Author Topic: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries  (Read 371805 times)


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #675 on: January 17, 2011, 01:02:05 AM »
LOL! You're talking GetBiggers. Very few actually work out consistently.

Very few have EVER worked out.
and keep moving!


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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #676 on: January 17, 2011, 01:33:42 AM »
Some it brings tears to my eyes.

I don't know if everyone remembers that Pete Grymkowski use to be a world class bodybuilder.

Those of us from that era and from Rochester (well originally) do. Pete taught me more about steroids and knew more about them than any of these "contest prep guru's around today. He also was the one who introduced me around to the guys at Gold's when I got here in 1980. That's part how I met Bill Grant, Samir Bannout, Mike and Ray Mentzer, Casey Viator and many others. Pete and Tim Kimber introduced me.

Back to Keith, he actually sold me a bottle of D-Bol one time outside of Muscle Mill. he's always PM me about the good times we had and the women we got at Tequila Willies. I'm not sure if it was us or the place but THOSE were great times. 
and keep moving!

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #677 on: January 17, 2011, 03:10:37 AM »
Someone asked if posing trunks were too small. Goodrum contributed with enclosed photo.

 Re: Posing trunks too small
« Reply #44 on: March 01, 2007, 10:58:00 PM » Quote 

Quote from: Vince G, CSN MFT on February 17, 2007, 04:05:37 PM
My contribution to this.  I think I'll use Bikini Bite next time 

Keith: I think they meant for bodybuilders.  Sorry Vince wrong thread for you.

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #678 on: January 17, 2011, 03:14:09 AM »
Max Rep is telling it like it was in those days. If you knew people they would help you and tell you what to take and occasionally get some gear for you. Wannabes always felt they were doing them a favour. Mates were helping mates so weren't considered to be drug dealers.

It you were out of the loop you were on your own and usually had no idea what to do.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #679 on: January 17, 2011, 07:44:31 AM »
I'm sure I did
I didn't mean the fact that a guy like you went to some gay bicycle race.

What I was referring to is, that you heard to guys talking about GetBig ::)

Either you're a scared little bitch that's too afraid to speak up or it didn't happen.

So which one is it?

Dom out!

The one and only.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #680 on: January 17, 2011, 11:26:38 AM »
Princess, I'll answer your's and all the other questions to the best of my ability in a couple of days when everything settles down around the house.

But here are the Short answers:

we really appriciate you taking the time to post that Bill.
and Im an ass when it comes to responding to pm's just so you know.

Take care! :)


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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #681 on: January 17, 2011, 01:20:09 PM »
Max Rep is telling it like it was in those days. If you knew people they would help you and tell you what to take and occasionally get some gear for you. Wannabes always felt they were doing them a favour. Mates were helping mates so weren't considered to be drug dealers.

It you were out of the loop you were on your own and usually had no idea what to do.

Very true Vince... the concept of a drug dealer wasn't even part of it. I was just guy's wanting to help each other although we used to call Pete... "Dr. Peter". He also had the nickname "Cannonball" due to his shoulder development.

Mike and Ray were the same... all of us from Muscle Mill would go out to dinner (local diner -- nothing expensive) we'd joke around, have fun and listen to Mike, Ray and Benny Podda give training advice. It was like attending a free seminar with training included. Priceless now that I think about it.

I still remember Keith jumping in to back me up. Not that I felt I needed it, just good to know he that he was looking out for me. THAT’s the kind of guy he was.

Again Vince great thread... took lot's of time and work on your part and that speaks volumes.

and keep moving!


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #682 on: January 17, 2011, 01:26:29 PM »
we really appriciate you taking the time to post that Bill.

Take care! :)

x 2

You are doing a lot for everyone during this trying time .... and were a great friend to Keith .. please do take good care of yourself and know that you and your updates mean a lot here .. it's appreciated and you are a good man who is respected for all you do .. Thank You and God Bless  :)


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #683 on: January 17, 2011, 01:50:51 PM »
very ssad to hear Rest in peace Iron brother!!!!!!


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #684 on: January 17, 2011, 01:51:25 PM »
Good dude, all around good dude. P.I.P.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #685 on: January 17, 2011, 03:21:03 PM »
Those living in LA were at the cutting edge of info regarding making muscles get bigger. Everyone else had to try to figure out what the heck was going on. Rumours were around but unless you were associating with guys using steroids you didn't find out any of that stuff. There wasn't much in the scientific literature. Keith was benching over 500 naturally so he had plenty of natural hormones in his body and I doubt he needed any help at all. On the other hand, when you are that strong I guess there is a temptation to try stuff and get the edge on others. Ray Mentzer was a huge guy. He also downplayed the dangers of steroids and even said some were 'gonad stimulators'. Hanging around those big guys would have made taking steroids no big deal. In retrospect, the Mentzer brothers didn't make it to 50. They were intelligent guys so should have known what they were doing. I know that Ray badly wanted to win another big title. I guess he had things to prove to other people. There was no need. If you saw Ray in person you knew what a huge guy he was. He was super strong as well. Keith could keep up to Ray in most exercises and was even better on pressing movements.

Those of us who dream about being bigger will wonder why some of the very biggest guys would want to risk their health to get even bigger. I guess no matter how big we get it still isn't enough. Keith was trying to get approval from his parents and that drive probably became a general motivation to get better and be noticed by others. Lifting weights saw Keith accepted in bodybuilding, powerlifting and arm wrestling circles. He was one of the boys for sure.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #686 on: January 17, 2011, 03:21:25 PM »
I met Keith in 1996, he was about 300lbs and solid.He wasnt lean or cut, but just full and thick as a house.
I remember at the time he was involved with a supplement company.
Keith was really down to earth, and a all around good man.
He may have been huge, but he wasnt cocky or arrogant, just confidant.
Keith was real soft spoken and very polite.He was not a big talker or bullshit artist.If Keith said something you could bet it was true.
If Keith said someone ripped him off, or ripped off a promoter, then it was a fact
Keith wasnt the type the type to make up stories, or lie about anybody.
He met and did more then 99% of the population will ever do.
Rest in peace brother

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #687 on: January 17, 2011, 03:26:20 PM »
When I see photos of Keith with good looking gals I feel sorry for the way he ended up. Our society downplays the importance of physical attractiveness but to Keith this was very important. When he became really fat he found that the hot gals he met didn't fancy him. Heck, he was still the same popular guy but wasn't getting the intimacy that used to come easy to him. He had his share of hot gals in the good old days.


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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #688 on: January 17, 2011, 03:27:09 PM »
 Was he injecting steroids into his mustache? That thing can't be natural.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #689 on: January 17, 2011, 03:36:04 PM »
Lots of Getbiggers were trying to help Keith get motivated to lose that weight.

 keith writes letter to the biggest loser tv show
« on: November 30, 2010, 01:15:46 PM » Quote 

epic_alien wrote: im hopes to get keith some interventional help ive written a letter that contains the basics on his situation. its a rough draft and would like assistance in putting a formal letter with the help of you guys who know him best. disturbia can come in with pics to help illustrate.

dear Jillian,

"My name is keith Jones. I was in a gillette commercial, and i was also a extra in the feature film over the top. I also went to a boxing match with my friend and co star sylvester stallone.  I also once say next to jonsey from the police series. In the early 90s i was training at my local high school for the olympics, and got bit by a spider. this has sent me into a 20 year downward spiral of over eating and self loathing. please consider me for the show as i know under the right circumstances i can pull this together again."

please feel free to add more so we can get this done!!

Stuntmovie replied: Epic! I think that this is a pretty decent letter except for the fact that there are too many commas in wrong places and the statement that Keith is 'self-loathing' is definitely not a fact.

I'd also commend you for writing such a letter and recommend you for the 2010 Humanity Award which Jonsey and Sly and  Keith would most likely present to you personally as a show of appreciation ....  but there does seem to be some slight attempt on your part to be antagonistic which might warrant a polite punch in the nose by each of the above in lieu of an award ceremony.

Either way I believe Keith can have both 'presenters' appear by simply picking up the phone.

And Mr. Leslie Nielsen would have been there on a moment's notice if he had known you were going to do such a noteworthy thing for his good friend Keith.

But your's is a good idea .... if it's well intended! Maybe I read it wrong.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #690 on: January 17, 2011, 03:40:41 PM »
Keith never backed away from responding to taunts and bagging.

 Re: keith writes letter to the biggest loser tv show
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2010, 03:41:45 PM » Quote  

Quote from: disturbia on November 30, 2010, 03:26:05 PM
I'll say one thing about Keith, he sure cant take it.  He photoshops all kinds of pics, I did one of him as Jabba the Hut and he cried and had it taken down.

Keith: yea I crfeid and had it taken off.  You really are that stupid aren't you.  You hoinestly think anything you do actually bothers me.  It is like Goodrum doing something.  You know that shit I took this morning meant more to me than you do.  Are you that insecure where you constantly have to make up shit to make you feel better about yourself.  Hey do this, make up another fight story like you do.  I love it when you makeup how this happened to you and you kicked their ass or you saw a beating yet you did nothing.  All this and no photos from you cell phone at least.  Dude when you make up shit you get caught lying easier.  See that is why I can prove almost everything I say with photos.  If not then I usually can do it someway.  You make up shiot and can't prove anything.  That is called being pathetic.  Go have a drink.

So an imbecile (you) puts a photo up of me.  Now this is not the first photo of me , yet you think in your head that is was so disturning to me that I contacted a mod and cried to them to take it down because it hurt me so much.  really are you that stupid or are you just fooling around.  dude you think way to highly of yourself.  you have to realize you do not matter here or anywhere else

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #691 on: January 17, 2011, 03:47:08 PM »
Some people were stern with what Keith was doing on Getbig.

Re: keith writes letter to the biggest loser tv show
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2010, 05:19:05 PM » Quote 

Quote from: Jaime on November 30, 2010, 04:41:22 PM
Keith is a fucking asshole the majority of the time.

Good guy in what sense of the word?

Keith: Only to real assholes.  Are you one of those too?

Jaime: No Keith i'm not. Although that isn't an entirely unbiased opinion, it is hard to be subjective when talking about oneself.

You just come across as very confrontational and bitter. I'm sure you are a decent enough fellow, everybody can get frustrated sometimes i guess.

Why don't you cut down on all of the unproductive stuff, like stalking Goodrum and constant penis sucking accusations?


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #692 on: January 17, 2011, 03:55:38 PM »
Holy fuck, I'm such a moron... can't believe I missed this thread. I was wondering where Keith was. :'(

Man, we all rib on each other and I've thrown around death wishes and threats like it was nothing. But it was all in good fun. Keith's posts were always awesome no matter what though. Dude has been everywhere and done everything. A lot of people got on his case but you know what? Who the fuck cares. He's lived his life to the fullest and never seemed to step on anyone's toes. He was cool as fuck!! Definitely an OG.

Very sorry to see him go. I wished him all the best and truly hoped that he would have been able to get his weight issue under wraps this year. I was really looking forward to seeing his transformation. Such a shame to see him go. PIP, brotha!!! You won't be forgotten. 8)

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #693 on: January 17, 2011, 04:03:51 PM »
Disturbia wrote about what he felt was post of the year on Getbig.

 This Honestly is Post of the Year For Me
« on: July 20, 2010, 06:27:33 PM » Quote 

Quote from: Ron on July 19, 2010, 10:24:22 PM
Goodrum most of the time doesn't know what he is talking about - hence no one takes him seriously.

Keith: Goodrum never had credibility at any time.  He has been a worthless piece of shit since day one.  The remark by Ron was just what he has been thinking for a long time and this last lie was just that last straw.

Goodrum: Ron's opinion about me isn't of any concern to me although it have to admit it caught me off guard that he would say something like that.  But honestly he needs to worry more about the operation of his bodybuilding forum rather than any of my postings, ramblings, musings, threads, or whatever I feel like saying.  He's commenting on my post while other people are writing threads on his board calling him a hook nosed Jew.  At least I've always been cordial and respectful which I will continue to do so because he's not made any insults to any of my friends and family and only to me directly

The Olympia and Arnold Classic used to not pay athletes travel, hotel, and other expenses but apparently that has changed.  The fact that I missed this detail is because that I don't go to every single bodybuilding show there is every year.  I only go to 1 or 2 events a year.

But at least I'm not a fat, mentally disturbed, suicidal, or pathetic like you Avesher.  Every day of your life is a complete waste and you should feel ashamed of yourself for being so obese.  You should hop on the nearest exercise bike you can and start the long journey into shaving off all that manatee blubber.

Keith:  our problem (one of many) is that you don't comprehend the fact that no one likes you.  No one backs you up except your gimmick accounts.  you are considered a piece of shit by literally everyone.  Everytime you try to sound smart or show you know something you are outed as a liar.  And you back peddling is just another attempt by you to try and steer us away from the fact you were wrong and you talked out of turn (like you always do).  You need to learn to shut your mouth and just observe.  you do not bring anything constructive to this board or any other (except the gay-black-ugly-scaly skin-delusional-retard-moron- idiot Board you belong too).   Really, I don't know how long it took you to learn to type and suck cock and get rammed in the ass all while you type but you need to stop.

Why do you disrespect monkeys.  They are way higher up on the food chain than Goodrum.  They look a helluva lot better and they are way smarter.  Please do not respect higher forms of life by putting them in the same sentence as Goodrum.  You know one the funniest things is he truly believes people respect him and think he is smart and truthfuil

I gotta tell.  The fag shit with him is not even close to the traits I hate most about him.  All the gayness does is make it easier to pick on him and just another mark against him a man.  With all the other shit he has going against him plus being a buttlicker/#### his life is about as bad as it can get.  I bet not many gays would acknowledge him and that they are even embarrassed.
Well again it is lowering the respect people has for shit and turds but until something else comes up that smells and looks really bad he has to be compared to shit.

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #694 on: January 17, 2011, 04:08:28 PM »
I think it is fair to say that Keith sure was defensive and hostile at times. He took that anger out on fall guys like Goodrum and others. I guess he let off steam here on Getbig because his health and personal life weren't all that great there in Las Vegas. People have to understand that many supersized people get stared at and looked down upon. Heck, Keith didn't like fat people and that resulted in a lot of disappointment in himself. Anyway, we really don't know what was going on in Keith's mind but when you read some of the posts he wrote about Goodrum you have to accept much of it was over the top. It is hilarious in a way but way beyond civility.


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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #695 on: January 17, 2011, 04:15:00 PM »
Vince, with all due respect - you are enabling that piece of crap Vince G by mentioning him in this thread. 


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #696 on: January 17, 2011, 04:17:32 PM »
RIP Keith, thanks Stunt for the info, I was at the first World that that Keith mentioned training at.  He was strong and there probably will never be a period of time/ gym camraderie like there was then. Santa Monica and the spirit that existed in the gyms was incredible and alot of fun.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #697 on: January 17, 2011, 04:21:58 PM »
The feud continued....

 Re: Keith Jones / Onlyme - The Beginning of an Epic Thread
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2010, 05:29:12 AM » Quote 

Quote from: Mr Nobody on March 04, 2010, 05:13:07 AM
$2500 for what?

Goodrum: I'll let Keith explain that, its really good info bro.  Lots of juicy details and every last detail of his life.  I can even go to his house and pay him a visit or his daughter or his daughter's place of business.  Fortunately for Keith, I'm not like him and I don't intend to release all of his personal information despite his trash talk against my family but I wonder what would happen if I emailed all of this information to someone like Susan Fitness or Goatboy.

Karma really came back on Keith this time.  Perhaps this should give him the message to chance his life around and not spew hatred at others. 

Of course if he continues to trash my husband, I will publicly put all all of his information about him, his two daughter, his two grandsons, his granddaughter, and other stuff.  I will not show him any mercy.

Dave 19:  I always thought that Keith is one of the best posters on here because of his stories that I enjoyed a lot but lately his posts about Goodrum really make me doubt that he is a cool dude. His posts aren't even funny anymore , it's always the same shit. Someone who is satisfied with himself would simply not put so much effort in insulting someone..

Keith: Me cool?  hell yes!  But I gotta tell you it is posts like that keep Goodrum going with his bullshit.  I have exposed him numerous times lying through his teeth.  He pushes his bullshit here and 99% of this board and others say the same thing.  But, there are just a few who feel sorry for this guy and it is those few that actually fuel his bullshit.  And why do you think it takes effort on my part.  It is so easy to type and it is even easier to expose Goodrum.  I have multiples windows open on my computer.  I simply go back and forth.  I make money while I post on here.  It takes NO effort to "out" Goodrum.  He deserves everything I dish out and even more.  Just check out the other boards.  99% of the people who know him can't all be wrong

Another failed attempt.  Goodrum honest question; do you realize you are hated by nearly everyone you come in contact with.  Honestly I want to know.  Every board you are a part of everyone hates you.  Even competitors from shows you have attended (see how I didn't put entered because it is a waste when you do) and even people who have known you for years all hate you.  I just want to know if you see this or do you think they are kidding or lying or what.  Just answer the question Yes or No.  None of your worthless jibberish.  Just a yes or no answer.  Cause seriously there is a mental issue here with you and you either need more meds, better than backhill treatment or just kill yourself

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #698 on: January 17, 2011, 04:26:12 PM »
Goatboy bagged Keith a lot! Well, he bagged just about everybody.

 Keith's still kickin' it with the rich and famous...
« on: July 08, 2008, 08:58:37 AM » Quote  

Quote from: onlyme on July 08, 2008, 07:19:41 AM you remember the Hungry Lion Celebrity All Star Team.  I played on that with Tom Selleck, Pat Morita, Henry Kapono and quite a few others.  I remember we were playing against the FBI in a game and they hired the San Diego Chicken to come be a part of it ...  Carolyn Sapp was there too and she was the one holding the video camera.  Robert Kekaula too played.  I liked playing with that team cause I could go into the Hungry Lion and get free meals anytime I wanted.  Is it still there.

Goatboy: I'm thinking after the game he had tea with Mariah Carey, Brad Pitt, and the Pope.

stuntmovie:  Goat, I don't know about Madonna's hairdresser, but I can attest to the fact that Keith does in fact know everyone he claims to know and I, who actually don't care if I ever meet anyone within the ranks of stardom or political importance ever again (been there - done that!) have been introduced to many by Keith on numerous occasion.

I personally don't know Madonna's hairdresser but I know a good number of her entourage (had to look that one up) and I do plan to intro them to Keith shortly on a very important occasion which I am not at liberty to disclose at present.

BESIDES - Keith will never catch up with me in the "Knowing People" department. At an early age I set a goal to meet as many good people as possible before I leave this big blue marble and I'm sure that one day we will be shaking hands as a result of Keith's introduction. You can count on that!

Keith: Goatballs is your middle name Jealously  Just wondering.  Are you really that mad about your life where you think I am bragging about being with people that you would never ever be able to even get close to.  Honestly where do you live where you think this way.  I would not want to be you for a billion dollars.  I keep naming people I have actually met or worked with and you pull out stupid names.  Dude you really need to get a life if you think I am bragging when I put a name down.  I do it if it pertains to the thread or my post.  Do you follow everything I do.  Are you my stalker.  Being gay shouldn't prevent you from going out and doing something worthwhile with your life.  Just remember you are a no body now but maybe you can be some body if you get out of the house.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #699 on: January 17, 2011, 04:35:23 PM »
Keith got bagged plenty for posting about famous people he knew.

Re: Keith's still kickin' it with the rich and famous...
« Reply #51 on: July 08, 2008, 02:01:06 PM » Quote 

Keith: To the morons who think I name drop.  If you think I do it to try to impress you, you are about as stupid as someone who posts pics of fairly nice car at a house that  is okay to try and impress you with wealth.  I put names in my posts to validate what I say.  Unlike 99% of you who are afraid to post anything about yourself so you can continue to bullshit everyone and say what you want to say without anything to back it up, I will post something usually attributable to the thread and to prove my point I will either post a name or a pic.  But in reality I don't mention 1/4 of the people who I have just met in passing.  I try to only mention people I have actually worked with or was at the same function with.  I grew up in LA and was in a business where I got to meet a lot of people who are famous.  I was also an athlete who people seemed to like have around so they invited me.  Sorry I had a life and you don't but I can't help that.  Goatballs and his gay friends on here who think I am bragging or namedropping are honestly some of the dumbest people I have ever met.  If I wanted to be boring or post bullshit then I Getbig would be just  a board full of Goatballs wannabes.  Getbig has gotten be so shitty because of guys like him on here who really do not ever contribute anything but are just here for entertainment.  Ron has fucked up this board and basically it is just a place to fuck around in and a place for guys who have no life to come and pretend to be somebody.  But hey all good in love and war.  And yes please post the typical "meltdown"

Big difference between me and Goodrum.  Goodrum is used to be ridiculed his whole life and deserves every bit he gets.  He pretends to be someone who he is not.  He is purely an idiot.  He is what other assholes are measured by.  People who talk the talk but can't walk the walk deserve everything they get.  I have no problem getting shit from people but it is people like Goatballs, Vince and others like them who really have no place to say anything about anybody.  One thing I give credit to Goodrum for is at least he doesn't hide behind a fake name.  Even though he is full of shit at least we know who he is.  Goatballs and his boyfriends have no balls and constantly hide.  Those are the guys who have no business saying shit.  When I grew up punks like him wouldn't last a day in the gym or in public acting the way they do.  Nowadays guys who generally are pussys in real life get to pretend to be someone without any recourse.  This is the main reason why Ron has fucked up this board.  Too many people saying shit without anyone knowing who they are.  Shit changes when people know who you are.  How many guys like Goatballs would talk shit if people knew who is was and where he lived.  This place would have 20 people a day on it.