Author Topic: NEED GUIDANCE - BODYBUILDING DIET  (Read 883 times)


  • Getbig II
  • **
  • Posts: 44
« on: March 31, 2011, 02:07:08 AM »

I write this post to obtain guidance and knowledge on bodybuilding nutrition and to get tips regarding my current diet.

I used to train 3x a week from when I was 19 til I was 28 and grew pretty easy only never considered food as part of bodybuilding, just ignorant thinking only training makes you grow and lifting as heavy as possible not focussing too much on form and negatives.

After a period of 4,5 years no training (and noticing muscle decrease and fat increase) I started training again only this time reading a lot on training, nutrition and supplements and also watching youtube clips of pro bodybuilders a lot where they advise on these items.

Details: Currently I am 33, 5 foot 10, 210 lb with no abs showing (yet :) )

Training: I train 3x a week based on Dorian Yates training advises (ref training board)

Cardio: I used to do cardio after training however I understand this limits your recovery so i stopped. Cardio in morning is no option with children and work so I hope my goal is possible without cardio but with correct nutrition and intense training

My goal is to get rid of the fat and keep/gain muscle

my diet  on training day is:

07:00 - breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal, 5 eggs (incl 2 yolks) and 1 banana
09:30 - shake: 2 scoops (40 gr) whey protein (isolate 75% - casein 25%) mixed in water + 1 multivitamin and 4 amino acid capsules
12:00 - lunch: 1 cup wholegrain rice, 0,75 chicken fillet/breast (because I see the pros take 1 whole), 1 cup vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower,sprouts, carrot or green beans) and I drink water
14:30 - shake: 2 scoops (40 gr) whey protein (isolate 75% - ca seine 25%) mixed in water + 4 amino acid capsules
17:00 - dinner: 1 cup wholegrain rice/pasta or potato, 0,75 chicken fillet or 1 box tuna or salmon, 1 cup vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower,sprouts, carrot or green beans) and I drink water
19:00 - preworkout: 2 ricecakes hand of raisins
21: 30 - postworkout and pre bed shake: 2 scoops (40 gr) whey protein (isolate 75% - ca seine 25%) mixed in water + 4 amino acid capsules + 1 banana

On a non training day I do the same except I change the preworkout meal for a meal on 19:00 similar to the one on 12:00 (rice, chicken, veg, water)

Please advice on improvements for my diet to obtain my goal to to get rid of the fat and keep/gain muscle.
Thanks in advance!