Author Topic: Emotional Vampires  (Read 1697 times)


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Emotional Vampires
« on: January 31, 2011, 07:42:00 AM »
Emotional Vampires: The 5 Most Common Types -- And How to Slay Them

Posted Jan 26th 2011 at 6:46PM by Emily V. Gordon

We all know them. They're the real-life Dementors who suck your energy without even trying. And they sometimes do it so artfully that you don't even realize it until after you've walked away. Commonly they're known as "emotional vampires."

Now Dr. Judith Orloff has written an entire book, "Emotional Freedom," teaching you how to free yourself from those who feed on normally-happy you. When she published a story on Huffington Post exploring the phenomenon, it became clear it was a topic that resonated deeply with a lot of people. We called her up to see what she could teach us.

Luckily she agreed to let us pick her brain about how these soul-suckers are created, how we can spot a emotional vampire at 10 paces and what emotional garlic we can wear in their presence.

(Our sincere regrets if you recognize anyone you know.)

MyDaily: To get everyone up to speed, what is an emotional vampire?

Dr. Orloff: As a psychiatrist, the biggest source of energy drain I see in my patients is their relationships. Emotional vampires are people who can drain your energy and suck you dry. They are the people who make your mood take a nosedive, who you feel sick or tired around -- you may even want to binge on comfort foods. Basically, it's a person who changes your mood for the worse just by being around.

What's the most common type of emotional vampire out there?
Of the five types -- Narcissistic, Victim, Controller, Constant talker, and Drama Queen -- I would say that the victim is the most common. That's the friend you have who keeps you on the phone for two hours complaining about everything, but she never seems to do anything about how miserable she is. You start avoiding her phone calls after a bit because she is exhausting, and you feel like there's nothing you can say about it.

That feeling that you can't do anything about an emotional vampire -- part of what I got out of the book is how we're not paying attention to the voice inside of us that says "this person is trouble" -- we're too afraid of being seen as impolite. What is that about?

A lot of people don't speak up for themselves because they are afraid of offending someone or being impolite. I wrote the book because I wanted to give people strategies of how to deal with situations like this. It's just a skill that people aren't taught, but my hope is that if you can learn a few simple tools, you can deal with emotional vampires in a loving and sensitive way.

Do you have any tips of how we can protect ourselves from getting into relationships with emotional vampires?

First, you have to notice how your energy is when you're around the person. If you're on a date and everything seems to be going great, but you notice that you're exhausted, do not marry that guy.

Other than that, I ask people to sit down and think of their top five buttons, the top five things that set them off. Things like guilt trips, petty criticisms, anger -- everyone has buttons, and emotional vampires happen to be able to see these buttons more than other people, and they will push them. Once you know what sets you off, it can help you take the emotionality out of dealing with them, because that's key. It may take a while for you to be calm enough to respond, but at least you'll know when to go and calm yourself.

Once you have your head in the right place, what can you do?

I call it the "Warrior's Way" of dealing with people who want to push your buttons. Your tone of voice is critical -- you have to talk to an emotional vampire in a very matter-of-fact or compassionate manner, rather than trying to deal with them the way they are talking to you. You don't want to turn them off, because you have a goal -- you want to change their behavior. You have to stick to that goal. If you take the bait and get emotional, then nothing will change.

I recommend techniques like limit setting -- for instance, calmly telling a person who criticizes you that they hurt your feelings and you'd appreciate it if they didn't do it again. Get in and get out quickly, with a smile. You do not want a dialogue. For a boss who is narcissistic, frame the things you want in terms of what they're going to get out of it.

If you want a vacation, saying, "Me taking off time here and returning here will benefit the company" will get results faster than "I'm exhausted and I need time off". For a drama queen coworker -- by the way, never ask a drama queen how they are doing! -- I recommend using "not interested" body language. Turning away from them, crossing your arms, and calmly explaining that you have work to do. It takes practice, but it's definitely worth it.

________________________ _________

Anyone know an EV that "changed?"  If so, were you able to help them and how?


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Re: Emotional Vampires
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2011, 03:23:41 PM »
your honor I refuse to answer that question on the grounds it .. well you know  8)

I dunno if it's "curable" but I trust that's it's able to be placed in remission

look what else I seen re: Emotional Vampires ... a humorous look at it .. but in no way do I mean to trivialize your topic


Are you emotionally drained? Wondering why you are always tired and why things don't seem to be working? Is alcohol and drugs no longer a solution?

You might be surrounded by Emotional Vampires and worst yet even married to one!

You will learn to protect your positive energy source in a Healthy manner and not be drained of your life blood. The shocking truth of who might be an Emotional Vampire in your life. Discover Emotional Vampires who do not want you to succeed.

Learn to take baby steps and avoid Divorce, Jail Time or your 15 minutes of fame on America's Most Wanted. Rediscover your emotional strength, positive self esteem and stop self defeating behavioral patterns.
.Difficulty: Challenging
Instructions.Things You'll Need:
Holy Water
Silver bullets
Wooden Stake
Caller ID
Lots of Patience and Love
Paradigm Shift
Tough Love
A sense of humor, lots of it and I mean lots of it if you want to live and not become one yourself.
First become aware of your self. How are you feeling? What are your surroundings? It may be out of habit and a negative comfort level that you are not even aware of Emotional Vampires sucking out your life blood. Ask questions. Make a list.

Here are some examples of some possible Emotional Vampires in one's life. Unfortunately, they may be the one who love you and are closest to you the most. In a loving and caring Vampire manner this may be your mother (God bless her) talking about your loving but lazy no good husband. It may be your brother who's funny but always needs $20 bucks and will pay you back next Tuesday. Worst of all it may be your most loving and caring beautiful wife, husband or spouse. A dog is never and can never be an emotional vampire. Most cats are, no doubt!

After you are aware of this fact you must either confront the Emotional Vampire in a loving manner or completely discard the individual from your life. Sometimes this can be a life or death situation. Unfortunately, most Emotional Vampires do not know that they are one and or are in Denial. You may want to attend or start a 12 Step Emo-Vampire support Group and an Emo-Anon support group as well.

Some signs of an Emotional Vampire
- Do they ask the same question over and over again expecting a different answer?
- Do they call you 8 to 30 times a day just to say hi?
- Do you feel better or worse after you just speak to them for 30 seconds.
- Do you feel "controlled" after they say "it's because I love you"?
- Do you sense the feeling that "misery loves company"?
- Do they always correct your minor faults?

Once you are aware then have a great big party and congratulate yourself. You are now immune and aware of the Emotional Vampires in your life and due to your own Emotional blood transfusion are now immune to them. But remember to be kind to the Emotional Vampires in your life and give them support for they themselves were bitten a long time ago.

these things make me appreciate my reclusive lifestyle  :)


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Re: Emotional Vampires
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 08:29:42 AM »

 ;D .. I lol'd @ the avoiding Jail time  .. 15 minutes of fame on America's Most Wanted ..and needing caller ID and a sense of humor LOTS of it .. as well as the cat/dog bit

I had an older neighbor lady .. I could be outside on a beautiful day on my way to take a walk and she'd be sat on her porch .. I could say hello .. and she'd say .. it's gonna rain  .. I'd say maybe not today it looks nice .. she'd reply .. it's just calm before the storm sweetheart .. better take an umbrella with you .. you do know there's a dog down the street that bites people don't you ? if you have your umbrella you could hit him when he comes at you

I never seen a dog come out at anyone once so I don't even know where she got that from

 :-\  there's some people that always see all the bad things .. and have no interest in seeing anything good at all .. she's in a nursing home now .. I bet she doesn't get visitors .. and the aides flip a coin to choose who has to go see her each day


  • Getbig V
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Re: Emotional Vampires
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2011, 01:36:26 AM »
Emotional Vampires: The 5 Most Common Types -- And How to Slay Them

Posted Jan 26th 2011 at 6:46PM by Emily V. Gordon

We all know them. They're the real-life Dementors who suck your energy without even trying. And they sometimes do it so artfully that you don't even realize it until after you've walked away. Commonly they're known as "emotional vampires."

Now Dr. Judith Orloff has written an entire book, "Emotional Freedom," teaching you how to free yourself from those who feed on normally-happy you. When she published a story on Huffington Post exploring the phenomenon, it became clear it was a topic that resonated deeply with a lot of people. We called her up to see what she could teach us.

Luckily she agreed to let us pick her brain about how these soul-suckers are created, how we can spot a emotional vampire at 10 paces and what emotional garlic we can wear in their presence.

(Our sincere regrets if you recognize anyone you know.)

MyDaily: To get everyone up to speed, what is an emotional vampire?

Dr. Orloff: As a psychiatrist, the biggest source of energy drain I see in my patients is their relationships. Emotional vampires are people who can drain your energy and suck you dry. They are the people who make your mood take a nosedive, who you feel sick or tired around -- you may even want to binge on comfort foods. Basically, it's a person who changes your mood for the worse just by being around.

What's the most common type of emotional vampire out there?
Of the five types -- Narcissistic, Victim, Controller, Constant talker, and Drama Queen -- I would say that the victim is the most common. That's the friend you have who keeps you on the phone for two hours complaining about everything, but she never seems to do anything about how miserable she is. You start avoiding her phone calls after a bit because she is exhausting, and you feel like there's nothing you can say about it.

That feeling that you can't do anything about an emotional vampire -- part of what I got out of the book is how we're not paying attention to the voice inside of us that says "this person is trouble" -- we're too afraid of being seen as impolite. What is that about?

A lot of people don't speak up for themselves because they are afraid of offending someone or being impolite. I wrote the book because I wanted to give people strategies of how to deal with situations like this. It's just a skill that people aren't taught, but my hope is that if you can learn a few simple tools, you can deal with emotional vampires in a loving and sensitive way.

Do you have any tips of how we can protect ourselves from getting into relationships with emotional vampires?

First, you have to notice how your energy is when you're around the person. If you're on a date and everything seems to be going great, but you notice that you're exhausted, do not marry that guy.

Other than that, I ask people to sit down and think of their top five buttons, the top five things that set them off. Things like guilt trips, petty criticisms, anger -- everyone has buttons, and emotional vampires happen to be able to see these buttons more than other people, and they will push them. Once you know what sets you off, it can help you take the emotionality out of dealing with them, because that's key. It may take a while for you to be calm enough to respond, but at least you'll know when to go and calm yourself.

Once you have your head in the right place, what can you do?

I call it the "Warrior's Way" of dealing with people who want to push your buttons. Your tone of voice is critical -- you have to talk to an emotional vampire in a very matter-of-fact or compassionate manner, rather than trying to deal with them the way they are talking to you. You don't want to turn them off, because you have a goal -- you want to change their behavior. You have to stick to that goal. If you take the bait and get emotional, then nothing will change.

I recommend techniques like limit setting -- for instance, calmly telling a person who criticizes you that they hurt your feelings and you'd appreciate it if they didn't do it again. Get in and get out quickly, with a smile. You do not want a dialogue. For a boss who is narcissistic, frame the things you want in terms of what they're going to get out of it.

If you want a vacation, saying, "Me taking off time here and returning here will benefit the company" will get results faster than "I'm exhausted and I need time off". For a drama queen coworker -- by the way, never ask a drama queen how they are doing! -- I recommend using "not interested" body language. Turning away from them, crossing your arms, and calmly explaining that you have work to do. It takes practice, but it's definitely worth it.

________________________ _________

Anyone know an EV that "changed?"  If so, were you able to help them and how?
I coined this term, way back in the day...I call these people "Lifeforce suckers"

And she has described damn nearly every woman I know.