Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1018258 times)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4825 on: March 17, 2020, 07:15:16 PM »
Remember the coward? With the cop union's help not only is he reinstated but he will not be disciplined and receive back pay. Unfortunately, it pays to be a coward with a badge (in his own words, he was "terrified with fear").

Metro officer wins case, reinstated after waiting in hallway during 1 October mass shooting

A Metro Police officer who was fired for hesitating and not acting during the 1 October mass shooting has been reinstated.

Steve Grammas, Las Vegas Police Protective Association president, said Officer Cordell Hendrex won his case and will get back to work with Metro once he completes paperwork. He also noted Hendrex will not be disciplined and will receive back pay.

I don’t even understand how the guy has the balls to even come back to work?

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4826 on: March 18, 2020, 08:48:42 AM »
Coronavirus Will Be Deadly To Your Liberty
Reason ^ | 3.5.2020 | J.D. TUCCILLE
Posted on 3/18/2020, 11:33:43 AM by TBP

Nothing makes government grow like a crisis. People get scared, politicians respond to that fear with promises that the state will step in and make everything better, and government ends up larger and more powerful. The pandemic of COVID-19 coronavirus threatens a world-wide wave of sickness, but it's the healthiest thing to happen to government power in a very long time. As it leaves government with a rosy glow, however, our freedom will end up more haggard than ever.

During Senate testimony, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Robert Kadlec, who coordinates the department's COVID-19 efforts, floated the idea of treating virus patients as disaster victims eligible for federal funds.

What else can you do "in the face of an outbreak, a pandemic" that has, so far, resulted in an estimated 94,000 cases and 3,200 deaths worldwide (though the numbers continue to grow)? You could, I suppose, rely on the same not-yet-entirely government-dominated health system that deals with influenza outbreaks every year. In the 2019-20 flu season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention our long-time viral enemy has, so far, infected 32 million Americans, sent 310,000 to the hospital, and killed 18,000.

That's not to say that COVID-19 isn't serious, or that people aren't suffering from its effects. But we forget about our annual wrestling match with a deadly disease, the flu, while freaking out about the emergence of a virus that is frightening mostly because of its novelty, despite any evidence that we're inadequate to the challenge.

Or, as Rahm Emanuel put it in 2008: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4827 on: March 18, 2020, 10:54:23 AM »
Beware of the 'Emergency Declaration' ^ | March 18, 2020 | Bob Barr
Posted on 3/18/2020, 1:38:44 PM by Kaslin

In his 2004 book, “Against Leviathan – Government Power and a Free Society,” Robert Higgs explains how our federal government has transformed from one of “defined and limited” powers as envisioned by our Founders, into one driven by a “Crisis Constitution.” As Higgs clearly establishes, we are living in “an age of permanent emergency.”

The still-developing COVID-19 pandemic illustrates that this “emergency” mindset today is directing the hands of government leaders, not only in our nation’s capital, but in statehouses and city councils across the country.

It is by now clear that the COVID-19 pandemic represents a serious health problem. At a minimum, individuals should be heeding common sense hygiene rules ranging from the personal – washing hands frequently – to the socially interactive – minimize contacts with high-risk populations such as the elderly and infirm.

From a regulatory and resource management standpoint, President Trump and governors across the country are directing and implementing appropriate and much-needed measures to reduce red tape and make additional funds available, thereby helping government agencies and private businesses to better meet the challenges posed by this “novel” virus.

Actions that bear a direct and reasonable relationship to the health crisis posed by the virus, and which are undertaken by government and private-sector entities in response thereto, make sense and are appropriate in current circumstances, even if they minimally or tangentially impact individual liberties guaranteed by our Constitution.

Beyond such steps – when we enter the realm of far-reaching and vague “emergency” declarations that go beyond any reasoned relationship to containing and defending against the virus – we find ourselves in the dangerous territory described by Higgs. It is this crisis-driven environment in which even the Supreme Court of the United States has declared more than once that, “[we] must surrender or forgo [sic] exercising rights which in other times could not be impaired.”

In earlier times, government power grabs would be met with at least a noticeable degree of critical debate. Not so in our post-911 world. In fact, in recent days “emergency” steps already taken by state and local, and especially the federal governments, are being criticized openly as being inadequate, with many pundits and commentators demanding that more and further draconian restrictions on individuals and businesses be implemented.

In this environment, Nanny State officials, ever eager to expand their turf, have seized on the COVID-19 pandemic to justify expanding power in areas they have long sought to control, most notably, 2nd Amendment rights. For example, a new COVID-19 declaration by the Mayor of Champaign, Illinois includes the power to ban the sale of firearms, ammunition, alcohol, and gasoline, as well as confiscate and take ownership of any private property.

In this latest crisis, as in earlier ones, cries for governments at all levels “to do something” quickly drown out reasoned warnings that many such measures go beyond constitutionally permissible bounds, even past boundaries that routinely have been expanded by presidents, legislators, and judges fearful that if they do not heed calls “do something” they will be blamed if further problems occur.

The Pandora’s Box is opened wider with each new “crisis.” Each time bites are taken out of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, it sets precedent for government officials that follow. Champaign’s Mayor today can point to similar gun control edicts issued previously by other local officials – New Orleans in 2005 and the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2017 – as a precedent for her gun confiscation power in 2020.

The “National Emergencies Act” cited by Trump last week in his federal declaration places at Uncle Sam’s fingertips a range of powers that potentially limit virtually every activity in which an individual or business might engage, from banking and travel, to use of the internet. State and local “emergency” declarations, of course, add to restrictions on individual liberty imposed by the president’s declaration of a “national emergency.”

Compounding the constitutional infirmities with contemporary “emergency declarations" is the fact that the strictures being imposed on citizens throughout the country are founded not on any clear definition or understanding of what actually constitutes an “emergency," the term is nowhere in law clearly defined. Sadly, it appears far more important to most Americans these days for government to “do something” than it is for government to do something constitutional.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4828 on: March 18, 2020, 11:49:52 PM »
When it comes to police state surveillance both sides work together just fine. This bill was introduced by Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).

The EARN IT Bill Is the Government’s Plan to Scan Every Message Online

Imagine an Internet where the law required every message sent to be read by government-approved scanning software. Companies that handle such messages wouldn’t be allowed to securely encrypt them, or they’d lose legal protections that allow them to operate.

That’s what the Senate Judiciary Committee has proposed and hopes to pass into law. The so-called EARN IT bill, sponsored by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), will strip Section 230 protections away from any website that doesn’t follow a list of “best practices,” meaning those sites can be sued into bankruptcy. The “best practices” list will be created by a government commission, headed by Attorney General Barr, who has made it very clear he would like to ban encryption, and guarantee law enforcement “legal access” to any digital message.

The EARN IT bill had its first hearing today, and its supporters’ strategy is clear. Because they didn’t put the word “encryption” in the bill, they’re going to insist it doesn’t affect encryption.

“This bill says nothing about encryption,” co-sponsor Sen. Blumenthal said at today’s hearing. “Have you found a word in this bill about encryption?” he asked one witness.

It’s true that the bill’s authors avoided using that word. But they did propose legislation that enables an all-out assault on encryption. It would create a 19-person commission that’s completely controlled by the Attorney General and law enforcement agencies. And, at the hearing, a Vice-President at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) made it clear [PDF] what he wants the best practices to be. NCMEC believes online services should be made to screen their messages for material that NCMEC considers abusive; use screening technology approved by NCMEC and law enforcement; report what they find in the messages to NCMEC; and be held legally responsible for the content of messages sent by others.

You can’t have an Internet where messages are screened en masse, and also have end-to-end encryption any more than you can create backdoors that can only be used by the good guys. The two are mutually exclusive. Concepts like “client-side scanning” aren’t a clever route around this; such scanning is just another way to break end-to-end encryption. Either the message remains private to everyone but its recipients, or it’s available to others.

The 19-person draft commission isn’t any better than the 15-person commission envisioned in an early draft of the bill. It’s completely dominated by law enforcement and allied groups like NCMEC. Not only will those groups have a majority of votes on the commission, but the bill gives Attorney General Barr the power to veto or approve the list of best practices. Even if other commission members do disagree with law enforcement, Barr’s veto power will put him in a position to strongarm them.

The Commission won’t be a body that seriously considers policy; it will be a vehicle for creating a law enforcement wish list. Barr has made clear, over and over again, that breaking encryption is at the top of that wish list. Once it’s broken, authoritarian regimes around the world will rejoice, as they have the ability to add their own types of mandatory scanning, not just for child sexual abuse material but for self-expression that those governments want to suppress.

The privacy and security of all users will suffer if U.S. law enforcement is able to achieve its dream of breaking encryption. Senators should reject the EARN IT bill.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4829 on: March 19, 2020, 05:04:06 PM »
ip to comments.

Gov. Wolf orders all Pennsylvania businesses that aren’t ‘life-sustaining’ to close, will enforce order
Philadelphia Enquirer ^ | Today | Angela Couloumbis
Posted on 3/19/2020, 7:29:08 PM by ManHunter

Gov. Wolf has announced that all but “life-sustaining” businesses in Pennsylvania must close by 8 p.m. Thursday as the novel coronavirus continues to spread.

The governor had previously asked nonessential businesses such as salons, gyms, theaters, and entertainment venues to close. Under the new order, life-sustaining businesses that may continue physical operations include gas stations, farms, health care facilities, and transit systems, according to the Wolf administration.

The order applies to the city of Philadelphia, which previously had been allowed to impose and enforce its own restrictions.

In ordering the stricter shutdown, Wolf is drawing on powers that his administration said comes from the disaster emergency declaration he signed on March 6, as he and his administration scrambled to slow the spread of COVID-19.

When Wolf declared the disaster emergency, he triggered a part of the state’s emergency management law that vastly expands a governor’s powers. They include everything from ordering mass evacuations to limiting or outright halting liquor and firearm sales.

Also among the new powers: controlling “ingress and egress to and from a disaster area, the movement of persons within the area, and the occupancy of premises therein.”

That is the section — coupled with other powers given to his administration from the state’s Disease Prevention and Control Law — that Wolf’s advisers have said gives the governor the authority to shut down schools and even order businesses to close.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4830 on: March 19, 2020, 06:35:27 PM »
The U.S. wants smartphone location data to fight coronavirus. Privacy advocates are worried.

The White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are asking Facebook, Google and other tech giants to give them greater access to Americans' smartphone location data in order to help them combat the spread of the coronavirus, according to four people at companies involved in the discussions who are not authorized to speak about them publicly.

Federal health officials say they could use anonymous, aggregated user data collected by the tech companies to map the spread of the virus — a practice known as "syndromic surveillance" — and prevent further infections. They could also use the data to see whether people were practicing "social distancing."

Some sources stressed that the effort would be anonymized and that government would not have access to specific individuals' locations. They noted that users would be required to opt-in to the effort.

The federal effort, first reported by The Washington Post, will force the tech giants to weigh their commitments to user privacy against their desire to help combat a disease that has cost thousands of human lives and upended the global economy.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4831 on: March 21, 2020, 06:27:10 PM »
DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic
One of the requests to Congress would allow the department to petition a judge to indefinitely detain someone during an emergency.

The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the coronavirus spreads through the United States.

Documents reviewed by POLITICO detail the department’s requests to lawmakers on a host of topics, including the statute of limitations, asylum and the way court hearings are conducted. POLITICO also reviewed and previously reported on documents seeking the authority to extend deadlines on merger reviews and prosecutions.

In one of the documents, the department proposed that Congress grant the attorney general power to ask the chief judge of any district court to pause court proceedings “whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation.”

The proposal would also grant those top judges broad authority to pause court proceedings during emergencies. It would apply to “any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil process and proceedings,” according to draft legislative language the department shared with Congress. In making the case for the change, the DOJ document wrote that individual judges can currently pause proceedings during emergencies, but that their proposal would make sure all judges in any particular district could handle emergencies “in a consistent manner.”

The request raised eyebrows because of its potential implications for habeas corpus –– the constitutional right to appear before a judge after arrest and seek release.

“Not only would it be a violation of that, but it says ‘affecting pre-arrest,’” said Norman L. Reimer, the executive director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. “So that means you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. I find it absolutely terrifying. Especially in a time of emergency, we should be very careful about granting new powers to the government.”

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4832 on: April 01, 2020, 08:24:08 AM »


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4833 on: April 04, 2020, 05:14:17 PM »
Isn't this ironic.. A county prosecutor arrested because the money stolen from people (as "civil asset forfeiture") was allegedly used to buy flowers and makeup for select secretaries, a security system for his residence, garden benches for staffers’ homes, country club catering for parties, campaign expenditures and more.

Macomb County Prosecutor Eric Smith resigns amid criminal charges against him

Macomb County Prosecutor Eric Smith, accused of embezzlement and misconduct in office over how drug and alcohol forfeiture funds were spent, resigned from office Monday.

The announcement came less than week after the longtime prosecutor was charged with 10 criminal counts by the Michigan Attorney General's Office in a nearly yearlong probe of how his office spent the funds. Smith announced his resignation in a news release from his office.

On Friday, Smith and his former chief of operations, Benjamin Liston, were released on $100,000 personal bonds on criminal charges related to the alleged embezzlement of $600,000 from drug and alcohol forfeiture funds since 2012.

They and two others, including Derek Miller, who was Smith's current chief of operations, are charged in the probe by Michigan State Police.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4834 on: April 04, 2020, 05:20:43 PM »
Another case of elderly abuse by the "brave heroes"... This time they attacked and tried to suffocate a blind 63 year old man who was strapped on a gurney and had also been attacked again moments before the cops attacked him. The cops also slapped the usual bogus charges in order to keep this man in jail for 139 days but ultimately he was acquitted of all charges.

South L.A. man sues LAPD, alleging officer suffocated him until he was unconscious

A legally blind man is suing the Los Angeles Police Department, alleging an officer suffocated him while he was strapped to a hospital gurney last year.

LAPD officers are accused of beating the man after responding to his apartment in the South Los Angeles neighborhood of Manchester Square, according to the lawsuit filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

The city of Los Angeles and eight officers are named as defendants.

According to the lawsuit, the officer held his hand over 63-year-old Michael Moore’s mouth until he lost consciousness at a hospital in downtown L.A. The suit also alleges LAPD falsely claimed Moore resisted arrest and threatened firefighters and an officer.

A jury acquitted him of all charges but not before he spent 139 days in jail awaiting trial — he was unable to afford bail, court filings state.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4836 on: April 09, 2020, 11:21:17 PM »
This career criminal "brave hero" faces 44 charges ranging from rape and sexual battery to reckless driving and is also facing 9 lawsuits. But as it often happens in such cases the sheriff's office conveniently "lost" the camera footage...

Court Steps in After Tennessee County Loses Dash-Cam Video

Before appointing a forensic examiner or considering sanctions against a Tennessee county for the loss of months of dashboard-camera footage — possible evidence for nine lawsuits against a single sheriff’s deputy accused of a range of misconduct — a federal magistrate wants to ensure the footage is actually gone.

Calling the loss of the data a “front-burner item,” U.S. Magistrate Judge Christopher Steger in Eastern District of Tennessee said Tuesday that Hamilton County, which sits in the southeast corner of the state, had a duty to preserve evidence — including the dash-cam footage of the traffic stops in question.

At the center of the lost evidence is former Hamilton County Sheriff Deputy Daniel Wilkey. In December, the county district attorney filed 44 criminal charges against him that ranged from rape and sexual battery to reckless driving. Wilkey and Hamilton County also face nine civil lawsuits, including one class action.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4837 on: April 10, 2020, 12:40:27 PM »
I don’t even understand how the guy has the balls to even come back to work?

I agree. I can't imagine his co workers are going to be very happy working with him.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4838 on: April 11, 2020, 06:05:18 PM »
Imagine being in your home and suddenly getting shot. That's what happened to a man who lives next door to a cop.

Notice the usual cop speak, stating how the cop's "duty weapon discharged unintentionally" and "the discharged round exited the officer’s residence and entered the residence immediately to the south striking the victim".

As of yet the cop has not been named or arrested.

Off-duty officer tells police he unintentionally shot neighbor in Kansas City

Kansas City police were investigating after an officer said he unintentionally shot a neighbor early Monday.

The shooting was reported just before 12:30 a.m. in the 5600 block of North Richmond Avenue in Kansas City, North, Sgt. Jacob Becchina, a Kansas City Police Department spokesman, said in an email. Moments later the off-duty officer, a 24-year police veteran, called for help, saying he had accidentally shot his neighbor.

According to the preliminary investigation, it appeared the officer was off duty and inside his home when “his duty weapon discharged unintentionally,” Becchina said. “The discharged round exited the officer’s residence and entered the residence immediately to the south striking the victim.”

A woman near the victim as well as others inside the victim’s home were not injured.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4839 on: April 11, 2020, 08:08:08 PM »

Anyone have heartburn with fellow officers cutting all the patches off this officers uniform as they arrested him for beating his girlfriend? He hasn't been tried or convicted yet. Did the police officers violate his rights and unnecessarily embarrass him before he had his day in court?

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4841 on: April 20, 2020, 06:52:40 AM »


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4842 on: April 21, 2020, 05:35:35 PM »
Westport Police to Test ‘Pandemic Drone’ That Can Sense Fevers, Coughing

Westport police are going to be testing a “pandemic drone” that can monitor people’s temperatures from 190 feet away and detect sneezing, coughing and heart and breathing rates amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Westport police said they are working with Draganfly, a drone company, to test technology in an effort to help combat the spread of the coronavirus.

A news release from Draganfly said the pandemic drone will be equipped with a specialized sensor and computer vision systems that can display fever/temperature, heart and respiratory rates, as well as detect people sneezing and coughing in crowds, and wherever groups of people may work or congregate.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4843 on: April 23, 2020, 06:02:02 PM »
Westport Police to Test ‘Pandemic Drone’ That Can Sense Fevers, Coughing

Westport police are going to be testing a “pandemic drone” that can monitor people’s temperatures from 190 feet away and detect sneezing, coughing and heart and breathing rates amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Westport police said they are working with Draganfly, a drone company, to test technology in an effort to help combat the spread of the coronavirus.

A news release from Draganfly said the pandemic drone will be equipped with a specialized sensor and computer vision systems that can display fever/temperature, heart and respiratory rates, as well as detect people sneezing and coughing in crowds, and wherever groups of people may work or congregate.

Damn 😱
Big Brother IS watching us
Technology Now is another Double edged Sword.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4844 on: April 23, 2020, 06:39:59 PM »
Damn 😱
Big Brother IS watching us
Technology Now is another Double edged Sword.

Update: Westport police said they will not take part in the program.

That's showing on the link when you click it


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4845 on: April 23, 2020, 07:51:40 PM »
Another one of those "fine people"...

This "brave hero" is accused of repeatedly raping a woman when she was a child (from 4th grade until 8th grade!) and also that when the woman decided to come forth and report her rapist, he, along with his father broke into her home and assaulted her. However, a judge ordered that he not be held in jail.

St. Albans police officer accused of assault and kidnapping released on conditions

A judge Monday ordered that a St. Albans police officer who allegedly broke into a woman’s home, beat her up, threw her down a flight of stairs, and burnt her repeatedly with a cigar — all with the help of his father — be released on conditions.

Zachary and Allen Pigeon, 29 and 56, respectively, each pleaded not guilty Monday to 5 charges: simple assault, kidnapping, obstructing justice, burglary, and unlawful restraint.

The kidnapping charge carries the possibility of life behind bars, with the additional charges collectively adding the potential of another 26 years imprisonment.

State police had said Sunday that Zachary Pigeon would also face an aggravated sexual assault charge, but that was not included in the counts filed against him in court Monday.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4846 on: April 23, 2020, 07:54:00 PM »
And another disgusting piece of shit:

Anne Arundel County Police Officer Zachary Koshlap Arrested, Charged With Soliciting Child For Sex

An Anne Arundel County police officer was arrested Friday and faces multiple charges of child pornography possession as well as sexual solicitation of a minor, officials said.

Zachary Steven Koshlap, 33, of Glen Burnie, is a six-year veteran of the department’s patrol bureau.

The FBI reportedly told police a member of an FBI Task Force was working undercover when they got a message from an unknown user who solicited a sexual encounter involving an eight-year-old child.

Anne Arundel County detectives began investigating and identified the user as Koshlap. Later that day, they got a search warrant to search his home. During the search, officers seized multiple devices and other evidence.

Police said Koshlap admitted during the search to taking part in the conversation. He was suspended from the force that day and is currently suspended without pay.

He’s charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography and one count of sexual solicitation of a minor.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4847 on: April 23, 2020, 10:43:19 PM »
And another disgusting piece of shit:

Anne Arundel County Police Officer Zachary Koshlap Arrested, Charged With Soliciting Child For Sex

An Anne Arundel County police officer was arrested Friday and faces multiple charges of child pornography possession as well as sexual solicitation of a minor, officials said.

Zachary Steven Koshlap, 33, of Glen Burnie, is a six-year veteran of the department’s patrol bureau.

The FBI reportedly told police a member of an FBI Task Force was working undercover when they got a message from an unknown user who solicited a sexual encounter involving an eight-year-old child.

Anne Arundel County detectives began investigating and identified the user as Koshlap. Later that day, they got a search warrant to search his home. During the search, officers seized multiple devices and other evidence.

Police said Koshlap admitted during the search to taking part in the conversation. He was suspended from the force that day and is currently suspended without pay.

He’s charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography and one count of sexual solicitation of a minor.

In a statement, Police Chief Timothy Altomare said he is “heart sick, physically ill, disgusted and enraged” by Koshlap’s alleged conduct.

“If someone wearing a badge betrays our oath of protection, we will do everything within our power to bring them to justice and make sure they never wear our uniform again,” he said.

Refreshing, thanks for bringing this to our attention skeletor


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4848 on: April 23, 2020, 11:04:22 PM »
Good decision. However, this man spent almost 5 years in jail.

Court rules ‘Stand Your Ground’ applies in Florida man’s case in deputy shooting

A Fifth District Court of Appeals ruling means a Port St. John man will not face prosecution in connection with shooting of a Brevard County deputy.

Citing the ‘Stand Your Ground,’ law, the Fifth District Court of Appeals dismissed the longstanding charges against a Port St. John man accused of shooting a Brevard County Sheriff’s deputy during a botched arrest in front of his home in 2015.

The decision — issued Wednesday — ends the prosecution of John DeRossett, 60, on the attempted premeditated first-degree murder of a law enforcement officer while discharging a firearm. DeRossett spent nearly five years at the Brevard County Jail Complex in Sharpes as he awaited a trial. He was allowed to leave on bond in March.

“The appellate decision is better than a jury acquittal. An acquittal only means ‘not guilty.’ This order means that John is innocent, that his actions were justified, and that he never should have been arrested in the first place. It’s a total vindication,” said DeRossett’s Orlando-based attorney, Michael Panella.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4849 on: April 23, 2020, 11:19:11 PM »
Another one of those "fine people".

Story from a random cop hating website:

City Of Margate Police Officer Charged With Soliciting A Minor For Visual Depictions Of Sexually Explicit Conduct

Jacksonville, Florida – United States Attorney Maria Chapa Lopez announces the arrest and charging by criminal complaint of Andrew Christian Hammock (46, Boca Raton) with soliciting visual depictions of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. If convicted, Hammock faces a mandatory minimum penalty of 15 years, and up to, 30 years in federal prison and a potential life term of supervised release.

According to the complaint, Hammock was employed by the Margate Police Department as a police officer. From February 14 through March 17, 2020, Hammock engaged in chats using a social media application with whom he believed to be a 14-year-old female child. Hammock solicited the child to produce and send him child pornography on multiple occasions and indicated his desire to engage in sexual conduct with the “child,” who was actually an undercover FBI agent. Hammock was arrested at the City of Margate Police Department on March 17, 2020.

This case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Jacksonville Office), with assistance from the Margate Police Department. It is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Kelly S. Karase.