar stuffed in his mouth, Sharpton sports a cowboy hat over his familiar '80s-vintage bouffant hair-do.

The conversation is somewhat cryptic, but the undercover agent offers Sharpton a 10% finder's fee to arrange the sale of several kilos of cocaine. The ultimate buyer is not named.

"But that's a drip in the bucket," the phony drug lord continues.

"Well, if [the unnamed buyer] can, if he's gonna do it, he'll do it much more than that," Sharpton says.

"If he can do it 100 times over, I might be able to supply it 100 times over," Quintana replies.

Bolts HBO interview

On the HBO show, Sharpton first refuses to watch the video and storms out of the interview with reporter Bernard Goldberg.

But he later returns, watches and attacks the video as a setup.

The drug deal was never consummated, and no charges were brought against Sharpton as a result of the tape.

Law enforcement sources have said the FBI used the tape as leverage to enlist Sharpton as a government informant against fellow black activists and others.

In the past, Sharpton has admitted wearing a wire and allowing the government to tap his home phone, but he now denies that he was a snitch.

"The question is: Why would the government say that?" Sharpton said yesterday. "If they have an agreement with me, where is it?"

Focus on ex-wise guy

HBO is airing the tape as part of a story about Michael Franzese, a former Mafia captain who once facilitated gambling by pro athletes.

Franzese tells HBO he met Sharpton after Quintana approached him in hopes of hooking up with boxing promoter Don King.

Sharpton supposedly was planning to arrange a meeting with King to finalize the deal.

But neither Franzese nor Sharpton knew Quintana was a government agent probing the boxing business and possible ties between the mob and King.

The question of links among King, Sharpton and the mob has been fertile ground for investigations.

Several newspaper exposés have dealt with the issue, and a second bombshell video from the same FBI probe showed Sharpton discussing boxing deals with reputed mob soldiers.

The Senate investigations subcommittee also focused on King and Sharpton during high-profile 1992 hearings into the dirty fight business.

But the Sharpton drug tape didn't surface until HBO recently obtained it.

The stakes are high for Sharpton, who has talked about running for President in 2004.

Other revelations about his past have done little to deter his lofty political ambitions, and he insisted the tape would boost his popularity.

"If anything it will rally people around me," Sharpton said. "For 18 years, the government has been trying to find a way to get me."


  • Getbig IV
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Re: This Is Partly What is Wrong With NY
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2010, 09:58:41 AM »
if the government wanted to get sharpton they would,  this is just another guy looking for any possible victim role that he can play, then milk it until people start to turn on him,  then when people turn on him he plays the poor picked on guy.  boo hoo

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Re: This Is Partly What is Wrong With NY
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2010, 10:07:02 AM »
This is the TIP if the iceberg in NYS. 

George Whorewell

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Re: This Is Partly What is Wrong With NY
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2010, 10:07:29 AM »

Nobody ever EVER mentions the fact that FAT AL is an FBI informant who got caught dealing blow on tape. Ever wonder why he's free?

To be fair about Governor Patterson though-- I really don't think he is an intrinsically bad guy ( like Spitzer was). I don't think he ever wanted, expected, or was prepared for the job in the first place. He made some questionable choices and surrounded himself with some shady people, but to be honest with you I kinda like the guy. The NYS senate is the problem. It is (next to NJ and Illinois) the most dysfunctional freak show of incompatent, partisan stooges  on the state level that you could ever imagine. Also, throw in the NYC Council which is also a horror show of corruption and stupidity and it is no big wonder why NY is in the toilet.