Author Topic: My 3 phase project  (Read 196502 times)

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #425 on: June 14, 2011, 10:53:02 AM »
17 pages of harassment and he still posts updates.. even the people who are being nice are condescending  :-\

He truly is Getbigs Village Idiot.

I have to add Its does my heart good to see some high-level members owning this tool as well


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #426 on: June 14, 2011, 10:59:05 AM »
Yeah that's true, I've made ZERO improvements. It's just some kind of strange coincidence that my waist is down a full 4 inches, and my bodyfat level is down 4-5% and that I've added a full inch to each arm. Yeah sure, just a coincidence ::)


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #427 on: June 14, 2011, 11:15:12 AM »
Maybe if you did some squats, deadlifts, overhead presses and benchpresses and just posted your numbers instead of posting long posts where you explain why you failed or how shitty your diet is or how you set a new "goal" or some random music videos or qoutes, then maybe people would praise your gains

its supposed to be a training LOG, not a blog


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #428 on: June 14, 2011, 11:33:27 AM »
Yeah that's true, I've made ZERO improvements. It's just some kind of strange coincidence that my waist is down a full 4 inches, and my bodyfat level is down 4-5% and that I've added a full inch to each arm. Yeah sure, just a coincidence ::)

Congratulations!!! still look like shit!

Maybe if you did some squats, deadlifts, overhead presses and benchpresses and just posted your numbers instead of posting long posts where you explain why you failed or how shitty your diet is or how you set a new "goal" or some random music videos or qoutes, then maybe people would praise your gains

its supposed to be a training LOG, not a blog

....and so it begins...

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #429 on: June 14, 2011, 11:54:32 AM »
Yeah that's true, I've made ZERO improvements. It's just some kind of strange coincidence that my waist is down a full 4 inches, and my bodyfat level is down 4-5% and that I've added a full inch to each arm. Yeah sure, just a coincidence ::)

You're lying.....hope this helps.

What Xerxes said echoes my previous one give a flying fuck about you, your personal life or your stupid videos and poems. You think you are this hip, interesting cat...but you're a total jerkoff with an irritating personality.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #430 on: June 14, 2011, 01:09:27 PM »
Xerxes basically just summarized this abortion of a "training" "log".


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #431 on: June 14, 2011, 11:20:40 PM »
Remember, I have very clearly defined goals: 165 @ 7-8% with legit and conditioned 16 inch arms, therefore my training is directly in tune with my goals. Squats, deads, even bench ARE NOT REQUIRED to achieve these clearly defined goals. Again it's a case of others trying to hang their signs on me, "No man! You gotta be at least 200 pounds, squating and pulling well over 400 pounds" ::) News flash! Those aren't my goals, they are the goals that y'all are trying to impose upon me.

So once again.... 165 @ 7-8% with 16 inch arms


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #432 on: June 15, 2011, 12:02:56 AM »
P.S. I gots me a few fans here... meso_z, mass243, Mr Nobody FACT
And I give a shout out to you fellas "Peace and love baby!"

P.P.S. My main goal is a lean, conditoned and seperated legit 16 inch arm, and of course to have a lean, conditoned and seperated 16 inch arm I must be sitting at sub-8. So therefore the bodyweight part isn't nearly as important as the other 2 factors (a lean, conditoned and seperated 16 inch arm, and sitting @ sub-8) and those 2 factors shall be ma guiding light FACT 8)


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #433 on: June 15, 2011, 12:09:42 AM »
Remember, I have very clearly defined goals: 165 @ 7-8% with legit and conditioned 16 inch arms, therefore my training is directly in tune with my goals. Squats, deads, even bench ARE NOT REQUIRED to achieve these clearly defined goals. Again it's a case of others trying to hang their signs on me, "No man! You gotta be at least 200 pounds, squating and pulling well over 400 pounds" ::) News flash! Those aren't my goals, they are the goals that y'all are trying to impose upon me.

So once again.... 165 @ 7-8% with 16 inch arms

Not to interfere with your goals, but may I offer that squats may help you achieve those goals faster. Some experts believe that if one does nothing else for their overall health and muscular development, one should do squats. It isn't so much that you have to squat with a lot of weight as you must to do them with excellent form including proper breathing.

Come on, give this a try. Squatting with just you body weight. Hold your head high, stick your chest out, keep your back straight, squat deep and breath deeply, exhaling as you return to a standing position. Do three sets of twenty squats to start. You will be amazed at how invigorated you'll feel. It will make your day. Do this three times each week.

What do you have to lose?


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #434 on: June 15, 2011, 12:34:49 AM »
Not to interfere with your goals, but may I offer that squats may help you achieve those goals faster. Some experts believe that if one does nothing else for their overall health and muscular development, one should do squats. It isn't so much that you have to squat with a lot of weight as you must to do them with excellent form including proper breathing.

Come on, give this a try. Squatting with just you body weight. Hold your head high, stick your chest out, keep your back straight, squat deep and breath deeply, exhaling as you return to a standing position. Do three sets of twenty squats to start. You will be amazed at how invigorated you'll feel. It will make your day. Do this three times each week.

What do you have to lose?

Well man, I could do it twice a week, on the 3rd day of my 3 way split. And I can do it with DB's 1 of 2 ways, either holding the bells at my sides, or up on my delts. Which method would you suggest?

Also, here is a PRIME EXAMPLE (no "prime" pun intended man ;D) of what I'm talking about: 16 inch conditioned and seperated arms.

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #435 on: June 15, 2011, 11:25:24 AM »
Well man, I could do it twice a week, on the 3rd day of my 3 way split. And I can do it with DB's 1 of 2 ways, either holding the bells at my sides, or up on my delts. Which method would you suggest?

Also, here is a PRIME EXAMPLE (no "prime" pun intended man ;D) of what I'm talking about: 16 inch conditioned and seperated arms.

Your arms don't look anything like that

Your arms suck.....just like the rest of you.

Oh, by the way....where are your "fans" to back you up?

Why don't I EVER see a post defending you..?

Its because those people are patronizing you, You dipshit .......hope this helps  ;)

EVERYBODY thinks you are an asshole and your training methods are moronic.

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #436 on: June 15, 2011, 12:43:19 PM »
You know what this retard reminds me of?

When I was a kid around 13 or so, we had this one dude who wanted the electric guitar.

So one day he says " my dads going to get me an electric guitar for my birthday! "
So we are all like "that's cool" and that was that

For the next four months all we EVER heard out of this kids mouth was that he was getting an electric guitar for his matter what we were doing or talking about...
we could be building a tree fort and he'd say..."I'm going to build a compartment for my electric guitar " that he didn't even have yet. It got to the point that we wanted to beat him to death with an electric guitar.

That What this idiot reminds me of....and BTW he never even got the damn thing and was a total loser.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #437 on: June 15, 2011, 01:11:34 PM »
Yeah sure, I live in a dream world ::) Even though my arm pics show CLEAR AND OBVIOUS IMPROVEMENT, abs too FACT

If one does not see the obvious improvement, then they are either a moron, or lying to themselves because of their very strange "emotional investment" in this whole thing FACT

Once again, I don't claim to be outstanding at the moment, but what I am claiming and can indeed state as fact is that I HAVE MADE CLEAR AND OBVIOUS IMPROVEMENTS TO MA PHYSIQUE FACT


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #438 on: June 15, 2011, 01:47:56 PM »
Well man, I could do it twice a week, on the 3rd day of my 3 way split. And I can do it with DB's 1 of 2 ways, either holding the bells at my sides, or up on my delts. Which method would you suggest?

Since form should be your focus when doing squats, I recommend you do them without added weight. To insure you are holding your chest high, try doing them with your arms folded across your chest. If this causes problems with balance, just hang your arms at your sides. Some folks lift their arms out in front of them to shoulder height as they squat down, returning them to their side as the stand. There are a number of ways to do could mix it up if you like just to keep life interesting. Just be sure to breathe deeply and hold your chest high. Your doing these squats more for the oxygen saturation, blood flow and general good health then specifically to build your quads and glutes.

Twice a week is better than not at all. Three times a week is better still. This shouldn't take more than five or so minutes and you can do them anytime. You don't have to add them to your current arm and shoulder workout time. Do them in the mornings if you can.

Also, here is a PRIME EXAMPLE (no "prime" pun intended man ;D) of what I'm talking about: 16 inch conditioned and seperated arms.

-Nice realistic goal. I believe if you stick to this goal and stay with whatever routine you think is working for awhile, you'll achieve what you hope to. Not everyone can or wants to be hugely muscled. There is nothing wrong with your goals because they are yours to have. Don't worry what others here say, they are not you. However, understand that this is a bodybuilding site and many folks here have goals of getting or staying huge, like a lot of today's pro bodybuilders. These folks aren't likely to understand or share your goals and you shouldn't expect them to.

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #439 on: June 15, 2011, 02:03:40 PM »
Yeah sure, I live in a dream world ::) Even though my arm pics show CLEAR AND OBVIOUS IMPROVEMENT, abs too FACT

If one does not see the obvious improvement, then they are either a moron, or lying to themselves because of their very strange "emotional investment" in this whole thing FACT

Once again, I don't claim to be outstanding at the moment, but what I am claiming and can indeed state as fact is that I HAVE MADE CLEAR AND OBVIOUS IMPROVEMENTS TO MA PHYSIQUE FACT

so you went from being a skinnyfat piece of shit, to being a skinny piece of shit.

Great work man !!!!  ::)

I have no emotional see that's where you are misguided you small turd. You seem to think I..or anybody, "cares" about your physique....or your welfare in general.     I don't.     you could die tomorrow and it wouldn't even register.

I just enjoy ridiculing you because you are an asshole and your stupidity makes it easy and fun  :)

I have no intention of stopping  :D


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #440 on: June 15, 2011, 02:05:06 PM »
17 pages of harassment and he still posts updates.. even the people who are being nice are condescending  :-\

So, I hope you are saying that we should give this guy credit for his ability to take shit from others and still keep posting here. Not everyone is smooth and or tough talking. Not everyone is built like a superhero. There are a lot of people out there who are just getting started bodybuilding or power lifting and who still need and want some advice....even when they seem to reject it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #441 on: June 15, 2011, 02:08:18 PM »
so you went from being a skinnyfat piece of shit, to being a skinny piece of shit.

Great work man !!!!  ::)

I have no emotional see that's where you are misguided you small turd. You seem to think I..or anybody, "cares" about your physique....or your welfare in general.     I don't.     you could die tomorrow and it wouldn't even register.

I just enjoy ridiculing you because you are an asshole and your stupidity makes it easy and fun  :)

I have no intention of stopping  :D

This begs the question; why do you waste your time and energy on someone you care nothing about?

Wouldn't it be more challenging to ridicule someone who you consider to be your equal? Or, do you perfer picking on easy targets?

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #442 on: June 15, 2011, 02:09:28 PM »
So, I hope you are saying that we should give this guy credit for his ability to take shit from others and still keep posting here. Not everyone is smooth and or tough talking. Not everyone is built like a superhero. There are a lot of people out there who are just getting started bodybuilding or power lifting and who still need and want some advice....even when they seem to reject it.

Ummm. that's not him.

he's been at this since the 90's. and he posts a couple of pics constantly from when he was in shape over a decade ago and acts like they are pictures of Flex Wheeler.

If you think he's a sincere guy who just needs a little advice you would be wrong, he thinks he knows it all already.

But you already know this, you are just going to bat for him because i said nobody does, and you want me to appear wrong  ;)

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #443 on: June 15, 2011, 02:11:27 PM »

Because he's an obnoxious idiot....i'm not the only person who thinks so, i would say the vast majority here does.

But feel free to be his "champion" because you feel the need to try and put me in my place  ::)

you will fail.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #444 on: June 15, 2011, 03:06:45 PM »
Ummm. that's not him.

he's been at this since the 90's. and he posts a couple of pics constantly from when he was in shape over a decade ago and acts like they are pictures of Flex Wheeler.

If you think he's a sincere guy who just needs a little advice you would be wrong, he thinks he knows it all already.

But you already know this, you are just going to bat for him because i said nobody does, and you want me to appear wrong  ;)

I don't want you to appear wrong. However, I do have a tendency to root for the underdog. So you got that part right.

Apparently I was ignorant of his history with Getbig. If this is the case, the fellow is obviously desperate for attention. That being the case, his seeking it from a bunch of Internet strangers is very sad. One can only assume he is a very lonely guy. Are your comments to him a form of "tough love?" Are you, in fact, telling him to "get a life!"


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #445 on: June 15, 2011, 03:32:31 PM »
Primemuscle is right,and I mentioned it earlier in this log........squats will give you overall body gains in size.

A good build is out of reach training like this.

Join a fucking gym,train your ass off (entire body using barbells,dumbells,machines,and do legs) eat like a bodybuilder,rest,recover,repeat..................not rocket science no matter what Jones or Mentzer said.

You do have to have a plan,but it has to be a good viable one and yours is just plain shit.

I have clients I train that are just average people trying to get into better shape...........I train them as if they were bodybuilders and have them eat that way also...........simply because it works.

Groink...........take over bud!!  ;D


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #446 on: June 15, 2011, 04:03:10 PM »
Primemuscle is right,and I mentioned it earlier in this log........squats will give you overall body gains in size.

A good build is out of reach training like this.

Join a fucking gym,train your ass off (entire body using barbells,dumbells,machines,and do legs) eat like a bodybuilder,rest,recover,repeat..................not rocket science no matter what Jones or Mentzer said.

You do have to have a plan,but it has to be a good viable one and yours is just plain shit.

I have clients I train that are just average people trying to get into better shape...........I train them as if they were bodybuilders and have them eat that way also...........simply because it works.

Groink...........take over bud!!  ;D

The physiques he idolizes (e.g. Zane) are all bodybuilders who trained like this, although he doesn't seem to have made the connection yet.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #447 on: June 15, 2011, 06:19:40 PM »
I hear ya` man...............he could at least give it a shot.

Maybe it entails too much hard work and dedication ???

Oh yeah,hard work and dedication is what gets results so we have the answer to why he doesn`t try it out.


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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #448 on: June 15, 2011, 08:58:01 PM »
Because he's an obnoxious idiot....i'm not the only person who thinks so, i would say the vast majority here does.

But feel free to be his "champion" because you feel the need to try and put me in my place  ::)

you will fail.

I am not sure which post I made to which you refer here because there is nothing in the quote section. However, let me assure you, I absolutely have no desire to put anyone in their place. I am not that powerful, but thanks for thinking I am anyway. In my opinion we all do a pretty good job of placing ourselves....if not initially, eventually.

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 3 phase project
« Reply #449 on: June 15, 2011, 10:36:07 PM »
I am not sure which post I made to which you refer here because there is nothing in the quote section. However, let me assure you, I absolutely have no desire to put anyone in their place. I am not that powerful, but thanks for thinking I am anyway. In my opinion we all do a pretty good job of placing ourselves....if not initially, eventually.

I said "try"  ;)

This isn't the first time you've shown up "uninvited" and hit me with a little passive- aggressive action. Its pretty obvious you're not a fan...LOL

And seriously I think you and I should not be taking little swipes at each a pretty cool guy and you're obviously one of the guys around here who knows his shit