lol you're right mr. magoo, i will try to be sympathetic to RunningClaw.
mouth like a sailor and toes like a pterodactyl. i think i'm in love!
bump for a pedicure
Hi Ron, have PMed you my interest in modding the E board with Calvin. Danielson's the only other mod there and he hasn't posted in months, so I'd like to take his spot.The board has lots of potential and I'd love to work on it and make it even busier.TIA, Godfather..
get one every two weeks
I just got the spot! Thanks Ron and everyone for their support
Thanks for being patient... today I am actually home and catching up on things.
Thanks again. My offer to drown you in Orange chicken still stands Congrats to new fellow mod outby43 also
hell yes!!!
Thank you Kiwiol. It is an honor to stand beside a man ( no homo) with such a tremendous list of accomplishments at GetBig.
DK, we need to discuss Xbox games in detail, starting with Mercenaries. Have you played that one?
Sorry, i play PS3, latest one is Crysis 2.
Damn, I was thinking you were a 360 guy.
Sorry... The blu-ray player won me over.
That's what everyone says. I'm planning on getting a PS3 around Christmas time. Will get you recommend me some good games then.
Have you played Arkham Asylum? I can't wait for Arkham City hitting the shelves!