Author Topic: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops  (Read 4343 times)


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Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« on: October 11, 2010, 06:46:33 PM »
Lets see how america tries to clear itself of this

Aid worker Linda Norgrove may have been killed by US troops

David Cameron reveals General David Petraeus has contacted him to say British hostage may not have died at hands of her captors as thought

Linda Norgrove in a snapshot from her Facebook page Linda Norgrove in a snapshot from her Facebook page

British aid worker Linda Norgrove may have been killed by a grenade thrown by US troops trying to rescue her from Taliban kidnappers in Afghanistan, David Cameron said today.

The prime minister announced that a full UK-US investigation was now being launched into the circumstances surrounding Norgrove's death on Friday.

Speaking at a press conference today, Cameron said that General David Petraeus, the commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan, had contacted his office this morning to say a review of the rescue operation had revealed she "may not have died at the hands of her captors" as originally thought.

It had initially been reported that Norgrove died from a grenade explosion, but subsequent reports suggested her rebel captors detonated a bomb vest as American troops attempted to rescue her.

Cameron said: "Linda's life was in grave danger from the moment she was taken ... He [Petraeus] and US forces did everything in their power to bring Linda home safely."

He added: "In the end this is an issue of a very difficult judgment ... You can never be certain that an option like this will lead to the rescue of the hostage ... In the end you have to make a decision whether to go ahead or not." He said he felt like it had been the right decision based on what the UK and US knew at the time.

"You will understand that I cannot discuss the intelligence information that led us to decide that a rescue operation was the best choice."

The Guardian understands that Cameron and William Hague, the foreign secretary, were advised by MI6 and SAS officers before agreeing to the plan to rescue Norgrove. Her family was unlikely to have been informed.

It was agreed that US, rather than British, special forces, should be involved because the Americans knew the area better.

Asked if he had considered using British special forces to rescue Norgrove, the prime minister said: "Of course I asked a huge number of questions." He says he followed the advice of Petraeus, who was on the ground, adding that it would have been strange to overrule the advice of US officials.

Cameron said he was "deeply sorry" that the situation had "not worked out the way we all wanted it to".

Cameron also thanked US forces for their "courage", and said statements made on Saturday as to how Norgrove died, which now appear to be incorrect, were made in good faith.

Asked whether there was any suggestion US forces were reckless, the prime minister said: "We must get to the bottom of what happened; we only have sketchy information." Petraeus "deeply regrets what happened, as do I", Cameron said.

US Central Command named a special operations officer, Major General Joseph Votel, to head the investigation. In a a statement, Central Command said the investigation team would work "in close co-operation with UK authorities".

Originally from Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands, Norgrove was seized by militants in Kunar province on 26 September.

Three Afghan nationals also taken by the insurgents were later released, but Norgrove continued to be held amid growing concern.

A former United Nations employee, Norgrove was working for the firm Development Alternatives Inc at the time of her kidnap.

Based in Jalalabad, she supervised reconstruction programmes in the eastern region of Afghanistan funded by the US government.

Cameron said: "Linda's death is a tragedy for her family and those who worked alongside her in Afghanistan. She was a dedicated professional doing a job she loved in a country she loved."

Cameron informed Norgrove's family of the "deeply distressing development" before making his announcement at a scheduled press conference that was delayed by almost an hour this morning.

Speaking from the Isle of Lewis today, Norgrove's father, John Norgrove, said: "We are not saying anything to the press at the moment. We might issue a statement in another day or two, we're not certain, but now we are not saying anything." Asked whether that was the case in the light of Cameron's comments today, Norgrove said: "We are just saying that, end of story."

Cameron said the decision to mount a rescue operation was made by Hague "after careful consideration" and had his full support as prime minister.

Norgrove's life was in "grave danger" from the moment she was seized, and there were fears that she might be passed up the terrorist chain and put at greater peril if she was not rescued.

"I am clear that the best chance of saving Linda's life was to go ahead, recognising that any operation was fraught with risk for all those involved and success was by no means guaranteed," said Cameron.

"None of us can understand just how painful this must be for Linda's family," he said. "Also it is deeply regrettable, particularly for them, that the information published on Saturday is highly likely to have been incorrect.

"The statements were made in good faith and on the basis of the information that we received.

"I want to assure Mr and Mrs Norgrove that I will do everything I possibly can to establish the full facts and give them certainty about how their daughter died."

Cameron said Petraeus had treated the hostage "as if she was a US citizen" and that "he and the US forces did everything in their power to bring Linda home safely".

"The US forces placed their own lives in danger. General Petraeus has told me they are deeply dismayed at the outcome. I want to thank them for their courage," he said, adding: "We have to now have this investigation to find out what happened and if bad mistakes were made."

In a statement to the MPs in the Commons this afternoon, Hague said a rescue operation was the "only realistic" prospect for her release and paid tribute to the US troops "who risked their lives to rescue a British subject".

The shadow foreign secretary, Yvette Cooper, said "we condemn utterly the actions of the hostage-takers throughout these events", but added: "There are important questions that now do arise" about the nature of the authorisation Hague gave to the operation and his level of involvement.

Hague said "we are still designing the form of the investigation" and deciding whether it would take place under the auspices of Isaf (Nato forces in Afghanistan) or the US military with UK involvement.

Last year a British commando raid on a Taliban hideout rescued kidnapped New York Times reporter Stephen Farrell, who has British and Irish citizenship. But Farrell's Afghan translator Sultan Munadi and a woman and child were killed in the raid, raising questions about whether military force should have been used.

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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 07:01:47 PM »
Gen. Sherman:  "War is Hell"


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 07:28:07 AM »
Whats your fucking point Samson? Are you trying to imply that US troops "may" have killed her on purpose?


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 09:11:17 AM »
Maybe she just needed killin'?  ???

George Whorewell

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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2010, 09:20:17 AM »
What the fuck does the US need to explain you dim witted ape?

Also, to quote David Axelrod indirectly, the onus is on Norgrove to prove that she's dead and that US Troops killed her. Otherwise, it's just as likely that she was abducted by aliens.


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2010, 09:20:57 AM »
Clear what? They tried to save her and she may or may not have gotten accidentally killed by her rescuers in the process. Sad, but that's how things play out sometimes.

Should we be surprised that the Muslim SamsonEnterprises is trying to paint America as the bad guys here and not the scumbags that kidnapped her in the first place?

Who am I kidding? Muslims can do no wrong and are 24/7/365 victims, regardless of who they torture, rape, pillage or murder. Aid workers trying to help out Muslims = fair game. Just ask the multiple aid workers in Africa that have been beheaded by Muslims in the last few months. Or the Christian aid workers shot in Pakistan/Afghanistan. And so on and so on.::)


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2010, 09:23:42 AM »
Clear what? They tried to save her, she may or may not have gotten accidentally killed in the process. Sad but that's how things play out sometimes.

Should we be surprised that the Muslim SamsonEnterprises is trying to paint America as the bad guys here and not the ragheads that kidnapped her in the first place?

Who am I kidding? Muslims can do no wrong and are 24/7/365 victims, regardless of who they torture, rape, pillage or murder. Aid workers trying to help out Muslims = fair game. Just ask the multiple aid workers in Africa that have been beheaded by Muslims in the last few months. Or the Christian aid workers shot in Pakistan/Afghanistan. And so on and so on.::)

Makes one wonder why anyone would go to any of these Muslim controlled hits holes and try to help them.


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2010, 09:25:01 AM »
Makes one wonder why anyone would go to any of these Muslim controlled hits holes and try to help them.

People are stupid and think that these primitive, mass-murdering animals will change their ways if you show them respect or whatever despite the fact that all signs point to them being glad you made it easier for them to kill you. I don't know why they act surprised given that the Koran justifies and condones the killing of people like this woman. Darwinism at work.

People should devote their time to helping those in their own countries and not these cave men who are beyond help.


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2010, 09:37:55 AM »
Maybe she just needed killin'?  ???

Are you implying she deserved death?

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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2010, 09:43:47 AM »
Clear what? They tried to save her and she may or may not have gotten accidentally killed by her rescuers in the process. Sad, but that's how things play out sometimes.

agreed here.  If they carpet bombed the village knowing she was in it, hey, that would be a fcked up move.  but if they RPG'd a group of 15 enemy fighters so they could rescue her, and the dirtbags had her right there and she was killed... that's terrible but at least they were trying to rescue her.  She'd probably have rather been killed fast in a rescue attemp, then decapitated after weeks of torture, etc.

Very sad situation, but IF she was killed in the course of a rescue, what can you do?  It's not all like Rambo movies... sometimes the bad guys do get a moment to kill the hostage, and sometimes the good guys' do miss :(


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2010, 10:05:12 AM »
People are stupid and think that these primitive, mass-murdering animals will change their ways if you show them respect or whatever despite the fact that all signs point to them being glad you made it easier for them to kill you. I don't know why they act surprised given that the Koran justifies and condones the killing of people like this woman. Darwinism at work.

People should devote their time to helping those in their own countries and not these cave men who are beyond help.

^ this


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2010, 08:22:53 PM »
I knew it was just a matter of time before the truth was revealed... Here is why the woman is dead... thank you america...another FUCK UP.

Moment British aid worker was killed in Afghanistan was captured on special forces' helmet-mounted cameras

By James Chapman, Ian Drury and Arthur Martin

Last updated at 2:50 AM on 13th October 2010

The death of British aid worker Linda Norgrove was caught on helmet-mounted cameras worn by the officers who mistakenly killed her with a grenade, it has emerged.

It comes as Miss Norgrove's parents last night demanded to know how the elite U.S. troops sent in to rescue her apparently ended up killing their daughter in the botched Afghanistan rescue bid.

The U.S. yesterday issued an extraordinary apology to Britain over the doomed mission to free the aid worker from the clutches of the Taliban.

American officials initially claimed Miss Norgrove had been killed when one of her captors detonated a suicide vest. But a review of footage taken by helmet cameras raised suspicions that in fact, it was a U.S. grenade which killed Miss Norgrove.

British aid worker Linda Norgrove may have been killed in a botched rescue attempt by U.S. troops

Tragic aid worker: Linda Norgrove on a trek in Afghanistan, a country that she loved

An ashen-faced David Cameron yesterday revealed the tragedy a few hours after General David Petraeus, the American commander of the Nato-led force in Afghanistan, telephoned Downing Street to express ‘deep regret’ about the operation.

But last night urgent questions were already being raised about the true independence of an inquiry into 36-year-old Miss Norgrove’s killing.

It had been billed as a joint U.S.-UK investigation, but will be run by U.S. Central Command ‘in close co-operation with UK authorities’.

Yesterday Norman Macdonald, a family friend, said Miss Norgrove’s parents had ‘no clear picture of what actually took place’ and were finding it ‘very difficult to cope’.

He added: ‘What the family are looking for is the truth of what happened in Afghanistan, and that’s the only thing that’s going to allow them to get closure and get on with the rest of their lives.

‘They want to know what happened that resulted in her being lost to them. They’re looking for information and clarity.’

Ashen-faced: David Cameron (left) learnt Miss Norgrove had been killed by so-called friendly fire from the American commander General David Petraeus

Mr Cameron was clearly shaken and disclosed he will replay the circumstances leading up to the green light for the operation ‘100 times’ in his head.

But there was also growing criticism of the tactics of the U.S. special forces sent in to try to rescue Miss Norgrove from the remote, mountainous Korengal Valley, one of the most dangerous and lawless places in Afghanistan.

Military sources raised particular concern about the training the team had for hostage situations.

There were also questions over why they used lethal fragmentation grenades in a rescue bid – and why they used helicopters which would be heard and alert the gunmen.

The Prime Minister authorised the rescue mission with Foreign Secretary William Hague in what aides said was his first hands-on life or death decision.

Yesterday, he had to delay a rare Downing Street news conference for almost an hour as he rang Miss Norgrove’s family to express his regret.

Mr Cameron, who is due to meet General Petraeus for long-planned talks on Thursday, also insisted on viewing the U.S. footage of the bungled rescue attempt himself.

‘It’s a judgment, it’s a balance,’ the Prime Minister said. ‘I will go over in my own mind 100 times whether it was the right decision, but I believe it was.’

Globtrotter: Linda Norgrove was an experienced aid worker who had served in South America and the Far East
Lorna and John Norgrove

Desperate for answers: Miss Norgrove's parents Lorna and John want clarity about events surrounding their daughter's death

Asked if he had considered using British special forces to try to rescue Miss Norgrove, Mr Cameron said: ‘Of course I asked a huge number of questions.’

But he insisted it would have been ‘quite unorthodox’ for him to overrule commanders on the ground and insist on British special forces undertaking the rescue in an area known by U.S. forces.

‘I am clear that the best chance of saving Linda’s life was to go ahead, recognising that any operation was fraught with risk for all those involved and success was by no means guaranteed,’ he added.

But the dramatic change in the story of how Miss Norgrove died has left her parents ‘stunned and very tearful’, according to a source close to the family.

A soldier with a helmet-mounted camera, similar to the ones used by the U.S. special forces (file picture)

Yesterday her parents, John and Lorna Norgrove, were telephoned by the Prime Minister at their home on the Hebridean island of Lewis. Family friends and local politicians later offered words of comfort at their farmhouse.

Dr Alasdair Allan, a member of the Scottish parliament, emerged to say that the truth about the aid worker’s death was ‘a terrible blow to this family.’

He said: ‘They have had an appalling few days and had terrible news. They would like facts and it’s reasonable to expect that they get facts.’

U.S. president Barack Obama last night had a telephone conversation with David Cameron about the botched operation.

A No10 spoeksman said: 'The president offered his condolences for the death of Linda Norgrove.

'They agreed that the decision to launch the rescue operation had been right, given the grave danger to Linda's life, and that US forces had shown great courage.

'The Prime Minister and the president agreed that it was now essential to get to the bottom of what had happened in the course of the rescue operation.

'They looked forward to close co-operation between the UK and US authorities on the investigation and agreed to stay in close touch as it moved forward.'


As darkness fell, Linda Norgrove had no inkling of the bloodbath to come. Held in a mud compound in a part of Afghanistan known as ‘Enemy Central,’ the Scottish aid worker had settled down on Friday for her 13th night in captivity.

All was quiet, save for the noise of farm animals brought into the compound for the night.

But the silence was shattered shortly before dawn as U.S. special forces began a daring operation to ‘extract’ the 36-year-old hostage.

An intensive military operation, one that had been planned and co-ordinated from Kabul – but had involved discussions in London and Washington between Britain’s most senior intelligence officials, David Cameron, William Hague and their American counterparts – was about to come to a violent head.

Action was taken after reports that Miss Norgrove was soon to be moved to another, secret location.

The first intelligence suggesting Miss Norgrove’s whereabouts – a few buildings surrounded by a perimeter wall – had come from U.S. pilotless drones. She had reputedly been moved after being seized on her way to open a new water project.

Rescue mission: Troops at the compound after the failed attempt

Ministers were last night facing questions over why the SAS were not called in to rescue Linda Norgrove. Instead of crack British soldiers carrying out the mission, it was handed to the U.S. military, which has been accused of ‘gung-ho’ tactics.

The revelation that Miss Norgrove probably died following an American grenade explosion inevitably raised questions over whether she might have been rescued alive if British special forces had been directly involved.

British SAS commanders had been consulted by the U.S. before the raid. But the Americans took control because they have been operating in Kunar. ‘They knew the ground like the back of their hands,’ said one source. Yet doubts remain over their suitability for such a sensitive mission involving a British citizen. Indeed, members of the SAS apparently had deep reservations about the rescue plan, especially the use of helicopters.

Their fears were echoed by Tory MP Bob Stewart, a former commander of United Nations forces in Bosnia. He told MPs: ‘Sometimes helicopters are heard from a long way away, so there is warning. One of the first principles of war is surprise.’

British special forces have emerged from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan with glowing reputations. General David Petraeus, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, has praised the SAS and Special Boat Service for their ‘world-class counter-terrorism expertise’. However, British forces were criticised a year ago over the ‘high risk’ operation to free reporter Stephen Farrell.

The New York Times journalist was rescued but a British Paratrooper, along with Mr Farrell’s interpreter, Sultan Munadi, and two others, died.The SAS also failed to rescue British hostage Ken Bigley in Iraq.

David Livingstone, an Afghanistan
defence expert based at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, said the
delicate nature of hostage situations made it difficult to conclude whether U.S. troops had been gung ho in attempting to rescue Miss Norgrove.

An experienced aid worker who had served in South America and the Far East, she had been travelling in the region wearing a burqa to disguise the fact that she was a Westerner in this insurgents’ stronghold.

But she had been seized with three Afghan colleagues, all of whom were subsequently released and soon became the subject of frantic negotiations between British agents and local tribal leaders.

Nato forces had also received ‘hu-mint’ – human intelligence from local, paid spies – confirming the hostage’s location in the remote, mountainous Korengal Valley, one of the most dangerous and lawless places in Afghanistan.

But time was pressing: disturbing intelligence suggested she was about to be smuggled over the border to an even more lawless area in Pakistan, where she would be held to ransom or used as a bargaining chip.

‘It was clear from very early on that the level of threat was very high that she would be moved from the very bad people who were holding her to even worse people across the border in Pakistan,’ said a senior security source.

‘The last thing we wanted was for her to be passed into the hands of Al Qaeda. It was agreed that if there was an opportunity to mount a special forces mission we should do so.’

So, with a media blackout in force, the idea was to attack the hideout at night before the insurgents rose for dawn prayers.

Dressed in black, wearing night-vision goggles and carrying automatic weapons and grenades, a small band of Navy Seals – the U.S. equivalent of the SAS – were informed that over their earpieces that the situation was a ‘go’.

Unaware that the compound had been located and was about to be stormed, some Taliban gunmen had dozed off. Miss Norgrove slept in a separate mud-floored room with women and children.

First, a small party of men – the ‘forward extraction’ unit – crept into the compound on foot. Snipers were deployed to pick off anyone attempting to flee.

With the forward team in place, the clatter of helicopters shattered the silence and five more Navy Seals abseiled down ropes into the compound.

The Seals then sprinted to the building where Miss Norgrove was being held, as 150 other U.S. troops surrounded the compound.

Overhead, Predator drones and Apache attack helicopters hovered, ready to provide air support. But the Taliban were not prepared to give up their prize lightly.

Using Colt M4A1 automatic rifles and grenades, five Navy Seals were engaged in a vicious fire-fight as they attempted to get to the hostage. She was being guarded by at least eight terrorists.

Despite the fierce Taliban resistance, the Seals managed to fight their way towards the Miss Norgrove’s building. And then, with six Taliban gunmen already dead, one of the Seals threw a grenade through the door.

When the Seals entered the room, they found Linda Norgrove. She was still alive, but had terrible injuries caused by the grenade blast.

To cries of ‘medic! medic!’, doctors rushed to the scene. But it was too late. She succumbed to her injuries as she was being airlifted to hospital – the third British civilian to die in Afghanistan in the last three months.

Yet, inexplicably, the U.S. and Nato both claimed that she had died at the hands of a suicide bomber, who had apparently detonated his vest as he stood beside her when the Seals were closing in.

The official statement released on Saturday by Nato, was unequivocal about the cause of death: the blast that killed Miss Norgrove occurred ‘seconds before rescuers arrived. [U.S. special forces] had entered the compound … [but] an insurgent detonated an explosive device that was attached to his person. He was in close enough proximity to Miss Norgrove. She was wounded.’

That statement, we now know, was inaccurate. For three days, the special forces failed to reveal the fact that one of them had apparently thrown a grenade that exploded close to where she was being held, bursting into razor-sharp steel shrapnel.

It was only yesterday morning when their commanding officer reviewed audio and video footage from their helmet cameras that he ‘saw an arm throw a hand grenade’ and confronted his troops.

It was the tragic end to weeks frantic efforts to secure her freedom.

When news emerged on September 26 that Miss Norgrove had been seized, the Prime Minister immediately activated COBRA – the Whitehall Unit responsible for dealing with national emergencies. In 12 meetings of COBRA, liaising with their counterparts in Washington, it was quickly determined that there should be a military rescue.

Dedicated: Miss Norgrove also spent time working in Peru for the World Wildlife Fund

British officials were determined to ensure that Miss Norgrove did not meet the fate of Karen Woo, the British doctor shot dead by Taliban insurgents in August, or that of Shaun Sexton, 29, a British security consultant who worked with Miss Norgrove and was murdered in July.

So what went wrong? According to British sources, the U.S. made clear it was ‘their’ operation, insisting that they knew the terrain better than the British.

Yet members of the SAS, who were on standby for the operation, were understood to have had deep reservations about the rescue plan, fearing that the use of helicopters would simply have alerted the insurgents.

The report that Miss Norgrove had been ‘killed by an insurgent’ who had detonated his suicide vest as the Seals closed in, was officially announced within hours of the operation taken place. The same information was relayed to Miss Norgrove’s parents – John, 60, a retired civil engineer, and her 62-year-old mother, Lorna.

But in the early hours of yesterday morning, David Petraeus, the U.S. chief of coalition forces in Afghanistan, made a personal call to Downing Street, leaving a message for Mr Cameron to phone him immediately. He had grim news. In military jargon, it was clearly a friendly fire killing.

While shocked, Mr Cameron does not believe the Americans lied. ‘It was wrong information in the fog of war,’ said a source. ‘General Petraeus cleared up the facts as soon as they became clear. It is a tragedy, but tragedies can happen.’

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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2010, 09:46:22 PM »
Sounds like this woman had a little too much time and money on her hands.

You want to play worldly social worker, you buy your ticket and take your chances.


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2010, 10:08:17 PM »
Makes one wonder why anyone would go to any of these Muslim controlled hits holes and try to help them.


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2010, 12:14:25 AM »

George Whorewell
Insert Quote
What the fuck does the US need to explain you dim witted ape?

Also, to quote David Axelrod indirectly, the onus is on Norgrove to prove that she's dead and that US Troops killed her. Otherwise, it's just as likely that she was abducted by aliens.


Makes one wonder why anyone would go to any of these Muslim controlled hits holes and try to help them.
Posted on: Today at 08:20:57 AM
Posted by: BerzerkFury

Just remember it was the the americans that killed her ...NOT THE AFGHANS. So far as her supposedly being kidnapped...the american press can tell you anything to justify their actions. Let us not forget the tall tales told about the multitude murdered at the hands of american soldiers under the guise of "friendly Fire". First they blamed the Afghans, then Taliban, then Al Qaida then finally themselves.

America ...what a country



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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2010, 04:22:06 AM »
Just remember it was the the americans that killed her ...NOT THE AFGHANS. So far as her supposedly being kidnapped...the american press can tell you anything to justify their actions. Let us not forget the tall tales told about the multitude murdered at the hands of american soldiers under the guise of "friendly Fire". First they blamed the Afghans, then Taliban, then Al Qaida then finally themselves.

America ...what a country

Blame? The Taliban kidnapped her. Your Muslim cohorts who kidnap, murder, rape and pillage women, children and civilians in general because the Koran says it's OK, are to blame here.

Not that it matters. She's not the first innocent aid worker targeted by you scumbags. Nor is she the first to die in a failed rescue attempt (the article even mentions Ken Bigley who the British failed to rescue). And to think, this whole thing could have been avoided if Islam and the Koran hadn't labeled aid workers, women and children as fair game.  :-\

And you're awful at trolling/baiting. You might be able to pull it off if you hadn't spent the last few years showing yourself to be a moron of the highest caliber on here. 


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2010, 04:30:15 AM »
Just remember it was the the americans that killed her ...NOT THE AFGHANS. So far as her supposedly being kidnapped...the american press can tell you anything to justify their actions. Let us not forget the tall tales told about the multitude murdered at the hands of american soldiers under the guise of "friendly Fire". First they blamed the Afghans, then Taliban, then Al Qaida then finally themselves.

America ...what a country

George Whorewell

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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2010, 06:34:10 AM »
It's astounding that SAMSON doesn't know how to use toilet paper, but he can copy and paste links onto an internet message board.


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2010, 08:03:17 AM »
You know samson listening to you makes me want to rip my own arm off just so I will have something to beat you to death with.


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Re: Aid worker Linda Norgrove May Have Been Killed By US Troops
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2010, 12:39:31 PM »

British aid worker had ESCAPED Taliban captors and was in foetal position when elite troops detonated grenade

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:47 PM on 14th October 2010

A British aid worker who died during a botched raid on the compound where she was being held hostage had escaped her captors and was hiding when a U.S. grenade killed her.

Linda Norgrove was cowering in a foetal position when troops detonated the deadly grenade.

Now an elite U.S. commando is facing disciplinary action over the death of the 36-year-old after it emerged he failed to tell his commanding officers he had used a grenade.
British aid worker Linda Norgrove may have been killed in a botched rescue attempt by U.S. troops

Tragic: Aid worker Linda Norgrove had worked in South America and the Far East before Afghanistan

American officials initially claimed Miss Norgrove had been killed when one of her Taliban captors detonated a suicide vest.

But after reviewing footage captured on the Navy Seals' helmet cameras the U.S. was forced to apologise for the fatal blunder.

Now sources in Kabal and London have revealed new details about the raid which was ordered after intelligence suggested Miss Norgrove was about to be passed up the terrorist chain.
Ms Norgrove was kidnapped by gunmen at the end of September Hostage: Miss Norgrove died during raid

The soldier who is believed to have killed Miss Norgrove was part of the crack Seal Team Six, which abseiled into the target compound in the early hours of Saturday.

Six insurgents holding Miss Norgrove were killed in the fierce gun battle that followed.

But it is now claimed the Seals did not see one of the Taliban drag the aid worker out of a hut or Miss Norgrove break free, even though they were wearing night-vision goggles.

Reviewing video images of the raid, their commander saw one soldier hurl the grenade into the compound four seconds before a blast killed Miss Norgrove.

The troops involved in the assault - in the remote, mountainous Korengal Valley - were asked if any of them had used a fragmentation grenade and one confessed.

A family friend of Miss Norgrove’s parents John, 60, and Lorna, 62, said: ‘It seems they almost rescued Linda and it makes it even more painful that it went so tragically wrong at the point when they were on the verge of freeing her.’

Miss Norgrove's body was flown back to Britain today.

A spokeswoman for RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire said the remains of the 36-year-old was brought to the base by military plane.

However it is likely to be several more days before they will be released to her family because of post mortem tests.

The Scottish Government has said that under current legislation any inquest into her death will be held in England. Scotland has no powers to hold a Fatal Accident Inquiry into a death abroad.

A funeral on the Isle of Lewis is expected sometime next week.

Prime Minister David Cameron was today meeting General Petraeus at Downing Street and although the meeting was planned before Miss Norgrove died the failed operation will be top of the agenda.

On Monday an ashen-faced Mr Cameron confirmed it was likely Miss Norgrove died due to friendly fire. He said he would replay the circumstances leading up to the green light for the operation ‘100 times’ in his head.

Meeting: David Cameron talks with US Army General David Petraeus, second left, during their meeting in 10 Downing Street this afternoon

Although Mr Cameron has been keen to blame terrorists rather than U.S. troops for the death, military sources have raised concerns about the training the team had for hostage situations.

The Prime Minister, who has already spoken with the general and US president Barack Obama about the incident by telephone, said yesterday that the picture was still 'unclear' about how the hostage situation had ended.

He added: 'It is an impossibly difficult decision to make about whether to launch a raid and try to free a hostage.

'In the end we must all be clear: the responsibility for Linda's death lies with those cowardly, ruthless people who took her hostage in the first place.'

Asked if he had considered using British special forces to try to rescue Miss Norgrove, Mr Cameron said: ‘Of course I asked a huge number of questions.’ But he insisted it would have been ‘quite unorthodox’ for him to overrule commanders on the ground and insist on British special forces undertaking the rescue in an area known by U.S. forces.

Originally from Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands, Miss Norgrove was working for the U.S. firm Development Alternatives Inc in the east of Afghanistan when she was seized by militants in Kunar province on September 26.

Action was taken after reports that Miss Norgrove was soon to be moved to another, secret location.

The first intelligence suggesting Miss Norgrove’s whereabouts – a few buildings surrounded by a perimeter wall – had come from U.S. pilotless drones. She had reputedly been moved after being seized on her way to open a new water project.

An experienced aid worker who had served in South America and the Far East, she had been travelling in the region wearing a burqa to disguise the fact that she was a Westerner in this insurgents’ stronghold.

Her parents John and Lorna Norgrove have said they believe launching the raid was the right thing to do.

Grief: Miss Norgrove's parents Lorna and John want clarity about events surrounding their daughter's death


Miss Norgrove was seized with three Afghan colleagues, all of whom were soon released. She soon became the subject of frantic negotiations between British agents and local tribal leaders.

Nato forces had also received ‘hu-mint’ – human intelligence from local, paid spies – confirming the hostage’s location in the Korengal Valley, one of the most dangerous and lawless places in Afghanistan.

Disturbing intelligence suggested she was about to be smuggled over the border to an even more lawless area in Pakistan, where she would be held to ransom or used as a bargaining chip.

‘It was clear from very early on that the level of threat was very high that she would be moved from the very bad people who were holding her to even worse people across the border in Pakistan,’ said a senior security source.

‘The last thing we wanted was for her to be passed into the hands of Al Qaeda. It was agreed that if there was an opportunity to mount a special forces mission we should do so.’

The plan was to attack the hideout at night before the insurgents rose for dawn prayers.

Dressed in black, wearing night-vision goggles and carrying automatic weapons and grenades, a small band of Navy Seals – the U.S. equivalent of the SAS – were informed that over their earpieces that the situation was a ‘go’.

When the raid began Miss Norgrove is believed to have been sleeping in a separate mud-floored room with women and children.

First, a small party of men – the ‘forward extraction’ unit – crept into the compound on foot. Snipers were deployed to pick off anyone attempting to flee.

With the forward team in place, back-up arrived in helicopters and abseiled down ropes into the compound.

The Seals then sprinted to the building where Miss Norgrove was being held, as 150 other U.S. troops surrounded the compound.

Using Colt M4A1 automatic rifles and grenades, five Navy Seals were engaged in a vicious fire-fight as they attempted to get to the hostage. She was being guarded by at least eight terrorists.

Despite the fierce Taliban resistance, the Seals managed to fight their way towards the Miss Norgrove’s building. And then, with six Taliban gunmen already dead, one of the Seals threw a grenade through the door.

When the Seals entered the room, they found Linda Norgrove. She was still alive, but had terrible injuries caused by the grenade blast. Although she received medical attention it was too late to save her.