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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #575 on: November 06, 2011, 05:00:43 PM »
Lol @ people who allow themselves to get raped in the ass and killed because they don't want to simply "convert" to some religion. lmfao. So convert and do some fake prayers, who gives a shit.

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #576 on: November 07, 2011, 03:48:51 AM »
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November 6, 2011
Is Egypt Getting Worse?
By David Ignatius
CAIRO -- How has life changed in Egypt since the revolution, and what's going to happen in the parliamentary elections that begin late this month? I asked those questions in a poor neighborhood of Cairo called Ain el-Sira last week, and the responses amounted to a warning: The new Egypt must give these people a sense of security and progress soon, or it's in trouble.

"It's worse since the revolution -- there is no safety, no security, no police," says Nashwa Mustafa, a simple woman garbed in black who sits with four friends in a job-training center. By learning to use a sewing machine, she hopes to boost her current income of about $70 a month. She is so worried about lawlessness she stays indoors at night; the four other veiled women nod in agreement.

Ask these women who they plan to vote for in the parliamentary elections, and they immediately mention Yousry Bayoumi, a Muslim Brotherhood candidate who lives nearby. "Of course they are respected!" says Mustafa of the Brotherhood. As for the more extreme Salafist Muslim groups that have sprung up, the women are skeptical. "We never heard about them until the revolution," says one dismissively.

Rida Mohammed, an older woman who is teaching the others how to work the sewing machine, says quietly that she misses former president Hosni Mubarak, who was toppled last February. "Now Egypt is not safe," she murmurs. "I wish he would return."

This is a focus group in the raw, in a neighborhood of dirt streets and narrow alleys, where the only color is the laundry hanging from windows. I came here with an anti-poverty group called "For You, My Country!" that provides job training and small loans. Entering through a dusty courtyard, we stumbled over sheep about to be slaughtered for the coming Eid feast.

Why is security so bad? For an answer, we walked to the local police station, about a block away. The police were once an arrogant and pervasive force in Cairo, until they cracked down on the Tahrir Square demonstrations. Now they are hated, and in their shame, they have disappeared. The transitional military government has failed badly in reorganizing them.

The Ain el-Sira station is empty, except for one white-clad policeman named Hani Salama Yousef. Asked why his colleagues have disappeared, he bows his head. "We are depressed. When we go to protect people, they don't respect us." The police, like nearly everyone else in Egypt these days, have been on strike. One of their 15 demands is the right for pioius Muslims to wear beards.

From this dirt-poor neighborhood, let's pull the camera back to the leading political figures who are trying to speak to a nation whose patience with the ruling military council is beginning to wear thin.

I visited Mohammed El-Baradei and Amr Moussa, the two leading political figures. Both agreed that the military rulers must be replaced soon by civilians, but differed sharply about priorities.

"The situation is 100 percent messy, going from bad to worse," says Baradei. "People thought this revolution was about freedom and basic needs, but they haven't seen anything yet of either." The army has the power, but "they have no clue how to run the country."

Baradei volunteers to serve as prime minister for the broad coalition government he hopes will emerge from elections: It could recreate the unity of the Tahrir revolution, he argues. The key is to gain enough time and stability to write a careful constitution that guarantees basic freedoms and keeps Egypt a "civil" state: "Democracy is not instant coffee," says the former Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Moussa wants to move more quickly -- to a presidential election by mid-2012, a few months after the new parliament is seated. He is already the leading presidential candidate, and he's running a populist campaign that tries to offer something for every constituency. He sides with the Muslim Brotherhood -- and against Baradei -- in favoring a quick constitution, without a bill of rights, that retains the ambiguous Article 2 endorsing Islamic Shariah law as the main source of legislation, but also affirming minority rights.

"This is an uphill drive, but it should start right away," says the former foreign minister.

"Make haste slowly," advises the old Latin proverb, and that seems a good recipe for Egypt. A strong prime minister can pull the country together and get it moving again, while the country writes a good constitution. A quickie constitution that permanently enfranchises the political powers of the moment could be a potentially disastrous mistake.
Copyright 2011, Washington Post Writers Group



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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #577 on: November 07, 2011, 11:02:26 AM »
I definitely agree with you....but remember that even in christianity there was lots of blood spilled and many peoples all over the world were converted to christianity by force as well.....

however, you are right that at least we can argue with a christian about the merits of his/her religion without worrying that we will be beheaded.....whereas Islamists demand total obedience

Then how can you have democracy with an "Islamic flavor"?

look..the fact of the matter is that any democracy in the middle east is going to have an Islamic flavor to it whether we like it or not....lets not panic.....lets see what happens....also it doesn';t look like the military wants to relinquish power over there so we'll see if the Islamists take power


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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #578 on: November 07, 2011, 11:11:34 AM »
Racist post reported and I am going to forward this post to the powers that be so your membership in the democratic party is revoked.

How dare you think for yourself and make an intelligent decision based on common sense.

I'm not a democrat at all (Nor am I a republican). I think people like to pigeon hole people into things that make them feel more comfortable.

I'm certainly as critical of the Dems as the Repubs.

I get that people see me say a couple of things and think they know me, but that's their inadequacy, not mine.


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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #579 on: November 07, 2011, 11:14:09 AM »
I definitely agree with you....but remember that even in christianity there was lots of blood spilled and many peoples all over the world were converted to christianity by force as well.....

however, you are right that at least we can argue with a christian about the merits of his/her religion without worrying that we will be beheaded.....whereas Islamists demand total obedience

There was a lot of blood, but again, that was 1/2 a millennium ago... Judeo-Christian religions have moved forward a lot in the past 500 years, where most Islamic faiths have not.

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #580 on: November 07, 2011, 11:15:53 AM »
There was a lot of blood, but again, that was 1/2 a millennium ago... Judeo-Christian religions have moved forward a lot in the past 500 years, where most Islamic faiths have not.

I hear Kenya is making great strides.  fuck, a Kenyan just won the NYC marathon.   

Maybe he is related to our resident Kenyan? 


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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #581 on: November 07, 2011, 11:17:59 AM »
I hear Kenya is making great strides.  fuck, a Kenyan just won the NYC marathon.   

Maybe he is related to our resident Kenyan? 

Maybe, but most Kenyans are Protestant, then Catholic, then tribal, and Muslim is at the end.


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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #582 on: November 07, 2011, 11:56:22 AM »
Many people were converted to Islam through force. The Crusades came about after a few hundred years of imperialist Arab Muslims rampaging around the Middle East converting Christians and killing/raping/destroying those who didn't.

You think the Arabs in Egypt are Egyptian? No, they're imperialists just like mean ol' USA. The Coptic Christians are the true Egyptians. Shame they're being genocided out of existence while people like you cheer it on.

Don't be a bigger fool than one in their right mind would cheer on something like that....try being a little less partisan and see the merits in someone else's argument for a change

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #583 on: November 07, 2011, 12:08:17 PM »
Don't be a bigger fool than one in their right mind would cheer on something like that....try being a little less partisan and see the merits in someone else's argument for a change

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #584 on: November 13, 2011, 05:59:53 AM »
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Islamists Take Over Egypt
Right Side News ^ | 11/11/2011 | Khaled Abu Toameh
Posted on November 13, 2011 8:52:12 AM EST by IbJensen

Library of Alexandria to Be Burned Again; Food for Half-Price

The Royal Library of Alexandria in Egypt, the largest and most significant library of the ancient world, is now being targeted by radical Muslims who seek to replace it with a mosque.

Radical Islamic groups claim that the library's art programs, which include music and ballet dancing, spread "depravity" in Egyptian society. » If you like this article, please subscribe to our daily newsletter

Library_of_Alexandria_gr eat_hallThe Islamist campaign against the library is taking place under the looking eyes of Egypt's military dictators, who are burying their heads in the sand and refusing to see the danger, noted columnist Mohammed al-Hamamsi.

"Is the Supreme Military Council waiting until the Islamists come to power and demand, through their parliament, that the library be demolished and that a mosque be built on its site?" al-Hamamsi asked rhetorically.

The destruction of the library will mark the beginning of Egypt's fall into the hands of the Islamists, who seek to take the Arabs and Muslims back to dark ages.

Fears over the fate of the legendary library surfaced following a dispute between the director and the majority of his workers.

Director Ismail Serageldin has been under fire for his alleged affiliation with the former regime of President Hosni Mubarak and crackdown on freedom of speech in the library.

But he and many Egyptians are convinced that the campaign is part of a scheme by Muslim extremists to take control over one of the world's most important cultural and scientific institutions.

The campaign against the library is taking place on the eve of the first parliamentary election in the post-Mubarak era.

For the first time, the Muslim Brotherhood and other fundamentalist groups are contesting the elections, scheduled for November 28.

Arab journalists report that Alexandria, the second-largest city of Egypt with a population of more than four million, now appears to be under the full control of Muslim extremists.

Khaled al-Shami, a correspondent for the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, said that visitors to the city could no longer ignore the "social, political and physical changes" that have taken place, first and foremost the large number of women covering their faces with the niqab [full head covering, not just the headscarf, hijab] and men wearing beards.

According to the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, "The Brotherhood have spent the last few months mobilizing their half-million plus members for intense electoral campaigns up and down the Nile river, which the group hopes will deliver it 40% of the seats in Parliament."

The paper pointed out that the Islamists have been "wooing voters not only with their trademark slogan of "Islam is the solution," but also with the tangibles of meat and vegetables that they sell to poor Egyptians at half the market prices."

The paper also found that in the months since the fall of Mubarak, "Brotherhood-friendly preachers have made their way back into some strategic mosques, using the podiums to recruit new converts and give confidence to hard-core supporters."

Needless to say, the majority of the mosque sermons focus on the need to "defend Islam against Jews, Christian crusaders and Western colonialism."

In simple words, the message coming out of Egypt's Islamists is that Israel, the US and the entire West remain the number one enemy of Muslims.

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #585 on: November 19, 2011, 04:06:17 AM »
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Egyptians back in Tahrir for anti-military protests, 10 months after Mubarak’s ouster
Friday, 18 November 2011

Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians gather during a demonstration at Tahrir Square in Cairo. (Reuters)


Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians rallied Friday in Cairo’s Tahrir square with Islamists in the forefront to protest against what they say are attempts by the country’s military rulers to designate themselves as the guardians of a new Egypt. It was one of the largest rallied in Egypt in recent months.

Most rallies in Tahrir have been led by liberal- or left-leaning groups. But Friday’s rally was dominated by the country’s most organized political group, the Muslim Brotherhood, which has rarely come out in full force since the protests that forced President Hosni Mubarak to step down in February.

The Brotherhood had until recently avoided confrontation with the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, but now warns of escalating its protest campaign if plans to give permanent political powers to the military are not scrapped.

“The army has no role in ruling people. Its only job is to protect the country. We want civilian rule chosen through democracy,” said Hani Hegazi, a 28-year old Brotherhood member who traveled by bus to Tahrir from the Delta province of el-Beheira, according to The Associated Press.

Banners read: “Down with military rule. Egypt our country is not a military camp.” Some demonstrators flew the Egyptian flag, while others including ultraconservative Salafis waved a banner declaring Islam's holy book, the Quran, to be “our constitution.”

Defending the goals of the revolution
The rally was called to protest a document floated by the government which declares the military the guardian of “constitutional legitimacy,” suggesting the armed forces could have the final word on major policies even after a new president is elected. The document, which includes guiding principles for Egypt's new constitution, also introduces clauses that would shield it from civilian oversight.

Most of Egypt’s pro-democracy groups object to the document, calling it an attempt to perpetuate military rule past the post-Mubarak transitional period which is supposed to end with the election of a new parliament and a new president.

Delivering the Muslim prayer sermon, imam Mazhar Shahin urged protesters to keep defending the goals of the revolution.

“Perhaps those who rule us think we will forget our cause with the passage of time. They are deluded and mistaken,” he warned the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), which took power when Mubarak was ousted.

“We reject the imposition of dictates on the people, we reject Silmi’s document. No voice can drown out the voice of the people,” Shahin told the crowd.

“Those who fear Islamist movements in Egypt, I tell them don’t be scared of Islam in Egypt,” Shahin said, AFP reported.

“Egypt is Islamic, like it or not... We want a civic democratic state with an Islamic vision that allows people to practice their rights and democracy,” he said.

All groups join new protests
In addition to the Brotherhood, Salafis, left- and liberal-leaning groups such as the April 6 movement and other youth revolutionary alliances have joined the rally, demanding a timetable for the end of military rule which began in February.

They have called for marches from mosques around Egypt to major squares, dubbing it the “Friday of the Single Demand” - that demand being a clear date for the transfer of power to civilian rule. Many groups have planned to hold an open ended sit-in until a date has been set.

The Brotherhood says the document reinforces “dictatorship.”

“It contains articles that rob the people of their sovereignty and reinforces dictatorship. It constitutes a coup against the principles and goals of the January 25 revolution,” the group said in a statement issued Wednesday. Last minute negotiations between the government and the Brotherhood failed to stave off their participation in the rally, or scrap the document.

Close by, the head of the fundamentalist Gamaa Islamiya, Tarek al-Zomor, told AFP that the constitutional principles were a "circumvention of the people’s will.”

“We are here to stress the necessity of a timetable to civilian rule. If that doesn’t happen, then it confirms the conspiracy to rob the revolution,” Zomor added.

The show of force comes 10 days before the country’s first parliamentary elections since Mubarak stepped down, when a Brotherhood-affiliated political party is expected to fare well.

Anger against the Supreme Council has been building up over their management of the transition period. Many complain that the generals are recreating the Mubarak regime by cracking down on opponents, by refusing to order a thorough reform of the security services, and by monopolizing decision making. Islamists and liberals alike now express fear that the military council wants to hold on to power, a claim denied by the generals.

Power transfer
The military council had promised to transfer power to an elected civilian government within six months of Mubarak's ouster. But according to a vague timetable in place, it may not be until early 2013 that a president is elected. Only the dates for the parliamentary elections, which are due to begin in ten days and which will drag into March, are yet known.

Walid Farouk, 32, who wore the heavy beard and traditional robe of the ultraconservative Salafi trend, said that Egypt had seen nothing good from military rule since the army took power in 1952.

“All of us are scared that the army could try to hold on to power,” he told AP. “It is time for a civilian government.”

The writing of Egypt’s constitution has been a divisive issue, and details of who will write it and what it contains are at the heart of the recent rally.

Some liberals have supported the idea of writing guiding principles for the constitution, fearing that a parliament controlled by Islamists would insert religious principles into the document.

Even now, some liberals remain opposed to the Friday rally, saying a document is necessary to detail how members of the assembly are to be chosen, and controversial clauses can be negotiated.

But many others have come to distrust the military’s Supreme Council at least as much they distrust the Islamists.

At the rally, protesters are expected to celebrate the birthday of one of the most prominent revolutionary to be jailed by the military prosecutor. Alaa Abdel Fattah, a famous blogger and activist, was detained late last months for refusing to answer to the military prosecution on his alleged role in sectarian violence that left 27, mostly Christians, dead. He turns 30 Friday.

Many hold the military responsible for the violence, and see Abdel-Fattah's detention as an attempt to find a scapegoat and discredit activists.

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #586 on: November 20, 2011, 04:57:43 PM »
Police burn protest tents to clear (Occupy) Cairo's Tahrir (only 11 killed)
Posted on November 20, 2011 6:42:24 PM EST by Libloather

Police burn protest tents to clear Cairo's Tahrir
Associated Press
Updated: Nov 20, 2011 4:19 PM EST

CAIRO (AP) - Egyptian soldiers and police set fire to protest tents in Cairo's Tahrir Square and fired tear gas and rubber bullets in a major assault Sunday to drive out thousands demanding that the military rulers quickly transfer power to a civilian government. At least 11 protesters were killed and hundreds were injured.

It was the second day of clashes marking a sharp escalation of tensions on Egypt's streets a week before the first elections since the ouster of longtime authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak in February. The military took over the country, promising a swift transition to civilian rule. But the pro-democracy protesters who led the uprising have grown increasingly angry with the ruling generals, and suspect they are trying to cling to power even after an elected parliament is seated and a new president is voted in.

Street battles continued throughout the day and long into the night, spreading to side streets and sending a wave of injuries to makeshift clinics on the streets.

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #587 on: November 20, 2011, 06:17:52 PM »
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Growing Protest Pushes Back Troops in Tahrir Square
New York Times ^ | November 20, 2011 | DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK
Posted on November 20, 2011 9:22:33 PM EST by Pan_Yan

CAIRO — Egypt’s military rulers struggled Sunday to contain an explosion of protests demanding their ouster, as a growing crowd of demonstrators pushed security forces out of Tahrir Square for a second night in a row and new clashes broke out across the country.

Egyptian troops, heralded as saviors when their generals ushered out President Hosni Mubarak on Feb. 11, led a new push to clear the square. And the battles took a more lethal toll: the Health Ministry said that at least six were killed, and doctors set up in the square said that the number could be twice that.

But the violence only seemed to reinforce the revolutionary urgency that had returned to the square, and when the army moved to push out the thousands of protesters, more than twice as many quickly flooded back.

“This is February 12!” said Abeer Mustafa, a 42-year-old wedding planner. “We have finally succeeded in reclaiming our revolution.”

The crackdown, including the reported use of live ammunition by troops, elicited condemnation across the political spectrum, joined by voices who had previously taken a more restrained tone toward the military council, from the liberal former diplomat Mohamed ElBaradei to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

Almost all the civilian parties called for an accelerated end to military rule before the drafting of a constitution — either an immediate handover to some civilian unity government, a turnover to the lower house of Parliament when it is seated in April, or after a presidential election, to be scheduled as soon as possible.

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #588 on: November 20, 2011, 08:17:29 PM »
Oh my....

Those wedding planners are clearly radical elements influencing the Muslim Brotherhood.

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #589 on: November 21, 2011, 04:39:51 AM »
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Fears Egypt is on the brink of second revolution
The Telegraph ^ | 11/21/2011 | Adrian Blomfield and Samer al-Atrush
Posted on November 21, 2011 3:27:49 AM EST by bruinbirdman

Police and army units appeared to have recaptured Cairo's Tahrir Square on Sunday night after a weekend of deadly violence raised fears that Egypt was on the brink of a second revolution – this time against the country's military leadership.

At least six protesters were reportedly killed and nearly a thousand more wounded as clashes in scenes redolent of the uprising that overthrew Hosni Mubarak, the former president, nine months ago.

The unrest, which spread to other major cities, was among the most serious – and the most threatening – since Mr Mubarak's downfall.

For the first time since the revolt, Egypt's black-uniformed police force, one of Mr Mubarak's most hated instruments of repression, was deployed in force, a fact that served to exacerbate rather than alleviate tensions.

Protesters in Tahrir Square said they now saw no difference between the generals and the president they succeeded.

"The violence is the same as the old regime," one said.

With the mood hardening, many called for the military to step aside immediately.

"We have a single demand: The marshal must step down and be replaced by a civilian council," Ahmed Hani, one protester, was quoted as saying. "The violence yesterday showed us that Mubarak is still in power."

Freshly scrawled graffiti near the square put it more succinctly: "The marshal is Mubarak's dog."

For two days, the police battled an ever swelling number of protesters in central Cairo, opening fire with tear gas, rubber bullets and bird shot in the city's Tahrir Square – the epicentre of the revolution that toppled Mr Mubarak – and the streets and alleyways off it.

The demonstrators retaliated with an endless volley of stones and the occasional Molotov cocktail and by yesterday afternoon the storied square appeared once again to be in the hands of the

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #590 on: November 21, 2011, 05:09:59 AM »
Associated Press= CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian morgue official says the death toll has climbed to 35 during the third straight day of violence that has turned into the most sustained challenge yet to the rule of Egypt's military.

Most of the deaths were in the area around Cairo's central Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the uprising that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak in February.

On Monday, young activists demanding the military hand over power to a civilian government skirmished with black-clad police, hurling stones and firebombs and throwing back the tear gas canisters being fired by police into the square.

The official said 20 people had been killed Monday. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media. ..............(more)

The complete piece is at:


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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #591 on: November 21, 2011, 05:35:17 AM »
Things have gone from perfect to better. Egypt has been a huge foreign policy success for Barak Obama. Libya will also follow suit. How can this man not be re-elected!?

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #592 on: November 21, 2011, 05:39:25 AM »
Things have gone from perfect to better. Egypt has been a huge foreign policy success for Barak Obama. Libya will also follow suit. How can this man not be re-elected!?

Voters like Andre, Blackass, Straw, etc dont give a damn. 


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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #593 on: November 21, 2011, 06:50:19 AM »
Voters like Andre, Blackass, Straw, etc dont give a damn. 

unlike you...we actually THINK

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #594 on: November 21, 2011, 06:51:20 AM »
unlike you...we actually THINK

LMFAO - yeah you are thinking about giving bj's to obama in the oval office, that is why you keep being proven wrong on his disaster and kamikaze policies. 

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #595 on: November 23, 2011, 01:25:03 PM »
US to Egypt: Stick to election plan, even if it favors Islamist parties
CSM ^ | 11/23/2011 | Howard LaFranchi

Posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 4:13:50 PM by mojito

The United States is encouraging Egypt’s military rulers to stick to a schedule of elections set to kick off next week, despite continuing violence – and despite the likelihood that the electoral timetable favors the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist movements.

The Obama administration is in essence caught between two unpalatable options: pressing ahead for elections that the Islamists are likely to win, and thereby sounding like a force for Egypt’s democratic transition; or recommending a postponement that a growing number of liberal Egyptians prefer, but which risks coming across as anti-democratic.

Egypt’s transitional military rulers announced Wednesday that parliamentary elections set to begin Monday will go ahead, despite five days of violence that has left more than 35 Egyptians dead and scores wounded.

The plan to proceed with voting was worked out at a meeting Tuesday between the military and the Muslim Brotherhood, the two most powerful institutions in post-Hosni-Mubarak Egypt. The new plan also calls for presidential elections to be held before July, an apparent acceleration of a previously announced transition plan.

Other political parties were invited to Tuesday’s meeting, but most liberal secular movements boycotted it.

Still, many Egyptians – in particular those who spearheaded the February movement that toppled a regime – fear that the military, composed in large part of recruits from the country’s more conservative rural areas, favors a Brotherhood electoral triumph. They worry that a parliamentary triumph for the Brotherhood, combined with the military staying in power at least until mid-summer, would allow the two to write a constitution – and to delineate civil and political rights to their liking.

Despite those concerns, the US is sticking to its support for the established electoral calendar.

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #596 on: November 23, 2011, 03:33:33 PM »

LMFAO - yeah you are thinking about giving bj's to obama in the oval office, that is why you keep being proven wrong on his disaster and kamikaze policies. 

I haven't been proven wrong about much.....but I've destroyed you every time  and made you run from more threads than I can remember...every time I annihilate you, you hijack the thread by posting silly pics or start talking about Michelle Obama

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #597 on: November 25, 2011, 10:44:49 AM »

LMFAO @ Andre trying to give credit to the Obamunist as if this is a good thing.   

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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #598 on: December 01, 2011, 01:20:13 PM »
We know who lost Egypt
Posted by William A. Jacobson    Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 10:57pm

Obama’s foolish policy of forcing Mubarak out of office precipitously without giving non-Islamist parties time to organize has resulted in Islamists achieving a sweeping victory in the first round of parliamentary elections.  Strength by the Muslim Brotherhood was expected, but the extremely hard line Salafists had a very strong showing.

As reported by The NY Times:

Islamists claimed a decisive victory on Wednesday as early election results put them on track to win a dominant majority in Egypt’s first Parliament since the ouster of Hosni Mubarak, the most significant step yet in the religious movement’s rise since the start of the Arab Spring.

The party formed by the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s mainstream Islamist group, appeared to have taken about 40 percent of the vote, as expected. But a big surprise was the strong showing of ultraconservative Islamists, called Salafis, many of whom see most popular entertainment as sinful and reject women’s participation in voting or public life.

Analysts in the state-run news media said early returns indicated that Salafi groups could take as much as a quarter of the vote, giving the two groups of Islamists combined control of nearly 65 percent of the parliamentary seats.

That victory came at the expense of the liberal parties and youth activists who set off the revolution, affirming their fears that they would be unable to compete with Islamists who emerged from the Mubarak years organized and with an established following. Poorly organized and internally divided, the liberal parties could not compete with Islamists disciplined by decades as the sole opposition to Mr. Mubarak. “We were washed out,” said Shady el-Ghazaly Harb, one of the most politically active of the group.

The Times article points out that this first round of elections was in the most liberal areas of Egypt.  As voting moves to more conservative rural areas, the Islamists likely will gain an even more overwhelming majority.

This all was very predictable.  In fact, I predicted it while Obama was insisting that Mubarak leave ”yesterday,” NY Times columnists were writing delusional columns about the Arab Street and the Arab Spring, and venomous anti-Israeli pundits at Media Matters and elsewhere complained that the “Israel Lobby” was trying to stifle freedom.

On Feburary 20 I wrote The Yuppie Revolution In Egypt Is Over, The Islamist Revolution Has Begun.  I wish I had been wrong.

The liberated women of Egypt will be the first to suffer.  The Times notes:

The Brotherhood has pledged to respect basic individual freedoms while using the influence of the state to nudge the culture in a more traditional direction. But the Salafis often talk openly of laws mandating a shift to Islamic banking, restricting the sale of alcohol, providing special curriculums for boys and girls in public schools, and censoring the content of the arts and entertainment.

Obama lost Egypt, and he had plenty of help.

Update 12-1-2011: Barack Obama to Jewish Donors: “I Try Not to Pat Myself on the Back” But I’ve Done More For Israel Security Than Any Other President

And my updated post, “The idea that we could have controlled that process is absurd”



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Re: Boehner: Obama a citizen and handled Egypt correctly...3333 commits suicide!
« Reply #599 on: December 01, 2011, 03:54:05 PM »
If they want to vote in Islamists its their loss.....they have that right..we gave them the freedom to choose..we have to live with the can blame Obama all you want but he screwed up by not reforming for 30 yeas...same as Ghadafi