Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1017272 times)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3200 on: November 23, 2016, 11:50:52 AM »
Cops Taze Disabled Woman For Filming Daughter’s Arrest Until She Falls From Her Wheelchair

Harris County, TX – Caught on video deploying a Taser against a mother in a wheelchair simply recording her daughter’s arrest, several deputies from the Harris County Sheriff’s Office are under an internal affairs investigation for needlessly attacking the disabled woman. Instead of treating her like a human being, the deputies can clearly be seen grabbing her cellphone and throwing it away before tasing the disabled woman until she collapsed out of her wheelchair.

Last Wednesday, 36-year-old Sheketha Holman arrived at a Valero gas station in northwest Houston after discovering her daughter was under arrest for marijuana possession and criminal mischief. A surveillance camera recorded Holman in her wheelchair as she filmed her daughter’s arrest with her cellphone camera.

“I was taking pictures of them, and he was like, ‘Just leave the property, you’re trespassing. They don’t want you here,’” Holman told KHOU.
“I was like, ‘I’m trying to leave. I can’t take off running, but I’m trying to leave,’” Holman recalled. “‘Oh, you’re resisting?’ I was like, ‘I’m not resisting.’ That’s when I had my hands up like this.”

Despite the fact that Holman appears non-threatening in the video, a deputy can be seen abruptly snatching the phone out her hand before immediately tossing it away. Instead of using her cellphone footage as potential evidence against Holman or her daughter, the deputy appears to be obstructing justice by attempting to destroy evidence during an open investigation.

Ironically wearing a shirt with the words “Love, Love, Love” written across the front, Holman’s body suddenly seized up before falling out of her wheelchair and collapsing to the pavement when a deputy deployed a Taser against her. After repeatedly telling deputies that she was physically unable to comfortably place both arms behind her injured back, Holman dropped to the ground as deputies ignored her medical concerns.

Due to several years of severe back injuries, including back surgery and a hit-and-run accident, Holman relies upon a wheelchair and cannot understand why the arresting deputies felt excessive force was necessary against a disabled woman posing no actual threat.

“When I came to, I was like face down or whatever, and my leg was underneath me,” Holamn remembered. “They still was tasing me, man. That’s wrong.”
Charged with resisting arrest and trespassing, Holman is scheduled to return to court next month.

In response to the newly released surveillance video, the sheriff’s office recently released the following statement:
“The Harris County Sheriff’s Office has an open Internal Affairs incident report. It is currently being investigated by IAD personnel. When the investigation is complete, if any policies and procedures were violated, then disciplinary actions will be implemented. These actions may be suspension and or termination.”

In a recent interview with ABC13, Holman asserted, “I feel like [the officers] used the law to abuse a disabled person who can’t fight back. I think they should be punished.”

None of the deputies involved in Holman’s unnecessarily violent arrest have yet been identified or indicted.



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3201 on: November 23, 2016, 11:58:55 PM »
Lock him up for 15 years and sodomize him daily.

Texas Jailer Arrested for Thrusting Baton into Inmate’s Anus Multiple Times

A Texas jailer was arrested and fired after he tried to wake up an inmate for fingerprints and a mugshot by thrusting a baton into his anus, according to a criminal complaint.

It was such a egregious act, several  jailers who witnessed the assault gave sworn statements against their fellow detention officer, 32-year-old Michael David Hinojosa of Mercedes, confirming the inmate’s story.

One jailer “confirmed that he observed Detention Officer Michael Hinojosa push his ASP baton into [the inmate’s] anus four to five times.”

Investigators with the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Officer arrested Hinojosa on Monday, charging him with improper sexual activity with a person in custody, a state jail felony.

Sheriff Eddie Guerra issued a public statement about the assault Monday night saying he was “disappointed”, but promised to investigate the matter and to take necessary actions preserve the public’s confidence and trust in the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office.

As your Hidalgo County Sheriff, I oversee hundreds of deputies, detention officers and employees everyday, of whom I hold to high standards of police distinction and excellence. I do this because I truly believe that as public servants, we must maintain accountability and trust from the people we serve, to continue the mission of public safety. I am greatly disappointed and concerned, over the actions of one of my detention officers that does not reflect our office’s commitment to these high standards.

After learning of a use of force incident between Detention Officer Michael Hinojosa, and an inmate at our adult detention center, I initiated an internal investigation which revealed violation of protocols, policies and Texas state law. I have since terminated Hinojosa’s employment from the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office, and also filed criminal charges against him for Violation of Civil Rights of Person In Custody.

I stand behind my promise that I am committed to restoring and preserving the public’s confidence and trust in the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office. We will continue to investigate all allegations of employee misconduct, and I will take the necessary and appropriate actions to maintain accountability and transparency to you, the citizens we serve.

Hinojoas was released at 10:55 p.m. Monday after being booked into the Hidalgo County Jail at 10:07 p.m.

He was unavailable for comment.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3202 on: November 24, 2016, 08:55:39 AM »
If a drunk citizen started firing at cops, he would most likely be dead now and we'd hear about the mythical "war on cops". If a drunk cops shoots at citizens, she can just resign.

Drunk Florida Cop who Claimed She was Targeted in Drive-by Shooting Resigns after Investigation Shows She Lied

A Florida cop who claimed she was shot at in a drive-by shooting while walking her dog, forcing her to return fire on the suspects, resigned last week after an internal affairs investigation determined she was drunk and lied about what happened.

Daytona Beach police officer Michelle Smith’s lies became evident to investigators when her victims provided them with three Snapchat videos that depict her as the aggressor.

In her resignation letter, Smith wrote that she was humiliated and treated unfairly during the investigation, according to WFTV.

Smith told investigators a group of suspects occupying two vehicles began challenging her to fight, so she called over her pit bull. She claimed at that point both cars sped off and shot at her as they fled and that she only fired back to protect herself.

Smith claimed she spotted the two cars near her apartment complex and determined  a drug deal was taking place on September 8 around 3 a.m. after she returned home from a night out partying with friends.

That’s when she said the cars began following  her and the people inside began egging her on to fight.

Investigators discovered not only was officer Smith’s story a lie, but that she was the one who instigated the confrontation, then fired shots at six people in two cars while intoxicated and without any provocation from the victims she confronted in the car.

The witnesses told police investigators they were at the apartment looking for a lost set of keys when Smith approached while walking her dog. When a male passenger asked Smith if she was security, she did not reply.

Officer Smith tied her dog to a tree, then approached and began asking questions indicating she wanted to fight.

One Snapchat video taken of the confrontation shows Smith challenging the group to a physical altercation, saying she wants to “wrap them up,” which means to fight.

Smith can be heard asking a group if they lived at her apartment complex. When a man says they don’t  have to answer, Smith replies, “You don’t, but watch when I wrap you all up….”

A woman in the car interpreted that to mean officer Smith wanted to fight. Another passenger who witnessed the confrontation told investigators that officer Smith pointed her gun at two of the men.

Smith described the two as a gray Ford Taurus and a red “long four-door”, similar to the older model Grand Marquis that police drove.

Officer Smith stated shots were fired at her from the red car and gave investigators a fake license plate number. But it turned out the “red car” was a two-door Chevy Camaro, similar to the one she admitted her fiancé drives that she also admitted she could distinguish between a Grand Marquis.

“They look nothing alike,” Smith told investigators.

Department violations against Smith include unauthorized use of deadly force, unlawful conduct and department morale.

She was reportedly unavailable for comment.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3203 on: November 24, 2016, 11:11:41 AM »
When will these violent and armed terrorists be held accountable for their actions?

Innocent 58yo Man Raided by SWAT, Assaulted, Flashbanged, Kidnapped for 3 Days for ‘Welfare Check’

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — (Rutherford Institute) Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have identified eight members of a tactical police squad in an amended complaint to a lawsuit against Virginia police over a “welfare check” on a 58-year-old man that resulted in a two-hour, SWAT team-style raid on the man’s truck and a 72-hour mental health hold.

In documents filed with the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia, Rutherford Institute attorneys named specific members of the Albemarle County Police Department tactical team who were previously identified only as “John Does” because of the County’s resistance to Freedom of Information Act requests. As the November 2015 lawsuit makes clear, despite the fact that police acknowledged they had no legal basis nor probable cause for detaining Benjamin Burruss, given that he had not threatened to harm anyone, was not suspected of any criminal activity, and was not mentally ill, a police tactical team confronted Burruss, surrounded his truck, deployed a “stinger” device behind the rear tires, launched a flash grenade, smashed the side window in order to drag him from the truck, handcuffed and searched him, and transported him to a local hospital for a psychiatric evaluation and mental health hold. Affiliate attorney Michael Winget-Hernandez is assisting The Rutherford Institute with the lawsuit, which charges police with violating the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments as well as state law.

“This is just one more example of how a relatively benign situation (a routine welfare check) gets escalated into something far more violent and dangerous through the use of militarized police, armed to the teeth and trained to react combatively,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “The unnecessary use of force by police officers in response to a situation that should have—and could have—been handled non-confrontationally did not, in this instance, result in a loss of life, but that is small consolation to those who have learned to tread cautiously in their interactions with police.”

According to the complaint, on Nov. 21, 2013, Albemarle County police officers were asked to conduct a “welfare check” on Benjamin Burruss by his employer. Police confronted Burruss as he was leaving the Comfort Inn and preparing to leave for a hunting trip to Montana. Burruss informed officers that he was fine, had no plans to hurt anyone, and just needed time to think through things, hence the trip to Montana. For two hours, officers persisted in asking Burruss to exit his truck and speak with them, with Burruss continuing to reiterate that he had no intention of harming himself or others and just wanted to be left alone and allowed to go on his hunting trip. During this time, police deployed a “stinger” device behind Burruss’s truck. Police also surrounded Burruss’s truck with their squad cars, blocking his exit. The officer speaking with Burruss informed the other officers that they had no reason to hold Burruss because he had not threatened to harm anyone and he was not mentally ill. Nevertheless, a tactical team of heavily-armed police launched a flash grenade at Burruss’ truck, smashed the driver-side window, dragged Burruss out by his arms, handcuffed, searched and arrested him. Burruss was forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and locked up under a mental health hold.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3204 on: November 28, 2016, 04:17:07 PM »
Massachusetts Cop Married to Police Chief Rapes Inmate in Closet

What happens in the closet stays in the closet, right?

At least that’s what a Massachusetts cop was hoping for when he forced a drunk, naked inmate into a closet and performed oral sex on him before raping him on Halloween night.

Salem police officer Brian Butler, 56, said he simply “gave into temptation.” And insists the sex act between him and the 28-year-old man was consensual.

Considering he is married to the department’s police chief, he should be protected, right?

Except there’s video.

Police say a surveillance video confirms the victim’s allegations against Butler, which led to his arrest by Massachusetts State Police on November 8.

Butler, who has since resigned, was charged with rape, indecent assault and battery and is facing 20 years in prison. He was released on a $10,000 bond.

His wife of 29 years, the department’s first female police chief who took over last year, was so shocked and disheartened over her husband’s excursions that she took vacation time off immediately after his arrest.

Salem Police Chief Mary Butler, who has since returned to duty, said the department should not be judged by the actions of her husband.

“The alleged actions of one person shouldn’t reflect badly upon the department and the officers that are working very diligently every day to do their job,” she said.

According to the Boston Globe:

In a police report filed in court, authorities wrote that Salem police went to the Clipper Ship Inn on Bridge Street at about 3:07 a.m. on Oct. 31, where they found an intoxicated man wearing “soaking wet” clothing because he had flooded his motel room.

The man was taken into protective custody and driven to the police station, where he removed his clothes and fell asleep in a holding cell. Between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., the man was lying naked in his cell when Butler asked if he could do anything to help him. The man asked for a blanket, which Butler provided.

He also asked to use the telephone, and while standing outside the cell, Butler allegedly placed his hand around the man’s hip in a suggestive manner, asked whether he could touch the man’s genitals, and molested him, the report said.

“He asked if it was, ‘OK’ and I said, ‘Yes’ out of fear,” the man wrote in a statement. He contacted police with his accusations Nov. 5.

After the man finished using the phone, he said, Butler took him to a broom closet near the booking room and cells and asked to perform oral sex on him, according to the statement.

“In fear, I said, ‘Yes,’ ” the man wrote in a statement.

The man told investigators Butler raped him in the closet, Essex Assistant District Attorney A.J. Camelio said in court.

The victim, whose name has not been released, filed a complaint on November 5. The investigation was handed over to the Massachusetts State Police on November 8 and arraigned him the following day in Salem District Court. It was not until two days later that Butler finally resigned.

When a police captain confronted Officer Butler about the sexual assault, Butler confessed saying:

“I am embarrassed and I gave into temptation. I’ve embarrassed myself, my family and the police department, I’ve ruined a 24-year career.”

His wife, Chief Mary Butler, released the following statement pertaining to her husbands illicit activity:

“Though I will not get into any discussions about the incident, know that in all matters, regardless of who is involved, we must always put our integrity and the service to the public above all as it reflects on the solid reputation this Department has worked so hard to build and maintain.”

Butler has pleaded not guilty even though he admitted guilt in a statement.

PINAC reported on how a Louisiana police chief forced a woman to perform oral sex on him.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3205 on: November 28, 2016, 04:20:37 PM »
What would happen to a citizen who abused a police dog? (nevermind the alleged sexual assaults)

Cop Sexually Assaults Multiple Women, Beats Own K9 on Video, Found Guilty — Gets Job Back

Ramsey Co., MN — In April of this year, Ramsey County Deputy, Brett Arthur Berry was fired after he was charged and convicted of assaulting a public safety dog and animal cruelty for severely beating his dog at a K9 training seminar. In spite of being found guilty and being sentenced to a year of probation, this ‘model cop’ was quietly rehired earlier this month.

In June of 2015, surveillance footage from the Black Bear Casino in Carlton, where the seminar took place, captured this sadistic officer as he beat, strangled, and hurled his K9 partner to the ground.
In spite of the video evidence showing his cruel behavior, Berry was allowed to keep his job for almost an entire year after the incident and wasn’t fired until April 2016 — months after he’d already been sentenced.
However, last month, an arbitrator overruled the sheriff’s office’s attempt to fire him for the conduct and forced the department to take back this dog beating cop.

“These kinds of incidents tarnish the badge,” Ramsey County Chief Deputy Jack Serier said of Berry’s behavior, apparently unable to fight the decision of the arbitrator. “It’s very much a difficult situation.”
“There are times when someone does something so egregious that you have no choice but to take very harsh discipline,” Serier said.

However, state arbitrator, Gil Vernon disagrees.
According to the Pioneer Press, in his decision, Vernon wrote that the sheriff’s office did not sufficiently consider mitigating factors in reaching its decision, including Berry’s low risk for future misconduct. He also noted that Berry had taken responsibility for his actions, had a nearly 20-year incident-free employment record, and had sought alcohol abuse treatment.

After Vernon rationalized the dog beating, Serier gave in, and in a glaring example of cognitive dissonance, he rehired the deputy, noting, “the arbitrator in his case has ruled and (now) it is our responsibility to ensure that Deputy Berry serves the citizens of Ramsey County with honor, truth, respect and responsibility.”

Imagine if you are a civilian and you beat one of your coworkers on video, are charged for it, get convicted of it, and get fired for it, and some higher-up comes down and says to your boss, “hire him back.” Would this be a rational decision?
However, if you are a public servant and your ostensible duty is to protect society — it is totally okay to be convicted of a heinous act of animal cruelty and get your job back.

This decision also completely ignores the sexual assault that took place inside the Casino, before Berry beat his dog. Buried in an internal investigation of the deputy during the time, and not made public until last week, are the details of Berry’s drunken sexual assaults inside the casino bar. According to the Star Tribune:

Ramsey County sheriff’s deputy Brett A. Berry forcibly kissed and groped patrons at the Black Bear Casino before beating his K-9 partner in frustration several minutes later, according to documents released Tuesday.
An internal affairs investigation into Berry’s actions on June 15, 2015, said that he acted in an “aggressive manner” toward three people while drinking at the casino’s Cobalt lounge in Carlton, Minn.
“His conduct in the Cobalt Lounge toward [redacted] patrons was disrespectful,” said the investigation report. “He agreed that his conduct … was inappropriate.”

During the investigation and since the incident, none of these details were released. Not until he was already hired back did the public find out that Berry was not only a dog abuser — but also a sexual predator.
Luckily for the 7-year-old German shepherd, Boone, his abuser will not be allowed near him, nor any other dogs for that matter.

Sadly, this is the second officer to be caught on camera abusing their K-9 partner. The Free Thought Project broke the story of a Hammond, IN police officer who was fired after cell phone footage caught him suspending his dog by the neck.

One of the known warning signs of certain psychopathologies, including antisocial personality disorder, also known as psychopathic personality disorder, is a history of torturing pets and small animals, a behavior known as zoosadism.
According to the New York Times, “the FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appears in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers, and the standard diagnostic and treatment manual for psychiatric and emotional disorders lists cruelty to animals a diagnostic criterion for conduct disorders.
“A survey of psychiatric patients who had repeatedly tortured dogs and cats found all of them had high levels of aggression toward people as well, including one patient who had murdered a young boy.”



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3206 on: November 28, 2016, 04:26:32 PM »
Remember this case? Once again the citizens paying the bill for this pig who killed a young man (and of course the rest of his criminal gang tried to cover up for their goon).

Missouri Pays $9 Million Settlement to Family of Brandon Ellingson, Man who Drowned while Handcuffed in Custody of Police

The family of a man who fell off a police boat while handcuffed and allowed to drown by the Missouri state trooper operating the boat will receive a $9 million settlement, attorneys announced Thursday.

And there is still a chance the cop will be convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Brandon Ellingson, a 20-year-old college student from Iowa who had been arrested for boating while intoxicated.

Missouri Highway Patrol officer Anthony Piercy is scheduled for a hearing Monday for his upcoming trial.

The only reason the case came this far is because of another Missouri Highway Patrol officer named Randy Henry, who blew the whistle, only to face retaliation from his superiors. The sergeant was forced into retirement last year, ending a 29-year career.

According to the Kansas City Star:

A spokesman for the patrol released a statement to The Star Thursday morning.

“The mission of the Missouri State Highway Patrol is to serve and protect all people, and any loss of life is a tragedy,” said Capt. John Hotz. “With this case now settled through the court system, the patrol will have no additional comment on this matter.”

The Missouri attorney general’s office, which represented the agency and troopers, did not immediately return requests for comment.

The Ellingson family — his parents and older sister Jennifer — filed the lawsuit in federal court on Dec. 5, 2014, two days before Brandon would have turned 21. The suit initially named the patrol and several top commanders and troopers, as well as Piercy, who stopped Ellingson on May 31, 2014 for boating while intoxicated.

Piercy’s actions and inactions that day caused Ellingson’s death, according to the lawsuit. The state and patrol were also responsible, the suit alleged, because of a lack of training for troopers after the 2011 merger of the Missouri Water Patrol into the Highway Patrol.

As the civil case played out in federal court, the judge dismissed several counts and claims against multiple defendants. Only three counts — including conspiracy and negligence — remained, all against Piercy.

The incident took place on May 31, 2014 when Piercy arrested Ellingson for boating while intoxicated at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Piercy, having spent years as a patrol officer on the highways, was not properly trained to operate a boat with a person in custody as a result of a 2011 merger between the Missouri Highway Patrol and the Missouri Water Patrol that was not followed up by proper training.

After handcuffing Ellingson and placing him in the boat, he slipped a life jacket over his body, which made it impossible for him arms to be placed through the sleeves.

Obviously, even the most fundamental tasks that should take basic common sense cannot be performed by cops without specialized training.

Piercy then throttled the boat to 46 mph, striking a wave, which caused Ellingson to fall into the water.

Once in the water, the life vest slipped off, leaving Ellingson unable to swim because he was handcuffed.

Piercy, meanwhile, hesitated to jump into the water to save him, and when he eventually did, it was too late.

The Missouri Highway Patrol then tried to coverup for Piercy, which was when Sergeant Henry blew the whistle, leading to the department to suspend him.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3207 on: November 29, 2016, 06:56:09 PM »
The heads of a criminal organization stealing from their own members and goons. Hard to find any victims here.

Idaho Police Union President and Wife Arrested for Heist on Police Union Lodge

A picture posted to Facebook on March 13 shows a former Idaho police union president and his wife eating well after tens of thousands of dollars were discovered missing from a Boise police union lodge.

The money was discovered missing in January, which was when Boise police officer Mark Furniss was asked to step down as union president. His wife, Sara, who was office manager for the union lodge, also stepped down.

On Friday, they were both charged with grand theft and booked into the Ada County jail by Meridian police, accused of stealing the money from Fraternal Order of Police Valley Lodge #11.

Both have since been released on bond.

Police haven’t release the amount of money allegedly stolen by the duo, but current union president, Joe Andreoli, said tens of thousands of dollars that went missing were ultimately linked to the couple.

Andreoli said that about a dozen new processes were put into place after the investigators made the discovers in order to protect union members from theft in the future.

The group says it now conducts quarterly audits of its finances plus an annual audit by an outside firm. Now all expenditures made by the union will go through a voucher process that requires signatures from two board members.

In January, after discovering the theft, the evidence Boise internal investigators used to come to their finding was handed over to the Meridian Police Department and the Boise Police Department’s Internal Affairs office.

Boise and Meridian police turned the investigation over to Nampa police over concerns about conflict of interest.

Mark Furniss previously worked for the Garden City Police Department after being hired from the Ada County Jail.

Mark and Sara Furniss are scheduled for their first court appearance on December 5.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3208 on: December 01, 2016, 12:38:39 PM »
Cops Get Off Scot Free Despite Shattering Handcuffed Man’s Face, Cracking His Skull On Video

Las Cruces, NM — Two Las Cruces cops were caught on video, severely beating a handcuffed man, and they will face no consequences for their crimes. The victim, Ross Flynn was in jail for being accused of pulling a gun on his neighbor — a crime of which later he’d be found not guilty.

Flynn was beaten so badly that he suffered several broken facial bones and a cracked skull.

When video of this incident surfaced, the officers weren’t immediately fired. It took an ‘investigation’ lasting over 5-months before they were relieved of duty. Now, however, nearly two years after the assault, the District Attorney’s office announced that they will not be pursuing the aggravated battery charges against former officers Richard Garcia and Danny Salcido — so they can likely get their jobs back.
In a clear display of America’s broken justice system, a defunct prosecution, along with the Attorney General came to the decision not to try the officers after Garcia’s first trial was declared a mistrial.

According to ABC7:

Court documents obtained by ABC-7 state the prosecution and the Attorney General’s office came to a joint decision that because a majority of the jurors believed Garcia was not guilty the first time around, they didn’t believe the outcome would be different a second time around.

“The evidence against Danny Salcido is virtually the same as was presented in the trial of Richard Garcia. Given the nature of the evidence, the State is unable to reasonably expect a different result,” the filing states.

In layman’s terms, because the system was broken for Garcia, they let off Salcido as they believe the system will likely be broken for him too.
“I think that makes them look horrible, they shouldn’t let him be abused like that and let the cops get off,” one resident told ABC7.
“Just unacceptable, I’m really mad at that,” another resident said.
According to online court records, as reported by Las Cruces Sun-News, Salcido’s jury trial was scheduled to begin Dec. 5 with Macias presiding. The charges were dismissed without prejudice, which means they can be refiled in the future.

There is now no chance for justice.

The incident began as officers attempted to arrest Flynn over false charges that he’d pointed a gun at a neighbor. When police attempted to bring him in, he resisted as he felt he’d done nothing wrong.
For resisting, he was tasered and taken to LCPD headquarters. Because of back pain, Flynn was outfitted with a belly chain, so his hands were cuffed in the front to his waist.
When Garcia and Salcido entered the cell after Flynn appeared to kick the door, they began to assault the entirely defenseless man. The beating would last over a minute as the officers threw the handcuffed Flynn around like a ragdoll.

As we reported in March of 2015, Officers Richard Garcia and Danny Salcido were caught blatantly lying about the incident when the surveillance footage showed them barging into the cell and brutally beating 47-year-old Flynn. The video shows the cops pinning the restrained man down, beating him, throwing him against the bars of the cell, and bashing his head so hard against the wall it fractured his skull. Flynn was in the ICU for several days according to attorneys.

His skull was fractured in two places, he suffered multiple facial fractures, and he sustained a brain hemorrhage.

Not shockingly, the offending officers had quite a different story before the footage was revealed. Officer Garcia’s report claimed Flynn “was walked back all the way where he did hit his back and head against the wall.” Garcia goes on to lie in the report stating they knee-kicked the restrained man to stop him from “grabbing at the officer’s belt,” and that Flynn actually pinned the officer between him and the wall.
Not even close.

According to the Las Cruces Sun-News, in April of this year, Flynn was acquitted of the two assault charges but convicted on one misdemeanor count of resisting or evading arrest. He was sentenced in May to 364 days of supervised probation.

Flynn has since hired an attorney and is seeking a multi-million dollar settlement in a federal lawsuit filed against the LCPD, the former officers and the city of Las Cruces.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3209 on: December 03, 2016, 09:30:25 AM »
Innocent 59yo Mother Assaulted by Cops in Walmart for No Reason

Homewood, AL — Homewood police department has launched an internal investigation after video of their officers assaulting a 59-year-old mother in Walmart has gone viral.
The victim, Brenda Rivers had done nothing wrong, committed no crime, and was minding her own business when she was targeted by police who mistook her for a criminal.

Without a warrant or reasonable articulable suspicion, as Rivers did not match the description of the actual suspect, police detained her and demanded they be allowed to search her belongings.
Knowing she had done nothing wrong, Rivers refused.

“He just accused her,” Rivers’ husband said, trying to explain to cops that they had just entered the store. “He wanted to go through her purse without a search warrant or anything. Our rights are being infringed.”
For demanding police get a warrant to search her, Rivers was assaulted, wrestled to the ground, placed in handcuffs, and humiliated as police detained her for nearly thirty minutes. All the while, her husband is demanding they stop the abuse.

Instead of simply reviewing the Walmart security camera footage, police went off half-cocked and just started grabbing and searching people. Rivers was the second woman to wrongfully be accused by police.
According to the bystanders in the video, even the woman who had her wallet stolen tried to tell police that it was not Rivers. However, they had already smelled blood in the water.
“I felt very emotional watching this go on. I had to record it because it’s time for something to be done about the mistreatment from police,” Jasmine Thomas, the woman who filmed the abuse, told “This is unacceptable and the officer violated her rights. It’s very sad that we have to endure things like this or even witness it. I really hope this open everyone eyes and make them aware of what’s really going on now.”
According to Homewood police, officers were dispatched to Walmart around 8 p.m. after a woman who was shopping with her daughter claimed her wallet was stolen from her cart while she looked at toys. A wallet theft is apparently a felony in Homewood, Alabama.

However, the felony charge is irrelevant considering the fact that Rivers was not the one who committed the crime.
The video of the incident in Walmart has quickly begun to go viral as the excessive force used on this poor innocent woman is nothing short of blood-boiling.

“My mama is traumatized and my daddy is very disturbed at what happened,” said the couple’s daughter, Monica Dawkins. “She’s in a lot of pain. That was excessive force.”
“What if it was your mother?” Dawkins asked an officer as she protested Friday night. “How would you feel if it was your mother, 30 years older than you right now, and somebody body-slammed her to the floor? How would you feel? Would you not be angry? Would you not be hurt? Would you not want answers?”

In a press conference Friday night, Homewood police Lt. Eric Hampton said Homewood police want to be transparent. “We would like to ensure and foster trust, and also mutual respect, between the community, the Rivers family and our agency,” he said.

According to, activist Carlos Montez Chaverst Jr. said Rivers’ clothing didn’t fit the description of the suspect. The victim told police the suspect was wearing a skirt and boots, and Rivers was wearing burgundy pants and shoes. “She shouldn’t have been detained to begin with. There’s a lot of missing pieces to this deal,” Chaverst said.

“We’re ready to galvanize,” he said. “We want the mayor to speak out, we want the police chief to speak out. We’re asking for transparency. We want honest and full, complete details as to what happened.”
When asked about Chaverst about the police statement that accused Rivers of failing to comply with police, Chaverst said, “Comply? Police make up their own policies. Comply is whatever they say comply is. That’s how comply works.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3210 on: December 03, 2016, 01:55:35 PM »
Three South Carolina Prison Guards Charged With Attempted Murder for Stabbing Handcuffed Inmate

A male inmate was handcuffed in his cell when three guards stabbed the inmate multiple times. The stabbing occurred at Kirkland Correctional Institution in Columbia, South Carolina.

Jarrell Boyan, 26, Pernell Fogle, 24, and Jaquan Smith, 24, have now been arrested for attempted murder and misconduct in office. And they have all been fired from the South Carolina Department of Corrections.

The charges against the three officers were announced on December 1st just one day after they were fired.

The incident took place on October 6, 2016 when the three officers rushed into an inmate’s cell, stabbing the inmate four times in the torso according to ABC Columbia.

The attempted murder charges could send the guards to prison for 30 years.

Little details are available now, but this is the second employee firing at the Kirkland Correctional Institution this week. Corrections Officer Tierra Armstrong hit a handcuffed male inmate in the face several times. Armstrong was arrested for 3rd degree assault and ultimately fired.

Under staffing and bad pay at the prison make the guards feel unsafe and in return they lash out on inmates.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3211 on: December 03, 2016, 02:13:53 PM »
Leaked Docs Expose Real Story of Man Accused of Killing a Cop in Botched Raid

As we have faithfully reported on numerous occasions, a man named Marvin Louis Guy sits in a jail cell in Killeen, Texas, awaiting trial for killing a police officer. Arguably, however, the police officer, Charles “Chuck” Dinwiddie, a beloved member of the Killeen Police Department, would still be alive had the KPD not chosen to serve a “no-knock” search warrant at Mr. Guy’s apartment home.

The first thing Guy likely heard, at 5:30 am, on May 9th, 2014, was the breaking of his bedroom window glass. Possibly startled by the fact someone was breaking into his home, and hearing someone attempting to break down his front door, Guy started shooting, striking three of the officers, and killing Dinwiddie with one fatal shot to the face. While Guy has never denied he did fire his weapon, he’s repeatedly maintained he did not know he was firing at police.
The cops were searching for drugs. Finding none, they took Guy into custody and charged him with capital murder in Dinwiddie’s death.
With one police officer dead, and a would-be innocent man now charged with his murder, the community was understandably shaken, and so was the reporter covering the story.

Clay Thorp, reporter for the Killeen Daily Herald, was the newspaper’s crime reporter, and he’d been in the business for many years. Thorp has long since moved on from the KDH, and Killeen, TX, but hasn’t been able to shake off the unsettling concerns he’s had surrounding the treatment of Mr. Guy. The Free Thought Project had a chance to catch up with Thorp, get a better understanding of the impact Dinwiddie’s death had on the community, and to further explain the complexities of Guy’s case.

When Thorp saw the memorial erected in Dinwiddie’s honor, he was moved. The KDH reporter said, “I felt sorrow for his family.
“There’s been a lot of speculation that Dinwiddie may have been killed by friendly fire,” Thorp explains. “There were a lot of bullets flying through Guy’s home that night. It is possible he was killed by friendly fire,” he said and addressed the time that has passed, “It’s been almost three years.”

Even if Dinwiddie wasn’t killed in a hail of friendly fire, he admits it’s also very possible Guy was the one who killed the beloved officer. “He (may have) been murdered on purpose by an alleged drug dealer…and the possibility that he wasn’t murdered by Guy is just heartbreaking for me,” he said lamenting the entire incident.

Thorp said the Dinwiddie family will go through another troubled valley in life as Guy’s capital murder trial approaches. “This trial is going to be the hardest thing they’ve gone through in their lives. This is not going to be easy for Dinwiddie’s family and they know it. My heart goes out to them. It really does,” he said.

The Dinwiddies are upstanding citizens, according to Thorp. “I’ve met his (Chuck’s) family. They’re wonderful, wonderful people who are very giving in the community and do a lot of outreach work because of Dinwiddie’s death. But this trial is not going to be easy. I can only imagine the kind of hurt and heartbreak they potentially will suffer because of this upcoming trial,” the news reporter said.

But even with the compassion Thorp feels for the fallen officer’s family, he raises serious concerns over Guy’s case. The Castle Doctrine states the citizenry has a right to defend themselves, their homes, and even their property, if the citizenry feels at all threatened, and is allowed to use deadly force. According to Thorp, that’s precisely what Guy maintains. He should know. He’s interviewed Guy on at least a dozen occasions.

In fifteen minute intervals, which often included videotaping the alleged cop killer, Thorp says Guy thinks a lot about his own case, “he (Guy) would talk about wanting justice for Dinwiddie’s family,” indicating he too hopes the Dinwiddie family receives the justice they are seeking, conveying the compassion he has for them, along with remorse at the thought he may have taken the officer’s life. But Thorp says he’s still a bit skeptical of Guy’s claims his lawyers were corrupt, that the police were out to get him, and that he may not have been the one who killed Dinwiddie. He remarked, “I was never 100 percent convinced,” adding his career in journalism did not afford him the luxury of taking sides. He had to remain objective, but he did find it unusual that the lawyer assigned to his case, reportedly a lawyer named “Mr. White”, was not certified to work with clients in murder trials. “Just the fact he wasn’t certified to work with capital murder clients was suspect to me,” Thorp confessed. Guy fired those first few lawyers because “the process frustrated Marvin.” He further explained, “Marvin felt like the process wasn’t fair.”

The veteran crime reporter has some very strong feelings, however, about Guy’s right to a speedy trial. He said, “he’s been in jail for almost 3 years and still no trial. That’s wrong.” And he wants to know why. “What’s going on…who’s failing, is it the prosecution or the defense and why?”

Believe it or not, Guy’s case is not the only “no-knock” search warrant execution which resulted in the killing of a police officer. A similar incident took place in December of 2013, in Somerville, Texas.  “Burleson County Sgt. Adam Sowders, led a team in a no-knock marijuana raid on Henry Goedrich Magee’s home.  Magee, who was home with his pregnant girlfriend, believed that someone was breaking in.  Concerned for his girlfriend and unborn child’s safety, Magee opened fire and killed Sowders. In February (2014), all charges against Magee were dropped when a Texas grand jury refused to indict, based on the belief that he feared for his safety and that this was a reasonable act of self-defense.” Magee is White. Guy is Black. And we wanted to know how much race is playing a factor in Guy’s case.

After asking Thorp about race, the crime reporter commented, “You know there were instances, other instances, which occurred in Bell county and surrounding counties that would lead me to believe that it is possible that race is involved in this and it plays some part in the public’s want for justice against Marvin Guy who’s a black guy, and who has a previous history of being a bad guy.”
Remaining neutral, Thorp elaborated, “In my job as a reporter, I always tried to keep away from that subject, but it always came back to that.” Guy himself reportedly has no doubt the reason why he’s still in jail facing capital murder charges and a lifetime on death row is because he’s Black, not because he may have killed Officer Dinwiddie.

Thorp said as much, “Marvin is convinced that it is because he’s black…It always came back to race with Marvin,” who would often quote the fabled meaning of Killeen’s name in the Black community, “Kill Each and Every black.” The former Killeen reporter explained that where Guy lived was more likened to a war zone than an American dream type of neighborhood. “He lives in the Killeen ghetto, a small-time war zone, where 15-16 people died in just a few months (that year)…It was all gang related violence…a lot of those murders are still unsolved and they’ve been unsolved for a while…It was a violent area where he lived…It seems to me he had reason to be protective. He lived in a rough area you know.” The journalist’s opinion of Guy’s community gave him justification enough for being afraid of someone trying to break into his home. Felon or not, Guy felt compelled to defend his family, in an area of town where being on the defensive was second nature.

After earning Guy’s trust, one day, the one-time bank robber turned cook, presented Thorp with a gift, his entire case file, with the condition that Thorp would take a close look at it. Sure enough, the file was complete with police reports, autopsy notes, and other relevant information that is now under gag order by Judge Gant, not to be released by the defense or prosecution teams. What those groups may not know is that Thorp, also, has a copy of the case file, and has shared some of its contents with The Free Thought Project.

We asked how it came into his possession. “So his case file is essentially, it looked to be a conglomeration of documents of which he and his family member, they were able to make several FOIA requests…they compiled that and Marvin was able to get ahold of a lot the paperwork from his attorney the time.”  Thorp said “the juicy parts”, also are the most controversial ones, those statements given by the police officers who were involved in the deadly event.
“When I read through them there were a couple of things that jumped out at me that were kind of unjust. When the bullets started flying through his home and Marvin ran for the back door, the police were there,” he explained. Guy was taken into custody, and when one of the officers learned Dinwiddie had been shot, he admittedly forced his service pistol down Marvin’s throat. “I think the exact wording in the police report was, ‘I did enter his mouth with my pistol,’ I think that’s illegal,” the reporter emphatically stated.

Actually, the police report is much more graphic and detailed. Officer Juan E Obregon Jr., per the document The Free Thought Project received, recalled his involvement in the arrest of Marvin Guy. He wrote,
I then heard someone yell out, “IT’S CHUCK FUCK IT’S CHUCK!” At that moment I became very enraged with anger and the suspect began to speak so I struck him with my pistol in the mouth area. I did not strike him hard enough to cause him any visible marks however; I did enter his mouth with my pistol. I noticed the male spit up so I quickly removed my weapon and then placed it to the side of the suspects head and yelled out “YOU MOTHER FUCKER WHO SHOT? DID YOU SHOOT? WHO ELSE IS INSIDE.” Next, l was being pulled off the suspect by other SWAT operators and told to watch the corner of the C/D side, the back door.

It’s unclear, from the records, at which point Guy was handcuffed, but it is clear that he was not treated as someone who was innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

It’s been said Guy’s girlfriend was also roughed up immediately following the incident. It was Thorp’s understanding she was also injured. “She suffered some injuries. I wasn’t able to confirm what they were or to even find her…she did go to the hospital for unknown injuries.”

Asked if he was satisfied with the coverage Guy’s case received by the press, Thorp responded, “You know I was (satisfied) up until we got the case file and it had all the police statements and which I thought that we should publish and that we should report on and it had all the evidence…history…the evidence list of everything that was collected,” he said. “So you see why I was so upset about not publishing what was in this file that Marvin gave us. I was basically told to sit on it. I wasn’t given the time to investigate it. It was put on the back burner. And when I pushed it, I was shot down. I was told we can’t publish it because ‘it would sway a potential jury in his trial.’”

Also important to reveal to the general public were the statements by the officers on duty at the time of the shooting. “I think that what is in this file is…you know we have police statements…we have an officer admitting to having placed a pistol inside Guy’s mouth…that’s assault. Was he ever charged with assault? I was never given the time to find that out,” he said implying there’s a double standard at work for police.

The veteran crime reporter was admittedly miffed that his employer, the local newspaper, wouldn’t run the story. He said, “There were handwritten notes on those reports (ballistics and autopsy)…there were hand drawings of the home and that kind of thing…shell casings, bullet fragments that they pulled out of the parking lot that were alleged to have come from Guy’s gun…but of course no drugs, which was the original reason they were there.”

The subject matter of Guy’s case file warranted publication, according to Thorp, and the fact that no drugs were found in Guy’s home, the reason why the police were even there to begin with, made Guy’s case more important to get right in the court of public opinion.

After being told to sit on the case, and feeling angered the newspaper chose not to reveal the public record of the events to the public, Thorp said it only got worse, personally, from there. Soon, he says, he himself became a targeted individual by the police. At subsequent crime scenes, the KPD disallowed him from interviewing witnesses, and at press conferences wouldn’t take any of his questions. He believes he was blackballed, run out of town for publishing articles related to Guy’s case, and his coverage of another SWAT incident.

“I was pushed out over this. The police department knew that I had the file…The police department basically went to my publisher, not too long after this. I believe that it was this, the file issue, and coupled with the fact that I wasn’t allowed to interview witnesses after police shootings. I basically threatened civil action after they disallowed me from interviewing beckoning witnesses,” he added.

He explained the measures he had to go through to get a story. “There was a period for a few months where I was writing questions and sending them to another reporter because the police and the city wouldn’t answer my questions on any case I was working on. I was basically blacklisted…and they tried to arrest me for talking to neighbors before the detectives had a chance to. It’s not my fault they don’t want to talk to you (the police). It’s not my fault the general public wanted to be interviewed. It was a series of events that led to the city blacklisting me and the paper capitulated.”

The harassment by the KPD eventually came to a head when, as Thorp states, “The city manager came to our office and requested that I be removed from the beat. And that’s what they did. They capitulated, and caved under a relatively mild amount of pressure.”

He admitted he almost resigned over the Marvin Guy case file not being published, “because I felt that our readers and the public needed to know and we needed to work to authenticate those attorney’s notes. We needed to do that. We couldn’t just ignore what was in that file and they did. They absolutely completely ignored it. There it was, journalism gold. What more do you want? We have the documents we have the statements and you (KDH) don’t want to report on any of it? Why? It blows my mind to this day why they haven’t done anything with it. I don’t want to think they’re in on some kind of corruption. I just think the publisher caved into city pressure way too easily. I was told they were prioritizing their relationship with the city and the police department. They didn’t want to threaten their relationship with the police department. That’s troubling to me. The fact they’ve sat on it for this long is inexcusable. What they have in their possession…the people deserve to know. I don’t think a lot of that should wait until the trial.”

Thorp is now calling on the judge, the prosecution, and the defense, to give Guy his due process. The crime reporter admits, “what I have is Marvin’s side of the story…but I want to see what the prosecution has. If the prosecution is trying to get ballistics tested…let’s see it. Let’s get a move on with this…”

The former Killeen, TX news reporter has a lot of respect for all parties involved. He explained, “I think there are a lot of good people, defense attorneys, and prosecutors that fight every day to serve the State of Texas with their great work.”

But, he admits to also being bothered with the fact the Castle Doctrine hasn’t been applied to Guy’s case, “The question that still remains in my mind, ‘Why wasn’t protection under the self-defense law (Castle Doctrine) not been extended to Marvin Guy?’” Thorp wants to know, “Why does he deserve to be tried for capital murder?”

The seasoned reporter explains the issue is not simply a cut and dry, black and white, open and shut case against Guy, and he explained there’s a lot of pressure on the officials to get it right. “It’s possible Judge Gant is under pressure from the community or the police department to get a conviction against Guy.” Thorp noted that judges are elected officials, with respect to Judge Gant he stated, “He’s very respected in the community, and it’s his time to show the community and Bell County we can ensure a fair trial in cases like these and we can ensure all the evidence comes out in a way that’s fair to Marvin and Dinwiddie’s family.”
Thorp stops far short of declaring Guy is innocent or that the police are culpable. He reveals his caution saying, “I’m going to reserve judgement on that question when I see what comes out at the trial because I’m going to compare evidence in the trial with what I have and go from there.”

The former Killeen Daily Herald crime reporter said, “I think that it’s important that, again, your readers understand there are some great people that work in Bell County and a lot of them are on the criminal defense side. They represent a lot of troubled kids who get into trouble…in a fair and responsible manner. The same can be said of the prosecution.”

But Thorp admits there’s an atmosphere of revenge in the air, “You can’t deny there are some radical elements that exist in every community…I think that the police community in Bell County, especially, want to see Marvin fry, want to see him killed. And I think there are some elements in the community that want to see Marvin put to death. I just don’t know who’s going to win out. Is it going to be Garcia (Guy’s lawyer) who makes sure Marvin gets a fair trial or is it going to be the prosecution influenced by the police community?”

Thorp feels that by coming forward now and blowing the whistle, so to speak, he’s able to finish what he was never able to do at the KDH. He explained it this way, “You know I never got to finish what I started there and that alone made me wonder what more I could have found. “(With Guy) sitting in jail for this long without a trial…that in itself is an injustice…no-knock warrants are an injustice…You (the police) gotta announce who you are…if you have a signed search warrant…this is Texas and this is America. This is something that is protected by law to act in defense of home and property when we feel like our home and property are threatened. Officers have a right by law to defend themselves when they feel threatened. Why was that same right not extended to Marvin?” he asks.

Thorp explained that after Dinwiddie’s death, the KPD changed their policy, and no longer perform “no-knock” search warrants, but, he says, “that doesn’t remove a fact that an officer died and a man is sitting in jail right now who really may have been acting in self-defense.”



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3212 on: December 03, 2016, 04:07:05 PM »
Cop Convicted of Drunk Driving With His Child, Letting Her Drive — Up for Promotion

Milwaukee, WI — Milwaukee police sergeant John P. Corbett was recently convicted and sentenced to jail time for driving drunk with his child in the car, and now he is up for a promotion. The 46-year-old police officer allowed his 13-year-old daughter to drive his vehicle while he was drunk, and after getting a slap on the wrist in the court, he still has his job and may even be getting a raise.

According to the police report, Corbett and his daughter took turns behind the wheel throughout the trip, and he took over the drive when she got lost.

Corbett was given a misdemeanor charge of “driving drunk with a child in the car” and only served 30 days on work release. Corbett did receive a 60-day suspension but was able to work while serving his sentence, working his shift at the police department by day, then sleeping in the jail at night. It is important to note that the average citizen would be looking a lengthy prison sentence, steep fines, and they would likely lose their job had then been caught driving drunk with their child in the car.

At the scene, Corbett refused to take a breathalyzer test and then was able to get that dismissed in court as a result of a plea agreement. Again, these are circumstances that would never be granted to the average citizen.
Corbett was seen smiling ear to ear in his mug shot because he knew that he would see no consequences.

According to a scathing report by the Journal Sentinel in 2011, Corbett’s case is par for the course in the Milwaukee PD. JS Online reports:
At least 93 Milwaukee police officers – ranking from street cop to captain – have been disciplined for violating the laws and ordinances they were sworn to uphold, a Journal Sentinel investigation found.
Their offenses range from sexual assault and domestic violence to drunken driving and shoplifting, according to internal affairs records. All still work for the Police Department, where they have the authority to make arrests, testify in court and patrol neighborhoods.
Officers who run afoul of the law often aren’t fired or prosecuted, the newspaper found.

Milwaukee police spokesman Sgt. Timothy Gauerke said that Corbett and the department have moved on since the incident.

“As a result of the suspension, he lost approximately $17,000 in pay. He also fulfilled the criminal sanctions set forth by a judge in Fond du Lac County. Having completed the suspension and judicial process he is relieved from further sanctions related to this incident,” Gauerke said in a statement.

Corbett’s promotion was requested by Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn, who wrote that Corbett had been “put through a timely internal vetting process wherein the members’ entire record was reviewed, including disciplines, open and closed investigations, administrative matters (e.g. use of force reports, squad accidents, criminal investigations, citizen complaints), fitness and history with the FPC.”
“I certify that these members are in good standing with the department and suitable for promotion,” the statement concluded.

On Monday, The Civilian Fire and Police Commission will gather for a meeting to decide the status of Corbett’s promotion.

If Corbett does receive the promotion, he will be the second police officer surrounded in controversy to receive a promotion for the Milwaukee Police Department this year. Earlier this year, Officer Richard Ticcioni was promoted to detective, despite the fact that was involved in the arrest of a man who died in police custody.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3213 on: December 04, 2016, 02:20:12 PM »
‘Treated Like a Slave’ — Innocent Cop Beaten by Fellow Cops Who Mistook Him for a Criminal

New York, NY — Nothing exposes the brutality of police quite like cops beating up one of their own. If police mistake you for a criminal, there is nothing you can do to stop their assault and a retired cop just learned that the hard way.

Ronald Lanier, retired Nassau County corrections officer, is now planning to sue the Garden City Police Department after he says they mistook him for a criminal, handcuffed, and then beat him.
“I’ve never been cursed, physically abused, beaten and treated like a slave as I was two days ago,” Lanier said through tears as explained how he ended up battered and in the hospital. “For somebody to grab me by the neck in the supermarket, and I’m telling you, ‘I’m one of you,’ and you disrespect it — it was like you’re just another black dude.”

“They cursed at him, they abused him verbally, they then start to beat him,” his attorney, Fred Brewington, told 1010 WINS. “He was taking blows with his hands cuffed behind him as he laid facedown.”
According to Lanier, when he tried to explain to the officers who were beating him that he was also a cop, they laughed in his face.

The cops who beat Lanier claimed he fit the description of a suspect in the area. So, using ‘he fit the description’ as their only means of justification, multiple officers attacked this innocent man.
“They didn’t have a good description of who they were looking for. That doesn’t give you the right to go into a store and grab the first black person you see and throw them to the ground,” said Brewington. “The fact that he happened to be a black male in the store does not make him a culprit, it does not make him a suspect.”

After finding himself on the receiving end of police brutality, Lanier wants these cops stripped of their badges. If history is any indicator, however, that is a mere pipe dream.

“I’m tired of hearing officers constantly talking about we have to retrain. We don’t have to retrain, we got to let them be held accountable for their actions,” Lanier said. “Imagine if I had my gun at that time. It could have went either way.”

When CBS2 reached out to the Garden City Police Department, they explained that they were chasing a fleeing shoplifting suspect who fled into a supermarket and provided no other details about the alleged assault.
“We are hoping Garden City Police Department will come forward with respect, identifying their officers, disciplining their officers,” said Dennis Jones, with the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives.

According to Brewington, after Lanier was beaten, he was then thrown in the back of a squad car for 20 minutes before being let go with zero apology.
“The sergeant, without any apology or any other way of making it clear that they were acknowledging the mistake that they had made, just said cut him loose,” Brewington said.
When cops are beating fellow cops, there might be a problem in the system.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3214 on: December 04, 2016, 03:19:11 PM »
I was a reading an interesting post at, which discusses the mindset and attitude some cops have that they are somehow "better" and "above" the rest of society:

After finishing the article and looking through the comments I saw this comment which I think makes excellent points:

Here are some solutions to reign in the “bad apples” of the “thin blue line”:
1. Eliminate both “absolute” and “qualified” immunity for all public officials–not just police and firefighters. Include prosecutors, judges, other court officials, CPS and building code enforcers.
2. Eliminate all public-sector unions. Especially police and firefighter unions. Unions are not needed in the public sector, as WE, the taxpayers pay their salaries and benefits.
3. Require all public officials to be “bonded” and carry “malpractice insurance” as a condition of employment. No bond or malpractice insurance–no job.
4. Prohibit “internal affairs” investigations for all cases but those involving disputes between police officers. All investigations should be handled at the state level.
5. Prosecutors must be subordinate to the grand jury. Withholding evidence that could prove or disprove misconduct by public officials should be a prosecuted as a felony.
6. Any awards to citizens as a result of “official misconduct” should be paid out of the offending department’s pension funds. You can be sure that if police pension funds were threatened, you would see a “clean-up” in a hurry.
7. Require body and dash cams to be used at all times. No citizen interaction permitted without functioning equipment. Obtain equipment that cannot be turned off. All interactions between officials and citizens must be put on the internet “cloud” and must be publicly accessible. Tampering with equipment should result in permanent dismissal.
8. Establish a 50-state publicly-searchable database of police, fire and public officials who should NEVER hold a position requiring the “public trust”.
9. Police must be restricted to the types of firearms that the citizenry is “allowed” to possess. This would help “encourage” anti-gun states (New York, New Jersey, California) to “loosen up” their restrictions on civilian firearms ownership–magazine capacity limits, etc. Citizens deserve the same (or even better) firepower than police…
These solutions would go a long way in curbing the abuses that presently exist.

This comment was also quite good:

Ever notice that police unions are “fraternal”? This should tell you something. The “thin-blue-line” is a gang, little different than street gangs–at least when it comes to “covering-up” questionable behavior by police. In today’s day and age, “officer safety” trumps de-escalation of force. This, in part, is due to the militarization of the police along with training in Israeli police tactics. This becomes a problem, with the “us vs. them” attitude that is fosters, along with the fact that Israel is a very different place, being on a constant “war footing”, and by necessity, its police tactics are very different. There are too many instances of police being “given a pass”, even when incontrovertible video and audio evidence is presented. Grand juries, guided by police-friendly prosecutors, quite often refuse to charge those police officers who abuse their authority. Police officers, who want to do the right thing, are quite often marginalized and put into harms way, by their own brethren…When a police officer is beating on someone that is already restrained while yelling, “stop resisting” THAT is but one reason police have a “bad name” in many instances…


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3215 on: December 05, 2016, 12:04:01 AM »
I was a reading an interesting post at, which discusses the mindset and attitude some cops have that they are somehow "better" and "above" the rest of society:

After finishing the article and looking through the comments I saw this comment which I think makes excellent points:

Here are some solutions to reign in the “bad apples” of the “thin blue line”:
1. Eliminate both “absolute” and “qualified” immunity for all public officials–not just police and firefighters. Include prosecutors, judges, other court officials, CPS and building code enforcers.
2. Eliminate all public-sector unions. Especially police and firefighter unions. Unions are not needed in the public sector, as WE, the taxpayers pay their salaries and benefits.
3. Require all public officials to be “bonded” and carry “malpractice insurance” as a condition of employment. No bond or malpractice insurance–no job.
4. Prohibit “internal affairs” investigations for all cases but those involving disputes between police officers. All investigations should be handled at the state level.
5. Prosecutors must be subordinate to the grand jury. Withholding evidence that could prove or disprove misconduct by public officials should be a prosecuted as a felony.
6. Any awards to citizens as a result of “official misconduct” should be paid out of the offending department’s pension funds. You can be sure that if police pension funds were threatened, you would see a “clean-up” in a hurry.
7. Require body and dash cams to be used at all times. No citizen interaction permitted without functioning equipment. Obtain equipment that cannot be turned off. All interactions between officials and citizens must be put on the internet “cloud” and must be publicly accessible. Tampering with equipment should result in permanent dismissal.
8. Establish a 50-state publicly-searchable database of police, fire and public officials who should NEVER hold a position requiring the “public trust”.
9. Police must be restricted to the types of firearms that the citizenry is “allowed” to possess. This would help “encourage” anti-gun states (New York, New Jersey, California) to “loosen up” their restrictions on civilian firearms ownership–magazine capacity limits, etc. Citizens deserve the same (or even better) firepower than police…
These solutions would go a long way in curbing the abuses that presently exist.

This comment was also quite good:

Ever notice that police unions are “fraternal”? This should tell you something. The “thin-blue-line” is a gang, little different than street gangs–at least when it comes to “covering-up” questionable behavior by police. In today’s day and age, “officer safety” trumps de-escalation of force. This, in part, is due to the militarization of the police along with training in Israeli police tactics. This becomes a problem, with the “us vs. them” attitude that is fosters, along with the fact that Israel is a very different place, being on a constant “war footing”, and by necessity, its police tactics are very different. There are too many instances of police being “given a pass”, even when incontrovertible video and audio evidence is presented. Grand juries, guided by police-friendly prosecutors, quite often refuse to charge those police officers who abuse their authority. Police officers, who want to do the right thing, are quite often marginalized and put into harms way, by their own brethren…When a police officer is beating on someone that is already restrained while yelling, “stop resisting” THAT is but one reason police have a “bad name” in many instances…

Totally agree - makes Good sense.
What is there not to agree with in those proposed guidelines.

Would make for better policing & public officials.

We can only work towards & put pressure on for such honest
Basic things to be put in place.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3216 on: December 05, 2016, 01:21:45 PM »
South Carolina Judge Declares Mistrial in Police Shooting Death of Walter Scott

One juror refused to convict the South Carolina police officer who shot and killed Walter Scott as he ran away – even though the incident was captured on video – resulting in a mistrial Monday afternoon.

“I cannot and will not change my mind,” the lone juror was quoted as saying last week, even after the judge insisted the 12-person jury continue deliberating until reaching a decision.

But Judge Clifton Newman declared a mistrial today, allowing North Charleston police officer Michael Slager to possibly walk free.

“We as the jury regret to inform the court that despite the best efforts of all members, we are unable to come to a unanimous decision,” Clifton read from a note written by the jury, according to the Washington Post.

It is now up to prosecutors to determine if they want to retry Slager on manslaughter or murder for the April 4, 2105 incident.

But Slager was unaware that a witness named Feiden Santana was recording the incident, which is what led to him being charged in Scott’s death. He was also fired shortly after the video surfaced.

Slager, 35, had pulled over Scott, 50, for a broken taillight, but Scott fled, apparently to avoid going to jail for unpaid child support.

Slager chased him, then shot him five times in the back, then threw down a taser near his body in what appeared to be an attempt to make it seem as if Scott was trying to take it away from him – which would have justified the shooting.

“Shots fired and the subject is down. He took my taser.”

A police report stated that police officers attempted to administer CPR on Scott, but that is not evident on the video.

The trial lasted five weeks and the jury consisted of 11 white people and one black person.

This is breaking story which we will be updating.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3217 on: December 05, 2016, 01:37:15 PM »
If the rape accusations are true, the cops that ignored them should be charged as accessories to rape.

15yo Girl Reports Rape to School Police — They Ignored Her, Didn’t Even Tell Her Parents

Fort Worth, TX — A 15-year-old high school student was forced to ask for help on Facebook after she reported her rape to police, only to be completely ignored. After being exposed for ignoring the girl, police then blamed her for their mistakes.

The alleged attack happened in December 2015, right near the school. Because the child felt ashamed and guilty after the attack, she was scared to tell her parents. After hearing that her attacker had done the same thing to several other girls, she finally broke her silence and told the school police.
Her reports of rape, however, fell on deaf ears as police took no action.

According to FOX 4 News, Fort Worth ISD filed a report with police, but the detective assigned to the case did nothing with it from there.

In July of 2016, that detective, Dennis Hutchins, was fired for mishandling multiple child abuse cases just like this one.
“We’ve discovered there were several cases where the detective dropped the ball,” said Sgt. Marc Povero, Fort Worth Police Dept. “We’ve done our due diligence to go back through all the cases not properly handled or mishandled and we’re re-investigating those cases, this was one of them.”

Not only was this case entirely ignored by a grossly incompetent detective, but the school police failed to notify the child’s parents as well. No one, during the entirely botched process, ever thought to contact the girl’s parents.

“I have a minor child who was sexually assaulted and I was not told,” the mother said. “She made a report and as a parent I could have provided her some emotional support, therapy, guidance to get through it, rather than watch her decline academically and not know what was going on.”

Only because of the diligence of FOX4 News calling the police department did this girl’s parents learn that their daughter had been raped.
“It’s heartbreaking to me that my daughter went through this alone,” the mom said.

After being ignored by police for months, the girl finally stopped pursuing the case as she simply wanted to be through with the whole thing.
“I was trying to forget about it,” the girl said.

When asked why they didn’t call the parents, police, who have access to databases with everyone’s private information, claimed they didn’t have the mother’s phone number. Then they went on to blame the 15-year-old girl for their inaction.

“We didn’t have contact information for the mother, that’s not to say we couldn’t find it, but at that time we had a victim who was not cooperating with the investigation,” Sgt. Povero said.

The actions, or rather, inaction by the police in this matter are infuriating — yet par for the course.

The rate at which police ignore rape is nothing short of criminal.

According to the Department of Justice, there are currently over 400,000 untested rape kits collecting dust in police evidence rooms nationwide, and many other estimates suggest that this number could be as high as one million.

As a result of this horrific negligence, roughly 3% of rape cases in America are actually solved. This is in spite of the fact that many rape kits have a high chance of leading to an arrest since most rapists are career criminals who have their DNA on file.

In some cases, the victims even know who their attackers were, but they cannot prosecute these criminals because the evidence has yet to be processed by police.
Arresting rapists and murderers simply falls short in the two areas police are worried about — revenue collection and keeping their inflated drug war budgets flowing.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3218 on: December 06, 2016, 07:07:06 PM »
Was the cop a getbigger?

Alabama Cop Forced Man to Perform Oral Sex While Holding Gun to his Head

An Alabama cop was indicted on first degree sodomy charges after he detained a man in the back of his patrol car for an hour before letting him go – only to later show up at the man’s house where he held a gun to his head and forced him to perform oral sex.

Montgomery police officer Deonte Lawrence Hamner was arrested back in June, but he did not get indicted until recently, according to WSFA, which reported the news last week, but did not specify when he was indicted.

On June 9, 2015 between 8:00 p.m. and 10 p.m. officer Hamner stopped and detained the victim in the parking lot of his apartment complex, the Meadows in Montgomery . The victim went home when Hamner told him to go home after he’d been detained.

A couple minutes after the victim returned to his apartment, Hamner entered without a warrant or probable cause for arrest and began threatening the man, pulled his gun on him, intimidated him and held the man at gun point while he sexually assaulted him.

Investigators said Hamner was on-duty when he pulled over the victim and made a deal he wouldn’t shoot the man in the head if he agreed to perform oral sex on the demented cop.

Hamner had been with the department for two years before became the target of a sexual assault investigation after the victim made allegations against him in mid-June.

Initial reports stated Hamner pulled the victim over as part of a sound ordinance investigation, but the Montgomery Police Department refused to verify if there was even a noise complaint called in.

The unnamed victim filed a civil rights lawsuit on October 6, 2016 under the name John Doe for anonymity purposes, claiming Hamner’s actions against the victim “shocks the conscience, and it offense the community’s sense of fair play and decency.”

Hamner responded with a hand-written denial, which can be read below.

The 27-year-old cop, who remains on paid administrative leave, faces up to ten years in prison.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3219 on: December 10, 2016, 08:49:11 PM »
Remember this case? The man was shot and the cops didn't believe him when he told them. He was paralyzed from the shot and yet the cops insisted he was just being difficult. And the shooter tried to cover up his crime. For all this, 180 days. It pays to be a member of the largest violent criminal gang.

California Cop Sentenced to 180 Days for Killing DUI Suspect After Rollover Crash

The California cop convicted of manslaughter for shooting and killing a DUI suspect in a rollover crash was sentenced to 180 days in jail Friday.

Former Paradise police officer Patrick Feaster, who was also sentenced to 36 months probation, was facing up to five years in prison for the involuntary manslaughter conviction.

Feaster, who was fired from the Paradise Police Department, is also apparently still facing charges from being arrested with his brother on drunk and disorderly charges in March.

Prosecutors were asking for a three-year sentence, but Judge James F. Reilley reasoned Feaster had obeyed the terms of his bond and probation, which is why he allowed Feaster to serve the majority of his sentence on probation.

The victim, Andrew Thomas, had left a bar without his headlights on at a high rate of speed, hitting a median rolling the SUV. The crash ejected Thomas’ wife and died at the scene. Thomas began to exit the vehicle, which was on its side, through the driver’s side window.

As Thomas tried climbing out of the car, Feaster fired his service weapon, striking Thomas in the neck, causing him to fall back into his vehicle where he was left paralyzed.

Feaster then came to the side of the vehicle telling Thomas to exit, but Thomas responded that he was unable to after being shot. Feaster radioed for help asking for medical assistance and stating Thomas was being difficult and refusing to exit the vehicle.

Feaster was then seen searching on the ground, possibly for shell casings prior to the arrival of assistance.

As other officers arrived, they also tried to coax Thomas out of the vehicle, but Thomas told them he had been shot by Feaster.

However, the cops did not believe him, telling him he had not been shot.

It was only after eleven minutes had passed that police realized he had been shot, prompting a supervising officer instructed officers to return to the bar to find the shooter, which was when Feaster admitted to the shooting.

Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey initially announced he would file no charges against the cop because the shooting was an “accident.”

But then Thomas died, sparking a huge national outcry, resulting in Ramsey filing charges against Feaster.

The light sentence should not surprise anyone after New York Police Office Peter Liang was sentenced to zero jailtime in the shooting of Akai Gurley. Gurley who was unarmed man who happened to enter the dark stairwell, which startled Liang, who then fired his weapon once striking Gurley in the chest. Gurley died from his injuries leaving behind a fiancee and two-year-old daughter.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3220 on: December 11, 2016, 10:53:45 AM »
Nine Texas Cops Fired for Claiming to Make Traffic Stops They Never Made

Nine Texas cops were fired after a routine audit earlier this year exposed they lied about the number of traffic stops they made in order to boost the results of their performance on their department’s annual racial-profiling report.

The Arlington Police Department made the announcement late Friday, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

An attorney for two of the fired cops say they were merely trying to meet the department’s quota for writing tickets, which would be illegal under state law.

Discrepancies in their reports came to the attention of department officials after they attempted to view dash cam footage of the stops, which they later found did not exist.

That’s because they never happened.

In May, fifteen officers were placed on paid leave as the department conducted an internal affairs investigation into the revelation; an additional officer joined the accused shortly after.

The internal affairs investigation started in May this year after Arlington police officials detected suspicious reporting of traffic stops as they conducted routine supervisory audits of its patrol divisions’ traffic stops.

It concluded the officers – all who were assigned to the patrol division – reported they had made traffic stops that were actually never conducted.

Officers made the false reports on their in-car computers entering traffic stops at a particular address that never took place.

Supervisors were tipped off after the same vehicle was used for several stops.

The terminated officers were found guilty by department officials of  conduct unbecoming of a police officer for tampering with government records and lying about traffic stop reports, although they have the right to appeal the decision.

A Tarrant County District Attorney will decide if future criminal charges will be filed against the nine fired officers.

Two of the fired cops are accused of lying to internal affairs investigators about tampering with the traffic stop reports.

Three officers resigned before results of the investigation were completed while four others remain under investigation.

Randy Moore, an attorney who represents two of the fired cops, said his clients were pressured to makes stops and write tickets for the Arlington Police Department’s traffic ticket quota.

All nine of the fired cops are members of the police union Arlington Municipal Patrolman’s Association.

Officers are required to include in their report driver demographics, the reason behind the traffic stop, whether an arrest was made and whether a search was conducted during the stop.

That data is compiled for the department’s annual racial-profiling report.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3221 on: December 11, 2016, 03:19:39 PM »
Another innocent man executed by the largest and most violent criminal gang in the nation. These criminals should have been sent to the electric chair. Citizens can stay asleep thinking laws apply equally and that "the system works".

Cop Goes to Wrong House and Kills Innocent Father of 3 — Will Not Face Charges

Stockbridge, GA – In a travesty of justice, a Henry County grand jury decided that a cop who went to the wrong house responding to a 911 call and killed the homeowner, an innocent father of three, will not be charged.

According to CBS 46:
A grand jury review determined that Sergeant Patrick Snook will not face charged and found the shooting to be justified.
William David Powell was shot by officers who thought they were responding to a home on the 600 block of Swan Lake Road in Stockbridge where shots had been fired. The incident happened during the early morning hours of June 9.

Responding to a 911 call in June, Henry County police arrived at the wrong house and shot the innocent homeowner in the neck. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) is investigating the incident due to the fact that the Henry County police shot a man who had committed no crime and who had no involvement with the initial 911 call.

According to the GBI, a 911 dispatcher received a call reporting gunshots and a woman screaming for help at 11:54 p.m. Unable to obtain an exact address, the 911 operator dispatched three Henry County cops who arrived at the wrong house around 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday.

Hearing his dogs barking around 1:30 a.m., Powell, 63, grabbed his gun and went outside to check their safety. According to his mother-in-law, Geraldine Huey, 85, Powell had gone outside to investigate a possible intruder.

“He went to see what the dogs were carrying on about,” recalled Huey, who lives next door. “He (picked) up his gun and when he got to the gate, they shot him.”

Although officers told GBI investigators that Powell refused to drop his gun, neighbors assert that the cops failed to identify themselves before suddenly shooting Powell in the neck. Shot in his driveway, Powell was taken to Atlanta Medical Center where he would die.

After eventually locating the correct house, Henry County police discovered that no shots had been fired and no one inside the residence confirmed accusations of a woman screaming.
“There was an argument there, however, they indicated that there was no screaming for help or shots fired,” GBI spokesman Scott Dutton told WGCL.

According to the GBI, Henry County PD arrived at the wrong house and shot a man who had nothing to do with the initial 911 call. An Air Force veteran and father of three, Powell had no reason to interact with police according to GBI investigators.

“He worked all his life. Went to school,” Huey described her wounded son-in-law back in June. “Just somebody you’d really like to know. He’s right here for me any time.”
“The officers were at the wrong location,” Dutton admitted. “Something got lost in communication.”

In May, Henry County police SWAT officers killed a man who had attempted to shoot his father earlier that evening. His father had fled the house unharmed before the militarized cops killed his son.
Dispatched to the wrong house on a burglary call less than a year ago, a DeKalb County officer shot a homeowner and a fellow officer. A dog was also killed in the needless shooting.
Once again, police in America prove they can negligently kill innocent people and face no consequences.

Please share this story so that others may see that being innocent is no protection from being killed by police.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3222 on: December 11, 2016, 03:23:17 PM »
Once again the citizens have to pay for the violent acts of criminal gangs:

3 Officers Beat Mentally Ill Dad to Death — Taxpayers Shell Out $3.6 Million to Pay for Bad Cops

Much like the city of Baltimore, MD did, when faced with a lawsuit from the Freddy Gray family, Santa Clara County, CA, opted to preemptively pay the family of Michael Tyree $3.6 million dollars, before the case went to trial. Tyree, a mentally-ill inmate, was beaten to death last year, allegedly by three correctional deputies.
Settling the case early, before going to trial, means the bulk of the payment (85 percent) will be given to Tyree’s daughter, a seven-year-old, without the typical court costs, lawyer’s fees, and the suffering that often goes along with a drawn-out trial. Shannon Tyree and Elizabeth Ott (Tyree’s sisters) will receive the remaining 15 percent.

County Counsel James R. Williams, said there were 13 pending lawsuits and three pending claims still unresolved regarding the use of force in the Santa Clara County jails. According to The Mercury News, three corrections officers, “Jereh Lubrin, Matthew Farris and Rafael Rodriguez — were charged with murder about a week after Tyree’s battered (and lifeless) body was discovered,” on August 27th, 2015. All attempts to resuscitate him failed and he was declared dead at the scene. From the beginning, Tyree’s death was investigated as a homicide, with the correctional deputies being the prime suspects. The trio is also facing assault charges for beating up yet another mentally ill inmate, Juan Villa.

According to the report, “Tyree, 31, had been beaten so badly that his spleen burst, causing him to bleed to death internally, according to a medical examiner’s report cited in the claim. His disfigurement — including deep bruising and abrasions from his head to his ankles — forced the family to hold a closed-casket funeral service, the claim said.”
Credibility was added to the charges when, about a month before Tyree was allegedly murdered, text messages confirmed the guards’ abusive habits. In one instance, when it was found Villa had defecated in his jail cell, Lubrin entered the cell and rubbed Villa’s face in the excrement. It’s unclear if all three guards will be tried at the same time. Lubrin’s lawyer is invoking his right to a speedy trial, which could come as early as March 2017.

What is clear, in the opinion of some, is that the treatment both Tyree and Villa received is more reminiscent of the kind of treatment prisoners at the infamous Abu Ghraib, Iraq prison, than it is the type that all incarcerated Americans should receive and are entitled to. No prisoner, mentally ill or otherwise, should be subjected to beatings, humiliation, and murder, especially in the land of the free. But who are we kidding! After all, America incarcerates more people at a higher rate than any other country in the world.

According to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) and the introduction of his so-called REDEEM Act, “Though only five percent of the world’s population lives in the United States, it is home to 25 percent of the world’s prison population. This phenomenon has rapidly increased in the years since 1980 and the federal prison population has grown by nearly ten-fold since. Not only does the current overpopulated, underfunded system hurt those incarcerated, it also digs deeper into the pockets of taxpaying Americans.”

Paul proposed the REDEEM act to fix what he called “broken criminal justice system”. Paul, along with several other congressmen called for the age of criminal responsibility to be raised to 18, the sealing and expungement of juvenile records, the restriction of juvenile solitary confinement, sealed non-violent criminal records, and allowed for food stamps to be restored to low-level drug offenders.
But any serious attempt at fixing the broken system must go after the industrial prison complex. According to Public Eye, “’Prison Industrial Complex’ (PIC) is a term we use to describe the overlapping interests of government and industry that use surveillance, policing, and imprisonment as solutions to what are, in actuality, economic, social, and political ‘problems.’” In other words, the establishment of an entire industry surrounding the incarceration of inmates exists as an oxymoron to reforming inmates. As one ex-prisoner stated, the system isn’t working on reforming individuals and is having the opposite effect. “I wasn’t a bad guy when I went to prison, but while in prison, I learned how to be a bad guy. And when I got out, that’s exactly what I did, bad things to people,” he told The Free Thought Project.

The mentally ill, like Tyree and Villa, often find their way into prison. Since 1980, when President Jimmy Carter signed the Mental Health Systems Act, followed by Ronald Reagan’s administration’s significant defunding of mental institutions in 1981, the federal government has been pulling out of institutionalizing the mentally ill in facilities designated for the mentally ill. Those hospitals, often called “The Funny Farm” are no longer operating as they once were. With modern medicine’s invention of antipsychotics, the thought has been that they could be medicated to live a somewhat normal life (example: John Hinckley, Jr who famously shot President Reagan was recently released back into the general population). In reality, many mentally ill find themselves institutionalized inside prisons instead of hospitals.

According to one advocacy group, “Deinstitutionalization, outdated treatment laws demanding a person become violent before intervention, discriminatory federal Medicaid funding practices and the prolonged failure by states to fund their mental health systems drive those in need of care into the criminal justice and corrections systems, rather than into the public health system where they belong.” It’s estimated that there are, “383,000 inmates with mental illness in jails and prisons.”
However valiant advocating for the mentally ill is, no amount of prison reform, legislation, mental health programs, and medicinal treatment can bring back Mr. Tyree. Likewise, no amount of training can remove the evil that must have surely found its way into the hearts of those jailhouse guards who allegedly murdered the man.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3223 on: December 12, 2016, 12:11:12 PM »
Texas Cop who Attacked White Homeless Man While Searching for Black Female Suspect Sued for Excessive Force

A Texas cop who attacked a white homeless man while responding to a call about a black female burglar was sued for excessive force last week.

The lawsuit alleges that on February 20, 2015, Austin Police Sergeant Gregory White struck the homeless man without provocation, which can be confirmed in the video below.

White says he only cold-cocked 25-year-old Justin Scott and beat him down on the ground because Scott was going to run, although the video shows Scott never attempted to run.

But he did ask the cop why he was ordering him to put his hands behind his back.

It was after Scott asked, “why?”, several times when White unexpectedly attacks him.

Apparently upset about having his authority questioned, White slugs Scott in the back of the head without warning, forcefully takes him to the ground and proceeds to beat him even more, wailing violently and proceeding to repeatedly punch, elbow, taser and knee him.

During the struggle, White tasers Scott.

After being tasered, Scott wrestles the taser from the angry cop bullying him.

Shortly after, back up arrives, and White regains control of the taser.

Scott spent 176 days in jail after White blamed the incident on him, charging him with taking or attempting to take a weapon from a police officer.

A half-year passed before Travis County prosecutors finally dropped all criminal charges against Scott.

Sergeant White claims he had detained Scott because he “thought he saw him talking to somebody” in the area of the burglary, according to the Austin American Statesman.

Scott’s attorney, however, says his client did nothing wrong and the attack on his client was unwarranted and undeserved.

“This was an attack on a homeless citizen — an American citizen,” Scott’s attorney, Scott Vasquez told the Statesman. “This was nothing that was deserved, and it came as a total surprise.”

Dash cam video of the assault can be seen below the lawsuit copy, which was obtained by KVUE Austin.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3224 on: December 13, 2016, 08:40:40 AM »
Once again the largest criminal gang executes an innocent elderly man. When will these hitmen and ruffians pay for their hideous crimes?

Police Kill 73yo Unarmed Grandpa with Dementia Then Lied About Him Having a Gun

Bakersfield, CA — At 12:30 am on Monday morning, Bakersfield police shot and killed 73-year-old Francisco Serna as he stood in his driveway. Immediately following the shooting, police released details noting that Serna was killed for ‘brandishing a gun.’ However, early Tuesday morning, we’ve now learned that there was never a gun and police fabricated that vital piece of information.
When police arrived on scene, they fired multiple shots at Serna, hitting and killing him.

According to Serna’s family, he was in the beginning stages of dementia and occasionally experienced delusions. Serna’s oldest son told the LA Times that Serna had difficulty sleeping and frequently went on late-night walks to tire himself out before bed.

Police were called to his home at least two times before because Serna had accidentally activated his medical alarm, Rogelia Serna said. However, those incidents were resolved without the need for any violence or charges.

Bakersfield police Sgt. Gary Carruesco did not confirm if police had ever responded to Serna’s residence before.
Police are remaining tight-lipped in this incident releasing very few details, including the actual reason for the call. It is not known whether police were responding to the medical alarm or not as the Bakersfield police have changed their story about the gun.

Originally, police claimed that the call was prompted by a report of a man with a firearm. However, much to the police department’s chagrin, investigators canvased the area and found no such weapon.
When police initially claimed Serna brandished a firearm, his family was quick to negate this falsehood.

“My dad did not own a gun. He was a 73-year-old retired grandpa, just living life,” Rogelio Serna said. “He should have been surrounded by family at old age, not surrounded by bullets.”
Police also searched inside Serna’s home and found no evidence of a firearm.

The LA Times reported that when police arrived, a witness pointed to a man in the driveway of a residence. An officer fired several rounds at the man, who was pronounced dead at the scene.
However, this detail suggests no reason for the officer to have discharged his weapon a whopping 9 times, according to the family.

Bakersfield police have been hinting at the implementation of body cameras for well over a year now. However, they have yet to make the purchase, because they say the cost is too high. Aside from the high cost it also makes it easier to exonerate cops who kill mentally ill grandpas in the middle of the night.

The officer who killed this innocent grandpa is now on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.

Bakersfield police also have a tainted and violent history.

In November 2014, 22-year-old Ramiro James Villegas, who went by the name James De La Rosa, was killed by jumpy police in Bakersfield after allegedly “reaching for his waistband.” He was unarmed.

In June of this year, video surfaced of multiple Bakersfield Police Department officers using batons and tasers to bring down a mentally ill man for the heinous crime of jaywalking. For crossing the road in a manner unfit for the police state, an unarmed mentally ill man who had harmed no one was hospitalized after being severely beaten by cops — who were ruled justified in their actions for enforcing jaywalking laws.

In October of this year, a high school student filed a lawsuit claiming a Bakersfield school police officer tasered him twice for being late to class after having an anxiety attack.

Tyson Reed and his mother, Linda Reed, sued Kern High School District, KHSD Officer Luis Pena, and teacher Brett Bonetti on Sept. 22 in Kern County Superior Court, alleging disability discrimination and civil rights violations.

And the list goes on.

Francisco Serna is a retired father of five children and beloved grandpa and because of trigger happy police, his life was stolen.

On Monday night, Serna’s son Roy broadcast on Facebook live decrying the police killing his dad. “We want the truth to be told,” said Roy. “My father was murdered by Bakersfield Police Department.”