Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1018186 times)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2975 on: June 17, 2016, 11:20:55 AM »
Yet another incident.

Border Patrol Kidnaps Teen Girl, Rapes and Sodomizes Her in Search of Non-Existent Drugs

A 19-year-old Arizona woman was forced to endure humiliating, invasive ‘body cavity’ probes after border patrol agents accused her of attempting to smuggle illegal drugs from Mexico inside her body.

Ashley Cervantes initiated a lawsuit against U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) after a brief trip across the border for breakfast turned into a nightmare. CBP agents detained Cervantes for about eight hours upon her return to the U.S., because they were convinced she had secreted drugs inside her body for transport, according to local ABC affiliate KGUN9. 

According to Cervantes’ attorney, Brian Marchetti, CBP officers never offered an explanation for why they suspected his client of being a drug mule, but they soon brought two K-9s to sniff for illicit substances.

“We believe they used at least two different K9s on her for the purpose of trying to get them to alert,” Marchetti explained. “We don’t know why they used two. Did the first one not alert and they were fishing for one that would? Or did the first one alert and they were looking for a second one to corroborate it?”

Though it appears CBP never explained their decision to ramp up their investigation of Cervantes, officers proceeded to fully pat down the teen — eventually writing an order she be transported to Holy Cross Hospital for an X-Ray.

Transported to Holy Cross in handcuffs, Cervantes suffered something more invasive than a forced X-Ray of her body.

“A male physician enters the room,” Marchetti continued, “asks her a few questions, we believe and proceeds to conduct a full body cavity search on the vaginal and rectal cavities and young Ashley who was nineteen at the time had not yet in her life been to a gynecologist and her first ever pelvic exams were conducted in that setting.”

Yet, Cervantes again wasn’t offered an explanation for why it was necessary to be molested and sodomized by a male doctor instead of the simple X-Ray — which would have proven there were no drugs inside her — as originally ordered by CBP.

It appears no female doctors were present for this blatant violation of Cervantes’ rights.

No drugs were found on — or inside — the 19-year-old.

According to the FBI, the summary definition of Rape is: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” Make no mistake, what this woman experienced was rape, over and over again — all of it, so cops could look an arbitrary and entirely non-existent substance.

After this highly intrusive, wholly unnecessary, and unjustified ‘exam,’ Cervantes was transported back to the border crossing, where CBP officers finally allowed her to return home.

Adding insult to inexcusable injury, Holy Cross sent Cervantes’ parents a bill for $575 for the doctor’s probe of their child.

KGUN9 reported CBP declined to comment due to the ongoing litigation. Holy Cross refused to comment as the hospital had been under different ownership at the time of the incident.

Though Cervantes certainly had the option to sue anonymously, Marchetti explained she wants to be public about this nightmarish experience in hopes no one else will have to endure the same.

Customs and Border Protection is the largest federal law enforcement agency in the United States — but consistent anecdotal reports show an apparent pattern of intrusive violations and horrific abuse similar to what Cervantes endured.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2976 on: June 20, 2016, 09:27:13 AM »

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” 

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

Trump failed to mention that many of the San Bernardino shooters’ neighbors described them as “quiet, religious people who didn’t attract attention or suspicion.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

As he frequently does, Trump conflated “radical Islam” with Islam in general, and warned that “Radical Islam is coming to our shores.”

The Orlando shooter was a U.S. citizen who was born in the United States in 1986, at a time when the United States and guerrillas in Afghanistan were allies in the fight to contain communism. 

Nevertheless, Trump said that the correct response to attacks like the one in Orlando is to ban Muslims from visiting or immigrating (Trump regularly confuses these two ideas) to the United States.

He also attacked presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who Trump said “wants to allow radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country — they enslave women, and murder gays. I don’t want them in our country.”

Trump’s claim about the former secretary of state is patently false. Clinton has proposed allowing some Syrian refugees into the United States through the American refugee screening process, which takes an average of two years to approve resettlement.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2977 on: June 20, 2016, 03:13:09 PM »
Supreme Court Says Police May Use Evidence Found After Illegal Stops

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that evidence found by police officers after illegal stops may be used in court if the officers conducted their searches after learning that the defendants had outstanding arrest warrants.

Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority in the 5-to-3 decision, said such searches do not violate the Fourth Amendment when the warrant is valid and unconnected to the conduct that prompted the stop.

Justice Thomas’s opinion drew a fiery dissent from Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who said that “it is no secret that people of color are disproportionate victims of this type of scrutiny.”

“This case tells everyone, white and black, guilty and innocent, that an officer can verify your legal status at any time,” she wrote. “It says that your body is subject to invasion while courts excuse the violation of your rights. It implies that you are not a citizen of a democracy but the subject of a carceral state, just waiting to be cataloged.”

The case, Utah v. Strieff, No. 14-1373, arose from police surveillance of a house in South Salt Lake based on an anonymous tip of “narcotics activity” there. A police officer, Douglas Fackrell, stopped Edward Strieff after he had left the house based on what the state later conceded were insufficient grounds, making the stop unlawful.

Officer Fackrell then ran a check and discovered a warrant for a minor traffic violation. He arrested Mr. Strieff, searched him and found a baggie containing methamphetamines and drug paraphernalia. The question for the justices was whether the drugs must be suppressed given the unlawful stop or whether they could be used as evidence given the arrest warrant.

“Officer Fackrell was at most negligent,” Justice Thomas wrote, adding that “there is no evidence that Officer Fackrell’s illegal stop reflected flagrantly unlawful police misconduct.”

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Anthony M. Kennedy, Stephen G. Breyer and Samuel A. Alito Jr. joined the majority opinion.

In a dissent that cited W. E. B. Du Bois, James Baldwin and Ta-Nehisi Coates, Justice Sotomayor said the court had vastly expanded police power.

“The court today holds that the discovery of a warrant for an unpaid parking ticket will forgive a police officer’s violation of your Fourth Amendment rights,” she wrote. “Do not be soothed by the opinion’s technical language: This case allows the police to stop you on the street, demand your identification and check it for outstanding traffic warrants — even if you are doing nothing wrong.

“If the officer discovers a warrant for a fine you forgot to pay,” she continued, “courts will now excuse his illegal stop and will admit into evidence anything he happens to find by searching you after arresting you on the warrant.”

Justice Sotomayor added that many people were at risk. Federal and state databases show more than 7.8 million outstanding warrants, she wrote, “the vast majority of which appear to be for minor offenses.” There are, she added, 180,000 misdemeanor warrants in Utah. And according to the Justice Department, about 16,000 of the 21,000 residents of Ferguson, Mo., are subject to arrest warrants.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg joined most of Justice Sotomayor’s dissent, along with all of a separate dissent from Justice Elena Kagan. But Justice Sotomayor reserved her most personal reflection for a part of her dissent in which she wrote only for herself, setting out in detail the dangers and indignities that often accompany police stops.

“For generations,” she wrote, “black and brown parents have given their children ‘the talk’ — instructing them never to run down the street; always keep your hands where they can be seen; do not even think of talking back to a stranger — all out of fear of how an officer with a gun will react to them.”

“We must not pretend that the countless people who are routinely targeted by police are ‘isolated,’” she wrote. “They are the canaries in the coal mine whose deaths, civil and literal, warn us that no one can breathe in this atmosphere. They are the ones who recognize that unlawful police stops corrode all our civil liberties and threaten all our lives. Until their voices matter, too, our justice system will continue to be anything but.”

Justin Driver, a law professor at the University of Chicago, said Justice Sotomayor’s dissent was remarkable. It is, he said, “the strongest indication we have yet that the Black Lives Matter movement has made a difference at the Supreme Court — at least with one justice.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2978 on: June 20, 2016, 03:17:19 PM »
Four Officers Severely Beat Non-Violent Boy as Their Supervisor Watches in Approval

Los Angeles, CA — For years, LA County juvenile detention centers have been under Department of Justice monitoring because of overcrowding and excessive force used on children. However, as a newly released video from inside LA County Probation’s Sylmar Juvenile Hall shows, the federal oversight has accomplished nothing.

Celeste Fremon, editor of WitnessLA, said she obtained the four-minute video from sources inside the probation department. The disturbing video captures the beating of a teenage inmate by multiple prison guards — while the supervisor stands by and watches.

According to Fremon, the video is taken from what appears to be a ceiling-mounted camera. In the beginning of the recording, only the supervising officer and the boy are present. He and the tall probationer are several feet apart and the supervisor appears to be instructing the kid. (The video is a bootleg of the original, thus has no sound.)

The probationer does not appear to be behaving in any way that is aggressive, threatening or combative. But, presumably, there is some verbal conflict between the two. As the supervisor talks, the man conspicuously rolls up the sleeves of his shirt in what several of our probation sources who have seen the video labeled a threatening gesture.

While the video is silent, it illustrates the entirely unprovoked violent response from four grown men beating a teen. The alleged reason for the response from guards was over the teen throwing a balled up piece of paper and another unidentified object at the door. However, as the video clearly shows, the boy with a cast on his arm is not a threat to anyone as his cell was empty before the beating.

When the officers enter the room, only a few seconds pass before all hell breaks loose as one officer, entirely unprovoked, tackles the teen from behind, slamming him down into the concrete bunk in the cell. After slamming him down, the officer unleashes blow after blow into the boy’s body. The supervisor in the room does nothing to stop it.

As the first officer continues his assault, two other officers pile on and begin to punch and throw knees into the boy. Seconds later, yet another officer enters and piles on. For several moments, four officers deliver blow after blow while taking turns holding him down.

Approximately 60-seconds into the beating another supervisor walks in, witnesses the assault for a few seconds, then turns and walks out. He never attempted to stop it.

For nearly two minutes, the officers beat the boy while their supervisor watched until it suddenly ended. As if it was a routine response, the supervisor opened the door and made a shooing gesture. The officers then stood up, straightened up their clothes and walked out.

The boy is left in agony, hunched over the cement cot with his pants around his knees from being pulled down during the beating. He finally manages to get up to a seated position and then hunches over, apparently crying. As he attempts to walk, he quickly collapses in pain and lies on the floor.

According to Witness LA,  a nurse came in to check on the boy some minutes after the five probation officers vanished from his room. Her entrance and time with the kid are on the extended version of the video, which we have not seen. Her ministrations were allegedly minimal. She swabbed the abrasions and swelling on his face, and the like. Then she reportedly left the room without a thorough check for injuries.

Later, however, the boy reportedly called for a staffer due to his pain, according to reports. The second staffer sent him to the hospital where, in addition to bruising, reported black eyes, bruises, swelling and abrasions, it is learned that he has a badly and painfully sprained ankle.

On Friday, the probation chief, Cal Remington, responded to the incident saying the department takes mistreatment of juveniles very seriously, reports ABC 7.

“We hold our staff to a very high standard. We have zero tolerance for mistreating the juveniles in our care. And while I can’t really comment on an ongoing investigation, this matter is being thoroughly investigated, and we take matters of this nature very, very seriously,” he stated.

As Freemon pointed out, “there is no reason for this kind of force – ever, under any circumstances, even if you have a riot.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2979 on: June 20, 2016, 03:35:07 PM »
Instead of sending this criminal gang in death row, the taxpayers will have to foot the bill and this man's youth is ruined. How many innocent people have fallen prey to this ruthless criminal gang?

Man wrongly jailed for 13 years sues police after disturbing video shows detectives hounding the then-14-year-old without a parent or lawyer to confess to a murder he didn’t commit

  • Lorenzo Montoya, then 14, convicted of murdering Emily Johnson in 2000
  • After 13 years in jail he was finally exonerated on DNA evidence in 2014
  • Now a disturbing video of his police interrogation has been released
  • Shows detective pushing teen to confess to a murder that he didn't commit
  • Cops 'yell in his face, make up evidence and corner him against a wall'
  • The 14-year-old suspect has neither his parents nor a lawyer in the room
  • Montoya eventually breaks down and tells police what they want to hear
  • Now 31, he is suing Denver police and the city for $30million in damages

A man who spent more than a decade in jail for a murder he didn't commit is suing police after a shocking video emerged showing detectives hounding the then-14-year-old to falsely confess.

Lawrence Lorenzo Montoya, now 31, became one of the youngest people in Denver history to be sentenced to life without parole in an adult jail over the death of teacher Emily Johnson on New Year's Day, 2000.

He spent the next 13 years of his life behind bars - four of those in solitary confinement - before his conviction was overturned on DNA evidence in 2014.

Now a disturbing video of his police interview has been released which shows detectives pushing Montoya, then 14, to confess to a murder he did not commit.

Police officers allegedly lie to Montoya, who did not have his parents or a lawyer in the room, about the evidence and statement from other teens during the interrogation, footage of which was obtained by FOX31 Denver.

Attorney Lisa Polansky said they were: 'Yelling and screaming in his face, making up evidence, banging on the table and cornering him against the wall. Telling him he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison and should say goodbye to his mother.'

Montoya tells his interrogators more than 65 times said he didn't commit the crime, that he was not at the scene and had no knowledge about the murder.

But the lead detective continued his interrogation, asking Montoya: 'Did you beat some lady up?

'Are you listening to me?' he asked, pointing in the frightened suspect's face. 'You better tell us what your involvement in this murder was.

'This is the time to save yourself Lorenzo.'

Finally, after being grilled for more than two and a half hours without a parent or lawyer present, according to Fox 31, Montoya broke down in tears.

Sobbing, he told police what they wanted to hear.

'He ends up being convicted of a crime because the police coerced him to confess,' attorney David Fisher said.

The lawyer said people should be 'outraged and furious' over the false conviction.

'This stuff needs to change and the only way it will change is if people get behind it and people understand it because, you win these lawsuits, you win trials, and they keep doing it.'

He added that almost half of all juveniles exonerated by DNA evidence had been coerced into false confessions.

'To me there's nothing worse than a kid who at 14 years old went into an adult prison facility. It could be avoided and it needs to be avoided,' he said.

Montoya has now filed a lawsuit against the City and County of Denver and Denver Police for $30 million.

The lawsuit also accuses police of disregarding about other evidence that would have exonerated Montoya at the time.

It also calls for the District Attorneys to admit their 'mistake'.

'And I think it's more than a mistake, their intentional conduct in fabricating and continuing this injustice' Polansky added.

The city has not yet filed a response to the lawsuit.

Skinner Middle School teacher Emily Johnson, 29, was found dead at her home on New Year's Day in 2000 and her car was stolen.

Police have since found that she was beaten to death by Nicholas Martinez, then 16, when he stole her brand-new Lexus.

The following day, Montoya, then 14, along with others in the neighborhood, took a ride in the car which Martinez told some people he had bought and to others admitted he had stolen.

Montoya was brought in for police questioning over the stolen car in the company of his mother.

When she left the room, a detective aggressively hounded the teenager. Montoya's police statement was disallowed at his murder trial.

Montoya, then 15, after the prosecution convinced the jury that a sneaker print and a Bronco jacket found in the house belonged to Montoya.

He was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.

However forensic testing carried out by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, at the request of Polansky and her team at the Center For Juvenile Justice, found no DNA belonging to Montoya on either item.

Polansky took on Montoya's case free of charge in 2011 and brought it back to court by arguing that his initial lawyer had failed him.

After 13 years and seven months in prison, he was cleared on the new DNA evidence. Montoya decided not to opt for a new trial, which could have taken several years to come to court, and took the DA's offer of a guilty plea to accessory to murder and was sentenced to ten years.

He was automatically then released because of time served.

Polansky said that the moment Montoya walked out of court he was 'like a kid all over again'.

Montoya had planned to move away from Denver and bad influences from his youth, complete his GED and learn a trade. He was also teaching himself about the internet.

But, after spending much of his formative years in jail, she said he was struggling to reintegrate with society.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2980 on: June 21, 2016, 12:48:05 PM »
Video Shows Cop Having Sex in Patrol Car, On Duty — While Ignoring Calls

Pasadena, TX — The in-car video of a Pasadena police officer was released publicly this week showing him ignoring calls and opting to have sex on duty instead. In spite of being grossly derelict in his duties, getting paid with taxpayer money to have sex, and refusing to do his job — officer Jeff Mubarak was never fired.

While the incident happened last August, the heavily redacted in-car video was not released until this week. Although approximately 23 minutes of the video has been redacted, what happened in the car is glaringly obvious.

The woman in the car is part of the citizen ride-along program who took her position in the front seat to an extreme.

As the video begins, the young woman is seen rubbing officer Mubarak’s leg. Shortly after that, she leans toward the officer and the two begin kissing. Moments later, the woman leans down toward Mubarak’s lap and disappears. The officer can be heard moaning, and then the police scanner blows up — however, those calls for help would fall on deaf ears.

The remaining portion of the video was withheld from public view. According to ABC 7, the Texas AG’s office says the redaction is allowed because, “the portion of that video would be highly intimate or embarrassing, the publication of which would be highly objectionable to a reasonable person and of no legitimate public concern.”

According to the internal investigation, the pair would go on to engage in intercourse for an extended period, and Pasadena PD says this incident happened while Officer Mubarak was on duty, while parked in a parking lot.

After they had become aware of the incident, the Pasadena police department gave Mubarak a 30 day paid vacation. However, he has since been placed back on active duty as if nothing happened.

“I think the punishment is light,” said Tom Nixon to KTRK, a former Houston Police Officer, who was fired from his job a decade ago for speaking out.

When speaking of the video, Nixon explained, “It’s going to diminish his credibility as an officer for the remainder of his tenure as an officer. There is not deleting it, no expunging it, it’s in the public record. People hold police officers to a higher standard higher stand for a reason, it’s because they have the power to take away people’s liberty.”

Liberty, however, is not something that Mubarak will be losing, in spite of betraying the public trust. Houston attorney Pat McCann has even gone on record defending the officer.

“This is simply foolish and amusing and embarrassing,” said McCann. “It is not a crime it’s not a breach of public trust. It is a grown man and woman doing something they will regret.”
However, it is a breach of public trust, and it is a crime.

Had a regular citizen been caught having sex in public like this officer, they would have likely been arrested and charged with public lewdness and indecent exposure. But since Mubarak has a badge, he is not held to the same standards as everyone else.

Of course, having sex in a vehicle harms no one. But this man was getting paid by taxpayer dollars while doing it
— and he will, and likely has arrested people for the same thing. If anything, Mubarak should be held to a much higher standard because of the badge he wears. Instead, however, Mubarak, like all of his law-breaking brethren on the other side of the thin blue line, avoids any and all accountability.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2983 on: June 22, 2016, 11:11:10 AM »


Unfortunately many people believe "if you have nothing to hide, what are you afraid of". Moreover, if they can't see or feel their rights being violated they're ok with it. Despicable.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2984 on: June 22, 2016, 01:10:35 PM »
Unfortunately many people believe "if you have nothing to hide, what are you afraid of". Moreover, if they can't see or feel their rights being violated they're ok with it. Despicable.

We teach young people to be honest and we tell them if they are, everything will work out. This could not be further from the truth when it comes to the authorities and HR. The police want to win which is why they will  co-hearse self incrimination. Everything you say to them will be used against you in court. Best to say as little as possible. An example of this tactic is when you're stopped by the police for a supposed traffic infraction and when they ask if you've been drinking, you say; "I only had one or two drinks."


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2985 on: June 22, 2016, 01:15:07 PM »
We teach young people to be honest and we tell them if they are, everything will work out. This could not be further from the truth when it comes to the authorities and HR. The police want to win which is why they will  co-hearse self incrimination. Everything you say to them will be used against you in court. Best to say as little as possible. An example of this tactic is when you're stopped by the police for a supposed traffic infraction and when they ask if you've been drinking, you say; "I only had one or two drinks."

Just look at the post "Man wrongly jailed for 13 years sues police after disturbing video shows detectives hounding the then-14-year-old without a parent or lawyer to confess to a murder he didn’t commit".
This young man did not murder anyone, yet the criminals had him imprisoned in a room with no lawyer and through repeated and persistent threats and intimidation made him confess to a murder. Makes you wonder how many people were pressured and intimidated by these criminals to admit to crimes they did not commit.
What's more disgusting also is the lack of accountability and punishment for criminals like that. An innocent person spends decades in prison or even gets executed, and those responsible for that get away with it.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2986 on: June 22, 2016, 02:23:40 PM »
These criminals tried to destroy this man. It is amazing he fought for 8 years instead of taking a plea deal. How about the criminals who tried to destroy him are held accountable and face the same sentences and consequences as this man would face if convicted?

Man sues Las Vegas police over handling of sexual assault case


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2987 on: June 22, 2016, 03:46:21 PM »
Just look at the post "Man wrongly jailed for 13 years sues police after disturbing video shows detectives hounding the then-14-year-old without a parent or lawyer to confess to a murder he didn’t commit".
This young man did not murder anyone, yet the criminals had him imprisoned in a room with no lawyer and through repeated and persistent threats and intimidation made him confess to a murder. Makes you wonder how many people were pressured and intimidated by these criminals to admit to crimes they did not commit.
What's more disgusting also is the lack of accountability and punishment for criminals like that. An innocent person spends decades in prison or even gets executed, and those responsible for that get away with it.

It stinks to High Heaven - The Behaviour of Not Just Some But A lot of Cops.
There are a Fairly Large Percentage of them that are a Liability & Real Menace
To The General Public.
They should be pursued & prosecuted & Recieve The lengthiest Sentence Possible.

Instead Most of the time We Have Police Apologists Making excuses for their Behaviour.
These People are as Bad.
Who Gives a Fcuk about what they have to do in their job - They Choose to do it --
Like wise They Choose to Behave they way they do.

The Hippocracy of them arresting others for doing what they do.
It's corrupt & Stinks from the top down.

How about zero tolerance for cops 1st Then sort The public out.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2988 on: June 24, 2016, 03:27:20 PM »
More armed, violent criminals invading homes and abusing citizens.

IMPD officer under investigation after video appears to show him slamming teen into wall

The video shows the officer asking for ID. The teen responds, "I don't have ID on me because I'm in my house."

The officer then slams the teen into the wall and says, "You're in your house and right now, you're being detained. So if I were you, I would shut your (expletive) mouth."


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2989 on: June 24, 2016, 03:32:16 PM »
Even the union presidents mafia dons participate in mob attacks. Why is he not being investigated? (rhetorical question)

Texas Police Union President Caught On Camera Slugging Restrained Man Who Touched a Horse

The head of a Texas police union was caught on camera punching a restrained suspect in the back of the head.

But Austin’s Police Union President Ken Cassaday won’t be investigated.

The man’s crime?

Petting a horse.

The video was shot on June 18th by independent activist and photographer Julian Reyes, who sometimes joins forces with the Peaceful Streets Project to document activities of Austin police downtown and near homeless populations.

It starts as any weekend night on Austin’s famous 6th street downtown area, showing patrons having a good time after a night of drinking at the bars around 2 a.m.

Shortly after the video begins, an Austin Police Department (APD) mounted-patrol can be seen pointing his finger in a man’s face, allegedly for being drunk.

More likely because he was standing close to the mounted-patrol horses, which has brought debate amongst locals as to whether they’re even necessary.

APD insists they are.

That’s when the man decided to pet the officer’s horse.

And things got violent.

One cop is seen slapping the man’s hand away from the horse.

When the man backs up two APD cops step towards him, one grabbing his arm, the other grabbing the him by the back of the head, pulling him downward.

As he’s being pulled downward, a third cop, Police Union President Cassaday can be seen winding up and then slugging the man in the back of the head in a downward motion.

“Peaceful Streets says Cassaday hit the man on the back of the head,” wrote Pro-APD “news outlet” KLBJ radio in Austin, “although the video doesn’t support that claim since no point of impact can be seen.”

“Whether or not Cassaday actually assaulted, or even hit the man, is still up for debate.”

Although no author put his/her actual name on that report, it was written by “KLBJ’s Newsroom”.

Cassaday told KVUE News, who broke the story, he was responding to a call about a disturbance at Toulouse Bar on Sixth Street. But he didn’t specify whether the man in the video was the man they received the call about, or if the man even committed a crime.

Other than petting the horse.

The horse-petting man was placed in handcuffs and walked towards the jail, although it’s not clear if he was arrested.

Antonio Buehler, founder of the Austin-based cop-watch group, said he thinks Cassaday should be investigated.

“That’s assault. There’s nowhere in the guidelines of their policies that suggest it’s okay to punch someone who is not a risk to anyone in the back of the head. That could kill someone.”

During Ken Cassaday’s tenure, there has never been a use-of-force incident where he didn’t defend the cop, lobbying to keep his job, standing against any criminal charges.
The volatile Texas Police Union president has made his feelings about activists groups such as Peaceful Streets Project and Black Lives Matter well-known.

After the Feb 8 shooting of unarmed, naked 17-year-old David Joseph by Austin cop Geoffrey Freeman, Chief Acevedo fired the cop for using excessive force.

Austin Chief Acevedo listed several other methods Freeman could have used to subdue Joseph instead of deadly force (such as mace, a baton or taser) and then stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Black Lives Matter activists, who issued some criticism and some praise towards the department, during a press conference.

Cassaday lashed out at Chief Acevedo, accusing him of politicizing the shooting by inviting the activists to speak at the February 11 press conference.

“The public perception is the chief agrees with everything they said,” said Cassaday  “They got up in front of a badge much like this one behind me and degraded police officers in the worst ways, and that was absolutely unacceptable. Do that behind closed doors.”

Cassaday whipped out a bull-horn, out in the open, at a 2015 Police Lives Matter rally.

Apparently, you only have to be behind closed doors to exercise free speech if you’re not criticizing the precious badge.

Or if you’re black.

APD isn’t commenting on the case. So far, Cassaday has not been investigated.

Or fired.

But feel free to express your thoughts about the matter, or urge them to do so, on their Facebook page.

Video of Union President Ken Cassaday assaulting the unarmed man last week can be seen below.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2990 on: June 26, 2016, 10:49:58 PM »
The perverted and violent armed criminal gang strikes again.

Texas Cop Raped Prisoner, Entire Police Department Watched, Offered Victim Taco Instead of Reporting Assault

A Texas cop raped his prisoner on video, while the entire department watched.

Now the victim is suing the town of 4,000 residents for $5,000,000.

The tiny border town of La Joya only has a total of 11 police officers, and seven active officers have been named in the lawsuit including the current chief. La Joya’s former chief is also a named defendant.

Even after several high-ranking La Joya cops, now named in the complaint, knew about their officer’s sexual assault of “Autumn Renee” after witnessing footage from the jail’s video-surveillance cameras, the officers never transported the victim to a medical facility, they also failed to give her an on-site examination, or even a welfare check.

But they did offer her a taco.

Video footage of the savage assault was recorded on La Joya police’s surveillance cameras May 29, 2014,

Those who’ve seen the video footage say Felipe Santiago Peralez III made contact with “Autumn” 49 times, which left her with several injuries after he repeatedly forced his fingers, hands and other objects into her vagina and anus.

Peralez pleaded guilty in October 2015 to official oppression and to violating the civil rights of an inmate.

He was sentenced to 180 days in jail after he was caught on video committing sexual assault.

49 times.

The victim is using the pseudonym “Autumn Renee” to protect her identity, and informed La Joya police department supervisors inside the jail, she was repeatedly invaded and raped the night she was arrested on misdemeanor charges in 2014.

“Autumn” is seeking punitive and compensatory damages in the amount of $5 million dollars against the defendants, according to the lawsuit.

Lawyers for the rape-victim are suing the Texas cop who raped her, and his superiors, claiming they failed to follow protocol-standards established in the Federal Prison Rape Eliminations Act.

The federally mandated protocol requires law enforcement to immediately report a sexual assault that takes place inside of a jail to an independent department for investigation and to transport the victim to an independent medical facility for testing.

And then told her she should forget all about being raped and go on with her life, because “people come up missing all the time in the valley,” according to the lawsuit obtained by the monitor.

On May 30, 2014, La Joya Police Lieutenant Ramon Gonzales and Chief Geovani Hernandez reviewed the video together up until the point where the sexual assault was committed.

Chief Hernandez then ordered Lieutenant Gonzales and a sergeant to keep watching the video and left to go brief the City Administrator.

Lawyers for the disabled South Texas woman “Renee” allege that the video-documented sexual assault by Peralez took place over several hours and that high-ranking officers refused medical attention after she reported the violation to the his supervisors, who witnessed video footage of the assault.

Continuing in their legal filing, while she was in her cell, La Joya communications Officer Felipe Santiago Peralez, “began an all-night invasion” of her body when he forced her to give him oral sex, telling her to move to the end of her cell and he would “take care of her” by letting her use the phone.

Employee records show Felipe Santiago Peralez III parted ways with the La Joya police department twice since 2011 after receiving several infractions such as not showing up to work, forgetting to log-in a vehicle and working without a valid driver’s license.

But it appears his connections to the mayor, or the fact that he dates her granddaughter might be a beneficial relationship not just for being rehired with police, but when it comes down to the kinds of plea deals he gets offered.

In what some might suggest is a conflict of interest, Officer Peralez is reportedly in a relationship with La Joya Mayor “Fito” Salinas’ granddaughter Jordan, nicknamed “Pinky” Garcia, and worked as a dispatcher with the police department from about June to October 2011 and was rehired on Feb. 12, 2012.

He left again sometime in 2012, but returned to the department on March 25, 2014 and was promoted to a full-time job in May 2014— a week before the sexual assault.

Officer Peralez resigned June 6, 2014 a week after he raped the female inmate, according to employee records obtained through a public information request.

Texas Rangers launched an investigation into Paralez after an anonymous La Joya police employee, who is not identified in the complaint, reported he saw the rape on a video recording.

Autumn Renee’s lawyers chilling conclusion defines the inhumane conduct of the entire La Joya, Texas law enforcement agency’s rotten barrel of cops:

“The fact that local city governments of La Joya Texas and Peñitas Texas treated a female prisoner (with a mental disability) with such blatant brutality and inhumanity should outrage contemporary society.”

Deacon Jeschin

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2991 on: June 27, 2016, 01:35:13 PM »
I would like to nominate Celeste Guap  as the citizen of the month.  Ms. Guap's involvement with the Oakland Police department has yielded the following results: 28 pigs being investigated for fucking a prostitute, and  other departments being looked at for similar actions.  Three police Chiefs gone in a very short time.  Must be a great place to work these days.

Oh, dear......That means a whole lot of alimony and child support will be in the works.  Ha Ha.

Sadly, only two suicides have been reported due to this story.....

Keep up the good work, Celeste  :)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2992 on: June 27, 2016, 04:31:39 PM »
Armed criminal gangs expanding their operations and devising new methods to steal from the unsuspecting public.

Civil Asset Forfeiture Goes Digital In OK, Cops Emptying Bank Accounts

Civil asset forfeiture has gone digital in Oklahoma with the state’s highway patrol now utilizing an electronic device that allows them to seize money from bank accounts and prepaid cards.

Civil-asset-forfeiture has become a key revenue generator for state and local law enforcement agencies nationwide. Under federal and state law, citizens can be deprived of their property and cash if police merely allege they are involved in criminal activity – even if no charges are filed against them.

Property owners are then left having to prove a negative, reversing the burden of proof, that their property or cash was not gotten by criminal means before it is used to fund police departments and governments.

The device now being used by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol to electronically snatch money is called an ERAD, or Electronic Recovery and Access to Data machine. The state police agency began using 16 of them last month.

Using an ERAD is simple. A trooper need only deem that a motorist or citizen has money tied to some type of criminal activity. All that needs to be done then is a scanning of bank debit or prepaid cards. Any money on the cards is then in the possession of state police officers.

“We’re gonna look for different factors in the way that you’re acting,” Oklahoma Highway Patrol Lt. John Vincent said. “We’re gonna look for if there’s a difference in your story…If you can prove that you have a legitimate reason to have that money it will be given back to you.”

A contract made by the state of Oklahoma with ERAD Group Inc. for the devices illustrates the symbiotic relationship between government and the corporate world when running such a scheme. The contract shows the company receives 7.7 percent of all cash the highway patrol seizes.

Use of civil asset forfeiture has exploded in recent years. In 2014 alone, police took $4.5 billion using the statutes, surpassing the cost of all burglaries made that year, $3.9 billion, according to the FBI.

Police in Oklahoma are notorious abusers of the property grabs and have earned a grade of D- in the Institute For Justice’s Policing For Profit report. According to the Institute, police in the state have received almost $99 million from the sale of forfeited property between 2000 to 2014 (an average of around $6.6 million per year). Seventy-two percent of that amount came directly from seized cash.

One of the most publicized cases in the state occurred in April, when Muskogee County officers seized $53,249 in cash from a Christian rock band after stopping their tour bus for a broken tail light. After the media began reporting on the story however, and the public reacted with outrage, the money was returned.

That prompted Oklahoma politicians to began looking into forfeiture. Republican State Sen. Kyle Loveless has now promised to put forth legislation that would require officers obtain a conviction before taking property or cash. He has cited multiple incidents of cops abusing the current process.

“We’ve seen single moms’ stuff be taken, a cancer survivor his drugs taken, we saw a Christian band being taken. We’ve seen innocent people’s stuff being taken. We’ve seen where the money goes and how it’s been misspent,” Loveless said. “If I had to err on the side of one side versus the other, I would err on the side of the Constitution and I think that’s what we need to do.”

Until any comprehensive measure is passed in the state, ERAD will continue to sell its reader to more local and state police agencies. Residents of the state beware. Being pulled over in Oklahoma means the real possibility of having your bank account emptied by men with guns.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2994 on: June 28, 2016, 08:49:41 PM »
Wasted DA Nearly Kills Multiple Motorists – No Arrest, Cops Change Her Tire, Let Her Drive Away!

Silver City, NM — In a testament to the special privilege granted to those within government, a clearly inebriated district attorney was dangerously let loose back out on to the streets by, not one, but two separate police departments who stopped her for a DUI.

Instead of arresting the woman, who was caught on video coming dangerously close to multiple head-on collisions, and completely unable to stay in her lane, cops changed her tire and sent her on her way.

The incident began when a motorist behind Grant County District Attorney Francesca Estevez witnessed her swerving all over the road. The motorist took out his phone and began recording as Estevez veered in and out of her lane coming perilously close to several head-on collisions with innocent drivers.

When the witness finally got a cell phone signal, he called 9-1-1 to report this menace to society. However, as multiple body cameras will show, his call fell on deaf ears.

Body cam video shows that Silver City and state police suspected Estevez was drunk or high, yet they did nothing to stop her. In fact, they helped her.

When officer Leticia Lopez originally stopped her, Estevez claimed that her flat tire was the reason she was swerving all over the road. In spite of the 5 minutes of video taken by the witness, police would go with this narrative.

As state troopers arrived on scene, it appeared that a DUI was imminent, especially after multiple cops witnessed Estevez almost drive into a light pole when moving her car for the tow truck. However, they just giggled and let it slide.

For two hours, cops watched as Estevez stumbled around the parking lot. At one point, the district attorney even gave herself a field sobriety test, walking “heel toe.” Her embarrassing attempt to prove her sobriety failed miserably — yet still, cops said nor did a thing.

Then, with a few slurred ‘thank yous,’ the privileged district attorney was set loose back into daytime traffic by those who claim to protect society. Luckily, we’ve yet to receive any information that Estevez killed anyone on the way home.

As for the officers involved, Silver City Police never even mentioned the stop in a report. According to WPXI News, however, New Mexico State Police says it is still conducting an internal investigation into its officer’s actions.

The glaring double standard applied to Estevez has to be pointed out. This incident only illustrates the notion that there are two sets of laws for people in this country; a special set for those with ties to the system — and then one for everyone else.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2995 on: June 28, 2016, 08:53:25 PM »
California Cops Sued for Attacking Diabetic Man at Gunpoint, Mistaking Insulin for Heroin

A California man with diabetes is suing Long Beach police for attacking him while injecting the insulin that keeps him alive after mistaking his medicine for heroin.

The complaint states that 67-year-Miguel Angel Llamas was hanging out at his neighbor’s home when several cops rushed up to him brandishing their handguns and grabbing his arm, pulling out the medical-tubing attached to his arm for the dialysis treatment he undergoes each week – resulting in a bloody, painful experience.

“The unreasonable and unnecessary yanking and pulling of Plaintiff’s arms caused Plaintiff’s medical tubing to become disconnected, causing Plaintiff to suffer severe pain and visible bleeding,” states the complaint, which can be read here.

“One of the other defendants then slammed plaintiff up against the wall, causing Plaintiff to strike his head.”

Then two cops forcefully yanked him by the arms in an “extremely forceful and violent manner,” the lawsuit alleges.

As the cops became violent and the commotion ensued, Llamas says he pleaded with cops to be careful dealing with him due to his health issues.

Llamas questioned why they were being so violent with him. That’s when a cop-named-defendent in the lawsuit came up and swept Llamas’ leg and then forced the 67-year-old diabetic man on dialysis into handcuffs.

Llamas informed them he was in pain, but his pleas went ignored as cops restrained him in the back of a police cruisers for about 15 minutes, which could raise Terry stop issues if the police didn’t have reasonable suspicion he committed crime when they detained him.

In a conversation with PINAC, Llamas’ attorney, Humberto Guizar implied his client may have been profiled as an illegal drug user.

“Police were there because of a call by someone saying there was a man with a gun. My client did not have a gun. They saw him injecting himself and they assumed he was a drug addict. That is why they attacked him.”

Guizar’s lawsuit argues Long Beach police deprived his client’s rights to be free from state action so badly it would ‘shock the conscience under the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause’ and also alleges violations of the Fourth Amendment, failures to develop appropriate training policy, and excessive force.

The suit also states that the officers witnessing the attack with “deliberate indifference,” refusing to do anything to prevent it should be held liable as well.

The officers released Llamas from the police car after realizing he had committed no crime, but never offered him medical attention or even an offer to call an ambulance.

Llamas seeks to recover for damages due to the unreasonable search and seizure, excessive force, denial of medical care, assault and battery, constitutional violations, and municipal liability.

And an apology might be nice, too.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2996 on: June 28, 2016, 09:01:21 PM »
Armed and dangerous criminal gangs attacking people.

California Cops Savagely Beat Teen For Recording Police, Caught in Massive Cover Up

Three California cops were caught on camera in a one-minute video (seen below) giving a 16-year old a devastating beating, cracking his legs with a baton and threatening the young man with a taser.

Three Pomona Police officers beat teenager Christian Aguilar into submission at the Los Angeles County Fair when he recorded them arresting his family.

Now the teenager and his family are suing six named cops and the Pomona Police Department, and the City of Pomona and Los Angeles County for a seven-part civil rights claim which you can see below.

His only crime: recording the police.

Then, Pomona Police officers arrested Robert Hansen, the man who recorded them beating the teenager too.

They illegally seized and searched Hanson’s phone.

And charged him with bogus offenses.

Finally, California cops tried to cover their tracks, and maliciously prosecuted everyone involved.

All charges were dropped against the teen, and his family.

After all of that hard work, the Pomona Police delivered a coup de main: they edited Robert Hanson’s video of the arrest of Christian Aguilar and gave the video to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office.

All of the officers lied in their official reports too.

They only charged the teenager Aguilar with resisting arrest, which itself isn’t a crime if there is no criminal accusation against a person, and the Los Angeles Sheriff’s department kept him housed in the adult population despite his protestation of juvenile status.

“In the criminal trial, after watching the officers’ explanations of the discrepancies between the full video and their police reports unravel during cross examination,” says family lawyer David Gammill, of the Los Angeles based Geragos Law Firm, and that, “The judge dismissed Christian’s criminal case before the defense ever had to call a single witness.”

The officers had just arrested his father Ignacio Aguilar Jr. and cousin, accusing them of public intoxication and Christian Ignacio decided to record the officers from 30 feet away.

Aguilar’s brother, Ignacio Aguilar IV, was also taken to the ground, and physically detained by the police for yelling as his family’s civil rights were violated one at a time.

Ignacio Aguilar IV was a junior officer at the Pomona Police Department at the time of the incident.

Luckily, another citizen – Robert Hanson, the “neutral third party” – whipped out their cellphone and recorded the entire shocking police brutality incident started by Pomona Officer Jensen.

As is clear in the video, Aguilar didn’t ever challenge the first officer on the scene’s use of inappropriate force, when Officer Jensen smashed his head into a fence  – instead putting his hands at his sides and thrusting his chin forward in a posture of frustrated readiness.

Officer Jensen thrust his forearm into Aguilar’s face twice at maximum thrust, before Pomona Officers Hutchinson and Correa arrived.

Hutchinson thoughtfully held the teenager along with Jensen, and that’s when Pomona Officer landed a devastating blow, with his long black baton to Christian Aguilar’s knee, sending the teenager to the ground.

As the three grown men beat the teenager, another Pomona Officer came over an discharged his taser near the teen to strike terror.

There’s no other reason to deploy a weapon in that manner.

Eventually, at least seven cops responded to the call.

Five of them hovered over the beaten Aguilar, as two kept a perimeter.

The video ends as a police officer asks Hanson for his name in a familiar scene, where police seek to claim that photography is somehow a crime enabling them to illegally demand identification.

Photography is not a crime, it’s a First Amendment protected right.

Surely, the taxpayers of Pomona will be forced to cough up big bucks, and we still haven’t seen a single officer named below in this lawsuit charged with any crime for beating a teenager, and arresting him for recording the police.

According to the Geragos firm, Ignacio Aguilar was a highly regarded cardiac nurse and was forced out of his job by the slanderous allegations. Christian Aguilar’s mother Eraine Aguilar has been in law enforcement since 2001 and was sickened by the conduct of Pomona PD.

The family lawyers claim that Eraine Aguilar was actually intimidated by Pomona PD when she wanted to complain, and Pomona PD told that Christian could not have a lawyer if he wanted to make a complaint when he was arrested..

But now, a federal court will settle the matter, and maybe, just maybe the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office will think twice about any evidence put forth by the rotten barrel California residents call the Pomona Police Department.

Because the Pomona police department crossed the line, from law enforcement to thugs.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2997 on: June 29, 2016, 04:30:23 AM »


I-TEAM EXCLUSIVE: Woman at center of OPD scandal speaks out
There's new info in the Oakland police sex scandal -- the woman at the center of it all is telling it all. In an exclusive in-depth interview with I-Team reporter Dan Noyes, Celeste Guap reveals how and why she started having sex with an Oakland police officer at just 16. (KGO-TV)
By Dan Noyes
Monday, June 27, 2016 06:39PM

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- The ABC7 News I-Team has exclusive new information from an interview with the 18-year-old woman at the center of the Oakland police sex scandal. It has spread to more law enforcement agencies, with the latest, Livermore police. It's a story you'll see only on ABC7 News.

RELATED: I-TEAM EXCLUSIVE: Cop's murder played role in Oakland police sex scandal

The scandal is growing. At this point, dozens of careers are on the line. Officers, sergeants, and captains are under investigation for having sex with a young prostitute; several incidents when she was underage.

In many ways, Celeste Guap is a typical teenager, concerned about her appearance for our interview.

Celeste: "I don't have lipstick on."
Dan: "That's alright. Go ahead."
Celeste: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Dan: That's okay."

But, she has seen more in her 18 years than anyone should in a lifetime. Meet Celeste Guap -- that's not her real name.

Celeste: "Guap means money."
Dan: "Guap means money?"
Celeste: "Yeah, it's slang, like street for money."

Even though her mother holds a good job as an Oakland police dispatcher, Celeste was exposed to drugs and prostitution growing up in Richmond, and then decided to hit the streets herself.

Dan: "Can you tell me at what age you actually took money for sex?"
Celeste: "I was 12 the first time."

Celeste tells me she now works an Oakland street corner, and finds clients on social media.

Celeste says she was 16 when she had sex with her first officer, an Oakland cop, who was her mother's friend.

RELATED: I-TEAM EXCLUSIVE: Secrets to what sparked OPD sex scandal revealed

"And he would tell me, he be like, 'Hurry up and turn, hurry up and turn 18,'" she said. "But I talked him into it. I feel guilty because he was trying to do the right thing."

Celeste tells me two more OPD officers had sex with her when she was underage, as did a Contra Costa Sheriff's deputy. She says the officers told their friends.

Celeste: "I would get texts, you know."
Dan: "Saying what?"
Celeste: "Yeah, 'I'm an Oakland cop, too.' And straight up, they just be like, 'My friend blah blah blah told me about you.'"
Dan: "And you would meet after that?"
Celeste: "Yeah."

Celeste says she slept with "more than 30" in all -- street cops, sergeants, captains, even a police dog handler.

"So I wanted to meet his canine, he did," she said. "There's this one time we did it in the car and he had his canine watching us from the backseat."

RELATED: I-TEAM EXCLUSIVE: Raising questions about Bay Area police sex scandal investigation

Celeste tells me investigators have interviewed her and copied everything on her phone -- texts and chats with officers, even photos of them having sex.

Here's how the police sex scandal is spreading. According to Celeste, it involves:

16 officers from the Oakland Police Department
6 Richmond police officers
4 Alameda County Sheriff's deputies
3 San Francisco cops
1 Contra Costa Sheriff's deputy
1 Livermore cop
1 police officer from the U.S. Military's Defense Logistics Agency, who contacted Celeste after the scandal erupted

It was just a coincidence that the Richmond park I chose for the interview was the same place many cops took her for sex.
Celeste: "Three out of all the 30 paid me."
Dan: "Only three out of the 30."
Celeste: "Yeah, yeah."
Dan: "Why did you have sex with the other ones who didn't pay you?"
Celeste: "I don't know, I just look at them like information. Their perks become your perks, you know."

Celeste showed me texts in which officers appear to tip her off to police operations. One exchange from this past March with a cop she nicknamed "Superman" reads, "Want some advice?" Celeste answered, "Tell me handsome." The response was, "Stay off E14 from Fruitvale to 42 tonight. There's a uc (or undercover) operation."

Celeste also tells me on at least 10 occasions, officers provided police reports or inside information on criminal cases for her and her friends.

And now, she's trying to protect those officers, by refusing to turn over their names.

Celeste: "Even OPD is mad at me because I won't give them everybody, but..."
Dan: "But do you think they're standing up for you in any way?"
Celeste: "No, they all turned their back on me."
Dan: "Yet, you won't give up all the names?"
Celeste: "No."

All this would have remained a secret if an officer had answered a single phone call Celeste placed. Click here for that story.

At least seven law enforcement agencies have launched investigations, but the Alameda County Sheriff is done. They tell me they cleared four deputies who had sex with Celeste, because it was consensual, no one paid, and she was 18 at the time. We'll have more on that in the coming days.

Click here for more stories and videos by Dan Noyes and the I-Team.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2998 on: July 03, 2016, 02:08:00 AM »
Disabled Teen Beaten Bloody By TSA Agents After Intrusive Search Confused and Frightened Her

MEMPHIS, TN – A special needs teenager returning home from a brain tumor treatment at St. Jude Hospital was left battered, bloodied and in jail  after an encounter with TSA agents at a security checkpoint.

It’s a trip they’ve made for 17-years, according to the teen’s mother Shirley Cohen, but this one was unlike any they had experienced before – and hopefully never have to experience again.

Upon arriving at the security checkpoint with her mother, Hannah Cohen, 19, set off a metal detector and was identified for further screening by TSA agents.

“They wanted to do further scanning, she was reluctant, she didn’t understand what they were about to do,” said her mother, Shirley Cohen.

Shirley Cohen, upon realizing her daughter’s confusion at the situation, attempted to tell the TSA agents that her daughter is partially deaf, blind in one eye, paralyzed, and easily confused. However, police restrained her from doing so, as she was kept away from the TSA agents, according to WREG 3.

The frightened and confused disabled teen – not understanding what was transpiring due to her disabilities – attempted to flee. She was violently taken to the ground, causing the young woman, who had just finished a brain tumor treatment, to hit her head on the ground.

“She’s trying to get away from them, but in the next instant, one of them had her down on the ground and hit her head on the floor,” Shirley Cohen said. “There was blood everywhere.”

The young woman, who should have been celebrating the end of her treatment at St. Jude, was ultimately taken from Memphis International Airport in handcuffs. Terrified and bloodied, she was arrested and booked into jail for the night.

“Here we were with nowhere to go, not even a toothbrush, our bags had gone to Chattanooga,” said Shirley Cohen.

While all charges against Hanna Cohen were subsequently dismissed, the family has filed a lawsuit against the Memphis International Airport, Transportation Security Administration and the Memphis Airport Police.

The organizations have refused to comment due to pending litigation, but Sari Koshetz of the TSA released a statement that said, “Passengers can call ahead of time to learn more about the screening process for their particular needs or medical situation.”

Shirley Cohen can’t believe that her daughter had to needlessly go through such a traumatic experience after having already been through so much in her 19-years.
“She’s 19 but she’ll always be my baby. We’ve been through so much.”

This type of reckless behavior is indicative of a system that emphasizes protocol over common sense. Had anyone simply taken the time to listen to the girl’s mother as she attempted to inform the TSA agents of her daughter’s disabilities all of this could have been avoided.

Therein lies the true problem with the ever-growing security state in the United States – if you only have a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2999 on: July 03, 2016, 08:38:13 PM »
Organized criminal gangs of armed rapists attacking innocent people.

Cops Charged with Official Oppression for Publicly Raping Woman after They “Smelled Marijuana”

Houston, TX — Charnesia Corley was on her way to the store to get medicine for her sick mother last June when she was detained by police for allegedly running a stop sign. Within minutes, this routine traffic stop turned into a waking nightmare as cops publicly raped her in search of a plant.

According to her lawyer, Sam Cammack, the charges were all eventually dropped and there never was any marijuana.

Corley hired Cammack in an ongoing civil case against Harris County for the despicable violations perpetrated by public servants.

As a result of an investigation by the Civil Rights Division of the Harris County District Attorney’s office into the incident, two of the three officers involved have been charged with Official Oppression, a Class A misdemeanor. The defendants, Ronaldine Pierre (33) and William Strong (36), could face up to a year in jail — a ridiculously insignificant punishment for such a gruesome crime.

Both of the rapist deputies have kept their jobs in spite of the charges. However, they have been moved to civilian duties pending the outcome of their cases.

According to the Harris County Sheriff’s Department, the deputy who pulled Corley over asked her to step out of the vehicle after “smelling what he believed to be marijuana.”

However, during a search of Corley’s vehicle, without her consent, no illegal plants were found. But this sadistic cop wasn’t done just yet. He knew deep down that this woman’s story about getting medicine for her mother was a lie, and she must have been smuggling this evil plant inside her body somewhere. The deputy then handcuffed Corley and placed her into the back of his cruiser.

Being a male, the deputy felt that it would be in poor taste to penetrate this woman’s bodily orifices himself, so he called a female deputy over to conduct the public roadside rape in a politically correct fashion.
Upon arriving, the female deputy ordered the handcuffed woman out of the car and into the parking lot.

“She tells me to pull my pants down. I said, ‘Ma’am, I don’t have any underwear on.’ She says, ‘Well, that doesn’t matter. Pull your pants down,'” Corley said.

Because Corley didn’t immediately prostrate herself to be vaginally raped by a peace officer’s appendages in search of an illegal plant, the deputy charged her with resisting arrest.

In spite of her verbal protests, Corley was then stripped down in public and forcefully penetrated by this public servant — in the best interests of society, no doubt.

“I bend over and she proceeds to try to force her hand inside of me. I tell her, ‘Ma’am, No. You cannot do this,'” Corley explained.

Corley maintains that at no time did she ever consent to be raped by deputies.

According to Harris County Sheriff’s spokesperson, Thomas Gilleland, this stop was justified and the department did everything by the book. According to deputies, the rapist cops recovered .02 ounces of a plant which they consider to be evil. However, as Corley’s attorney pointed out — there was never any marijuana.

Even if Corley had been carrying hundreds of pounds of marijuana, the act of penetrating her vaginally is horrifically unjustified and immoral. Corley had caused harm to no one. She was merely driving to get medicine for her mother when she was detained and held under the threat of death and raped by agents of the state who claim to protect the citizens.

Who is “served” by the actions of these officers? Who exactly are the police “protecting” by publicly humiliating and sexually assaulting this poor woman in a gas station parking lot?

“It’s undeniable that the search is unconstitutional,” said Cammack. However, it is far worse than “unconstitutional.” It is evil. It is atrocious. It is depraved.

The vileness of the state’s wicked and immoral war on drugs is rearing it repugnant face. When will the rest of society see that face and wake up to this atrocity? When will the people say “enough is enough,” and that finger raping innocent people on the roadside in search of a plant that’s legal in 5 states is no longer welcome in our culture?

Please share this article with your friends and family to help wake them up to this very real American Horror Story.