Ahh I knew you wouldn't let me down!
An awesome film, one of my faves.
One of mine too my friend ..
love this movie too :
A: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing.
B: It's not. It's the same ballpark.
A: Ain't no fuckin' ballpark neither. Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but, you know, touchin' his wife's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her Holiest of Holies, ain't the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Look, foot massages don't mean shit.
B: Have you ever given a foot massage?
A: Don't be tellin' me about foot massages. I'm the foot fuckin' master.
B: Given a lot of 'em?
A: Shit yeah. I got my technique down and everything, I don't be ticklin' or nothin'.