Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1053229 times)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3450 on: September 23, 2017, 03:36:49 AM »

You have a valid point. Firing them isn't enough. I forgot who I was dealing with. I should have been more specific. Fire them, then seek any charges that apply, and the Chief should be an advocate with the Prosecution to go for the fullest sentence. Until that happens, not a lot will change. As Ive stated in the past, integrity comes from the Chief down. I ran a division of 274 cops, I had zero tolerance for bad policing, lying or harassment. My team knew that I didn't tolerate it and they had no problems working under that system. Catching the bad guys is great, not becoming the bad guys while trying to catch them is even better

Thank you for a very decent upfront honest reply.
Good man.


  • Competitors II
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3451 on: September 23, 2017, 03:39:12 AM »
The officers negligence with a citizen in his custody and completely helpless is inexcusable and a person died. 10 days is an abomination. I;m guessing that guy wont be a cop again because of the plea deal and the level of charge but still, we have one chance to do things right... lives depend on it. We are the professionals.. There is no reason the officer couldn't have followed procedure and not caused the death of that person. A travesty

Thanks Again.
if Only more cops were as you are.
it appears that the likes of you are very much in the minority.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3452 on: September 23, 2017, 11:12:05 AM »
Texas Judge Grants Qualified Immunity to Cop who Shot Innocent Man’s Dog before Detaining him at Gunpoint

A Texas judge granted qualified immunity to a cop who shot and killed a man’s dog for barking at him, meaning the cop cannot be held liable in civil court.

A Texas judge issued an order this month granting a cop who shot a man’s dog for barking and allegedly showing his teeth at him qualified immunity, meaning he can’t be held liable in civil court.

“[The dog} was just kinda walking at me, he wasn’t, he didn’t, I mean . . .” Austin cop Daniel Walsh could be heard saying before cutting off the end of his sentence, according to the lawsuit.

United States District Court Judge Robert Pitman ruled officer Walsh could possibly be held liable for detaining Julian Reyes,49, for a lengthy period of time, initially at gunpoint.

Several more officers drew their guns on Reyes after Walsh cuffed him face down and began conducting an investigation even though Reyes was at his own storage unit.

‘They had me laying on my face,” Reyes recalled.

The order was issued earlier this month, over a year after April 24, 2016 when we reported about Judge Robert Pitman allowing Reyes’ pro se civil claim against Austin officers Walsh, Christopher Anderson, former Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo and the City of Austin to move forward.

It was around midnight on April 24, 2013 when officer Walsh shot Reyes’ dog Shiner Bock then handcuffed and detained him for over 15-minutes for suspicion of burglarizing the facility.

Reyes, however, had a key to a unit at the facility where he stored his art.

According to records, before admitting on dash cam Shiner Bock never posed a threat, Walsh arrived at a storage unit to investigate a call about a banging noise, which was later determined to be a piece of tin blowing in the wind outside of  Reyes’ warehouse where he stored art for an after party for Eeyore’s Birthday, an annual Austin festival.

But rather than wait outside for the other responding officers, Walsh drove his vehicle past a marked property line, which extended a distance from the storage unit, and exited and approached Reyes’ vehicle on foot.

When he got close to Reyes’ unit, Shiner Bock barked as Walsh spotted the dog.

“Don’t move! Get back!” Walsh commanded.

Shiner barked again just before Walsh fatally shot him in the chest.

Reyes was forced to lay face down while handcuffed and watch his dog bleed to death.

“Your dog is dead,” Walsh told Reyes after inquiring about his dog during his detainment.

“I had him nine years,” Reyes described, recalling the friendly nature of his dog.

“I never had an incident.”

Reyes, who runs the youtube channel Lizzardo Gitanticus and Facebook page Support for Shiner Bock,  said despite ruling against him, he still thinks Judge Pitman is a good judge whose hands are unfortunately tied by bad case law.

But said he’s looking forward to his day in court to prove his case about the illegal detainment, which he explains in the videos below.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3453 on: September 23, 2017, 12:32:08 PM »

Thanks Again.
if Only more cops were as you are.
it appears that the likes of you are very much in the minority.

It just appears that way


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3454 on: September 23, 2017, 01:17:55 PM »
The armed and violent criminal gangs keep attacking and abusing people. From a "heroic" cop violently attack and kidnapping a nurse who was perfectly justified and law abiding in her behavior to arresting people for refusing to speak, the uniformed thugs enjoy a level of immunity that ordinary law abiding freedom loving citizens could never dream of.

But these criminal gangs don't operate alone. They collaborate with prosecutors to provide them with "cases" so the prosecutors can build a record of convictions and plea deals. The prosecutors help the criminal cops and they also receive preferential treatment when they commit crimes. Take a look at this example:

A drunk prosecutor drives the wrong way in a one way street and crashes into another car, injuring the driver and causing heavy damage to the vehicle. When a cop arrives, he notices the prosecutor is drunk and contacts his watch commander.  Suspiciously enough, the watch commanders orders the cop to use line 3407 which was marked “not recorded”.  When the watch commander asks how the drunk prosecutor would do in a field sobriety test, the cop responds: "probably not amazing".
If you think it is suspicious that there is so much interest in what the result of the sobriety test would be, it will become more obvious now.
The watch commander says:
"Let’s pass him if we can. If we can’t, we can’t, Adam. We’re not going to get fucked. I’d love to pass him on sobriety if we could.”

To which the cop replies:
“Alright, I’ll do what I can,”

The story gets even uglier with the watch commander and other cops who arrive at the scene trying to shift the blame from the prosecutor and cover up the crime. It should be noted here that the supervisor's wife "just happens" to also be a prosecutor that also "just happens" to be working with the drunk prosecutor involved in the accident. In fact it appears that his wife would be doing some investigations into the case and the watch commander says that he would tell his wife not to pull any bodycam footage that shows the prosecutor:
“I’ll take care of that part. She will be smart enough not to dig into it”

Do you think the conspiracy by this criminal gang would result in prison time? Think again.

GRPD Chief David Rahinsky and Grand Rapids City Manager Greg Sundstrom agreed to termination hearings for all three officers.

Of course you'd expect the cop union a criminal gang to step in and protect its goons:

However, the city reached agreements with the police union for a lighter punishment for two of them. Officer Adam Ickes was suspended for 30 days without pay; Warwick was suspended for 160 hours, demoted from sergeant to officer, and placed on a two-year probation. Janiskee was fired from his job. He is suing, claiming his rights were violated and he’s also seeking to get his job back.

There is a lot to this story that shows how these criminals collaborate to commit crimes and also cover up crimes for "special" persons, perpetuating a culture of corruption and abuse.

Another incident:

Cop Lets Wasted Politician Go on DUI—He Gets Drunk Again, Smashes into Car Head On

Tom Bean, TX — In America, there are two sets of laws — one for the government class of police, politicians and well-connected elite — and one for everybody else. This corrupt system punishes the citizens for crimes the elite commit with impunity. The recent DUI stop of City Councilman Benjamin Vincent in Tom Bean, Texas, illustrates this corruption and shows how it can be detrimental to the safety and well-being of citizens.

Last Sunday, Vincent was pulled over by Whitewright police officer Andrew LeFevre after he was seen swerving all over the road, driving into oncoming traffic, and sliding through intersections.

When the officer initiated conversation with Vincent, it was obvious from the start that he was highly intoxicated. He thought it was October and couldn’t complete a sentence or answer any of the questions without blurting out utter slurred nonsense.

After the city councilman admitted to drinking and was seen breaking numerous laws, the officers decided to let him go.

“My suggestion is that you call a sober licensed family member to come get you,” LeFevre said. And just like that, this man who should’ve been arrested for driving dangerously drunk was let off with no consequences.

“Now Mr. Vincent, I want you to understand how big of a deal I’m cutting you here,” LeFevre said in the body camera video taken by Officer Mark Munt. “Between attorney fees, court fees, posting bond, insurance hikes, drivers license surcharges, DWIs can cost north of $20,000. Not to mention the stigma associated with it, the headache and hassle associated with it, having a criminal record. I’m really not trying to jam you up, but what I need you to understand and grasp from all of this is the seriousness of it.”

But Vincent did not grasp the ‘seriousness of it.’

On Tuesday, Whitewright Police Chief, Beau Heistand made an ominously predictive statement to the press after acknowledging his officer let a dangerous drunk driver back out on the road.

“There are a lot of fatalities that are caused by that and allowing someone to get a slap on the wrist and call someone to come take them home isn’t going to get anywhere,” said Chief Heistand.

He was right.

Only a few days later, after he’d been let off for putting the public at risk by driving while highly intoxicated, Vincent was right back at it. This time, however, the cops wouldn’t find him before he hurt someone.

As the Herald Democrat reports, the two-vehicle wreck involving Vincent and Elmer Stuckey, the driver of a Tom Bean Independent School District vehicle, caused injuries to both drivers, and both were transported to the hospital. In the early afternoon, Vincent was released from the hospital and arrested by a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper. Vincent was booked into the Grayson County Jail for intoxicated assault with a vehicle causing serious bodily injury.

“Today about 10 a.m., officers with our agency and the Tom Bean Fire Department responded to a call of a major accident at the intersection of State Highway 11 and Britton Street,” Tom Bean Police Chief Tim Green said. “Upon initial observations, it was determined the accident involved a member of Tom Bean City Council and an employee of the Tom Bean Independent School District.”

Because police chose not to arrest a man because he was a city councilman, an innocent man was severely injured. Their corruption led to the suffering of others and it could’ve been far worse.

For his actions, LeFevre was fired.

As innocent citizens are given DUIs for being completely sober, wasted politicians are granted get out of jail free cards and allowed to hurt other people. While many people will claim these are signs of a broken system, those who pay attention know it was, in fact, intentionally set up this way.

As you watch the video below, put yourself in Vincent’s shoes. Do you think cops would’ve treated you the same way if you did what he did?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3455 on: September 23, 2017, 02:05:34 PM »
Fired is the right answer. What an idiot.. did he think this was the 60's?  Failure on his entire chain of command to allow an atmosphere where that decision is even considered. I know of many instances where off duty cops were arrested and as I said, because they were off duty cops they were scrutinized even more, or at least a couple I have personal knowledge were. So this kind of crap is unethical and unnecessary. I made it clear as did many others, if you put me in a position where I could lose my job because you made bad choices, you're going to jail, I'm not going to think twice about it 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3456 on: September 23, 2017, 07:35:31 PM »
Remember this case?

Cop Fired for Attacking Innocent Elderly Vet Gets Termination Reversed & Back Pay

Seattle, WA — An overzealous cop was fired in 2015 after the officer was caught falsely accusing a 69-year-old man of swinging a golf club at her patrol car. Accused by the police chief of acting with racial bias in an unnecessarily aggressive manner, Officer Cynthia Whitlatch wrongfully arrested an Air Force veteran walking down the street using a golf club as a cane. Although Whitlatch argued that her dash cam video recorded the elderly man swinging at her, the video does not support any of her allegations. Now, two years later, this cop is having her termination reversed and receiving two years of back pay.

As KIRO 7 reports:

The back pay is more than $105,000 in two lump payments, paying her for 90 hours a month for the time since she was fired. All sustained findings by the Office of Professional Accountability about Whitlatch’s conduct will remain in place.
The agreement, signed Saturday by Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole, also is expected to give Whitlatch her full pension for her 18 years as an officer and the two additional years after her firing.
“Her not being on the force, that’s a good thing, regardless of how it is done,” Wingate said. “I wish nothing bad on nobody. I’m not here to hate on anybody. … That’s not me.”

At 1:06 p.m. on July 9, 2014, while collecting her near $50 per hour salary, the dash cam video from Whitlatch’s patrol car captured footage of the officer harassing 69-year-old William Wingate, who appears standing on the corner and using a golf club to support himself. After stepping out of her patrol car, Whitlatch immediately orders the elderly man to drop his golf club even though he is not using it in a threatening manner. Unable to hear the officer at first, Wingate removes an earbud from his left ear and repeatedly asks the antagonistic cop: “What’s going on?”

As Whitlatch continues ordering him to put down the golf club, Wingate tells her to call someone because he’s been walking in Seattle with that golf club for 20 years. After she informs Wingate that he’s being audio and videotaped, the apparently delusional officer accuses the elderly gentleman of swinging his golf club at her.

“I ain’t done nothing to nobody,” Wingate explains to her.

In response, Whitlatch says, “You just swang that golf club at me.”

“I did not!” Wingate defended.

“Yes, you did. Right back there. It was on audio and videotape,” Whitlatch lied.

While Whitlatch can be heard requesting for backup on her radio, Wingate begins explaining to a bystander that he’s being harassed for no good reason. After Whitlatch threatens to arrest him, Wingate tells her, “My church is up there, and everybody knows me.”

As Officer Chris Cole approaches the scene, Whitlatch can briefly be seen brandishing a nightstick while following Wingate. After the frightened senior hands over his golf club, Whitlatch digs through his pockets but finds nothing illegal. The rest of the video depicts Wingate being loaded into the back of a transport van and sent to jail for committing no crime. (The abuse starts at 1:45)

Falsely accused of swinging his golf club at a patrol car, Wingate spent over 25 hours in jail after being booked for obstruction and harassment. Although Whitlatch pushed the Seattle City Attorney’s Office to charge the elderly veteran with obstructing a police officer, an assistant city attorney declined to charge him with obstruction but decided instead to charge Wingate with unlawful use of a weapon to intimidate.

Unable to afford decent legal representation, Wingate pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge under an agreement in which the case would be expunged after two years if he complied with all conditions ordered by the judge. But after reviewing the dash cam footage, the Seattle City Attorney’s Office dismissed the charge, and the police chief formally apologized to Wingate nearly eight months after his arrest.

After the dash cam video was released to the public in January of 2015, Mayor Ed Murray ordered Whitlatch to be removed from public patrol duties. In a disciplinary action report filed last year, Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole accused Whitlatch of being inappropriately aggressive while unnecessarily escalating the situation.

“You never asked the individual any questions during the Terry stop to determine if he had, in fact, swung the golf club towards you and/or into a stop sign,” wrote Chief O’Toole. “Despite that, and despite never actually seeing him swing a golf club toward your car or hitting a stop sign, you actively participated in moving forward with an arrest for obstruction and even called the prosecutor days later to push for prosecution of the individual.”

In April of 2015, Wingate filed a lawsuit against Whitlatch for race discrimination, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and violation of his civil rights. His lawsuit also accused her of making racially derogatory comments on her personal Facebook page after Wingate’s arrest and the Ferguson riots. In her report, Chief O’Toole noted that Whitlatch also made disturbing comments about the race of a judge and deputy chief involved in expunging Wingate’s criminal record related to his wrongful arrest.

“You expressed a strong belief that these actions were taken because the judge and deputy chief are black, and that race drove the decision-making of a high-ranking Department official and a long-serving Municipal Court Judge, not the legitimate factual and legal analysis by thoughtful and dedicated public servants,” O’Toole wrote. “Such statements further indicate that your biased views prevent you from being able to honestly reflect on your own job performance and successfully receive constructive criticism of your policing techniques because you view the critiques as racially motivated.”

Unwilling to admit any fault, Whitlatch claims that she was being targeted due to the fact that she is white. In her report, O’Toole wrote, “I was disappointed by your failure…to take any responsibility, or show any understanding that your conduct at issue here was inappropriate.”

“Your inability to understand, even in hindsight, that your behavior was unnecessarily aggressive, an abuse of discretion, and negatively impacted the community’s confidence in this police service, offers me no pathway to understand how you can improve and do better,” O’Toole concluded. “For the reasons summarized above, and while giving careful consideration to your full employment history as well as the facts of this case, your employment is terminated.”

Now, however, all that sentiment has apparently changed and O’Toole signed the grievance resolution on Saturday to show that Witlatch retired instead of being fired. An innocent elderly man was assaulted, kidnapped, and falsely charged. The cop who did this to him was rewarded with a $50 per hour salary for two years of not working. And, Americans have the audacity to call this ‘justice.’


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3457 on: September 24, 2017, 04:14:54 PM »
More crimes and corruption by the armed violent criminal gang and once again the taxpayers have to foot the bill.

Innocent Man Get $1.6M After Surveillance Video Proved Cops Beat and Framed Him

Caldwell County, TX — An innocent man has received over $1.6 million from a civil lawsuit because he was beaten and framed by cops for being 100 percent compliant and never committing a crime.

“Our client feels vindicated,” said attorney Karl Seelbach, of Doyle & Seelbach PLLC. “If there’s one thing about Larry Faulkenberry, is his story is consistent from day one.”

As KXAN reports:

A federal jury awarded a Central Texas man more than $1.3 million in response to a civil lawsuit against Caldwell County deputies who arrested him on charges that were never prosecuted by the district attorney’s office.
Lawrence Faulkenberry was also awarded $350,000 in punitive damages related to a deputy who initiated a leg sweep, his attorney said.

This infuriating story began back in January of 2015 when Faulkenberry’s 16-year-old son decided that he would play a trick on his dad for grounding him. So, he called the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Department and claimed his dad was drunk and waving a gun.

This 16-year-old’s prank nearly got his father killed.

Deputies responding to the call arrived to find Faulkenberry entirely compliant—not drunk— and unarmed. He does not even own a gun.

These facts, however, were of no concern to the cops who arrived only to assault, injure, arrest, and lie about Faulkenberry attacking them.

“They yelled ‘sheriff’s department.’ What do you need? I put my hands up. ‘Turn around and walk backwards.’ I’ll stand here, you come here and put handcuffs on me,” Faulkenberry said.

“Why the fuck y’all here?” Faulkenberry recounted himself saying. “Before I could finish the sentence, I got slammed to the ground.”

While on the ground, deputies rubbed his head into the gravel and punched Faulkenberry in the face, leaving his face covered in abrasions.

“They left me laying on the ground for about 15 minutes, face down,” he said.

According to the police report, by Deputy Michael Taylor, Faulkenberry attacked the cops, and they were forced to beat him in an act of self-defense.

“I observed Lawrence Faulkenberry push Sergeant Yost with the left side of his body and elbow into a tree causing him to fall and injure his left shin and right knee cap. I observed Lawrence Faulkenberry to forcefully resist Deputies while attempting to lawfully detain him for officer safety. Deputies detained Lawrence Faulkenberry using the least amount of force necessary to gain compliance from Lawrence Faulkenberry.”
“If you watch the video, absolutely none of that occurred,” he said. “I never touched the guy. That was a complete fabrication.”

After spending ten days in jail on felony charges of assaulting an officer and resisting arrest, prosecutors finally got around to viewing the surveillance footage that proved their cops were lying thugs. After they had viewed the footage, all charges were dropped.

However, in spite of the video clearing Faulkenberry and proving the cops lied to set him up, not one of the three deputies involved has ever faced discipline. Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office deputies Dustin M. Yost, Michael Taylor, and Houseton (whose first name was not mentioned in the lawsuit), all named in the lawsuit, were never fired for nearly killing and innocent man and lying to frame him and put him in jail.

Faulkenberry, who owns a motorcycle parts shop, was facing several years in prison. This innocent man could have been locked in a cage and deprived of freedom because of these lying cops, and yet it was the taxpayer forced to pay for the police officers’ negligence—to the tune of $1.6 million.

“Without the video, I would be in prison. There is no doubt about that,” Faulkenberry said.

Despite dropping the charges, the sheriff’s department stuck by their story. In response to Faulkenberry’s lawsuit, the department issued the following statement last year.

Defendants specifically deny that they violated Plaintiff’s Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights or any other rights under the United States Constitution or the laws of the State of Texas. Specifically, Defendants deny that they used excessive force and unreasonable seizure, fabricated criminal charges, unreasonable search—warrantless search of property as alleged in paragraphs 29 through 32.

The video below illustrates two powerful points. The first point is that filming the cops saves lives. The second point is that cops will lie to protect themselves and couldn’t care less about ruining the lives of innocent people in the process.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3458 on: September 26, 2017, 04:19:11 PM »
This career criminal should have been sent to the electric chair. At least this time it's the violent criminal, and not the taxpayers, that must foot the bill for this poor man's death.

Cop Forced to Pay $6.3M of Own Money to Family of Innocent 70yo Man He Cuffed and Watched Die

Malakoff, TX — As TFTP has frequently reported, if police officers are not held accountable for their actions in one department, they will simply change departments and continue abusing citizens. We call them gypsy cops. One such gypsy cop is Ernesto Fierro, whose time has finally come.

In 2005, Fierro was allowed to resign from the Dallas Police Department after he was involved in two hit-and-runs in which he fled the scene. That would be a felony conviction for the average citizen, but police officers are often given a pass for their crimes, allowed to resign and be employed elsewhere at another LEA (law enforcement agency).

Later, Fierro was employed in 2011 with the Ferris, Texas, Police Department when he was involved in the death of a motorcyclist during a high-speed chase. Had Fierro been held accountable for his actions in Dallas and later in Ferris, he might not have allegedly killed William Livezey Jr. (70), of New Sharon, Iowa. But, he was not held accountable and was therefore allowed to strike again.

Fierro, the gypsy cop, left Ferris and was employed in Malakoff, Texas in April 2014 where he was a police officer. While riding his own personal motorcycle, Fierro was involved in a road-rage incident with Livezey, who was driving a tractor-trailer load of reclaimed barn lumber from his business in Taintor, Iowa, to a client in Houston.

The incident began when Fierro perceived Livezey to be trying to kill him with his truck. According to the DesMoines Register:

Fierro claimed in testimony that Livezey, who lived in New Sharon, Iowa, had “homicidal intent with his attacks of road rage” and came close to killing him while he was on his motorcycle.
But Fierro’s claims Livezey was trying to kill him were disputed by more than one witness who saw the gypsy cop driving erratically.

But witnesses said they saw the motorcycle weave from side-to-side and dart in front of Livezey’s truck at least 15 times, forcing it onto the shoulder. At one point, Fierro allegedly kicked the truck’s tire, witnesses told police.

Fierro then arrested Livezey for “aggravated assault” and placed the elderly man in handcuffs. That’s when the truck driver said he wasn’t feeling well. He told the other officers he was afraid Fierro was going to kill him. Fierro claimed he was faking his illness.

When backup officers arrived, Livezey said his chest was hurting “and he thought the other man was going to hurt him,” the lawsuit says. Fierro claimed Livezey was “faking” and just “putting on a show” to avoid going to jail.

The other officers who were on-duty, apparently realizing the man’s health condition was grave, took him out of handcuffs and placed him into his vehicle, where he turned purple and stopped breathing. Shortly after, he was declared dead of a cardiac arrest. The family sued the city of Malakoff, the police department, and officer Fierro.

A judge removed the city and the police department from the lawsuit and allowed the suit to proceed against Fierro as the solely responsible individual for Livezey’s death. A jury found him guilty and awarded the family $6.3 million dollars as a civil penalty for causing the elderly Iowa man’s death. Fierro will be solely responsible for paying the judgment.

The Livezey family’s attorneys claimed Fierro “wrongfully and illegally handcuffed, arrested, assaulted, and detained which ultimately caused his death at the scene.” The jury agreed. Finally, after two hit-and-run incidents, and the deaths of two citizens, Fierro was forced to surrender his Texas peace officer’s license.

Finally, after two hit-and-run incidents, and the deaths of two citizens, Fierro was forced to surrender his Texas peace officer’s license. If Fierro had been held accountable for his actions when he was in Dallas, and been charged with felony hit-and-run, for example, maybe the two other individuals would still be alive today.

Fierro’s story is precisely why we at TFTP do what we do, to expose the double standard, and hold police officers to the same standard to which the rest of society is held.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3459 on: September 26, 2017, 06:18:34 PM »


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3460 on: September 26, 2017, 07:33:50 PM »
More crimes and corruption by the armed violent criminal gang and once again the taxpayers have to foot the bill.

Innocent Man Get $1.6M After Surveillance Video Proved Cops Beat and Framed Him

Caldwell County, TX — An innocent man has received over $1.6 million from a civil lawsuit because he was beaten and framed by cops for being 100 percent compliant and never committing a crime.

“Our client feels vindicated,” said attorney Karl Seelbach, of Doyle & Seelbach PLLC. “If there’s one thing about Larry Faulkenberry, is his story is consistent from day one.”

As KXAN reports:

A federal jury awarded a Central Texas man more than $1.3 million in response to a civil lawsuit against Caldwell County deputies who arrested him on charges that were never prosecuted by the district attorney’s office.
Lawrence Faulkenberry was also awarded $350,000 in punitive damages related to a deputy who initiated a leg sweep, his attorney said.

This infuriating story began back in January of 2015 when Faulkenberry’s 16-year-old son decided that he would play a trick on his dad for grounding him. So, he called the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Department and claimed his dad was drunk and waving a gun.

This 16-year-old’s prank nearly got his father killed.

Deputies responding to the call arrived to find Faulkenberry entirely compliant—not drunk— and unarmed. He does not even own a gun.

These facts, however, were of no concern to the cops who arrived only to assault, injure, arrest, and lie about Faulkenberry attacking them.

“They yelled ‘sheriff’s department.’ What do you need? I put my hands up. ‘Turn around and walk backwards.’ I’ll stand here, you come here and put handcuffs on me,” Faulkenberry said.

“Why the fuck y’all here?” Faulkenberry recounted himself saying. “Before I could finish the sentence, I got slammed to the ground.”

While on the ground, deputies rubbed his head into the gravel and punched Faulkenberry in the face, leaving his face covered in abrasions.

“They left me laying on the ground for about 15 minutes, face down,” he said.

According to the police report, by Deputy Michael Taylor, Faulkenberry attacked the cops, and they were forced to beat him in an act of self-defense.

“I observed Lawrence Faulkenberry push Sergeant Yost with the left side of his body and elbow into a tree causing him to fall and injure his left shin and right knee cap. I observed Lawrence Faulkenberry to forcefully resist Deputies while attempting to lawfully detain him for officer safety. Deputies detained Lawrence Faulkenberry using the least amount of force necessary to gain compliance from Lawrence Faulkenberry.”
“If you watch the video, absolutely none of that occurred,” he said. “I never touched the guy. That was a complete fabrication.”

After spending ten days in jail on felony charges of assaulting an officer and resisting arrest, prosecutors finally got around to viewing the surveillance footage that proved their cops were lying thugs. After they had viewed the footage, all charges were dropped.

However, in spite of the video clearing Faulkenberry and proving the cops lied to set him up, not one of the three deputies involved has ever faced discipline. Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office deputies Dustin M. Yost, Michael Taylor, and Houseton (whose first name was not mentioned in the lawsuit), all named in the lawsuit, were never fired for nearly killing and innocent man and lying to frame him and put him in jail.

Faulkenberry, who owns a motorcycle parts shop, was facing several years in prison. This innocent man could have been locked in a cage and deprived of freedom because of these lying cops, and yet it was the taxpayer forced to pay for the police officers’ negligence—to the tune of $1.6 million.

“Without the video, I would be in prison. There is no doubt about that,” Faulkenberry said.

Despite dropping the charges, the sheriff’s department stuck by their story. In response to Faulkenberry’s lawsuit, the department issued the following statement last year.

Defendants specifically deny that they violated Plaintiff’s Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights or any other rights under the United States Constitution or the laws of the State of Texas. Specifically, Defendants deny that they used excessive force and unreasonable seizure, fabricated criminal charges, unreasonable search—warrantless search of property as alleged in paragraphs 29 through 32.

The video below illustrates two powerful points. The first point is that filming the cops saves lives. The second point is that cops will lie to protect themselves and couldn’t care less about ruining the lives of innocent people in the process.

It should be the criminal thugs ( cops ) who should be forced to pay the $ compensation
Out of there savings / pension etc - also prosecuted to the max.

Video evidence is only ever Real evedince when it is cops using it as evidence
Otherwise it doesn't tell the whole story .....  ::)
FFS who much longer is this Bullshit going to go on for.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3461 on: September 26, 2017, 07:40:19 PM »


quote author=Skeletor link=topic=329944.msg8883630#msg8883630 date=1506467951]
This career criminal should have been sent to the electric chair. At least this time it's the violent criminal, and not the taxpayers, that must foot the bill for this poor man's death.

Cop Forced to Pay $6.3M of Own Money to Family of Innocent 70yo Man He Cuffed and Watched Die

Malakoff, TX — As TFTP has frequently reported, if police officers are not held accountable for their actions in one department, they will simply change departments and continue abusing citizens. We call them gypsy cops. One such gypsy cop is Ernesto Fierro, whose time has finally come.

In 2005, Fierro was allowed to resign from the Dallas Police Department after he was involved in two hit-and-runs in which he fled the scene. That would be a felony conviction for the average citizen, but police officers are often given a pass for their crimes, allowed to resign and be employed elsewhere at another LEA (law enforcement agency).

Later, Fierro was employed in 2011 with the Ferris, Texas, Police Department when he was involved in the death of a motorcyclist during a high-speed chase. Had Fierro been held accountable for his actions in Dallas and later in Ferris, he might not have allegedly killed William Livezey Jr. (70), of New Sharon, Iowa. But, he was not held accountable and was therefore allowed to strike again.

Fierro, the gypsy cop, left Ferris and was employed in Malakoff, Texas in April 2014 where he was a police officer. While riding his own personal motorcycle, Fierro was involved in a road-rage incident with Livezey, who was driving a tractor-trailer load of reclaimed barn lumber from his business in Taintor, Iowa, to a client in Houston.

The incident began when Fierro perceived Livezey to be trying to kill him with his truck. According to the DesMoines Register:

Fierro claimed in testimony that Livezey, who lived in New Sharon, Iowa, had “homicidal intent with his attacks of road rage” and came close to killing him while he was on his motorcycle.
But Fierro’s claims Livezey was trying to kill him were disputed by more than one witness who saw the gypsy cop driving erratically.

But witnesses said they saw the motorcycle weave from side-to-side and dart in front of Livezey’s truck at least 15 times, forcing it onto the shoulder. At one point, Fierro allegedly kicked the truck’s tire, witnesses told police.

Fierro then arrested Livezey for “aggravated assault” and placed the elderly man in handcuffs. That’s when the truck driver said he wasn’t feeling well. He told the other officers he was afraid Fierro was going to kill him. Fierro claimed he was faking his illness.

When backup officers arrived, Livezey said his chest was hurting “and he thought the other man was going to hurt him,” the lawsuit says. Fierro claimed Livezey was “faking” and just “putting on a show” to avoid going to jail.

The other officers who were on-duty, apparently realizing the man’s health condition was grave, took him out of handcuffs and placed him into his vehicle, where he turned purple and stopped breathing. Shortly after, he was declared dead of a cardiac arrest. The family sued the city of Malakoff, the police department, and officer Fierro.

A judge removed the city and the police department from the lawsuit and allowed the suit to proceed against Fierro as the solely responsible individual for Livezey’s death. A jury found him guilty and awarded the family $6.3 million dollars as a civil penalty for causing the elderly Iowa man’s death. Fierro will be solely responsible for paying the judgment.

The Livezey family’s attorneys claimed Fierro “wrongfully and illegally handcuffed, arrested, assaulted, and detained which ultimately caused his death at the scene.” The jury agreed. Finally, after two hit-and-run incidents, and the deaths of two citizens, Fierro was forced to surrender his Texas peace officer’s license.

Finally, after two hit-and-run incidents, and the deaths of two citizens, Fierro was forced to surrender his Texas peace officer’s license. If Fierro had been held accountable for his actions when he was in Dallas, and been charged with felony hit-and-run, for example, maybe the two other individuals would still be alive today.

Fierro’s story is precisely why we at TFTP do what we do, to expose the double standard, and hold police officers to the same standard to which the rest of society is held.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3462 on: September 27, 2017, 12:13:11 PM »
Good job from those workers in subduing this violent thug, they might even have done a better job than the cops since no one got shot or killed or left paralyzed. Hopefully we will see more instances like that where citizens can be active against the abuse and crimes. Let's see now if this violent thug will face charges.

Cop Attacks Road Workers So They Take Him Down in Citizen’s Arrest

Louisville, KY — A Kentucky State Trooper on a power trip allegedly got violent with a road construction crew over the weekend. However, as the video of incident shows, unlike most scenarios with cops on power trips, it was the Trooper who got taken down, not the citizens.

According to video and the witness accounts from the road crew, Trooper Anthony Harrison punched a worker and put them all in danger as he drove through a construction site Sunday night.

According to the crew, Harrison drove too fast toward their work zone near Fort Knox about 11:30 p.m. Sunday, adding that he stopped his personal car abruptly, confronted the workers and started arguing.

Two of the workers told WDRB that Harrison was angry about not seeing the crew and their equipment in a closed-off and marked traffic lane.

In the video, Harrison is seen yelling at one of the workers over their disagreement and gets belligerent with the woman who asks him not to yell at her.

“Don’t yell at me,” the woman says.

“I will yell at you!” Harrison barks back as he tries to intimidate her. “Or what!?”

Harrison flashed his badge and let it be known that he was a trooper, however, he still got unnecessarily violent.

When Harrison noticed that he was being recorded, he became even more enraged. He then appears to attack the man filming and at this point, all hell breaks loose.

“Me pulling the phone and filming him, that just sent him over the top,” said Joey Gaddis, who shot the video. “He lunged at me for the phone. I felt like he was trying to grab at my neck.”

At this point, the crew takes Harrison down and disarms him in a citizen’s arrest as they called the police. The crew’s level of force appeared to be entirely justified and kept to a minimum, only using enough force to hold Harrison down. Unlike many police officers would’ve done in this scenario, no head strikes, baton blows, or tasers were used to subdue the officer.

“That badge doesn’t give the right to get in someone’s face like that,” the woman said as they held down Harrison.

The crew then continued to hold Harrison down, without incident, until police officers arrived. However, once police arrived everything changed — they let him go.

Gaddis explained that once the other troopers showed up, they immediately moved to protect their brother in blue by treating the road workers as the criminals.

“It seemed like we were in the wrong. That’s the way we felt,” he said. “They lined us all up in a row to take pictures of us like we jumped out of the car on him.”

According to WDRB, KSP said they’ve started an internal affairs investigation and that what’s on the video does not reflect the image the department strives for with the public.

“Obviously, it is concerning what we see on the video,” said Lt. Michael Webb, a spokesperson for KSP. “However, I would caution any of the viewers who see that video to allow us to conduct our internal investigation to its final stages and follow the facts to where they will take us.”

The most disconcerting aspect of this scenario is that had Harrison been a regular citizen and not a cop the result would’ve played out much differently.

If a regular citizen would’ve just gotten out of their car they would’ve been subject to police force and arrest. However, if that regular citizen then became violent with the crew, like Harrison was seen doing, they most assuredly would’ve been arrested. But not if you are a police officer.

The videos below make two powerful points. The first point is that police officers are not magically protected from citizens they abuse. This cop appeared to be entirely in the wrong and the citizens acted to stop it and did so with minimal force, providing an excellent example of how police should do it.

The second point is that even though there was video evidence of Harrison losing it and assaulting a person for filming, most likely due to the fact that he is a cop, Harrison was not arrested and will likely face no punishment.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3463 on: September 27, 2017, 09:54:44 PM »


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3464 on: September 27, 2017, 10:19:47 PM »
Quote from: Coach is Back! on Today at 09:52:24 PM
This being said. Are you on the side of them kneeling or standing. The kneeling part comes from the left screaming racial equality. IMO, this is BS. They do it during the anthem. Villanueva stood for the flag because he served. I respect your service 100000% but because you served shouldn't dismiss my views.

As a cop from a major city.. and being privy to statistics and news media I feel the cops and the courts have dropped the ball in some cases. Enough to bolster their claim of inequality. I don't agree with the percentage, but I acknowledge there is room for improvement. I fought for my county, but I also believe strongly in the constitution and 1st amendment rights. It's not contingent on whether  I agree with their views or not. I'd much rather they peacefully protest than riot in the streets. Now the player that was making a show of stretching during the anthem, pure disrespect. Those quietly taking a knee? I think our country is strong enough to withstand a little kneeling during the anthem. I've protected the KKK  while they  spewed horrific rhetoric. I've protected Black Lives Matter while they insulted me and my co-workers. I look at the big picture. What makes America great in my opinion, is the ability to voice an unpopular view


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3465 on: September 27, 2017, 10:49:31 PM »
Good job from those workers in subduing this violent thug, they might even have done a better job than the cops since no one got shot or killed or left paralyzed. Hopefully we will see more instances like that where citizens can be active against the abuse and crimes. Let's see now if this violent thug will face charges.

Cop Attacks Road Workers So They Take Him Down in Citizen’s Arrest

Louisville, KY — A Kentucky State Trooper on a power trip allegedly got violent with a road construction crew over the weekend. However, as the video of incident shows, unlike most scenarios with cops on power trips, it was the Trooper who got taken down, not the citizens.

According to video and the witness accounts from the road crew, Trooper Anthony Harrison punched a worker and put them all in danger as he drove through a construction site Sunday night.

According to the crew, Harrison drove too fast toward their work zone near Fort Knox about 11:30 p.m. Sunday, adding that he stopped his personal car abruptly, confronted the workers and started arguing.

Two of the workers told WDRB that Harrison was angry about not seeing the crew and their equipment in a closed-off and marked traffic lane.

In the video, Harrison is seen yelling at one of the workers over their disagreement and gets belligerent with the woman who asks him not to yell at her.

“Don’t yell at me,” the woman says.

“I will yell at you!” Harrison barks back as he tries to intimidate her. “Or what!?”

Harrison flashed his badge and let it be known that he was a trooper, however, he still got unnecessarily violent.

When Harrison noticed that he was being recorded, he became even more enraged. He then appears to attack the man filming and at this point, all hell breaks loose.

“Me pulling the phone and filming him, that just sent him over the top,” said Joey Gaddis, who shot the video. “He lunged at me for the phone. I felt like he was trying to grab at my neck.”

At this point, the crew takes Harrison down and disarms him in a citizen’s arrest as they called the police. The crew’s level of force appeared to be entirely justified and kept to a minimum, only using enough force to hold Harrison down. Unlike many police officers would’ve done in this scenario, no head strikes, baton blows, or tasers were used to subdue the officer.

“That badge doesn’t give the right to get in someone’s face like that,” the woman said as they held down Harrison.

The crew then continued to hold Harrison down, without incident, until police officers arrived. However, once police arrived everything changed — they let him go.

Gaddis explained that once the other troopers showed up, they immediately moved to protect their brother in blue by treating the road workers as the criminals.

“It seemed like we were in the wrong. That’s the way we felt,” he said. “They lined us all up in a row to take pictures of us like we jumped out of the car on him.”

According to WDRB, KSP said they’ve started an internal affairs investigation and that what’s on the video does not reflect the image the department strives for with the public.

“Obviously, it is concerning what we see on the video,” said Lt. Michael Webb, a spokesperson for KSP. “However, I would caution any of the viewers who see that video to allow us to conduct our internal investigation to its final stages and follow the facts to where they will take us.”

The most disconcerting aspect of this scenario is that had Harrison been a regular citizen and not a cop the result would’ve played out much differently.

If a regular citizen would’ve just gotten out of their car they would’ve been subject to police force and arrest. However, if that regular citizen then became violent with the crew, like Harrison was seen doing, they most assuredly would’ve been arrested. But not if you are a police officer.

The videos below make two powerful points. The first point is that police officers are not magically protected from citizens they abuse. This cop appeared to be entirely in the wrong and the citizens acted to stop it and did so with minimal force, providing an excellent example of how police should do it.

The second point is that even though there was video evidence of Harrison losing it and assaulting a person for filming, most likely due to the fact that he is a cop, Harrison was not arrested and will likely face no punishment.

Video evidence is only ever Real evedince when it is cops using it as evidence
Otherwise it doesn't tell the whole story .....  Roll Eyes
FFS who much longer is this Bullshit going to go on for.

Arsewipes in uniform


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3466 on: September 28, 2017, 02:56:57 PM »
Once again the taxpayers will have to foot the bill for the actions of those thugs.

Woman Prevents Cops from Entering Home With No Warrant, So They Break Her Leg

Santa Clara, CA — The taxpayers of Santa Clara will be shelling out a massive $6.7 million to settle a federal civil-rights lawsuit that was entirely preventable had a rogue cops not decided to violate their oaths and kick down the door of a family’s home—with no warrant.

On April 12, 2016, Danielle Burfine was in her home when multiple Santa Clara officers came to her door and demanded entry into her home to arrest Burfine’s 15-year-old daughter. They had no warrant.

Instead of simply going back to a judge and obtaining a warrant to constitutionally arrest the young woman, Sergeant Gregory Hill took it upon himself to kick down their front door. Because Burfine was attempting to prevent the officers from entering her home without a warrant, she was thrown down, causing her to hit a stone pillar which broke her leg, according to the lawsuit.

“This shocking video shows obvious excessive force, wrongful entry without a warrant, and extreme callousness as Danielle broke her ankle and cried in pain,” attorney Michael Haddad said.

As the video begins, Hill and Burfine are involved in a standoff as the mother refuses to allow the officers in her home until she sees a warrant. Santa Clara police claimed they had a right to enter the home of the teen on the basis of “on-view charges.” This term typically refers to a crime or evidence that an officer witnesses directly. However, the alleged crime was over a week old by this time, so it did not apply in this instance.

“This is not like they were in hot pursuit of a suspect running from a crime,” Haddad said. “They were clearly in a zone where they now required a warrant.”

But these officers felt no warrant was needed, so now the taxpayers are shelling out millions to pay for their careless mistake and brutality.

The officers tried to be polite even as they began kicking at her door. However, the fact that they were nice to her while violating her rights does not dismiss the outcome of this scenario.

“We’re going to arrest her. That’s going to happen,” Hill says before breaking into the woman’s home. “You’re going to want to stand back, because I don’t want you to get hit by the door when I kick it.”

Burfine replies, “No I’m not moving, and you do not have permission to kick down my door.”

Instead of listening to reason, Hill kicks down the door, Burfine is assaulted and then the mother can be heard yelling “No you are not allowed to come into my house!” before she falls and screams, “My ankle just broke! My leg just broke!” In the video, we can see the bone pushing outward on Burfine’s pant leg—a horrific sight indeed.

The city asserts that Burfine “lost her footing, tripped off the front porch and fractured her ankle.” However, even with body camera footage of the incident, they chose not to contest the lawsuit and settle for this record amount.

“Although there was significant disagreement about the extent of the injury, there was no dispute that the plaintiff sustained a broken ankle in the course of the entry to the plaintiff’s home without a warrant,’’ City Attorney Brian Doyle said in a statement. “The city’s insurer determined that the most prudent course of action was for it to pay an amount that would result in settlement.”

As Mercury News reports, Haddad contends the aggressive confrontation was retaliation against Burfine for not allowing police to fully interrogate her daughter in the days after the fire and refusing on multiple occasions to discuss the case without their attorney present.

After her injury, Burfine can be heard saying, “I was simply doing what my attorney asked me.”

This should have been a cut and dry arrest as no one disputes that Burfine’s 15-year-old daughter is innocent of the crime of arson for setting a snack shack on fire at Santa Clara High School—because, after this incident, she was found guilty of arson. However, because police chose to use force instead of the law, the taxpayers are now giving $6.7 million to this woman.

According to Haddad, Burfine developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, a chronic pain condition he said “is likely to be permanently disabling.”

As Mercury News reports, Haddad was also the attorney in a civil-rights case that ended last year with Santa Clara reaching a nearly $500,000 settlement with a family who sued claiming that police illegally searched their home multiple times in 2014, based on theft suspicions that never materialized.

“Now they’ve catastrophically injured an innocent mom,” Haddad said. “Will they finally fix their training and procedures?”

Below is the infuriating and hard to watch video illustrating what can happen when cops choose to go rogue instead of following the law.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3467 on: September 30, 2017, 02:10:07 AM »
Another dangerous and violent uniformed criminal who abused people and yet the prison time he will serve will be just 1 year (or maybe even less).

Video shows convicted ex-cop slamming woman's face into car hood

One day after a former police officer pleaded guilty to using excessive force, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department released body camera footage that shows the ex-cop slamming a woman’s face into the hood of his patrol car.

Former Officer Richard Scavone pleaded guilty Thursday to using excessive force in the January 2015 case, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. He also falsified his statement relating to the case, an indictment said.

In a plea deal, Scavone, 50, admitted shoving the woman to the ground, grabbing her by the neck, slapping her head with his hand, then slamming her face twice into the hood of the car, FOX5 in Las Vegas reported.

He also slammed her into one of the car’s doors, the report said.

The woman suffered unspecified “bodily injury,” the indictment said.

The officer had become angry when the woman tossed her coffee at him after he told her to leave the area, FOX5 reported.

Scavone admitted knowing that what he did was against the law, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said. He faces a maximum sentence of up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $100,000.

Sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 11, 2018.

“Misconduct such as this will not be tolerated and those who break the law will be held accountable for their actions,” acting U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre said.

“As Mr. Scavone realized today, no one is above the law,” Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse said.  “Law enforcement takes an oath to protect and serve our communities. We are, and rightfully should be, held to a higher standard.”

The profanity-laden video released Friday, running 3 minutes and 23 seconds, appears to show Scavone assaulting the woman near Tropicana Avenue and Interstate 15, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

As part of his plea deal, Scavone – who was fired following an internal police investigation -- can no longer work as a police officer.

The woman in the video was charged with littering and loitering, but the charges were dismissed, police said.

Video here:


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3468 on: September 30, 2017, 12:01:52 PM »
Two Louisiana city marshals are charged with shooting dead a six-year-old autistic boy when they fired 18 bullets at the car his father was driving

  •     Jeremy Mardis, six, was shot dead by state marshals on Tuesday night
  •     Autistic boy was in the passenger seat of his father Chris Few's vehicle
  •     Cops were believed to be trying to issue a warrant when they opened fire
  •     As many as 18 bullets were fired, with five hitting Jeremy
  •     One of the officers was wearing a body camera and captured the shooting and horrific aftermath
  •     'That little boy was buckled in the front seat of that vehicle and that is how he died,' Col. Mike Edmonson said. 'He didn't deserve to die like that'
  •     Few is heavily sedated, unable to talk and has bullet fragments lodged in his brain and lung

After Reviewing Body Cam, 2 Cops Charged with Murder in Killing of 6-yo Jeremy Mardis

Marksville, LA – On Tuesday, November 3rd, 6-year-old Jeremy Mardis was tragically gunned down by Louisiana police during a pursuit.

In a press conference late Friday night, authorities announced that two of the four officers involved in the stop have been arrested.

Three of the men, Lt. Jason Brouillette, Sgt., Kenneth Parnell, and Lt. Derrick Stafford, worked for the Marksville City Police Department. The fourth, Norris Greenhouse Jr., was a marshal for the Alexandria City Office.

Lt. Stafford, 32, and Norris Greenhouse Jr., 23, are the local deputy marshals who fired at least 18 rounds at an unarmed man and his son, killing a 6-year-old boy.

According to the Advocate,

    Stafford, Brouillette and Greenhouse were moonlighting for the local marshal’s office at the time of the shooting, Smith said.

    No use-of-force policy exists for the Marksville Police Department, said Smith, nor are there guidelines on shooting at vehicles, a practice frowned upon by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, an umbrella agency for law enforcement groups.

    The shooting laid bare tensions between the city of Marksville and a local marshal agency led by a school bus driver who lacks basic law enforcement certification. Marksville Mayor John Lemoine previously told The Advocate that Ward 2 Marshal Floyd Voinche Sr. recently began recruiting part-time officers and obtaining squad cars to issue tickets, without permission from city officials.

Initial reports claimed that Jeremy’s father, 25-year-old Chris Few, was being served a warrant by Ward 2 City Marshals. However, police now admit that Few was not only unarmed when officers opened fire, there wasn’t a warrant at all.

It was originally reported that Few was cornered in a dead end drive, however, the initial reports were incorrect. Through traffic was indeed allowed at the intersection.

At least one of the officers were wearing a body camera which was on at the time of the shooting. While police have yet to release the footage, the arrests were made shortly after the Louisiana State Police reviewed the video, according to KLFY.
When asked about the body camera footage during the press conference, State Police Col. Mike Edmonson told reporters, “It is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen, and I will leave it at that.”

“That little boy was buckled in the front seat of that vehicle,” Edmonson told reporters. “That is how he died.”

At approximately 10:00 pm, Friday night, authorities announced that Norris Greenhouse Jr. & Derrick Stafford were charged with 2nd-degree murder of 6-year-old and attempted 2nd-degree murder of Chris Few.

Remember this case?

No Justice: Cop Gets Slap on Wrist for Murder of 6yo Boy—His Dad’s the Asst. DA

Marksville, LA — Norris Greenhouse Jr. has reached a plea deal with Louisiana Attorney General’s Office.  For this cop’s role in murdering 6-year-old Jeremy Mardis, an innocent young boy, and shooting his father, he will only be receiving a sentence of seven and a half years.

The plea was offered in exchange for Greenhouse’ guilty plea, who, along with fellow officer Derrick Stafford, killed Mardis and attempted to kill Christopher Few, Mardis’ father, in a hail of gunfire following a low-speed vehicular chase. Given that Greenhouse initiated the chase and shooting, the fact that he is getting off with such a slap on the wrist is an insult to justice.

Stafford was convicted in March following a jury trial and was given 40 years in prison. Greenhouse, whose father is the assistant DA in Avoyelles Parish, LA, is obviously tapping into the special privilege of being so well-connected. As TFTP recently reported, Greenhouse came under fire for being allowed to leave the country to take a Caribbean vacation to St. Thomas while awaiting trial and out on bail—a privilege only well-connected children of government officials enjoy.

Infuriatingly enough, the person who seemed to have caused most of the conflict was Greenhouse, yet he was the one who got the more lenient sentence. It’s unclear why. Many believe it’s because his father is a member of the local district attorney’s office, and was somehow given a sweeter deal than Stafford. At any rate, Greenhouse will only have to serve a maximum sentence of 7.5 years according to the

Greenhouse, at the time of the November 2015 killing, was not even allowed to be a police officer, but was with Stafford, an Avoyelles Parish officer. Greenhouse had reportedly been fired for having an inappropriate relationship with a 14-year-old. He was also accused of attempting to get a 16-year-old girl to sext him by sending him nude photos of her breasts. With respect to Jeremy Mardis, Greenhouse was reportedly obsessed with Few’s girlfriend, Megan Dixon.

When Few discovered Greenhouse had made more than a few unwanted sexual advances toward Dixon, Few reportedly told Greenhouse to stay away as any man would do. Greenhouse may have taken the threat so literally that he attempted to carry out his assassination on Few in an effort to clear the way for him and Dixon to have a relationship.

When the facts came out that there was no reason for the stop—at all—the above scenario makes perfect sense.

According to the Greenhouse and Stafford, the officers decided to conduct a traffic stop that night because Few had an outstanding warrant. However, the Clerk of Court, the District Attorney’s Office, Marksville Police Department, and City Court noted that they did not have any warrants against him. The officers also claimed Few had a weapon, that was also a lie.

The only reason Few ran from Greenhouse that night was to catch up with Dixon so he could give her Jeremy in case he was arrested.

“The whole reason there was even a chase was for his well-being,” he said.

The sick and twisted way Greenhouse not only supposedly led his life, but hid behind his badge in order to do it, ended in a hail of bullets which left Mardis dead, Few wounded, and two former officers charged in connection with the child’s death. How Greenhouse was even allowed to bail out was a mystery to many. His lenient treatment coupled with the confirmation the out of control former cop had been allowed to enjoy a vacation in the Caribbean, led many to predict this son of an assistant DA would enjoy a bit of immunity. You can’t make this up.

Greenhouse was charged with 2nd-degree murder and 2nd degree attempted murder in the death of Jeremy Mardis and the attempted murder of Christopher Few. His trial was previously scheduled for October 2nd, but with Greenhouse accepting the plea deal, he will avoid trial, do his time, and then be released sometime within the next 7.5 years.

While we at TFTP are happy the seemingly deranged and child sex-obsessed former police officer will do time behind bars for Mardis’ killing, many questions still remain. If the judicial system is so effective in the U.S., how is it the person with the most number of sins in the case the one who gets out first? Stafford received 40 years for his trigger work that fateful evening, but Greenhouse, who arguably bore most of the moral burden for the crimes, only got 7.5 years. How in the world is that fair?

The case further illustrates the justice system in the United States is flawed, irreparable, and favors the well-connected with financial resources.

Greenhouse should never have been allowed into the police cruiser that evening. How was he allowed to make bail? Why did the court allow him to go on a vacation to the Caribbean? These questions, if they remain unanswered, will lead many to believe true justice is dead in the United States.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3469 on: October 03, 2017, 02:37:23 PM »
It seems they arrested the wrong person. Why didn't the "good" cops arrest on the spot the deranged uniformed thug who was holding the rifle to that poor man's head?

Cops Mistake Man for Suspect, Grind Muzzle of Rifle Into His Head

Grand Rapids, MI — Dramatic body camera footage released this week shows a Grand Rapids Police Officer holding the muzzle of his AR-15 rifle to the head of an unarmed man who was subdued, in a seeming attempt to torment him. On Tuesday, after they investigated themselves, Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker said—in spite of the glaring violation of rights caught on video—no charges will be filed against the officer.

“Placing the barrel of a gun on the head of a suspect being arrested is completely inappropriate, offensive, and against any training protocol put out by the Grand Rapids Police Department or any other department in Kent County,” Becker said in a statement on Tuesday, Oct. 3.

However, despite the officer’s actions being all those things, he will not face any legal consequences.

The incident happened on August 19 and appeared to be a case of mistaken identity. That night, officers were responding to a call of an alleged armed robbery and when they showed up they saw a 28-year-old homeless man who fit the description.

According to the report, the man was drunk and refused to cooperate by lowering and raising his hands. So, Sgt. Neil Gomez then deployed his taser and the man was immediately brought to the ground.

From this point forward, it should’ve been a simple procedure: place him and handcuffs and determine that he is not the man they are looking for.

However, that is not what happened. Instead, Officer Kevin Penn—seemingly drunk on his sadistic authority—began digging the muzzle of his rifle into the suspects head, tormenting him physically and verbally.

“Former Officer Penn took it one step further,” Becker wrote. “He put the barrel of his gun to the suspect’s head. … He indicated to investigators when interviewed he felt he had to place the gun there for fear of possibly hitting the other officers due to close proximity if he did have to fire, and to try and control the individual’s head as he was not complying with commands. This once again is nothing police are trained in, nor something that an officer is supposed to do, but the behavior does not rise to the level of a criminal offense under this set of facts.”

When watching the video, the idea that this officer’s behavior does not rise to a criminal offense is as insulting as it is asinine.

“The suspect makes a crying noise, and states, ‘That hurts bro,’ and Officer Penn immediately responds with, ‘Yes it does,'” according to an Internal Affairs report, obtained by MLive under a Freedom of Information request.

“The muzzle is still pressed against the suspect’s head and Officer (James) Smith tells Officer Penn, ‘All right Kevin’ and pushes the rifle away from the suspect’s head with his head,” an Internal Affairs report said.

“As Officer Penn moves back, the suspect continues asking what he did and states, ‘Man, that hurted man. …'”

The report stated and the video confirmed that the muzzle of the rifle was used to force the suspect’s head down. Luckily Penn did not kill the otherwise entirely innocent man.

The suspect was then arrested on the standard ‘resisting arrest’ charges and later released on his own recognizance. Because he was drunk, the suspect did not remember the incident, which is likely the reason he never filed a complaint. However, after the release of this video, all that may change once an attorney sees the possibility of such an open and shut case.

“We do not condone the behavior of the officer, nor should this been seen as approval for this technique in the future,” Becker wrote. “It is simply under these specific facts we are not charging the former officer … .”

The silver lining to this incident is, although Penn was allowed to resign without charges, he was at least caught because good cops saw his actions and reported him.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3470 on: October 03, 2017, 06:04:33 PM »
"The silver lining to this incident is, although Penn was allowed to resign without charges, he was at least caught because good cops saw his actions and reported him."


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3471 on: October 03, 2017, 07:42:36 PM »
"The silver lining to this incident is, although Penn was allowed to resign without charges, he was at least caught because good cops saw his actions and reported him."

Quite the silver lining...


  • Competitors II
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3472 on: October 04, 2017, 04:32:27 AM »
Quite the silver lining...

Sadly he cant help it - he always sides with the cops
Just hasn't got it in him to do otherwise.

Cant call A fcuking scumbag arsewipe a scumbag arsewipe if its a cop,
always has to be some veiled excuse.

Though to be fair to 007 he strikes me as one of the more decent honest cops
& i've told him this - Dosent stop Me crossing verbal swords with him.. ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3473 on: October 04, 2017, 09:45:51 AM »
Sadly he cant help it - he always sides with the cops
Just hasn't got it in him to do otherwise.

Cant call A fcuking scumbag arsewipe a scumbag arsewipe if its a cop,
always has to be some veiled excuse.

Though to be fair to 007 he strikes me as one of the more decent honest cops
& i've told him this - Dosent stop Me crossing verbal swords with him.. ;)

I don’t doubt that he’s both an decent person and a good cop. I am sure he wants these bad apples gone. I just suspect he doesn’t realize how pervasive the rot is and how we, as a society, can’t afford to have laws that give extra rights to cops or to allow unions to dictate the hiring decisions to or block/reverse the firing decisions of police departments.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3474 on: October 04, 2017, 11:48:52 AM »
Louisiana Cop who Fatally Struck Pedestrian back on the job after 5-day Suspension and a Ticket

A Louisiana cop  is back on the job after receiving a five-day suspension and a speeding ticket for striking and killing a pedestrian in his unmarked patrol back in late June.

Baton Rouge officer Frederick Thorton is now working with the Street Crimes Unit after serving the suspension.

Thorton fatally struck 42-year-old Phillip Clark, of Meridian, at about 5:40 p.m.  on June 27.

Baton Rough police Sgt. L’Jean McKneely refused to say how fast Thorton was going at the time of the incident.

However, Thorton received a speeding ticket after the incident, which indicates he was traveling over the speed limit when he attempted to drive around an ambulance crossing in front of him at an intersection and hit Clark, who was crossing the street.

A man who witnessed the incident stated the patrol car was traveling “very fast” at the time of incident.

“He was going too fast to think about what he was going to do. He couldn’t stop and so it looked like he went even faster to try to beat the ambulance because there was no way he was going to stop for the ambulance,”
the witness told WAFB.

Clark, an eight-year veteran of the department, was on-duty at the time he caused the fatality.

Sgt. McKneely stated Thorton was not responding to an emergency call at the time,  but he was actually headed to an assignment for the Street Crimes Unit.

The unit is not dispatched on emergency calls.

But McKneely said they do get put on assignments, which are not necessarily time-sensitive, but depending on circumstances, they could be.

However, McKneely refused to indicate what assignment Thorton was on or whether or not the particular assignment was time-sensitive.

Although the Baton Rouge Police Department concluded their internal affairs investigation about two weeks ago, which cleared Thorton, District Attorney Hillar C. Moore says a separate investigation by his office is still ongoing “to determine if any formal charges will be filed.”

Baton Rouge police initially waited about 48 hours to release Thorton’s name.

Thorton formally worked in the Uniform Patrol Unit.