Author Topic: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.  (Read 6149 times)


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Muslim radicals behead Christian orphan workers

Militant linked to al-Qaida tells families of penalties for apostasy
Posted: August 11, 2009
9:42 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Four Christians working in Somalia to provide services to orphans have been executed by beheading by al-Qaida-linked interests who told their families that is the penalty for apostasy.

The report on the outrage comes from International Christian Concern, which said the executions took place sometime after the kidnapping of the Christians July 27, but it only discovered the tragedy recently.

The organization identified the Christian orphanage workers as Fatima Sultan, Ali Ma'ow, Sheik Mohammed Abdi and Maaddey Diil. They had been kidnapped in the coastal Somalian town of Merca, about 50 miles from Mogadishu.

According to ICC, al-Shabaab, an Islamic extremist organization, claimed responsibility and said the Christians were killed when they refused to renounce their faith in Jesus.

The ICC report said a junior al-Shabaab militant notified the families Aug. 4 the four were beheaded for apostasy. ICC said the militant described the Christians as promoters of "fitna," a Muslim term for religious discord.

The militant said the families would not even be given the bodies, "as Somalia does not have cemeteries for infidels."

The ICC quoted one eyewitness, who said, "All the four apostates were given an opportunity to return to Islam to be released but they all declined the generous offer."

The report confirmed the four Christians had been working for a local non-governmental organization that helps orphans in southern Somalia.

A Somali church leader who monitors the persecution against the Somali church described the latest beheadings as a desperate attempt to "purify" Somalia by eliminating all Christians from what the al-Qaida-linked terror group considers an Islamic republic.

But the church leader, whose identity was withheld, said such murders will only serve to launch more house churches.

ICC described al-Shabaab as "a radical Islamic organization fighting to establish an Islamic state in Somalia and enforce Wahhabi/Salafi Islam, an ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam practiced by the Taliban and al-Qaida."

The extremists already control large parts of Somalia and are trying to overthrow the internationally recognized transitional federal government of Somalia.

The Islamists last year killed half a dozen Somali Christians and just last month beheaded seven people in the town of Baidoa after accusing them of converting to Christianity, ICC said.

"Al-Shabaab has once against demonstrated its utter disregard for the dignity of human life," said Jonathan Racho, ICC's regional manager for Africa and the Middle East.

"The majority of Muslims in Somalia, who are also the victims of al-Shabaab's cruelty, do not support their ideology or practices. It is high time for the international community to take robust measures to end the heinous crimes that al-Shabaab and other extremist groups are committing against the people of Somalia," he said.

WND reported several weeks ago on the Compass Direct News story about al-Shabaab militants who kidnapped and beheaded two boys because their father refused to provide information about a church leader.

"I watched my three boys dragged away helplessly as my youngest boy was crying," said the mother, Batula Ali Arbow. "I knew they were going to be slaughtered."

A short time later, 7-year-old Abdulahi Musa Yusuf came running back to his mother, wailing and crying. Dead were his brothers 12-year-old Hussein Musa Yusuf and 11-year-old Abdi Rahaman Musa Yusuf, according to the report.

The killers were seeking the father, Musa Mohammed Yusuf, who was gone at the time, the report said. He was the leader of an underground church in Yonday village in Somalia before April, when the family fled to a Kenyan camp.

Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin earlier reported when al-Shabaab was linked to the stoning execution of a 13-year-old girl.

There's also a video of the beheadings (of course) but I'm not going to post it.

Haha, and that lying scumbag SamsonEnterprises claims that Muslims treat Christians well. Yet these four were beheaded specifically for being Christian.

Let me get the moral equivalence argument out of the way for the apologists: "Well, given my penchant for revisionist history, 500 years ago Islam was all candies and flowers while Christians were evil. Of course I can't provide any examples of Christians beheading Muslim aid workers but 500 years ago they were evil. Thus Islam is exempt from criticism and it shouldn't be discussed." ::)

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 07:50:47 AM »
Jihad Watch Egypt: Muslims burn Christian man alive, stab his father to death

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When this story was first reported, the media described it the way it always describes Coptic persecution at the hands of Muslims -- as a "sectarian-clash." As this more revealing report makes clear, however, it was anything but a "sectarian-clash" (which suggests Christians and Muslims, in more or less equal numbers, fighting and rioting). Instead, a Muslim set a Christian on fire, and then other Muslims attacked his father, stabbing him to death -- this in a village where Christians make up maybe 3-4% of the total population. Keep this in mind the next time you hear about "sectarian clashes" occurring where Muslims predominate and non-Muslims live as minorities. More on this story can be read at the Voice of the Copts.

"Egyptian Christian Burned Alive; Father Murdered Also," by Ethan Cole for the Christian Post, March 10:

A young Christian man was suddenly set on fire by a Muslim man in Egypt after a rumor circulated that the Christian man had a relationship with the Muslim man's sister.

Yasser Ahmed Qasim approached 25-year-old Sabri Shihata and poured gasoline on the Coptic Christian and then set him on fire, reported the Voice of the Copts on Friday. The young Copt tried to put out the fire by throwing himself into a nearby canal, but the burns were too severe and he later died.

His 60-year-old father, Sabri Shihata, later arrived at a village rally where a group of Muslims stabbed him to death. One stab reportedly entered his back and came out of his abdomen below the rib cage, according to Voice of the Copts. The elder Shihata was taken to the hospital but nevertheless died from the attacks.

The Muslim group also attacked the Coptic man’s younger brother, 22-year-old Rami Sabri Shihata, causing a deep injury to his head...

Posted by Raymond on March 10, 2009 3:00 PM
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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 07:51:40 AM »
drop a JDAM on them


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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2010, 07:53:02 AM »
Coptic Christians in Egypt are being eliminated in what is tantamount to genocide. I made a thread a few months ago about a group representing the Copts who tried to go Obama saying that he can't ignore the growing persecution of Christians in the Middle East while talking about tolerance and all that jazz but Obama did just that, he ignored it. Why? Because Christians are not important.

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 07:54:10 AM »
Coptic Christians in Egypt are being eliminated in what is tantamount to genocide. I made a thread a few months ago about a group representing the Copts who tried to go Obama saying that you can't ignore the growing persecution of Christians in the Middle East but Obama did just that. He ignored it. Why? Because Christians are not important.

According to the far left -

Burning people alive = ok

Burning a Koran = not ok


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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2010, 07:57:42 AM »
Coptic Christians Voicing Frustration With White House As Persecution Widens in Egypt
By YOUSSEF IBRAHMIM, Special to the Sun | May 22, 2010
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The leaders of Coptic Christians, whose community is facing growing persecution in Egypt, say they have been unsuccessful in efforts to gain a hearing from the White House or other parts of the Obama administration.

Heightened persecution of Egypt’s 12 million Christians coupled with growing power and prestige of their Coptic Diaspora in America and Australia is leading to new political efforts here. Educated and skilled Egyptian Copts who migrated in large numbers in recent decades are talking to Congress, organizing lobbies, and making other efforts to be heard.

They say they are frustrated by the current administration in Washington, particularly after President Obama’s overture to the Muslim world via a speech at Cairo. In the speech Mr. Obama President apologized for America’s misdeeds to Muslims, stating that he came “to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world.” Coptic leaders say that even while reaching out to Muslims the administration has turned a deaf ear to the pleas Arab Christian minority in the very country where he delivered his apology to Muslims.

“The Obama administration’s benign neglect of Arab Christians, is putting freedoms and human rights in the whole Middle East at risk,” is the way it was put in an interview with the Sun by the president of the U.S. Copts Association, Michael Meunier, who is headquartered in Washington “Friendships with Muslims has been the Obama Administration’s opening theme from his first day in office and in that famed Cairo speech in which he extended a hand to all Muslims in partnership.”

Mr. Meunier added that that the president’s failure to speak as extensively about the persecution of Arab Christians was a departure from American policy and a grave error. “We have no problems with American friendships with Islam and Muslims, but it cannot be accomplished at the expense of our rights as Egyptian Christians and Arab Christians, and as the very lives of our people there are endangered,” Mr. Meunier told the Sun.

One area of complaint by the Copt community is a law banning the repair or construction of churches without a “presidential decree.” The measure, known as the Hamayuni Law, is based on an 1856 Ottoman decree but was rarely enforced in Egypt under the monarchial dynasty overthrown by army officers in 1952.

Indeed, until the coup that put Gamal Abdel Nasser in power in 1952, Christian communities in Egypt  — including Catholics, Protestants, Armenians, Greeks and Italians in addition to the Copts —  enjoyed a climate of moderate Islam as the country westernized itself.

Because Christianity in Egypt is so ancient, preceding Islam by seven centuries, the country is a repository of multiple centuries-old churches, part of its international cultural heritage. As attractions for tourists, they rival the Pharos heritage.  Those churches benefit somewhat as tourist sites, getting a measure of protection by the state. Elsewhere in Egypt, smaller, ordinary churches are burning. Because of the Hamayuni Law, the churches that are attacked or burned down remain gone.

Copts say they are down to 2,524 churches now, down from more than 3,000 churches in the early 1950s. The bigger problem is not only that of systematic destruction of churches but the inability to replace the losses and build more to keep up with the normal growth of the Christian population.

The squeeze has become bad enough that Copts have often have to travel far distances outside of their towns for religious services for baptism, marriage, funerals, and regular mass.

Since 1971 only 37  “presidential decrees” were issued to build new churches and a further 34 decrees for menial repairs or refurbishments, including absurd things like replacing broken windows, across all of Egypt.

Both the regimes of Presidents Al Sadat and Mubarak revived the Hamayuni Law, refusing or ignoring applications by Christians to repair, rebuild or erect  churches. Egypt’s parliament, which is led by Mr. Mubarak’s National Party, has refused multiple proposals to write off the law or cancel it. Christian landowners need official permits to build a church. Muslims, by contrast, need no such permissions from the state, the presidency, or the government to build mosques anywhere in Egypt.

As a result, thousands new mosques, some starting as nothing more than storefront shops, have been established over the past 30 years. Most were funded with Saudi money. As the expansion of Islamic houses of prayer proceeds in Egypt , Christians there remain frozen in place.

Sectarian outbursts, which always end up in attacks on churches, are diminishing their numbers. Nagaa Hamadi is close to Luxor the fabled capital of ancient Egypt where several dynasties of Pharos ruled, a place replete with splendid ancient sites and a region of the Deep Nile Valley South, where millions of Coptic Christians live and work as merchants, landowners and businessmen.

Attacks on those Coptic Christians and their shops in Luxor, as well as in major cities like Cairo and Alexandria, are now monthly occurrences. Their employees are mugged, robbed, stabbed, and occasionally shot and killed, while their establishments are damaged or destroyed. The Islamists’ objective is to drive Copts out of the business of tourism and commerce,

That objective is voiced openly by advocates of the Moslem Brotherhood, who voice the ambition in weekly sermons, as well as over the airwaves by such broadcasters as the Qatari Al Jazeera and the Suadi Al Arabia television networks. Both networks keep a large contingent of reporters in Cairo and carry a stream of anti-Christian speeches and news programming. Anti-Christian exhortations are far from discreet; they are made openly on loud speakers in mosques on Fridays across Egypt, even in Christian neighborhoods.

Imams routinely urge Muslims to boycott Christians in business and social gatherings, cross the street to avoid mingling with them, refrain from shaking hands with them, or joining them in business ventures.

Much of this is reported and written about in the press, including in the government owned Al Ahram, the largest Arab daily newspaper, which has a contingent of liberal writers. The Coptic church routinely files complaints to the police. Yet to date, such complaints have been largely ignored. The government has been either unable, or unwilling, to challenge, stop, or question radical imams.

Luxor itself came to the world’s attention in November 1997, but only when Islamists massacred 62 Swiss tourists in a bloody attack. The ongoing dispossession and massacres of thousands of Egyptian Christians in and around the rest of Egypt, has yet to receive much attention, while the government dismisses each attack as an “individual incident.”

Some other good articles: (Muslim cleric calls for jihad in Egypt, so his mob followers go out and attack Copts) (Priest's wife mysteriously disappears, Egyptian police do fuck-all about it)

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2010, 08:12:48 AM »
According to the far left -

Burning people alive = ok

Burning a Koran = not ok

Who are these 'far left' people who have made quotes saying it is A-okay to burn ppl alive?  Are there any of them on getbig?  Are there any of them in congress?

I understand you disagree with the political beliefs of some... but are there americans who are seriously okay with ppl being burned alive?  Who, with links?

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2010, 08:16:28 AM »
Who are these 'far left' people who have made quotes saying it is A-okay to burn ppl alive?  Are there any of them on getbig?  Are there any of them in congress?

I understand you disagree with the political beliefs of some... but are there americans who are seriously okay with ppl being burned alive?  Who, with links?

If you don't condemn it - you agree with it. 

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2010, 08:20:21 AM »
If you don't condemn it - you agree with it.  


Are there not some implied common sense things?  33, you've never come out and said you are specifically against smearing shit on sheep and having sexy time with them.  But that doesn't mean you agree with it.

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2010, 08:30:20 AM »

Are there not some implied common sense things?  33, you've never come out and said you are specifically against smearing shit on sheep and having sexy time with them.  But that doesn't mean you agree with it.

 ::)  ::)

I didnt know beastility was a common issue of the day that needs to be discussed. 

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2010, 08:32:02 AM »
::)  ::)

I didnt know beastility was a common issue of the day that needs to be discussed. 

oh yeah dude... there are some shite smearing, sheep screwing sickos out there.

And until we all go on record saying we're against it - well, as you said...

If you don't condemn it - you agree with it. 

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2010, 08:44:55 AM »
Dina Al-Shabaab did all this?


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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2010, 09:03:16 AM »
oh yeah dude... there are some shite smearing, sheep screwing sickos out there.

And until we all go on record saying we're against it - well, as you said...


I have to admit. You made me laugh.

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2010, 09:06:06 AM »
Muslim Construction Will Destroy Jesus’ Garden Tomb: Where’s the Outrage?
September 9, 2010

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 The American pity party going on for all the poor misunderstood Muslims who want to build a mosque on Ground Zero to spit on our 9/11 victims and families.  Here’s a great example of Muslim hypocrisy going on right now.

Where is the outrage over the Muslim destruction of one of the most holy of Christian shrines in Israel?  Don’t tell me, before you know it, somehow the poor Muslims will be the offended victims in this!

From CBN:

JERUSALEM – More than a quarter of a million Christians visit Jerusalem’s Garden Tomb every year. The holy site is believed by many to be the place where Jesus rose from the dead.

But now, the sacred ground is in danger of being damaged by a Muslim construction project. Garden Tomb Director Richard Meryon showed CBN News the 15-foot wall being built above the tomb.

“In the last few weeks the cemetery above has built this wooden construction into which they are now ready to pour hundreds of tons of concrete on top of our wall,” he explained.

Jerusalem’s Islamic waqf is building the wall to enlarge a Muslim cemetery. However, Meryon fears the construction could bring a catastrophe.

“Just beneath (the wall) we have three or four areas where Christians are worshipping every day. So we have the potential here in heavy rain or in snow, or even in one of those earth tremors that Jerusalem is famous for — you only need one of those events to happen and this new wall could collapse,” he said. “It could kill 200 visitors, pilgrims, and tourists in the garden worshipping.”

The new wall also violates three local building codes and does not have a city permit. The structure is supposed to be built three feet away from any existing structure and permission is required.

“They have never sought my permission,” Meryon said. “We have been in active discussion and I am now negotiating with them. I cannot allow them to build this wall until they prove to me beyond all reasonable doubt that this wall is going to be safe.”

A spokesman from the Muslim cemetery told CBN News they do not have a license, but claim the new wall is safe. The mayor’s office also said officials will make sure the building is legal so Jerusalem can remain open to tourists.

“We walk through the garden, we’re hearing groups of people praising God, worshiping Him in every language from everywhere and we have taken people through the garden literally from every corner of the globe,” one tour guide said.

And the concrete wall is not the only construction Meryon is worried about. He said recent digging on top of Golgotha next to the Garden Tomb threatens the hill known as the Place of a Skull. Many believe Jesus was crucified there.

“Golgotha is mentioned in John 19, where Jesus was led outside the city walls… into a place called Golgotha,” Meryon said.

“Above Golgotha, in the last few days – bucket by bucket, load by load – a lot of dirt has been imported above the rock and below those graves on the skyline.” he added. “I’ve known for some weeks that they were thinking of building a minaret up there.”

Meryon wants to make sure Golgotha and the Garden Tomb remain intact.

“This is a very important Christian holy site,” he said. “And we just want to live here in peace and provide this amazing opportunity for Christians all around the world to come here and continue to worship and be exposed to the gospel.”



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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2010, 09:11:10 AM »
According to the far left -

Burning people alive = ok

Burning a Koran = not ok

you look like a moron when  you make statements like that  ;)
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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2010, 09:13:30 AM »
you look like a moron when  you make statements like that  ;)

 ::)  ::)

Show me any evidence where the far left has condemend violence by muslims like this, ever. 


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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2010, 09:40:21 AM »
::)  ::)

Show me any evidence where the far left has condemend violence by muslims like this, ever. 

All you need to do is take a look at who the far left is and it is easy to understand why there is no condemnation of violence.

Stalin/Communist - approx 20 million
Hitler/Socialist - approx 15 Million
Mao/Communist - approx 60 Million
Pol Pot/Communist - approx 2 million

I can keep going, but the point is when the far left implement their "utopia" the first thing they do is kill everyone that can oppose them ( the educated, religious leaders, political competition......)

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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2010, 05:55:35 PM »
::)  ::)

Show me any evidence where the far left has condemend violence by muslims like this, ever. 

1) Who is "the far left"?  Names?

2) We'll need a list of statements from every single person in "the middle" and "the right" giving the exact statements you are demanding.


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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2010, 07:16:49 AM »
these al shahabs are really barbarians.


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Re: Al-Shabaab beheads 4 Christian aid workers, refuses to turn over bodies.
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2010, 07:21:16 AM »
these al shahabs are really barbarians.

They're just practicing Islam. Everything they do is advocated, condoned or encouraged by the Koran. Don't blame them for following the infallible words of God. Anything less would make them guilty of apostasy.