Author Topic: Is America on her Deathbed?  (Read 23739 times)


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #75 on: November 06, 2010, 01:12:10 PM »
jag said you posted a david duke video that she listened to.  What video?

How do you know he's white?  He only changed his story of where he was from half a dozen times ::)  He looks light skinned but that doesn't make him white.  I could go over to Japan and find people with skin almost as light as mine, does that make them white?  Same as Afganistan, one of the places he said he was from... If I had to guess, he looks mixed.  Even if he was white, how does it make the racist bullshit he spewed ok?  Or how does it make it ok for those later to still follow and believe?  LOLOLOLOL...

Samson, don't play stupid now, you clearly identified me as part of the problem.  You knew full well what you were saying and that it would probably set me off.  Your words ::) "Ironically while we are having a discussion with Hugo who has exclaimed he is white, despite our histories with whites, we are engaged with no contempt or issue, but he can not do so with the Farrakhan video. That same holding of a issue over ones head is why racism still exists."  That's priceless, I'm keeping racism alive by denouncing racists...  fucking Triple A Priceless....

And I have no idea why you bring up Robert Byrd and shit?  Do you have some info that I voted for him or some shit?  Did I send him money?  Do I have a picture on my wall of him that I kiss before going out to my weekly KKK gathering ::)  What the fuck does that shit have to do with me?

WOW so much for intelligent conversation/discussion Hugo. I will leave you and this topic alone it is clear what is really going on. Sadly it is the very thing discussed in this can not be made any more clear. This is the first time I have seeen a person create a stew using his own flesh as the meat and then turn around to condemn the person who created the stove of which the stew is being cooked on.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #76 on: November 06, 2010, 05:08:29 PM »
fucking dude just basically said I'm part of the problem.  That I'm a contributing part of why racism is alive and well.  If that's the direction he and or you want to take it, I'm out.  I have better shit to do than listen to BS like that.

Hey snowflake, how are you doing today?  :)

Just for the record, Samson didn't say you were part of the problem. What Samson said was "holding an issue over one's head is why racism exists".

YOU were the one that concluded you were part of the problem, ...then ran from the conversation.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #77 on: November 06, 2010, 05:40:59 PM »
::) What a joke, you two are blind.

"The Original Man is a new black Man. He is “the Maker, the
Owner, the Cream of the Planet Earth”—and if he stays in The Class, he will
become a—“God of the Universe.”

If you have whites saying shit like that, you have blacks everywhere screaming that's racist.

LOL at the lame arguments here...

1.  I'm supposed to look the other way at clearly racist shit that comes out of NOI because LF has said he's only talking about white men in power ::)  RETARDED RETARDED RETARDED, NO WHITE PERSON WOULD GET AWAY WITH THE SAME BULLSHIT.

2.  That it's all ok for LF because the person that taught him these crazy ideas is actually white, even though he doesn't look white, at all.  But it's ok, because it can't be racist if it came from a guy that had some white blood in him.... MORE RETARDED THAN EVER.

3. I'm actually the one keeping racism going, not LF with his statements of superiority and evil white devils.... WHHHHHHAAAAATTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!  retarded

Hugo, why are you attacking us?

In answer to the above schlock you posted, are we, or is society as a whole supposed to reject the truths to be found within Christianity, because at one point Christianity justified racism and slavery. Do you remember the brown bag rule, ...or how Christian churches preached that "Blacks were subhuman, and that a subservient state of slavery was their proper condition ordained by God"?

Despite this, we still have Black people as well as whites calling themselves Christians today, and still going to church. How is it, that so many people are able to get past ridiculous nonsense, to embrace truth? Yet you are unable to get past the ridiculous nonsense?

Learn to separate the wheat from the chaff.

PS. where's this David Duke video you two bonded on.  I looked all through Samsons posts and couldn't find shit.  What a waste of time.  My guess is that if it really happened, it must have been zionist related for you two.

Samson and I didn't bond over a David Dukes video. I only thought of it in an attempt to try to see OzmO's side of things, and despite my efforts not to do so, I still see him as a bit of a close-minded jackass for his recalcitrance.

It wasn't zionist related. if it had been zionist related you know you would have been on that like white on rice. lol

But really, LOL that you thought identifying me as the race problem in America was clearing things up ::).... You knew you were goating with that crap, drop the bs.

Actually Hugo, You were the one who came to that conclusion.
And I honestly don't believe Samson was goading you into anything.
C'mon, this is Samson we're talking about. We've seen enough of him to know when he setting someone up to be stung. You condemned yourself, then melted down faster than a snowflake in hell. lol.

Despite the unfortunate meltdown, and your childish response since then, I'll give you a heckuva lot more credit than those who aren't even willing to look in the mirror for fear of what they may see reflected back. You've got more testicular fortitude than those prideful idiots who prefer to hide themselves away.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #78 on: November 06, 2010, 05:50:55 PM »
WOW so much for intelligent conversation/discussion Hugo. I will leave you and this topic alone it is clear what is really going on. Sadly it is the very thing discussed in this can not be made any more clear. This is the first time I have seeen a person create a stew using his own flesh as the meat and then turn around to condemn the person who created the stove of which the stew is being cooked on.

I can't help it, I've been trying to keep it in, but I can no longer keep it in. If I do, I'll get a hernia!

Samson, that is one of the funniest and most appropriate analogies you've ever made!



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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #79 on: November 06, 2010, 06:14:36 PM »
yea, Ron Paul was talking about it all coming down in the 80's! deficit spending and all.  Trade issues where huge all through the 90's. Obviously many were talking about the drug problem in the 80's.  The war stuff was being talked about in the 80's and before that.  Michael Moore was all over the trade deficit and rich getting richer while the middle class got screwed IN THE 80's and he also talked about it coming to a head that would hurt America.  Moore saw that shit coming before a lot in America, of course he was on the front lines of it.  The issues with materialism, apathy and losing the youth were all talked about back then.  Moore even delt a little with the incarceration issues back then.  On the nuclear issues, you had many people talking about it back then and even people like Martin Sheen getting his ass tossed in jail for it.

So now after steering the topic offTOPIC, melting down faster than a snowflake in hell, want to bring it back full circle to be ONTOPIC again? ok.

If you say Ron Paul was discussing this in the 80's, ...I'll take your word for it.
Personally, I'd neve heard of Ron Paul in the 80's. He only recently came to my attention.

You speak of Michael Moore taking about trade issues in the 80's. I do remember him being quite the celebrated star of TIFF in 1987, 88 or 89 if memory serves correctly.

It appears you have found various different people who have discussed or touched upon the various topics Farrakhan addressed in that talk, ...however, do we know of anyone who has discussed ALL these issues together, and who has broken down their symbiotic inter relationship and subsequent effects on America as a whole? That being the case or not, would you say the answer is A,B, C, or D?

I'll give it a B for effort and an F for delivery.  The only people that are going to listen to him are blacks and that's his own fault.  He's a bit of a doublespeak kind of fella.  I pointed out a few things on his site that are clearly racist, but I can go on his site and also find where he says whites are not a problem.  Baaa, which is it, we're the evil devils causing all of mankind's problems or we're not the problem?  And we were not created in a lab lol...

I didn't ask you to grade the video or his delivery. I also didn't ask you to judge his character or his website. I asked you to determine whether his message in those 3 video clips indicated A, B, C, or D?.

FFsakes Hugo, it's multiple choice. you're not being asked to expend all your brain cells to answer it. lol


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #80 on: November 06, 2010, 06:22:48 PM »
The innuendo is clear as fuck, don't be stupid or act innocent.  whoever samson is knows what she was suggesting.

MY SISTER is busy raising a family, taking care of a husband and two little girls.
She doesn't post on GetBig, has never heard of Getbig, and wouldn't post here even if she did.

For someone who got extremely hot under the collar when 333 made an innocent remark asking you how much time you neglected your daughter by posting on Getbig, don't you think it's more than a bit hypocritical to try to bring MY FAMILY into this? You're breaking your own rule. STOP IT! You're making a big enough fool of yourself as it is. Leave my family out of this. Please and Thank You.

As for Samson, I can't speak for him, but I believe if that is what he was suggesting, I don't think he would have "suggested' it. He would have let the hammer fly and flat out stated it. He's no Mary Poppins. That man delivers the medicine straight up, ...without the spoonful of sugar.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #81 on: November 06, 2010, 09:12:10 PM »
::)  I didn't attack anyone in your family.  The only way you can pull that off is to say that Samson is so offensive it's an insult to your family... Is that what you're saying?

What I'm saying is that if you expect people to leave references to family members out of their posts, it is not unreasonable of me, or anyone else to expect the same from you. Please and Thank You.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #82 on: November 06, 2010, 11:06:10 PM »
Ok, I'll remove all reference to your sister which I did not know you had and just leave it at asking if you're related to Samson.  Hopefully that can't be taken as an attack.  If you were really offended at the original suggestions, I do appologize for that, it wasn't my intention to attack your family.

Thank you. I noticed you have since modified your original post removing all reference to my sister.
No I'm not related to Samson. I don't take that question as an attack, I just think it's racist.
Do you think ALL Black people are related?   ;D

I was not offended by the original statement, and I didn't take it as an attack on my family, but I saw where this could lead and thought it was mighty hypocritical considering your over reaction to 333 over his passing remark which was clearly directed towards you and not your daughter.

Speaking of which, how is the little rugrat? I'm gonna assume she's doing ok, and you've never forgotten her at the mall ...yet?  ;D


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #83 on: November 06, 2010, 11:12:35 PM »
whites don't smoke crack ;D  JK...

But I do have to lol at Samson and you getting righteous about me getting pissed here.  Did you read some of Samson's replies to Ozmo when Ozmo was just asking simple questions and trying to start a debate?  He got pretty mean with those replies!!!  Did you say anything about that?  nope....  And samson acting all above that when I do it, lol at that...

No I haven't read any of Samson's remarks to Ozmo, but I did read his reply to you,
...and you are proving him right, as well as continuing to condemn yourself.

You think it's ok to make a racist comment like that to ME, because you are angry at NOI?
Do you think such an attitude perpetuates racism or not? That's weak Hugo, is your mind.

Moderator... moderate yourself.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #84 on: November 07, 2010, 08:20:22 AM »
I new without whatching his bs speach that wat eber he predicted wasn't uneek  I think the fact is, Jag:

You are smitten with Luis the vile whore and are a follower.

And you did have a typo, I quoted it.   :D

George Whorewell

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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #85 on: November 07, 2010, 08:29:44 AM »
Which one of you sissy mod's caved to political pressure from this crack smoking mongoloid and deleted my posts? ( Which were in Hugo's favor BTW).

Im going to guess it was Hugo because he hates America.

Oz seems to be more of an alpha moderator who isn't afraid to take controversial stances. Hugo not so much.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #86 on: November 07, 2010, 08:31:55 AM »
Nah it was me.  I did it.   I just want to keep blatant attacks of this particular board. Sorry  I should of pmed you.

Check out out the guideline thread,  I wanted this board free from personal attacks that were sure to dominate a board like this if not curbed.  

George Whorewell

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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #87 on: November 07, 2010, 08:49:28 PM »
A sad day in getbig history.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #88 on: November 08, 2010, 06:44:31 AM »
Which one of you sissy mod's caved to political pressure from this crack smoking mongoloid and deleted my posts? ( Which were in Hugo's favor BTW).

Im going to guess it was Hugo because he hates America.

Oz seems to be more of an alpha moderator who isn't afraid to take controversial stances. Hugo not so much.

George Whorewell,

Didn't you know?  24KT/JaguarScams loves to insult and offend people on these boards, but the minute you say something she considers critical or offensive or insulting to her, she goes crying to the mods to have your posts deleted.  And the mods, for reasons I do not understand, do whatever she says.  She loves insulting others, but she can't take it.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #89 on: November 08, 2010, 07:20:09 AM »
That didn't happen in this case.  I didn't read any complaints.   

If 2 people are engaged in a heated argument that's one thing as long as it doesn't digress into pure personal attacks or the personal attacks with in the arguments become to intense or personal.  If these things happen those post will be removed.  A board like this has the potential for to fall into nothing but personal attacks and for a CT board it won't work.

So if anyone i don't care who it is, including me, starts personally attacking someone those posts need to be removed.  And that works because i am not the only mod.

So far it's easy to see who discusses and debates with nothing but ridicule and diversion showing how weak their arguments are.  But most already knew that. 


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #90 on: November 08, 2010, 03:43:31 PM »
How is it against the board rules, or for that matter OFF topic to point out that there are 2 entire pages of conversation missing from this thread? And how does my pointing that fact out warrant it's removal from the thread as well as a personal attack on me?



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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #91 on: November 08, 2010, 03:53:05 PM »
None of that conversation needs to be on this board.  If you want to continue it continue it on the Z board.

Otherwise if you have anything else to add to the discussion points of the thread (LF is a prophet or America on its deathbed) do so from now on, Otherwise i will move the rest of thread or lock it. 


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #92 on: November 09, 2010, 10:27:35 AM »
How is it against the board rules, or for that matter OFF topic to point out that there are 2 entire pages of conversation missing from this thread? And how does my pointing that fact out warrant it's removal from the thread as well as a personal attack on me?

24KT some people are looking for the TRUTH, some are defacing it and some are changing it to make it more palatable for themselves. Hugo has exposed himself to the point of nakedness after a Meltdown, Breakdown and mental collapse greater than the WTC on 911. Rather than going on trying to make a rock understand take this to heart that there are some who prefer to live in a LIE than to know, Truth Facts, Honesty.

This video clip says it all to me about Hugo and his attempt at rallying supporters for his mindset

Just accept his fallout as confirmation that some people parade around pretending to be one thing....when they are entirely another.

A famous line from Martin Luther King... "It is not where a man stands in a time of comfort and convenience , but where he stands in a time of controversy and turmoil".

Notice how little controversy it took to make him reveal his true nature...

I am just angry he brought this to this board in its infancy.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #93 on: November 09, 2010, 10:38:26 AM »
Butt ass obvious.  Jag=Samson...


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #94 on: November 09, 2010, 10:57:17 AM »
That's a pretty good CT in itself.   :)

Its been obvious to me for about a year now  lol. 

But i its all good.  I don't care.  I like reading Sammy's posts.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #95 on: November 09, 2010, 11:27:45 AM »
Butt ass obvious.  Jag=Samson...


Hugo Chavez

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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #96 on: November 09, 2010, 11:41:07 AM »
, yes, samson has been caught many times saying things only jag would say.  Plus, they always have eachother's back no matter where they are posting.  Like I said before, they have more mutual ass slaps and back pats than the Patriots have racked up lol

Samson says they're both black.
They're both from Canada.
At least one person has claimed to match their IP addresses.
They both hate America or if not hate enjoy saying hateful things about America.
Samson screws up and answers for Jag about as much as Jag ends up answering for Samson, which is a lot.
They always agree.
They're the only two on all of getbig that will say things like: (gasp), Grrrrrr, Arrrggghhh, yeesh

they both get off on hating whites:

Cy Tolliver

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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #97 on: November 09, 2010, 11:43:02 AM »
i have a few questions for Samson

wouldn't the fact that white people generally run the show mean they're dominant, or superior to lesser races?

or are african american peoples just more ethical, and civilized in that they may have the ability to do what whites have, but they wouldn't because they have better morals?



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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #98 on: November 09, 2010, 11:46:13 AM »
Is this racist?

Cy Tolliver

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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #99 on: November 09, 2010, 11:59:48 AM »
Is this racist?

That's kind of what I'm trying to say in a non-hateful way.  The white devil (and some other races) just happens to be more advanced, don't hate him for that.

Compare Northern Europe (or Japan for instance) to Congo  :-\