Author Topic: Beck on Soros  (Read 6088 times)


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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #50 on: November 13, 2010, 02:34:00 PM »
Edited on Sat Nov-13-10 03:35 PM by no_hypocrisy
What will it take to make Beck's listeners turn on him?
A condemnation by Elie Wiesel?

Glenn Beck lashed out at the Anti-Defamation League over its condemnation of his outrageous smear of George Soros as a Nazi collaborator. Beck said that the criticism of his comments was part of a "Soros-started" "smear campaign" and directed his staff to find out "if there's any George Soros money that has gone to ADL."

ADL director calls Beck's smears of Soros as a collaborator "over the top" and "horrific"
Foxman calls Beck's attack "repugnant." On November 11, ADL national director Abraham Foxman released a statement condemning Beck for claiming, during his falsehood-laden three-part series on Soros, that Soros collaborated with the Nazis during the Holocaust. Foxman's statement said, in part, "Glenn Beck's description of George Soros' actions during the Holocaust is completely inappropriate, offensive and over the top. For a political commentator or entertainer to have the audacity to say -- inaccurately -- that there's a Jewish boy sending Jews to death camps, as part of a broader assault on Mr. Soros, that's horrific. While I, too, may disagree with many of Soros' views and analysis on the issues, to bring in this kind of innuendo about his past is unacceptable. To hold a young boy responsible for what was going on around him during the Holocaust as part of a larger effort to denigrate the man is repugnant."

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #51 on: November 13, 2010, 02:40:54 PM »
So now describing things that actually happened is anti semtic and defamation?  If its so false - let soros or his reps prove beck wrong. 


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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #52 on: November 13, 2010, 02:45:14 PM »
when your worth billions, i don't think he cares what some piss ant like beck says  ;D

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #53 on: November 13, 2010, 02:46:35 PM »
when your worth billions, i don't think he cares what some piss ant like beck says  ;D

Yeah ok blackass - Soros sent a rep to threaten Beck.  I guess you missed that. 


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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #54 on: November 13, 2010, 02:48:50 PM »
blackass,ha ahhha did you make a funny ???

Arnold jr

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #55 on: November 13, 2010, 04:01:41 PM »
blackass,ha ahhha did you make a funny ???

Soros sent a representative to Beck's people a day or two before Beck ran his "Soros Special? They met in a restaurant in Manhattan outside of Beck's studio. A public meeting that did not end well or quietly. The full details of the meeting, obviously we'll never know but the general gist seemed to be Soros asking Beck not to run the special. It should be noted Soros is the biggest monetary contributor to the Glenn Beck boycott campaigns around the country, such as the ones by Andy Stern, Van Jones and Jim Wallis.

As for Beck's remarks about Soros's activities during WWII, all of this information was gathered from Soros's own words from his own books...every claim Beck made about Soros, where he quotes Soros, is footnoted on his website and on One can very easily check these for accuracy. So the question in this regards is simple, was Soros lying when he wrote these books or gave interviews or is he lying now? Either way there's no question Soros is a dangerous man. After all, we're talking about the man who broke the bank of England and who did it according to his own words because it was fun.

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #56 on: November 13, 2010, 04:41:49 PM »
Wow.... sounds like a bad dude.

Did palin fire that soros money man who has been working as her advisor for a while? 

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #57 on: November 13, 2010, 05:49:48 PM »
Wow.... sounds like a bad dude.

Did palin fire that soros money man who has been working as her advisor for a while? 

It doesn't look to me like he was ever part of her staff or her employee. From what this says, he was once hired to do one job for her, he does this sort of work for a number of groups, basically it would seem whoever pays him.

Liberal Bloggers Link Palin Aide to Soros
Meridith Jessup Nov. 12, 2010

In one of the more amusing attempts to discredit Glenn Beck’s week-long expose on billionaire George Soros’ unparalleled influence in global politics, Salon’s Justin Elliott reports that one of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin‘s aides is actually on Soros’ payroll.  Scandal!

Uh, not quite.

Elliott writes:

    Given Soros’ alleged role plotting to destroy the United States, Beck and his Fox viewership might be surprised to learn that one of Sarah Palin‘s top aides has been on Soros’ payroll for years.

    That would be Republican lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, Palin’s foreign policy adviser and a member of her small inner circle. He runs a Washington, D.C., consulting firm called Orion Strategies. Scheunemann and a partner have since 2003 been paid over $150,000 by one of Soros’ organizations for lobbying work, according to federal disclosure forms reviewed by Salon. The lobbying, which has continued to the present, centers on legislation involving sanctions and democracy promotion in Burma.

According to their website, Orion Strategies performs a number of functions, including public relations, political consulting and even advertising. Needless to say, it’s a firm with a broad portfolio.

    We advise and consult a variety of businesses (law firms, financial companies, services), organizations (professional organizations, lobbying groups and labor unions), political campaigns and public relation projects. Our political experience includes statewide, congressional, legislative, judicial and county races.

According to Elliot, one of the firm‘s clients is Soros’ Open Society Policy Center, an organization that “encourages Congress and the Administration to press the military dictatorship in Burma to restore political rights and democracy.”

    In the course of Beck’s three-day look at Soros’ network of organizations and his links to Democratic politicians, the fact that a top aide to a likely GOP presidential candidate has been retained by a Soros outfit did not come up.

Palin has not commented on the Salon report, nor do I expect her to.  The fact that one individual obviously knowledgeable on international politics advised the one-time vice presidential contender is moot and extending this individual connection and extrapolating a wider relationship between Scheunemann‘s entire firm and Soros’ global business empire is a stretch, to say the very least. A further stretch is a conjectured connection between all of this and Beck’s thorough assessment of the controversial billionaire.

After an entire week of reporting the questionable agenda and unchallenged facts presented in Beck’s look at the “puppet master,” is this seriously the best, er, refutation (?) the left can come up with?  Fighting facts with sheer (unrelated) speculation?

So, what does this report — touted in the lefty blogosphere today — actually mean?  Literally, nothing.


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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #58 on: November 13, 2010, 10:44:07 PM »
How do you feel he (Beck) embellished when talking about Soros?

If all Soros did was to accompany a surveyor who went to survey or appraise a property, at the age of 14,
he should hardly be accused as having confiscated property and/or sending Jews to their deaths should he?

That's like someone blaming Dinah Shore for the crimes of slavery, racism, or segregation, because she and her family passed themselves off as caucasian. In times of intense persecution, possibly leading to your potential death, you do what you have to do to SURVIVE, ...and if that means pretending to be something you're not, be it. Best to leave martyrdom to saints. Your job is to SURVIVE!

I'm not saying is an angel. If he is the anti-christ so many believe him to be, there should be ample evidence to convict him. You shouldn't have to make up crap to bolster your case. Furthermore, to play on what must be one of the most traumatic events in a person's life, where they were "the victim", and twist it so that the victim appears to be the perpetrator is beyond low. But blame the victim seems to be a common mantra in many societies.  :-\ 

Arnold jr

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #59 on: November 14, 2010, 02:11:59 AM »
If all Soros did was to accompany a surveyor who went to survey or appraise a property, at the age of 14,
he should hardly be accused as having confiscated property and/or sending Jews to their deaths should he?

That's like someone blaming Dinah Shore for the crimes of slavery, racism, or segregation, because she and her family passed themselves off as caucasian. In times of intense persecution, possibly leading to your potential death, you do what you have to do to SURVIVE, ...and if that means pretending to be something you're not, be it. Best to leave martyrdom to saints. Your job is to SURVIVE!

I'm not saying is an angel. If he is the anti-christ so many believe him to be, there should be ample evidence to convict him. You shouldn't have to make up crap to bolster your case. Furthermore, to play on what must be one of the most traumatic events in a person's life, where they were "the victim", and twist it so that the victim appears to be the perpetrator is beyond low. But blame the victim seems to be a common mantra in many societies.  :-\ 

As I said in the previous post, everything Beck said is backed by Soros's own words in his books and interviews. He put footnotes on his website and on regarding these and all the statements made on the Soros special he ran. One can easily go to these footnotes and look at the information for themselves and then judge themselves.

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #60 on: November 14, 2010, 05:55:28 AM »
She also recommended Odonnell use this "man" for her debate prep/

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #61 on: November 14, 2010, 07:50:29 AM »
She also recommended Odonnell use this "man" for her debate prep/

Odonnell did fine in her debates. 


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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #62 on: November 14, 2010, 08:25:18 AM »
Glenn Beck Sees George Soros as Iran Does

As my colleague Brian Stelter reports, the Fox News host Glenn Beck was accused this week of deploying “a symphony of anti-Semitic dog whistles” in his lengthy attack on the political activities of George Soros, a billionaire investor and philanthropist Mr. Beck repeatedly described as a “puppet master” who “collapses regimes.”

While Mr. Beck has cited his strong support for the state of Israel to fend off that criticism, perhaps the oddest part of his critique of Mr. Soros is that the Fox host appeared to agree with the autocratic leaders of countries like Iran and Myanmar, who see something sinister in the philanthropist’s promotion of democracy.

In his indictment of Mr. Soros this week, what Mr. Beck did not say about the list of governments he claimed the philanthropist had helped to topple was striking. Before naming America as Mr. Soros’s next “target,” Mr. Beck ominously intoned:

Soros has helped fund the ‘Velvet Revolution’ in the Czech Republic, the “Orange Revolution” in the Ukraine, the “Rose Revolution” in Georgia. He also helped to engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia and Yugoslavia.

What Mr. Beck failed to mention is that in each of the countries he named, Mr. Soros in fact provided support to popular pro-democracy groups battling repressive regimes led by Communist or former Communist autocrats. The Fox host also seemed confused about some of the events he described in those nations.

To start with, the mass street protests led by the Czech playwright Vaclav Havel in 1989 that brought down Prague’s Communist regime took place in what was still Czechoslovakia, not the Czech Republic, which did not exist at the time.

There were also no coups in Slovakia, Croatia or Yugoslavia. Slovakia was created by the so-called “velvet divorce,” the peaceful dissolution of the federal state of Czechoslovakia by democratically-elected leaders in 1993; Croatia’s wartime president, Franjo Tudjman, an authoritarian former Communist general, died in office in 1999 and was replaced by a former member of his party after a democratic election; Slobodan Milosevic, the Yugoslav leader who was most responsible for the brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing that killed tens of thousands in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo, resigned in 2000, following street protests after his loss in a democratic election.

Mr. Beck’s suggestion that these peaceful ends to tyrannical regimes would not have come about without money from foreign plotters ignores strong evidence to the contrary, which suggests that in each case civil society groups, with some moral and financial support from the outside world, led popular uprisings against unpopular authoritarian rulers.

The Fox News host also made no mention in his program of the fact — first reported by Justin Elliott of Salon on Friday — that Mr. Soros has paid more than $150,000 to Randy Scheunemann, a Republican lobbyist who is a senior adviser to Sarah Palin, to press Congress and the White House to keep sanctions in place against Myanmar’s military junta and promote a resolution “calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,” whose party won the last free elections held in the country. (Laura Silber, a spokeswoman for Mr. Soros’s Open Society Institute, confirmed to The Lede that he had hired Mr. Scheunemann’s firm to lobby in support of democracy in Myanmar.)

In 2008, while he was an adviser to Senator John McCain, Mr. Scheunemann’s lobbying firm also signed a $200,000 contract to work for the government of Georgia, which is still run by President Mikheil Saakashvili, who came to power in the Rose Revolution that was on Mr. Beck’s list of sinister regime changes.

Oddly, Mr. Beck’s conspiratorial reading of the recent history of Eastern Europe puts him in complete agreement with Iran’s intelligence ministry, which for years has been working to discredit the country’s reformist leaders and their calls for fair elections as the puppets of foreign plotters.

Mr. Soros’s name was invoked repeatedly during the show trials of opposition figures in Tehran in 2009, following weeks of street protests over the country’s disputed presidential election. At his trial, an Iranian academic who once received support from Mr. Soros, Kian Tajbakhsh, claimed, in what appeared to be a forced confession, that the country’s former president, Mohammad Khatami, had met with Mr. Soros to plot the overthrow of Iran’s Islamic Republic.

Mr. Khatami called the allegation absurd, but, as The Lede explained in a post on “Iran’s Fear of a ‘Velvet Revolution,’” Iran’s intelligence service seems to be obsessed with Mr. Soros. In an animated television program produced by the ministry for Iranian television in 2008, Mr. Soros was imagined conspiring in the White House with Senator McCain, the C.I.A. and Gene Sharp, a proponent of civil disobedience, plotting to overthrow Iran’s government with the help of Iranian reformists.

A public service announcement made by Iran’s intelligence ministry in 2008, which began with an animated film imagining plotters scheming against Iran in the White House.
Despite attacks from Mr. Beck and Iran’s government, Mr. Soros seems quite proud of his role in promoting democratic change in the former Communist countries of Eastern Europe. The Open Society Institute spokeswoman, Ms. Silber, told The Lede that Mr. Soros did provide financial support to both the Czech pro-democracy group Charter 77 and Poland’s Solidarity movement, which eventually brought democracy to that country too, in the early 1980s. During the same period, Mr. Soros also, “set up foundations in Communist Hungary and the Soviet Union that worked to undermine the repressive regimes there,” Ms. Silber added.

Last year Mr. Soros himself explained, in an article on his work published on CNN’s Web site, what his aim was:

I set up my first foundation in Hungary in 1984. The idea behind it was simple. The state dogma, promoted by the ruling communists, was false and by providing an alternative we could expose its falsehood. Accordingly we supported every cultural initiative that was not an expression of the established dogma.

I was guided by the concept of the “open society,” which I adopted from the philosopher Karl Popper. I saw the open society as a more sophisticated form of social organization than the totalitarian closed societies of the Soviet bloc.

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #63 on: November 14, 2010, 08:43:41 AM »
Odonnell did fine in her debates. 

I'm glad that the Soros money man that Palin employed - then recommended here - was able to help her.

Doesn't change the fact she hasn't fired his ass.

Arnold jr

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #64 on: November 14, 2010, 12:55:06 PM »
I'm glad that the Soros money man that Palin employed - then recommended here - was able to help her.

Doesn't change the fact she hasn't fired his ass.

You obviously ignored the article I posted.

This argument is like saying Soros had his staff members eat at Chili's, the next day some of Palin's staffers ate at the same Chili's, therefore, Palin and Soros are in the same camp. Or you could use this one, Soros had signs made using XYZ company to make the signs, Palin hired the same sign company XYZ to make her signs, therefore Palin and Soros are collaborating.

Please tell me you can see how ridiculous this is?

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #65 on: November 14, 2010, 07:40:25 PM »

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #66 on: November 22, 2010, 10:11:20 AM »
Did anyone else see Beck's piece on George Soros today? It's a two part special on Soros and well worth the watch.

Some interesting things he pointed out today:

*The Stim bill, it was written by a Soros funded group...the Apollo Alliance.

*The Campaign Finance Reform Bill...whose idea? did it benefit him? It allows Soros funded groups to be the principle contributors and advertisers.

*The largest media mogul on the planet...Soros.

*The Cap & Trade plan...Soros.

*The banking reform now being proposed by Obama...whose idea, whose model? Soros.

Beck also shows where the money Soros is spending goes...this man has his hand in everything in the United States.

Obama may indeed be a puppet to this man.

George Soros says Obama must go (Pravda Spells it Out)
Pravda.RU ^ | November 22, 2010 | Xavier Lerma

Soros told financiers of the Democratic party that Obama must go. The liberal "Huffington Post" quoted Soros as saying: "...if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else."

Yes, Soros wants another puppet that he can use to control America with. The one he currently uses has a few broken strings and it keeps going on vacation. Also, his old puppet no longer captivates his audience like it did back in 2008.

Did he really mean that Mr Vachon? Soros' adviser Michael Vachon tried to do some damage control and stated, "Mr. Soros fully supports the president as the leader of the Democratic Party. He was not suggesting that we seek another candidate for 2012. His comments were made in a private, informal conversation that was about the need for progressives to be more forceful in promoting their agenda. He was stressing the importance of being heard by elected officials."

Bull. We know it's crap because when someone talks too much after a question, it usually means they are lying or twisting the truth. Sorry Mr Vachon, Soros already opened his big mouth and said, "...if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else". Start packing Mr. Hope and Change. Last November 2nd America decided against you and now your Sugar Daddy wants you out.

Sounds pretty clear to me. Especially since Soros refused to donate any money during the last election. He told the New York Times in October, "I'm not in a position to stop it. I don't believe in standing in the way of an avalanche." That "avalanche" was the Tea Party that supported the conservative Republicans. Soros is smart and he knew the Republicans would win and was not about to waste any more money.

Basically, Soros will not put money on a horse if it's going to lose. He's telling the Democrats if they want his $$ money they better get someone who will implement his agenda. As for now, his big money stays locked in the vault.

The "Democracy Alliance" better find someone else for 2012 or their money will fly out the window. Maybe they can make a deal with the Republicans and impeach Obama after January. On the other hand that's not such a good idea. I doubt Soros thinks too highly of Old Joe Biden. Maybe they can somehow scheme their way into getting Hillary Clinton as the new puppet.

The group he was talking to, "Democracy Alliance" (which really means "Marxists of America") are rich Marxists who share the same views as Schwartz (Soros' real name). Schwartz created Democracy Alliance after Bush won the election in 2004. They are all Bush haters. They say they are saving America and the world from wars. However, if they really wanted to stop violence they should have looked at Islamic terrorism years ago.

The "Democracy Alliance" should have started with Islamic nations who started the Jihad. They made the war an excuse to demonize Bush. They really hate Bush because he got in the way of Soros' agenda.

Many thanks to David Horowitz who reveals Soros' goals on His parents were Communists and he was a liberal but later he became a conservative. His book, "The Shadow Party:" explains Soros and the Democratic party connection.

Soros admitted he had started shadow governments in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, and Yugoslavia where coups later occurred. The Democratic Shadow Party resembles those shadow governments.

The Soros Agenda:

-promoting taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand -defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters -opposing the death penalty in all circumstances -promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens -defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters -promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws -advocating stricter gun-control measures -advocating the legalization of marijuana -promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation -promoting the election of leftist political candidates throughout the United States -opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act -depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral -financing the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left -advocating America's unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending -promoting socialized medicine in the United States -promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, is "not clean air and clean water, [but] rather ... the demolition of technological/industrial civilization" -bringing American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations -promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike

Well, that explains the madness that is consuming America. President George Bush got in the way of all that was listed above. Soros would have done this in Russia but Vladimir Putin is too powerful. Schwartz was afraid he would be put in jail as some of the other oligarchs were if he challenged him. Putin is a good Orthodox Christian and fiscal conservative. Fortunately for atheists, Soros found another country he could control in America.

Soros proclaimed on the show "60 Minutes" that he does not believe in God. Soros as an atheist is not too fond of Christians or Jews. He told CBS in 1998 that he felt no guilt during the Nazi era when he assisted in taking Jewish property. He told CBS reporter Steve Kroft that he was 14 when he watched Jews filling up boxcars as they were sent to their deaths.

Below is part of the interview that Soros the Nazi collaborator easily admitted.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.

Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.

KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

Mr. SOROS: No.

It's hard enough to trust anybody these days let alone a Nazi collaborator who is an atheist. A selfish atheist who had no problem betraying his people. He freely admitted what he had done but nevertheless he has many people in America who follow him. Hitler had followers too and so does Soros. Did you think the war that ended 65 years ago would not have an aftershock that would reach even today?

Karl Marx said, " the opium of the people". Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Noam Chomsky and George Soros were all born Jewish. They did not practice their faith. They were radicals trying to change society. They all hurt their own people.

He almost did it. Soros almost conquered America. His Democratic Shadow Party controls almost half of it. He still has a small chance to control it all. However, since he believes there is no God he is blind to the effect prayer has on the world. Like Lucifer he cannot see God's true power. His "pride" blinds him. Soros ignorance of God will be his downfall. "He hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart." - Luke 1:51.


All the Democrats concluded that the Tea Party was successful because it was heavily financed or that the Democratic message was not clear enough. They will never acknowledge that people who pray can move mountains. Instead they will promote lies and propaganda about any conservative especially if they are Republican. Prayer is America's secret weapon. There are still enough Christians left in America who pray and say "God Bless America!". Soros will never say "God Bless America!".


His other nemesis is Fox News. The reason Schwartz has "Fox-o-Phobia" is because Fox News is the only station that uncovers and reports to you what Soros does not want you to know. Why else would he be so afraid of only ONE station when there are several others news station that everybody watches. He likes to tell the lie that Fox is corrupting America but his fear is obvious and he attacks free speech that criticizes or ruins his plan.

Instead of telling you about Soros or having a presentation about Soros on YouTube, I'll let you hear it straight from the horse's mouth. I'll let Soros explain himself to you. Click the link below then ask yourself,

"Do you really want this man to lead America?"

From "The Blaze":

Soros Explains His Anti-Capitalist, Pro-Marxist Tactics

Contact Xavier Lerma at His popular articles can be seen at Please include the link to Pravda if you republish this article


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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #67 on: November 22, 2010, 10:18:53 PM »
Quick question 333... how could a person be born Jewish?
and secondly... if one is an atheist, do they betray their faith?

Seems to me the only way an atheist could betray their faith, ...was to pray to God... no?

No one is born into a faith or religion. One finds their own faith... far too often it's by default,
but it's not something one is born with, matter what acts of genital mutilation are permitted to be performed on you

Arnold jr

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #68 on: November 22, 2010, 11:12:37 PM »
Quick question 333... how could a person be born Jewish?
and secondly... if one is an atheist, do they betray their faith?

Seems to me the only way an atheist could betray their faith, ...was to pray to God... no?

No one is born into a faith or religion. One finds their own faith... far too often it's by default,
but it's not something one is born with, matter what acts of genital mutilation are permitted to be performed on you

How can someone be born Jewish? Really it's quite simple. The Jews are a race of people, not simply a religion.

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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #70 on: July 14, 2011, 10:09:11 AM »
George Soros Made $7 Million Off Those Body Scanners Everyone Hates
Business Insider ^ | Jul. 14, 2011 | Courtney Comstock

George Soros made around $7 million trading shares of the company that owns those new TSA scanners that everyone hates.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #71 on: July 14, 2011, 10:36:39 AM »
Quick question 333... how could a person be born Jewish?
and secondly... if one is an atheist, do they betray their faith?

Seems to me the only way an atheist could betray their faith, ...was to pray to God... no?

No one is born into a faith or religion. One finds their own faith... far too often it's by default,
but it's not something one is born with, matter what acts of genital mutilation are permitted to be performed on you

Jews identify with their Jewish tribe. They do not identify with and do not see themselves as part of the white race.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Beck on Soros
« Reply #72 on: July 14, 2011, 10:39:09 AM »
when your worth billions, i don't think he cares what some piss ant like beck says  ;D

That's why Soros has his minions on their blogs, yelping about boycotting Beck's sponsors.  ::)