Author Topic: Fatpanda Training and diet log  (Read 207247 times)


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #100 on: September 26, 2010, 12:29:35 PM »
I've been thinking about cardio and have decided that my hiit sessions is too easy on my exercise bike. i have done hiit in the past on elliptical machines and every session was feared, i would almost colapse off the machines at the end of the high intensity phase, gasping for air and fearing a heart attack. It is not this way on the bike. Yes i work up a sweat but, i feel i am way under where my heart rate zone should be. So i am going to try steady state cardio instead.

Studies show the maximum fat burning zone is 63% VO2 max or for my age - 145bpm.

My bike has pulse monitors so i know when I'm at this rate.

As my calories are the same at 2000 cals per day, this change in cardio should either show a positive or negative difference in my weight loss per week.

the panda experiment continues  :D

i will slowly build up to this amount if i find it too difficult to maintain at first.
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #101 on: September 27, 2010, 11:04:23 AM »
meal 1 - milk + protein powder = 210cals, 31p, 9c, 5f

snack - 2x coffee's + chunky kitkat = 357cals, 9p, 41c, 18f

meal 2 - pre workout - milk + protein powder + 10g creatine = 210cals, 31p, 9c, 5f

8x45kg - db deadlift
8x45kg - db shrug
7x45kg - flat db press
8x45kg - one arm db row
7x45kg - incline db press

steady state cardio - 30 mins @ 40% VO2 max/ 115-120 bpm.

meal 3 - post workout - milk + protein powder + 10g creatine = 210cals, 31p, 9c, 5f

snack = wine gums = 395cals, 7p, 91c, 0f

meal 4 = spicy linguine bolognese = 426cals, 41p, 50c, 11f

daily totals = 2035cals, 154p, 223c, 56f
ratios = 30/42/25

I had a tremendous workout today, the cramp feeling/weakness in my right arm has gone  :) and apart from the usual shoulder/pec pain i felt great and strong.  My form on the flat press still needs improving, but as I've only just started doing the movement i feel it is natural to take a little time to get it perfect. The steady cardio was enjoyable too, i did it while watching David Henry's leg workout from his beyond motivated DVD  8)

i have actually changed the protein powder i have been drinking since Friday from whey 90+ which is 66% whey 33% casein to milk protein concentrate which is 80% casein 20% whey. its not as tasty as the whey one, but its OK. i have 5kg of the stuff to use before i buy more. casein has been shown in studies to be more effective than whey in caloric deficit, and it has been theorised by the likes of Alan Argon and Lyle McDonald that a blend of the two would be better than either one on their own. We'll see how it goes, but as i said i had a great workout today  :) long may it continue.  8)

bring on Feb  8)
175lbs by 31st July

Red Hook

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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #102 on: September 27, 2010, 04:03:34 PM »
Keep up the hard work and thanks for keep a journal, hopefully this motivate others as well.

as long as you are happy with the progress that you are making then all is good.. Why not throw in the some T3/clen to speed things  up?  you can be rocking a 6 pack by spring.


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #103 on: September 27, 2010, 04:13:10 PM »
Keep up the hard work and thanks for keep a journal, hopefully this motivate others as well.

as long as you are happy with the progress that you are making then all is good.. Why not throw in the some T3/clen to speed things  up?  you can be rocking a 6 pack by spring.

i don't want to use any aids for this experiment to prove the validity of what i'm claiming.
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #104 on: September 28, 2010, 11:59:51 AM »
Meal 1 - milk + protein powder = 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

meal 2 - milk + protein powder = 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

meal 3 - chicken dopiaza & rice = 556cals, 36p, 90c, 9f

snack - peanut m&m's = 147cals, 3p, 15c, 9f

steady state cardio - 30 mins @ 40% VO2 max/ 115-120 bpm.

snack - chunky kitkat = 263cals, 3p, 31c, 14f

meal 4 - lamb rogan josh = 486cals, 40p, 20c, 28f

daily totals = 1999cals, 147p, 184c, 78f
ratios = 29/35/35
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #105 on: September 29, 2010, 04:30:50 AM »
Im gonna remove that last post and ask you a serious question

why were you homeless at some point?   what the hell is that about? Im genuinely curious

none of your business.
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #106 on: September 29, 2010, 09:54:51 AM »
slept late today, no breakfast.

meal 1 -milk + protein powder = 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

steady state cardio = 30 mins @ 40% VO2 max/ 115-120 bpms.

snack - coffee and 2 chunky kitkats = 591cals, 9p, 67c, 32f

meal 2 - sweet chilli chicken noodles = 536cals, 26p, 91c, 6f

snack - peanut m&ms = 2p, 13c, 7f

meal 3 - sweet chilli chicken = 480cals, 35p, 74c, 2f

daily totals = 2001cals, 105p, 258c, 56f
ratios = 21/49/25

175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #107 on: September 29, 2010, 11:11:36 AM »

I like it when people try new ideas outside the realm of the normal, but i really hope you realize what you are doing.

It is very easy for someone your size to lose weight and you have a gameplan, but i honestly do not believe you will get anywhere near 10% BF with your diet strategy.

I am not here to pick you apart, i am just curious where all of this might lead.

I have tried about every diet strategy there is and changed macros around several times, but in the end i really had to cut carbs and cals to get ripped.

Good luck FP, you have dug yourself quite a hole with your claims, let us all see how this turns out. I know Wavelength and a few others claim to diet in this fashion with success, but i doubt 99% of what i read on the internet and you can never tell when someone is using fat burners or T3 to aid them. I've met some of the highest paid contest guru's in the US and none of them recommend eating like this. Now they could all be wrong...or not.

I do believe that someone who is already lean might be able to get away with this, but someone your size needs less calories IMO. HIT works well and i don't have any problems with your training philosophy, but i do hope you drop the cals and up the training a bit if you want to lose 100+ pounds.

All of this is of course assuming you will be drug free the entire process.

Anyway, just my .02

Good luck!



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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #108 on: September 29, 2010, 03:29:53 PM »
Thanks overload.

I will be drug free throughout the entire process, not even eca will be used.

I believe the science to be true so I am willing to stick to this 100%.

Everything I am doing is being documented here, so it will be repeatable as well for any doubters.

The only issue I am questioning is the 20g of protein being optimal to maximise synthesis compared with 1g per lb being optimal - while I believe the 20g study was well done, and shows clearly that any protein ingested more than 20g is burned as energy, there are also others that concluded 1g per pound to be optimal. Which I believe would be around 50g per day more than I am currently eating.

there are other studies that back the 20g study’s findings too though i.e. the 30g of beef study showing the same, along with protein sparring modified fast studies, and intermittent dieting studies also showing low protein intakes fully capable of maintaining and even increasing muscle mass during calorie restriction.

However although these studies show how to maximise synthesis, they are neglecting/ignoring the protein breakdown issue. The intermittent fasting studies show that the body is doing something to maintain muscle - either by increasing the synthesis response to protein ingestion and/or reducing its own breakdown. I find the up-regulation of synthesis doubtful due to both the 20g, and 30g studies showing the same thing, and also countless other studies that show the same synthesis response in regard to protein ingestion i.e. synthesis increases for 2 hours (some studies done after overnight fasts, some not)

The more likely scenario in the IF studies in my mind is the body reduces breakdown rates to compensate for the lower level intake of protein. While synthesis response only affected by protein ingestion.

So if I am correct the ideal meal schedule would be to eat 20g of protein every 2 hours, to maximise synthesis rates, while eating carbs, and some saturated fats at each meal to maximise/maintain a higher insulin release and thus reduce protein breakdown/protein uptake by muscles.

However it is not that easy as there is also the refractory issue at play. When any protein is still in your system being digested after the 2 hours any further protein ingestion is unable to stimulate synthesis. So ideally we need to eat a protein that is digested at a rate of 10g per hour so it will be out of your system by the time you eat again.  >:(

According to studies only whey and pork tenderloin digests that quickly i.e. 8-10g/h and 10g/h respectively. As no studies have been done yet on the digestion rates of beef, chicken, fish etc I do not know if these would digest as fast as the pork. I can only hope so as they are meat and I like them  ;D

Perhaps real meat also reduces protein breakdown more than dairy proteins (specifically casein which is its best quality, whey has a mixed breakdown rates is studies, and never as good as casein).

This could mean eating small portions of meat every few hours is optimal (who knew  :D  )

With my diet set out the way it is obviously I am hoping that the 30ish grams of protein I get each meal every 4-5 hours are digesting at a rate of between 7-10g per hour. I don't sweat the few extra grams/calories over 20g that are being burned as energy. Eating this way is not maximising synthesis response to every 2 hours, but roughly every 4-5 hours, which allows me to eat on a more normal schedule, and almost guarantees me a synthesis response when I do eat. Rather than having me glued to a shaker bottle and hoping all protein is digested in time every 2 hours. My hope is also that my insulin levels will be higher and hence reducing breakdown rates/ increasing protein uptake all day long due to my higher carbs and fat meals, with some emphasis on junk food/candy.  8) While keeping an eye on reducing overall energy macros/calories over time to keep fat losses going of course.

Perhaps this helps explain my diet strategies more, any why I prefer junk food over a meal when I have a few extra calories left in the day.
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #109 on: September 30, 2010, 06:28:31 AM »
please just eat a normal no junk food diet
eat more veggies and eat more real food

this is not gonna work like u think

thanks for your concern gene, however it is misplaced.

this has been working and will continue to do so.
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #110 on: September 30, 2010, 10:46:34 AM »
slept late today, no breakfast.

meal 1 -milk + protein powder = 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

meal 2 - pre workout - milk + protein powder + 10g creatine= 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

8x45kg - db deadlift
8x45kg - db shrug
7x45kg - flat db press
8x45kg - one arm db row
7x45kg - incline db press

steady state cardio = 30 mins @ 40% VO2 max/ 115-120 bpm.

meal 3 - post workout - milk + protein powder + 10g creatine= 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

snack - wine gums = 372cals, 6p, 86c, 0f

snack - peanut butter m&m's = 351cals, 6p, 37c, 21f

meal 4 - steak and mashed potatoes = 484cals, 53p, 23c, 19f

daily totals = 2027cals, 163p, 187c, 67f
ratios = 32/36/30

workout went well today again. i really focussed on good form, and a nice slow negative on the reps  8)
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #111 on: October 01, 2010, 12:04:07 PM »
no cardio today, working a 12 hour shift.

meal 1 - protein powder and milk = 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

meal 2 - chicken arrabiata = 356cals, 33p, 47c, 4f

meal 3 - chicken chow mein = 484cals, 35p, 62c, 9f

snack - 2 chunky kitkats = 526cals, 6p, 62c, 28f

meal 4 - chicken chow mein = 367cals, 24p, 38c, 12f

daily totals = 2007cals, 131p, 223c, 62f
ratios = 26/40/28
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #112 on: October 01, 2010, 02:34:01 PM »
How many weeks in are you now?  What's changed so far?


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #113 on: October 02, 2010, 12:18:48 PM »
no cardio today, working a 12 hour shift.

meal 1 - protein powder and milk = 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

meal 2 - chicken dopiaza & rice = 556cals, 36p, 90c, 9f

meal 3 - chicken arrabiata = 356cals, 33p, 47c, 4f

snack - chunky kitkat + 2 finger kitkat = 370cals, 4p, 44c, 19f

meal 4 - tomato & mascarpone chicken pasta = 440cals, 33p, 44c, 13f

daily totals = 1996cals, 139p, 239c, 54f
ratios = 28/42/24
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #114 on: October 02, 2010, 03:12:48 PM »
Could you review my workout plan, nobody seems to be interested.


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #115 on: October 03, 2010, 06:29:37 AM »
Could you review my workout plan, nobody seems to be interested.

175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #116 on: October 03, 2010, 06:49:21 AM »
 Sunday weigh in = 246.5lbs

Weight loss this week = +0.25lbs   :(

total weight loss = 7.25lbs

slept late today, no breakfast.

meal 1 - milk and protein powder = 273cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

cardio - 30mins @ 40% VO2 max/ 115-120 bpm.

snack - coffee + chunky kitkat = 328cals, 6p, 36c, 18f

meal 2 - turkey fajitas with spicy mexican rice = 434cals, 40p, 48c, 9f

snack - strawberry cheesecake haagen dazs ice cream = 490cals, 7p, 52c, 29f

meal 3 - chicken korma = 473cals, 41p, 18c, 25f

daily totals = 1998cals, 127p, 168c, 89f
ratios = 25/31/40

scale showed an small increase in weight this week. as i was working two 12 hour shifts the past 2 days i'm sure the reason is water again. As i changed the cardio last week i want to give this increased cardio level another week at least to show any changes.

So i will keep the daily calorie level the same for another week, to see what the cardio is doing. if the scale does not show any difference next week, cardio will be increased by 5-15mins every session and/or calories may have to be reduced.
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #117 on: October 03, 2010, 04:49:31 PM »
You didn't lose an ounce in an entire week? I just don't understand how you think your plan is working. It is just not going to work....there is no way. I wish you luck, but damn, you will need more than that. I hope you can prove you point come February :-\


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #118 on: October 04, 2010, 10:27:12 AM »
For all the doubters i weighed 244lbs this morning - a whopping 2.5lbs lighter than yesterday.  so unless chunky kitkats and haagen dazs ice cream have some magical metabolism boosting synergy. i must have been correct again about the water  ;)

meal 1 - milk & protein powder = 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

meal 2 - milk & protein powder = 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

meal 3 - pre workout - milk & protein powder + 10g creatine = 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

8x45kg - db deadlift
8x45kg - db shrug
7x45kg - flat db press
8x45kg - one arm db row
7x45kg - incline db press

steady state cardio = 30 mins @ 40% VO2 max/ 115-120 bpms.

meal 3 - post workout - milk + protein powder + 10g creatine= 274cals, 33p, 14c, 9f

snack - wine gums = 472cals, 8p, 109c, 0f

meal 4 - turkey fajitas with spicy mexican rice = 434cals, 40p, 48c, 9f

daily totals = 2000cals, 178p, 212c, 45f
ratios = 36/41/20
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #119 on: October 04, 2010, 03:25:32 PM »
How much, roughly, is 427 cals worth of wine gums. A big bag ?

Glad this is working for you, seriously.


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #120 on: October 04, 2010, 03:32:38 PM »
How much, roughly, is 427 cals worth of wine gums. A big bag ?

Glad this is working for you, seriously.


its 160g in weight amount.

i count up the calories for all the meals for the day then whatever i have left from 2000, i work out how many kit kats, m&m's, wine gums,  etc i can eat.

fit day is a really good program for helping me keep track of everything.
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #121 on: October 04, 2010, 03:35:21 PM »
 Sunday weigh in = 246.5lbs

Weight loss this week = +0.25lbs   :(

total weight loss = 7.25lbs

34 days and you've only lost 7.25 pounds???  With as much fat as you carry you should be double to triple that.  Dude, I'm not trying to be mean.....I think you're a know it all, but I feel bad for you and would genuinely like to see you succeed.  Panda, it's not working like this, and it's not going to either.  Try what everyone is telling you for just two weeks and see what the difference is.  You're not even losing 1.5 pounds a week.  Fat girls do better than that on Weight Watchers with no exercise.  Pull your head out of your ass now


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #122 on: October 04, 2010, 03:44:36 PM »
actually its a lot more than that, i was losing weight before i started this log.

however its 9.75lbs in 35 days  ;)

good results for someone that is eating whatever he wants without suffering or effort don't you think ?
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #123 on: October 04, 2010, 03:54:25 PM »
actually its a lot more than that, i was losing weight before i started this log.

however its 9.75lbs in 35 days  ;)

good results for someone that is eating whatever he wants without suffering or effort don't you think ?

So think what you could do if you did suffer commit to doing it right, and ate what actually worked.  For someone that has been so loud and obnoxious about this whole thing you either don't want it very badly or you're just a big pussy.  Not trying to be a dick, just providing some food for thought.  No need to respond, as I'm not trying to get into a pissing match with you. 


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Re: Fatpanda Training and diet log
« Reply #124 on: October 04, 2010, 03:56:22 PM »
So think what you could do if you did suffer commit to doing it right, and ate what actually worked.  For someone that has been so loud and obnoxious about this whole thing you either don't want it very badly or you're just a big pussy.  Not trying to be a dick, just providing some food for thought.  No need to respond, as I'm not trying to get into a pissing match with you. 

i am doing it right, perhaps this log isn't for you. its clear you haven't understood what i'm doing here.

i'll tell you what, come back when i'm finished, see my results and then read it from the start and learn from it.
175lbs by 31st July