Author Topic: The Case for KB Gold aka Karatbars  (Read 45673 times)


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The Case for KB Gold aka Karatbars
« on: September 20, 2010, 02:06:23 PM »
Swiss Institutions Ask: Where's the Gold?
9/18/2010 - Ron Holland

Ron Holland

"He who owns the gold makes the rules." – An old adage

Have you ever wondered what would happen if most of the claimed US gold reserves do not really exist? Can Washington continue to operate under its own questionable and often non-existent accounting rules if it doesn't have the gold reserves as promised? Should we worry about the old idiom, "When the chickens come home to roost" when a person, entity or a government pays dearly for a mistake or something bad they have done in the distant past?

Well, the gold has to be somewhere but what if it is in France, Germany and Switzerland rather than in Fort Knox? The price of gold probably wouldn't change much except in dollars which would likely dramatically fall in value as would US Treasury obligations. While the monetary elites and their central banks might prefer to keep the question under wraps, American citizens and foreign holders of dollars and US debt deserve the same full disclosure and transparency as required in the private sector.

Congressman Ron Paul Questions Whether There's Gold at Fort Knox and the NY Fed

Quoting from The Hill website, "Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said he plans to introduce legislation next year to force an audit of U.S. holdings of gold. Paul, a longtime critic of the Federal Reserve and U.S. monetary policy, said he believes it's "a possibility" that there might not actually be any gold in the vaults of Fort Knox or the New York Federal Reserve bank."

Is Washington Still # 1 In Gold Reserves?

Most of the 8,965 tons of gold is supposed to be at Fort Knox and valued at over $350 billion dollars but is this still true today? First the gold hasn't really been audited since the Eisenhower Administration. Although a spokesman for the US Treasury recently stated US gold holdings are audited every year by the Treasury's Office of Inspector General, I fear this is more like the internal audits of Fannie Mae or the supposed audits of Madoff, AIG and Enron.

The Swiss well remember the calls for an audit of Fort Knox made after the 1974 Nixon impeachment following the 1971 Nixon Shock. This action unilaterally closed the gold window and ripped off the nation of Switzerland but the "fake audit" was little more than a photo opportunity designed for home consumption in the United States.

Will the Nixon Shock of August 15, 1971 Be Followed By An Obama Event?

Why should Switzerland and other nations or investors trust the US Treasury? There are ominous parallels between 1971 and today and this is why I support Ron Paul's call to audit the gold at Fort Knox in 2011. In 1971 the costs, deficits and debts of the Vietnam War were worrying foreign nations just like the deficits and overhanging national debt today threaten the dollar and Treasury obligations. Therefore many nations including Switzerland and France began demanding that Washington redeem their dollars for gold as required by the Bretton Woods agreement. Switzerland had redeemed $50 million in paper dollars for gold in July but was stuck with the rest when Nixon arbitrarily and without warning "closed the gold window," ending convertibility between US dollars and gold on August 15, 1971.

I fear that much of Washington's gold reserves were lost back in 1971 prior to the Nixon emergency closure of the gold window and was the reason for the sudden, secret announcement sprung on investors and nations without even consulting other members of the international monetary system. In addition, the world's central banks have kept very quiet when questions arise about whether the Federal Reserve has used the remnants of the US gold reserves through international swap agreements to keep gold prices artificially low and to hold up the dollar earlier in this decade.

Why Trust Washington?

The US Treasury claims to have the gold bullion reserves but why should we believe them? Since the government stretches the truth about almost everything else today, I seriously wonder if they are giving us the true condition about Washington's gold ownership.

A recent poll has shown that 80% of the American people don't trust their government and when you add the 22 million government employees and their families, one could say zero percent of productive Americans in the private sector trust the government. So why should global investors have any more confidence or faith in Washington than the American people?

Just think back over the last few years. From the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the real estate bubble and collapse, the Wall Street meltdown, the Gulf oil spill, the recession that wasn't expected, the recovery that never happened, promised change with Obama, the bailouts from both political parties etc. Can you think of one political promise kept or one true statement out of Washington, the Federal Reserve or Treasury? Therefore why should American citizens, foreign nations or international investors believe for a moment the US has the gold reserves claimed?

Here in Switzerland at Appenzeller Business Press AG publisher of "The Daily Bell" and "Freedom Matters" we believe American citizens certainly deserve a full and complete outside audit of "claimed" United States gold reserves during these trying economic times.

The same can be said in even stronger terms for international investors, central bankers and sovereign funds that have purchased trillions in US treasury obligations. Those who still use the dollar as their currency of choice in business transactions and as a safe haven in times of crisis on the world financial stage need to do their due diligence concerning the US gold holdings out of responsibility to their investors and citizens.

Foreign investors are rightly concerned about accountability and openness about supposed assets when there has been no real audit for decades. Certainly, an audit is required following the regulatory breakdown and oversight of the American financial system and the misplaced trust in institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Fed which led the world to the brink of another 1930's style collapse. A gold audit is only prudent due diligence and this should be welcomed in order to help restore confidence in the US. It is time to bring down the wall of secrecy and restore confidence and accountability to the US balance sheet. Therefore I endorse Congressman Ron Paul's initiative to audit the American gold reserves.

Do You Know Where Your Gold Is?

Of course, if you have some emergency gold stored in your local safe deposit box or hidden around the house or yard, your gold is somewhat secure but we are talking about large private gold holdings. Maybe the United States should protect and guarantee the existence of much of the American gold reserves formerly held by private American citizens but stolen in Roosevelt's 1933 gold confiscation by looking at the private sector.

How Gold Is Privately Stored in Switzerland?

Gold bullion can be stored in secure, non-bank vaults (we don't trust bank holidays even in Switzerland). They can be insured for full value and stored in a tax-free zone to avoid VAT costs used by large financial institutions and Swiss banks.

Your gold should be fully and safely allocated and stored in-kind in high security vaults and never leased, pledged or used for international swap agreements.

The vaults and gold inventories should be regularly audited by independent third parties including Swiss Customs inspectors as well as audited by one of the private Big Four accounting firms.

Your gold should be a specific amount or number of coins or bars not fractions or digital units promised in some prospectus but not tangibly existent. For example, your holdings should be described as 100 Canadian Maple Leafs or bars of a specific weight. All of this with reasonable and transparent pricing, commissions and storage fees

Liquidity is king with gold ownership and you should be able to take physical delivery or sell promptly and conveniently. You should not be required to show up to take delivery or initiate your transactions. You can effectuate all matters by fax, e-mail, letter, or phone. You are not dependent on the internet as all of this is particularly critical in a severe crisis situation.

Gold delivery should be universal in Switzerland or internationally on a cost basis utilizing respected international high-security logistics firms. You might not be able to travel when banks and stocks markets are closed, or crisis exchange controls and travel restrictions are in place.

Finally concerned gold investors should never trust their wealth to bankrupt governments, corrupt politicians or questionable legal systems and this is why large gold investments above emergency gold holdings should be stored in Switzerland or other secure jurisdictions. Knowledgeable investors should remember Roosevelt's gold confiscation and Nixon's gold shock and defend their wealth accordingly.

What Does the Future Hold For Gold In the United States?

I certainly don't have a crystal ball but if the gold reserves aren't there or in the amounts promised, there is a real risk during a future crisis of another Washington gold confiscation event. Second, rather than trusting vague statements out of Washington, I would give real credibility to how the private sector views Washington gold reserves.

Watch the dollar, watch the price of gold and soon you just may be able check the gambling odds on whether the government will allow a real audit of Fort Knox and also if the amount of gold claimed is really there. Christopher Costigan, publisher of Gambling911 the leading gambling website in the United States indicates that "soon odds and betting may be possible on the questions above thanks to the coming Ron Paul Fort Knox Audit Legislation."

A Call To Washington: Restore Confidence in US Gold Reserves

First a full private audit would do much to assure the world that American gold reserves were not lost during the Nixon Administration and that the gold holdings haven't been accounted away like the Social Security Trust Fund or become little more than a Madoff-style Ponzi scheme of vague paper promises and unaudited assets that do not exist.

We urge Congress to follow the leadership of Ron Paul and to take the initial step to begin the restoration of world confidence in the integrity and openness of the Treasury gold reserves. It is time to put the sorry record of American accountability with non-existent or over-valued assets in Madoff, AIG, Enron and Fannie Mae-style scandals behind us and we can start in 2011 with a full audit of the US gold reserves.

The United States constantly preaches and demands full disclosure, accountability and open transparency to governments, investment industries and financial systems in the rest of the world while failing to keep its own house in order back home. I grew up on a chicken farm in North Carolina and trust me, if and when the chickens come home to roost on the gold reserves, the situation can quickly get very messy. It is time for Washington, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to come clean and open the US gold reserves to a full and complete private audit.

Otherwise, I don't want to be around when the chickens come home to roost and the sh*t starts flying. Until then, I'm betting against the gold being at Fort Knox and looking forward to the day when I can really bet on this question and put my money on the line but for now just storing gold outside the United States is an easy step to take in the right direction.

An audit will answer the gold reserve questions, secure the US economy and end the worry of American citizens and foreign investors about US gold reserves. It is past time to answer the question, "Where's the gold" and move forward.

Only an audit will tell if the Treasury is holding a Full House or busted and bluffing but I choose not to play a game with my wealth when the stakes are this high. I'm walking away and urge you to do the same.

"You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, / Know when to walk away and know when to run."  ~~Kenny Rogers, The Gambler

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Re: Swiss Institutions Ask: Where's the Gold?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2010, 03:28:21 PM »
it's morally right... but it could lead to things collapsing. 

I think i prefer to just let that sleeping dog lie


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Re: Swiss Institutions Ask: Where's the Gold?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 07:01:52 AM »
it's morally right... but it could lead to things collapsing.  

I think i prefer to just let that sleeping dog lie

Others aren't interested in letting sleeping dogs lie or lay or whatever the heck they've been doing.
The gold vigilantes are on the case.

Jim Willie WARNING: The Bullion Banks are loosing control of GOLD & SILVER  <-- click here for the YouTube Video


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The Case for KB Gold
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2010, 05:16:26 PM »
World Bank chief calls for new gold standard
By Chris Oliver, MarketWatch

World Bank President Robert Zoellick speaks
at an event in Washington in October. / Reuters

HONG KONG (MarketWatch) –- The president of the World Bank said in a newspaper editorial Monday that the Group of 20 leading economies should consider adopting a global reserve currency based on gold as part of structural reforms to the world’s foreign-exchange regime.

World Bank chief Robert Zoellick said in an article in the Financial Times that leading economies should consider “employing gold as an international reference point of market expectations about inflation, deflation and future currency values.”

Zoellick made the proposal as part of reforms to be considered at this week’s G-20 meeting in Seoul.

“Although textbooks may view gold as the old money, markets are using gold as an alternative monetary asset today,” said Zoellick.

He said such a reform would reflect economic realities and should be considered as a successor to the existing global currency paradigm known as “Bretton Woods II.”
Obama and the Taliban

U.S. President Obama offers an olive branch to Afghan militants who want to lay down arms and honor the country's constitution. Video courtesy of Reuters.

Bretton Woods II refers to the system which began in 1971, when U.S. President Nixon ended the dollar’s link to gold as established under the Bretton Woods agreement.

Zoellick said a return to some sort of currency link to gold would be “practical and feasible, not radical.”

“This new system is likely to need to involve the dollar, the euro, the yen, the pound and a renminbi that moves towards internationalization and then an open capital account,” he said.

Chris Oliver is MarketWatch's Asia bureau chief, based in Hong Kong.


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Re: The Case for Gold
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2010, 10:14:59 PM »


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Re: The Case for KB Gold
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 07:09:38 PM »

Is KB Edelmetall AG too good to be true?

Gold - the new global currency...

There was a time when gold was money. The world's major economies have experienced a rapid money supply growth of 10 % plus per annum in recent years, and it is not backed up by gold, as in 'the good old days'. But the yellow metal is returning as a store of value when everything else seems risky.

The following information was compiled to assist you in answering the opening question…
“Is KB Edelmetall AG too good to be true?”

Facts about KB:
  • KB Edelmetall AG offers you a secure GOLD “KinebarTM grade” and or SILVER Savings Account.
  • KB Edelmetall AG’s corporate headquarters is located in Munich, Germany.
  • KB owns its own mining, refining and production facilities in Turkey.
  • KB is a financially secure and fully self funded company with 16 years of successful operations in the financial industry.
  • KB Edelmetall AG has Proprietary patent-pending extraction technology that is ecologically friendly
  • Purchase Plans start as low as 50 Euro ($65) per month
  • Free storage in Germany, and other facilities in Switzerland & Singapore
  • Free first delivery on amounts of 100 grams or more
  • Savings accounts are self directed. You own, manage and control your account online.
  • Cash deposits are exchanged for gold bullion.
  • Deposits are optional (just like where you bank now) and you have complete control.
  • No excessive "middle man," premiums or shipping costs.
  • Your KB Gold will be stored (At no cost) in Germany.

There are 7 ways to earn monies through KB’s Referral Program

KB’s Program is worldwide (Except China)

There are no fees, no monthly costs, no obligations to buy gold

No product sales, no sales targets, and no Boss!

Recommended by Bund der Sparer (an Independent German Consumer organization).

To be a KB Partner is a great opportunity offered to you.

This savings plan is for a medium term/long term (not just to capitalize on the peaks & troughs experienced in the market, but to benefit from $ cost averaging). Also, because it affects the business plan... [Your income]… the longer the monthly savings plan is in place, the better value for the saver (client) as it takes out major swings in peaks & troughs; as well as also stabilizing the residual incomes for you and your team...  it is a WIN WIN.

KB Gold's Market Niche

Their unique marketing strategy and niche… is to produce and distribute 999.9 pure 24KT currency grade quality gold products in smaller weights - creating a new and more affordable way for more people to buy / sell / own and control the commodity that everyone wants.

The strength and stability of KB's plan is the dollar cost approach. A systematic savings plan backed by kinebarTM quality bullion. In Europe they call it going on "the frip".

The good news is - we now have the very best way to protect our assets and leverage the rising price of gold and silver.

In May of 2008, KB launched a Referral Marketing Program that with awesome mass appeal throughout the world. Many of those that chose to participate, are literally earning walk~away residual incomes.

The highest single payout to date after 18 months as a KB Partner was just under 500K for the month of July 2010.

(Your actual earnings will be based on your level of participation, and achievement.)

Live Conference calls:

Monday: KB Gold - Business Overview + Q & A

Get The Facts and Breaking News!

12noon Eastern / 11am Central / 10am Mountain / 9am Pacific

Dial in number: (213) 416-1560 pin: 542-635-231#

Ed C: (Quote) There are ways to survive this crisis and maybe the dollar will too. But it will take major reform and most importantly the people of all countries taking the wealth back from the ultra wealthy. As I have been studying and learning about KB Gold one resounding theme you hear in the commentary out there is that wealth is never lost. It is merely transferred. The problem with our monetary system and it is world wide is that it is a Fiat Currency controlled by Private for profit Banks. Where do you think the wealth has gone? I don't go as far as the conspiracy theories that are out there. People have control but it requires us all to take responsibility and take control back. I look forward to helping many people to take back control of their lives through me and not by me. (End Quote).

A quote of the summary from another financial paper... With the bond bull in mortal peril, we may very well be on the verge of a major shift in capital allocation. Rather than trillions of dollars parking in low yielding Treasuries where inflation will eat away any real returns, serious capital is going to start seeking tangible assets like we saw during the late 1970s. This includes gold of course!

If a small fraction of the capital hiding in bonds today shifts into Gold, it is going to make their secular bulls to date look tiny.

The answer to that question (Is KB too good to be true?),is both! It is too good to be true... except it is!


Kitco News, [10/5/2010 7:43:00 AM] Gold Powers Ahead to New Record High; No Signs of Market Top

Top investor Jimmy Rogers take on the future of gold prices:
Commodities Rally Still Strong, Gold Will Hit $2,000

- Jimmy has an impeccable track record
Watch the video:  

UBS (Virt-X: UBSN.VX - news) is recommending top-tier clients hold 7-10 percent of their assets in precious metals like gold, which is on course for its tenth consecutive yearly gain and traded at around $1,314.50 an ounce, near the record level reached last week.


Protect your assets. Open your KB Gold Kinebar and or Silver Account today!

Deposits are exchanged for gold or silver in the exchange rate for that day.
Liquidity - Your gold and silver can be exchanged for cash at any time.
Cash is made available again in a few working days.

Become a FREE KB Gold Partner today!
Simply open a savings account with KB Gold by replying to this post in PM. (Reference: “I want in”)


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Re: The Case for KB Gold
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2010, 12:03:37 PM »

Pathetic - go ahead - buy some more gold - in three years times, the price will be the same, or lower. 


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Re: The Case for KB Gold
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2010, 03:47:43 PM »
For those who believe the price of gold will be lower in 3 years, ...there's always silver.
Me personally, ...I don't believe gold will be lower, I think it will be much higher, do at least 108 analysts:

If by some bizarre occurrence the price of gold is the same, ...then one has accomplished the primary goal which for me and many others making use of KB's services is the preservation of value, ...and the security that comes with the knowledge that a very pragmatic safety net (workable bullion increments) against ridiculous monetary policies is in place. PLUS with the referral fees, we come out ahead don't we? One thing I am certain of is that the value of FIAT currencies around the world will NOT have the same purchasing power in 3 years. The US dollar alone has already lost 40% of it's value in the past 3 years and is currently hovering at par with the Canadian. That's not good imo. I believe a dollar crash is inevitable.

Cy Tolliver

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Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2010, 02:18:03 AM »
Should I do this?

Does anyone here know about this stuff or know where I can buy gold?

Thank you!


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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2010, 02:33:40 AM »
Should I do this?

Yes, I think you should. Actually, I think you'd make out even better putting it in Silver over gold,
...but I believe precious metals are your friend, ...especially in this economy.

Does anyone here know about this stuff or know where I can buy gold?

Thank you!

Yes, alot of people do.  :D  brat!  ;D

Cy Tolliver

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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2010, 02:44:56 AM »
Yes, alot of people do.  :D  brat!  ;D

As much as you annoy people, if that means what I think it means, you're fucking sharp....  ;D


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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2010, 03:44:12 AM »

As much as you annoy people, if that means what I think it means, you're fucking sharp....  ;D

I'm Canadian. We know the importance of keeping our skates sharp.
Besides, being sharp is far more preferable to being dull. Be careful I don't cut you.  ;)

Cy Tolliver

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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2010, 03:46:22 AM »
I'm Canadian. We know the importance of keeping our skates sharp.
Besides, being sharp is far more preferable to being dull. Be careful I don't cut you.  ;)

I'm trying hard, but i can't not like you...  ;D


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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2010, 06:56:55 AM »
I'm trying hard, but i can't not like you...  ;D

How could anyone not like me?

I'm such a wuvable Angel.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2010, 06:59:54 AM »
no comment lol ;D


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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2010, 07:03:57 AM »


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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2010, 10:46:48 PM »

Cy Tolliver

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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2010, 12:18:21 AM »
settle down now samjag!


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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2010, 10:54:30 PM »
settle down now samjag!

First of all I am NOT Samson.
Secondly, now that this topic has been moved to this board, I can get serious with the replies.

In answer to the question asked in the subject, I believe you should put US Dollars into gold, and I intend to post information in support of that opinion in this thread.

The US Dollar is a fast depreciating currency that is worth less and less each day.

Gold is an excellent store of value. if your wealth is held in US fiat currency, you are on very shaky ground imo. You could be wiped out tomorrow.

According to Glenn Back, a jar of coffee could run you upwards of $70, $46 for a minute made orange juice, and $15 for a Hershey chocolate bar. While I realize Beck has a tendency to be a little hystrionic at times, he claims to have gotten these figure from the boys at NIA who I have found to be quite credible. It may not come to that, ...but what if it does? By putting your money in gold or silver, you at least cut yourself some room when the inevitable collapse does occur and the ugly prospect of hyperinflation rears it's head.

Then too, there is James Turk, founder of In a November 20th, 2010 interview from Spain with Eric King of KingWorld News, James Turk discusses the similarities between our current bull market, and that of the 70's. He also says leave the speculation to the highly specialized & skilled speculators, and that using gold as a store of value using dollar cost averaging is the way to go.

Cy Tolliver

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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2010, 11:12:45 PM »
First of all I am NOT Samson.
Secondly, now that this topic has been moved to this board, I can get serious with the replies.

In answer to the question asked in the subject, I believe you should put US Dollars into gold, and I intend to post information in support of that opinion in this thread.

The US Dollar is a fast depreciating currency that is worth less and less each day.

Gold is an excellent store of value. if your wealth is held in US fiat currency, you are on very shaky ground imo. You could be wiped out tomorrow.

According to Glenn Back, a jar of coffee could run you upwards of $70, $46 for a minute made orange juice, and $15 for a Hershey chocolate bar. While I realize Beck has a tendency to be a little hystrionic at times, he claims to have gotten these figure from the boys at NIA who I have found to be quite credible. It may not come to that, ...but what if it does? By putting your money in gold or silver, you at least cut yourself some room when the inevitable collapse does occur and the ugly prospect of hyperinflation rears it's head.

Then too, there is James Turk, founder of In a November 20th, 2010 interview from Spain with Eric King of KingWorld News, James Turk discusses the similarities between our current bull market, and that of the 70's. He also says leave the speculation to the highly specialized & skilled speculators, and that using gold as a store of value using dollar cost averaging is the way to go.

To hear Turks interview, please visit:  <-- click me  :D

I've PM'd you my contact info.................... ........

So that you can send me my referral fee for every bit of gold you sell in threads that I've started!


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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2010, 06:45:06 PM »
I've PM'd you my contact info.................... ........

So that you can send me my referral fee for every bit of gold you sell in threads that I've started!

This video pretty much sums up the prevailing public attitude and explains why more people don't  buy gold.


Cy Tolliver

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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2010, 07:45:56 PM »
All jokes aside 24KT, Thank you for hooking me up!

I'm very happy, and hope to do business again in the future!



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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2010, 07:53:33 PM »
"Don't let the opinions of the average man sway you.
Dream, and he thinks you're crazy.
Succeed, and he thinks you're lucky.
Acquire wealth, and he thinks you're greedy.
Pay no attention. He simply doesn't understand" ~ Robert G. Allen


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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2010, 08:39:21 PM »
For anyone interested, a friend of mine in Bulgaria sent me this video.
You can imagine my surprise when I discovered a few of the film makers were old friends.

Anyway... enjoy the film

Fiat Empire - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the US Constitution


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Re: Should I put my US Dollars into Gold?
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2010, 04:32:55 PM »
6 Reasons Why Gold and Silver Are Going Higher

While gold has pulled back from its +$1,400 its bull market is far from over… Corrections are a normal and necessary part of any bull market, and man, do I see this pullback as a golden opportunity — a chance to buy great gold and silver stocks that we missed the first time around!

So says Sean Brodrick, and I have to agree with him.

Meanwhile, silver is outperforming gold percentage-wise. Take a look at this chart:

Gold has done well, but silver is up more than 15% in a little over a month!

Quite a move, eh? Now, the U.S. dollar is rallying and both gold and silver are pulling back. Many people are waiting for silver to pull back to $20 to buy it again, just as they waited for gold to pull back to $1,000 but don’t hold your breath, and don’t waste the opportunity. Many people missed that last $400 move as gold charged from $1,000 to $1,400. Don’t miss the next leg of gold’s big rally.

Let me show you six reasons why this pullback may not be a big one and why gold is going much higher, and probably sooner than many on Wall Street believe possible.

Reason #1: Europe’s Debt Problems Haven’t Gone Away

The United States isn’t the only country with a debt crisis. The euro zone has had its own government debt/banking crisis which nearly sank the euro mere months ago, as Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain [the PIIGS] teetered on the brink of insolvency.

Europe was able to paper over the problem for a while but now Ireland’s 10-year spreads have moved to 5% and Greece’s spreads to 9%. Investors are starting to bet those governments will bust their budgets.

As a result worried Europeans are (again!) moving into the safety of the hard currencies — gold and silver.

Reason #2: The Debt Crisis Is Global

The 15 most advanced nations of the world, including the United States, will have to borrow a whopping $10.2 trillion in 2011. The money is needed to repay maturing bonds and finance budget deficits.

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Looking at the chart, you can see that Japan is in worse financial shape than the United States but we are giving the Japanese a run for their money – the Federal Reserve has just committed to buy an additional $600 billion in U.S. government debt over the next eight months. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that the chances that investors will balk at lending to governments “remains high for advanced economies.”

If the risk of government default is rising, where do you hide out? Gold and silver are a good place to start!

Reason #3: Central Banks Continue to Buy Gold

You know who is not worried about the high price of gold? Central banks. They continue to snap up the yellow metal. Obviously, they are banking on higher prices.

There are two parts to the central bank/gold equation: buying and selling. On the sell side, central banks and the IMF sold about 94.5 metric tons of gold in the year that ended last month. Most of this was IMF gold and the total was down a whopping 40% from a year earlier!

On the buy side, we know that countries including Russia, Venezuela and India are buying a lot of gold. In fact, Russia has been steadily building its stockpile of gold all year, buying it every month. It started with 16.7 million ounces in January and they just added another 500,000 ounces in October to hit 19.5 million ounces.

Even developed nations are buying gold — France’s gold as a percentage of its reserves rose from 42.5% to 63.3% and Portugal’s jumped from 39.9% to 83.7% in 2009. China is probably buying a lot of gold, though we won’t know until long after the fact.

Reason #4: Investors Are Piling Into Gold

Central banks aren’t the only ones not deterred by higher gold prices. Investors large and small aren’t blinking either. The World Gold Council estimated late last month that gold holdings in ETFs hit a new record in the third quarter. What’s more, a new gold ETF just made its debut in Hong Kong. The Value Gold ETF will hold its gold locally, and offers Asians unnerved by the global currency and debt crises a new way to hedge their portfolios.

Here in North America another new fund was launched — the ETFS Precious Metals Basket (GLTR on the NYSE) – which holds a basket of gold, silver, platinum and palladium in differing weights with the gold and silver underlying the ETF held in London and the platinum and palladium held in either London or Zurich. It’s one more shiny lure for investors hungry for precious metals, and I think we could see a lot more funds of varying components debut before the big bull run is over.

Reason #5: The World Starts to Shift Away from the U.S. Dollar

The storm clouds gathering over the U.S. dollar are ominous. French President Nicolas Sarkozy recently emerged from a meeting with China’s leader Hu Jintao, and called for a new global monetary system. Since the current system is based on the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency, this move is a direct assault on the dollar’s primacy and since gold is priced in dollars, if the dollar is going down, gold will go up.

World Bank chief Robert Zoellick [has gone further...maintaining] that the Group of 20 leading economies should consider adopting a global reserve currency based on gold as part of a bigger reform of the global financial system. Such a move would be an end to the current global regime which is based on the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and that would cut the hamstrings on the U.S. dollar.

So ask yourself, how can both the euro go lower and the U.S. dollar go lower? The answer is that both are going to go lower against hard currencies — gold and silver.

Reason #6: Gold Is Running Rings Around the S&P 500

The S&P 500 is up nearly 9% so far this year, which seems pretty good but that’s only because the S&P 500 is priced in dollars and the U.S. dollar’s big trend is lower. What happens if you price the S&P 500 in gold or silver? The results [below] may surprise you.

S&P 500 is up nearly 9% this year ... but valued in gold it's actually down 15%, and valued in silver, the S&P is down more than 33%!

As you can see, priced in gold, the S&P 500′s 9% gain turns into a 14.85% LOSS and valuing the S&P 500 in silver the S&P 500 has lost more than 33% of its value in silver terms! To be sure, past performance is no guarantee of future results but if these trends stay in place — and I think they should — gold and silver should continue to outperform the S&P 500.

All This and Silver Too

I think silver will continue to outperform gold going forward, at least in the short term. It is an industrial metal as well as a precious metal, and the global economy is firing on all cylinders even as the U.S. economy continues to sputter. Investment demand for silver is rip-roaring, and it got a shot in the arm from the $575 million debut of the new Sprott Physical Silver Trust (PSLV on the NYSE, PHS.U on the TSX) in Canada.

My intermediate-term target of $31.39 on silver that I gave in October now seems too conservative. Longer-term, I think silver is going to $50 an ounce. We’ll see just how fast we get there.

Lock and Load with an Arsenal of Gold and Silver Bullets
