Author Topic: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th  (Read 1648 times)

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Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« on: November 17, 2010, 04:12:19 AM »
We've been hearing for 2 years that hte President doesn't listen to all the great ideas that Republicans have.

They've given an invitation TO THE WHITE HOUSE, and they decide they don't know what their new message will be.

More internal GOP turmoil... Essentially, we have THREE political parties in America, and RINOs refuse to admit it.  GOP leadership cannot control their own caucus anymore.  You have 85 "loose cannons" ready to make a mess - the party is in disarray.  Is this a good or bad thing?

Soul Crusher

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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2010, 04:46:31 AM »
Why go in the first place?  Just a waste of time. 

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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 05:39:21 AM »
Why go in the first place?  Just a waste of time. 

really?  um, because the president of the united states says "okay, you're in power - hit me with your list of ideas for change"...

and they don't have that list. 

It's the MFing office of the presidency.  Mitch mcConnell said he was too busy.  GMAFB.


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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2010, 06:07:46 AM »
Why go in the first place?  Just a waste of time. 

Thats bull and you know it. Its time to stop the critique and come up with solutions if they want to be in power


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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2010, 06:18:31 AM »
White House Postpones Meeting With Dem, GOP Leaders

Published November 16, 2010
| Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- The White House has postponed a meeting with Democratic and Republican congressional leaders to Nov. 30 after top Republicans said they had a scheduling conflict.

The meeting, originally scheduled for Thursday, will mark be the first time President Barack Obama will sit down with Congress' new bipartisan leaders since the Nov. 2 elections that cost Democrats control of the House of Representatives and shrank the Democratic majority in the Senate.

In the wake of a bitter election campaign, the session could presage cooperation or friction between Obama and House speaker-in-waiting John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

White House and congressional officials said meeting topics will include spending reductions, international trade and energy policy.

"We'll have a meeting so that we can discuss issues that Republicans have long said can be accomplished together," McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said.

When the White House announced the initial meeting, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said the session would not include staff and would wrap up with dinner among the participants.

Joining McConnell and Boehner would be the top Democrats in Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Also expected to attend are Republicans Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia and Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl, and Democrats Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland and Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin.

A meeting this week would have allowed the president and the lawmakers to discuss issues before the current final session of Congress of the year begins, particularly the extension of current tax rates, which expire at the end of the year.

White House officials said the meeting on Nov. 30 probably will address any pending issues in the current Congress as well.

While Republicans have said they want to find areas of common ground with the president, McConnell has also urged Republicans to work to repeal or erode Obama's health care law and has said the top Republican goal is to seek Obama's defeat in 2012.

On Tuesday, Kyl dealt Obama a blow by declaring that an agreement for the United States and Russia to slash their nuclear arsenals should not be voted on this year. The treaty is a top foreign policy priority for Obama.

Liberals and organized labor, meanwhile, have pressed Obama to confront Republicans and not compromise on key economic issues.

Both sides have expressed support for extending tax cuts for the middle class. Obama has said he does not want to extend lower rates permanently for individuals earning more than $200,000. But the White House has left open the possibility of a temporary extension of those tax cuts.


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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2010, 06:26:04 AM »
Postponed by the White House not the Republicans. Reps were not able to attend this time due to scheduling conflicts. It has happened before with Democrats. A huge stretch to interpret that into some kind of schism within the party. Dems have their own internal problems to deal with.

Now, postponing does not mean that they won't meet in the future. Reps will meet with the White House eventually. What is the rush? Last time politicians rushed into anything we ended up with garbage health reform legislation.

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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2010, 08:35:28 AM »
Capital Journal
Columns and Observations from the Capital
The Shifting Political Map
November 17, 2010, 7:00 AM ET.Why Voters Think Obama’s Meeting With GOP Leaders Is a Gimmick.Article Comments (1) Capital

________________________ ___________________

Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, is a former White House correspondent with two decades of experience covering Washington government and politics. Click here for Mr. Brown’s full bio.

Inside the Beltway, the conventional wisdom is that the White House meeting between President Barack Obama and the new Republican congressional leadership –rescheduled for Nov. 30 — is a big deal, an opportunity to reset the country on a better course.

But the American people apparently see it mostly as a publicity stunt.

They don’t think there is much chance anything will get done.

Chalk it up to cynicism or to a belief that the president and GOP leaders are just too far apart in their thinking to reach common ground on anything meaningful. Whatever the reason, Americans think Mr. Obama needs to give ground to the GOP on policy matters, but they are skeptical that he will do so.

That’s the word from a new Quinnipiac University national poll that finds the president’s job-approval rating statistically unchanged but at its all-time low.

More ominous for the president is that voters no longer assume that he, not his political opposition, has the right answers to the problems facing America.

GOP Seen as Better on the Economy

For the first time, by 45%-42%, they think congressional Republicans are better suited to deal with the economy than is he, and they are split evenly on who is better able to handle health care.

Only one in five registered voters think “there is a good chance” the president and the Republican leadership can come to agreement on major issues. Three in four say the two sides are “too far apart and meaningful compromise on major matters is unlikely.” Only a quarter of Democrats are optimistic that some kind of agreement can be reached compared with one in six Republicans.

This finding is problematic for the president because of the public attitude that comes with it. Voters want a mid-course correction from the president, but don’t think they will get one.

The poll found that 72% of voters think the president should compromise his beliefs in order to get things done with the Republicans, but only 63% think the congressional Republicans should compromise theirs in order to get an agreement with him.

Part of the president’s public opinion problem is the aftershock from the election in which his team took it on the chin. Just as Americans flock to a winner, they shy away from a loser. And while his name may not have been on the ballot this month, Mr. Obama was the big loser in the November elections.

Obama’s Job Approval Stays Low

Mr. Obama’s job approval certainly shows this to be the case. Until now, the lowest job score the president had received in a national Quinnipiac poll was 48% disapprove, 44% approval in July. This time, the survey found roughly the same reading, 49% of registered voters disapprove of his job performance, while 44% approve.

He’s not anywhere near the levels that George W. Bush reached at his nadir, when he went into the high 20s in approval, and there are two years until the 2012 election, an eternity in American politics.

Nonetheless, the profile of those who disapprove of his performance is remarkably similar to the coalition that, if it were to stay intact and support whoever the Republicans run against him in 2012, would prompt a huge flashing red light for his re-election strategists.

If one were to consider the president’s approval numbers as a referendum on his fitness for a second term, it is a fair analysis that he has lost broad blocks of the American middle class. Perhaps most important, the coalition still behind him is eerily reminiscent of those who have backed a bevy of losing Democratic presidential candidates over the years.

Political independents disapprove 55%-37%; whites disapprove 57%-37%; men disapprove 55%-40%(women approve 49%-44%); those who earn $50,000-$100,000 disapprove 51%-43%.

Middle Class Loses Faith

This loss of faith among the middle class is accompanied by a clear change in their confidence in his ideas, vis-à-vis the Republicans’ ideas. And they worry he is too stubborn to change course.

By 59%-36%, voters say the president should change course because of the election results. Independents, whose strong support was one of the keys to Mr. Obama’s 2008 victory, think so 63%-32%. Yet, by 49%-41%, all Americans don’t think he will.

That’s because they have changed their minds about his policies. His call for change that dominated the 2008 election gave him a comfortable victory that even resonated among the subgroups of the electorate, previously cited who historically been skeptical of Democratic promises.

Now, the country thinks by 48%-44% that in the long term, the president’s policies will hurt, rather than help, the country.

That’s why they see the White House meeting with Congress’s GOP leaders as more Washington, D.C., political theater.

Write to Peter Brown at

________________________ ___________________

Obama is so full of shit.  Fuck him.  He is not going to change a damn thing, he wants to sit and lecture others. 


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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2010, 08:47:05 AM »
You mean like when Obama had republicans in the last time and everytime he was getting trounced by Paul Ryan his response was 'ummmmmmm Paul hmmmmmmm those are ummmmmmm,just talking hmmmmmm points".Forget him,no meetings,no compromise,simply propose bills,pass them and let Obama veto them.

option D

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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2010, 08:49:14 AM »
option D

Paul Ryan made obama look like the incompetent, ignorant, inept, and idiotic slimbag commie he is at that health care farce. 


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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2010, 04:03:37 PM »
really?  um, because the president of the united states says "okay, you're in power - hit me with your list of ideas for change"...

and they don't have that list. 

It's the MFing office of the presidency.  Mitch mcConnell said he was too busy.  GMAFB.

OMG, OMG...they had a scheduling conflict.  ::)

I hope you're "tweeting" all of your girlfriends this ground-breaking news.  That way you can all go shopping together and feel better.

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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2010, 04:22:20 PM »

OMG, OMG...they had a scheduling conflict.  ::)

I hope you're "tweeting" all of your girlfriends this ground-breaking news.  That way you can all go shopping together and feel better.

Sorry... but what possible item do you have on your schedule that is more important than meeting with the leader of teh free world to discuss the future of this great country?

I'm betting we see these people who were "too busy" spending their week cleaning their offices and doing paperwork. 

Face it, they don't have a singular vision for america, and now they're stalling.

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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2010, 04:34:25 PM »
Ha ha ha.  R u kidding?   The dems still control the senate and potus. 

And further barry just lectures people.  He could care less about doing anything other than a photo op.


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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2010, 04:36:17 PM »
Sorry... but what possible item do you have on your schedule that is more important than meeting with the leader of teh free world to discuss the future of this great country?

Anything that has to do with family or any meetings about fixing his fuck-ups are more important than meeting with him in person.

Face it, they don't have a singular vision for america, and now they're stalling.

They haven't had one in years, stalling now isn't going to change that. 


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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2010, 07:20:39 PM »
240 you really are being simple minded here bro...

postponing the meeting simply puts more pressure on congress to pass tax cut extensions...who controls congress? dems, who will ppl blame? obama...

this will put more pressure on obama to keep all the tax cuts in place not just for the middle class...

as someone who worshiped the political savayness of obama you should be beating off to your computer screen over this...

but instead youre upset?

hmmm wonder why?

if it was obama you would be yelling good move and high fiving blackass and benny...

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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2010, 09:46:06 PM »
Paul Ryan made obama look like the incompetent, ignorant, inept, and idiotic slimbag commie he is at that health care farce.  

Benny B

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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2010, 09:46:52 PM »
You mean like when Obama had republicans in the last time and everytime he was getting trounced by Paul Ryan his response was 'ummmmmmm Paul hmmmmmmm those are ummmmmmm,just talking hmmmmmm points".Forget him,no meetings,no compromise,simply propose bills,pass them and let Obama veto them.



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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2010, 11:20:58 PM »
White House Postpones Meeting With Dem, GOP Leaders

Published November 16, 2010
| Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- The White House has postponed a meeting with Democratic and Republican congressional leaders to Nov. 30 after top Republicans said they had a scheduling conflict.

I guess you missed that part of your own post.

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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2010, 04:50:57 AM »
See - we have all of these repubs saying "I'm ready to have an adult conversation with this admin about our ideas..."

Now, they have a platform to finally do this - and they're not ready?

HAHAHAHHA  WTF?  Show up, tell Obama how shit is gonna be, and he'll cower.  He might even bow. 

Unless, of course, you really don't know how shit is gonna be.  Unless you just knew how to scream "fight the power!" to get elected, and now you plan on just falling into line.


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Re: Repubs postpone Summit with Obama until Nov 30th
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2010, 05:05:34 AM »
We've been hearing for 2 years that hte President doesn't listen to all the great ideas that Republicans have.

They've given an invitation TO THE WHITE HOUSE, and they decide they don't know what their new message will be.

More internal GOP turmoil... Essentially, we have THREE political parties in America, and RINOs refuse to admit it.  GOP leadership cannot control their own caucus anymore.  You have 85 "loose cannons" ready to make a mess - the party is in disarray.  Is this a good or bad thing?

Obviously a good thing - and no big deal either.

Lots of new faces and they probably aren't up to speed on what GOP stands on all issues.

Needs to bring unity to the GOP before meeting with Obama.

Otherwise Obama will take advantage of that.

So this will help GOP in the negotiations.
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